St. Agnes Parish Council Parish Clerk: Lee Dunkley BA (Hons), MPhil Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Road St Agnes, Cornwall TR5 0TL 01872 553801
[email protected] Planning Committee meeting – 16th April 2018 Minutes of the meeting of St Agnes Parish Council Planning Committee as above, held in the Parish Rooms, 17 Vicarage Rd, St. Agnes, at 19:15. Present: Cllrs Barrow (Chair), Brown, Bunt, Clark, Hillier, Ripper, Slater. Absent: Cllrs Barry, Palmer. In attendance: L Dunkley, Clerk; 14 members of the public. PL64 Apologies for absence RECEIVED from Cllrs Barry and Palmer. PL65 Declarations of interest/Request for dispensations RECEIVED declarations of interest: Cllr Barrow: PA18/02725 and Cllrs Bunt, Brown (non-pecuniary), Clark (non- pecuniary): PA18/01948. Cllr Brown was awarded a dispensation for PA18/02725 to enable the Committee to be quorate. PL66 Public Participation: J Bracken-Robinson gave context to PA18/01123. PL67 Planning Committee meeting minutes: 19th March 2018 RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee as above having been previously circulated, be taken as read, approved and signed. Cllrs Clark/Ripper. 5 voted in favour. 2 abstained: Cllrs Barrow, Hillier. PL68 Presentation: Wheal Friendly Planning Application Update RECEIVED a presentation from Studio Arc and R Chamberlayne as above, including information on input from Historic England; Maintaining a semi-ruinous aesthetic icon. No questions or feedback given. PL69 Presentation: Proposed Replacement Dwellings at Southleigh, Penwinnick Road PA17/03346/PREAPP RECEIVED a presentation from K Jory as above, including detail on density of housing; parking; necessity to demolish due to Mundic.