Canadian Chess News Official newsletter of the Chess Federation of Canada January 2010 Editor: Tony Ficzere Publication is the 21st of each month. From the Editor Deadline for submissions is the 15th of each month. Games are to be sent in pgn format. I am once again late. I can’t blame it on technical prob- Photos should be in jpeg format. lems like I had with the last issue. This time it was be- Articles should be in electronic format, however fax and mail cause I underestimated the amount of work. Part of the articles are allowed. problem is that I have not allowed myself enough time Email:
[email protected] between the submission deadline and the date of publica- Fax: 403-568-7178 tion. With only 3 days between them, chaos is a certainty. Mail: Tony Ficzere, 58 Martin Crossing Court NE, Calgary, AB, So, I must change my submission deadline to the 15th of T3J 3P3 each month and I will leave the publication date as it is Phone: 403-568-2773 on the 21st of each month. Copy Editor: Mr. X All articles not otherwise credited are written by the Editor. I was planning on including a section for letters to the Opinions are those of the writers and do not represent the opin- editor, but I only received one. I have received countless ions of the Editor or the Chess Federation of Canada. emails with compliments and criticisms but they have No trees were harmed in the production of this newsletter mostly been one-liners without much meat.