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Superconducting tunnel junctions

Didier D.E. MartinI and Peter VerhoeveI


Superconducting tunnel junctions (STJ) are a class of cryogenic detectors that rely on the generation of free charge carriers by breaking Cooper pairs in a super- conducting material with the use of absorbed photon energy. In an STJ, consisting of two superconducting films separated by a thin insulating barrier, the charge car- riers can be detected through the tunnel-current pulse they produce if the STJ is under a finite voltage bias. The number of charge carriers generated is proportional to the energy of the absorbed photon, and, depending on the material of choice, ranges from several hundreds to a few thousand per electronvolt of photon energy. This allows STJs to be used as photon-counting detectors with intrinsic energy resolution over a wide energy band from the near infrared to well into the X-ray band. The operating temperature is typically at 10 % of the critical temperature Tc of the superconducting material and may range from 0.1 K to 1 K. Although they have not been deployed in space applications yet, they could well be envisaged as spectrometers with an energy-resolving power of several hundreds in the soft X-ray range, or as highly efficient order-sorting detectors in UV grating spectrographs. STJs can be used simultaneously as absorbers and read-out elements, or alterna- tively, if a larger sensitive area is required, two or more can be attached as read-out elements to a separate absorber. The state of the art performance comprises energy resolutions of 2 eV to 11 eV in the soft X-ray energy range from 0.4 keV to 5.9 keV, and of 0.1 eV to 0.2 eV in the near-infrared and visible range from 0.5 eV to 5 eV. Imaging arrays of >100 pixels of close-packed STJs have been made and operated in ground-based astronomical applications.


Superconducting tunnel junctions (STJ) are a family of cryogenic sensors. As we shall describe in the next paragraph, they rely on the creation of ‘free’ charge car- riers by the absorbed radiation. The energy required to generate these excitations is typically three orders of magnitude lower than that in classical . This makes them extremely sensitive to radiation from the sub-millimetre to the X- ray wavelengths, in principle allowing single-photon detection with intrinsic energy

IAdvanced Studies and Technology Preparation Division, ESA-ESTEC, The Netherlands

441 442 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions resolving power. STJs operate on a different principle than microcalorimeters and consequently have their own strengths and weaknesses. Although neither of them have been flown in space yet, it is expected that each will have their own domain of application. Advantages of STJs over microcalorimeters can be summarized as follows:

ˆ STJs are directly grown on solid substrates (e.g., sapphire) and do not require complex micromachining processes.

ˆ For a given energy resolution, operating temperatures can be substantially higher (e.g., 300 mK for STJs vs. 50 mK for transition-edge sensors, TES).

ˆ relaxation processes are typically faster than the thermal pro- cesses on which calorimeters rely. This makes STJs faster detectors and im- plies they could be used with higher photon-counting rates.

STJs or superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) junctions were first used by Giaever (1960) to study quasiparticle densities in Sn. In 1969 Wood and White (1969) observed the first α-particle induced pulses from a biased STJ made of Sn electrodes. A wider interest was generated through the efforts of Kurakado and Mazaki (1980) to further develop Sn STJs, which resulted in the first X-ray de- tections with a photon energy, E, of 5.9 keV in 1986 (Twerenbold 1986; Kraus et al 1986), still with Sn STJs. Sn proved to be unstable under thermal cycling and was replaced by materials like Nb, Al, and Ta. Since then, many other groups have been developing STJs for such different applications as particle and nuclear physics, astrophysics, material analysis, and mass spectroscopy.

Principle of operation of STJs as radiation detectors

In its simplest form an STJ consists of two superconducting layers, acting as radiation absorbers, separated by a thin insulating barrier (see Figure 27.1, left). Below the critical temperature Tc the in a superconductor are organised in Cooper pairs, with a binding energy 2∆ with ∆ the superconductor’s energy gap which is inversely proportional to Tc. At finite temperature, a fraction of the Cooper pairs is broken into excited states, called quasi-particles (QP), through the contin- uous pair breaking by thermal phonons with energy > 2∆ and the recombination of QPs with the emission of a phonon. The rates for these processes are material dependent and tend to get slower for lower-Tc superconductors (Kaplan et al 1976). A representation of the energy-level diagram with -like and hole-like for a biased STJ at T > 0 is shown in Figure 27.1, middle. The charge carriers associated with QPs can tunnel quantum-mechanically across the insulating barrier. Four different tunnel processes are possible, two of which are depicted in Figure 27.2 for the case of a symmetric STJ under a bias voltage Ub. The other two (3 and 4) are the reverse processes of these. Processes 1 and 3 involve the direct transfer of a quasiparticle from left to right and vice versa, respectively, and correspond to an electron transferred in the same direction. Processes 2 and 443


Figure 27.1: Left: Schematic representation of a superconducting tunnel junction. Middle: the energy level diagram in the semiconductor representation for an STJ, voltage biased at Ub. Right: The current-voltage characteristic for this structure.


Figure 27.2: Left: Schematic representation of the possible tunnel processes that can occur in an STJ. Processes 3 and 4 (not indicated) are the exact opposite of 1 and 2. The vertical scale represents energy. Right: Resulting current-voltage characteristic for an STJ at T > 0, in arbitrary units.

4 involve the additional annihilation of a Cooper pair in one film and creation in the other film. Effectively in process 2 a QP is transferred from right to left, but an electron is still going from left to right, as in process 1. At sufficient high bias voltage, the occupancy of the higher energy levels is sufficiently low to leave only processes 1 and 2 significantly contributing to the tunnel current (see Figure 27.2, right). The resulting I-V curve is schematically shown in Figure 27.1, right. For bias voltages Ub < 2∆/e (the sub-gap region), the current is weakly dependent on bias voltage and scales with the temperature dependent quasiparticle density 1 ∆ − k T as n(T ) T 2 e B , with kB the Boltzmann constant. Above 2∆/e the device exhibits the∝ normal resistance of the barrier (represented by the dashed line). The absorption of a photon with energy E in a superconductor is followed by a series of fast processes involving both electrons and phonons (Kozorezov et al 2000, and references therein), in which the photon energy is converted into quasiparti- cles in excess of the thermal density by the breaking of Cooper pairs. For typical transition metals the time scale of this conversion process ranges from nanosec- onds (niobium) to microseconds (hafnium). The average number of excess carriers 444 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions

is N0(E) = E/(1.7∆) (Kurakado 1982; Rando 1992). Thus, in a superconductor such as tantalum (∆=0.7 meV), the initial mean number of free charge carriers 3 created is N0(E) 10 per electronvolt of photon energy. The excess quasipar- ticle population produced≈ through photo-absorption in one of the electrodes of a voltage-biased STJ will be detected as a tunnel-current pulse with amplitude pro- portional to the incoming photon’s energy. Absorptions in either electrode of the STJ will give rise to the same polarity current pulse, and moreover, quasiparticles that have been transferred to the other electrode by one of the two processes 1 or 2 described above, can continue to contribute to the signal by ‘backtunnelling’ (Gray 1978) as long as they are available in the electrode volume. On average each quasiparticle will contribute times to the signal before it is lost from the sys- tem through recombination or trapping. Hence the mean number of detected charge carriers N = N0. The detector responsivity R is referred to as the number of tunnelled electrons per electronvolt of photon energy: R = /(1.7∆). For a symmetric STJ the value of Γ /Γ , with Γ the tunnel rate across ≈ tun loss tun the barrier and Γloss the loss rate in the system. The tunnel rate for bias voltages k T eU < 2∆ can be approximated as (de Korte et al 1992): B ≪ b 1 (∆ + eU )2 Γ = b , (27.1) tun 4 e2ρ N(0)d (∆ + eU )2 ∆2 n s b − with ρn the resistivity of the barrier, N(0) the normal-state single spin density of state of the superconductor, d the electrode thickness. Typical values for Γtun in a Ta STJ with d = 100 nm and ρ =2 10−6 Ω cm2, are of the order of 106 s−1. The n × loss rate Γloss is ultimately limited by quasiparticle recombination and can be or- ders of magnitude slower than the tunnel rate. In practice however, other processes like diffusion of the QPs out of the electrode volume or trapping and recombination in defects at surfaces, edges or bulk impurities will dominate the loss rate. Multiple tunnelling can be enhanced by including layers of a lower-gap material on either side of the barrier, such that quasiparticles are collected and confined close to the barrier and the tunnel rate is enhanced (Booth 1987), and away from possible loss sites such as surfaces. Typically can vary widely from 1 to 100 and depends on the size and nature of the STJ. Such ‘trapping’ layers allow the separation of radiation-absorbing volume and tunnelling volume, which is particularly useful in the case of high-energy radiation for which absorber thicknesses of the order of

1 ñm may be required to provide sufficient detection efficiency. Modelling of the time-dependent response to photon absorption by STJs involves a description of quasiparticle tunnel and loss processes, including their interactions with phonons. Traditionally such models start from the Rothwarf-Taylor balance equations for quasiparticles and phonons (Rothwarf and Taylor 1967), which assumes all quasi- particles to be and remain at the superconducting gap energy. More elaborate models now allow for a more realistic energy distribution of quasiparticles, as well as detailed descriptions of quasiparticle loss mechanisms (traps) that can explain the observed dependence of STJ responsivity on external parameters such as bias voltage and temperature (Kozorezov et al 2008). However, the physical nature and origin of these loss mechanisms, which determine the quasiparticle loss rates, and therewith the detector response time, are still largely unknown.

445 ñ Figure 27.3: Left: Detail of the I-V curve of a 25 ñm 25 m Ta-based STJ. The blue dots indicate the dependence of the device responsi× vity on bias voltage. Right: Measured (dots) Josephson current amplitude versus applied magnetic field strength. The dashed and solid lines are predicted curves for a perfectly square STJ and a more realistic shape as shown in the inset, respectively.

In a practical application the STJ will be operated at T 0.1 Tc, sufficiently low to avoid any significant population of thermally excited qua≈siparticles. In this case the subgap current will be dominated by any residual leakage current of the barrier. In addition, Cooper-pair tunnelling gives rise to the zero-voltage DC-Josephson current (Josephson 1962), and to Fiske steps (Kulik 1965) induced by AC-Josephson currents and occurring at non-zero bias voltages which scale inversely with the

lateral size of the STJ. This is illustrated in Figure 27.3 (left), which shows the ñ relevant part of the I-V curve of a 25 ñm 25 m sized Ta-based STJ. The amplitudes of DC-Josephson current and Fiske× steps can be suppressed by the application of a magnetic field parallel to the plane of the barrier (see Figure 27.1). The dependence on magnetic field strength is periodic, with a B−n envelope where n depends on the shape of the STJ (Peterson 1991). Irregularities in the shape of the STJ can distort the periodicity of the B-field dependence. This is shown in Figure 27.3 (right) which compares the measured DC-Josephson current amplitude with predicted curves for a perfectly square STJ and for a more realistic shape. It is important to suppress the Josephson current and the Fiske modes sufficiently to allow stable voltage biasing. It is therefore important that the shapes of individual STJs in a detector array are as identical as possible, so as to enable simultaneous suppression for all STJs with a single uniform magnetic field value. It also implies that there is a practical limit to the size of the STJs, since the decreasing separation of DC-Josephson current and Fiske steps with increasing STJ size will make stable biasing prohibitively difficult. One way to circumvent this size limitation is to separate the potentially large absorber area from the much smaller tunnel area, a concept first introduced by Kraus et al (1989). In its simplest incarnation such a distributed read-out imaging device (DROID) consists of a linear absorber with an STJ for read-out at either end (see Figure 27.4). Quasiparticles generated by photons in the absorber will diffuse 446 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions

STJ top STJ base electrode electrode STJ base EUV/X-ray photons EUV/X-ray photons trapping STJ top electrode electrode layers tunnel barrier tunnel barrier ------absorber - - - - - absorber ------

substrate substrate

UV/visible photons UV/visible photons

Figure 27.4: Schematic of a 1-dimensional DROID. Left: Stacked configuration: STJs and absorber form an integral structure. Right: Lateral configuration: the STJs are adjacent to the absorber and may be of a different superconducting ma- terial. into the STJs where they are detected. The sum of the two signal amplitudes is a measure for the energy of the incident photon, and the ratio of the signal amplitudes correlates with the position of absorption along the absorber. By choosing the STJ a lower-gap superconductor material or by incorporating lower-gap trapping layers, the quasiparticles can be confined in the STJs, which enhances the signal amplitudes and yields better position resolution. This concept can be expanded to two-dimensional imaging by using a square absorber with four STJs. Alternatively, the STJs could be made on a dielectric or electrically isolated absorber. Phonons generated by photons hitting the absorber can diffuse into the STJs and break Cooper pairs. If a large number of STJs connected in series is used to cover a large fraction of the backside area of the absorber (Booth et al 1993), a high phonon collection efficiency is possible, in combination with good energy resolution. The electronic signal chain required to read out STJs is similar to that of many photon counting detectors and always consists of six main components: device bi- asing; low-noise amplification; signal conditioning; sampling and conversion to the digital domain; digital processing and storage. With the advent of fast and accu- rate analogue-to-digital converters (ADC) as well as powerful digital processors, the boundary between the analogue and digital domains is rapidly moving closer to the pre-amplification stage. Nevertheless, the first four components of the elec- tronics signal chain are always present. The most critical part is the first stage, amplification and biasing. Since STJs present a fairly high dynamic impedance, the pre-amplifier usually consists of a (room-temperature) charge-sensitive ampli- fier with a J-FET as input device, although SQUIDs have also been used for this purpose (Frank et al 1996). The feedback circuit, a parallel combination of inte- grating capacitor and resistor, is tailored to the expected signal amplitudes. In some instances a parallel active device can also be used to facilitate biasing and diagnosis (Martin et al 2003). STJs need to be biased at a precise, very stable

and low voltage (typically a few 100 ñV). Standard discrete components do not offer this capability. Also, any circuit placed at the input node will affect the noise performance. For this reason, an electrometer operational amplifier is often used. It samples the input (DC) voltage and through a DC feedback-loop will regulate the input node’s voltage. The inverting input of the OpAmp can be connected to 447

Shaping filter

OpAmp STJ Ubias


Figure 27.5: Typical STJ readout chain. Coupling is DC to a charge sensitive amplifier. a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) to allow software control of the bias voltage (Figure 27.5). The limiting energy resolution (Fano limit) of an STJ is determined by the variance on the initial number of quasiparticles produced after photo-absorption N0(E) and given by:

δEFano =2.355√1.7EF ∆ , (27.2) with F 0.2 the Fano factor (Kurakado 1982; Rando 1992). In addition, statisti- cal fluctuations≈ in the tunnelling process will contribute to the energy resolution (Goldie et al 1994), resulting in the so-called tunnel-limited resolution, which is given by: δEtunnel =2.355 1.7E(F + G)∆ . (27.3) For a symmetrical STJ, G = 1+ p −1, which approaches unity for high- responsivity devices. This holds for the case that the entire signal pulse is measured. The tunnel-noise contribution can sometimes be significantly reduced by a proper choice of the electronic integration time (Hiller et al 2001; Verhoeve et al 2002). It should be noted that Fano-limited energy resolution is only achieved if each of the initially generated charge carriers tunnels exactly once across the barrier. In practice, such a detector is difficult to realise and, moreover, its responsivity would be low (= 1), which compromises the signal-to-noise ratio for low-energy photons. The predicted tunnel-limited resolution as a function of photon energy for Nb, Ta, Re, Al and Mo is shown in Figure 27.6. Further degradation of the energy resolution may occur due to:

ˆ electronic noise related to the impedance and the residual leakage current of the STJ and read-out electronics (δEel, independent of E) (Jochum et al 1994)

ˆ spatial non-uniformity in the responsivity of the detector (δEnon-unif E): typically the signals induced by photons absorbed near the edges of the∝ de- tector or close to the electrical contacts could be lower than for the centre of the detector (Verhoeve et al 1998). Alternatively, the presence of interfaces 448 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions

Figure 27.6: Tunnel-limited energy resolution as a function of photon energy for STJs made of five different elemental superconductors.

(e.g., substrate-bottom electrode) may give rise to variations in the initial number of quasiparticles due to loss of phonons during the energy conversion process, depending on the absorption depth in the detector (Kozorezov et al 2007)

ˆ pile-up effects and DC-currents induced by low-energy background photons (e.g., IR) emitted by relatively warm parts of the experimental set-up (le Grand et al 1997)

ˆ incomplete cooling of quasiparticles down to the device’s energy gap before tunnelling may give rise to increased statistical broadening (‘cancellation 1 noise’ δE E 2 ) (Segall 1991). canc ∝ At X-ray energies, the contribution of spatial non-uniformities in the detector’s response is usually found non-negligible or even dominating, whereas tunnel noise and electronic noise are most dominating in the visible. Cancellation noise and related electronic noise components are particularly relevant at X-ray energies in devices with low energy gap, where thermalization of the quasiparticles may be slow compared to the tunnel rate.

Fabrication of STJs

The fabrication of STJs is typically done on a bulk substrate (sapphire or Si wafers) and starts with the deposition of the superconducting multilayer under ultra-high vacuum using DC-magnetron sputtering in an argon atmosphere. In the case of a crystalline substrate like sapphire the base layer (e.g., Ta) may be grown epitaxially at high temperature. Growth rate and substrate temperature are usually optimized for the highest residual resistivity ratio (RRR) values, while the 449

Figure 27.7: Typical fabrication process steps for Ta/Al STJs. Initial Ta-Al-Al oxide-Al-Ta multilayer a) on sapphire substrate. a) Base etch defines the STJs and leads using photolithography and plasma or

wet chemical etch. b) b) Mesa etch removes the top layers and oxide barrier to form the leads. This is achieved using the same process as for

the base etch, but stopping at the base c) film. c) Snip which is an etch of the base film, in preparation of the Nb plug de- position. It interrupts the contact in the base film between pixels. This step can d) also be achieved in the base etch. d) Passivation is done by reactively sputtering silicon from a high purity target in an O2 atmosphere. e) e) Vias are etched in the SiO2 to allow for top contacts and bridges between base contacts. This is done with CHF3 reactive ion etching. f) f) Niobium is deposited, and can be patterned by lift-off technique for top and base film contacts.

argon pressure is set for least film stress. The growth proceeds with the deposition of an aluminium layer, part of which is subsequently oxidized under an oxygen atmosphere to form a thin insulating tunnel barrier. In order to achieve a very transmissive but defect-free barrier it is of utmost importance to ensure that the underlying films are as flat as possible. Top aluminium is then deposited under the same conditions as for the base Al film, followed by the top material (e.g., Ta). The top layers are grown at temperatures below 120 ◦C in order to preserve the quality of the tunnel barrier. Photo-lithographic techniques are used to pattern any structure into the multilayer, which may eventually be diced into detector chips. A typical sequence of processing steps to obtain Ta/Al STJs in arrays for optical applications (see Figure 27.9) is shown in Figure 27.7.

450 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions ñ Figure 27.8: Left: Composite spectrum of the response of a 30 ñm 30 m Ta/Al STJ to monochromatic illumination at five different photon energies× from near-IR to UV. Right: Measured (red dots) and intrinsic (red + signs) energy resolving power as a function of energy for the same STJ.

State-of-the-art performance

UV-Vis–near-IR performance

Continuous efforts to improve the performance led to the first single photon detection with Nb-based STJs in the UV to visible wavelength range in 1996 (Pea- cock 1996). Useful spectroscopic capabilities were demonstrated as soon as the Nb was replaced by Ta, which yields much higher responsivity due to longer quasi- particle life times. Today the best single Ta-based STJs are performing very close to the predicted limit, with a resolving power E/δE 23 at E = 2.5 eV in- cluding noise contributions from the read-out electronics≈ < 0.05 eV (Martin et

al 2006a). Figure 27.8 shows some spectra in the wavelength range 270 nm to ñ 2060 nm (E = 0.6 eV to 4.6 eV) obtained with a 30 ñm 30 m STJ consisting of 100 nm thick Ta electrodes with 30 nm thick Al trapping× layers. The baseline noise level for this detector suggests that photon counting should be possible up to

wavelengths as long as λ 10 ñm. The right-hand side of Figure 27.8 shows the measured resolving power ≈E/δE as a function of photon wavelength, together with the intrinsic resolving power which is obtained after correction for the electronic noise contribution. The dashed lines represent the predicted energy resolution from Equation 27.3 for this device with G =0.8 and G =0.5, indicating a performance well within the predicted tunnel limit of G = 1. The detection efficiency of STJs in this wavelength range is only limited by reflection losses at the metal surfaces, provided the thickness is of the order of 100 nm. A Ta-based STJ thus has a relative detection efficiency of 70 % for wavelengths λ 150 nm to 600 nm, rolling off to 20 % at λ 1000 nm≈ and 5 % at λ 2000 nm.≈ The combination of this detection efficiency≈ with high time≈ reso- lution,≈ spectroscopic resolution and imaging in a single non-dispersive instrument allows for niche applications in UV-visible astronomy. Examples of possible targets are eclipsing white dwarfs (eclipse-timing and -mapping), pulsating white dwarfs (studying the wavelength dependence of the pulsations in order to study the inter- 451

Figure 27.9: Left: 10 12 pixel S-Cam3 array of Ta/Al STJs. Note that illumination is from the backside× through the sapphire substrate. Right: Detail, showing the

interpixel gaps (< 2 ñm) and the Nb contacts and interconnects between the base electrodes of pixels in columns. Groups of three columns share a common return wire. nal structure), fast variability properties of black hole candidates, neutron stars and pulsars. Alternatively, the combination of low-resolution spectroscopy and imaging allows for the simultaneous measurement of redshifts of a number of objects within the field of view. ESA/ESTEC has been developing a demonstrator instrument, S-Cam, for ground-based astronomy, based on Ta/Al STJs. Since its first deploy- ment in 1999 at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope at La Palma (Spain), it has evolved from a 6 6 pixel camera with a wavelength resolving power of λ/δλ 5 at λ = 500 nm, to× a 10 12 pixel camera with λ/δλ 15 that is regularly used≈ at ESA’s 1 m optical ground× station telescope (Tenerife,≈ Spain) (Martin et al 2006b). S-Cam provides a maximum relative efficiency of 30 % in a wavelength band ≈ of λ = 340 nm to 740 nm and a time resolution of 1 ñs. The maximum useful −1 count rate is 5000 s per pixel, limited by the signal decay time of 20 ñs. The detector is≈ operated at T = 285 mK, provided by a cryogenic chain consisting≈

of 3He and 4He sorption coolers and a liquid helium bath. Figure 27.9 shows the ñ current detector array with 35 ñm 35 m sized pixels and 88 % fill factor. The detector is illuminated through the× transparent sapphire substrate, such that the wiring can be routed across the pixels without penalty in detection efficiency. Each pixel is connected to a dedicated read-out chain consisting of a charge-sensitive preamplifier (at ambient temperature) and programmable finite impulse response filters for pulse shaping. Such limited arrays can already provide good observational conditions for point sources, including correction for background photons, but larger arrays are needed for the imaging of extended or multiple objects. The scalability of the pixelated arrays described above appears to be limited: the accommodation of the dense contact wiring is a problem, the readout electronics grow proportionally, and the thermal load from the increasing number of signal wires will exceed the available cooling. A couple of alternatives can alleviate this challenge. In the matrix readout

452 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions ñ Figure 27.10: 3 20 array of 1-dimensional DROIDs (360 ñm 30 m, Ta absorber, Ta/Al readout× STJs). × mode (Martin et al 2000), arrays of pixel detectors are interconnected by their top and base electrodes in rows and columns. Each row and column is then connected to an amplifier. Simultaneous event detection in a row and column identifies the photon absorption location. DROIDs as described above provide another elegant way of increasing the total detection area. Several groups have demonstrated the feasibility of this concept for UV-visible applications, all with Ta absorbers and Ta/Al or Al readout STJs (Verhoeve et al 2000; Wilson et al 2000; Jerjen et al 2006). Figure 27.10 shows an example of a 3 20 element array of 1-D DROIDs, with a total of 120 STJs and the equivalent of× 660 pixels.

X-ray performance

As the advantage of cryogenic detectors over semiconductor detectors lies in the predicted much better energy resolution, most of the STJ development work has focussed on trying to realize this prediction in the X-ray energy regime. For practical reasons, a radioactive 55Fe sample emitting 5.9 keV X-rays is most com- monly used as a photon source, and the measured energy resolution achieved at this energy has become a figure of merit. A variety of superconducting materials has been used to fabricate single STJs on bulk substrates, most of them yielding δE < 50 eV at E =5.9 keV. Noticeable examples are δE = 49 eV with Sn (Roth- mund and Zehnder 1988), δE = 29 eV with Nb (Frank 1996), and δE = 21 eV with Ta (Brammertz et al 2001). The best results reported to date have been achieved with Al: δE = 12 eV was achieved with an Al STJ on a Si3N4 membrane (Angloher et al 2001). Figure 27.11, left, shows the corresponding spectrum, with a double set of lines, characteristic for thin single STJs in which top and base electrode are both sensitive. The Si3N4 membrane plays an important role in reducing the number of phonon induced events from the substrate. The right-hand side of Fig- ure 27.11 shows a further improvement on this result with δE = 10.8 eV (Huber 453

55 ñ Figure 27.11: Left: Spectral response for Fe illumination of a 100 ñm 100 m Al × STJ on a Si3N4 membrane (from Angloher 2001). Right: Same for a similar STJ

with a 1.3 ñm thick Pb absorber on top (from Huber 2004). et al 2004). In this case the spectral response has been much improved by using a phonon-coupled Pb absorber on top of the Al STJ.

Very promising results have also been obtained with DROIDs: δE = 13 eV with ñ a 100 ñm 200 m, 570 nm thick Ta absorber and Al readout STJs in the lateral

configuration× of Figure 27.4, right (Li et al 2002), and δE =2.4 eV at E = 500 eV ñ with a 20 ñm 100 m, 100 nm thick Ta absorber and Ta/Al readout STJs in the stacked configuration× of Figure 27.4, left (Den Hartog et al 2002). Designs for arrays of STJs for X-ray astronomy have not been reported to date; they will be inherently more complicated than those presented above, since the detectors need to be illuminated from above. The routing and dimensions of the contact wiring will therefore have to be organized in such a way that a minimum of incident light is obscured by it.

STJ operation in space

In order to operate these sensitive detectors, a suitable environment needs to be created. The operating temperature needs to be chosen such as to minimize bias currents due to thermal quasiparticle generation. As a rule of thumb, this requires the operating temperature to be about one tenth of the superconducting material’s critical temperature. For Ta/Al STJs, this is 300 mK. Such temperatures can be achieved conveniently using as a last cooling≈ stage 4He–3He sorption coolers. Such coolers are completely sealed units that do not require any moving parts and can be easily controlled electrically by a set of heaters. Special care needs to be taken to minimize heat leaks to warmer parts of the instrument. Two conduction paths are usually present: the mechanical and electrical interfaces. As the number of pix- els to be read out increases, the latter will become the dominant factor. The cold finger on which the detector is attached is usually suspended with Kevlar strings. Electrical connections are made using superconducting Nb/Ti wires. These wires, 454 27. Superconducting tunnel junctions often assembled in looms, are thermally anchored at each available intermediate temperature stage to intercept the heat load from the higher temperature parts. In addition to the conduction path, also the radiative path needs to be optimized. All available temperature stages need to be optically closed from each other to avoid black-body IR radiation leakage onto the detector assembly, increasing the heat load to the cooling system, but also to avoid flooding the detector with unwanted photons. For the useful incoming radiation to reach the detector, appropriate filters need to be inserted in the optical path. For NIR-Vis-UV applications, this can be achieved using various IR blocking glasses (Martin et al 2006b) or plastics (Bay et al 2006), while thin Al foils are used for X-ray applications. For an instrument, and particularly a space instrument based on these detectors, particular care needs to be taken against electromagnetic interference. As STJs are usually read out by room-temperature charge-sensitive amplifiers, the connecting wires running to the detector need to be shielded, which always remains a challenge as thermal decou- pling between cooling stages still needs to be ensured. In addition, the wires need to be mechanically anchored so as to minimize charge displacements due to vibra- tions. For a space mission, the design needs to be tolerant against cosmic rays. STJs seem to be intrinsically radiation tolerant, although more measurements are needed to corroborate preliminary results. The radiation tolerance could be attributable to the small interaction volumes (very thin insulator barrier). Nevertheless, the system needs to discriminate these events as they will often be recorded. Every cosmic-ray interaction with the substrate will generate a high concentration of en- ergetic phonons that can reach the STJ array. Usually, a large number of pixels will therefore simultaneously register an event, which can be used to discriminate them against true photons (by anti-coincidence). To date, two space applications have been considered. In the late 1990s, a proposal was submitted to NASA for an optical/UV spectro-imager based on an array of STJs. The unique capability of these sensors allows simultaneous imaging with low energy resolution and high tim- ing accuracy. Alternatively, the intrinsic energy resolving power can be put to use as an order sorting in a high-resolution spectrometer (Jakobsen 1999). The second application is related to X-ray detection. The next generation X-ray observatories (Parmar et al 2006; Stahle et al 1999) will require very sensitive imaging spectrom- eters. These cryogenic sensors are particularly well suited for X-ray energies up to 3 keV. Their intrinsic energy resolution ( 1 eV to 2 eV below 1 keV) alleviates ≈the need for inefficient dispersive gratings. ≈


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