WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED (A Govt. of West Bengal Enterprise) Office of the S.E. & Regional Manager,Murshidabad Region PH-03482-250923, Fax-03482-256082 Email I‟d-
[email protected] Memo No- RM/MR/Brp/2019-20/359 Date: 11.06.2019 NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER NIT No. : RM/MR/Electrical/19-20/06 Date: 11/06/2019 SUBJECT: Power evacuation (Electrical) Work i.r.o. Rejinagar 220/132/33 KV SS for Rejinagar Shilpo Taluk & Plassy under Berhampore Division in the District of Murshidabad. The Regional Manager, Murshidabad Regional Office, WBSEDCL invites e-Tender only from the WBSEDCL Enlisted Electrical Contractor who have work order of work having value Electrical work ( O&M ) not less than 40% (Forty percent) of the estimated cost in Three (3nos) similar contract/work order or 50% (Fifty percent) of the estimated cost in Two (2nos) similar contract/work order or 80% (Eighty percent) of the estimated cost in One (1nos) similar contract/work order Cost of Tender Name & Estimated Earnest Sl Name of the Documents (Rs) Period of Address of Amount Money No. Work (Non- Completion the concerned (Rs) (Rs) Refundable) office 01 Power evacuation 23,56,611.00 @ 2% of the 2500+GST(18%) 3 month The Office of estimated the S.E & (Electrical) (Rupees amount to =2950 Regional Work i.r.o. Twenty be (Rupees Two Manager Rejinagar Three Lacks submitted in Thousand Nine Administrative favour of Building 2nd 220/132/33 KV Fifty Six Hundred Fifty “West Floor SS for Rejinagar Thousand Bengal State Only) Cantonment Shilpo Taluk & Six Hundred Electricity Road Plassy under Eleven Only) Distribution (Opposite to Company Ritwik Sadan) Berhampore Limited Berhampore Division in the Payable at Murshidabad- District of Berhampore 742101 Murshidabad Murshidabad.