CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1818 HON

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1818 HON E1818 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 5, 2001 San Juan Citizens Alliance. HOUSE OF COMMONS, section 26 of the Animal Welfare Act and bar Sierra Club Agricultural Committee. Ottawa, Canada, September 19, 2001. any interstate shipment of birds for fighting Social Concerns/Rural Life Office Diocese Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, purposes. of Jefferson City (MO). Speaker of the House of Representatives, Wash- Sophia Garden CSA (NY). ington, DC. Mr. Speaker, in 1976, I joined my col- South Central Farmers Market Associa- DEAR MR. SPEAKER, on behalf of all mem- leagues on the floor of the U.S. House in tion (PA). bers of the House of Commons of Canada, I overwhelmingly approving an amendment to Southern Research and Development Corp. would like to convey to you, and to the the Animal Welfare Act barring any interstate (LA). Members of the House of Representatives of shipment of birds for fighting. Unfortunately, in Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working the United States, the profound sorrow and Group. sympathy of the Canadian people for the the conference with the Senate on this legisla- Students Interested in Sustainable Agri- families and friends of the victims of the tion, a provision was inserted to allow ship- cultural (Dickinson College, PA). September 11th attack on the United States ment of fighting birds to States where cock- Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. of America. fighting is legal [at that time, there were six Sustainable Agriculture for Everyone. At this most difficult time, Canadians and States that allowed legal cockfighting]. Sustainable Earth (IN). Americans have found solace in the strength Sustainable Food Center (TX). and endurance of their friendship. On Sep- For the last quarter century, it has become Tennessee Land Stewardship Association. tember 14th, a National Day of Mourning in apparent that this loophole has undermined Tuscaloosa CSA (AL). Canada, I stood with my colleagues from the the effectiveness of State bans against cock- Tuscarora Organic Growers Cooperative House, shoulder to shoulder with 100,000 Ca- (PA). fighting. Now only three States allow cock- nadians on the lawn of Parliament Hill in Union of Concerned Scientists. fighting, and the loophole in the law allows ille- United Methodist Church, General Board of Ottawa, grieving the incalculable loss the gal cockfighters to argue that they possess Church and Society. world has sustained. Throughout our coun- and train fighting birds and equipment in order Washington Biotechnology Action Council try, in similar ceremonies. the citizens of Canada echoed, and shared, the sadness of to sell the animals and equipment to any one (WA). of the three legal cockfighting States. In re- Washington Sustainable Food & Farming the American people. The United States and Canada have often ality, they are typically making an excuse to Network. Western Organization of Resource Coun- taken their relationship for granted; some- conceal their illegal cockfighting operations cils. how, today, that seems right. There is, after within their own State. For instance, a Western Sustainable Agriculture Working all, much comfort to be had in the unwaver- cockfighter in Florida or West Virginia, where Group. ing support of our friends during dark times, In fact. former Prime Minister Pierre cockfighting is illegal, can evade scrutiny, and Willimantic Food Co-op (CT). confiscation of fighting animals, by claiming he Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group Trudeau once said: ‘‘The friendship between Virginia Biological Farming Association. our two countries is so basic, so non-nego- is going to ship the birds to one of the three Veritable Vegetable (CA). tiable, that it has long since been regarded legal States. In short, the loophole provides a by others as the standard for enlightened smokescreen behind which illegal cockfighters international relations.’’ In the difficult f operate and undermine the effectiveness of days that lie ahead, I trust you will continue state laws against animal fighting. IN RECOGNITION OF CANADA’S to count on that friendship, as we count on yours. Mr. Chairman, this amendment mirrors the STEADFAST SUPPORT FOR THE I have attached the resolution that was provisions of H.R. 1155, a bill introduced by AMERICAN PEOPLE AND THE adopted by the House of Commons on Sep- Mr. PETERSON of Minnesota which has 205 bi- UNITED STATES FOLLOWING tember 17th, 2001, and signed by the Clerk, as partisan cosponsors. This measure has been TERRORISTS ATTACKS ON SEP- well as the day’s Hansard, the transcript of endorsed by 98 law enforcement agencies. TEMBER 11, 2001 the Commons’ proceedings. I hope they will serve to convey to you some of the senti- We should note that the legislation has ments expressed by your Canadian col- been endorsed by leading animal welfare HON. J. DENNIS HASTERT leagues in the House of Commons, as well as groups including the Humane Society of the OF ILLINOIS their heartfelt hope that the United States United States and the American Veterinary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will draw strength from its many friends and Medical Association. Friday, October 5, 2001 allies around the world. Yours truly, While the Animal Welfare Act currently pro- Mr. HASTERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Peter Milliken, hibits any interstate movement of dogs for pay tribute to our northern neighbors, the peo- The Speaker. fighting, the prohibition does not apply to birds ple of Canada. RESOLUTION shipped interstate to fight in the three States Next week, I will be addressing the NATO Resolved,—That this House express its sor- where cockfighting is still legal. This loophole Parliamentary Assembly in Ottawa, Canada. row and horror at the senseless and vicious should be closed. While there, I will have the high honor of attack on the United States of America on September 11, 2001; Accordingly, I urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote on this meeting with Canadian Prime Minister Jean That it express its heartfelt condolences to amendment. Chretien and my colleague in the Canadian the families of the victims and to the Amer- House of Commons, Speaker Peter Milliken. ican people; and f With both great leaders, I will express our That it reaffirm its commitment to the hu- heartfelt thanks for their tremendous support mane values of free and democratic society TRIBUTE TO JACQUELYN C.C. during these challenging times. and its determination to bring to justice the MENDIOLA perpetrators of this attack on these values At this time, I would like to submit for the and to defend civilization from any future CONGRESSIONAL RECORD two documents sent terrorist attack. to me from Speaker Milliken. The first is a let- HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD f ter he wrote to me detailing ‘‘the profound sor- OF GUAM row and sympathy’’ Canadians have for the FARM SECURITY ACT OF 2001 families and friends of the victims in Sep- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF tember 11th’s harrowing attack. Friday, October 5, 2001 The second is a Resolution passed in the HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN House of Commons on Monday, September OF NEW YORK Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would 17, 2001, that in part reads: the people’s body IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like to bring attention to an exceptional young of Canada reaffirms ‘‘its commitment to the Thursday, October 4, 2001 woman named Jacquelyn C.C. Mendiola. Jac- humane values of free and democratic society quelyn, a 16 year-old junior attending George The House in Committee of the Whole and its determination to bring to justice the House on the State of the Union had under Washington High School in Mangilao, Guam, perpetrators of this attack on these values and consideration the bill (H.R. 2646) to provide enjoys music, reading, writing and playing to defend civilization from any future terrorist for the continuation of agricultural pro- basketball. I bring special attention to her attack.’’ grams through fiscal year 2001. today because of a passionate poem she In closing, I look forward to my meetings Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Chairman, I rise today to wrote regarding the September 11 attacks on with the NATO Parliamentary Assembly so I support the amendment offered by the gen- our nation. Jacquelyn happened to be home can personally deliver America’s thanks to the tleman from Oregon, Mr. BLUMENAUER, relating sick that day and watched the World Trade leaders of the free world, especially our to animal fighting. Center events in New York on the TV news friends across our northern border, the people This amendment, which is identical in con- headlines. Her inspiration came from repeat- of Canada. tent to H.R. 1155, would close a loophole in edly watching the families of victims through CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1819 CNN news. Her emotions and creativity is re- SOCCER HALL OF FAME Mr. Speaker, in closing I would like to bid all flected in her heart-felt poem which I submit HONOREES those who will attend this ceremony and the for the RECORD along with her story in her honorees my best wishes for the success of own words. HON. SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT their event and applaud their desire to honor I stayed home sick from school. When I OF NEW YORK such a phenomenal group of athletes—the awoke, I found my mom tuned into CNN. At IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 1991 U.S. Women’s National Team. first, I couldn’t believe what was happening. Friday, October 5, 2001 It was like a movie. The twin towers were on f fire and came crashing down. The people run- Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ning on the streets trying desperately to get to talk about an exciting event that will be tak- FARM SECURITY ACT OF 2001 away. I was then glued to the television and ing place next week in my Congressional Dis- the news reports CNN gave were unbeliev- trict.
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