Arxiv:1111.0512V4 [Math.GR] 13 May 2013
MILNOR'S PROBLEM ON THE GROWTH OF GROUPS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES ROSTISLAV GRIGORCHUK Dedicated to John Milnor on the occasion of his 80th birthday. Abstract. We present a survey of results related to Milnor's problem on group growth. We discuss the cases of polynomial growth and exponential but not uniformly exponential growth; the main part of the article is devoted to the intermediate (between polynomial and exponential) growth case. A number of related topics (growth of manifolds, amenability, asymptotic behavior of random walks) are considered, and a number of open problems are suggested. 1. Introduction The notion of the growth of a finitely generated group was introduced by A.S. Schwarz (also spelled Schvarts and Svarc))ˇ [S55ˇ ] and independently by Milnor [Mil68b, Mil68a]. Particular studies of group growth and their use in various situations have appeared in the works of Krause [Kra53], Adelson-Velskii and Shreider [AVS57ˇ ], Dixmier [Dix60], Dye [Dye59, Dye63], Arnold and Krylov [AK63], Kirillov [Kir67], Avez [Ave70], Guivarc'h [Gui70, Gui71, Gui73], Hartley, Margulis, Tempelman and other researchers. The note of Schwarz did not attract a lot of attention in the mathematical community, and was essentially unknown to mathematicians both in the USSR and the West (the same happened with papers of Adelson-Velskii, Dixmier and of some other mathematicians). By contrast, the note of Milnor [Mil68a], and especially the problem raised by him in [Mil68b], initiated a lot of activity and opened new directions in group theory and areas of its applications. The motivation for Schwarz and Milnor's studies on the growth of groups were of geometric character.
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