MISSION VISION Helping people grow To provide a future full deeper in love with of hope for the people Christ by sharing their of eastern South Dakota gifts in gratitude to God. and beyond. CORE VALUES Living faith in ministry Exercising responsibility Achieving excellence FOUNDED IN TODAY WE GIVE THANKS TO GOD FOR AN AMAZING $224M FOUNDATION 1987WITH $400,000 INCLUDES $106M IN DOCUMENTED IN ASSETS FUTURE ESTATE GIFT EXPECTANCIES THE CCFESD IS FOR EVERYONE $13.5 M $1 estate gift

SMALLEST GIFT AND LARGEST GIFT $118M in assets & 373 845 endowments agency accounts totaling $71M totaling IN 26 YEARS, CCFESD HAS $37M DISTRIBUTED $112,215,834 processed TO PARISHES, SCHOOLS, 118,623 gifts DIOCESAN, UNIVERSAL & from OTHER MINISTRIES. 25,000 donors 2 | THE Joy OF GIVING MESSAGE FROM THE BISHOP Dear Friends in Christ,

I am so grateful to have this opportunity to thank you for the warm welcome and support you have shown to me personally during these past months, but in particular to thank you for the support you have shown the Diocese as a whole. How uplifting it is for me to review and reflect on the great generosity of so many people detailed in this annual report of the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota.

This year has been a challenging year. Yet so many have continued to share their blessings to assure that the ministries of the diocese are supported. Your gifts help sustain and encourage others who are uplifted by your generosity. Know of my personal gratitude for the ways you share your time, talent and treasures.

I also appreciate the significant work of the Catholic Community Foundation board and staff in creatively assisting people in being good stewards of the gifts they have been given. This effort has immediate positive impact on the ministries, on so many people and provides long-term support that will allow the good work of the Church to continue far into the future.

In gratitude,

Most Reverend Donald E. DeGrood Bishop of Sioux Falls MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR & PRESIDENT On behalf of the board members and staff of the Catholic Community Foundation (CCFESD), we would like to thank the many donors, volunteers and beneficiaries that carry out the work of the Church in eastern South Dakota and beyond. It is a privilege for us to listen to what donors’ value most in life, about what they are grateful for, and the legacy of faith that they desire to live and to leave.

At the heart of the ministry of the CCFESD is recognizing the reality that all that I am, everything I have and everything I ever will have, is a gift from God. Out of love and gratitude to God for his many gifts and blessings, donors desire to share their blessings with others. This leads to an experience of the “Joy of Giving.”

The CCFESD’s investment and distribution objectives are committed to Catholic moral and social values. We ensure that the donors’ legacies in our 845 endowments will forever follow their Catholic values and wishes, to perpetually impact the charities they designate.

It is out of a deep sense of gratitude to God that we share this annual report of activities of the CCFESD through June 30, 2020. In spite of the challenges brought on by Covid-19, donors continued to support the many charities that they care most about – and to reach out to those particularly challenged by the pandemic. For a detailed list of donors, funds, and our annual independent audit, we invite you to visit www.ccfesd.org.

Gratefully in Christ,

BJ Schaefbauer Mark Conzemius Chair of the Board President Sacred Heart Parish, Aberdeen St. Mary Parish, Sioux Falls


In their desire to help and love their neighbor, the late Pat Wingen and his wife Theresa, of Vermillion, SD, made a commitment to follow where the Holy Spirit leads them. To look outward, beyond immediate family and friends, to see where the need is greatest, not only took courage, but also purposeful planning. Their journey of love resulted in their creating an endowment that will survive them and benefit their community for generations.

“Pat felt very blessed for everything he had and he always had a giving spirit,” Theresa Wingen said. “That’s what led him to be so generous and philanthropic.”

The Wingens wanted to be involved in where their funding was used and set their donations up through an undesignated Endowment and a Donor Advised Fund through the Catholic Community Foundation. This type of estate planning not only benefits the charities that receive funds, but also those who are granting the funds as they experience the joy of giving.

“Neither of us grew up having a whole lot,” Theresa said. “It’s a blessing to see the fruits of our labor going to and sharing with those in need; we gave without any expectation.”

Many times, those blessings and fruits of one’s giving can be seen in the legacy it leaves in the lives of those around them. Even though Pat passed from this earthly life last February, his influence on his family, friends, and community will continue to be experienced for generations.

“A person’s legacy is the story they leave behind so they are not forgotten. Their legacy provides important lessons and guidance for future generations,” Pat’s son Chris Wingen said. “A significant part of dad’s legacy was his passion for charity and philanthropy, that legacy lives on in his children and the people closest to him.”


In his many parables about the wise steward, Jesus encourages each of us to use our talents well. To not hide them, but rather to multiply them. What talents have you been given? Are you using those talents or are you hiding them, not allowing them to multiply?

Ken & Amy Novak have lived in many different parts of the world with Ken’s military service. In each location, they had opportunities to work with homeless shelters, new immigrant refugees, and people from all walks of life from Syrian Christians to Muslims.

“We’ve lived a trajectory of holy disruption, as Ken describes it,” Amy said. “It has really blessed us and allowed us to meet people where they’re at in all sorts of walks of life.”

From directing RCIA for both youth and adults for more than 23 years, to leading national and international mission trips, Ken and Amy have helped young minds grow in their faith and provide examples of leadership for the formation of service. As parents of eight children, two of color who are adopted, they always felt deeply called to work with youth.

“Young people are super inspiring; if you want hope, invite young people to your dinner table,” Amy said. “Ken and I have been the incredible beneficiaries of their energy. They have taught us how to love without judgment, how to take risks, and how to act with courage and conviction.”

The Novaks discussed how they wanted to offer opportunities to the young people in their Catholic community in Mitchell to experience the world as they had both seen as young adults; experiences shaping their own faith and changing how they viewed the world. This ultimately allowed them to lead 37 youth and adults on a missionary trip to Mexico for a week of ministry ranging from working with single mothers, with those struggling with addictions, the rural poor, and young children.

“Amy and I have invested over 23 years of our married life in teaching the faith,” Ken said. “We are passionate about our faith,” added Amy.


CINDY KORMAN Service to others is a core value of the Catholic Community Foundation. The staff serve as advocates for donors, helping donors partner with the beneficiaries that they feel called to serve.

A key component to the CCFESD’s success is its volunteers, beginning with its Board of Directors, who donate their time and energy to advance the mission of the CCFESD. This year the CCFESD would like to spotlight Cindy Korman, a member of the CCFESD Board of Directors who is also a volunteer leader of the annual “Taste the Goodness” charity event for the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House.

“Cindy is the epitome of an unsung, everyday hero,” said Jan Feterl, Director of Marketing & Special Events for the CCFESD. “She does so much critical work behind the scenes that few people ever see, but our staff sees it and is deeply grateful.”

Cindy has volunteered for the CCFESD for five years. Among her many contributions, Cindy coordinates the “Taste the Goodness” silent auction. She is inspired by the difference the CCFESD makes in the community with their events and the impact in helping make people’s lives better.

“Besides working together with the amazing volunteers helping with the event – the members of the committees, including the auction committee and the foundation staff – the best thing about “Taste of Goodness” is the camaraderie and evangelization of the Sioux Falls community, young and old, coming together to support a worthy cause,” Cindy said.

VOLUNTEERS The Catholic Community Foundation is always looking for great volunteers. We have a variety of opportunities with flexible schedules. Help us further our mission and vision by supporting others to experience the joy of giving. If you would like to hear more about our volunteer opportunities please contact our volunteer coordinator Krista Vandersnick, [email protected] or 605-988-3769.


TASTE THE GOODNESS The Catholic Community Foundation hosts seven annual events each year, designed to benefit an important cause, as well as introduce CCFESD to donors and to highlight Church ministries in our local communities.

The newest and fastest growing event is “Taste the Goodness.” This event is not only important for the annual designated beneficiary, currently for The Bishop Dudley Hospitality House, but according to event chair Melissa Howes, “Taste the Goodness” also allows the public to be reminded that service to others through the CCFESD annual events and charitable estate planning are what keeps worthy programs afloat each year.

“It is vital for Sioux Falls to recognize the importance of the Bishop Dudley House in our community and to see what the is doing locally, not just being a place of worship,” Howes said. “We have a nice time of fellowship with food, drinks, and activities, but we also bring recognition and observance to the hardships experienced by the homeless in our community.”

Held in August, Taste the Goodness is an outdoor showcase of unlimited food and beverage tasting, as well as activities and music. Despite the global pandemic in 2020, the event saw an increase of 100 people to 873 attending this year and raised $85,000 for the BDHH, a 30-percent increase over 2019.

“It takes a village and some wonderful people that donate,” Howes said. “We couldn’t do it without our vendors and volunteers, or the restaurants who donate their food, prepare it and serve it. We wouldn’t be as successful as we are without their help.”

According to Madeline Shields, executive director of the Bishop Dudley Hospitality House, this donation supports all the programs keeping the doors open, helping with heat, water and electric costs, laundry, technology and meals. The guests are very well aware it is a caring atmosphere supported by the Catholic Church.

“We know how much planning, commitment and work goes into this spectacular event,” Shields said. “It shows the commitment and compassion that members of our Diocese, volunteers and our supporters have for the guests who rely on Bishop Dudley House for their most basic necessities.” THE Joy OF GIVING | 7 CONNECTING & PROCESSING NON-CASH GIFTS TO DONORS

You do not have to donate a million dollars to make a lasting impact in people’s lives. The Catholic Community Foundation is there to help you find ways, both big and small to help others. It specializes in End of Life Planning with Catholic values. In addition, the CCFESD serves the community as a conduit of faith and stewardship of the many non-cash gifts that are donated each year.

One such example comes from St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Sioux Falls, SD. Father Gregory Tschakert noticed a family would attend Mass regularly, but without all of its members at once. Upon further investigation, Fr. Tschakert learned the family could no longer attend Mass together as they had outgrown their vehicle and could not afford to purchase a larger one.

The CCFESD helped Fr. Tschakert facilitate a gift of a van from a parish member to that family, allowing them the ability to once again attend Mass together. This is only one example of a faithful parishioner listening to the Holy Spirit with an openness to helping others.

“The Catholic Community Foundation specializes in helping to connect those who are inspired to give with those who are in need,” CCFESD Director of Gift Planning, Andrew Bartell said. “Whether it’s a van for a family to attend Mass and take care of their growing children, to a farmer wanting to donate a crop, we will work with any non-cash donation to help donors support the charity that they care about.”


Jesus was a teacher, a mentor, sincerely dedicated to leading by example and helping his disciples understand what it means to love one’s neighbor and care for those who are in need. What better place for an education than a school keeping Jesus Christ at the center of the community and its educational programs.

This past year, the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota served as the bridge between a donor and their desire to honor teachers who exemplify excellence, dedication, and a commitment to modeling Christ’s teaching at the Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools (BOGCS).

“This school is so much more than a school. The sense of community, with God at the center, is what draws people to this school,” a BOGCS “Teacher of Excellence” nominee said. “It is what has kept me here for my entire 30-year teaching career.”

“My kids tell me that she conveys her sincere interest in them and takes seriously their concerns, joys, troubles, and successes,” a parent stated about a nominated teacher. “Most importantly, she exemplifies for them how to live the Catholic faith by her example every day.”

“The Catholic Community Foundation is privileged to help donors support the charities that they care about through special events, special projects and charitable estate planning. In short, we are ‘Donor Advocates,’” said Mark Conzemius, President of the CCFESD. ”These donors, who wish to remain anonymous, are grateful supporters who recognize quality, high performing teachers, who go above and beyond, affirming the faith-filled, dedicated, committed, extraordinary educators who represent the entire staff at BOGCS.”

Teachers are nominated by their peers against a set of criteria. Once fully implemented an endowment will allow 10 BOGCS staff be recognized each year with a $10,000 gift. THE Joy OF GIVING | 9 LEAVING A LEGACY OF FAITH

Who knows what small seeds sown in faith will grow into one day? Faith is a journey and the season of faithful planting, growing, and harvesting may be long and uncertain. “God doesn’t ask that we succeed in everything, but that we are faithful,” said St. Teresa of Calcutta.

According to John and Barbara Lockwood, we should enter into a faith journey without an expectation of reward; God’s timing is not ours and the impact of our work, many times, is a mystery.

“We recognize all that we have is not ours, it is all God’s,” Barbara said. “He asks us to be good stewards of what we have and to work hard to promote Catholic values, the faith and evangelization.”

The Lockwoods have been working with the Catholic Community Foundation to support a number of projects through their Donor Advised Fund. Some of their work has been known and other donations have been anonymous, but they have all been with a prayerful purpose.

Retired educators, they use both typical tithing in their parish, as well as their funds sets aside from investments into an endowment, to make a difference in their community. There is always someone in need and giving to God first is essential.

“The need will never go away, Christ said the poor will always be with us,” Barbara said. “We need to do our part to be a witness and example to others.”

The Lockwoods tell many stories of the way God multiplies their giving into blessings, many not revealed until years later. Such as the time they reached out to a former parish to help, thinking of something small, but was asked to upgrade the tabernacle because the parish had outgrown the smaller one.

“We were anonymous donors and attended the consecration ceremony when the Host was placed in the tabernacle for the first time,” Barbara said. “We were in tears to be part of something so amazing.”

“You never know the impact you have, but every now and then you’ll get a glance,” John said. “It’s always a faith walk.”

10 | THE Joy OF GIVING CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OFFICES “Helping people grow deeper in love with Christ by sharing their gifts in gratitude to God.” At the Catholic Community Foundation for Eastern South Dakota, we believe there is hope in the future, and there are great things to come for our Church and our community. It is our mission to help Catholics in Eastern South Dakota create a meaningful charitable impact, now and forever.

It is our hope to help our donors see the gratitude in God for the blessings we have received. It is our desire to help you build your vision for the tomorrow that you see, and develop a plan to ensure that bright tomorrow is secure.

Our team works with donors, advisors, pastors and ministries, offering experience and expertise in developing your charitable strategy. We connect donors with a vision to the ministries that inspire them and the next generation.

With the generous support of our donors, through planned gifts and endowments, we have distributed more than $100 million to the Catholic community and other charities since 1986.

Contact a gift planning officer in your community to start planning your vision for the future full of hope that you want to build.

DAVID NICOLE MARNE ASHLEY VETCH FUHRER HULT GULLIKSON Aberdeen Mitchell Watertown Yankton [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 605.218.0072 605.999.9127 605.880.1460 605.668.1286

ANDREW NOW NOW BARTELL HIRING! HIRING! Director of Planned Giving Pierre Sioux Falls [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 605.988.3794 605.988.3794 605.988.3794


Rosholt Herreid Britton Lake City Eureka Leola Sisseton Westport Eden Mobridge Selby Aberdeen Grenville Bowdle Roscoe Ipswich Groton

Webster Waubay Big Stone City Hoven Milbank Mellette

Florence Turton Revillo Gettysburg Faulkton

Clark Henry Watertown Redfield Kranzburg GoodwinGary Polo Castlewood Clear Lake We are blessed to be a Catholic Onida

COMMUNITY Foundation, having received Bryant Estelline Highmore and distributed donor-designated gifts to Miller all areas of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, and White DeSmet Arlington beyond in fiscal year 2020. Fort Pierre Pierre Huron Brookings In addition, we have community offices in six Big Bend Stephan locations across the diocese to assist donors. Elkton Ramona Fort Thompson Wessington Springs Duncan Woonsocket Brisbine Artesian Howard Wentworth Flandreau Madison Colman

Office Locations Epiphany Huntimer Dell Rapids Aberdeen, Mitchell, Pierre, Sioux Falls, Watertown & Yankton Chamberlain Kimball White Lake Montrose Garretson Plankinton Mitchell Salem Humboldt Alexandria Stickney Hartford Emery Brandon Bridgewater Board Member Locations Dimock Sioux Falls Aberdeen (7), Bowdle (2), Brookings (4), Dakota Dunes (2), Eden (2), Marion Parker Tea Gettysburg (2), Groton (1), Madison (2), Miller (1), Mitchell (8), Pierre (3), Parkston Platte Armour Redfield (2), Sioux Falls (23), Tabor (1), Vermillion (3), Watertown (6), Lennox Wentworth (1), Yankton (7) Geddes Canton Idylwilde Lake Andes Scotland Centerville Wagner Beresford Donor Locations Lesterville 6,798 gifts were processed in fiscal year 2020 Dante Tyndall Wakonda Marty Tabor Springfield Yankton

Vermillion Beneficiary Locations 293 Charities/Ministries helped in fiscal year 2020, including those outside Elk Point Jefferson Dakota of the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Dunes View more at www.ccfesd.org.

12 | THE Joy OF GIVING Rosholt Herreid Britton Lake City Eureka Leola Sisseton Westport Eden Mobridge Selby Aberdeen Grenville Bowdle Roscoe Ipswich Groton

Webster Waubay Big Stone City Hoven Milbank Mellette

Florence Turton Revillo Gettysburg Faulkton

Clark Henry Watertown Redfield Kranzburg GoodwinGary Polo Castlewood Clear Lake We are blessed to be a Catholic Onida

COMMUNITY Foundation, having received Bryant Estelline Highmore and distributed donor-designated gifts to Miller all areas of the Diocese of Sioux Falls, and White DeSmet Arlington beyond in fiscal year 2020. Fort Pierre Pierre Huron Brookings In addition, we have community offices in six Big Bend Stephan locations across the diocese to assist donors. Elkton Ramona Fort Thompson Wessington Springs Duncan Woonsocket Brisbine Artesian Howard Wentworth Flandreau Madison Colman

Office Locations Epiphany Huntimer Dell Rapids Aberdeen, Mitchell, Pierre, Sioux Falls, Watertown & Yankton Chamberlain Kimball White Lake Montrose Garretson Plankinton Mitchell Salem Humboldt Alexandria Stickney Hartford Emery Brandon Bridgewater Board Member Locations Dimock Sioux Falls Aberdeen (7), Bowdle (2), Brookings (4), Dakota Dunes (2), Eden (2), Marion Parker Tea Gettysburg (2), Groton (1), Madison (2), Miller (1), Mitchell (8), Pierre (3), Parkston Platte Armour Redfield (2), Sioux Falls (23), Tabor (1), Vermillion (3), Watertown (6), Lennox Wentworth (1), Yankton (7) Geddes Canton Idylwilde Lake Andes Scotland Centerville Wagner Beresford Donor Locations Lesterville 6,798 gifts were processed in fiscal year 2020 Dante Tyndall Wakonda Marty Tabor Springfield Yankton

Vermillion Beneficiary Locations 293 Charities/Ministries helped in fiscal year 2020, including those outside Elk Point Jefferson Dakota of the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Dunes View more at www.ccfesd.org.



Social Outreach $6.6 10% Clergy/Religious $1.8 Discipleship $7.8 Newman Centers $2.1 Seminarian Education $11.8 Undesignated $11.3 Other $8.1 10% Parishes, etc $8.3 Catholic Schools $15.3 Agency Accounts $36.6 Cathedral $3.2 7%

14% 7%

TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS (MILLIONS) 1988 $.002 2006 $6.35 1990 $.03 2008 $5.28 1992 $.02 2010 $9.02 1994 $.25 2012 $3.47 1996 $.57 2014 $4.38 1998 $1.43 2016 $3.64 2000 $1.62 2018 $9.04 2002 $3.52 2020 $4.61 2004 $2.55

1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

TOTAL ASSETS (MILLIONS) 1988 $1 2006 $53 1990 $2 2008 $62 1992 $5 2010 $58 1994 $10 2012 $63 1996 $15 2014 $84 1998 $19 2016 $91 2000 $30 2018 $116 2002 $28 2020 $118 2004 $36

1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020


6/30/2020 6/30/2019 ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents $4,269,647 $1,973,206 Contributions Receivable 898,499 1,226,028 Other Receivables 23,129 80,525 Investments 106,846,236 108,288,797 Trusts 4,960,878 5,654,183 Accounts Held in Trust by Others 1,123,788 1,101,476 Other Assets 556,345 504,064 Total Assets $118,678,522 $118,828,279

LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Payables 1,228,463 1,334,747 Agency Accounts 36,614,655 37,584,495 Trusts 4,558,206 5,223,890 Amounts Designated for Others 4,656,085 4,657,783 Other Liabilities 1,187,598 1,056,838 Total Liabilities 48,245,007 49,857,753

Net Assets 70,433,515 68,970,526 Total Liabilites & Net Assets $118,678,522 $118,828,279


6/30/2020 6/30/2019 REVENUE, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT Contributions $5,436,103 $5,526,095 Investment Return 2,221,232 5,154,800 Investment Earnings Distributions to Agency Accounts -469,844 -1,521,446 Events (Net of Expenses) 529,893 533,044 Amounts Designated for Others -102,420 -183,060 Other 199,784 83,442 Total Revenue & Support 7,814,748 9,592,875

EXPENSES & OUTLAYS Grants & Distributions 4,613,744 4,810,178 Support Services Fundraising 1,245,235 1,234,029 Administrative 492,780 483,427 Total Expenses & Outlays 6,351,759 6,527,634

Change in Net Assets 1,462,989 3,065,241 Net Assets - Beginning 68,970,526 65,905,285 Net Assets - Ending $70,433,515 $68,970,526


ENDOWMENTS Provide a source of permanent funding to the Catholic causes and other organizations of your choice. Whether it’s your local parish, school or cemetery or other ministry such as furthering vocations, Endowed Funds directed by you provide a lasting source of annual funding for causes close to your heart. TOTAL ENDOWMENTS 2012 $32,989,140 330 2014 $44,151,183 387 2016 $52,664,055 706 2018 $64,140,004 780 2020 $70,500,183 845 # OF ENDOWMENTS

AGENCY ACCOUNTS Long term funds managed by the Catholic Community Foundation for parishes, schools or other Catholic ministries, using Catholic socially responsible investing. TOTAL AGENCY ACCOUNTS 2012 $17,387,029 307 2014 $23,178,988 332 2016 $36,433,683 324 2018 $37,988,317 379 2020 $36,614,657 365 # OF AGENCIES

ANNUITIES Allow you to make a gift today, receive payments throughout your life and direct the remainder to an endowment that benefits your local parish, school, cemetery or other organizations that follow the teachings of the Church. TOTAL ANNUITIES 2012 $2,009,089 88 2014 $2,274,705 89 2016 $1,079,142 63 2018 $887,294 52 2020 $829,663 53 # OF ANNUITIES


DISTRIBUTIONS & GRANTS For the years ended June 30, 2020 and 2019 DESCRIPTION 6/30/2020 6/30/2019

Catholic Parishes $668,457 $681,998 Catholic Schools 596,351 672,419 Seminarian Education 560,236 557,197 Diocese of Tshumbe 436,575 496,050 Newman Centers 354,619 239,690 Bishop Dudley Hospitality House 330,415 137,211 Retreat Center 237,393 226,768 Religious Education 196,036 196,913 Cathedral of St. Joseph 157,517 96,376 Catholic Social Ministries 156,632 182,029 Adoration Sisters/Monastery 85,000 433,398 Diocesan Ministry Support 77,330 96,860 Catholic Family Services 59,070 50,185 Communications 44,258 31,136 Secondary Education 43,332 144,295 Cemeteries 37,468 12,836 Native American Ministry 31,010 30,930 Religious Communities 19,974 19,103 Youth Ministry 19,840 18,987 Priest Education 18,467 18,606 Priest Retirement 16,452 33,611 St. Joseph Catholic Housing 10,000 - St. Mother Teresa Fund 2,598 8,985 St. Raphael Fund 1,191 2,000 Special Needs Ministry 1,005 2,392 Other 452,518 420,203

TOTAL $4,613,744 $4,810,178 ENTITIES HELPED 293 During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020 40 Days of Life Association of the Miraculous Medal Abbott House Avera Health Foundation Aberdeen Catholic School System Avera McKennan Foundation Aberdeen Roncalli Catholic School Avera McKennan Free Clinic Abstinence Clearinghouse Avera McKennan Hospice Accelerate Center Avera Queen of Peace Active Generations Avera Race Against Cancer Adoration Sisters Monastery Basilica National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Adoration Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament Benedictine Mission House Aid to the Church in Need Benedictine Sisters Foundation Alpha Center Birthright of Brookings Alzheimer’s Association Bishop Dudley Hospitality House America Needs Fatima Bishop O’Gorman Catholic School American Lung Association South Dakota Black Hills State University American Red Cross Boy Scouts Sioux Council Archdiocese Military Services Collection Continued on Next Page


Continued Immaculate Conception School Watertown Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary Boys Town Inspiration Hills Retreat Center Brookings Domestic Abuse Center Institute for Priestly Formation, Inc Brookings Foundation John Paul II Catholic School Mitchell Broom Tree Retreat & Conference Center Kingdom Capital Fund Call to Freedom Kingsbury County Food Pantry Catechesis Good Shepherd Training Knights of Columbus Cathedral of St Joseph Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Catholic Bishop of Northern Alaska Life 96.5 Catholic Charities, USA LifeQuest Catholic Engaged Encounter Lifescape Foundation Catholic Extension Service March for Life Catholic Family Services Marianist Mission Catholic Medical Mission Board Marist Brothers Catholic Men’s Business Fraternity MaryKnoll Fathers & Brothers Catholic Relief Services MaryKnoll Sisters Catholic United Financial Fdn Mid-America Leukemia & Lymphom Chaplain Ministry Mission Blueprint Character on Track Missionaries of Africa Chi Omega Foundation Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Children International Mitchell Area Safehouse Children’s Home Society Mitchell Food Pantry Children’s Inn Mitchell Music Boosters Christ Church Newman Center St Cloud MN Mitchell Technical Institute Christ the King Parish Sioux Falls Mitchell Weekend Snack Pack Christ the King Parish Webster Monastery of Our Mother of Mercy Alexandria CNEWA Mother of God Monastery Watertown Comboni Missionaries Mount Marty University Couple to Couple League My Faith Votes Created Equal NAMI South Dakota Crofton High School Native American Ministries Crosier Fathers Northern State University Cross Catholic Outreach Oblate Sisters of St Francis DeSales CRU O’Gorman High School D-Camp Scholarship O’Gorman Junior High Delivering Hope Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Sioux Falls Diocese of Rapid City Paradisus Dei, Inc Diocese of Tshumbe Paralyzed Veterans of America Disabled American Veterans National Foundation Peace USA Eden Park Cemetery Pierre Catholic Community Emsley Cemetery Pius XII Newman Center Brookings EOHS Northern Lietutenancy Presentation College EWTN Presentation Sisters of the Blessed Virgin Mary Face It Together Sioux Falls Aberdeen Feeding South Dakota Priest Benevolent Fund First Circuit CASA Program Priest Education FOCUS Priest Retirement Focus on the Family Priests for Life Food for the Poor, Inc Prince of Peace Chapel Food Pantry Prison Ministry Franciscan Missions, Inc Project Rachel Friends of SD Public Broadcast Rapid City Catholic Newman Center Gettysburg Hospital Auxiliary Real Presence Radio Greg & Pam Sands Foundation Red Cloud Indian School, Inc Guest House Ronald McDonald House Habitat for Humanity Sacred Heart Cemetery Parkston Harmony South Dakota Sacred Heart Mission HelpLine! Center Sacred Heart Monastery Yankton Holy Cross Parish Ipswich Sacred Heart Parish Aberdeen Holy Family Parish Mitchell Sacred Heart Parish Eden Holy Name Parish Watertown Sacred Heart Parish Gettysburg Holy Spirit Parish Mitchell Sacred Heart Parish Parkston Holy Spirit Parish Sioux Falls Sacred Heart Parish Yankton Holy Trinity Parish Huron Sacred Heart School Yankton Hope Has Arrived Salesian Missions Office Hope Haven Salvation Army House of Mary Shrine School Sisters of Notre Dame Hungry Hearts SD Catholic Conference Huntington’s Disease Society SD Chapter Serra Club Immaculate Conception Cemetery Crow Lake SD Special Olympics Immaculate Conception Parish Watertown Continued on Next Page


Continued St Mary Cemetery Salem SDSU Foundation St Mary Cemetery Watertown Second Chance Shelter Thailand St Mary Parish Aberdeen Seminarian Education St Mary Parish Bryant Sharing and Caring Hands St Mary Parish Clear Lake Sioux Empire United Way St Mary Parish Dell Rapids Sioux Falls Area CASA Program St Mary Parish Salem Sioux Falls Area Humane Society St Mary Parish Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Cares St Mary Parish Stickney Sisters of St Francis of Assisi St Mary Parish Zell Sisters of St Francis Our Lady of Guadalupe St Mary School Dell Rapids Society for the Propogation of Faith St Mary School Salem Society of St Vincent dePaul St Mary School Sioux Falls South Dakota Right to Life Office St Michael Cemetery Eden Special Needs Ministry St Michael Parish Clark Special Olympics Minnesota St Michael Parish Sioux Falls Spirit Lake Community Fire Department St Michael School Sioux Falls SS Peter & Paul Parish Pierre St Patrick Parish Montrose St Agnes Cemetery Sigel St Paul Newman Center Fargo ND St Agnes Cemetery Vermillion St Paul Parish Marty St Agnes Parish Vermillion St Peter Cemetery White Lake St Agnes School Vermillion St Peter Parish Platte St Ann Parish Miller St Peter Parish Sisseton St Ann Parish Wadena MN St Peter Parish White Lake St Anthony Parish Hoven St Placidus Cemetery Duncan St Augustine Parish Bowdle St Rose of Lima Garretson St Benedict Parish Yankton St Teresa Parish Beresford St Bernard Cemetery Redfield St Therese Parish Sioux Falls St Bernard Parish Redfield St Thomas Aquinas Newman Center Aberdeen St Boniface Cemetery Seneca St Thomas Aquinas Parish DeSmet St Dominic Parish Canton St Thomas Aquinas Parish Madison St Edward Cemetery Worthing St Thomas Aquinas School Madison St Francis House Shelter St Thomas More Catholic School Brookings St George Parish Scotland St Thomas More Newman Center Vermillion St Henry Cemetery Henry St Thomas More Parish Brookings St James Parish Chamberlain St Thomas Parish Faulkton St John Cemetery Pisek ND St Thomas Parish Roscoe St John the Baptist Cemetery Onaka St Vincent DePaul, St Mary Conference St John University St Wilfrid Cemetery Woonsocket St Joseph Cathedral School Sioux Falls St William Parish Ramona St Joseph Catholic Church Edinburg TX St William’s Care Center St Joseph Catholic Church Fort Collins CO Students for Life of America St Joseph Parish Mobridge Sudan Relief Fund St Joseph School Pierre Swan Lake Christian Camp St Joseph the Workman Parish Huntimer Teddy Bear Den St Jude Children’s Research Hospital The Abbey of the Hills Inn & Retreat Center St Kateri Tekakwitha Sisseton The Banquet St Katharine Drexel Parish Sioux Falls Trinity Heights St Lambert Parish Sioux Falls United Way St Lambert School Sioux Falls University of South Dakota St Lawrence Catholic School Milbank Vagabond Missions St Lawrence Cemetery Milbank Veterans of Foreign Wars St Lawrence Parish Milbank Vision Brookings St Leo Cemetery Tyndall Volunteers of America St Leo Parish Tyndall Wishes for Heroes St Martin Cemetery Emery Womens Conference Brunch St Martin Parish Emery Word on Fire Ministries St Mary Catholic School Foundation O’Neill NE World Vision St Mary Cemetery Bryant Yankton Catholic Community Foundation St Mary Cemetery DeSmet Young Life St Mary Cemetery Revillo


Provide a source of permanent funding to the Catholic causes and other organizations of your choice. Whether it’s your local parish, school or cemetery or other ministry such as furthering vocations, Endowed Funds directed by you provide a lasting source of annual funding for causes close to your heart. Cathedral of Saint Joseph John Polt Endowment Angela Aschoff Endowment Priest Education in Memory of Alice Waters Burggraff Family Endowment Endowment James M. Carroll Endowment Reverend Thomas J. Ryan Endowment (CM) Mart and Martha Carroll Family Endowment George Schaefer and Cathryn Schaefer Endowment Patricia Clifford Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Marvin and Dorothy DeSchepper Endowment Endowment Ronald A. Eiesland Endowment St. Charles Borromeo Endowment Walter and Catherine Ellenbecker Family Endowment St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Mary Helen Frankman Music and Liturgy Endowment St. Stephen Deacon Education Endowment Melvin and Helen Kirwan Endowment Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment Florence and John Lowell Endowment Doug and Mary Turner Family Endowment Alfred and Joan Miron Endowment Marjorie Warrington Memorial Endowment John and Catherine Moneke Endowment Ray and Jan Wermers Endowment Mother’s Garden Endowment Daniel and Jean Murphy Endowment Communications Jeremiah and Mary Jean Murphy Endowment Clarence and Phyllis Justice Endowment James and Eileen Nawroth Endowment Sunday TV Mass Endowment Lee Paa Endowment Neal Family Endowment M. A. Peterson Cathedral Endowment Lorraine Bauman Endowment James E. Ralph Endowment Art and Dolores Pietz Family Endowment Paul Salem Memorial Endowment William and Valerie Schroeder Endowment Discipleship and Evangelization - Faith Formation Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Anonymous Endowment Endowment Bob and Judie Beadle Endowment John Smedsrud Endowment The Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Endowment St. Cecilia Music and Liturgy Endowment Catholic Religious Education Endowment St. Joseph Cathedral Care and Maintenance Thomas and Mary Cink Family Endowment Endowment Thomas and Abigail Cogley Family Endowment St. Joseph Cathedral Parish Endowment Diocesan Youth Ministy Endowment Fred and Delores Staebell Family Endowment Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley Endowment Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment Francis Ginsbach Family Endowment John and Kathryn Sweere Family Endowment Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowment Taylor Family Endowment Valery and Sylvia Jaspers Family Endowment Tverberg Family Endowment Gene and Cynthia Jones Family Endowment James and Marlene Winker Endowment F. James and Nadene McAdaragh Endowment Zimmer/Pruys Endowment Art and Dolores Peitz Family Endowment Ted and Bev Pins Family Endowment Catholic Family Services Duane and Verna Reiners Endowment Catholic Family Services Endowment Wilmer and Arlene Schoenfelder Endowment Cross Lazy M Family Endowment Spader Family Endowment Fred and Joan DeRouchey Endowment Special Needs Ministry Endowment Stephen and Susan Gehring Family Endowment SS Theresa and Francis Family Endowment Gift of Hope Endowment Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment Paul and Nancy Reisch Family Endowment Wayne and Janine Stuwe Family Endowment Sisk and Koc Family Endowment Tverberg Family Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Joseph and Clarice Uckert Endowment Endowment Zimmer/Pruys Endowment

Clergy and Religious Discipleship and Evangelization Craig and Barbara Anderson Family Endowment - Broom Tree and Conference Retreat Center Leona Barrett Endowment Don and Helen Berheim Endowment Dennis Bierschbach Endowment Broom Tree Retreat Center Endowment James M. Carroll Endowment Catholic Retreat Ministries Endowment Irene Huss Cordts Endowment John and Donna Conzemius Family Endowment Doug and Colleen Debelak Endowment Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Family Endowment Marvin and Dorothy DeSchepper Endowment Tim and Patty Czmowski Family Endowment Bonita Gorham Endowment David C. DeRouchey Endowment Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Fred and Joan DeRouchey Endowment Hartman Family Endowment Ronald A. Eiesland Endowment Greg and Phyllis Heineman Endowment Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowment Holy Spirit of Blunt Priest Education Endowment Greg and Margaret Johnson Family Endowment Ruth Hunter Endowment Richard and Cynthia Korman Endowment Jerry and Agnes Kelly Endowment Dorothy Lyle Endowment Jack and Virginia (Staudenmaier) Lovett Endowment Ted and Bev Pins Family Endowment Steve and Roxanne Lynch Endowment Saints Anne and Joachim Family Endowment Martin and Joan Mazourek Family Endowment Continued on Next Page Reverend Richard Ortmeier Endowment


Continued Vic and Aimie Honermann Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe John Paul II PTO Scholarship Endowment Endowment John Paul II Teacher Salary Endowment Lela Walz Endowment Stephen and Bernadette Koester Family Zimmer/Pruys Endowment Endowment Brock and Carol Millan Family Endowment Discipleship and Evangelization - Marian Apostolate Mitchell Catholic Education Endowment Hearts of Jesus and Mary Endowment Letcher Childrens Endowment Richard and Darlene Muth Family Endowment Discipleship and Evangelization - Catholic Schools Carney and Maggie Nelson Memorial Endowment Reverend Howard Carroll Endowment Catholic Dennis and Diane Padrnos Family Endowment Schools Charles and Lois Paulson Family Endowment Catholic Schools Tuition Endowment Dr. Leon and Rosemary Peschong Family David C. DeRouchey Endowment Endowment Don and Jo Dougherty Family Endowment Englebert J. and Dolores A. Puetz Family Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley Endowment Endowment Bonita Gorham Endowment Clinton and Donald Roster Endowment Jean Hoch Endowment Edward and Kathleen Roster Family Endowment Pins Family Endowment Ron Roth Memorial Endowment Mike and Eva Powers Endowment Sabers Family Endowment South Dakota Catholic Schools Endowment Marley and Marianne Scheid Memorial Endowment Eudean and Dorothy Stombagh Endowment Schumacher Music Endowment Specific Schools Volk Family Endowment Aberdeen, Roncalli Mary Jo Wittstruck Memorial Endowment Mark and Caroline Bain Family Endowment Clifford (Jack) and Margaret Young Family BJ and Brandei Schaefbauer Family Endowment Endowment St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Pierre, St. Joseph Evalyn Smith Endowment Bob and Cara Gray Family Endowment Roncalli Catholic School Endowment St. Joseph School Endowment Charles and Donna Stehly Endowment Sisk and Koc Family Legacy Endowment Jim and Tracy Thares Family Endowment Salem, St. Mary Ryan and Jen Van Laecken Family Endowment Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowment Reverend James Wolf Endowment Reverend Joseph L. Ripp Endowment Aberdeen, Presentation College Bishop O’Gorman Sioux Falls Catholic Schools Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley Endowment Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Family Brookings, St Thomas More Endowment Patricia M. Larsen Endowment Larry and Mary Canfield Family Endowment St.Thomas More Endowment in honor of Barb (CM)Mart and Martha Carroll Endowment Nelson Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley Endowment St. Thomas More School Endowment Warren and Hilda Friessen Family Endowment St. Thomas More Youth Formation Endowment Robert J. Gartland Endowment Warborg Endowment Leo and Fayola Gaspar Endowment Dell Rapids, St. Mary Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman Endowment May Louise Corney Endowment Frank and Irene Josten Family Endowment Ron M. Fiegen Endowment Richard and Cynthia Korman Endowment Geraets Family Endowment in Memory of Joanne Dorothy Lyle Endowment Geraets John McEneaney Endowment Leo and Ida Hansen Family Endowment Jeremiah and Mary Jean Murphy Endowment Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Vernon and Lorraine Pierce Family Endowment Clarence and Mildred Klein Family Endowment Larry H. Ritz Endowment Priscilla Klein Endowment Delores Schwan Endowment Marie Roemen Endowment Larry and Dianne Schmidt Endowment George and Cathryn Schaefer Endowment Cindy Walsh Endowment St. Mary School Endowment Tom and Kathy Walsh Family Legacy Endowment St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Sioux Falls, Cathedral of St. Joseph William A. Strub Endowment Burggraff Family Endowment Swift Family Legacy Endowment Curley Family Endowment in Memory of Mary J. John and Margaret Welbig Family Endowment Curley Milbank, St. Lawrence Fred M. and Eleanor Gareb Endowment St. Lawrence Catholic School Endowment Ed and Nellie Naughton Endowment Clarence and Phyllis Justice Endowment St. Joseph Cathedral Class of 1950 Endowment Francis and Theresa Van Sambeek Endowment St. Joseph Cathedral Class of 1951 Endowment Mitchell, John Paul II St. Joseph Cathedral Class of 1953 Endowment Boehnen Family Endowment in Memory of Lloyd St. Joseph Cathedral Tuition Assistance Endowment Boehnen and Betty Roby Sioux Falls, Christ the King Byorth Family Endowment Yvonne Doss Endowment Ed and Agnes Casey Family Endowment Sioux Falls, O’Gorman Don and Jean Culhane Family Endowment Rose M. Counter Endowment Fred and Joan DeRouchey Family Endowment Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman Endowment Fred and Joan DeRouchey Family Thanksgiving Tom and Melissa Howes Endowment Endowment Thomas and Jean Huegel Family Legacy Henry and Carol Fergen Family Endowment Endowment Jarold and Jeanette Gebel Family Endowment Continued on Next Page


Continued Yankton, Mount Marty College Frank and Irene Josten Family Endowment Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley Endowment Charlotte Kirschman Endowment Aelred and Irene Kurtenbach Endowment Jack and Virginia (Staudenmaier) Lovett Ray and Jan Wermers Endowment Endowment Yankton, St. Benedict Joseph and Lois Mattecheck Endowment St. Benedict Parish Religious Education Endowment George and Cathryn Schaefer Endowment Yankton, Sacred Heart Michael Anthony Sieverding Endowment Battin Family Scholarship Endowment Steve and Julie Statz Endowment Benedictine Legacy Teacher Salary Endowment St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Fund Todd and Patrice Petersen Family Endowment Don and Edna Dendinger Family Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Katharine Drexel Elizabeth Donegan-Collier Endowment Lori Bullis Endowment Edward English Family Scholarship Endowment Sioux Falls, St Lambert Albert and Agnes Gamiere Scholarship Endowment St Lambert School Endowment Michael and Gerrie Healy Family Endowment Rose M. Counter Endowment Patrick and Elenore Kappel Endowment St. Lambert Parish Scholarship Endowment Reverend Lawrence J. Marbach Endowment James and Eileen Nawroth Endowment Jim and Betty Mattern Endowment Kevin and Mary Kroeze Family Endowment Bettie Merkwan Endowment St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Lawrence and Christine O’Brien Family Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Mary Phillips - Modde Endowment Bless the Child Endowment Martha and Luvern Rusch Family Endowment Bohms Family Endowment Sacred Heart Learning for Life Scholaship Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman Endowment Endowment Tom and Melissa Howes Endowment Yankton Sacred Heart School Endowment Saints Anne and Joachim Family Endowment Donald and Delphine Schmidt Endowment George and Cathryn Schaefer Endowment Harold and Frances Tacke Family Endowment St. Mary School Endowment Frank and Margaret Yaggie Family Endowment Bill and Teresa Townsend Family Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Michael Cemeteries Reverend Chuck Cimpl Endowment Andover, All Saints Cemetery Endowment Loretta Hickey-Harris Endowment Brisbine, St. Anthony Cemetery Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Therese Bristol, St. Anthony Cemetery Endowment Raymond Lindner Endowment Bryant, St. Mary Cemetery Endowment Vermillion, St. Agnes Cemeteries Maintained by the Diocese Reverend John Fischer Endowment Wilmer and Arlene Schoenfelder Endowment Reverend John Fischer “The Children’s Priest” Columbia Cemetery Endowment Endowment Crocker, St. Thomas Cemetery Endowment Krogman Family Endowment Crow Lake, Immaculate Conception Cemetery Merrigan Family Endowment Richard and Janet Kolousek Endowment Karen Muenster Endowment Duncan, St. Placidus Cemetery Deacon Tim and Kathleen Tracy Endowment Sisk and Koc Family Endowment Wilfred Schmidt Endowment Eden Cemeteries Art and Lana Rusch Endowment Valery and Sylvia Jaspers Endowment St. Agnes School Endowment in Memory of Sidney St. Michael Cemetery and St. Joseph Cemetery, Brunick Eden Park Endowment St. Agnes Preschool Tuition Assistance Endowment Emery, St. Martin Cemetery Watertown, Immaculate Conception Mary Olinger Endowment Anonymous Endowment Emsley Cemetery Dale and Diane Christensen Family Endowment Wilmer and Arlene Schoenfelder Endowment Bill and Susan Crawford Family Endowment Eureka, St. Joseph Rural Cemeteries Endowment Thomas and Carol Dagel Endowment Faulkton Cemetery Jim and Jane Dugan Endowment Irene Huss Cordts Endowment Dan and Jeanne Flaherty Family Endowment Frankfort, St. Ann Cemetery Endowment Anna Gebhart Memorial Endowment Garretson, St. Rose of Lima Cemetery Endowment Ruth Hunter Endowment Gettsburg, Sacred Heart Cemetery Endowment Immaculate Conception School Endowment Harrold, St. John Cemetery Endowment Helen Klein Endowment Henry, St. Henry Cemetery Ralph Kranz Endowment Patrick Burke Endowment Thomas and Anita Kranz Family Endowment Highmore, St. Mary Parish Cemetery Endowment Steve and Bev Mack Family Endowment Humboldt, St. Ann Parish Cemetery Endowment Makens Family Endowment Iroquois, St. Paul Cemetery Joseph and Adelaide C. Murphy Endowment John and Amy Gruntmeir Endowment Jim and Grace Radke Family Endowment Wilmer and Arlene Schoenfelder Endowment Robert and Treva Jean Ries Endowment St. Paul Cemetery Endowment Mildred and John Roggenbuck Family Endowment Lily, St. Joseph Cemetery Endowment Roger and Lissa Turbak Family Endowment Milbank, St. Lawrence Cemetery Endowment Ryan and Jen Van Laecken Family Endowment Brendan and Lynn Van Sambeek Family Ray and Jan Wermers Endowment Endowment Yankton Catholic Community Montrose, St. Patrick Parish Cemetery Endowment Eugene and Evelyn Bulian Endowment Onaka, St. John the Baptist Cemetery Our Lady of Humilty Endowment Doug and Mary Turner Endowment Leonard Tacke Family Endowment Continued on Next Page


Continued Kenneth and Rosemary LeBrun Family Endowment Parkston, Sacred Heart Cemetery Endowment St. Mary Parish Endowment Pisek, North Dakota, St. John Cemetery Swift Family Legacy Endowment Bob and Marge Family Good Endowment DeSmet, St. Thomas Aquinas Redfield, St. Bernard Cemetery Reverend Andrew Swietochowski Endowment Jerry and Ardis Hardie Endowment Eden, Sacred Heart Revillo, St. Mary Cemetery Valery and Sylvia Jaspers Family Endowment James and Shirley Meyer Family Endowment Emery, St. Martin St. Mary Cemetery Endowment Mary Olinger Endowment Salem, St. Mary Cemetery Faulkton, St. Thomas Frerick Cemetery Endowment Irene Huss Cordts Endowment Sigel, St. Agnes Cemetery Endowment Gettysburg, Sacred Heart Sioux Falls, St. Michael Cemetery Matt and Janet Cronin Family Endowment William and Mary Kay Garry Family Endowment Groton, St. Elizabth Ann Seton Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman Endowment Richard and Janet Kolker Family Endowment Perpetual Care Endowment Hoven, St. Anthony of Padua Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment Francis and Dolores DeRouchey Family Endowment Quasi Endowment Fred and Joan DeRouchey Family Endowment Tripp, Holy Rosary Cathedral Cemetery Endowment Jack and Linda Feldmeier Family Endowment Turton, St. Joseph Cemetery Endowment Rose Marie and Reuben Reuer Endowment Tyndall, St. Leo Cemetery Wayne and Janine Stuwe Family Endowment Charles Marks Endowment Humboldt, St. Ann Vermillion, St. Agnes Cemetery Royce and Louine Schaufler Endowment Art and Lana Rusch Cemetery Endowment Ipswich, Holy Cross Wessington, St. Joseph Cemetery Delphina “Del” Sanborn Endowment Gully Cemetery Fund Madison, St. Thomas Aquinas Westport, Sacred Heart Cemetery Endowment Richard and Marilyn Belatti Endowment White Lake, St. Peter Cemetery St. Thomas Aquinas Poor Endowment St. Peter Cemetery Endowment Marty, St. Paul SS Theresa and Francis Family Endowment Mary E. Carson Endowment Woonsocket, St. Wilfred Cemetery Endowment Milbank, St. Lawrence Worthing, St. Edward Cemetery Gerald Tillman Endowment Francis E. and Gloria McDermott Endowment Clarence and Phyllis Justice Endowment Miller, St. Ann Specific Parishes Dorothy Lichty Endowment Aberdeen, Sacred Heart Sisk and Koc Family Endowment Susan Birrenkott Endowment Mitchell, Holy Family Roger and Cathryn Feickert Family Endowment Donna M. Giese Endowment Sacred Heart Parish Legacy Endowment Holy Family Parish Endowment Delphina “Del” Sanborn Endowment Mitchell Catholic Education Endowment BJ and Brandei Schaefbauer Family Endowment Charles and Lois Paulson Family Endowment Aberdeen, St. Mary Pekas Family Endowment St Mary Parish Endowment Puetz Family Endowment Evalyn Smith Endowment Clinton and Donald Roster Endowment Jim and Tracy Thares Family Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Reverend James Wolf Endowment Endowment Beresford, St. Theresa Clifford (Jack) and Margaret Young Family O’Connor, Lingberg, Girard Endowment Endowment Bowdle, St. Augustine Keith and Barbara Young Endowment St. Augustine Parish Endowment Donald and Barbara Young Family Endowment Thomas Family Advised Endowment Mitchell, Holy Spirit Doug and Mary Turner Family Endowment Holy Spirit Altar Society Endowment Brookings, St. Thomas More Holy Spirit Parish Endowment Brian and Laura Diddle Hildebrant Endowment Mitchell Catholic Education Endowment Aelred and Irene Kurtenbach Endowment Carney and Maggie Nelson Memorial Endowment Aelred and Irene Kurtenbach Foundation Charles and Lois Paulson Family Endowment Endowment Jim and Grace Radke Family Endowment Reece and Kami Kurtenbach Family Endowment Clinton and Donald Roster Endowment Paul Murray Endowment Ron Roth Memorial Endowment St.Thomas More Capital Improvements Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Bryant, St. Mary Parish Endowment Endowment Chamberlain, St. James Clifford (Jack) and Margaret Young Family Terry and Sharon Casey Family Endowment Endowment Clark, St. Michael Donald and Barbara Young Family Endowment Muriel Grigg Endowment Keith and Barbara Young Endowment Clear Lake, St. Mary Mobridge, St. Joseph Manford and Agnes Uckert Family Endowment St. Ignatius Endowment Dell Rapids, St. Mary Ida Holzer Endowment Art and Irene Klein Endowment Redfield, St. Bernard Mary Ann Klein Endowment Jerry and Ardis Hardie Endowment Priscilla Klein Endowment Bill and Jeanette Noyes Endowment Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Ramona, St. William Clarence and Mildred Klein Family Endowment Continued on Next Page


Continued Zell, St. Mary Celia Delaney Endowment Elizabeth Jungwirth Endowment Salem, St. Mary Herman and Lola Weber Endowment Newman Catholic Campus Ministry Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowmemt Reverend Andrew Dickinson Endowment Scotland, St. George Dickinson Family Endowment Donald and Delphine Schmidt Endowment Richard and Cynthia Korman Endowment Sioux Falls, Christ the King Newman Centers Endowment Christ the King Parish Endowment Art and Dolores Peitz Family Endowment Beverly Geier Endowment Dan and Sarah Reiffenberger Family Endowment Larry H Ritz Endowment BJ and Brandei Schaefbauer Family Endowment Sioux Falls, Holy Spirit Dr. Steven and Carol Smith Family Endowment William and Mary Kay Garry Family Endowment Fred and Delores Staebell Family Endowment Charlotte Kirshman Endowment Ryan and Jen Van Laecken Family Endowment Cindy Walsh Endowment Aberdeen, St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center Sioux Falls, Our Lady of Guadalupe Susan Birrenkott Endowment Hispanic Ministry Endowment Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley NSU Newman Center Sioux Falls, St. Katharine Drexel Endowment Kevin and Jan Feterl Family Endowment Janet and Dick Kolker Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Lambert Brookings, Pius XII Newman Center Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Family Terry and Sharon Casey Family Endowment Endowment Fred and Joan DeRouchey Endowment Craig and Lisa Hagen Family Endowment Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley SDSU Newman James and Eileen Nawroth Endowment Center Endowment Vernon and Lorraine Pierce Family Endowment Harry and Connie Mansheim Endowment St. Lambert Parish Family Endowment Michael and Janice Mullin Family Endowment St. Lambert Parish Liturgy, Beautification and Pius XII Newman Center Class of 2015-SDSU Maintenance Endowment Thomas and Jacqueline Schumacher Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Mary Vermillion, St. Thomas More Newman Center Tom and Melissa Howes Endowment David C. DeRouchey Endowment Charlotte Kirshman Endowment Dick and Janet Kolker Endowment Reverend David Krogman Endowment St. Mary Parish Maintenance Endowment Social Outreach Ministry Bill and Teresa Townsend Family Endowment Carl and Patricia Anderson Endowment Verlynne and Suzanne Volin Family Endowment Dennis Bierschbach Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Michael Millie Biewer Endowment Kevin and Jan Feterl Family Endowment Blue Cloud Native American Ministry Endowment St. Michael Parish Endowment Reverend Patrick Boland Memorial Endowment Mary Olinger Endowment Catholic Charities Endowment Sioux Falls, St. Therese Thomas and Abigail Cogley Family Endowment Doug and Colleen Debelak Family Endowment LuVerne Collignon Endowment Cletus Natz Endowment Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Family Endowment Sisseton, St. Peter and St. Kateri Tekakwitha Irene Huss Cordts Endowment Edward and Diane Weninger Family Endowment Cross Lazy M Family Endowment Tyndall, St. Leo Tim and Patty Czmowski Family Endowment William Hoch Endowment Doug and Colleen Debelak Family Endowment Vermillion, St. Agnes Fred and Joan DeRouchey Endowment St Agnes Parish Endowment Doetsch Native American Education Endowment St Agnes Faith Formation Endowment Monsignor James Doyle Endowment Watertown, Holy Name Bishop Dudley Hospitality House Endowment Bill and Susan Crawford Family Endowment Bishop Dudley Hospitality House Family Endowment Stephen and Susan Gehring Family Endowment The Most Reverend Bishop Paul V. Dudley Thomas and Kathleen Holmes Endowment Endowment Michael and Janice Mullin Family Endowment Reverend Charles Duman Endowment Dan and Sarah Reiffenberger Family Endowment Ron and Mary Feterl Endowment Ryan and Jen Van Laecken Family Endowment Anthony Louis Fiorello Family Endowment Watertown, Immaculate Conception Steve Fleischhacker Endowment Dale and Diane Christensen Family Endowment Kathleen Gehan Endowment Jim and Jane Dugan Endowment Herman Geppert Endowment Muriel Grigg Endowment Good Shepherd Center Endowment Ruth Hunter Endowment Bonita Gorham Endowment Immaculate Conception Parish Endowment Sylvia Grode Endowment Archie and Catherine Ostrander Endowment Vernola Jelonek Endowment Ray and Jan Wermers Endowment Greg and Margaret Johnson Family Endowment White Lake, St. Peter Richard and Cynthia Korman Endowment SS Theresa and Francis Family Endowment Lazarus Endowment in honor of Rev. Al Krzyzopolski Yankton, Sacred Heart Martin and Joan Mazourek Family Endowment Michael and Gerrie Healy Family Endowment F. James and Nadene McAdaragh Jill Kaiser Youth Endowment Mission Fund Endowment Sacred Heart Parish Maintenance Endowment Mother Teresa Fund Sacred Heart Parish Nurse Endowment Michael and Janice Mullin Famiy Endowment Yankton, St. Benedict Paul Murray Endowment St. Benedict Religious Education Endowment Continued on Next Page


Continued Family Rosary Endowment Jerry and Karen Noonan Endowment Feeding South Dakota Mary Olinger Endowment Michael and Janice Mullin Family Endowment Madonna Opbroek Endowment Schoenfelder Family Endowment Modesta Opbroek Endowment Franciscan Brothers of Peace, St. Paul , MN Art and Dolores Peitz Family Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Poor and Needy Endowment Endowment Jerry Prostrollo Endowment Guest House, Lake Orion, MI Scott and Margaret Reardon Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment Duane and Verna Reiners Endowment Harmony South Dakota Saints Anne and Joachim Family Endowment Don and Shelly Kosiak Family Endowment Evelyn Sautner Family Endowment House of Mary Shrine William and Karol Schaefbauer Family Endowment Donald and Delphine Schmidt Endowment Wilmer and Arlene Schoenfelder Family Endowment Humane Society Delores Schwan Endowment Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe John Paul II Catholic School, Mitchell Endowment Marilyn Peschong Memorial Scholarship Endowment SS Theresa and Francis Family Endowment Lifescape St. Anthony Fund for Those in Need John L. and Arlene Buittner Endowment St. Joseph Natural Family Planning Endowment Maryknoll Lay Missionaries St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Bob and Marge Good Family Endowment St. Paul, Marty Endowment Miraculous Medal St. Raphael Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment Edward and Delores Staudenmier Endowment Missionary Oblates Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment Bob and Marge Good Family Endowment Swift Family Legacy Endowment Monsignor Schuler Seminarian Education Fund, Taylor Endowment -Diocese of St Paul Clarence and Dorothy Thill Endowment Don (Butch) and Joan Byers Endowment Tverberg Family Endowment Priests for Life Ryan and Jen Van Laecken Family Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Robert Wallner Endowment Endowment Ray and Jan Wermers Endowment Red Cloud Indian School Zimmer/Pruys Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment Salvation Army Other Designations Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Abbey of the Hills, Marvin School Sisters of Notre Dame, Mankato, MN Ken and Elaine VanDover Family Endowment Bonita Gorham Endowment Tom and Abby Cogley Family Endowment Society for the Propagation of the Faith ALPHA Center Archie and Catherine Ostrander Endowment David Rohan Endowment South Dakota Right to Life Lazarus Endowment in honor of Rev. Al Bonita Gorham Endowment Krzyzopolski South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Avera Hospice Michael and Janice Mullin Family Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment St. Ann Parish, Wadena, MN Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment John and Donna Conzemius Endowment Avera McKennan Free Clinic St. Francis Convent, Hankinson, ND Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Avera Prince of Peace Endowment Richard and Cynthia Korman Endowment St. Francis House Berakhah House Endowment Richard and Dorothy Dougherty Endowment Bishop of Northern Alaska Monsignor James Doyle Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Boys and Girls Club, Brookings Endowment Harry and Connie Mansheim Endowment Lazarus Endowment in honor of Rev. Al Catholic Extension Society Krzyzopolski Archie and Catherine Ostrander Endowment Madonna Opbroek Endowment Catholic Mens Business Fraternity Modesta Opbroek Endowment Larry and Mary Canfield Family Endowment Scott and Margaret Reardon Endowment Centro Ann Sullivan del Peru’ St. James, Chamberlain Vincent and Mary Spader Family Endowment Harold Lucas Scholarship Endowment Catholic Charities St. John University Don (Butch) and Joan Byers Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment Catholic Relief Services St. Leo, Tyndall Marvin and Dorothy DeSchepper Endowment St. Leo Scholarship Endowment Reverend Richard Ortmeier Endowment Stulc/Berndt Scholarship Endowment Archie and Catherine Ostrander Endowment St. Mary , Dell Rapids Covenant House Monsignor Louis J.Delahoyde Scholarship Marvin and Dorothy DeSchepper Endowment Endowment Crosier Fathers of Onamia St. Mary School, O’Neil, NE Reverend Richard Ortmeier Endowment Donald and Delphine Schmidt Endowment Eternal Word TV Network St. Vincent DePaul Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael Endowment Endowment Continued on Next Page


Continued William and Emma Kolegraff Endowment University of South Dakota Lawrence and Audian Larsen Endowment Tau Kappa Epsilon Scholarship Endowment LaVina Liepold Endowment The Banquet Dorothy Lyle Endowment Ron and Mary Feterl Endowment Benedict and Mary Mahowald Endowment Mary Olinger Endowment Harry and Connie Mansheim Endowment Lazarus Endowment in honor of Rev. Al Reverend Lawrence J. Marbach Endowment Krzyzopolski Robert and Anna Martens Endowment Watertown Community Foundation James Martinmaas Endowment Michael and Janice Mullin Family Endowment Mary, Mother of Priests Endowment Yankton Catholic Community Helen McGuire Endowment Don (Butch) and Joan Byers Endowment Monsignor Marvin McPhee Endowment Michael and Gerrie Healy Endowment James and Shirley Meyer Family Endowment John and Catherine Moneke Endowment Other Designated Ministries Joseph and Adelaide C. Murphy Endowment Catholic Family Sharing Appeal Paul Murray Endowment John and Catheine Moneke Endowment Eugene and Stella Nagel Family Endowment Robert and Marva Parsons Family Endowment Bill and Jeanette Noyes Family Endowment Diocesan Ministries Reverend Donald J.Olson Endowment Chancery Operations Endowment Reverend Anthony Opem Endowment Disabilities Ministries Archie and Catherine Ostrander Endowment Muriel Bendorf Endowment Art and Dolores Peitz Family Endowment Reverend Norbet Rader Endowment Seminarian Education Sophia (Toby) Rados Endowment Craig and Barbara Anderson Family Endowment Mike and Lonie Rausch Family Endowment Mark and Caroline Bain Family Endowment Duane and Verna Reiners Endowment Celestine and Mary Barondeau Endowment in Mildred and John Jr. Roggenbuck Family Endowment Memory of David Barondeau Francis and Elaine Roth Endowment Claire and Mary Bierschbach Family Endowment Ed and Monica Rutten Endowment Dennis Bierschbach Endowment Curtis and Susan Samson Family Endowment Maurice and Pat Bierschbach Legacy Endowment Evelyn Sautner Family Endowment Monsignor E. A. Bouska Memorial Endowment BJ and Brandei Schaefbauer Family Endowment John L. and Arlene Buittner Endowment William and Karol Rebecca Schaefbauer Family James M. Carroll Endowment Legacy Endowment Thomas and Mary Cink Family Endowment Royce and Louine Schaufler Endowment Thomas and Abigail Cogley Family Legacy Dorothy Schmidt Endowment Endowment Larry and Dianne Schmidt Endowment Irene Huss Cordts Endowment Sylvester and Mary E. (Schuster) Schnell Endowment Owen and Margaret Cronin Endowment Lee and Donna Schoenbeck Endowment Tim and Patty Family Czmowski Endowment Wilmer and Arlene Schoenfelder Endowment David C. DeRouchey Endowment William and Valerie Schroeder Endowment Marvin and Dorothy DeSchepper Endowment Seminarian Education Endowment Robert Dix Endowment Seminarian Education Legacy Endowment Reverend Ladislaus Dudek Endowment Serra Club Endowment Ronald A. Eiesland Endowment Robert Simons Endowment Viola Elpert Endowment Sisk and Koc Family Endowment Roger and Cathryn Feickert Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Darlyne Floberg Endowment Endowment Wendelin and Magdalena Geier Endowment St. Charles Borromeo Endowment Mildred VanVerth Giordano Endowment SS Theresa and Francis Family Endowment Bonita Gorham Endowment Dale and Ann Stein Family Endowment Griese Family Endowment in Memory of Josephine Eudean and Dorothy Stombaugh Endowment Griese Wayne and Janine Stuwe Family Endowment Leon and Dolores Gullickson Endowment Frances Sundermann Endowment Joe Hardes Endowment Taylor Endowment Fund Jerry and Ardis Hardie Family Endowment Reverend Gerald Thury Endowment Hartman Family Endowment Lloyd & Cecelia and Joseph and Kathryn Tooley Michael and Gerrie Healy Family Endowment Endowment Wilbur and Marjorie Heimerman Endowment Doug and Mary Turner Family Endowment Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowment Joseph and Clarice Uckert Endowment Dorothy Herbert Endowment Kathryn Van Fleet Endowment Monsignor Carlton Hermann Endowment Ken and Elaine VanDover Family Endowment Lois Higbee Endowment William and Patricia Wall Endowment Thomas and Jean Huegel Family Endowment Robert Wallner Endowment Ruth Hunter Endowment Marjorie Warrington Memorial Endowment Valery and Sylvia Jaspers Family Endowment Priest Education Endowment in Memory of Alice Frank and Irene Josten Family Endowment Waters Elizabeth Jungwirth Endowment Wensing Family Endowment Clarence and Phyllis Justice Endowment Ray and Jan Wermers Endowment Francis Keimig Endowment Donald and Barbara Young Family Endowment Kelly Family Endowment in Memory of Reverend Keith and Barbara Young Family Endowment Mark Kelly Zimmer Family Endowment Priscilla Klein Endowment Continued on Next Page


Continued Priest Retirement Zimmer/Pruys Endowment Joseph and Shirley Amendt Monica Zimmer/Pruys Endowment Craig and Barbara Anderson Family Endowment Reverend Joseph Anderson Unrestricted Reverend Bernard Ashfeld Carl and Patricia Anderson Endowment Celestine and Mary Barondeau Endowment in Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Family Endowment Memory of David Barondeau Beacom Family Endowment Mark and Christine Buche Family Endowment Dennis Bierschbach Endowment David C. DeRouchey Endowment Billion Family Endowment Richard and Dorothy Dougherty Bishop of the Diocese of Siux Falls Endowment Kevin and Karen Doyle Family Endowment John L. and Arlene Buittner Endowment Reverend Ladislaus J. Dudek Mary Jo Burnett Endowment Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley Fred and Joan DeRouchey Endowment Ron Eiesland Endowment Marvin and Dorothy DeSchepper Endowment Roger and Cathryn Feickert Endowment Robert Dix Endowment Reverend Lawrence Friedrich Ronald Eiesland Endowment Monsignor Andrew Foley Roger and Cathryn Feickert Endowment Reverend Roger Geditz Steve Fleischhacker Endowment Bonita Gorham Endowment Leo Flynn Endowment Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowment Beverly Geier Endowment Frances Hess John and Amy Gruntmeir Endowment Reverend James Joyce Magnus P. and Dee Miller Hansen Endowment Clarence and Phyllis Justice Endowment Jerry and Ardis Hardie Endowment Reverend John R. Kasch Paul and Loretta Harris Endowment Reverend Al Krzyzopolski Jim and Nini Hart Endowment Reverend Darrell Lamberty Henry and Josephine Hartung Endowment LaVina Liepold Endowment in Memory of Rev. Michael and Gerrie Healy Family Endowment Donald Liepold Harold and Monica Heitgen Endowment Reverend Lawrence J. Marbach William Hoch Endowment Reverend Joseph P. Mardian Jewett Family Endowment Fund Monsignor Myron Martin Frank and Irene Josten Family Endowment Monsignor John J. McEneaney Clarence and Phyllis Justice Endowment Reverend Thomas J. McPhillips George Kayser Endowment Agnes Merian Jerome and Jean Klein Family Endowment Reverend Donald Molumby Mary Ann Klein Endowment Reverend Ray G. Mowry Richard and Janet Kolker Endowment Michael and Janice Mullin Family Endowment Aelred and Irene Kurtenbach Endowment Reverend Anthony Opem Endowment Reece and Kami Kurtenbach Family Endowment Reverend Richard Ortmeier Endowment Jon and Shirely Larsen Family Endowment Dennis Peitz Dorothy Lichty Endowment Sophia (Toby) Rados Endowment Pat R. Marony Endowment Redder/Lacy Family Endowment Joseph and Lois Mattecheck Endowment Reverend Joseph L. Ripp Monsignor Marvin McPhee Endowment Adeline Roland Deacon Peter and Paddy Mehlhaff Endowment Reverend Francis L. Sampson Dale Murphy Endowment Don and Delphine Schmidt Endowment Jeremiah and Mary Jean Murphy Endowment Lee and Donna Schoenbeck Endowment Richard and Darlene Muth Family Endowment Reverend Leonard F. Stanton Tony Oster Endowment Taylor Family Endowment Archie and Catherine Ostrander Endowment Zimmer Family Endowment Thad and Elizabeth Rogers Family Endowment Monsignor Leonard Zwinger Royce and Louinse Schaufler Endowment Lucille Schiltz Endowment Sercl Family Endowment Sisters of St. Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Endowment Al and Judy Spencer Endowment SS Theresa and Francis Family Endowment Dennis and Rita Stevens Family Endowment Frances Sundermann Endowment Jim and Tracy Thares Family Endowment The Bishop of Sioux Falls Endowment Bette Theobald Endowment Clarence and Dorothy Thill Endowment Unrestricted Legacy Endowment Brendan and Lynn Van Sambeek Family Endowment Bernard Weber Endowment Herman and Lola Weber Endowment Wingen Family Endowment Robert and Debra Winkels Family Endowment Monica Zimmer/Pruys Endowment


3 Degrees, Sioux Falls Rodney and Brenda Artz 605 Styling Co., Sioux Falls Aspen Private Advisors, Sioux Falls Aaladin Industries, Inc., Elk Point Fred and Rebecca Assam Abbey of the Hills, Marvin Bonnie Atkins David and Gina Abbott David Auch Scott and Patti Abdallah Julia Auch Elizabeth Abe Augustana University, Sioux Falls Robert Abeln Mary Aulgur Absolute Pressure Cleaning Equipment, Odenton, MD Sam and Sarah Ausdemore Clark Adams Dean and Cheryl Austad Jim and Gloria Adams Charles and Carol Austin Adaptivation, Sioux Falls Mary Auterman Chris and Helen Adducci Avera Health Foundation Mike and Barb Adelaine Avera Heart Hospital of South Dakota Gerald Adelman Avera McKennan Fitness Center, Sioux Falls David and Cindy Adkins Avera McKennan Foundation Allen Adrian Avera McKennan Hospital and University Medical Center, Dawn Aesoph Sioux Falls Rita Ahmann Avera McKennan Hospital, Sioux Falls Verdeen and Lois Ahrendt Carol Axtman Frank and Judy Aiello Christina and Vaughn Ayala Darnell and Pamela Albers Marlisa Ayala Sarah Aldinger Darla Baan-Hofman All Saints Parish, Mellette Naomi Bach Ashley Allen Paul and Kathleen Bachman Reverend Philip Allen Kathy Bacon Thomas Allen Jay and Ann Bain Madge Alston Mark Bain Damian Althoff Bain Family Dental Practice, P.C., Aberdeen Matt and Kate Althoff Bill and Peg Baker Jeff and Sherri Alvey Joannem Avila Baker Kathleen Amand Todd and Angie Bakke Joseph Amendt Sarah and Daniel Bakker American Self Storage, Sioux Falls Jalen Baldwin Patrick and Beth Amor Linda Baldwin Daniel Amundson Jeff and Karla Ball Karen and Rick Amundson Ballard Spahr, LLP, Sioux Falls Paul Amundson Terry and Sheryl Baloun Bernard and Barbara Andera Nancy Balvin Brad and Sandy Andera David and Karen Bangasser Douglas and Cameo Anders Sue Bankers Chuck and Linda Andersen BankWest, Pierre Lawrence C and Sharon Andersen James Bannwarth Carter and Merry Anderson Linda Bannwarth Cathy Anderson Mark and Heather Bannwarth Chuck and Kathy Anderson Mike and Mary Kay Bannwarth Isaac and Susan Anderson Robin and Wendie Barber Joan Anderson Dallas and Linda Barck John and Joanne Anderson Orrion and Edith Barger Memorial Foundation Reverend Terence Anderson Annie Barker Reverend Thomas Anderson David Barkus Sheridan Anderson Thaddeus and Nicole Barnes Sonja Anderson Bill and Jane Barnett Stephany Anderson Bob Barnett Tom and Carol Anderson Dennis Barnett Candace Anderson-Lammers Don and Marilyn Barnett Kent and Catherine Andre Douglas and Jodie Barnett Anesthesiology Associates Inc., Sioux Falls James and Laura Barnett Madeline Angerhofer Jerry and Judy Barnett Steve and Madeline Angerhofer Max and April Barnett Anonymous Max and Nancy Barnett Janice Antrim Monsignor Steve Barnett AR Workshop, Sioux Falls Steve and Nicole Barnett Delores Arbeiter Barnett Lewis Funeral Home, Sioux Falls Brian Ardaugh Kimberly Barnhouse David and Kara Arend Deacon Thane and Joanne Barnier James and Bonnie Arend Dr Jesse and Mrs Barondeau Jon Arend Barre 3, Sioux Falls Kelly and Deanna Arend Rita Barrera Al and Cabrini Arendt Hilary Barry Jocelyn Ariate Terrance and Elizabeth Barry Foundation, Villa Park, CA David Armstrong Andrew and Maria Bartell Harold and Lois Arnold Continued on Next Page


Continued Pat Bernstein Ralph and Fern Bartholomew Albert and Marsha Berreth Roger and Corinne Bartlett Nancy Bettle Kelly Bartmann Michael and Angela Bevers Patrick and Kelly Bartmann Dave and Cindy Beyer Mark Bartosh Jason and Tracy Bieber Roger and Judi Bartscher Gail Bielen Kay Bass Dan and Donna Bierschbach Chris and Laurie Batchelor Doug and Vicki Bierschbach Lois Bates Maurice and Pat Bierschbach Tom and Amy Batta Ernie and Marian Bies Diane Bauch Marc and Susan Bies Brian and Carmen Bauer Bill Biever Donald Bauer Cindy Biggs James Baumberger David Billion Liam Bauress John and Katy Billion Gerald and Julie Baustian Stephen and Catherine Billion Pat and Marty Baxter Reverend Doug Binsfeld Dan Beacom and Ann Roemen Brian and Janet Bird Debra Beacom Connie Birgen Robert and Judie Beadle Ken Birgen Beadle Ford-Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth, Bowdle Susan Birrenkott (dec) Beal Distributing, Inc., Sioux Falls Mike Bisenius Greg and Gaye Lynn Beaner Bishop O’Gorman Catholic Schools, Sioux Falls Timothy and Sara Beaner Steven and JoEllen Bistodeau Craig Beason Robert and Diane Biver Dan and Sarah Beaudoin Kathleen Bizal Dianne and John Beauregard Rita Blasius Dave and Brenda Bechen Gregg Bleeker Peter and Marie Becher Patricia Bleeker Donald and Judy Becht Elizabeth Blide Bechtold Jewelry, Sioux Falls Blindert Ins. Agency, Salem Bill and Tracee Beck Belinda Block Brittany Beck Aric Bloom Erica Beck Blue Rock Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls Michelle Beck Ontibile Blumer Melissa Beck Casey and Natalie Board Briana Becker Margaret Bobby Jim Becker and Norma Gross Vince and Brenda Boddicker Joyce Becker Kerry and Donna Boekelheide Michelle and John Becker Boen & Associates, Inc., Sioux Falls Randy and Michelle Becker Carol Bogaard-Koele Pascal and Dennisse Bedard Tim Boggs Jon and Kalisha Beebe Stewart and Lori Bohle Kevin Beermann Richard and Theresa Bokemper Curt and Kay Behrends Donna Boldt Lyle Behrends Jim Bolin Richard Belatti Debra Bollinger Kathleen Bell Sam and Marge Bollinger Michael and Teresa Bell Scott and Debra Bollinger Tad Bell Al Bolton Mike Belmont Bomgaars, Sioux City, IA Peter Bendix Erin Bommersbach Paul and Stephanie Bengford Elijah Bonde Gerald and Brenda Beninga Paolo Bonetto Olivia Benitez Karen Boone Mr and Mrs Alan Benjamin Dennis Bortolin Paul Bennett Duane and Joleen Bos Dorothy Benson Jordan Boser Elaine Benson Lawrence and Kathleen Bouska Gail and Connie Benson Monsignor Emanuel Bouska (dec) David and Karen Beranek Alyssa Bourtros Dzenan and Kelsey Berberovic Catherine Bowar Cassidy Sloot Boyce Law Firm, Sioux Falls Heidi Berg Benedict and Barbara Boyer Joanne Berg Patrick Boyle Larry Berg Roxanne Boysen Russ and Carmyn Berg John and Caroline Bradbury Shaun Berg-daniel Sr Kathleen Brady (dec) David Bergin Gus Braga-Henebry Michelle Berkland Daniel Brake Sonya Bernardino Emmett and Judy Brake Joseph and Sandra Bernhard Continued on Next Page


Continued Gary and Diane Byer Lori and Matthew Bramstedt Dirk and Tamara Byers Wesley Brandis J. Patrick Byorth Doris Brandt Amanda Byrd Kevin and Rebecca Branick Bill and Lynne Byrne Jennifer Braun Adelaida Cabrera Kevin and Elizabeth Bray Mary Cain Steve Brazones Bill and Kendra Calhoun Reverend James I Bream Calico Skies Winery, Inwood, IA Claire Breaux Barbara Campbell Dianne Breen Fran and Mary Lou Campbell Deacon James Bregel Jim (dec) and Laurie Campbell Patrick Brennen Olivia and Casson Campbell Mr Brian Brenner Ray and Kathy Campbell Dennis and Marie Breske Larry and Mary Canfield Melissa Brewster Jim and Donna Cannon Judith Briggs Valerie Cantave Jon Briney Greg Cantine Cathleen Britton Ferdinand Caparida Mia Bronk Steven and Anita Carey Renae Bronson Carl V Carlson Company, Hartford Mary Brooks Andy and Staci Carlson Mrs Cheryl Brooks Carl and Michelle Carlson Broom Tree Retreat and Conference Center, Irene Jeff Carlson Ms Rhonda Broski Joseph and Suzanne Carlson David and Nancy Brosky Joseph Carlson Kyle and Sheila Broughton Linda Carlson Peggy Brower Matthew and Lisa Carlson Ann Brown Montgomery Carlson Chad and Jean Brown Phil and Pam Carlson Edward and Ruth Brown Richard Carlson Elaine Brown Steve and Penelope Carlson John and Holly Brown Carmody Interior Design, Sioux Falls Karen Brown James and Rebecca Carney Kevin and Renee Brown Carnival Brazilian Grill, Sioux Falls Richard and Jane Brown Charles Caron Mr and Mrs Thomas Bruce Carr Chiropractic Clinics, PC, Miller Pete and Deb Bruce CarrierNet Group Financial Inc., Sioux Falls David Bruggeman Carter Carruthers Maurice Bruggeman Mike Cartney Rhonda Bruggeman Terry and Sharon Casey Bob and Marilyn Bruning Sheila Casiello Kevin and Shelia Bruscher Cathedral of St Joseph Parish Catherine Bruyer Catholic Charities USA ,Alexandria, VA Michael and Mary Brzica Catholic Daughters, Parker Antonio and Anna Buan Catholic Daughters, Mitchell Mark and Chris Buche Catholic Daughters, Vermillion Connie Buckard Catholic Order of Foresters State Court Adam and Sheena Buckhouse CellOnly, Sioux Falls Calley Buckley Leda Cempellin Mr and Mrs Scott Buckley Brent and Lisa Centlivre Lori Bullis Central Heating & Air, Sioux Falls Donna Bult Central States Group, Omaha, NE Jerrold and Mary Ellen Bunkers Centruy 21 Advantage, Sioux Falls Paul and Lori Bunkers Carol Chapman Tim and Sandra Bunkers Pete Chapman Colleen Burchill (dec) Wade and Stacy Charron Jim and Bernice Burg Bill and Rita Chase Monsignor Edward P Burian Chris and Mary Chase John and Jean Burkard Tomas Chavira Michael and Connie Burkard Cheese World, Sioux Falls Louise Burns Carol Cheng Kathy and Mike Busald Cherry Creek Grill, Sioux Falls Busald Enterprises LLC, Lebanon, IN Barbara Chicoine Mark and Sherri Busch Brian Chicoine Bob and Suzanne Bushfield Kenny and Rose Chicoine Nick Butler Noel and Teresa Chicoine Butterfly House & Aquarium, Sioux Falls Child’s Play Toys, Sioux Falls Rob and Deann Buxton Christ the King Catholic School, Sioux Falls Buysse Roofing Systems & Sheet Metal Inc., Sioux Falls Christ the King Parish, Sioux Falls Buysse Roofing Systems and Sheet Metal Inc., Dale and Diane Christensen Marshall, MN Mary Christensen BX Civil and Construction, Dell Rapids Continued on Next Page


Continued James Cranford Nancy Christensen Nick Crank Amy Christenson Bill and Susan Crawford Anthony and Rosabel Christenson Dave and Sandy Crawford John and Amy Christenson Crazy 8 Production, Scotland David and Julie Christian Janet Creamer Randy and Linda Christiansen Creative Surfaces, Sioux Falls Paula Christophel Marta Cressy Stefanie Chvatal Rex and Mary Liz Crockett Cimarron Label, Sioux Falls Margaret Cronin (dec) Very Reverend Charles Cimpl Matt Cross Raymond and Delta Cinco Kevin and Ashley Crouch Thomas and Mary Cink Allan and Helen Crow James Clark Joel and Ann Crowe Jesse Clark William and Asella Crum Jim Clark Thane and Nancy Crump Kari Clark Joseph and Susan Cudzilo Patrick and Bobbie Clark Alaina Cuka Richard and Kari Clark Roger and Stephenie Cuka Steven and Cathy Clark Dan and Mary Culey Aaron Clayton Steve and Bonny Culhane Bill and Kathy Clayton Culligan Water Conditioning, Sioux Falls Eric Clayton Kevin and Daneen Curley Nolan and Grace Cleary Verlyn Curley Shawn and Julie Cleary Custom Tree Movers, LLC, Sioux Falls Curtis and Julie Clemen Kent and Carolyn Cutler Tom and Tracy Clemens Edward and Bridget Czarnecki Roger and Wanda Clement Michael Czmowski Melanie Clements Tim and Patty Czmowski Cliff Avenue Greenhouse, Sioux Falls D & E Music and Vending, Inc., Mitchell Kathryn Clinton Kathleen Dagel Paul and Kathryn Clinton Kenneth and Kathy Dagel Todd and Candee Cloos Tom and Carol Dagel Bob and Julie Cloyd Corey and Kim Dahl CO OP Architecture, Aberdeen Marie Dahlhoff Kevin and Beth Coats Travis and Megan Dahle Tom and Abby Cogley Judy Dailey Pauline Cole Dakota Dunes Country Club Ed and Rose Anne Colella Dakota Potters Supply, Sioux Falls Brad and Julie Coleman Dakota Spirit, Sioux Falls Mike and Jeannette Coleman Dakota Vision Center, Sioux Falls Agustin Collazo-Rexach Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell Marilyn Collins Dakotaland Storage, Sioux Falls Bryan Collver Daktronics Inc., Brookings Craig and Cheryl Colton Machelle Dale Combined Pool & Spa, Sioux Falls Matt and Julie Dally Component Manufacturing, Sioux Falls Matthew Dalton John and Kay Conlon Shelley Damstra Patrick Connaughton Dance Line, Inc., Sioux Falls Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly Duane and Robin Dangel Marcia Connolly Greg and Shaun Daniel Dick and Sherry Connors Jeff Danielson and Angie Paulin Ahrens Toni Connors Leonard and Joanne Dankey Mark and Jean Conzemius Tim and Lee Dardis Paul and Leslie Conzemius Pat Darger Tom and Laurie Conzemius Andrea Darr Ben and Karen Cook Pat Daughatee Robert and Bonita Cook William and Arlyce Daugherty Wallace Cook Max Davidson Tom and Susan Cooney Brittany Davis Marian Cordovez Tan Cynthia Davis John Cornett Ed and Jean Davis Robert and Paula Correa Frances Davis CorTrust Bank, Mitchell Hugh Davis CorTrust Bank, Sioux Falls Joe and Tina Davis Daniel and Janet Costello Kirk Davis Costello Property Management, Sioux Falls Mary K. Day Connie Coughlin Sosony De Monteiro Patrick Coughlin (dec) Debra DeBates Randy and Ann Cowan Laura Debates Karyn Cox Prudence DeBates Jim and Marie Craig Doug and Colleen Debelak Rachel Crane Continued on Next Page


Continued Mary Douglas Marshall Brad DeBoer Jason Douma Bridget Decker Daniel and Jessica Doyle Jill Degen David Doyle Anthony DeGrood Ken and Margie Doyle Darrell Dehne Kevin and Karen Doyle Jarod and Courtney Deinert Logan Doyle Dan DeJong William and Linda Doyle Brant and Kim DeKruif Heidi Dreezen Alberto Del Pilar Anastasia Dreighton Jennifer DeLange Mary Dressing Ann Delay Susan Drew Vickie DeLay Gregory and Carol Driscoll Dells Materials Company, Dell Rapids Jim Drotzmann Nathan Demers Kimberly Drueke Paul and Mary DeMuth Jeffrey and Anita Drummond William and Cyndi Dendinger Mark and Susan Duffek Gwen DenHollander Elizabeth Duffner Frank and Mildred Denholm Trust Veronica Duffy Casson and Arianne Dennison Jim and Jane Dugan Denny Sanford Premier Center, Sioux Falls Ryan and Lynne Duhaime Dental Center, Aberdeen Reverend Charles Duman Michael and Jean Denton Luis and Callie Duque David DeRouchey (dec) Magie Duran Fred and Joan DeRouchey Michael Durre Deacon Pat and Jane Derrington Marc and Teresa Dvoracek Dorothy DeSchepper (dec) Gerald and Lisa Dvorak Katie DeSchepper Dan and Diane Dwire Dick and Jan DeVaney Roger Dwyer Patty DeVaney Carol Dyke Jason and Jodi Devine Brad Dykes Lori Devine Dana and LaDawn Dykhouse Reed DeVries Ethel Dylla Rosemary DeWolfe Reverend Justin Dziowgo OSB Froilan Diaz Eagle Estates, Emery Kyla Diaz Bill and Bev Earley Thomas and Charlys Dice Tom and Connie Earley Deacon Timothy and Julie Dickes Robert and Nancy Earnest Jo Anne Dickinson Earthwise Pet Supply, Sioux Falls Matthew Dickinson Daryl and Julie Ebach Reverend Andrew Dickinson Jerome and Helen Eckrich Pat Dicus Jerome and Sheila Eckrich Donald Dietz Jon and Lori Eckrich Angela Digatono Reverend Brian Eckrich Rick and Jody Dilts Jeffrey and Harriet Edman Dennis and Carol Dingman Chuck and Joyce Edwards Richard and Barbara Disanto Mary Ann Egan Larry and Patricia Ditter Dave and Twila Eggers Douglas Dix Rick and Nancy Ehrhardt Brian and Jennifer Doane Ehrhart Griffin & Associates, Sioux Falls Dale and Marcia Dobberpuhl Austin and Shari Eich Alex and Rebecca Dobbs Judy Eichacker Eric Docken Nancy Eichacker Ryan Docken Mike and Teresa Eide Monte and Teresa Dodson Eide Bailly, LLP, Sioux Falls Scott and Susan Doetzel Eileen’s Colossal Cookies, Sioux Falls Jennifer Doll Ronald and Marlene Eimers Alan and Kathy Domeyer Janelle Einck Del Donaldson Carl and Kathy Eisenberg Erin Donaldson Natalie Eisenberg Sara Donaldson Phillip and Grace Eisenberg Christine Donnelly Jesse and Megan Ekeren Doug and Shirley Donnelly Chad and Kristi Ekroth Dan and Vickie Donohoe Electric Supply Co., Sioux Falls Tim Donohue Jeanne Elias Luanne Dooley Dolores Ella Derwin Dorale Jim and Kathy Ellenbecker Jay and Ashley Doran John and Teri Ellenbecker Alexa Dorn Richard and Kathleen Ellenbecker Daniel and Stacey Dougherty Andrew and Beth Ellerbroek Donald Dougherty (dec) Laura Ellerbroek John and Cindy Dougherty Nancy Ellwein Robert and Kara Dougherty Continued on Next Page


Continued Jackie Fink David and Julie Elson First Christian Reformed Church, Sioux Falls Denise Elvecrog First Dakota Bank, Yankton Kelly and Tracey Endorf First Dakota Horticulture, Sioux Falls Erica Endres First National Bank in Sioux Falls Darlene Engbrecht First Premier Bank, Sioux Falls Nancy Engebretson Mark and Terri Fischbach Carol and Carroll Engelhardt Don and Janet Fischer Charles and Ann Engen Eileen Fischer David and Marsha Englert Gary Fischer Beverly English Justine Fischer Todd Englund Paulette Fischer Deon Entringer Jay and Kathy Fitzgerald Douglas Entringer Mary Fitzgerald David and Mary Pat Erickson Jack and Connie Fitzgibbons Derek Erlenbusch James and Susan Fitzgibbons Donald and Linda Erlenbusch Michael Fitzgibbons Todd and Christie Ernst Richard Fitzpatrick Dennis Ernster Colin and Joanne Fitzsimons Joanne Ernster Lance and Geralynn Fjeldheim Todd and Julie Ernster Tim Fjellestad Kelli Erpenbach Dan and Jeanne Flaherty Pat Erpenbach Jennifer Flanagan Stacy Erstad David and Mary Fleck Escape 605, Sioux Falls Gena Fleming Thomas and Katherine Eskro Mary Fleming Liselle Esposito Brad Flemming Dolores Esser (dec) James Flemming Paul Esser David Flicek Joseph and Renee Eustice Natasha Flier Michael and Kristie Evans Shawn Flinn Susan Evans Andrew and Danielle Flisrand Everence/Mennonite Foundation, Inc., Goshen, IN Flooring America, Sioux Falls Rick Everist Donna Florom Raymond Evers David and Sharon Flynn Richard Everson Mike and Susan Flynn Joe and Maria Ewald Daniel and Becka Foerster Carine Ezin Colleen Foland F & M Properties, Sioux Falls Bob Foley Barbara Fabian Vince and Patty Foley Fair Tax, Sioux Falls Foley and Foley Law Office, Watertown Family Memorials by Gibson, Sioux Falls Karen Fordyce Randy and Teresa Fanning Brent and Monica Forest Vickie Fargen Jeff and Kristi Forsting Tim and Celia Farmer John and Madlynn Forsyth Michael and Linda Farney Rod and Heather Fortin Jennifer Fatland Lori Fossen John and Cheryl Faundeen Wendell Fossum Rae Feickert Carol Foster Roger and Cathy Feickert Fran Fox Barbara Feilmeier Gary Fox Janice Feiner Reverend Richard Fox Ryan Feist Roxanne Fox Bill and Laura Fejfar Shawn and Stephanie Foy Steve and Elizabeth Feldhaus Thelma Foye Tom and Nancy Feldhaus Christopher Frank Jack and Linda Feldmeier Jeremy Franken and Nicki Yackley Franken Marlene Ferdig Jerry Franken Carol Fergen Joan Franken Chuck and Wanda Fergen Thomas Franken Fernson, Sioux Falls Larry and Janice Fredericksen Cheryl Fessler Thomas and Nancy Free Brad and Karen Feterl Jory and Beth Freeburg Kevin and Jan Feterl Bob and Judy Freeman Ron and Mary Feterl Erv and Colleen Frey Terry and Cheri Feterl Steven and Linda Frick Michael Fey Reverend Jim Friedrich Jeff and Jackie Fiegen Eugene and JoEllen Friedrichsen Lucas Fiegen Friends of Steve, Aberdeen Michael and Kathy Fiegen Steve and Charlene Friesen Fiegen Construction Co., Sioux Falls Cynthia Friez Carol Fields Gerald and Sharon Frisbie Barry and Becky Fife Continued on Next Page


Continued Mike Gilbertz John and Robin Fritsch Glee Gile Dan and Katie Fritz Dennis and Jane Gilk Jean Fritz Jeff and Cheri Gillen Terry and Carol Fritz David and Paulette Gillespie Thomas Froning Joan Gillespie Frontier Motors, Winner Donald Gilman Justin and Crissa Fruechte John and Amy Giorgio Jackie Frus Anita Girard (dec) Peggy Frye Glacial Lakes Capital, LLC, Brookings William and Patti Fuchs Jerry and Elaine Glanzer Scott and Nicole Fuhrer Joe Glenski Ann Fullenkamp Mary Glenski Elizabeth Fullenkamp Globus Medical, Inc., Audubon, PA Debra Fuller Jeff Goble Neil and Molly Fulton Thomas and Karla Godbey Jennifer Fulwiler Bob and Shelly Goetz Michele Fundaun Gary and Kathleen Goetzinger Charles and Jane Gaetze Melissa Goff Vitalis and Sonia Gaidelis Samantha Goff Kyla Gailey Martha Golay Galaxy Gaming, Sioux Falls David and Shawna Goldammer Steve and Kari Gales Elaine Goldammer Dan and Mary Jo Gallagher Vance and Sherry Goldammer George Gallagher Golf Addiction, Sioux Falls Joe and Chelsea Gannon Rose Goltz Mike and Mary Gannon John and Mary Gooch Dorothy Garcia Robert and Marge Good Tammy Garland Goodspirits Fine Wine & Liquor, Sioux Falls Garry Associates, Sioux Falls David and Ann Gooley Jerauld and Laurie Garry Joseph and Therese Goraj Kevin and Melissa Garry Anne Gormley Mary Kay Garry Brittany Gorres-Martens Mick Garry Michael and Connie Gough Mike and Mary Garry Mike and Masako Gould Rich and Mary Garry Cordell and Clara Graber Tom and Ann Garry David and Cynthia Graber Tyler Garry Sheila Grabow William and Mary Kay Garry Jim Grabowska Dan and Denise Garvey Jeanette Grady Gary’s Gun Shop, Sioux Falls Doris Graeber Craig and Michele Gaspar Bob and Eileen Graham Gary and Cynthia Gaspar Graham Automotive, Sioux Falls Joe and Katy Gaspar Graham Tire, Sioux Falls Jack and Jayne Gaspari Grand Falls Casino Resort, Larshwood, IA David and Jean Gau Granite City, Sioux Falls John and Dolores Gauer Don Grant Keith and Anna Gauer Brian and Amanda Graves Nathan and Justine Gaukel Joyce Graves Jerry and Chere’ Gavin Will and Janice Gravning Joan Gawarecki Gen Gray Randy and Sherree Gayken Terri and Rodney Gray Shay Gebauer Great Life Malaska Golf & Fitness Club, Sioux Falls Gerald and Mary Geditz Great Outdoor Store, Sioux Falls Ronald and Cindy Geis Great Plains Zoo and Delbridge Museum, Sioux Falls David and Teri Geiver Great Shots, Sioux Falls Alan Geiwitz Great Western Bank, Sioux Falls Ron and Bonnie Gemar Thomas and Jennifer Greco Kathy Gengler Terry Green Ashley Gentrup Linda Greene Biju Georbe Mary Lou Greenway George Boom Funeral Home, Sioux Falls Dave and Jennifer Grennan Greg and Lea Joy Geppert Marian Gresslin Mike and Kathy Geraets Tom Gries Paula Geraets Dwayne Griese Terry and Judy Gere Delwin and Dorma Griffin Dan and Julie Gergen Roxy and Jeffrey Griffin Janet Gerken Kenneth and Kimberly Griffith Patricia Germain Carolyn Grimes Mark and Mary Gerwer Royce and Lunette Grimsrud Getty Abstract & Midwest Title, Sioux Falls William and Jean Grode Joseph Giambrone Shari Groen Andy Gilbert Continued on Next Page


Continued Elizabeth Hanten Wally Grogan Jan Hanten Barbara Grohs Doyle and Donna Hardie Joanne Grohs JC and Marie Harlan Dexter and Jessica Gronseth Harold’s Photo Centers, Sioux Falls Linda Gross Rae Harr Randy and Susan Gross Donald and Carol Harrell Brooke Grote Matthew Harris Kyle and Margaret Groteluschen Ryan and Sara Harris Grounded Coffee Roastings, Harrisburg Jim and Nini Hart Lori Gruber Alan and Linda Hartman Amy Gruntmeir Lorene Hartman Michael and Jennifer Gubbels Reverend Thomas Hartman Carolyn Guhin Alfred and Linda Hartmann Chad Gulbranson Sarita Hartmann Most Reverend Thomas Gullickson Vikki Hasche Scott and Michelle Gullickson Michael and Casey Haselhorst Brian Gunderson Mr and Mrs Robert Hatcher Gunderson’s Jewelers, Sioux Falls Sharyl Hatlestad Phil and Kristen Gundvaldson Maxine Hauck Richard Gustaf Michelle Hauk John and Kate Gutenkauf Kurt and Carrie Hauser Gil and Flor Gutierrez Cheryl Havelaar H & R Roofing, Sioux Falls Kirby and Paulette Hay Kevin Haag Harlan Hayunga Karen Haas Cody He Crow Emma Hafdahl John and Sheila Healy Brian and Heidi Hagan Kevin and Charleen Healy Tom and Colleen Hageman Mike and Gerrie Healy Craig and Lisa Hagen Heartland Windows, Aplington, IA Terrin and Amy Haggerty Kristin Heath Franklin and Lolita Hagio Steve and Jody Heeg Mark and Jeanette Hahler Brad and Melinda Heegel Allen and Marilyn Haiar Alex and Ann Hegerfeld Ashley Haiar Joe and Noelle Heiberger Tim and Carla Haiar Bernard and Linda Heilman Shirley Haines Alex Heim Halberstadt’s Clothiers, Sioux Falls Tim Hein Tom Halbur Mr and Mrs Jim Heine Bernard Hall (dec) Tim and Julie Heine Deanna Hall Greg and Phyllis Heineman Jean Hall Leslie and Libby Heinemann Louis and Rebecca Hall Leslie and Lisbeth Heinemann Rob and Mandy Hall Raquel Heinle Russell and Muriel Hall James and Alana Heinricy Richard and Carla Hallstrom Kevin Heiss Janet Halstenson Larry and Linda Heitkamp David and Kathy Halter Kathy Heitzler James Halverson Kevin Helland Tracy Halverson Jim and Michala Heller Reverend William Hamak Ron and Amy Hellwig Donald Hamm Charlie and Betty Hemmer Bryan Hammer Jim and Laurie Hemmer Breanna Hammerlund Jennifer Henderson Rosemary Hammond Renee Henderson Steve and Karen Haney Geoffrey and Ana Henebry Stephen and Brenda Hanley Brigetta Henglefelt Tom Hanlou John and Ann Henkhaus Zita Hans Thomas Hennessy, Trust Barbara Hansen Rich and Barb Hennies Pam Hansen Jerry and Verna Henriksen Ryan and Alicia Hansen Dorothy Herbert Scott and Pat Hansen Lezlee Herdina Charles and Betty Hanson John Herdoroh Chris and Sara Hanson Heritage Bank, Sioux City, IA Daniel and Julie Hanson Heritage Funeral, Sioux Falls Donald and Julie Hanson Michael and Sandra Herkenhoff Gregory and Anne Hanson Kelsey Herlyn Jim and Jacquee Hanson Monsignor Carlton P Hermann Mandy Hanson Sophia Hermanson Jesse and Breanna Hanssen Martha Hernandez Betty Hanten Jason and Hannah Heron Dave and Patricia Hanten Continued on Next Page


Continued Perry and Elaine Horner Kyle and Anna Heronimus Maxine Horning Eileen Herrin Chip and Cheri Hortness William and Cherie Herrmann Robert Hough Paul and Barbara Heschmeyer Charles Houska Todd and Sara Hesse Veronica Houston Rita Hessling Chris and Robin Houwman Pat Hetterscheidt David and Diane Hovden Roger Hettinger Charlotte Hoverstadt Nate Hewes Janet Hovey Johnson Debbra Heyl Howalt-McDowell Insurance, Inc., Sioux Falls Brad and Connie Hickey Craig and Carrie Howard Curtis and Henri Hicks LeeDel Howard Dan and Paula Hicks Mary Howard Mark Hierholzer Pat and Marlene Howard Michael Higgins Richard Howard Tim and Lotus Higgins Wendy Howell Mary Hilbert Jessa Howes Brian Hildebrant and Laura Diddle-Hildebrant Michael and Bunny Howes Hillman Plumbing & Heating, Sioux Falls Tom and Melissa Howes Terry and Lori Hilmoe Michelle Hoye Hilton Garden Inn, Sioux Falls Tim Hubert and Shannon Hansen-Hubert Jason and Michelle Himmerich Ronald Huberty William A and Carolyn Hinks Richard and Mary Hublou Patrick and Lisa Hirsch Greg and Susan Huckabee Elliot and Erin Hitt Jon and Brenda Hudson Christina Hoang Mark and Karen Hudson Jim Hoch Jean Huegel Shelby Hochstein William Huggins Dawn Hoeke Pam and Barry Hughes Arlene Hoerner Jay and Jane Huizenga Joseph Hoerner Ryan and Michelle Hulme Cheryl Hofer (dec) Brent Hulstein Joyce Hofer Bruce and Marne Hult Keith Hofer Anita Hume Norman and Darlene Hofer Jason Humpton Paul and Priscilla Hofer Lilla May Hunsley Roland and Mildred Hofer Jason and Shelly Hunt Ryan Hofer Julie Hunt Stewart Hofer Deacon Mike and Donna Huntington Oran and Mary Jo Hoffman Jason and Susan Hurd Robert and Betty Hoffman Larry and Sherry Hurd Gregg and Gina Hoffmann Patrick Huska Chad and Suzette Hohwieler Daniel and Bette Huss David and Barb Hoiten Hy Vee Food Store, Sioux Falls Bruce Holida and Danielle Holmquist-Holida Teresa and Dan Hyland Holiday Inn Express, Dakota Dunes HyVee Food Stores, Sioux Falls Holiday Inn/City Centre, Sioux Falls Sue Iacara Michael and Marianne Holland Thomas and Diane Iacarella Mikel and Deborah Holland Wayne and Lori Ibarolle Thomas and Margaret Holland Charles and Rosemary Iddings Aryn Hollaren Mary Ihli Becky Bollaren Immaculate Conception Catholic School, Watertown Mitchell Holler Impact Consulting, LLC, Sioux Falls Allen Holm Interstate Office Products, Sioux Falls Steven and Linda Holmes Lyle and JoAnn Ireland Tom and Kathy Holmes Ben and Marcee Irlbeck Reverend Jerome Holtzman Michael Isaak Holy Family Parish, Mitchell Sandra Isburg Holy Spirit Parish, Mitchell J & L Harley Davidson, Sioux Falls Holy Spirit Parish, Sioux Falls Jody Jackels Jack and Jill Holzberger Gerard Jacobs Pat and Brenda Holzer Laura Jacobsma Reverend Joseph Holzhauser Andrew and Monica Jacobson John and Teresa Homan Dave and Phyllis Jacobson Barb Homandberg Duane and Deb Jacobson David and Tonia Honner Robert and Michele Jacobson Joan Honomichl Samuel and Annamarie Jakos Alex Hoogendoorn Marylka Jakubczak Boyd and Dody Hopkins Carol James Jack and Gina Hopkins Frank and Barbara James Christine Hormann Greg and Beth Jamison Arlene Horner Continued on Next Page


Continued Barb Joyce Jamison Company Real Estate, Sioux Falls JRD Enterprises, Yankton Russell Janklow Sherri Judah John and Brenda Janssen Lyle Juenger Dennis and Janelle Jarabek Eric and Jane Juhl Margaret Jarding Taylor and Madeline Juhl Rebecca Jarding Adam Jungers Robert and Brenda Jarding David Jungers Norma Jarrett Mark and Meredith Junker Greg and Lisa Jasmer Craig Jurczewsky Michael and Robin Jaspers Lynn Jurrens Sylvia Jaspers K & J Trucking, Sioux Falls Rudolph Javurek Wyonne Kaemingk Cheryl Jedlicka Jason Kahl Mike and Cheryl Jedlicka Matthew Kahn Arthur Jelsma Dale Kaiser Dan and Beth Jennings Lyle Kaiser Andrew and Barb Jensen Tom and Beth Kaltsulas Ashley Jensen Zofia Kamieniecka Delores Jensen Kampeska Lodge, Watertown Gwenneth Jensen Gytis Kanchas Robert Jenson Carla Kane John Jerstad Patrick and Sarah Kappel Darrell and Deb Jesse Tim and Jeanne Kappenman Ken and Sue Jimmerson Kappenman Dental Clinic, Sioux Falls Karen Jiskoot Dennis and Carol Kapperman JMMA Park, Inc., Dell Rapids Karla Kardell Brad and Rebecca Johnson Doreen Karels Bryan and Jean Johnson Pat Karels Craig and Dee Johnson Mansour Karim (dec) Craig and Louise Johnson Heather Karrow David and Andree Johnson Karsky Insurance Agency Inc., Sioux Falls David and Jeannie Johnson Robin and Kari Karst David and Shannon Johnson Robert and Lori Karsten Greg and Meg Johnson Caitlin Kassebaum Greg Johnson Tom and Kay Kassube Jennifer Johnson Jackie Kasten Jeremy and Linda Johnson Larry and Jackie Kasten Jerry and Roxi Johnson Deborah Kaufman Jesse Johnson Jean and Charles Kayl Justin and Christine Johnson Matthew and Ashley Kayser Ken and Cheryl Johnson Terry Kealy Lance and Dina Johnson Stuart and Gail Keating Luke Johnson Kraig and Joni Keck Paul and Roberta Johnson David Keeler Stephen Johnson John and Cheri Keena Steve Johnson Elda Keeton Teresa Johnson Joe and Judy Keffeler Tim Johnson Terri Kehrli Johnson Brothers Famous Brands, Sioux Falls Diane Kehrwald Linna Johnston Daniel and Rachel Keimig Rob and Kristen Johnston Scott and Kelly Keiter Johnstone Supply, Sioux Falls John Kelleher Clifford Jones Tom and Laurie Kellen Gene Jr. and Cynthia Jones Nick and Dori Kellen Herb and Debra Jones Dianne Keller Jeff and Kendall Jones Phil and Janelle Kelly Jeff and Mary Jones Rory and Amber Kelly John Jones KELO TV, Sioux Falls Linda Jones Alex and Tamra Kemp Troy and Mary Jones Chris and Kathryn Kendall Joe and Julie Jordahl Scott and Kaye Kennedy Gary Jordan Dan and Rose Kennelly Galen and Ann Jordre Mark and Melody Kerkvliet Andy Jorgensen Thomas and Sherrie Kersting Kimberlee Jorgensen Donald Kessler Martin and Mary Jorgensen Betty Ketcham Richard and Cynthia Jorgensen Lisa Ketcham Jay and Lisa Jorgenson Vincent (dec) and Betty Ketcham Gerard Joseph Barb Kienast Josephine’s Unique Floral Designery, Sioux Falls James and Lisa Kiley Reverend Paul Josten Frank and Cele King Journey Group, Sioux Falls Continued on Next Page


Continued Mary Ann Kohn Marcia King Barbara Kolb Sue King Perry and Rebecca Kolb Victoria Kingslien Barry Kolbeck and Mary Dressing David and Susan Kinkade Jack Kolbeck Joseph and Amanda Kippley Connie Kolbrek Brian Kirby Richard Kolker Ken and Vicky Kirby Kolker Law Office, Groton Douglas and Susan Kirkus Nathan and Brystal Kondratuk Elliot and Brittany Klapperich Barbara Konechne Agnes Klein Donald Konechne David and Mary Klein Rich and Jenny Konechne Gerald and Judi Klein Tom and Kristen Konechne Jeff Klein Lois Konst Jerry and Jean Klein Jan Konz LaVerne Klein Pam Konz Leona Klein Ray and Jan Konz Michael Klein John Koob Michelle Klein Cora Kooima Roger Klein Rick and Kathy Kooima Steve and Briget Klein Leo and Carol Kopetsky Samantha Kleinschmit Kopetsky Enterprises, Inc., Yankton Kenneth and Cecilia Klenk Rich and Cindy Korman Gregory and Kristen Kline Gary and Jeanice Korzan Julie Klinger Julie Koster Kyle and India Klipfel Reverend Kenneth Koster Ryan and Michelle Klobassa Joyce Kotalik Kip Kludt Nick and Kate Kotzea Deacon Henry and Christine Knapp Janeen and Wade Kouf Charles and Judy Kneip Don and Theresa Koupal Knights of Columbus Council, Aberdeen Kouri Insurance Agency, Inc., Sioux Falls Knights of Columbus Council, Holy Spirit , Sioux Falls Sandra Kouri Knights of Columbus Council, Ipswich Lorraine Kowitz Knights of Columbus Council, Mitchell Scott and Kim Kram Knights of Columbus Council, Montrose Daniel and Renee Kramer Knights of Columbus Council, Orient Reverend Robert Krantz Knights of Columbus Council, St Therese,, Sioux Falls Dale Kranz Knights of Columbus Marquette, Sioux Falls Doug and Barbara Kranz Knights of Columbus Splitrock Council, Brookings Matt and Judy Kranz Knights of Columbus, Hartford Nicholas and Diane Kranz Knights of Columbus, Camarillo, CA Ryan and Renae Kranz Knights of Columbus, Christ the King, Sioux Falls Gary Kratochvil Knights of Columbus, Clear Lake Jolene Krause Knights of Columbus, Lismore, MN Jerry and Bonnie Krcil Knights of Columbus, Pierre Vernon and Billie Krell Knights of Columbus, St Michael Parish, , Sioux Falls Annette Krenke Knights of Columbus, State Council Barbara Kreykes Knights of Columbus, Van Nuys, CA Krier & Blain Heating & AC, Sioux Falls Knights of Columbus, Vermillion Kimberly Kringen Knights of Columbus, Watertown Gary and Janice Kristensen Knights of Columbus, Webster Matt Kroeze Knights of Columbus, Brookings Dean and Linda Krogman Allan and Mary Knippling Kronaizl Insurance, Scotland David and Jozette Knoff Rick and Jeri Krsnak Suzanne Knudson Gerald and Mary Ann Krueger Sadie Knudtson Carrie Krull Knutson Family Dentistry, LLP, Vermillion John and Bernice Kubal Alex Kocer Mike and Deb Kuchera David Kocer Michael Kuehn Benjamin Koch Patty Kuehn David and Machelle Koch Steve and Patty Kuehn Dick and Cindy Koch Richard and Julie Kueter Ken and Rhonda Koch Randy and Cynthia Kukoly Mel and Val Koch Dick and Theresa Kulbel Phyllis Koch Arica Kulm Rodney Koch Kathleen Kunkel Tim and Amy Koch Lloyd Kunkel Koch Foundation, Gainesville, FL Michael Kunkel Mike Kock Al and Irene Kurtenbach Dean and Kathryn Koehn Frank Kurtenbach Joellen Koerner Paula Kurtenbach Bernadette Koester Reece and Kami Kurtenbach Deb Koetzle Continued on Next Page


Continued Jon and Jody LeFaive Kurtenbach Foundation, Aberdeen Thomas and Irma LeFaive Edward and Jody Kusek Bruce Lefevre Jacob and Amy Kusmak Legends, Sioux Falls Dwight and Cheryl Kvasnicka Kory and Kristin LeGrand KWB LLC, Sioux Falls Jefferson and Kristi Lehman L G Everist Inc. Sioux Falls Darlas and Donna Lehmann Steve and Debora Labahn Cory Lehrman Bart and Lisa Laber Jay and Linda Leibel Gabriel and Kristi Laber Carol Leibiger Robert and Cindy LaBerge Peter and Deborah Leiferman Tom and Brenda LaBrie Patricia Leigh Andrew and Allison Lacey Joyce Leischner James and Joan Lacey Leisure World, Yankton Michael and Lois Lacey Christine Lemmer Reverend Robert E Lacey Mike and Cheryl Lemon Ted (dec) and Beverly Lacey Mary Ann Lenick Ken and Jennifer Lacher Jane Leone James Lacy Sam and Terija Lepcha Cheryl LaDassor Brady and Michelle Lesnar William and Denise Ladwig Elaine Lesnar Lee LaFleur Donna Lessnau Dorothy Lahr Michael Levsen Lori Lahr Aaron Lewis Ray Laird III Paul and Jessica Lewis Noel and Mary Lais Lewis Drug Inc., Sioux Falls Terry and Allison Lalley Liberty National Bank, Sioux City Alan Lambert Alice Lichter Paul and Julie Lambert Reverend Mark Lichter Shane Lamer Roger and Marcia Liebig Jerome Lammers Joshua Liester Steven Lammers Darin Ligtenberg Landscape Garden Centers, Sioux Falls Micah and Tabitha Likness Tracy Landsem Stephen and Lori Lilienthal Gerald and Alice Lange Mike and Julie Limmer Mildred Langenfeld George and Colleen Lindberg Jeff and Mary Lanning Gary Lindner Mary Lantgen Ronald Lindner Mike Lantsberger Roy and Kathy Lindsay Donald and Norene Lantz Jessica Ling Kim Lape Lipetzky’s Irrigation, Sioux Falls Keith and Laura Lapour Joseph Lipp Nola LaRosh Jeremy Lippert David and Christi Larsen Elaine List Jon and Shirley Larsen Donald and Anna Marie Livermont Joyce Larsen Joseph and Teresa Livermont Ann Larson Paul and Michelle Livermore Bradie Larson Ivan Ljubicic Brent and Alyssa Larson Craig and Pat Lloyd Charlie Larson Patricia Locicero Chuck and Joey Larson Jim and Diane Lockwood Earlene Larson John and Barbara Lockwood Ed and Ann Larson Geri Loecker Graham Larson Linda Logan James and Janet Larson Arthur Lonneman Kathy Larson Stuart and Grace Lonning Lance and Mary Larson Looks Marketplace, Sioux Falls Michael Larson Gene and Joan Loos Paulette Larson Chris and Alisha Lorang Joseph and Heather Lataille Thomas and Penny Lorang Eugene and Carol Latza Aaron Lorch John and Darlene Lauer Jan Lord Dick Lauseng Tom and Deborah Lord Rita Law John and Beth Lott John Lawler Kurt Loudenback Patrick and Kaye Lawler Jack Lovett James Lawson Rita Loving Renee Leach John and Sandy Lown Joe and Mary Leedom John and Paula Lubeck Ben and Brenna Lebrun James Lucas Bill and Patty LeBrun Luciano’s, Sioux Falls Robert and Linda LeBrun Dave and Shirley Lueth James Lee Continued on Next Page


Continued Susan Martin John Luke Daniel and Margaret Martine Ray and Connie Luke Ken and Kathy Martinec Deborah Lukonen Brady Martinez Sara Lum Dylan Masterson Alexis Luna Thomas and Beth Ann Masterson Sue Lund Rob and Mary Mastick Sherry Lundberg Zane and Amanda Mathis Alfred and Donna Lupien Virginia Matlock James Luther Uncle Matt Mary Luther Greg and Shari Mattern James and Cindy Lutter Mattress by Appointment, Sioux Falls Jordan and Katie Luze Joseph and Amy Mattson Rick and Amy Lynch Lance and Patricia Mattson Steve and Roxanne Lynch Reverend Tyler Mattson Mike and Cheryl Lynde Lew and Karen Mavity Robert and Dorothy Lynde Maxwell Kitchen Supply, Sioux Falls Lynde Construction, Sioux Falls Krista May Jason and Angie Maag Robert and Bridget Mayer Josephine Maag Bryce and Ronda Mayrose Joyce Maas Paula Mazourek Steve and Lyn MacDonald Dan McAlpine Jason MacFarlane Jeff and Trish McCann Rhonda Maciejewski Marie McCarthy DuWayne and Rita Mack Erin McCarty Hugh and Cari Mack Lori McCaslin Jeanette Mack Mr and Mrs Mike McConnell Lawrence Mack (dec) Michael and Janet McConnell Leon and Carleen Mack Richard and Edwina McCormick Madelin Mack Larry McCreary Mary Mack Patrick and Veronica McCue Murphy and Jackie Mack Alex and Catherine McCulley Raphael and Jane Mack Michael and Marsha McCulloch Raymond and Beverly Mack Roger McCulloch Mack Farms, Watertown Andrew and Anne Marie McDade Quinn MacPherson Shirley McDermaid David Maddox Perry McDermott Linell Madson Joseph Mcdevitt Erika Magnusson McDonald’s, Sioux Falls Maguire Iron Inc., Sioux Falls Tom and Susan McDowell Mike and Karen Mahan McDowell Financial Group, Sioux Falls Marcus Mahlen Lauri McFarland John and Joan Mahoney Mavis McFarlane Monsignor Richard J Mahowald (dec) Jim and Caroline McGilvrey James Mailliard Rodney and Carol McGinnis Bruce and Dianne Mair Stephen and Lori McGinnis Steven and Mary Mairose McGinnis and Company, Sioux Falls John and Alice Majeres Thomas and Marcia McGrann Michael and Alissa Makens Charlotte McGrath Terry Makepeace Michael and Jean McHale Tamra Makram Craig and Julie McKay Don and Joann Malaterre Katie McKee William and Mary Malenfant Meaghan McKenna Bob and Kathy Mallano R and L McKenna Robert and Tammy Mallett Jill McKenney PJ and Kathie Maloney Gary and Peggy McKeown Tim and JoAnn Malsom Jen McKeown Monsignor Charles Mangan Todd and Adrienne McKeown Anita Manning Jim and Connie McKnight Brad Manning Melinda McLaughlin Harry and Connie Mansheim Mitchell McLaughlin Michael and Debby Marback Steve and Nancy McLaughlin John Marchlik Judith McLean Steve Marckstadt McLeod’s, Mitchell Maria Hopkins Real Estate, Sioux Falls Ashley McMahon Barry Markl Emily McMahon Max Marko Kathy McMahon Demos and Michele Markos Kerri McMahon Bill Marlette Chad and Jeniffer McManus Kristin Marlow Gregory and Laurie McNamara Jody Marone Jeanne McNicholas Patrick Maroney Michael and Sheila McQuade Christiane Maroun Continued on Next Page


Continued Todd Mockler Cyndee McVay Modern Woodmen, Freeman MDS Manufacturing, Parkston Richard Moe John Meaney Don and Geraldine Moffenbier Matt and Katie Meert Luke and Mariah Mogler Todd and Molly Meester Marilynn Mohlenhoff Heidi Mehlhaf Daniel and Mary Mohr Deacon Peter and Paddy Mehlhaff Drake and Joan Mohr Jim and Ann Mehlhaff Eugene and Alice Mollet Michael Mehlhaff Dick Molseed Paul Mehlhaff Nicole Monahan Ruth Mehlhaff John and Catherine Moneke Roy Mehling Micheal and Ann Monnens Kevin and Sue Meier Tom and Cynthia Monnin Dana Meinen Vivian Monroe Kara Meisinger Nona Moore Tim and Gail Meland Raeburn Moore Kelly and Dawn Melius Valerie Moore Daryl and Anne Mello Vonnie Moos Lily Mellor Jaelyn Morehead Maurice and Marilyn Mendenhall Mark and Peggy Moreno Lori Menke Jim and Dorothy Morgan Tony and Carrie Menke Thomas Morgan Richard and Dianna Menning Steve and Sharon Morgans Donna Menzia Patrick Moriarty Mercer Investment Consulting, St. Louis, MO Rita Morin Shelly Merrick Jerry and Rita Mork Jenette Merrill Carl Morris David and Bonny Merxbauer Andrew Mortenson John and Victoria Messano Thomas and Beverly Moshier Gary and Mary Messerli Jonathan Moss Steve and Leila Messier Karen Moss Amanda Mettler Mother of God Monastery, Watertown Michael Mettler Chris and Hannah Motz Matt and Kim Metzgar Dennis and Janice Motz Adam and Carmen Meyer Jeremy Mounsdon Bobbi Meyer Mr Goodcents, Sioux Falls Debbie Meyer Derek and Briana Mueller Lawrence and Dorothy Meyer Mark and Ann Mueller Paul and Margaret Meyer Judy Mulder Ronald Meyer Michael and Janice Mullin Steve and Lee Ann Meyer James Mundt Tom and Kathy Meyer Joanne Murphy Tom and Marilyn Meyer Kevin Murphy Meyerhoff & Associates Lynn Murphy Susan Meylink Matt Murphy Connie Michel Richard and Sandra Murphy Dan and Linda Mickalowski Robert and Suzanne Murphy Mark and Cynthia Mickelson Michael and Kristin Murray Jeffrey and Christy Miedema Bonnie Murtha James and Melody Mielke Darcey Murtha Judy Miiller Music Service of South Dakota, Sioux Falls Rebecca Mikel Mustard Seed, Sioux Falls Reverend Joseph Miksch Dick and Darlene Muth Carol Mikuska Paul and Deborah Muth Brock and Carol Milan Muth Electric Inc., Mitchell Dennis Miller MWA Chapter 2703 Earl Miller MWA Chapter 3465 Jodi Miller Travis and Tracy Myers Jordan Miller Alex and Beth Nagel Kristen Miller Eugene and Stella Nagel Michele Miller George and Janine Nagrodsky Monty and Cindy Miller Shane and Jennifer Namanny Rob and Trisha Miller Irvin and Dori Nash Tom and Sheryl Miller Slater Nash Miller Funeral Home, Sioux Falls Sam Nastase Patrick and Karens Mills Merle Nault Madison Mingo James and Eileen Nawroth Minnehaha Country Club, Sioux Falls Timothy Neau Minnesota Twins, Minneapolis, MN Charles and Joyce Nedved James and Jeanice Miskimins Steve and Nancy Neff Ross and Nina Mitchell Randy and Debbie Nehring Mitchell Foundation for Catholic Education Continued on Next Page


Continued Duane O’Connell Dave and Holly Neilan Janice OConnor Angela Nelson Ed O’Connor Anne Nelson Edward and Miriam O’Connor Bethany Nelson Kevin and Abbie O’Connor Bradley and Sara Nelson Michael and Janice O’Connor Chris Nelson Mike and Janice O’Connor Chuck Nelson Edwin Oguledo Cynthia and Jeff Nelson Ryan O’Hara Don Nelson John Oksness Doug and Nancy Nelson Doug and Carol Oleson Kevin and Kay Nelson Mary Olinger Pamela Nelson Bill and Kathie Ollerich Roy Nelson Jerry and Jean Ollerich Dennis and Beth Nemmers Bert and Cindy Olson Jim and Judy Neu Bradley Olson Michael Neufeld Chase Olson Tim and Nicole Neugebauer James and Joanie Olson Zachary Neugebauer John and Phyllis Olson Scott and Lori Neutzling Keith Olson Allison Nevins Kimberlee Olson New York Life Insurance-Shelly Skluzak-Goetz, Sioux Matthew Olson Falls Scott Olson Susan Newell Sonja Olson Kevin and Marlae Newman Sue Olson Rich and Alice Newsam Terry and Sue Olson Vu Nguyen Evelina Omagap Dean and Jean Nichols Pat and Peggy O’Malley John and Bridget Nichols Mike and Michelle Ommen Neil and Alice Nickelson Shiloh Oorlog John and Charlyn Nickolas Madonna Opbroek Mike and Rose Nickolas Modesta Opbroek Jaclyn Nielsen Dennis Opferman Terry Nielsen Ophthalmology LTD, Sioux Falls Brad and Kristi Nieman Casey and Alyssa Opland Mike Nieman Betty Ordal Rhonda Niewenhuis Brendan O’Rourke Rita Nnaemeka-Okoyeh Matthew and Keri Orstad No Streak Window Cleaning, Sioux Falls Douglas and Nancy Ortmann Timothy Nobles Jeff and Kym Osterberg Pat Nogelmeier Russ and Linette Ostermann John and Patty Nohr Per and Chantel Ostrem JR Nolasco Edna Otten Phien Nong James Ouverson Norberg Paints, Sioux Falls Russell and Mary Overbay Sam and Amanda Nordquist J. David and Barbara Overland Reverend Jeff Norfolk Clint and Brandi Overskei Mike and Melinda North Frank and Doloris Owens North Central Commercial, Sioux Falls John and Andrea Oyen Delbert and Kathleen Northrup Jane Page Mr and Mrs Harry Northrup Randolph and Donna Page Mike and Mary Nosbush Dale Paintner Travis Noteboom Alicia Palmer Chad Novak Thad and Jenny Pals William and Mary Novetzke Gary and Alice Parks Stani Ntambue and Christine Kanama Rita Parsley Beverly Nuebel Marva Parsons (dec) Amy Nusz Stephen and Audrey Partin Mary and Eric Nydegger Darla Pasch John and Deann Nystrom Clayton and June Paschen Nystrom Electrical Contracting, Pierre Pascucci Family Foundation, Melville, NY Tom and Karen Oakes Mary Ann Patricio Mr and Mrs Thomas Oberembt Linda Patterson Oblate Sisters, Marty Maggie Patterson Patricia O’Brien Mark Patterson Robert C and Patricia O`Brien Rachel Paula Steve and Kris O’Brien Paulsen Marketing, Sioux Falls Valerie O’Brien Chuck and Lois Paulson Hunter and Rebecca Obrigewitch Paul and Joyce Paulson Liadan O’Callaghan Josh and Melissa Pavlish Virgilio and Gloria Ocampo Mark and Julie Payne Jordan and Miranda Ochocki Don and Mary Peacock Bob and Kristine O’Connell Continued on Next Page


Continued Jerry and Jacqueline Pommer Pearle Vision, Sioux Falls Bonnie Popper Cassie Pease Amanda Pospischil Janice Pecenka Mary Pospischil David and Mary Pedersen Doug Post Paul and Bernice Pedersen Linda Potter Rebecca Pedersen Doris Powell Kaitlin Pederson Mary Powell Richard Pedrosa Travis and Briana Powell Daniel and Makala Peed Mark and Cindy Pranger Joseph and Kay Pekas Esme Pratt Michael and Karen Pekas Precious Metal Refining Services, Inc., Barrington, IL Chris Pellerzi Presentation Sisters, Aberdeen Joseph and Mildred Pellish Aaron Prestbo Thomas and Linda Penisten Lyle and Jerilyn Preston Nicholas Penning Greg and Esther Preszler Brian Pepito Brad and Tracie Price Salvador and Vicky Perez Tom and Pat Price Karren Perkinson W. Allen Price Andy and Donna Perrion Pride Neon, Inc., Sioux Falls Louise Perrion Jerry and Dana Priebe Kathy Perrizo Priebe Insurance Agency, Sioux Falls Joe Perron Principal Financial Group, Sioux Falls Elizabeth Perry Project for Life, Inc., Mellville, NY Margaret Perry Mark Promes Terry and Dee Peschl Promises Kept LLP, Sioux Falls David Peschong Richard and Sheryle Prostrollo James and Elizabeth Peschong Bruce Prouse and Diane Bottolfson Steve and Kathy Peschong Monica Pruys Bradl and Jaclyn Pesicka Donald Pryce John and Denita Pesicka Wayne and Mary Puetz Travis and Megan Petermann Puetz Design & Build, Mitchell Bill and Sue Peters Charles and Lexi Pugsley Brian and Mary Peters Larry and Kathleen Pulford Jane Peters Mike and Susan Pulizzi David and Bev Petersen Nikki Punt Roy Petersen Robert and Linda Purlee Stephen and Kamie Peterson Larry Puthoff Todd and Patty Petersen Chuck Pyle April Peterson Quality Quick Print, Aberdeen Charlotte Peterson Jan Quenzer Eugene Peterson Tom and Elizabeth Quinlan Jeffrey Peterson Tim and Melissa Quinn Kent and Cindy Peterson Bonnie Quissell Mark and Sarah Peterson R Wine Bar, Sioux Falls Zachary and Katherine Peterson Nathan and Katie Raak Andrea Petrasko Torre and Denise Raap Marian and Andrea Petrasko Kathleen Raba Wayne and Sandra Petree Janelle Rabenberg Brett Pettigrew Judith Radermacher David and Rita Pettigrew Deacon William and Debby Radio Ed and Siri Pflipsen Jim and Grace Radke James and Jennifer Philbrick Richard and Diane Rahm Keith Phillip Alison Rainbow Julie Phillips Nick Rallis Ryan and Kia Pidde Gus Ramirez Gary Pierce Ramkota, Sioux Falls Kate Piercemogen Gail Ramynke Margaret Pierson Marlene Rance Ray and Ann Pierson Dustin and Diana Randall Keith and Angela Pillatzki Rebecca Randall Tom Pillatzki Randall Pharmacy, Redfield Virginia Pinheiro John and Jeanne Ranek Daniel Pinkelman Reverend Jerome Ranek Denise and Jud Pins Kirk Rangel Ted (dec) and Beverly Pins Jeff and Julie Ranum Dan and Gayla Piroutek Glenn and Jean Rasmussen Pizza Ranch, Sioux Falls Peter Rasmusson Rachel Ann Plucker John Rasonabe Connie Plut Tara Ratzlaff Lorraine Podiephatshwa Michael Rauenhorst Tom and Sally Polak Andrew and Maggie Rausch John and Tanya Polkinghorn Continued on Next Page


Continued Linda Robison Daniel and Michelle Rausch Ann Roby David Rausch Carla Roby Jacob Rausch Don and Kelly Roby Mike and Lonie Rausch Michael and Sherry Rockne Susanne Rausch Janet Roelofsen Val and Paula Rausch Alan and Ronda Roemen Rausch Granite Interiors, Big Stone City Dan and Renee Roemen Richard and Suzanne Rauschenbach Alan and Jerri Rogers Darlene Rautenkranz Emmet and Mary Gayle Rogers Monte Raymond Teri Rogers Real Presence Radio, Fargo ND Thad and Liz Rogers Debra Ream Gerald and Kathy Roggenbuck Margaret Reardon (dec) Kathy Roggenbuck Thomas and Kristin Reaves Millie Roggenbuck Reaves Building System, Sioux Falls Tammy Rogness Kurt and Jane Reder Brent and Shayna Rohl Christopher and Carla Reding Ken and Sharon Rohmiller Brad and Jean Reed Ed and Roseann Roman Gordon and Linda Reetz Joyce Romkema Uldarico and Marilyn Refugio Barry Ronning Rehfeld’s Art and Framing, Sioux Falls James Ronning Jerald and Theresa Reichling Gaard Rops Donald and Joan Reiffenberger Tizoc Rosales Tim and Dona Reiffenberger Debbie Roscoe Joe and Leslee Reiland Carl Rose Brian and Christine Reilly Daniel and Twyla Roskup Robert and Sharon Reilly Angela Roster Brian Reimer Wayne and Monica Roster Will and Kathleen Reinbold Denise Rotert Mark and Nancy Reindl Cecil and Lois Roth Duane Reiners Connie Roth Dylan Reinhardt Dan Roth Steven Reinke Debra Roth Loretta Reinschmidt Delores Roth Paul and Nancy Reisch Tracey Rothenberger Donna Reisdorf Frank Rotta Gregory and Cynthia Reiter Ellen Roufs Allen Remily Dennis Rounds Clarence and Katherine Remily Jamie and Cathy Rounds Rodney and Audrey Remily Rosemary Rounds Elizabeth Renbarger Shilo Rouse Dan and Rita Renner Jane Rowe Robert and Sandy Rennolet Royal Canin, North Sioux City Mary Rensink Michael and Joanne Rozell Republic National Distributing, Sioux Falls James and Pamela Rozolis Richard and Jane Reuwsaat Jerry and Kay Rubendall Jacob Reyes John and Kim Rubendall David and Carol Reznicek Ruby Tuesday, Sioux Falls Joel Rezhieck Chris and Emily Ruden Kevin Rhodes Jordana Runck Delores Rice Vaughn Rundquist Roberta Rice Runge Enterprises, Inc., Sioux Falls Deacon Gordon and Alma Richard Imelda Rupp Cynthia Richardson Art and Lana Rusch Edward and Rita Richter Matt and Lori Rusch Robert Rickel Katy Rush Marie Rickert James and Jeanette Rutten Deacon Glenn and Colene Ridder Joe and Laura Rutten Ryan Ridl Mike and Kathy Rutten Bill and Jackie Rieffenberger Reverend John Rutten Bob Ries (dec) Reverend Paul Rutten Dennis and Lois Ries Rose Ann Ryan JoAnn Ries Jim and Jodi Rysavy Ray and Mary Ring Blaine and Penny Saarie Jeff and Angela Rink Brian and Kari Saarie Thomas and Kristin Ripperda Brad and Morgan Saathoff Norma Riss Kenneth Sabers Elaine Roberts Terry and Deb Sabers Peggy Roberts Sacred Heart Altar Society, Westport Duncan Robertson Sacred Heart Parish, Aberdeen Tom and Luz Robertson Jim and Maureen Sage Dennis and Cindy Robinson Continued on Next Page


Continued Chris and Kathryn Schmit Michele Sage Mary Schmitz Paul Salem (dec) Matt and Lisa Schmitz Janae Sampson Raymond and Linda Schmitz Curt and Sue Samson Shelly Schneekloth Micah and Amy Samson Dan and Donna Schneider Mitchell and Bridget Samson David and Jane Schneider Reverend Jordan Samson Eugene and Marilyn Schneider Russell and Angel Samson Todd and Chelli Schneider Stuart and Krissa Samson Vivian Schneider Trevor and Erica Samson Kevin and April Schnieder Delphina Sanborn Darlene Schnieders Sands Drywall Inc., Sioux Falls Janelle Schochenmaier Sanford Hospital and Health System, Sioux Falls Jake Schoenbeck Sanford Sports Medicine, Sioux Falls Lee and Donna Schoenbeck Sanford Wellness Center, Sioux Falls Schoenbeck Law, PC, Watertown Fred Santiago Erin and Wade Schoenbeck-Byer John Santini Bradley and Teresa Schoenfelder Francisco Santos Charlie and Sara Schoenfelder Steve Sarbacker Terry and Lou Ann Schoenfelder Bill and Joanne Sarringar Vilas and Jane Schoenfelder Julie Sass Virgil and Mary Ann Schoenfelder Duane and Diane Sather Walter Schoenfish Paul and Kelsie Sather Ellen Scholten Greg and Kathleen Satter Peggy M. Scholten Craig Sauer Nina Scholtz Evelyn Sautner Andrew and Tawny Schotzko Stephen Savulak Dennis and Doris Schrank Kristi Saxlund Lita Schreier Dorothy Sayre Paul and Cindy Schreter Mrs Karon Schaack Emily Schreur BJ and Brandei Schaefbauer Brianna Schreurs Keith and Ann Schaefbauer Stu and Karen Schreurs Larry Schaefbauer Wilma Schreurs William Schaefbauer Brian and Deb Schroeder Gary and Linda Schaefer Donald and Mary Schroeder Mr and Mrs Vernon Schaefer Jan Schroeder Patricia Schaefer William and Valerie Schroeder William Schaefer Tom and Lori Schuch Kay and Jack Schafer Douglas and Joan Schueller Larry and Bonnie Schafer Matthew and Audrey Schuller Paul and Tara Schafers Jon and Nancy Schulte Jon and Katy Schaff Linda Schulte Joseph and Joan Schaffer Michael and Ellen Schulte Joe Schartz Richard and Katherine Schulte Ben and Alice Schatz Chad and Jessica Schultz Steve and Susan Schatz Tom and Jacque Schumacher Louine Schaufler (dec) James Schumadine Obadiah Scheich John Schuman Pat and Dawn Scheier Todd and Teresa Schuver Scott and Kris Schemmel Tom and Kathy Schwader Missy Schentzel Schwan Financial Group, Aberdeen Scherer Properties, Crooks Stephanie Schwans Don and Marlys Scherschligt Rosemary Schwarz Brad and Debra Schiefelbein Tom and Tami Schwebach Kevin Schieffer Greg and Melissa Schweiss Jared and Renee Schilling Alan and Christine Schwenk Danny Schiltz Alleana Schwiesow Mary Schiltz Jeremy Scott Michelle Schipper Ruth Ann Scott Allen and Tanya Schlenker Ryan and Rondi Scoular Jeff Schlenker SDN Communications, Sioux Falls David and Karla Schlosser William and Susan Sealey Craig and Peggy Schlumpberger Carol Sebert Richard and Priscilla Schmeelk Rita Sebert Alanna Schmeichel Security National Bank, Sioux Falls Steve Schmeichel George and Renaye Sees Brenda Schmidt Joe and Janelle Sees Brian Schmidt Mike and Kris Sees John and Katherine Schmidt James and Connie Seiler Jon and Jessie Schmidt Coral Selken Tim Schmidt Carmen Selting Connie Schmiesing Continued on Next Page


Continued John Smedsrud Joseph Senden Ron Smit Kenneth and Dawn Senger Aaron Smith Rick Senner Alana Smith David and Jennifer Serbousek Alberta Smith George and Joan Sercl Amber Smith Tim and Luci Serlet Douglas Smith Serra Club of Sioux Falls Evalyn Smith Serra Club of Watertown Jean (Dee) Smith Corey and Katherine Sestak Jesse and Ellen Smith Elaine Seurer Jon and Karen Smith Aaron and Kimber Severson Lisa Smith Jordan Severson Michael Smith Linda Sevigny Regan Smith Marvin and Judy Seyer Reverend Daniel Smith Shady Oak Realty, Inc., Ortonville, MN Roger and Bonnie Smith Rosemary Shafer (dec) Samuel and McKinsey Smith Kristine Shaffer Steven and Carol Smith Kathryn Shatek Lydel and Tanya Snaza Ronald Shatek Ronald and Darlou Snaza Grant Shaw Luis Soares Peter and Angela Shaw Dave and Edna Sobania Sydney Shaw Alex and Michelle Socia Donna Sheehan Sodak Sports, Mitchell John and Jane Sheehan James Sodd Wiliam Sheerin Scott and Kim Soldatke Lauren Shell Leffler Craig and Heidi Solem Sheraton Hotel, Sioux Falls Monte and Margaret Solma Steven and Janiece Sheridan Barry and Carol Solomon Joseph and Agnes Shields Barry Solomon Mark and Cherie Shishnia Anita Sommer Mark and Peggy Shlanta Riley and Kate Sommer Mark and Toni Shook Sam and Judy Sommers Reverend John Short Becca Sotebeer Robert and Mary Short Edward and Therese Soukup Showplace Cabinetry, Harrisburg Jim and Angie Soukup Veronica Shriver South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Brian Shuler South Dakota Trust Company, LLC, Sioux Falls Ladd and Mary Jo Siebert Deb Souvignier Linda Siebrasse James and Deborah Souvignier Sheryl Siemonsma Linda Sovell Vernon and Amanda Sieps Brian Spader Darrell Sieve Duane and Elaine Spader Ronald Sieve Joseph and Ann Spader Martin Sieverding Spader Business Mgnt Inc., Sioux Falls Sai Sila Nathan and Audra Sparks Silver Stone Group, Sioux Falls Teresa Spartz Tom Simmons Chris and Stephanie Specht Carol Ann Simon Taylor Specht Megan Simon Al and Judy Spencer Merrill and Kate Simon Adam and Michelle Spies Sue Simons Ed and Gail Spies Sioux Equipment Co, Inc., Sioux Falls Mike Spillum Sioux Falls Estate Planning Council David Spolum Sioux Falls Ford, Sioux Falls Rhonda Sprecher Sioux Falls Golf, Sioux Falls Guy Sprenger Sioux Falls Sports, Sioux Falls Arwin Spronk Sioux Valley Energy Customer Trust, Inc., Colman Danny and Patricia Sprouse Sisters of St Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mitchell Nathan and Macaria Sprouse Patricia Sivesind SS Simon and Jude Parish, Flandreau Richard and Helen Siy St Agnes Parish, Vermillion Skate City, Sioux Falls St Ann Parish, Humboldt Nick and Anna Skibba St Anthony of Padua, Bowdle Alec Skidmore St Anthony Parish, Selby Loren and Suzanne Skinner St Benedict Parish, Yankton James and DeLonde Skrovig St Bernard Parish, Redfield Sky Zone, Sioux Falls St Boniface Altar Society, Freeman Janet Slater St Charles Parish, Big Stone City Leslie Slater St Isidore Church, Columbus, NE Matthew and Deanna Sleep St James Parish, Chamberlain Marlene Slothouber St Joseph Catholic School, Pierre Malgorzata Slupska St Joseph Parish, Elk Point Steven and Lisa Small Continued on Next Page


Continued Matt and Jody Stork St Joseph Parish, Eureka Alyssa Storm St Joseph Parish, Mobridge Sharon Story St Joseph the Worker Parish, Berkley, CA Joleen Stout St Joseph the Workman Parish, Huntimer Aaron and Lauren Strand St Katharine Drexel Parish, Sioux Falls George Strandell St Lambert Parish, Sioux Falls Sidney and Diane Strange St Lawrence Catholic School, Milbank Judy Stransky St Lawrence Parish, Milbank Dale and Ruth Strasser St Mary Cemetery, Revillo Tom Stritecky St Mary Parish, Dell Rapids Paul Strong St Mary Parish, Salem Mark and Jenni Struck St Mary Parish, Sioux Falls Betsy Stubbe St Mary School, Dell Rapids Judy Studelska St Michael Cemetery, Eden Harold Sturm St Michael Cemetery, Sioux Falls Todd and Brianna Sturm St Michael Parish, Herried Jenelle Suchy St Michael Parish, Sioux Falls Anna Suckow St Monica Church. Moraga, CA Sue Sudtelgte St Patrick Parish, Montrose Raed and Christiane Sulaiman St Peter Parish, Jefferson Dorothy Sullivan (dec) St Peter Parish, Sisseton Robert and Elaine Sullivan St Teresa of Calcutta Parish, Dakota Dunes Ron Sullivan Elizabeth Stabrawa Claude and Mary Summers Ryan and Tanna Stadler Lee and Nicole Sumner Carol Staebell Joel and Stephanie Sumption Delores Staebell (dec) Sunshine Club, Huron Paul and Kathy Staebell Janice Sutera Ronald Staebell Bobby and Lori Sutton Daniel Stahl Chuck and Val Sutton Mary Ann Stahlke Patricia Sutton Standard Trust, Sioux Falls Sutton Bay Golf, LLC Jason and Barb Stangeland Marc and Teresa Svartoien Gerald Stanton Linda Swanson Elizabeth Starrett Constance Swarthout State Farm Insurance, Atkinson, NE Shane Swedlund Matthew and Linda Statz Joe and Ashley Swedzinski Norman Statz Kathryn Sweere Steve and Julie Statz Richard and Kathy Sweetman Ed (dec) and Delores Staudenmier Lisa Swenson Joel and Liz Stauss Wayne and Gayle Swenson Steel Eagle, Elk Point Swenson Advisory Group, Sioux Falls Matthew and Kelli Steffes Martin and Erin Szabo Courtney Stegenga Joe and Diane Sztapka Mark and Diane Stegmaier Kevin Ta Charles and Donna Stehly Angelina Tabay Joanne Steichen Roman and Carol Taffe Dolores Steilen Noah Daniel Taj Ann Stein TAK Communications, Sioux Falls Wes and Jeryl Lynn Stein Maria and Anthony Tanata Jeff Steinberger Taphouse 41, Sioux Falls Elmer and Vivian Steiner Dustin Taylor Wayne and Cindy Steinhauer T-Brothers Logistics, Sioux Falls Michael and Kathryn Steinhoff Jennifer Teisinger Chad and Michelle Stemper Max Temple Rose Ann Stensland Larry and Darlene Tentinger Stephanie Stensland Keith and Janice TerMeer Mark Stephens Reverend Gary J Ternes Robin Stephens Genna Terveer Robert and Lori Stephenson Ron Tesch Steven T. Horning, CPA, Watertown Texas Roadhouse, Sioux Falls Brian and Marie Steward Jim and Tracy Thares Tim and Colleen Stich The Country Club of Sioux Falls Sticks and Steel, Sioux Falls The Resort by SDK, Harrisburg Amanda Stidd Gregory and Carol Thelin Sara Stiefvater Bette Theobald John and Laurie Stiegelmeier Chris and Laura Thesenvitz Evan Stine Michael and Theresa Thesenvitz Chance and Erika Stoeser Mr and Mrs Travis Thie Mark and Tenison Stone Ted and Cindy Thie Russ and Marilyn Stone Zach and Rachel Thies Shaney and Stephanie Stone Gary and Grace Thimsen Kathy Storhaug Continued on Next Page


Continued Colleen Tschida Suja Thomas Jeffrey and Marilyn Tubandt Thomas James Jewelers, Sioux Falls Darla Tuch Annie Thompson Loren and Sandy Tucholke David and Marilyn Thompson Roger and Lissa Turbak ElaineThompson Dan and Sandy Turgeon Jim and Susan Thompson Brian Turner John and Judy Thompson Chuck and Jane Turner LeaAnne Thompson Doug and Mary Turner Penny Thompson James Turner Richard Thompson Lucas Turner Thompson Electric Co., Sioux Falls Roger and Mary Turner Ted Thoms Turner Drug, Bowdle Brian Thomsen Mike and Patty Turnwall Tony and Maywin Thoreson Jeff and Kris Tuschen Lawrence Thornton George and C Tusler Thornton Carpets, Sioux Falls Dena Tveidt-Scott Arnold Thuente Deacon Joe and Diana Twidwell Chuck and Elaine Thuringer Two Way Solutions, Inc., Sioux Falls Daryl and Anita Thuringer Kathy Tyler Dave and Rexanne Thuringer Tim and Kathy Tyler Reverend Gerald Thury Joe and Clarice Uckert Charles Tibbetts Carrie Ufkes Luke Tibbetts Dean and Jeanette Uher Nate Tibbetts Gene and Brigitte Uher Stuart and Pamela Tiede Glenn and Millie Ulvestad Katherine Tierney Uncle Ed’s Specialty Meats, Sioux Falls Tiger Corporation, Sioux Falls United Concrete, Harrisburg Dan and Andrea Timblin University of Sioux Falls Ken Timblin Allen Unruh Lane Timm Nathan Unruh David and Rita Timmer Larry and Mary Anne Urban Douglas and Mary Timmer Reverend Anthony Urban Nathan and Sarah Timmer Urology Specialists, Sioux Falls Leann Tinklenberg US Bank, Sioux Falls Dorothy Tinnell Amy Uttecht Tinner’s Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls Dale and Janice Valberg Pat Tisdall Margaret Valleau Luis O Tobar Kathleen Van Beek Maty Tofte Robert and Marilyn Van DeMark Casey and Dawn Tomac Laura Van Der Weide Andrew Tomsche Ken and Elaine Van Dover Robert and Geraldine Tong Troy a nd Julie Van Dover Joseph Tooley Wade and Cindy Van Dover Lloyd and Kalah Tooley Douglas and Lori Van Ede Gloria Top Emily Van Genderen Toppers Pizza, Sioux Falls Tony Van Goor Vickie and Rodney Torgerson Nancy Van Heerde Touchmark at All Saints, Sioux Falls Merlin Van Hofwegen Bill and Teresa Townsend Charles Van Hout Pat Townsend Robert and Joan Van Liere Dan and Ann Tracy Nick and Marie Van Loh Deacon Timothy and Kathleen Tracy Jessica Van Oort Gerald and Alexis Tracy Nancy Van Otterloo Trail Ridge Retirement Community, Sioux Falls Lucas and Maria Van Oeveren Dao Tran Charlotte Van Roekel Dave and Vickie Traupel Brendan and Lynn Van Sambeek Tom and Barb Travis Shawna Van Voorst Donald and Dolores Traxler Vance Thompson Vision, Sioux Falls Karen Treadway Anne Vande Hoef Patty Treimer Scott Vanden Bosch Deacon Paul and Julie Treinen Dorothy Vanden Brink Greg Tripp Kimberly VanDen Top Larry and Margie Tritschler Debra Vandenbosch Tom Trom Lois Vander Maten Monte and JoAnn Troske Emily Vander Schaaf Rory and Ginny Troske Dennis and Mary Vanderheiden Joe and Jackie Trudeau Margaret Vanderwerff Joe Trudeau Mary Vanderwerff Linette Trudeau Ron and Rosemary Van Laecken Lois Tschetter Ryan and Jennifer Van Laecken Loren Tschetter Tyler and Abigail Van Liere Paul and Amanda Tschetter Continued on Next Page


Continued Thomas and Kathleen Walsh Stephen and Karen Van Mullem Michelle Walter Gary and Sharon Van Riper Julie Waltz Rick and Joan Van Sambeek Deacon Mike and Mary Wambach Kory Vansickle Keith and Julie Wanner Ken and Jeanne Varilek Mick and Brenda Warborg Laura Varilek Charlie Ward Eleonora Vascotto Jeff Ward Meredith Vaselaar Steve and Brenda Washenberger Kevin and Patricia Vaska Washington Pavilion, Sioux Falls Betty Vaughn Grant and Patricia Washnok Brady Vaughn and Taylor Kathol Waterbury Heating & Cooling Inc., Sioux Falls Tim and Jenny Vavra Ben and Anita Watkins Elonne Veen Bill and Marjorie Watson Mary Ann Velde Carolyn Wattier Caleb Veldhouse James and Kelly Weaver Abhay Venkatesh Mark and Carolee Weber Linda Ver Steeg Joel and Denise Weber Vern Eide Motorcars, Sioux Falls JoLynn Weber Nancy Versteeg Kyle Weber Vertek Corporation, Colchester, VT Mark and Carolee Weber Dave and Sara Vetch Mark and Michelle Weber Katherine Vetch Marshall Weber Larry and Joyce Vetch Nick and Mary Ellen Weber Shane Vetch Pat Weber Travis and Tami Vetch Rick and Mary Weber Mike and Marla Vetter Roger Weber Mark and Lisa Viehweg Scott and JoLynn Weber Thomas Vieira Therese Weber Carol Viereck Tim and Terri Weber Richard and Gail Viereck Susan Weddle Gary and Jeanne Viken Pat Wegener Darla Vilhauer Tim Wegener David Vilhauer Michele Weineke Greg Villena Martin and Roxanna Weisbeck Shalece Vinson Dean and Shanna Weiss Joanna Vitek Lawrence Weiss Peter Vitiello Eric Weisser Chad and Marcie Voelker Rose Weitgenant Nick and Jolene Vogel Andrew Welbig Reverend Joseph Vogel Carol Welbig Ron and Shelley Vogel Sr Lynn Marie Welbig PBVM Brian and Patty Vognild Bill and Sue Welder Clarice Voight Thomas and Terry Welk Susan Vojta Bruce Weller Gene and Jeanne Vold Cole Weller Nicholas Volin Russ and Jean Weller Joe and Megan Volk Jill Wellhouse Maurita Volk Craig and Michelle Wells Michael and Kathy Volker Mike and Cindy Welu Brian and Serena Voller Katherine Wenande Carl VonDrak Ron and Peggy Wencl Ted Voss Roger Wendling Laura Vostad Richard and Rita Wendt Joyce Vukmanic Ed and Deanne Weninger Rita Waba Reverend Michael Wensing Lesley and Sonia Wachendorf Terrence and Sylvia Wensing Dan Wagner Erika Wentz Jessica Wagner Jeffrey and Linda Weppler Marjorie Wagner Ed and Patti Werdel Mike and Candy Wagner Troy and Lisa Werdel Peter Wagner Everly Werkmeister Teresa Wagner-Surrell Janice Wermers Walden Carpets, Sioux Falls Ina Wesche Jeff and Monica Walder Randy and Angie West Ron and Val Waletich Kristi Westra David and Patty Waletzko Larry and Anita Wetsch Alan Walker Catherine Wetzeler Bryan Wallenberg Nick and Paula Weydert Karen Wallenberg Elizabeth Whalen Randall Wallenberg Thomas and Catherine Whalen Doug and Missy Wallin Mark and Liz Whaley Cindy Walsh Continued on Next Page


Continued Kevin York Chuck and Peggy Wheeler Betty Yost Justin and Tracy Wheeler David and Vicki Young Charles White Don and Barb Young Kyle and Jean White Emily Young Michael White Keith Young Jerry and Kathy Whiteside Clara Yu Mark Whitley and Kelly Vaughn-Whitley Airan Yuan Colleen Wibright Peter Yurek David and Marilyn Wick Henry and Gayle Zach Jane Wick Donald and Maggie Zahm Cyndee Widman Moira Zahn Susan Wiebesiek Mary Zanter Marcia Wiedebush Margaret Zard Jake and Brenda Wieneke Brenda Zastoupil Sindy Wiertzema Jay Zea Karin Wiese Kirk and Jan Zeeck Wight & Comes Funeral Chapel, Watertown Raymond Zeleski Rhonda Wilber Ken and Pat Zens Wild Water West, Sioux Falls Don and Peg Zilverberg Mike and Monica Wilde Cody Zilverberg and Wesley Fletcher Rebecca Wilharm Arlene Zimmer Steve and Julie Wilka Marlys Zimmer (dec) Debra Willett Reverend James W Zimmer Brian and Anne Williams Ferdy and Susan Zirbel Dennis and Joyce Williams Lyle and Candace Zirbel Drew Williams Kristen and Joe Zueger Greg Kohlenberg and Sue Williams Antonio and Patricia Zumpano Jason Williams Mark and Sheri Willrodt Mark and Jodi Wilson Steven and Jennifer Wingate Brianna Wingen Kathleen Wingen Pat (dec) and Theresa Wingen Bob and Deb Winkels Stan and Jan Winkels Douglas Winter Joel and Victoria Wipf Melinda Wirkus Laura Withorne-Maloney David and Marcia Withrow Amanda Witt Lawrence Witt Delton and Susan Witte Matthew and Deborah Witte Greg and Nan Wittenberg Cheryl Wold James Wold Darwin and Dawn Wolf Mackenzie Wolf Tim and Stephanie Wolles Todd Wolles Mike and Kathy Wollmann Robert and Cheryl Wollmann Kevin Wollmuth Ralph Woods Woods Fuller Shultz Smith, Sioux Falls Fran Wookey Bart and Barbara Workman Christopher Wosje Connie Wosje Scott and Kathy Wosje Jim and Penny Woster Tonia Woudstra Damiana Wright Pat Wright David and Leah Wunderlich Jacob and Jill Wurth Barbara Yambor-Kim Yankton Catholic Community Development Dee Yaroch Timothy Yerdon


These donors have made commitments to the Catholic Community Foundation through bequests in wills, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, life insurance, endowments and beneficiary designations. Donors can designate their gifts to a specific beneficiary or leave them unrestricted. These donors are recognized by membership in the St. Joseph Legacy Society.  Denotes an individual who is deceased

Jeanette Abbey  Ed and Agnes Casey Joseph and Shirley  Amendt Terry and Sharon Casey Catharine Anderson Reverend Richard Cashel  Craig and Barbara Anderson Loretta Cavanaugh  Reverend Edward F. Anderson Dale and Diane Christensen Reverend Joseph Anderson  John and Amy Christenson Reverend Terence Anderson Thomas and Mary Cink Reverend Thomas Anderson Patricia Clifford Anonymous Thomas and Abigail Cogley Margaret Appl Luverne Collignon  Regina Applehof  Reverend Thomas W. Connolly  Angela Aschoff  John  and Donna  Conzemius Theodore John Aschoff  Mark and Jeanie Conzemius Reverend Bernard Ashfeld  Irene Cordts  Mark and Caroline Bain May Louise Corney  Michael and Mary Kay Bannwarth Daniel and Janet Costello Reverend Hal Barber Dolores M. Costello Orrin  and Edith  Barger Thomas  and Delores P. Costello Celestine  and Mary Barondeau Deacon Ralph  and Rose  Counter Leona Barrett  William and Susan Crawford Lorraine Bauman  Dan  and Janet Cronin Miles and Lisa Beacom Margaret Cronin  Robert and Judie Beadle Matt and Janet Cronin Lucille Beaner  Don  and Jeanette  Culhane Richard and Marilyn Belatti Verlyn Curley Family Thomas Bendorf  Ed  and Jackie Curry Donald R. and Helen Berheim Gladys Curry  Marie Berringer  Tim and Patty Czmowski Agnes Berther  Thomas and Carol Dagel Dennis Bierschbach  Carl F. Dauman  Claire  and Mary Bierschbach Jack and Aggie Davidson Maurice and Pat Bierschbach Doug and Colleen Debelak Millie Biewer  Sister Mary A. Deering  David R. Billion William and Cyndi Dendinger Susan Birrenkott  David DeRouchey  Lloyd  Boehnen and Betty  Boehnen Roby Fred and Joan DeRouchey Marian H. Bower  Marvin  and Dorothy  DeSchepper Frank  and Delores  Brady Donavan  and Del Rae Dickes Sister Kathleen Agnes Brady  Jo Anne Dickinson Kevin and Rebecca Branick Robert Dix  Reverend James I. Bream Marcella Dockendorf  Karine Brennan  Laura Doetsch  Dorothy M. Brown  Yvonne Doss  Norbert  and Theresa  Bruggeman Donald  and Josephine  Dougherty Eldred M. Bruns  Richard  and Dorothy  Dougherty Mark and Christine Buche Monsignor James Michael Doyle John Buittner  Kevin and Karen Doyle Eugene and Evelyn  Bulian Susan Drew Lorraine Bullis Reverend Ladislaus Dudek  Eugenia Burggraff  Most Reverend Paul V. Dudley  Margaret Burggraff  James and Jane Dugan Monsignor Edward P. Burian Reverend Charles J. Duman Mary Jo Burnett  Monsignor Jerome Duraczynski  Louise Burns Ron Eiesland  Butch and Joan Byers Walter  and Catherine  Ellenbecker J. Patrick Byorth Viola Elpert  Paul Byorth Al  and Darlene Engbrecht Bill and Lynne Byrne Walter J. Erikson  Larry and Mary Canfield Alois Etteldorf  Eugene and Linda Cap Marce J. Etteldorf  Francis Carlson  Marcella H. Etteldorf  Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson John  and Florence Evans Reverend Howard W. Carroll  Reverend Rodney Farke James Carroll  Roger and Cathryn Feickert Mary Carson  Continued on Next Page


Continued Reverend Thomas Heck Jack and Linda Feldmeier Josephine Heier  Francis and Celine Fergen Wilbur  and Marjorie  Heimerman Henry and Carol Fergen D. Greg and Phyllis Heineman Kevin and Jan Feterl Dorothy Heinz  Steven and Laura Fiorello Harold  and Monica  Heitgen Edna Fischenich  Alice Helland  Reverend John Fischer Doris L. Henneous  Daniel and Jeanne Flaherty Dorothy Herbert Steve Fleischhacker  Monsignor Carlton P. Hermann Mary J. Fleming Kevin Herrick Leo P. Flynn  Frances Hess  Monsignor Andrew Foley  Lois Higbee  Charles Forrette Brian Hildebrant and Laura Diddle-Hildebrant Jon Fosheim  William R. Hoch  Deacon Bill and Anne Frankman Bruce and Danielle Holmquist-Holida Duane and Natalie Frick Tom and Kathy Holmes Reverend Jim Friedrich Reverend Jerome Holtzman Reverend Lawrence Friedrich  Ida Holzer Warren and Hilda Friessen Michael and Joann Honermann Agnes Gamiere  Jim and Rose Horner Mary B. Garry Margaret House  William and Mary Kay Garry Tom and Melissa Howes Robert Gartland  Bob and Sue Hoyle Kenneth and LaVonne Gaspar Rosalie Hubert Leo  and Fayola  Gaspar Thomas  and Jean Huegel Edmund Gassman  June Hunstiger  Jarold  and Jeanette Gebel Ruth Hunter  John and Patricia Gebhart Louis Hurwitz  Reverend Roger Geditz Mary Ihli Kathleen Gehan  Eileen Jacobson  Stephen  and Susan Gehring Reverend David Janes Beverley Geier Art Jarding  Wendelin  and Magdalena  Geier Sylvia Jaspers Donna M. Giese  Vernola Jelonek  Dennis and Jane Gilk Lucille Jensen  Jimmie Joe Gillespie  Paul Jermann  Mildred V. Giordano  Harvey and Cynthia Jewett Richard  and Anita  Girard Greg and Meg Johnson Robert and Marge Good Gene  and Audrey Jones Bonita Gorham  Gene Jr. and Cynthia Jones Bernita Graves  Reverend Paul Josten Dorothy Graves  Tom and DeeDee Josten Bob and Cara Gray Reverend James M. Joyce  Pauline Grendler  Cornelius Jungwirth  Marian Gresslin Elizabeth Jungwirth  Lyle  and Josephine  Griese Clarence  and Phyllis  Justice Muriel Grigg  William and Norma Kale Ralph and Sylvia  Grode Patrick  and Elenore  Kappel Laura Groos  Reverend John R. Kasch  John  and Amy Gruntmeir George N. Kayser  Emily Guhin Francis  and Frances  Keimig Most Reverend Thomas E. Gullickson Jerry  and Agnes Kelly John Gully  Margaret J. Kelly  Frank Hafner  Mary Kelly  Craig and Lisa Hagen Nora A. Kelly  Elsie Hajek  Myron and Laurie Keltgen Robert Hall  Pauline Kennedy  Robert Hamak John Kern Reverend William Hamak Charlotte Kirschman  Marvin  and Rita Hannasch Clarence  and Mildred  Klein John Hanrahan  Genevieve Klein  Doris Hansen Helen Klein  Magnes P.  and Dee Miller  Hansen Jenni Klein  Joe Hardes  Jerome and Jean Klein Jerry and Ardis Hardie John  and Agnes Klein Paul  and Loretta  Harris Mary Ann Klein  James and Nini Hart Priscilla Klein  Josephine Hartung  Patrick and TyLynn Klune Nelle A. Hartwig  Stephen  and Bernadette Koester Elsie Hazek  Sylvester Kolegraff  Marie Healy  Richard and Janet  Kolker Michael and Geraldine Healy Continued on Next Page


Continued Lois Miller (dec) Richard and Janet Kolousek Louis (dec) and Matilda Miller Richard and Cindy Korman Madona Miller (dec) Don and Shelly Kosiak Lillian Minton (dec) Deacon Jeffrey  and Lorraine Kowitz Alfred (dec) and Joan Miron Nicholas and Diane Kranz John and Catherine Moneke Ralph (dec) and Helen Kranz Rosella Montagne (dec) Tom and Anita Kranz Reverend Raymond Mowry (dec) Kevin and Mary Kroeze Anne Muhlenkort (dec) Reverend David Krogman Madonna Muller (dec) Lori Kruthoff Mike and Jan Mullin Reverend Al Krzyzopolski (dec) Adelaide Murphy (dec) Aelred and Irene Kurtenbach Dale (dec) and Joanne Murphy Frank and Jean (dec) Kurtenbach Daniel and Jean Murphy Reece and Kami Kurtenbach Jeremiah (dec) and Mary Jean (dec) Murphy James and Joan Lacey Reverend Joseph E. Murphy (dec) Reverend Darrell Lamberty (dec) Joseph R. Murphy (dec) Reverend John R. Lantsberger Eleanor Murray (dec) Mike Lantsberger Deacon Thomas Murray Jon and Shirley Larsen Richard and Darlene Muth Lawrence (dec) and Audian (dec) Larsen Sam and Lindalu (dec) Nastase Cecil Leber (dec) Cletus Natz (dec) Margaret Leibel (dec) James and Eileen Nawroth Anna Liesinger (dec) Clara Neal (dec) Paul (dec) and Therese (dec) Leon Steve and Nancy Neff Reverend Mark Lichter Randy and Debbie Nehring Dorothy Lichty (dec) Carney (dec) and Margaret (dec) Nelson Roger and Marcia Liebig Roger Nordstrom (dec) Lavina Liepold (dec) Reverend Jeff Norfolk Raymond Lindner (dec) Michael and Melinda North Corrine Lingberg Jeanette Noyes John and Barbara Lockwood Paul Oberlitner Jack and Virginia (dec) Lovett Lawrence (dec) and Christine O’Brien Jean Lowe (dec) James J. O’Connor (dec) John (dec) and Florence (dec) Lowell Patricia O’Connor Harold Lucas (dec) Reverend Paul Offerman (dec) Richard Luke Mary Olinger Dorothy Lyle (dec) Jerald and Jean Ollerich Steve and Roxanne Lynch Hubert J. (dec) and Frances (dec) Opbroek Lawrence Mack (dec) Madonna Opbroek Steve and Bev Mack Modesta Opbroek Raymond Mackel (dec) Reverend Anthony Opem (dec) Monsignor Richard Mahowald (dec) Gertrude Opem (dec) Bill and Diana Makens Reverend Richard J. Ortmeier (dec) Monsignor Charles Mangan Reverend William A. Osborn Harry and Connie Mansheim Tony Oster (dec) Reverend Lawrence J. Marbach (dec) Archie (dec) and Catherine (dec) Ostrander Thomas Marchetti J. David and Barbara Overland Reverend Joseph Mardian (dec) Lee Paa (dec) Patrick Maroney Dennis (dec) and Diane Padrnos Robert (dec) and Anna (dec) Martens Carlos Pareja (dec) Monsignor Myron Martin (dec) Robert (dec) and Marva Parsons James Martinmaas (dec) Leroy (dec) and Ann Patrick Carol Mattern Charles and Lois Paulson Martin and Joan Mazourek Arthur and Delores Peitz F. James (dec) and Nadene McAdaragh Dennis (dec) and Clara (dec) Peitz Angela McConville (dec) Joseph and Kay Pekas Francis McDermott (dec) Leon (dec) and Rosemary (dec) Peschong Thomas and Susan McDowell Marilyn Peschong (dec) Monsignor John J. McEneaney (dec) John and Denita Pesicka Helen McGuire (dec) Todd and Patrice Petersen Monsignor Marvin McPhee (dec) David and Rita Pettigrew Reverend Thomas J. McPhillips (dec) Reverend Edward Pierce Deacon Peter and Paddy Mehlhaff Kathleen Piercemogen Reverend Denis Meier Ted (dec) and Beverly Pins Kelly and Dawn Melius Laura Pollard (dec) Roger and Jan Melius John Polt (dec) Agnes R. Meriam (dec) Reverend Leo Pospichal (dec) Wayne (dec) and Mary (dec) Merrigan Jerry and Dana Priebe John and Victoria Messano Jerry Prostrollo (dec) James and Shirley (dec) Meyer Monica Pruys Margaret Meyers (dec) Englebert and Dolores Puetz Brock and Carol Millan Continued on Next Page


Continued John Smedsrud Sarah E. Puetz (dec) Reverend Daniel Smith Wayne and Mary Puetz Evalyn Smith Jim and Grace Radke Steven and Carol Smith Sophia A. Rados (dec) Leona Snyder  Thomas and Patti Ralph Carl and Marietta Soukup Daniel and Sarah Reiffenberger Vincent  and Mary  Spader Verna and Duane  Reiners Paul  and Elizabeth  Spartz Paul and Nancy Reisch Al and Judy Spencer Gregory and Cynthia Reiter Elizabeth Stabrawa Mary A. Remsburg Vernon and Alice Staebell Veoma Renelt Elmer  and Josephine Stalzer Reuben and RoseMarie Reuer Jason and Barbara Stangeland Dr. Glenn and Colene Ridder Reverend Leonard Stanton  Bob  and Treva Jean  Ries Steve and Julie Statz Ray and Mary Ring Ed  and Delores Staudenmier Reverend Joseph L. Ripp  Charles and Donna Stehly Daniel and Renee Roemen Ann and Dale  Stein Marie Roemen  Elmer and Vivian Steiner Thad and Elizabeth Rogers Dennis and Rita Stevens Mildred and John  Roggenbuck Judith Stransky Gerald and Kathy Roggenbuck William and Dolores  Streifel Adeline Roland  Peter F. Stricherz  Britt and Twila Roman Wayne  and Janine Stuwe Donald Roster  Henry  and Frances  Sundermann Edward  and Kathy  Roster Most Reverend Paul J. Swain Ron  and Connie Roth John  and Kathryn Sweere Reverend John Rutten Bill and Barb Swift John Ryan Harold  and Frances  Tacke Reverend Thomas J. Ryan  Leonard  and Helen  Tacke Terry and Deb Sabers Donald  and Gloria  Taylor Paul Salem  Jim and Tracy Thares Monsignor Francis L. Sampson  Mary Thelen  Curtis and Susan Samson Bette Theobald Delphine Sanborn Roger and Janice Theobald Evelyn Sautner Clarence  and Dorothy  Thill B.J. and Brandei Schaefbauer August Thomas  William Schaefbauer August P. Thomas  Bessie M. Schaefer  David and Marilyn Thompson Cathryn Schaefer  Reverend Gerald Thury Mina Schaefer  Mary Ann Thury  Mike  and Pat Schaefer Gerald Tillman Kenneth D.  and Shirley Schafer Pat Tisdall Royce  and Louine  Schaufler Joseph and Kathryn  Tooley Marley  and Marianne  Scheid Lloyd and Kalah Tooley Lucille Schiltz  Bill and Teresa Townsend Don and Delphine  Schmidt Florence Tracy  Dorothy I. Schmidt  Deacon Timothy and Kathleen Tracy Larry and Dianne Schmidt Helen Tronek  Raymond B. Schmidt  Roger and Lissa Turbak Wilfred Schmidt  Doug and Mary Turner Mary E. Schnell  Agnes Uckert  Wade and Erin Schoenbeck-Byre Joseph and Clarice Uckert Lee and Donna Schoenbeck Dale and Janice Valberg Charlie and Sara Schoenfelder Richard and Michelle VanDemark Terry and Lou Ann Schoenfelder Amy VanDover  Alice Schroeder Ken and Elaine VanDover William and Valerie Schroeder Wade and Cindy VanDover Ken  and Linda Schulte Kathryn J. VanFleet  Ken and Vonda Schulte Ryan and Jennifer VanLaecken Slyvester Schulte  Brendan and Lynn VanSambeek William Schultz  Francis and Theresa  VanSambeek Thomas and Jacque Schumacher David and Sara Vetch Anton  and Lillian  Schwab Lucille Vetter  Delores Schwan  Reverend Joseph Vogel Raphael Schwebach  Erwin and Joan Volk Bruce Schwenck Carol Voss  Rita Sebert Deacon James and Donna Walden George and Joan Sercl William  and Patricia  Wall Merrill and Kate Simon Robert Wallner  Charles Sisk Cindy Walsh Sisters of St Francis of Our Lady of Guadalupe Thomas and Kathleen Walsh Harold and Elouise Skatvold Continued on Next Page


Continued Lela Walz  Ambrose and Brenda Warborg Marjorie Warrington  Alice Waters  Bernard Weber  Herman  and Lola  Weber Ray Weber  Marie Weimerskirch  Leon Welbig  Dennis and Nancy Wells Edward and Deanne Weninger Glenn and Dolores  Wensing Reverend Michael Wensing Ray  and Janice Wermers Charles Wilber  Pat  and Theresa Wingen Robert and Debra Winkels James  and Marlene  Winker Kenneth and Mary Jo  Wittstruck Darwin and Dawn Wolf Reverend James J. Wolf  James Woods  Frank  and Margaret  Yaggie Clifford (Jack)  and Margaret  Young Donald and Barbara Young Keith and Barbara  Young Carl Zimmer  Reverend James Zimmer Lois Zimmer  Monsignor Leonard Zwinger 


AVERA’S FARM & RURAL STRESS SERVICES Many projects and programs supported by the Catholic Community Foundation are about donors looking to change the lives of people and families by listening to Holy Spirit moving in their hearts. However, through unrestricted grants that are managed by the Grant Review Committee of the Board of Directors, the CCFESD is able to review requests and help charitable causes.

This past year, the CCFESD was privileged to approve a grant to assist Avera Health in creating and maintaining a Farm and Rural Stress Hotline where area farmers and ranchers can call and talk to skilled and compassionate mental health professionals as they deal with symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Mother Nature has wreaked havoc on cropland with recent flooding and abnormally wet conditions, coupled with market volatility and a global pandemic has taken a toll on the health of farm families and workers. A historically stoic and put-on-a-good-face group of men and women, South Dakotan farmers and ranchers are in need of relief from the farming crisis through easier access to behavioral health care.

The CCFESD grant partners with Avera Health as they provide resources, including educational programs for farmers, workers, and their families to recognize mental health challenges. Partnering with a Catholic health ministry for one of America’s greatest professions – Agriculture.






Inspired by a desire to help those needing emergency aid, on March 23 the Catholic Community Foundation, in partnership with the Diocese of Sioux Falls, established the Covid-19 Relief Fund. According to the fund administrator, Kelly Bartmann, emergency funds have helped 644 families and 1,182 children through 32 parishes in 21 communities.

Bartmann stated there were so many heart-wrenching stories of people in need, dealing with loss of jobs and, the worst, loss of life as families attempt to recover. For example, in central South Dakota, a priest visited with a dad who had recently lost his young wife to the coronavirus. The local priest was able to provide some financial relief through the fund as the grieving dad finds a way to continue caring for his three small children at home.

“The CCFESD is so thankful to the many pastors who have listened to the needs of their parishioners and neighbors in their respective communities,” Bartmann said. “They took the time to share those requests with us, we were blessed to provide the funding through the Covid-19 Relief Fund, and then the pastors distributed the grants to the people.”

“It’s important that we really focus on how we can tend to each other and care for each other,” said Bishop Donald DeGrood in a video message announcing the Covid-19 Relief Fund, “Here is a chance for us to be brothers and sisters both in a time of need and in our time of generosity.”

“No matter the size of the grant, we are hoping to connect people in their time of crisis and let them know there are others out there that care and are willing to help them. The Foundation continues to be grateful to the hundreds of donors who made it possible for us to distribute the $267,100.” THE Joy OF GIVING | 57 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

DIOCESE OF SIOUX FALLS ST. AUGUSTINE | BOWDLE Most Reverend Donald E. DeGrood Doug & Mary Turner Reverend David Krogman ST. BENEDICT | YANKTON CATHEDRAL OF ST. JOSEPH | SIOUX FALLS Reverend Thomas Anderson Gene & Cynthia Jones ST. BERNARD | REDFIELD HOLY FAMILY | MITCHELL Hugh & Cari Mack Ken & Amy Novak Wayne & Mary Puetz ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON | GROTON Richard Kolker HOLY NAME OF JESUS | WATERTOWN Bill & Susan Crawford ST. JOHN PAUL II | HARRISBURG Lee & Donna Schoenbeck Tim & Patty Czmowski Rich & Cindy Korman HOLY SPIRIT | MITCHELL Fred & Joan DeRouchey ST. JOSEPH THE WORKMAN | HUNTIMER Dick & Darlene Muth Beverly Pins

HOLY SPIRIT | SIOUX FALLS ST. LAMBERT | SIOUX FALLS Craig & Barbara Anderson Miles & Lisa Beacom Very Reverend Chuck Cimpl Charlie & Sara Schoenfelder ST. MARY | ABERDEEN Steve & Julie Statz Laurie Campbell Jim & Tracy Thares IMMACULATE CONCEPTION | WATERTOWN Greg & Ann Endres ST. MARY | SIOUX FALLS Greg and Phyllis Heineman SACRED HEART | ABERDEEN Tom and Melissa Howes Roger & Cathryn Feickert BJ & Brandei Schaefbauer ST. MICHAEL | SIOUX FALLS Jim and Nini Hart SACRED HEART | EDEN Curtis & Susan Samson ST. TERESA OF CALCUTTA | DAKOTA DUNEs Deacon Joe & Diana Twidwell SACRED HEART | GETTYSBURG Matt & Janet G Cronin ST. THOMAS AQUINAS | MADISON Dan & Renee Roemen SACRED HEART | YANKTON Mike & Gerrie Healy ST. THOMAS MORE | BROOKINGS Dan & Paula Hicks Al & Irene Kurtenbach Bernie and Myrna Hunhoff Reece & Kami Kurtenbach

ST. AGNES | VERMILLION ST. WENCESLAUS | TABOR Neil & Molly Fulton Reverend Mark Lichter Theresa Wingen SS. PETER AND PAUL | PIERRE ST. ANN | MILLER Steve & Nicole Barnett Reverend Paul Josten Reverend Joseph Holzhauser


Left to Right: Mike Bannwarth, Bishop DeGrood, Kami Kurtenbach, BJ Schaefbauer, Mark Conzemius BOARD OFFICERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS CHAIRMAN DEVELOPMENT CHAIR BJ Schaefbauer Steve Statz VICE CHAIRMAN INVESTMENT/FINANCE CHAIR Kami Kurtenbach Al Spencer PAST CHAIRMAN PROGRAM CHAIR Lee Schoenbeck Melissa Howes MEMBERSHIP CHAIR MARKETING CHAIR Kami Kurtenbach Molly Fulton GRANT REVIEW CHAIR GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Donna Schoenbeck Rich Korman

CATHOLIC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION STAFF PRESIDENT Mark Conzemius PLANNED GIVING Andrew Bartell | Director, Planned Giving Dave Vetch | Planned Giving Officer - Aberdeen Nicole Fuhrer | Planned Giving Officer - Mitchell Marne Hult | Planned Giving Officer - Watertown Ashley Gullikson | Planned Giving Officer - Yankton Kelly Bartmann | CTFA & Gift Planning Specialist SPECIAL EVENTS & MARKETING Jan Feterl | Director, Marketing & Special Events Ellen Keena | Marketing & Communication Specialist Peggy Gough | Administrative Assistant Krista Vandersnick | Administrative Assistant & Volunteer Coordinator FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION Mike Bannwarth | Vice President, Finance & Administration Paula Ryan | Executive Assistant Barb Buckmiller | Database Manager Mary Jo Hausmann | Accounting Specialist Michelle Sletten | Administrative Assistant

THE Joy OF GIVING | 59 ccfesd.org | 605.988.3788