Chamber Plans Move Aldermen Mull Contract with Cofc for Use of HOT Funds by Tim Fleischer Chamber of Commerce And
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Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXIX, NUMBER 45 VVTHURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2017 254/947-5321 VV SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Village will lose more than $170 Million in market value due to disannexation BY TIM FLEISCHER able property would result that might be has not been EDitOR-in-CHIEF in the loss of $163,195.65 in determined. local revenue to the Village The potential impact upon If approved by the vot- of Salado. the M&O budget of the Vil- ers in the Village of Salado While the Village could lage of Salado is daunting, to May 6, the disannexation of face losing the local mainte- say the least. a large -- almost entirely resi- nance and operating revenue, Faced with the loss of dential -- portion of the Vil- the property owners in the more than $163,195.65 in lage could result in the loss disannexation area would M&O revenues, aldermen of just over $170 million in continue to be liable for their will either have to drastically market value. pro rata portion of the bond cut its budget for 2017-18 or Bell County Appraisal indebtedness. increase the M&O to the re- District, at the request of According to Sec. 43.143. maining properties by a sub- Salado Village Voice, calcu- (c) of the Local Government stantial amount. lated the loss in market value, Code: “If the area withdraws In order to the same Taste wines from 20 Texas wineries during the 9th Annual Texas Wine and Rogue Art Fes- taxable value and freeze ad- from a municipality as pro- $336,093 in M&O revenues tival March 25-26 on the grounds of Salado Winery, 841 N. Main St. (PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER) justed value to the Village of vided by this section and if, for the Village in 2017-18 as Salado should the disannex- at the time of the withdrawal, it did in 2016-17, the Village ation proposal pass in May. the municipality owes any could face an increase in the Wildflower Weekend Marvin Hahn, chief ap- debts, by bond or otherwise, M&O property tax to $0.3889 praiser of BellCAD, stated the area is not released from per $100 valuation. This esti- that the market value of its pro rata share of that in- mate is based upon the loss of the property in the pro- debtedness. The governing the disannexed area from the brings art to Salado posed disannexation area is body shall continue to levy tax rolls and no other changes Wildflower Weekend annual Edgy Live Art Com- sion is $2. $170,082,524. The total Mar- a property tax each year on in property values. March 24-26 will have ac- petition located at 2 Peddler’s The Texas Wine and ket Value for the Village of the property in the area at However, the board of al- tivities and events throughout Alley (next door to Salado Rogue Art Festival will be Salado, according to the cer- the same rate that is levied dermen in setting the budget the entire Village for any age Glassworks). Featured artists March 25-26 on the grounds tified appraisal for 2016 was on other property in the mu- for 2017-18 could adopt a tax group to enjoy. will create amazing pieces of of Salado Winery and Salado $289,774,823. nicipality until the taxes col- rate that is 8 percent more The Wildflower Pub art in several different medi- Wine Seller, 841 N. Main St. The disannexation would lected from the area equal its than the effective tax rate Crawl on March 24 will of- ums and you can pick your The event features dozens of leave a total market value of pro rata share of the indebt- (the rate needed to retire the ficially kick off the weekend. favorite artist and a chance wineries from across Texas, $119.6 million for the Village edness. Those taxes may be debt and generate the same Each “stop” will feature a to win the competition piece. delectable artisan foods and of Salado. charged only with the cost amount of revenue as the different Texas craft beer for Tickets will be available for displays by Texas artists in According to the 2016 of levying and collecting the previous year) without facing you and your party to savor. purchase at Edgy. several media. Call 254-947- certified values, the Village taxes, and the taxes shall be the possibility of a rollback This event is for adults 21 and The 17th Annual Wild- 8011 or visit of Salado has a certified total applied exclusively to the election. This could raise over only. Go to flower Art Fair & Festival for more information. freeze adjusted taxable value payment of the pro rata share the M&O rollback rate to for more information and to will be March 25-26 in Pace Children and well-be- of $168,130,780. The total of the indebtedness. This $0.4200 per $100. buy tickets. Park. This family friendly haved pets on leashes are al- freeze adjusted taxable value subsection does not prevent Coupled with the current The Edgy Art Show will event features many vendors lowed. for the disannexation area is the inhabitants of the area I&S tax rate of $0.342 per be an interactive event 11 selling handcrafted art from For information visit Sala- $81,638,646. from paying in full at any $100 would bring the pos- a.m.-3 p.m. at Peddler’s Alley. all over the state. Wood- or call Salado Cham- That total freeze adjusted time their pro rata share of sible rollback rate to $0.762 Watch this family friendly working, fine jewelry, origi- ber of Commerce and Visi- taxable value for the Village the indebtedness.” per $100 evaluation, making event as artists compete live nal paintings, photography, tors Bureau at 254-947-5040. of Salado was budgeted to Hahn stated that home- the Village of Salado’s prop- for your votes at the fourth and food vendors. Admis- generate a total of $911,100.97 owners whose taxes are fro- erty tax the second-highest in at the $0.5419 total tax rate zen will not see an increase Bell County behind Rogers’ for the 2016-17 fiscal year. in taxes due to the disannex- tax rate of $0.7897 per $100. Keep Texas Beautiful gives Of that total in property tax ation election. Advocates of disannex- revenue, $575,007.27 is for However, property owners ation have stated that they debt service ($0.542 per $100 whose taxes are not frozen will be protected from an- Salado Award of Excellence tax rate) for the $8.2 million will be taxed at the same rate nexation by other municipali- Salado placed second the small town division and sewer bond. for the I&S as other proper- ties such as Belton, because 2017. Killeen and Nolanville among communities of 3,000 will be awarded a $90,000 The maintenance and ties in the Village. they will remain within the also received the Award of or less in the 2017 Governor’s landscape grant. operation tax is $0.199 per In addition, the property ETJ of Salado. Excellence. Community Achievement Salado is also one of 21 $100. It generates $336,093 owners of the disannexed According to the minutes In addition, the Salado Vol- Awards (GCAA), one of the communities in Texas to re- in M&O revenues for the Vil- area will be responsible for of the Aug. 25 2016 special unteers received the Civic most prestigious annual en- ceived the Award of Excel- lage. The loss of $81.6 mil- the cost of levying and col- called meeting of aldermen, Organization Award for the vironmental awards in Texas. lence for applications receiv- work they do in beautifying lion in freeze adjusted tax- lecting the taxes. How much SEE DISAnnEXAtiON, PAGE 3A Muenster took first place in ing a score of 90 or higher in Chamber plans move Aldermen mull contract with CofC for use of HOT funds BY TIM FLEISCHER Chamber of Commerce and EDitOR-in-CHIEF the Village of Salado. Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 According to the agenda with Stagecoach 3903650 3796425 3877265 3,745,325 3153042 3084834 3158918 2880916 2658391 2264535 The Salado Chamber of for the special called meet- w/out Stagecoach 2600999 2533903 2633364 2,845,343 2309839 2341139 2508414 2284340 2353440 2264535 Commerce and Visitors Cen- ing, the board will consult Graph A: Total Hotel ter will move south to the with Village attorney Linda 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Occupancy Taxable Salado Museum after appro- Sjogren to seek her advice on 4000000 Receipts per year for priate renovations are made the “duties and obligations of 3,903,650 3,877,265 3,796,425 3,745,325 Salado (inside and out- for staff offices. the parties and contract com- side city limits) The renovations are esti- pliance regarding: Contract 3,153,042 3,158,918 3000000 3,084,834 Graph B: Total Hotel mated at about $10,000. The between the Village of Sala- 2880916 2,845,343 2658391 2,600,999 2,633,364 Occupancy Taxable Chamber Board of Direc- do and the Salado Chamber 2,533,903 2,508,414 2,309,8392,341,139 2353440 Receipts per year for tors awarded the bid to SVC of Commerce.” 2264535 2284340 2264535 2000000 Salado (inside and Remodeling Construction at Aldermen approved a con- outside city limits) with their March 16 meeting.