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JOBNAME: Wells PAGE: 1 SESS: 2 OUTPUT: Thu Jan 25 11:58:25 2018 Index Age of Exploration 82 Companies Act Amendment Act agency problem 79, 122, 269–70, 358, (1917) 460–61 361, 608 Confederation (1867) 455 Asian Corporate Governance Cooperative Commonwealth Association 415 Federation (CCF) 463 corporate law Bullock Report on Industrial Dickerson report 466, 467–8 Democracy (1997) 157–8, 164 disclosure rules 459–60 fiduciary duty 471–3 Canada 11, 451 following US law 458, 459 Bankruptcy Act (1919) 459 Kimber Report (1965) 464 Canada Business Corporations Act lack of legal certainty in 461 (CBCA) (1975) 451, 466–7 Lawrence report 465 Oppression Remedy in 470 provincial differences in 469 section 122(1)(a) 470–71 reform 464–5 Canada Joint Stock Companies Act shareholder-centric, as 467–8 (1887) 459–60 shareholder rights 467, 469 Canada Joint Stock Companies Act stakeholder-centric 468, 470–71 (1902) 460 corporation Canada Joint Stock Companies concession theory of 455 Letters Patent Act (1869) 457 corporate personhood 459 case law evolution of 458, 459–62 BCE Inc. v. 1976 incorporation 453–4, 455 Debentureholders (2008) modern 464–9 471–2, 474 Dominion of Canada 457 Bonanza Creek Gold Mining Co. Hudson’s Bay Company 452 Ltd. v. The King (1916) 461 ‘Body corporate and Politique’ 453–4 Peoples Department Stores Inc. corporation, as 453 (Trustee of) V. Wise (2004) exclusive monopoly 453 471, 472, 474 incorporation (Royal Charter) 453 colonial incorporation (colonial) corporations in 452 act of legislature, by 455, 457 Hudson’s Bay Company see
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