An Investigation on Fish Fauna of the River Mert

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An Investigation on Fish Fauna of the River Mert TurkJZool 26(2002)63-75 ©TÜB‹TAK ResearchNote AnInvestigationonFishFaunaoftheRiverMert(Samsun) SelmaU⁄URLUHELL‹,NazmiPOLAT OndokuzMay›sUniversity,FacultyofArtsandScience,DepartmentofBiology, Kurupelit,Samsun-TURKEY Received:27.04.2001 Abstract: ThisstudywascarriedoutbetweenMay1999andJune2000inordertodeterminethefishspeciesoftheRiverMert. Intotal,244individualsfromdifferentsamplingstationswerecaughtbyelectricshock,scoopnets,fishnetsandfishinglin es.In thisstudy,3speciesand2subspecieswereidentifiedasbelongingto3families( Cyprinidae,Cobitidae,Gobiidae).Thesystematic characteristicsoffishspecieswereexplained.Thesecharacteristicswerethencomparedwiththoseinpreviousstudies,andke ysto identificationwerealsopresented. KeyWords: RiverMert,Osteichtyes,Taxonomy,Fauna. MertIrma¤›(Samsun)Bal›kFaunas›ÜzerineBirAraflt›rma Özet: MertIrma¤›ndayaflayanbal›ktürleriniortayaç›karmakamac›ylayap›lanbuaraflt›rma,May›s1999-Haziran2000tarihleri aras›ndagerçeklefltirilmifltir.Farkl›istasyonlardantoplam244örnek;elektro-floker,bal›kkepçeleri,serpmeveoltalararac›l ›¤›yla yakalanm›flt›r.Buçal›flmada3familya( Cyprinidae,Cobitidae,Gobiidae )’yaait3türve2alttürtespitedilmifltir.Bal›ktürlerinin sistematikkarakterleriaç›klanarakdahaönceyap›lançal›flmalarlakarfl›laflt›rmalar›yap›lm›flvetayinanahtar›verilmifltir. AnahtarSözcükler: MertIrma¤›,Osteichtyes,Taksonomi,Fauna. Introduction ThereisnostudyrelatedtothefishfaunaoftheRiver Turkeyisacountryrichintermsofitsaquatic Mert.ThisriverisoneofthemajorriversnearSamsun, ecosystemsandwatersourcesowingtoits andprovidesapartoftheproteinrequirementsofthe geomorphologicalstructure.Itisnecessarytofindoutthe peopleinthearea.FishspeciesinhabitingtheRiverMert biologicalrichness,especiallywithregardsfishfaunae,to mustbedeterminedtosoastobetterallocateresources increasetheutilisationofproductsobtainedfrominland forthefuture.Thisstudyhasbeenrealizedtodetermine watersources.Thefirstsystematicresearchabout thefishspeciesoftheRiverMert,tocontributetoefforts freshwaterfishinTurkeywascarriedoutbyAbbottin seekingtobenefitfromfishwitheconomicimportance, 1835(1).Foreignresearcherstookfishsamplesthat andtoassistsimilarfutureinvestigations. theyhadcaughtfromTurkeytoEuropeanmuseums,and madetaxonomicpublicationsrelatedtothesefishfrom MaterialsandMethods 1835to1940(2).Alotofresearchhasbeen accomplishedrelatedtofreshwaterfishofTurkeyby ThesourcesoftheRiverMertaretwostreamsin bothlocalandforeignresearcherssince1940.Someof MountKarada¤intheprovinceofSamsun.Thisriveris themareBattalgil(3),Kuru(4),Ekingenand knownasKaraderewhileitpassesthroughLadik,andthe Sar›eyyübo¤lu(5),Çolak(6),Erk’akanandKuru(7), RiverKavakasitpassesthroughKavak.AftertheRiver Erdemli(8),Kutrup(2),andErgene(9).Systematic KavakjoinswiththeKarataflStreaminBo¤aziçi,ittakes studiesbylocalresearcherscontinueapace,especially thenameoftheRiverMert,andemptiesintotheBlack after1971.Thus,alotofinlandwaterfishfaunaehave Sea. beenrevealedthroughtaxonomicinvestigationsuptill Inthisstudy,stationsabletorepresentthefeaturesof now. theriverweredeterminedbytakingintoconsideration 63 AnInvestigationonFishFaunaoftheRiverMert(Samsun) ecologicalconditions.Thelocationsofthestationsare lengthandbarbellength(Figure2).Allmeristic showninFigure1.Thesamplesusedinthisstudywere characteristicswerecountedbylancet,pensandfish caughtfromdifferentstationsbetweenMay1999and needleunderastereoscopicbinocularmicroscope.The June2000.Samplecollectionwasgenerallydonebyan meristiccharacteristics,suchasbranchedandunbranched electricshockandscoopnets;fishnetsandfishinglines raysindorsal,ventral,analandpectoralfins,laterallines wereusedinthoseregionswhereelectricshockwasnot scales,linetransversalscales,bodyspots,genipor used. numbers,gillrakersonthefirstarch,barbelnumbers, rowandnumberofpharyngealteethwereexamined (Figure2). 1/1.000.000 HEAD BODY CAUDAL THEBLACKSEA D U.R B.R Predorsal SAMSUN Postdorsal ‹.D B.D C.P.D 4 C 3 2 ÇARfiAMBA P Bar.L A TEKKEKÖY Sn.L TheDivanbafl›1 Pond TheRiverMert E.D TheStreamofKaratafl H.L C.P.L ASARCIK S.L TheRiverKavak TheKozans›k›Pond F.L TheStreamofKaradere T.L LAD‹K Figure2. Generalfishfigureshowingpartsofthebody(Addingfrom Bal›k,15) Figure1. SamplingstationsforfishintheRiverMert T.L.: TotalLength,D: DorsalFin,F.L.: ForkLength, 1: Bo¤aziçi 3: Yukar›Avdan A: AnalFin, S.L.: StandardLength,V: VentralFin, 2: Kurcalan 4: Demirciköy Sn.L.: SnoutLength, P: PectoralFin, E.D.: Eye Diameter,C: CaudalFin,H.L.: HeadLength, B.R.: BranchedRay,I.D.: InterorbitalDistance, ThefishcaughtfromtheRiverMertwerepreserved U.R.: UnbranchedRay,B.D.: BodyDepth, accordingtoBal›k(10).Thecoloursandfeaturesof G.R.:GillRakers,Bar.L.: BarbelLength, S.D.: StandardDeviation,C.P.L.: LengthofCaudal, patternswererecordedaswell,andphotographswere S.E.: StandardErrorPeduncle,C.P.D.: DepthofCaudal takenbeforetheywerefixed. Peduncle, N: SpecimenNumbers, Lateralline scales,Min.: Minimum,L.tran.: Linetransversalscales, Pharyngealteeth,whichareimportantwhen Max.: Maximum,Sq.: Thenumberofscalesonaline determiningdifferentspeciesofCyprinidae,were betweenthebackoftheheadandthebeginningofthe carefullyremovedfromthefishandstoodforten caudalfininthefishwithoutlateralline. minutesin4%NaOH.Aftertheywerewashedwith distilledwater,thenumbersandpatternswere Todeterminethesystematicpositionsoffishes determinedandtheirphotographsweretakenundera inhabitingtheRiverMertandprepareakeyfor stereoscopicbinocularmicroscope.Theywerepreserved identification,thefollowingreferenceswereused: insmallplasticboxescontaining70%alcoholsolution. Slastenenko(11),Kuru(12,13),GeldiayandBal›k(14), Bal›kandUstao¤lu(15),andBlancetal.(16). Metricmeasurementsweremadebyadialcaliper with95%confidencelimitsandwithafishmeasurement scale.Thefollowingfourteenmetriccharacteristicswere Findings measured:totallength,standardlength,bodydepth, SystematicLocationsofFishintheRiverMert headlength,headdepth,headwidth,predorsal, postdorsal,lengthofcaudalpeduncle,depthofcaudal Atotalof244individualscaughtfromtheRiverMert peduncle,eyediameter,interorbitaldistance,snout wereevaluated.Asaresultofthisstudy,4genera,3 64 S.U⁄URLUHELL‹,N.POLAT speciesand2subspeciesbelongingto3familieswere 5. Pharyngealteethbiserial(Figure3.2).Therearedge identified.Thesespeciesandsubspecieshavebeen ofthelastunbrancheddorsalrayisnotserrated classifiedaccordingtoKuru(12). (Figure9.1)........................................................6 PHYLUM: Chordata Pharyngealteethtriserial(Figure4.2andFigure5.2). SUBPHYLUM: Vertebrata Therearedgeofthelastunbrancheddorsalrayis serrated(Figure9.2)...........................................7 CLADUS: Gnathostomata 6. Laterallinescales43-47.Analfinconvex.Lipsthin SUPERCLASSIS: Pisces andwelldeveloped.Theheadlengthisalwaysmore CLASSIS: Osteichthyes thanthebodydepth......Leuciscuscephalusorientalis SUBCLASSIS: Actinopterygii 7. Barbelsintwopairs.Laterallineismorethan60 SUPERORDO: Teleostei scales.Lipsarenotwelldeveloped(Figure10.1) .........................................................Capoetatinca 1.ORDO: Cypriniformes Barbelsinonepair.Laterallineislessthan60scales. SUBORDO: Cyprinoidei Lowerlipsarefleshy(Figure10.2).............. 1.FAMILIA: Cyprinidae .........................................Capoetacapoetasieboldi Leuciscuscephalusorientalis Capoetacapoetasieboldi SpeciesandSubspeciesInhabitingtheRiverMert Capoetatinca C.c.sieboldi,C.tinca,L.c.orientalisfromCyprinidae, 2.FAMILIA: Cobitidae O.angorae fromCobitidae,and G.fluviatilis from GobiidaewerecaughtintheRiverMert.Thesynonym, Orthrias(Noemacheilus)angorae terratypica,localname,andtaxonomiccharacteristicsare 2.ORDO: Perciformes presentedinthedataofthisstudyandinthereferences. FAMILIA: Gobiidae Thebodyratiosandmeristiccharacteristicsoffishcaught intheRiverMertareshowninthetablesaswell. Gobius(Neogobius)fluviatilis Familia: CYPRINIDAE Leuciscuscephalusorientalis (NORDMANN,1840) KeytotheIdentificationofFishintheRiverMert Synonym: Squaliusturcicus FILIPPI,1865 1. Ventralfinsunitedintoadisk(Figure8.1) .........................GOBIIDAE................................2 Terratypica: Abhaziya Ventralfinsnotunitedintoadisk(Figure8.2) Localname: Tatl›suKefali ..........................................................................3 TaxonomicCharacteristics 2. Theheadislarge.Therearetwodorsalfins.Second ThegeneralbodyshapeofL.c.orientalis isshownin dorsalfinislongerthanfirstandlaterallineis Figure3.1,bodyratios,accordingtotheresults,are absent..........................Gobius(Neogobius)fluviatilis giveninTable1.1,andthemeristiccharacteristicsofthe 3. Barbelsin3pairs.Maximumbodydepthis5times fishareshowninTable1.2. morethanstandardlength.......COBITIDAE..........4 Bodyismoderatelyelongate;mouthislargein Generallymouthwithoutbarbelsormaximumin2 terminalpositionwithoutbarbels.Pharyngealteethare pairs.Maximumbodydepthis5timessmallerthan biserial2.5-5.2(Figure3.2).Laterallineisclearlycurved standardlength...............CYPRINIDAE................5 toabdomen.Scalesareofmoderatesizewithsmalldark spots.Posterioredgeofdorsalfinissmooth.Analfinis 4. Bodyiscylindrical.Laterallinecomplete.Scalesare convex.Thecolouratbacklightenstowardlaterals. verysmall.Eyesaresmallandonthetopofthehead. Ventralsideissilvery-white.Peritoneumisblack. Caudalfinlightlyrecessed.................................... ............................. Orthrias(Noemacheilus)angorae 65 AnInvestigationonFishFaunaoftheRiverMert(Samsun) Figure3.1. Viewfromtherightsideof Leuciscuscephalusorientalis Figure3.2. PharyngealteethofLeuciscuscephalusorientalis (x10) Table1.1. BodyratiosofL.c.orientalis S.L./B.D. S.L./H.L. H.L./E.D. H.L./I.D. I.D./E.D. Min.-Max. 4.09–4.95 3.33–4.03 3.43-5.89
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    BIHAREAN BIOLOGIST 9 (2): 141-157 ©Biharean Biologist, Oradea, Romania, 2015 Article No.: 151306 Freshwater fishes of Turkey: a revised and updated annotated checklist Erdoğan ÇIÇEK1,*, Sevil Sungur BIRECIKLIGIL1 and Ronald FRICKE2 1. Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Department of Biology, 50300, Nevşehir, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 2. Im Ramstal 76, 97922 Lauda-Königshofen, Germany, and Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Rosenstein 1, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany. E-Mail: [email protected] *Corresponding author, E. Çiçek, E-mail: [email protected] Received: 24. August 2015 / Accepted: 16. October 2015 / Available online: 20. November 2015 / Printed: December 2015 Abstract. The current status of the inland waters ichthyofauna of Turkey is revised, and an updated checklist of the freshwater fishes is presented. A total of 368 fish species live in the inland waters of Turkey. Among these, 3 species are globally extinct, 5 species are extinct in Turkey, 28 species are non-native and 153 species are considered as endemic to Turkey. We recognise pronounced species richness and a high degree of endemism of the Turkish ichthyofauna (41.58%). Orders with the largest numbers of species in the ichthyofauna of Turkey are the Cypriniformes 247 species), Perciformes (43 species), Salmoniformes (21 species), Cyprinodontiformes (15 species), Siluriformes (10 species), Acipenseriformes (8 species) and Clupeiformes (8 species). At the family level, the Cyprinidae has the greatest number of species (188 species; 51.1% of the total species), followed by the Nemacheilidae (39), Salmonidae (21 species), Cobitidae (20 species), Gobiidae (18 species) and Cyprinodontidea (14 species).
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