Simple AEAD Hardware Interface (SÆHI) in a SoC: Implementing an On-Chip Keyak/WhirlBob Coprocessor

Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Telematics, O.S. Bragstads plass 2a N-7491 Trondheim, NORWAY [email protected]

ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION Simple AEAD Hardware Interface (SÆHI) is a hardware An Authenticated with Associated Data algo- cryptographic interface aimed at CAESAR Authenticated rithm (AEAD) provides both confidentiality and integrity Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms. Cryp- protection in a single operation. AEADs are often more ef- tographic acceleration is typically achieved either with a co- fective alternatives to traditional encryption methods such processor or via instruction set extensions. ISA modifica- as modes [11] or stream ciphers (e.g. RC4 [26]), tions require re-engineering the CPU core, making the ap- which had to be paired with suitable Message Authentica- proach inapplicable outside the realm of open source proces- tion Codes (typically HMAC [21]) in transport layers of se- sor cores. At minimum, we suggest implementing CAESAR curity protocols such as TLS [10], IPSec [16], and SSH [36]. AEADs as universal memory-mapped cryptographic copro- A basic AEAD algorithm C =Æ(K, N, A, P ) produces an cessors, synthesizable even on low end FPGA platforms. authenticated message C from following inputs: AEADs complying to SÆHI must also include C language K Secret shared between the sender and recipient. API drivers targeting low-end MCUs that directly utilize the memory mapping in a “bare metal” fashion. This can also N , nonce, or message sequence num- be accommodated on MMU-equipped mid-range CPUs. ber. Does not have to be secret. Integrity protected. Extended battery life and bandwidth resulting from ded- icated cryptographic hardware is vital for currently domi- A Authenticated data, only integrity protection. Trans- nant computing and communication devices: mobile phones, mitted in clear (or implicit to both parties). tablets, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. We ar- P . Confidentiality and integrity protection. gue that these should be priority hardware optimization tar- gets for AEAD algorithms with realistic payload profiles. The inverse algorithm Æ−1(K, N, A, C) returns either the We demonstrate a fully integrated implementation of Whirl- plaintext P or FAIL if the integrity of K, N, A, C is violated. Bob and Keyak AEADs on the FPGA fabric of Xilinx Zynq Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in the Galois / 7010. This low-cost System-on-Chip (SoC) also houses a Counter Mode (GCM) is an AEAD standardized and pro- dual-core Cortex-A9 CPU, closely matching the architec- moted by U.S. NIST and NSA for governmental, military, ture of many embedded devices. The on-chip coprocessor is and public networks [7, 9, 14, 19, 20, 32]. AES-GCM has accessible from user space with a Linux kernel driver. An rapidly replaced older bulk encryption algorithms; a major integration path exists all the way to end-user applications. portion of of https connections to popular web services such as facebook, gmail, and twitter are protected by AES-GCM Categories and Subject Descriptors at the time of writing (Q3/2014). AES-GCM is approved up to Top Secret level in govern- E.3 [Data Encryption]: Standards; D.4.6 [Security and mental and military use when appropriately implemented Protection]: Cryptographic Controls; D.4.7 [Organization [24]. However, the security of AES-GCM is widely seen as and Design]: Real-time systems and embedded systems brittle [5, 6, 25, 27, 33]. Keywords 1.1 Motivation: CAESAR Hardware Testing Cryptographic coprocessor, System-on-Chip, Keccak, Keyak, CAESAR (Competition for : Se- Whirlpool, WhirlBob, StriBob, CAESAR Project. curity, Applicability, and Robustness) is a NIST - Sponsored international effort to find one or more algorithms to replace or complement AES-GCM [23]. The CAESAR competition runs from 2014 until 2017 and consists of multiple four stages or “elimination rounds.” By the March 2014 deadline, 57 candidate algorithms had been submitted [8]. Cryptographic weaknesses forced some of these to be withdrawn shortly thereafter. Selection must be made from almost 50 candidates in January 2015. We expect up to 20-30 algorithms in Round 2, where a hardware reference implementation is a requirement (unlike Round 1). From the submissions we can observe that a secure AEAD 1.3 ISA Extensions vs. Coprocessors can be designed in a number of significantly differing ways: As almost half of the first round CAESAR proposals are AES-based, we note that Intel (AES-NI) and ARM (ARMv8- 1. AEAD Block Cipher Modes, functionally similar A) have published optional ISA extensions that offer direct, to AES-GCM. About half (28) of the CAESAR first specific support for the AES algorithm. These instructions round candidates are based on block ciphers. compute either a single AES encryption or decryption round, or assist in computation of round keys. Generic ISA ex- 2. Sponge-based AEADs. There were eight proposals tensions have also been proposed for various cryptographic based on unkeyed Sponge permutations and theory, tasks [3]. including Keyak [4], which is directly based on SHA3’s Availability of these cryptographic instructions far from Keccak-P sponge [22]. Another proposal derived from universal. Current mobile devices are based on 32/64-bit a was StriBob/WhirlBob1 [29, 30]. CPU cores that generally do not offer AES instructions. Lower-end embedded systems such as IoT appliances are 3. Custom and ad-hoc designs. There were various unlikely to ever employ 128-bit or even 64-bit register sets, AEAD proposals that are were either entirely new or making such extensions unworkable. Non-AES proposals recycled some components from existing cipher designs tend to have state sizes of 512 bits or more. Implementations without relying on theoretical frameworks. of full rounds would be difficult on Sponge-based algorithms such as SHA3 and Keyak. The state size of SHA3 is 25 × 64 We argue that measurements should be made with realis- = 1600 bits, with full mixing occurring rapidly. tic usage profiles that account for latency, key agility, con- An instruction set extension requires modifications to the current streams, and other real-life requirements (Section CPU core and compiler toolchains, while a coprocessor re- R quires only a driver. On operating systems such as Linux 4). For mobile devices we suggest using the e = W energy metric (Section 2.4). For network infrastructure and cloud (Android), the same hardware device drivers are commonly data centers the focus is on terabytes per dollar (total cost used across different CPU and even bus architectures. A of ownership). For smart cards the focus is mostly in side coprocessor design is therefore vastly more portable. channel resistance. RFID systems have additional latency Hardware acceleration should ideally be located where it is and power considerations [31]. used. We will probably eventually see integration of AEAD cores within network interfaces and storage controllers. 1.2 Hardware Reality: SoC Coprocessors Confidentiality and integrity of transmitted and stored 2. INTERFACE data is even more relevant to mobile devices than to “PC” A simple C API was specified by the CAESAR secretariat systems. Mobile devices should be able to efficiently secure for reference software implementations of the first round can- speech, streaming media, browsing, remote access, emails, didates [23]. The main emphasis was intended to be in and other messaging. There is an increased need to secure portability and readability – the code is used to generate the private storage of these devices as they are more at risk test vectors. Hardware implementation is required only for of hostile examination after being seized or lost. We see mo- second round candidates (tentatively by April 15, 2015). bile devices as the priority target for hardware optimization N = npub[CRYPTO_NPUBBYTES], K = k[CRYPTO_KEYBYTES], of bulk AEAD algorithms. Detailed profiling of hardware P = m[mlen], A = ad[adlen], and authenticated ciphertext bottlenecks is therefore needed. C = c[] with length > mlen stored at *clen. *nsec is a System-on-Chip (SoC) designs integrate all the necessary pointer to a “secret nonce”, unused by most proposals. components of a computing application on a single chip. int crypto_aead_encrypt( SoCs are dominant in mobile electronics such as (smart) uint8_t *c, uint64_t *clen, phones and tablets, and are also found in mass-produced const uint8_t *m, uint64_t mlen, electronic appliances such as modems, routers, home media, const uint8_t *ad, uint64_t adlen, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications. const uint8_t *nsec, Mobile devices are sensitive to power consumption and const uint8_t *npub, have restricted general computational resources. In SoC de- const uint8_t *k); signs specific tasks are offloaded to coprocessors, primarily to minimize power consumption. Audio and video codecs, Decryption and integrity verification can be performed with RF processing, display rendering, and 3D acceleration are crypto_aead_decrypt(), which has an equivalent interface. typical functions handled by coprocessors in many This API lacks a context pointer that could hold state mobile architectures. information across calls, and is therefore poorly suited for SoC design flow typically employs use of packaged IP com- throughput measurements. Furthermore, proposals such as ponents such as CPU Cores (often ARM or MIPS ISA) and Keyak [4] and StriBob/BLNK [28, 30] support MAC-and- peripheral systems that are interfaced through on-chip buses continue and other advanced features that are not available such as those specified by ARM Advanced Microcontroller through this interface. However, we assume that the two- Bus Architecture [1] (AMBA). Our proposal fits into this function API will remain as the baseline for CAESAR. industry-standard design model. Keyak utilizes the same sponge permutation as Keccak and therefore a hardware module can be easily adopted to 1WhirlBob is based on Whirlpool [2]. If StriBob is accepted support SHA3 too. The same is true for StriBob, which to the second round of the CAESAR competition, the Whirl- has the same fundamental transform as GOST R 34.11- Bob variant (used as an example in this paper) will be in- 2012 hash [12], and WhirlBob which utilizes the cluded as a tweak. The designs are closely related. ISO/IEC 10118-3:2004 Whirlpool transform [2]. k1600_1

clk I1[63:0] t3[0]0_i__0 I0[63:0] t3[0]_i O[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_AND RTL_XOR

t3[1]_i t3[1]0_i I0[63:0] 2.1 Proposed Hardware-Software Interface I1[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_AND

I0[63:0] t3[2]_i I1[63:0] t3[2]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[0]0_i O[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[0]_i I0[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] RTL_AND RTL_XOR RTL_XOR t1[1]0_i Our cryptographic coprocessor has a simple, almost uni- I0[63:0] t1[1]_i t3[3]_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[3]0_i O[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR RTL_AND I0[63:0] t1[2]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[2]_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[0]0_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR t1[3]0_i versal memory-mapped interface. The module or hardware I0[63:0] t1[3]_i t3[4]_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[4]0_i O[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR RTL_AND I0[63:0] t1[4]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[4]_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[5]0_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t1[5]0_i PIN interface is the same as for generic single port RAM I0[63:0] RTL_AND O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[5]_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[6]0_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[5]_i RTL_XOR I0[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[6]0_i RTL_AND O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[6]_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[7]0_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[6]_i RTL_XOR I0[63:0] O[63:0] t1[7]0_i I1[63:0] (with optional interrupt request line). Minimally this con- I0[63:0] RTL_AND O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[7]_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[7]_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[8]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[8]_i I1[63:0] t3[8]0_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[8]_i RTL_XOR RTL_AND O[63:0] t1[9]0_i I1[63:0] tains the following elements: I0[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[9]_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[9]0_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[9]_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] RTL_AND I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[10]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[10]_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[10]_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] t3[10]0_i O[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[11]0_i I0[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[11]_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_AND I1[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[11]_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[11]0_i I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[12]0_i O[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[12]_i I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_AND RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[12]_i

RTL_XOR 63:0 t3[12]0_i O[63:0] out[1599:0] t1[13]0_i I1[63:0] I1[63:0] Signal Dir Purpose Diagram I0[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[13]_i I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_AND RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[13]_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[14]0_i I1[63:0] t3[13]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[14]_i O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_AND RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[14]_i t1[15]0_i O[63:0] In Address I0[63:0] t1[15]_i t3[14]0_i I1[63:0] ADDR O[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] I0[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR RTL_AND I0[63:0] t3[15]_i I0[63:0] t1[16]0_i O[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[16]_i I1[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[15]0_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR I0[63:0] RTL_XOR ADDR RTL_AND t1[17]0_i In Data Write I0[63:0] t1[17]_i DI O[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[16]0_i I0[63:0] t3[16]_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_AND RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t1[18]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[18]_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[17]_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR tp[0]2_i t3[17]0_i I1[63:0] DI DO in[1599:0] I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] tp[0]1_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[0]0_i t1[19]0_i O[63:0] In Write enable I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[0]_i I0[63:0] t1[19]_i I0[63:0] WE I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_AND RTL_XOR I1[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[18]_i RTL_XOR RTL_XOR O[63:0] tp[1]2_i RTL_XOR RTL_XOR AEAD I0[63:0] tp[1]1_i t3[18]0_i I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[1]0_i O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[1]_i I0[63:0] t1[20]0_i I0[63:0] t1[20]_i I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_AND RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t3[19]_i WE I0[63:0] tp[2]2_i RTL_XOR RTL_XOR RTL_XOR O[63:0] tp[2]1_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[2]0_i t3[19]0_i I1[63:0] In Enable/Select I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[2]_i t1[21]_i I1[63:0] EN I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] I0[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[21]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_AND tp[3]2_i I1[63:0] t3[20]_i Core I0[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR I0[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[3]1_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[3]0_i I1[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[22]_i I1[63:0] t3[20]0_i RTL_XOR I1[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[3]_i O[63:0] O[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] IRQ RTL_XOR I1[63:0] EN t1[22]0_i I0[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_AND tp[4]2_i RTL_XOR t3[21]_i I0[63:0] tp[4]1_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] CLK In Clock O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[4]0_i I1[63:0] t1[23]_i O[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] I0[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] O[63:0] I0[63:0] tp[4]_i RTL_XOR O[63:0] RTL_XOR I1[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR I1[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[21]0_i RTL_XOR RTL_XOR O[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] t1[23]0_i I0[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[22]_i O[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I0[63:0] t1[24]_i RTL_AND I1[63:0] O[63:0] CLK RTL_XOR I1[63:0] RTL_XOR RTL_XOR I1[63:0] t3[22]0_i I0[63:0] t1[24]0_i O[63:0] I0[63:0] t3[23]_i DO Out Data Read O[63:0] I0[63:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] keccak_rc_i RTL_AND RTL_XOR RTL_XOR rnd[4:0] A[4:0] O[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[23]0_i O[63:0] RTL_ROM I0[63:0] RTL_AND I0[63:0] t3[24]_i O[63:0] I1[63:0] I1[63:0] t3[24]0_i IRQ Out Interrupt Req. O[63:0] RTL_XOR I0[63:0] RTL_AND

k1600 HDL modules should be accompanied by baseline C API Figure 1: k1600.v, Keccak SHA3 and Keyak round software interfaces that take care of necessary initialization (with 64-bit gates) and round constant generator. and load/store operations. Peripheral’s address is passed We suggest implementing individual rounds as state- as an additional argument to crypto_aead_encrypt() and less modules that only have combinatorial logic. crypto_aead_decrypt() functions, which will now have the functionality of a “driver.” The memory block, when defined the volatile keyword in C, will offer a simple and flexible 2.3 Discussion interface to the hardware. The output of the hardware ver- We have only specified a basic interface that should be us- sion must match with the reference software. The reference able even with the simplest FPGA development kits and low- software driver should be entirely platform-independent and end embedded SoCs. Actual data transfer speeds will not should not use any system calls. reach the numbers attainable via AMBA High-performance Memory mapping mechanism depends on the target. On Bus [1] or other Direct Memory Access (DMA) mechanisms. bare metal embedded systems without MMU this is trivial One is not prohibited from adding and using architecture- to do – one just assigns a physical address range for the dependent interface features if needed for system-wide pro- coprocessor and implements appropriate chip selection logic. filing and optimization, as long as the basic generic interface We first used this mechanism, but also interfaced our design is also available for testing. through a more elaborate Linux kernel interface (Sect. 3). Our first generation AEAD modules utilize 0x400 bytes It is up to hardware designers to specify the coproces- of address space, with one address pin simply assigned as a sors’ internal register layout, and to implement the necessary STAT/CMD indicator. Reading from STAT/CMD address range mechanisms of usage (for key and nonce set-up, , returns the status (and revision) of the coprocessor. Writing MAC verification) in the C driver. We purposefully leave a word to this range is interpreted as a GO (start operation) the protocol used between software and hardware open as instruction, a RST reset pulse, etc., depending on bits. 16 or different algorithms have different requirements. Implemen- 24 address pins should be sufficient for all implementations. tation should work without IRQ – it is an entirely optional We urge implementors to separate the core cryptographic “look at me” flag. transform (round or subround function) as a separate HDL It is possible to pipeline the operation so that data trans- module (Figure 1). Such an module should be stateless and fers to and from the hardware module can occur concur- contain only combinatorial logic. This way double-steping rently while a cryptographic operation is running. In con- and pipelining become easier to implement. For our algo- tinuous operation, one reads the result of the preceding op- rithms, it was sufficient to interface the Sponge permutation eration and writes next plain/ciphertext on the coprocessor rounds with BLK_IN (512/1600 wires), 4/5-bit round number while a cryptographic transform is running. This requires input RND, and BLK_OUT (512/1600 wires) as the sole output. some additional logic to implement the particularities of the Sponge/Block Cipher mode of operation in hardware. 2.4 On Measurements for Mobile Devices Bus width (DI and DO sizes) should be 32, 64, or 128 bits. We hope to interface multiple CAESAR candidates with We suggest using large data paths – multiplexing is easy. various implementation testbenches for measurement of: 2.2 Hardware-Assisted Implementations A Area. FPGA Slices or ASIC Gate Equivalents. Some prominent proposals such as AEZ [13] and SIV [17] require two or more passes over plaintext and relatively com- W Power. Power consumption (Watts = J/s). plex control logic for operation. Such algorithms cannot eas- R Speed. Ideal throughput (Bytes/Second). ily be implemented as as straightforward FIFOs. In SÆHI R model, implementors may assign some of the control logic One key key goal is to maximize e = W . Note that dou- to the driver instead of hardware – such implementations bling A for factor 2 parallelism will approximately double are hardware assisted instead of pure hardware implementa- both R and W and e will remain constant. The same is true tions. Generally speaking, the hardware component should for doubling the clock frequency since power consumption not be required to store the entire message. Messages should is almost linearly dependent on clock frequency for most be allowed to be of almost arbitrary size. (CMOS) circuits. Hence Bytes/Joule is a useful metric. Figure 2: Left: A homemade VGA test module is driving the WhirlBob core directly in FPGA, while the CPU is inactive. Right: The Zynq CPU Cores are running a Linux kernel, with WhirlBob π, Keccak-f[1600] and other peripherals (display, networking, etc) in the FPGA Logic Fabric. The cryptographic module has been memory mapped with a Linux device file system driver at /dev/xbob and is accessible from user space.

3. EXPERIMENTAL IMPLEMENTATION 3.1 Implementation Metrics All hardware components were written in Verilog. We first Code lines in our rudimentary WhirlBob (StriBob) and implemented the basic WhirlBob π and Keccak-P functions Keyak reference implementations: and debugged those directly with a homemade 40 × 30 - character VGA test module (Figure 2, left). In this“test and Component WhirlBob Keyak demo” set-up the display module drives the cryptographic Interface Verilog 99 114 module directly and is controlled via switches on the board. Round Verilog 228 129 CPU is unused; SÆHI also works in pure hardware projects. Driver C 60 60 We then wrote a Xillybus-lite based interface which allows API Interface C 261 w.i.p. the cryptographic module to be memory-mapped to Linux user space, emulating bare metal environment [34]. Xillinux Post synthesis and route utilization within Artix-7 FPGA is a full-featured single-chip port of Ubuntu Linux for Xilinx fabric of Xilinx Zynq 7010: Zynq (Figure 2, right). The basic kernel device driver simply maps the peripheral address space to the device file system (we used /dev/xbob), from where it can be mapped to user Logic WhirlBob Keyak process address space with mmap(2) system call. LUTs 3,795 4,574 Executing π can be as simple as (error handling omitted): Flip-Flops 1,060 3,237 MUXs 90 159 int fd , i; Other 1 2 volatile uint64_t *xbob; // volatile Total logic 4,946 7,972

fd = open("/dev/xbob"); // devfs With one “extra” reloading cycle per block, the maximum xbob = mmap(NULL, 0x400, PROT_READ | theoretical throughput of these implementations is: PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); Parameter WhirlBob Keyak for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Input vec Rounds 12 12 xbob[i] = 0x0706050403020100 + Cycles 13 13 i * 0x0808080808080808; Rate (bits) 256 1344 } Speed (bit/clk) 19.7 103.4 xbob[0x40] = 1; // GO Pulse while (xbob[0x40] != 0) // Wait Processing speeds are significantly slower when the Kec- ; cak core is used in SHA3 hashing mode [22]. Speed ranges from 23.0 (SHA3-512) to 47.5 (SHA3-224) bits/cycle as SHA3 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // Result uses 24 rounds of the round transform. printf("%d %016lX\n", i, xbob[i]); The 10-round Whirlpool hash standard [2] would be slightly } faster than WhirlBob with this core, but would require roughly double the amount of logic due to its two-track design. 3.2 Implementation Resources 4. OPERATING SYSTEM INTEGRATION We used Digilent’s Zybo Zynq 7010 board and Vivado 14.1 Beyond the basic API, there is a path for integrating the and 14.2 design tools with Ubuntu Linux 14.04. We used the cryptographic coprocessors with the Linux (Android) oper- free arm-linux-gnueabi toolchain for cross-compiling the ating system and applications. For encrypted communica- Linux Kernel, drivers, and test applications to the target tions, protocol extensions will be required to accommodate ARM7 / Cortex-A9 platform. new cipher suites. The most straightforward way to do this For testing, we adopted Xillinux kernel patches and FPGA is to adopt the AES-GCM AEAD keying methods from TLS Display and connectivity firmware from Xillybus Ltd [35] [10, 32], SSH [15], and IPSec [18] with appropriate experi- for the target device. These are open source and free for mental algorithm identifiers and key/nonce sizes. non-commercial use. However the final packaged, portable A real-life generic SoC coprocessor architecture will have IP Cores and drivers are not dependent on any external m CPU cores and m cryptographic coprocessors that may or (potentially proprietary or non-free) intellectual property. may not have DMA capability. Furthermore some coproces- The development environment – Vivado Design Edition sors may be outside the realm of CPU, being directly con- for Linux academic license, hardware development kit, and trolled by and contained within network interfaces or storage cabling but excluding the generic PC components used – controllers (“acceleration where it is used”). cost under $150 in June 2014. Such a cryptographic resource can be managed by a dedi- The project took about one calendar month to complete cated scheduler system process (daemon). This process han- by the author. The main tasks were installation of hard- dles AEAD requests essentially in FIFO fashion. One may ware and software (including kernel customization to tar- also integrate key management functions with this process. get), writing the Verilog modules and rudimentary C drivers, Figure 3 shows how to integrate a new cipher to various testing, and writing this report. levels of standard Linux (Android) cryptographic architec- ture via an engine plug-in for OpenSSL’s libcrypto (or its derivatives).

SÆHI SÆHI System-on-Chip AEAD 1 AEAD 2 5. CONCLUSIONS We have described SÆHI, a simple memory-mapped test- ing interface primarily for hardware reference implementa- tions of AEAD Algorithms in the CAESAR competition. SÆHI HDL modules should be accompanied by C “driver CPU Core KERNEL software” that utilizes the cryptographic module as was a bare metal - interfaced coprocessor to an MCU. Ideally the driver should be able to work on any CPU architecture with user space processes suitable datapath size. The external software API interface of this basic driver is almost equivalent to the API interface Software SÆHI of first round software reference implementations to facili- Cipher Daemons tate easy verification. There are about 50 first round CAESAR candidates and SÆHI daemon interprocess not available communication hardware reference implementations are required for the sec- AEAD Plugin “engine” ond round. As expect about a dozen proposals in the second round, an uniform hardware testing interface is needed. We suggest that hardware evaluation should have special focus ciphers on most common computing and communication devices: OpenSSL Crypto API mobile devices (cost and power efficiency), followed by smart cards (cost and side channel security), RFID (cost, power, protocols area, latency, side channels), embedded Internet-of-Things devices (cost), network infrastructure and cloud data centers TLS API SSH API (terabytes per dollar – total cost of ownership). We have implemented WhirlBob and Keccak AEAD trans- forms in Verilog and proven them with Artix-7 FPGA Logic Fabric that is available on the Xilinx Zynq 7000-series System- apps on-Chip. This SoC also houses a dual-core Cortex-A9 and is Browser utilities SSH able to run Linux (with Android), making it a realistic pro- application cmd tools application filing tool for mobile devices, embedded, and IoT targets. The implementations utilize the SÆHI interface. We described kernel and user space drivers that utilize the hardware. We also discussed integration of the coprocessors in the kernel, operating system, and application level. Figure 3: Integrating the cryptographic coproces- sors with algorithm APIs, protocol libraries and ap- Acknowledgments plications via SÆHI daemon processes. This work was carried out during the tenure of an ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” Fellowship Programme. 6. REFERENCES [19] NIST. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). FIPS 197, 2001. [20] NIST. Recommendation for block cipher modes of [1] ARM. AMBA Open Specifications. operation: Galois/counter mode (GCM) and GMAC., 2014. NIST Special Publication 800-38D, 2007. [2] P. S. L. M. Barreto and V. Rijmen. The Whirlpool [21] NIST. The keyed-hash code hashing function. NESSIE Algorithm Specification (HMAC). FIPS 198-1, July 2008., [22] NIST. 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