Conservatives News From Leake Ward In in touch Spring 2019 Incorporating , , and NEW CONSERVATIVE TEAM FOR LEAKE WARD Rushcliffe Conservatives have chosen a new team of Nicola Dalton, Simon Ackroyd and John Thurman, as Conservative Candidates for the Leake Ward for the Borough Council Elections this May. Nicola, who lives in said, "I'm delighted to have been selected to stand for the Leake Ward, and I want to represent all residents in the communities of East Leake, West Leake, Normanton on Soar and Stanford on Soar. There are many challenges facing this Ward and I believe that I have a good knowledge of the local issues that are concerning residents." Simon, who lives in East Leake said, "I'm really pleased to have been selected as part of the new Conservative Team for the Leake Ward and together with Nicola Dalton and John Thurman's tremendous knowledge of the local issues, I know that we will make a formidable team to campaign for local issues at the Borough Council." John, who lives in East Leake and who is currently a Borough Councillor for the Leake Ward, said "I am seeking your vote again, because as a local resident, I know the concerns of many people such as new housing, roads, education, health and the environment. With your help, I can bring continuity and continue to campaign at the Borough Council on these issues. I'm really looking forward to working as a new team."

Councillor Marie Males retires in May after 40 years of representing the Leake Ward, and Borough Councillor John Thurman paid tribute to her and said “Marie has worked hard as a Borough Councillor for the Leake Ward for many years and she epitomises what public service to a local community is all about. We will miss her and her vast knowledge of the local area and her sound advice.” Councillor Ron Hetherington has been selected as the Conservative Candidate for the adjoining Ward of .

MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT ON 2ND MAY: There's a lot being said and written about the "disconnect" between the public and politicians. Why should I bother to vote? Nothing will change! They never listen to us! They've never lived in the real world! Well next May, if you have a vote, and you believe in Conservative values, please vote for Nicola, Simon and John, your selected Conservative Candidates for Leake Ward, who have and continue to live in the real world, and are very much aware of local issues and are passionate about making your Ward a better place for all residents. Don't be complacent and let other parties represent you for four years. The Conservative controlled Borough Council provides good quality, value for money services, with one of the lowest council tax rates in the country. It is debt free and has recently won two national awards for Best Commercial Council and Entrepreneurial Council of the Year. No wonder people consistently vote Rushcliffe one of the top ten places to live. This election is all about your local services in Rushcliffe and the Leake Ward and not about national politics. Let's keep it local on 2ⁿd May 2019 and vote Conservative. Caring and Campaigning for our Community Find out more at