Dr. Alexander Bligh Publications


Books and monographs 1. Alexander Bligh. From Prince to King; Succession to the throne in modern . New York, Press (1984).

Arabic edition: Alexander Bligh. Min amir ila malik. London, D.A. Publications (1989).

2. Alexander Bligh, Jordanian Israeli strategic partnership in historical perspective, research and policy paper no. 43. Ariel Center for Policy research (1998).

3. Alexander Bligh. The Political Legacy of King Hussein. Sussex Academic Press (2002).

4. Alexander Bligh (ed.,). The Israeli . London: F. Cass (2003).

Also appeared as: Alexander Bligh (guest editor) affairs, vol. 9, nos. 1-2.

Special issue on the Israeli .

5. Alexander Bligh. Democracy and Democratization in the Arab World. Israel: The Open University (2004) (Hebrew).

6. Alexander Bligh (guest editor) Israel affairs, Special issue on the Israeli Arabs (forthcoming, late 2011 or early 2012).

Refereed Articles and chapters of books

1. Alexander Bligh, “The mutawalis [Shi`a] of ”, ha-Mizrah he-Hadash, Vol. 23, no. 2, (1973), 194 - 200 (Hebrew with English summary).

2. Alexander Bligh and Steven E. Plaut, “Saudi moderation in oil and foreign policies in the post- AWACS sale period”, Review, Vol. 13, no.4, (spring/summer 1982), 24 - 32.

3. Alexander Bligh, “The interplay between opposition activity in Saudi Arabia and recent trends in the Arab World”, in R.W. Stookey (ed.) The Arab Peninsula: Zone of ferment. California: Hoover Institution (1984). 4. Alexander Bligh, “The Saudi religious elite (ulama) as participant in the political system of the Kingdom”, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 17 (February 1985), 37 -50.

5. Alexander Bligh, “Towards Israel-Saudi co-existence?” Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 35 (spring 1985), 24 - 35.

6. Alexander Bligh, “Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf and the Red Sea: Success and failure in regional policy”, Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, vol. 8, nos. 1-2 (June 1986), 160 - 173.

7. Alexander Bligh, “West Bank”, in Susan Hattis Rolef (ed.), Political Dictionary of the State of Israel. New York: Macmillan (1987), 318 - 320.

8. Alexander Bligh, “From UNRWA to Israel: The 1952 transfer of responsibilities for refugees in Israel”, Refuge 14 (November 1994), 7-10, 24.

9. Alexander Bligh, “Israel and the refugee problem - from exodus to resettlement (1948-1952)”. Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 34, no. 1 (January 1998), 123-147.

10. Alexander Bligh, “The Intifada and the new political role of the Israeli Arab leadership”, Middle Eastern Studies. Vol. 35, no. 1 (January 1999), 134-164.

11. Alexander Bligh, “‘Abdullah bin (Ibn) ‘Abd-ul-’Aziz”; “Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz”; “Hussein bin (Ibn) Talal”; “, Hashemite Kingdom”; Sa’udi Arabia”; “Sa'ud, House of”, in A. Sela (ed.), Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East. Jerusalem: Jerusalem Publishing House (1999).

12. Alexander Bligh, “The US-Jordanian dispute over the future of the West Bank in the wake of the June war”, Judea and Samaria Studies, Vol. 9. Ariel: College of Judea and Samaria, The research authority (2000) (Hebrew).

13. Alexander Bligh, “The Israeli reprisal action in Samu’ as a prelude to the Six Day War”, Judea and Samaria Studies, Vol. 10. Ariel: College of Judea and Samaria, The research authority (2001) (Hebrew).

14. Alexander Bligh, “‘Abdullah bin (Ibn) ‘Abd-ul-’Aziz”; “Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz”; “Hussein bin (Ibn) Talal”; “Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom”; Sa’udi Arabia”; “Sa'ud, House of”, in A. Sela (ed.), The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East (Revised and Updated) Jerusalem: Jerusalem Publishing House (2002).

15. Alexander Bligh, “The Jordanian Army: Between Domestic and External Challenges”, Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Vol. 5, No. 2 (June 2001),13-20. Also published in: Barry Rubin and Thomas A. Keaney, Armed Forces in the Middle East; Politics and Strategy. London and Portland. Or., (2002). 16. Alexander Bligh, “Israeli Arab members of the 15th Knesset - Between Israeli citizenship and their Palestinian national identity," Israel affairs vol. 9 (2003), nos. 1-2, 3-15. 17. Alexander Bligh, “The final settlement of the Palestinian issue and the position of the Israeli Arab leadership”, Israel affairs vol. 9 (2003), nos. 1-2, 290-308. 18. Alexander Bligh, "Palestinian and Jordanian views of the Balfour declaration", in: Neguin Yavari et. al. (eds.), Views From the edge; Essays in honor of Richard W. Bulliet. New York: Press (2004), 19-26. 19. Alexander Bligh, "An Analytical Model of Anti-Terror Cross Border Cooperation", in: W. Kempf and S. Peleg (eds.), Fighting Terrorism in the Liberal State; An Integrated Model of Research, Intelligence and International Law; Volume 9 NATO Security through Science Series: Human and Societal Dynamics: The Netherlands: IOS Press (2006).

20. Alexander Bligh, ”Prime Minister Shamir and King Hussein – Personal relations and the path from tactical agreements to the foundations of peace”. In Y. Ahimeir (ed.), Essays in honor of former [Israeli] Prime Minister, Shamir. Tel Aviv: Yedioth Aharonot (2008) (Hebrew).

21. Alexander Bligh, ”Countering Illicit Traffic of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Region”, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, vol. 23 (2010), 148–165.

22. Alexander Bligh, ”The Israeli Arab vote in parliamentary elections from a historical and political perspective”, Israel Affairs (forthcoming, 2012).

23. Alexander Bligh, “The Israeli Judicial Authority and the Israeli Arab Palestinians – The Judicial Authority as Policy Maker”, Israel Affairs (forthcoming, 2012).

24. Alexander Bligh,” Electronic Digital passport as a means of encountering some of the rising challenges in the field of surveillance and border control on the NATO frontier in the 21st century”. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security. Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece (2010).

25. Alexander Bligh, “The United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF), 1956-1967 – Past Experience, Current Lessons” (Being considered).

26. Alexander Bligh, ”Developing intelligence in the field of financing terror - An analytical model of anti-terror inter agency and cross border cooperation: The security of financial systems dimension”. Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security. The Institute of Cybernetics at the Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia (2011).

Book Reviews Mark Heller and Nadav Safran, “The New Middle Class and Regime Stability in Saudi Arabia”. Cambridge: (1985) in Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 23, no. 2 (April 1987), 237 - 239.

Other Publications 1. Alexander Bligh, “Continuity and change in the inter-Arab arena”, Skira Hodshit 1987, no. 3 - 4, 30 - 41 (Hebrew).

2. Alexander Bligh, “King Hussein`s initiative and its impact on Jordan and the PLO”, Skira Hodshit 1988, no. 9, 3 - 12 (Hebrew).

3. Alexander Bligh, “Jordan’s economic crisis and its political implications”, Skira Hodshit 1989, no. 9, 17 - 29 (Hebrew).

4. Alexander Bligh, “Rules and actors on the inter-Arab arena in the wake of the crisis”, Skira Hodshit 1990, no. 9, 19 - 30 (Hebrew).

5. Alexander Bligh, ”The contribution of the attack on the Iraqi nuclear reactor – twenty years later”, in: The Bombing of the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor; a collection of papers and lectures. Jerusalem: Menahem Begin Heritage Center (2003), 52-55 (Hebrew).

MEETINGS, INVITED LECTURES AND ABSTRACTS – A SELECT LIST 2011 10th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, The Institute of Cybernetics at the Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia; Paper: “Developing Intelligence in the Field of Financing Terror – an Analytical Model”.

2010 9th European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece; Paper: “Electronic Digital Passport as a Means of Partial Response to the Lack of Intelligence in the Field of Border Control”.

2010 26th Annual Association for Israel Studies Conference, Toronto, Canada; Paper: “UNEF, 1956-1967, as a Test Case”.

2009 International Studies Association Midwest, Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO; Paper: : “The growing role of foreign policy challenges in the Saudi succession process.”

2008 9th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Florence (Italy), Illicit Traffic of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Region, Paper: “A model for countering illicit traffic of cultural heritage in the Mediterranean region”.

2007 NATO advanced research workshop, Tbilisi (Georgia), Surveillance and border control on the NATO frontier in the 21st century, Paper: E-D Passport as a means of encountering some of the rising challenges in the field of surveillance and border control on the NATO frontier in the 21st century.

2007 Annual convention of the Israeli Association of Political science, Western Galilee College; Paper: The Israeli Higher Education System at the crossroads.

2006 International Studies Association Midwest, Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO; Paper: Preliminary Feasibility Study of a Model of Anti-Terror Regional Cooperation.

2006 NATO ARW: Invisible Threats: Security of Financial Systems in the Caucasus and Central Asia, Bishkek, Kirgizstan; Paper: An Analytical Model of Anti-Terror Inter Agency and Cross Border Cooperation; The Security of Financial Systems Dimension.

2006 Moshe Zack diplomacy and media workshop, College of Judea and Samaria. Paper: Assessing Saudi-Israeli interests in the wake of the accession to the throne of King Abdullah.

2006 47th Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, CA, USA. Paper: An analytical model of anti-terror cross border cooperation.

2005 University of Konstanz, Germany, NATO sponsored Advanced Research Workshop: Security through Science; Paper: a non-technological model of combating terrorism through intelligence gathering, sharing and comparing with national human rights laws.

2005 The Southwestern Political Science Association’s 2005 meeting, New Orleans, LA. ; Paper: Patterns of voting among the Arab citizens of Israel, 1949-Present.

2005 The Southwestern Political Science Association’s 2005 meeting, New Orleans, LA - Ps02: The politics of election reform; Chair.

2004 University of Haifa – 10 Years of peace with Jordan; Paper: Jordanian concepts of peace with Israel

2004 Middle East & Central Asia Politics, Economic, and Society Conference, University of Utah, Paper: Canada and the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF, 1956-1967) – Past Experience, Current Lessons.

2002 The First World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), the University of Mainz, Germany; Paper: Israeli Arab Members of the 15th Knesset - Between Israeli Citizenship and Their Palestinian National Identity

2002 Annual convention of the Israeli Association of Political science, Tel Aviv University; Paper: The Arab members of the 15th knesset between Palestinian identity and Israeli citizenship.

2001 International Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Intercultural relations, U. of Mississippi; Paper: Dynamics of change in the formation of the Israeli Arab Palestinian identity.

2000 Armed Forces in the Middle East: Politics and Strategy; BESA Center, Bar Ilan University; Paper: The Jordanian Army between Domestic and External Challenges: Maintaining the Regime Not the Country.

2000 Third International Crossroads in Conference, U. of Birmingham; Paper: Emerging Jordanian Identity in a Multicultural Society: The Result of Contemporary Political Challenges.

2000 Tenth convention of Judea and Samaria Studies, The College of Judea and Samaria; Paper: The November 1966 Israeli Samu’ raid as a prelude to the June war

1999 Conference: Assessing Israel’s strategic standing, The College of Judea and Samaria; Paper: Jordanian-Palestinian relations and the political process

Chairperson, organizing committee

1999 Ninth convention of Judea and Samaria Studies, College of Judea and Samaria; Paper: King Husayn’s policies towards Judea and Samaria after the Six Day War.

1998 Conference on fifty years to the universal declaration on human rights; Tel Aviv University; Paper: National service for non-serving populations in Israel.

1998 Israel between wars and settlements, Haifa University; Paper: Jordanian positions vs. Israel and the Palestinians in the wake of the June 1967 war.

1996 Conference on nationalism, Department of Government, University of Sydney; Paper: Composite nationalism - Jordanian nationalism as a successful test case.

1994 Symposium: Refugee resettlement and repatriation in Israel, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University; Paper: Israel and the refugee problem: from exodus to resettlement (1948- 1952).

1993 International conference: Israel’s Arabs as a Political Community in Formation, Harry S. Truman Research Institute; Paper: the emergence of the Israeli Arab national leadership during the uprising (intifadah).

1991 International conference on the Arabs of Israel; The Hebrew University; Paper: The Israeli government’s policy towards its Arab minority since 1948.

1990 Researchers` colloquium on Jerusalem, Israeli Oriental Society; Paper: King Husayn`s positions on Jerusalem.

1987 Fourteenth Annual conference of the Israeli Oriental Society; Member, Organizing committee; Paper: Jordanian perceptions of Israel. 1987 The 1929 riots in Palestine as a turning point in the Arab- Jewish conflict in Palestine; The Hebrew University. Discussant.

1985 Religious radicalism and politics in the Middle East; Harry S. Truman Research Institute; Member, Organizing committee.

1983 The annual conference of the Davis Institute, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Paper: Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.

1983 Tenth annual meeting of the Israel Oriental Society. Paper: The role of Saudi Arabia in Israeli strategy.

1981 Fifteenth annual meeting of MESA. University of Washington, Seattle; Paper: Opposition to the regime in Saudi Arabia, 1953 - 1979.

1981 Colloquium of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey. Mutual perceptions: East/West.

1981 Middle East perspectives: The American concern University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; Paper: The diplomatic alternative.

1980 Fourteenth annual meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA), , Washington; Paper: The ulama of Saudi Arabia - government partner or government tool?

1977 Fourth annual meeting of the Israel Oriental Society, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Paper: The decline of the Assyrian leadership in , 1933 - 1939.