Established 1961 Friday ISSUE NO: 173401 RABI ALAWWAL 20, 1439 AH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017

Parliament to convene Cristiano Ronaldo claims 9 Sunday on national unity 47 new Champions League

World slams Trump’s Jerusalem move

See Pages 11, 12 and 14 2 Friday Local Friday, December 8, 2017

Digital currencies

Local Spotlight

By Muna Al-Fuzai [email protected]

he Venezuelan president recently said that his coun- try plans to launch a new digital currency to cope Twith the financial crisis caused by the financial embargo imposed by the United States. The new currency will be called “petro”, and will enjoy guarantees from Venezuela’s oil and gas reserves and natural resources of gold and diamonds. The Venezuelan president said the move will allow for new forms of international funding for economic and social development in the country. I believe the man has to do what he has to do to save and protect his country, and if issuing a new digital currency is one way for a solution, so be it. The statement led to a debate among many people. The new Venezuelan digital currency will be guaranteed by cer- tain factors by the government, but it is not the only virtual currency in the cloud today, which is filled with crypto-cur- rencies that entered global markets and caused a media uproar. Will the world see new changes in financial transac- tions? How will governments face it, and should individuals resist the temptation to deal with these currencies? As Venezuela is on its way to issuing the new virtual cur- Flowers bloom in a local garden in Kuwait City. A renewed interest in local parks, outdoor urban spaces and gar- rency, the world is witnessing a strong surge of another dens has led to the development or refurbishment of green spaces in Kuwait. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat digital currency - bitcoin - causing confusion and a race by some people to get hold of it. More companies are encour- aging and training people to use this new currency online. I wonder if virtual currencies such as bitcoin and others are legal or not. Are we waiting for more virtual currencies which may be supported by governments, such as the case Spending the holidays abroad in Venezuela? The matter is still under discussion. The digital currencies have several different names and are usually referred to as digital, virtual, encrypted or elec- tronic currencies. Yet I keep thinking if it is just a bubble IN MY VIEW that will soon burst, or a genius invention that will change the face of financial transactions in the future. There is a split in opinions among individuals and financial institutions on this subject. While some are thinking of buying all they By Salman Al Mutawa can of the new virtual currencies, some are hesitant to [email protected] avoid losses. I think that in the case of bitcoin, there are no logical reasons for its high price, as it is now. The Reserve Bank of on’t do it. During my second year studying in the did I spend time with? No one. Why? Because they were India has refused to consider it a legal currency. They are US, I decided to experience the holidays in all in Kuwait enjoying campfires. right in seeking to protect their resources and reputation. DAmerica for the first time. I wouldn’t return to Another factor that I did not take into consideration But there are some people and a few governments who Kuwait to spend time with my family. Instead, I would stay was the change of environment returning to your family believe that virtual currencies will change the face of the here and experience the culture during Christmastime and provides you. During a study break, your mind and body world in the future. New Year’s. rest from the stress of being in an institution. However, I In my opinion, crypto-currencies are a brilliant inven- I had forgotten two things, or maybe I was misguided have found that remaining close to the environment that tion, but there have been no significant changes to the lives by the media. The first was that you are taking the break from of individuals or investments after years of their launch, Americans and Europeans spend makes it more difficult to complete- which makes me worried. In addition, the sharp and sudden the holidays with their families, The second thing I ly cut that part out of your subcon- fluctuations in rates without good or apparent reasons and seeing as I do not have any scious, even for a little while. make it an investment fraught with dangers and more akin family in America, I would not be forgot was how As a result, most students who to gambling rather than an investment. having the holiday “experience”. beautiful Kuwait is do not travel during the break do But if financial institutions are persuaded to adopt cryp- Instead, I spent that time eating not get to hit that “refresh” button. to-currencies as legal tender that eliminates the typical Chinese food, because those during the winter In some cases, and this has hap- problems of everyday currencies such as counterfeiting, for restaurants were the only ones pened to me, the following semester example, by providing users and traders of these currencies with adequate safeguards to protect their money and con- that were open. felt twice as exhausting as a normal trol possible attempts of money laundering, then it would The second thing I forgot was semester, because I did not have bring a new change to today’s world. how beautiful Kuwait is during the winter - the cool that sense of complete disconnect from my surroundings. But it seems that so far, the old school of financial insti- weather and camping culture was something that I did not So, if you are still on the edge about returning home for tutions has not granted its approval to such an upgrade. I appreciate until I missed it. the New Year’s break and need to decide, let me do it for think the world needs to support new financial tools, but Watching my family and friends enjoy their breaks in you. Book your ticket now. Shoo. Enjoy your family and only if enough international guarantees are given, such as in the desert with their loved ones only made my stay in the loved ones - your apartment isn’t going to go anywhere. the case of Venezuela, for example. It might be worth think- United States more mundane. And guess what? Most of It’ll be waiting for you exactly the way you left it come ing and considering then. my friends in the US at the time were Khaleejis, so who January 2018.

4 Friday L o c a l Friday, December 8, 2017

How to ‘legally’ enjoy Kuwait’s camping season

By Nawara Fattahova cated by the Municipality for camping, which people have been urged to respect. he camping season in Kuwait These legal locations for camping are began on Nov 15 and will end on specified along with the instructions on TMarch 15, 2018. During Kuwait’s the official website of the municipality: camping season, people can register the The applicant will location of their camp after paying a fee have to pay a fee of KD 50 and a deposit and deposit. Certain sites have been allo- of KD 300 during the registration. The applicant will get the deposit back after leaving the campsite at the end of the sea- son without any violations. The camping locations are in two gov- These legal locations for ernorates: Ahmadi and Jahra. “There are camping are specified eight camping areas within the two gov- ernorates spread over 640 square kilome- along with the instructions ters. These include four service and security locations, where staff from the in- on the official website terior ministry, health ministry and the municipality are present. The municipality of the municipality: also issues licenses to cooperative soci- eties to set up temporary markets to serve the campers,” Abdulmuhsen Abalkhail, Public Relations manager for Municipality told Kuwait Times. Friday 5 L o c a l Friday, December 8, 2017

Photos show various camping sites and tents set up during Kuwait’s camping season which runs from November to March. In recent years, the Municipality has cracked down on destruction of the desert camping areas, organizing licensing for camping and levying fines on those who leave trash, equipment and other debris behind. — Photos by Joseph Shagra and Yasser Al-Zayyat

“Those who want to set up a camp can of the camp will have to pay for the removal phone number that is registered with his bank choose the exact location on the municipality expenses. But illegal camps pitched at legal account to receive the password to complete application according to the GPS. Sometimes locations can get a license,” he explained. the registration. Two weeks after the camping people don’t reach the correct location. But season ends, he will get back the deposit in if they reach the correct location and find Conditions the same bank account,” stressed Abalkhail. other people camping there, they can com- “The applicant should be at least 21 years plain, as this camp will be illegal and our in- old of any nationality and should register on Fines spectors will remove it,” he said. “Illegal the municipality website, where he has to “People should avoid using cement for camps will be removed by the Municipality enter the GPS location and pay the fee and building their camps, disturbing the soil, lit- after posting a warning letter, and the owner deposit. He should also register the same tele- tering and other harmful activities. According to environment law no. 42/2016, environmen- tal violations can result in heavy fines - up to KD 5,000. Municipal inspectors are now au- thorized to issue fines for environmental vi- olations, in addition to municipal violations,” he said. Almost 1,000 licenses have been issued by the municipality this season. “Every per- son who registers for a camp on the website is entitled to an area of 1,000 square meters. This year, a new condition was added to the regular procedures of registration - that after the camping season ends, the camper should obtain an official letter from the Environment Public Authority stating the campsite is free of violations. Only then will he get back his deposit,” concluded Abalkhail. 6 Friday Local Friday, December 8, 2017

PHOTO OF THE DAY Be pretty and write


By Athoob Alshuaibi [email protected]

ecently the Kuwait International Bookfair took place and as almost every year, it was accom- Rpanied by demands and calls from those object- ing to the banning of books. Writers, novelists, artists and human rights activists - we find them silent throughout the year, except at this particular time. Surprisingly, there are a great number of objectors, but we have never heard that anyone has submitted a literary or artistic work that stimulates the book cen- sorship issue. The second contradiction that is seen is the practice Infantino and Minister of Commerce and Industry and Acting Minister of State for Youth Affairs Khaled Al-Roudhan speak with of the censors and their disdain through social media Kuwaiti youth during a tour of the Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat for Kuwaiti fashionistas breaking into the world of novel writing, forgetting that freedom of speech and expression is guaranteed by the constitution. Plus, pen and paper are available to all, and everyone can try Social media trends turning their fortune in the lit- erary arena. The marriages upside down actual measure of any writer’s success is the popularity of By Ben Garcia her books. The writer’s star may ivorce is one of many issues han- fade for lack of dled by attorney Dr Ahmed Batahi Al-Mutairi. But he productions. At D the same time, believes that helping families resolve their legal disputes is his strength, and the number of he enjoys his work. According to him, published the trend of increasing divorce rates is books is not a universal, noting that Kuwait has a high criterion of success. It’s quality over quantity. number of divorce cases too. “This I Their discontent shows an effort to confine literary think is related to the fast changes in arts to the elites, much like what the early 19th century reality, coupled with trends in technolo- photographers did after Kodak launched the first com- gy,” he said. mercial film camera to the public in 1888. In addition, An article published by Kuwait Times nothing is worse than firing sentences on books based recently said the rate of divorce in Kuwait has climbed to 60 percent, but on their covers. In the end, good will out itself. Not to Mutairi rejected this report, claiming that mention that many of Kuwait’s fashionistas are educat- it’s only 30 percent. “The reason behind ed women, and their interest in fashion is a credit to this is the very nature of man, who feels Dr Ahmed Batahi Al-Mutairi them, and not against them. superior to a woman. They want to reaf- Literary snobbishness is the worst thing a writer firm their manhood by showing their can reach, because he pays himself a mandate to criti- superiority over women. But this is also Every morning, before going to work, case officers or attorneys and deliberate cize others, to favor work of another, objecting to his influenced by social media trends - com- Mutairi prepares himself for another on the merits of the case,” he said. author, and sometimes without reading the content. munication is turning marriages upside challenging day, and prays for wisdom Even though he has his own law firm One author was shocked by what he called “the inva- down nowadays,” he said. and for his family. “I pray regularly to now, Mutairi is always on the go. “I have sion of fashionistas of the literary world,” and said that Mutairi, 47, is an active lawyer, and ask Allah for guidance when deciding a many plans for the day. I don’t sleep if I was a judge at the court of cassation the book fair has become now a place to gather nau- case. I always decide with full honesty don’t finish my objectives for the day. I sea and feces, corn and shawarma. from 1997 to 2001. He completed his and do what is best based on our law don’t step out if I haven’t accomplished I believe that beautiful, successful women have university degree at the Islamic and responsibility as a human being,” he my goals. I share the same approach University of Madinah in Saudi Arabia told Kuwait Times. with the people I am working with,” he proved to the world that the universal French belief and his PhD at Al-Jinan University in Mutairi has a fixed daily schedule. said. His law firm, which is located that beauty is frequently accompanied by stupidity Lebanon. For many years, the ministry From waking up to drinking coffee, from across the ministry of justice, has han- and a lack of intelligence - according to the famous of justice in Kuwait was his second reading the local newspapers to perusing dled many extramarital affairs and proverb: “Just shut up and be pretty” - is no longer fit home, where he was assigned to render the pile of documents on his desk, every- divorce cases. “The bottom line is that for intellectual consumption. judgments on many cases. In 2012, he thing has a fixed time. At 8 am, the court all we humans want is to be happy and This article is a letter of appreciation to all the fash- decided to start his own law firm, which opens, and his normal workday ends at content in life - this is why my firm ionistas who spoke and weren’t afraid, and succeeded consists of four outstanding lawyers, noon. “At 1 pm, I talk to the families or believes in helping people as much as in adding a drop in the river of literature. two consultants and six office staff. witnesses and schedule meetings with we can.” Friday 7 Local Friday, December 8, 2017 Australia showcases premium food products

KUWAIT: Warren Hauck, Ambassador of Australia to Kuwait, speaks during the event. — Photos by Joseph Shagra Executive Chef Tim Hollands. Some agri-food products on display.

By Ben Garcia case its unique food and beverages experience. total volume of lamb and mutton meat combined exported in 2016 “With the growth of food import sales in Kuwait, which increased was 123,320 tons with a value of 694.3 million Australian Dollars,” KUWAIT: Kuwait is the largest live sheep export market for Aus- by around 8.76 percent in 2016, Kuwait continues to be strong part- he said. “Australia beef, veal and offal exports to the region have also tralia and is the second largest importer of dairy products, says War- ner for Australian network,” he said. “The Middle East region has seen growth in high value items such as grain-fed beef, angus and ren Hauck, Ambassador of Australia to Kuwait as he spoke at the been an important export market for the Australian dairy industry. Wagyu products.” launch of ‘Taste Australia’ event Wednesday night. A group of agri- In 2016/2017, Australia exported over 41,000 tons of dairy products Australian food products can be found in all supermarkets in culture people from the State of Victoria presented its prime food to the region worth nearly 159 million Australian Dollars. Kuwait, Kuwait. The ‘Taste Australia’ was also used as a venue for exhibiting products at Radisson Blu Hotel in front of invited guests. The Horti- Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have been the top three agri-food from Australia and showcasing the skills of Executive Chef culture Innovation Australia, Meat Livestock Australia in partnership importing countries for Australia’s safe and quality dairy products.” Tim Hollands who demonstrated in front of the attendees some of with the Australian Trade and Investment Commission are in the road The Middle East and North Africa market is now Australia’s his menus using Aussie premium food products. It was also designed show in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia, UAE and Kuwait) to show- largest in terms of sheep meat exports, according to Hauck. “The to network for some food suppliers in Kuwait.

‘Jedareyat’ voluntary team turns walls into canvases

KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti ‘Jedareyat’ team, a voluntary group aim at transforming walls in Kuwait into artistic drawings. By doing is to involve various actors in society and and out of passion, he said. The selection of so, the team is delivering a positive message allow young people to practice their hob- team members comes according to previ- of awareness to the community, and gives bies by providing them with space for cre- ous archive material and experience, Roud- young people the opportunity to demon- ativity, he noted. han noted, pointing out that participation in strate their artistic talents and thoughts. There was no specific plan for the incep- the team is open to all and not only for pro- The team currently decorating and tion of the team; it was done spontaneously fessional painters. — KUNA transforming walls of power generators in Safat area, downtown Kuwait, is part of a national youth initiative sponsored by the Ministry of Electricity and Water. Team leader Sulaiman Al-Roudhan said yesterday that the team’s goal is to add color and value, as well as reduce visual pollution in public places. There will be more coopera- tion in the coming period with other gov- ernment bodies in an attempt to provide illustrations inspired by Kuwaiti history, he said. One of the main objectives of the team 8 Friday Local Friday, December 8, 2017 Prime Minister sponsors, attends launch of strategic oil complex Complex to maximize economic return of oil: Oil Minister

KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah yesterday sponsored and attended the launch ceremony of the Kuwait Integrated Petrochemical Industries Company’s (KIPIC) Al-Zour Oil Complex. The ceremony was attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Anas Al-Saleh, together with a host of Sheikhs and senior state and His Highness the Premier’s Diwan officials. Numerous CEOs and senior officials of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) subsidiary companies, and diplomats were also present. Minister of Oil and Minister of Electricity and KUWAIT: Oil Minister Essam Al-Marzouq Water Essam Al-Marzouq, and KIPIC’s CEO honors His Highness the Prime Minister Hashim Sayed Hashim delivered statements at the Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Sabah during the launch ceremony of Al- His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- ceremony, which also featured a documentary on Sabah attends the launch ceremony of Al-Zour Oil Complex. the mega project. Zour Oil Complex. — KUNA Al-Zour is one of the strategic projects for the State of Kuwait, aiming to provide more energy Economic return omy, through creating new opportunities for de- gas and LSFO for electricity plants, besides a sur- to meet the local demand and to provide high Al-Zour Refinery is the only one in Kuwait de- veloping local projects in downstream industries plus of the crude and diesel for export purposes quality products for exports, as well as achieving signed to process Kuwaiti heavy crude oil, gain- and logistical services. It will also offer new jobs “making utmost utilization and maximizing the the aspired self-sufficiency of power. After the ing it strategic importance to maximize the to Kuwaitis. economic return of our oil wealth,” Marzouq said. ceremony, His Highness the Prime Minister said economic return of oil wealth, Marzouq said. The The LNG Import Facilities project, will en- As for the Petrochemicals Complex, the min- that the project would enhance expertise of the refinery project will produce low-sulphur fuel oil hance the strategic role of the Kuwait Petroleum ister said it will integrate with the Al-Zour Refin- Kuwaiti cadres, qualifying them to manage more (LSFO), mainly for the local power plants, Mar- Corporation (KPC), backing its commitment to ery to provide high-quality products, such as oil projects in the future. The government pro- zouq said in a speech during the ceremony. provide the country’s needs of energy, both today p-Xylene (para-xylene), polypropylene and ceeds with studying, and implementing strategic The complex includes three mega projects, Al- and in the future, as well as achieving the highest gasoline, besides motor fuel for local use and ex- development projects in the oil and non-oil sec- Zour Refinery, the LNG Import Facilities, and the added-value of the integration process, the min- ports. Marzouq thanked His Highness the Premier tors for the good of the Kuwaiti people and the Petrochemicals Complex. Marzouq said the proj- ister noted. for his support to the oil sector, and his eagerness foundations that care for them. ects would give an impetus to the national econ- KIPIC will produce the optimal mix of natural to follow up its development projects. — KUNA

relationship between the two countries, the Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah UK-Kuwaiti statement noted. It affirmed that defense, se- and the role of Kuwait in establishing security curity and trade are the cornerstone of the and stability in the region, according to the Steering Group bilateral relationship which is being devel- statement. The statement referred that the oped to live up to the current challenges, in- British side congratulated His Highness the GCC peoples have a lot cluding cybersecurity. Amir on the success of the 38th GCC Summit draws up plan On security, the talks focused on facing hosted by Kuwait on Tuesday. The joint work in common: Ministry common challenges, including the protection plan drawn up by the joint group will be ap- to bolster of aviation security through the improvement proved by Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister of international standards at airports, the Khaled Al-Jarallah and British Minister for KUWAIT: The points of agreement statement said. On economy, the statement Middle East affairs Alistair Burt during a next among the peoples of the Gulf Co- bilateral ties stressed the need of commitment to support- meeting, the statement concluded. operation Council (GCC) are more ing efforts by the Kuwaiti-British partnerships Burt had welcome the holding of the GCC than the points of disagreement, KUWAIT: The joint UK-Kuwaiti Steering so as to increase mutual commercial and in- in Kuwait, and urged GCC states to take fur- Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Group has drawn up a joint work plan aiming vestment bonds. The talks also discussed ther steps towards resuming full cooperation. and Acting Minister of Information to promote relations and preserve mutual in- means of fostering cooperation in healthcare, “The UK and GCC are close partners on a Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah Al- terests between the two countries through in addition to mutual commitment to removing range of issues, and we welcome the atten- Mubarak Al-Sabah said Wednesday. the next six months, Kuwait’s Foreign Min- obstacles for strengthening bonds of com- dance by all GCC member states at the Sum- “The holding of the 38th summit in istry announced on Wednesday. merce, investment, study and tourism between mit hosted by Kuwait this week,” Burt said in time signals that GCC peoples have Sheikh Mohammad Following the group’s 11th meeting, the the two countries, it made clear. The state- a press statement Wednesday. He underlined a lot in common,” he said in a meet- Al-Abdullah ministry said in a statement that the two sides ment further pointed to common concern to- that the unity amongst GCC members is im- ing with representatives of Arab Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah agreed to continue developing cooperation wards boosting cooperation in education, portant for the Gulf’s stability and security. press organizations covering the in the domains of immigration, trade, security, scientific research, environment protection “We urge our GCC partners to build on summit. defense, cybersecurity, healthcare, science, and culture. On politics, the two sides shared the Summit and take further steps towards On the level of representation at the summit, Sheikh Mo- education, environment and culture. views on the latest developments in the Mid- resuming full cooperation,” he added. He ex- hammad said Kuwait has had the honor of welcoming the rep- The statement underlined the importance dle East region and the pressing issues, it said, pressed admiration of His Highness the Amir resentatives of any leader of a GCC member country. Dealing of continuity of work within the framework of referring that the British side expressed its Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with Kuwait mediation in the GCC crisis, he said this mediation the group for cementing ties and achieving support to Kuwait’s mediation efforts aiming for hosting the summit. “The UK fully sup- derives its credibility from the impartiality of the mediator. His the mutual objectives. Work at the sub- to resolve the Gulf crisis. ports his continued mediation efforts towards Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah groups covers various fields which stress the The British government has praised the a resolution of differences between GCC believes it is his duty to continue his efforts to restore trust continuation of building on the basis of the wise leadership of His Highness the Amir member states,” he concluded. — KUNA among the brothers in the GCC, the minister added. —KUNA Friday 9

Local Friday, December 8, 2017 Parliament speaker meets Palestinian Ambassador Kuwait regrets US recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al- Ghanem yesterday met with Palestinian Ambassador to Kuwait Rami Tahboub. The meeting was attended by Kuwait MPs Mubarak Al-Harees and Yussef Al-Fadhala. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had stated on Wednesday that the State of Kuwait followed with profound regret the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel and move its embassy to the holy city. Such a unilateral move contravenes the UN res- olutions on maintaining the political, historical, legal and human- itarian status quo in Jerusalem, an official of the ministry official said in a statement reported by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA). The US decision runs counter to the international laws and conventions, and puts in peril the future of the Middle East peace process, the official cautioned. He expressed concern over the adverse repercussions of the US move on security, peace and sta- bility in the region, which is already fraught with peril. He voiced hope that the US administration would reconsider its move and focus on the peace efforts based on the international legitimacy, the two-state vision for peace and the Arab peace initiative. Meanwhile, at least 14 MPs submitted a proposal yesterday to KUWAIT: Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem meets with Palestinian Ambassador to host a special session at the National Assembly on Wednesday to Kuwait Rami Tahboub. — KUNA discuss the ramifications of the US decision.

violent. US Embassy Kuwait reminds US citi- not; Avoid traveling alone. Avoid isolated US embassy zens of the need for caution and awareness of areas, especially after dark. Tell friends, col- personal security. leagues, or neighbors where you are going “Review your personal security plans; re- and when you intend to return; Know where alerts citizens of main aware of your surroundings, including you are going and your destination. Find exits Kuwait keen local events; and monitor local news for up- and have a plan to escape. Select “safe dates. Maintain a high-level of vigilance, take havens” along your route, such as government possible protests appropriate steps to enhance your personal buildings, friends’ residences, shops or restau- on combating security and follow instructions of local au- rants, or gas stations; Always carry a charged KUWAIT: The United States embassy in thorities. Avoid areas of demonstrations, and cell phone. Make sure you have programmed human trafficking Kuwait sent the following letter to US citizens exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large emergency numbers in all your family mem- in the country, giving general guidelines of gatherings, protests, or demonstrations. bers’ phones; Be prepared to postpone or how to react to possible protests that might “These are some measures you can take to cancel activities; Report concerns you may DOHA: Kuwait voiced keenness yesterday to pro- take place in Kuwait in response to US Pres- increase your personal safety: Avoid crowds. have to the police and to the US Embassy in tect humans from trafficking and smuggling as a ident Donald Trump’s announcement to rec- Large gatherings can quickly become danger- Kuwait. form of contemporary slavery and a blatant viola- ognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital: ous; Keep a low profile. Be aware of how oth- “US citizens are strongly encouraged to tion of human rights and fundamental freedoms “The recent announcement that the United ers dress and behave in public and try to maintain a high level of vigilance, be aware of guaranteed by international laws. Kuwait has taken States recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of blend in; Vary your routes and times of travel. local events, and take the appropriate steps to several measures, including enacting legislations Israel and plans to relocate the US Embassy Being less predictable makes you more diffi- bolster their personal security. If you perceive that affirm its serious desire to combat such crimes, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem may spark protests, cult to target; Be aware of your surroundings. a threat, or are the victim of a crime, in Kuwait, Director of Public Protection and Anti-Human Traf- some of which have the potential to become Understand what “belongs” and what does dial 112.” ficking Department at the Interior Ministry Colonel Haitham Al-Othman said. His remarks came on the sidelines of the fifth World Interpol Conference on Combating Human Trafficking and Smuggling of Mi- grants. The Kuwaiti law 91/2013 on human traffick- Parliament to ing and the smuggling of migrants states on combating these crimes and is consistent with in- ternational organizations, he noted. convene Sunday He pointed out that his administration also has organized awareness campaigns pertaining that law which focuses on citizens and residents as well as on unity law enforcement. Othman added that there is coop- eration with a number of sectors inside the ministry, KUWAIT: Kuwaiti National Assembly Speaker the Public Authority for Manpower, and the UN In- Marzouq Al-Ghanem said yesterday he has in- ternational Organization for Migration in terms of vited government and officials to attend a spe- detecting crime, training and coordination in this re- cial session on Sunday to discuss how to gard. Othman explained that since its establishment, promote national unity. “There is a request from the Department became aware of a number of cases, MPs to hold a special session on Sunday re- which were later shifted to the General Prosecution to enforce the law. More than 300 people repre- garding internal and external events,” Ghanem ing to Article 72 of the parliament’s statutes. The that it was necessary to shore up the country’s senting more than 90 countries participated in the said in a press release. He said he has extended speaker hoped that there would be “political internal front and unify ranks in order to ad- two-day conference. — KUNA invitations to government and deputies accord- breakthroughs” in the near future, emphasizing dress external challenges. — KUNA

International FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017 Qatar, France sign $1bn fighter jet agreement LA mansions threatened as fierce California wildfires rage amid Gulf crisis Page 16 Page 13

SIDON: Palestinian students waving the national Palestinian flag and a model of Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock mosque protest in the streets of the southern Lebanese port city of Sidon yesterday against US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. —AFP (See Pages 12 and 14) World slams Trump’s Jerusalem move Saudis call move ‘irresponsible,’ Qatar warns of ‘serious repercussions’

RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories: US President wounded from tear gas, rubber bullets and live fire Dangerous step “serious concern” and Saudi Arabia called it “un- Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s in the West Bank. Saudi King Salman on Tuesday had warned justified and irresponsible.” capital sparked Palestinian protests, clashes and a Saudi Arabia yesterday slammed US President Trump that moving the US embassy for Israel to Palestinian leaders were outraged, with presi- call for a new intifada yesterday as fears grew of Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Jerusalem was a “dangerous step” that could rile dent Mahmud Abbas saying Trump had disqualified fresh bloodshed in the region. Trump’s announce- Israel’s capital, calling the move “unjustified and ir- Muslims worldwide. Trump’s announcement ap- the United States from its traditional role as peace ment also prompted an almost universal diplomatic responsible”. Trump ended seven decades of US pears to have cast a pall over relations between broker in the Middle East conflict. Palestinian shops backlash that continued yesterday, with fresh warn- ambiguity on the status of the disputed city on Saudi Arabia and the US, which have warmed in the in east Jerusalem, including the Old City, as well as ings from , the European Union and Russia. Wednesday, prompting an almost universal diplo- months after his election, with the president choos- in the West Bank were largely shuttered and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu matic backlash and fears of new bloodshed in the ing the Gulf kingdom for his first overseas visit in schools closed on Thursday after a general strike however lavished praise on Trump, saying his name Middle East. He also kicked off the process of mov- May. While the two countries have long been allies, was called. would now be associated with Jerusalem’s long his- ing the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Riyadh viewed Trump’s predecessor Barack “By this decision, America became a very small tory and urging other countries to follow his lead. “The kingdom expresses great regret over the US Obama as overly friendly with its arch-nemesis country, like any small country in the world, like Mi- The Israeli military deployed hundreds more troops president’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital Iran. Israel and Saudi Arabia have no official diplo- cronesia,” Salah Zuhikeh, 55, told AFP in to the occupied West Bank amid uncertainty over of Israel,” said a Saudi royal court statement carried by matic relations. Meanwhile, Qatar’s emir has Jerusalem’s Old City. “America was a great country the fallout, while clashes between Palestinians and the official Saudi Press Agency. The decision goes warned President Trump that his decision to rec- for us and everyone.” Trump’s move left many Israeli security forces erupted in various areas. against the “historical and permanent rights of the Pales- ognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital would have “se- angry US allies struggling to find a diplomatic re- In a speech in Gaza City, Hamas leader Ismail tinian people”, the royal court said, calling on Trump to rious repercussions”, according to a statement sponse. Through gritted teeth, Britain described the Haniya called for a new intifada, or uprising. Protests reconsider his decision. “The kingdom has already from Doha’s foreign ministry yesterday. move as “unhelpful” and France called it “regret- were held in West Bank cities including Ramallah, He- warned of the serious consequences of such an unjus- table.” Germany said plainly that it “does not sup- bron and Nablus, as well as in the Gaza Strip. Israeli tified and irresponsible move,” the statement said. “The ‘Darker times’ port” Trump’s decision. Eight countries including forces dispersed several hundred protesters with tear US move represents a significant decline in efforts to EU diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini said the Britain, France and Italy pressed for an emergency gas at a checkpoint at the entrance to Ramallah, while push a peace process and is a violation of the histori- decision could take the region “backwards to even meeting of the UN Security Council in response, the Palestinian Red Crescent reported dozens cally neutral American position on Jerusalem.” darker times.” Russia said it viewed the move with which was set for today. —AFP 12 Friday International Friday, December 8, 2017 EU vows push to make Jerusalem capital for Palestinians too ‘Only realistic solution to the conflict is based on two states’

BRUSSELS: The EU’s top diplomat pledged larged format,” said Mogherini, citing Jordan, yesterday to reinvigorate diplomacy with Rus- Egypt and Saudi Arabia, as well as Norway. sia, the United States, Jordan and others to en- “We remain convinced that the role of the sure Palestinians have a capital in Jerusalem United States ... is crucial,” she said. after US President Donald Trump recognized Mogherini, who also spoke to Palestinian the city as Israel’s capital. President Mahmoud Abbas, threw her weight The European Union, a member of the Mid- behind Jordan’s King Abdullah, saying he was dle East Quartet along with the United States, “a very wise man” that everyone should listen the United Nations and Russia, believes it has to as the custodian of the Muslim holy sites in a duty to make its voice heard as the Palestini- Jerusalem. ans’ biggest aid donor and Israel’s top trade Trump’s decision stirred outrage across the partner. “The European Arab and Muslim world Union has a clear and and alarm among U.S. united position. We be- allies and Russia be- lieve the only realistic EU plans cause of Jerusalem’s in- solution to the conflict meetings with ternationally disputed between Israel and status, and the Palestin- Palestine is based on Palestinian and ian Islamist group two states and with Hamas urged Palestini- Jerusalem as the capital Israeli leaders ans to abandon peace of both,” EU foreign efforts and launch a new policy chief Federica uprising against Israel. Mogherini told a news conference. Mogherini stressed all 28 EU governments She said she would meet Jordan’s foreign were united on the issue of Jerusalem and BETLEHEM: Palestinian children look at vandalized graffiti depicting US President Donald Trump and slogans minister today, while she and EU foreign min- seeking a solution envisaging a Palestinian against US Vice President Mike Pence painted on Israel’s controversial separation barrier in the West Bank isters would discuss Jerusalem with Israeli state on land Israel took in a 1967 war, but city of Bethlehem during clashes with Palestinian protestors near an Israeli checkpoint yesterday. —AFP Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Brussels policy divisions within the bloc have weakened on Monday. its influence. “The European Union will engage even “This is the consolidated European Union EU include its range of positions, ranging from some in Israel as being too pro-Palestinian, more with the parties and with our regional and position,” she said, saying EU foreign ministers Germany’s strong support for Israel to Swe- partly because of the EU’s long-held opposition international partners. We will keep working made that clear to US Secretary of State Rex den’s 2014 decision to officially recognize the to Israeli settlements in the occupied West with the Middle East Quartet, possibly in an en- Tillerson on Tuesday in Brussels. Hurdles for the . The EU is also perceived by Bank, diplomats say. —Reuters

“The only way to recover rights is the Hezbollah blasts way of resistance”, and Trump’s declaration has eliminated negotiation as a method, the Trump’s decision statement said. The status of Jerusalem- home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish US ‘pulled the and Christian religions-represents one of as aggression the biggest obstacles to a peace deal be- pin on bomb’ tween Israelis and Palestinians. BEIRUT: Hezbollah lawmakers said yester- The international community does not day that US recognition of Jerusalem as Is- recognize Israeli sovereignty over the en- with decision: rael’s capital constituted an aggression tire city, believing negotiations should re- against Palestine and resistance was the solve its status. No other country has its Turkey only way to recover lost rights. embassy in Jerusalem. ANKARA: People hold signs and shout slogans during a US President Donald Trump’s decision The U.S. decision would have “cata- ANKARA: The United States has primed a protest against the US president’s decision to officially marks the “worst and most dangerous” strophic repercussions that threaten re- bomb in the Middle East with its decision to rec- recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital, yesterday to come from any American administra- gional and international security and ognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Turkish near the US Embassy in Ankara. —AFP tion, Lebanese Hezbollah’s parliamentary stability,” the Hezbollah statement said. It Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said yesterday. bloc said. “represents a treacherous and wicked ag- Yildirim said Turkey’s stark differences with Trump reversed decades of US policy on gression against Palestine, its people, Is- Washington, which have already strained ties “Today, more than 80 percent of our citizens Wednesday by recognizing disputed lamic and Christian shrines, and the Arab between the NATO allies, meant that an over- are cold towards the United States and they are Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The deci- and Islamic worlds”. whelming majority of the Turkish people were right to be so,” Yildirim said, without giving a sion has imperiled Middle East peace ef- Israel views Iran-backed Hezbollah as now unsympathetic toward the United States. source for the figure. Bilateral relations had al- forts and upset the Arab world and Western the biggest threat on its borders. The Shi’ite “The United States has pulled the pin on a bomb ready been hurt by Washington’s support for the allies alike. Trump announced his adminis- political and military movement has sent Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, seen by Ankara as ready to blow in the region,” Yildirim told a con- tration would move the US Embassy to arms to the Palestinian territories, its leader ference in Ankara. President Donald Trump on an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party Jerusalem, a process expected to take years Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said last month. Wednesday reversed decades of US policy by (PKK), which has for decades waged an insur- recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel gency against the Turkish state. and one his predecessors did not undertake Hezbollah and Israel fought a war in 2006, and promising to move the US Embassy there. In addition, Ankara has been angered by the to avoid inflaming tensions. which killed around 1,200 people in Following the decision, hundreds of protesters United States’ refusal to extradite US-based The Hezbollah parliamentary bloc Lebanon, mostly civilians, and 160 Israelis, gathered outside the US consulate in ; Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom it accuses “calls on Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims most of them troops. The two have avoided on Thursday, there was a heavy police presence of orchestrating last year’s attempted military ... to move swiftly and efficiently,” law- major confrontation since that month-long with uniformed soldiers patrolling the roof. coup. —Reuters maker Hassan Fadlallah said in a televised battle, though tensions rose again earlier statement. this year. —Reuters Friday 13 International Friday, December 8, 2017 Qatar, France sign $1bn fighter jet agreement amid Gulf crisis Doha calls to resolve regional rift with ‘dignity’ DOHA: Qatar announced yesterday a deal to buy 12 French-built Since June 5, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain Rafale fighter jets, as it faces a boycott by neighboring Gulf states and Egypt have diplomatically isolated Qatar. The four countries in the region’s worst political crisis in years. also cut off all air and sea links to Qatar and closed the only land The 1.1-billion-euro ($1.3-billion) order, announced during an terminal for the tiny peninsula. official visit by French President Emmanuel Macron, allows for an Speaking about the crisis at a later joint press conference with option to buy a further 36 jets. It comes on top of a 2015 agree- Macron, Sheikh Tamim reiterated Qatar’s calls for a negotiated ment on the purchase of 24 Dassault Aviation-built Rafale war- settlement. “Qatar’s sovereignty is above all considerations. We planes. Also yesterday, Qatar Airways announced a want to resolve the rift but not at the expense of our sovereignty 5.5-billion-euro ($6.4-billion) deal to buy 50 Airbus A321 pas- and dignity,” he said. senger planes, with an option for 36 more. The two countries also The French president urged a diplomatic solution through re- signed a three-billion-euro ($3.5 billion) deal on the operation gional mediator Kuwait. “I reiterated to the emir France’s support and maintenance of the Doha Metro, currently being built as the for Kuwait’s mediation efforts and my wish for a quick solution,” DOHA: French President Emmanuel Macron (left) and Qatari country prepares for the football World Cup in 2022. Macron told reporters. Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani watch as their for- The lucrative contracts were inked in the presence of Macron Qatar’s Emir called yesterday for a negotiated settlement to a eign ministers sign bilateral agreements in the Qatari capital and Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. Qatar also damaging dispute with other Gulf states, but insisted any solution Doha yesterday—AFP signed a letter of intent to buy 490 VBCI armored vehicles from should not come at the expense of “our sovereignty and dignity.” Nexter, a French government-owned weapons manufacturer, in a “Qatar’s sovereignty is above all considerations. We want to re- “If the brothers want to resolve the dispute, we are ready,” potential deal worth 1.5 billion euros ($1.7 billion), the Elysee said. solve the rift but not at the expense of our sovereignty and dig- Sheikh Tamim said. “Any solution should be founded on a clear The military contracts come at a time of heightened tensions in nity,” Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani said at a joint press basis acceptable by all and the non-interference in the sover- the Gulf, where a Saudi-led boycott of Qatar is in its sixth month. conference with visiting French President Emmanuel Macron. eignty of others.” —AFP 14 Friday International Friday, December 8, 2017 Trump’s Jerusalem move brings little change, big risk of violence Concept of two-state solution in jeopardy

JERUSALEM: US President Donald Trump’s must be negotiated by Israel and the Palestinians. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital may Jerusalem remains a strong rallying cry for not bring little immediate concrete change but risks only Palestinians, but also Muslims worldwide as sparking another round of violence in a conflict the location of the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, that has lasted decades. Islam’s third-holiest site. The compound is located While Trump waded deep into the Israeli- at the site that is also the holiest in Judaism, known Palestinian conflict with Wednesday’s declaration to Jews as the Temple Mount, and the city is con- on Jerusalem, many analysts said his main audi- sidered by Jewish Israelis to be their 3,000-year- ence was the president’s right-wing Christian po- old capital. litical base in the United States. Still, the recognition, though it came with pledges of pur- ‘License to run amok’ suing peace, risks igniting yet another round of vi- Jerusalem’s status is perhaps the most difficult olence in the region. issue to resolve in Israeli- A series of clashes and Palestinian peace efforts, protests erupted in the with both sides claiming it West Bank, Gaza Strip as their capital. and east Jerusalem in the Decision could “Nothing is ever sure wake of the decision yes- hand a license in the Middle East, so it’s terday, while armed Is- unclear whether he is NABLUS: Palestinian protestors shout slogans against US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize lamist movement Hamas to run amok completely discrediting Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the West Bank city of Nablus yesterday.—AFP called for a new intifada, himself as mediator in the or uprising. Ghassan peace process between Khatib, a former Palestin- Israelis and Palestinians,” said Trump had disqualified the United States from since it was done for domestic political reasons. ian Authority minister, said he did not believe a said Yossi Alpher, an adviser to former Israeli pre- its role as traditional peace broker in the Middle But he noted, like many others, that reactions full-blown intifada would result, but it was too mier Ehud Barak. East conflict, while others went further. to it could spin out of control, with extremists on early to know to what degree unrest will occur. “But it is certain that the recognition of Saeb Erekat, secretary-general of the Palestine both sides encouraged. “The impact of the speech “I think there will be a wave of popular Jerusalem as capital of Israel is detrimental to the Liberation Organization and longtime chief nego- won’t lie in the words comprising it, but in the way protests,” he told AFP. “I don’t know for how long. process.” tiator for the Palestinians, said he had destroyed that the parties interpret it,” he wrote. It depends on several factors, including how Israel Whether unrest would eventually spiral, either the two-state solution-the focus of years of inter- “The Palestinians might despair and resort to responds to it.” Trump’s move also drew global in the Palestinian territories or the wider region, national peace efforts. violence; the right-wing parties in Israel might condemnation, including from traditional US allies was being closely watched, while questions were Nahum Barnea, a columnist for Israeli newspa- seek to accelerate annexation (of the West Bank)... who insisted on what has been the consensus in also being raised over whether a peace process is per Yedioth Aharonot, said “it would be ill-advised Trump, they might think, has given them licence to the international community: Jerusalem’s status still possible. Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to overstate the importance” of Trump’s speech run amok.” —AFP

sources said. Niceties aside, Greece “This is the bedrock of our friendship,” said Pavlopoulos, referring to the treaty and point- and Turkey take edly telling his VIP guest he was a Professor On Jerusalem, of Law. “This is the basis which supports our the gloves off friendship .. this is not negotiable.” Erdogan Trump obeys will of responded by saying it was a treaty signed 94 for Erdogan visit years ago and did not apply only to Greece or US people: Tillerson Turkey but also included countries such as : Greece and Turkey squared up to Japan. It was also supposed to protect the each other over old disputes yesterday during VIENNA: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Turkish minority in northern Greece. a state visit by Tayyip Erdogan to Athens, the said yesterday that, in recognizing Jerusalem as In Northern Greece, he said, Greece in- first such by a Turkish head of state in 65 years the capital of Israel, President Donald Trump sisted on calling the 100,000 Turkish commu- and one which quickly exposed long-held his- was obeying the will of the American people. nity there Muslim rather than using the term torical grievances. Tillerson is in Europe on a three-city tour and “Turkish”. Uneasy allies in NATO and at odds over a his talks with America’s allies have been partly VIENNA: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson speaks dur- “The necessary support is not being ing the 24th Ministerial Council of the Organization for host of issues from ethnically split to overshadowed by global outrage at Trump’s provided to them in terms of investments ... Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) at the Hof- air space, diplomatic niceties were set aside controversial decision. and there is discrimination going on,” Er- burg palace in Vienna yesterday. —AFP after early remarks by Erdogan to Greek But Washington’s top diplomat has stood dogan said. by his boss and insists the decision has not media that a treaty defining their borders may need reviewing. The 1923 Treaty of Lausanne “They can’t accept the word ‘Turk’ being marred what has otherwise been a very positive written outside a school,” Erdogan, who was do with the US law and a US decision and every defined the borders of modern-day Turkey, reception from EU and NATO colleagues. to visit the region today, said. The two NATO country has a right to decide what it wants to and by extension, Greece. In an unusually “The president is simply carrying out the will partners teetered on the verge of war in 1974, of the American people,” Tillerson said at a news decide as to its embassy in Israel,” Tillerson said. blunt exchange during a welcoming ceremony, 1987 and 1996 over long-running disputes on conference with Austria’s Foreign Minister Se- Earlier, US officials told reporters that when President Prokopis Pavlopoulos ruled out any ethnically divided Cyprus, mineral rights in the bastian Kurz. The former oilman said Trump had Trump was making his decision Tillerson had change to the treaty while a stern-looking Er- merely implemented an existing American law asked for time to check that US embassies were dogan, seated beside him, said there were de- Aegean Sea and sovereignty over uninhabited that obliges the president to one day move the protected from any protests. tails in the treaty which required clarity. islets in that sea. US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But, publicly, he has strongly supported the The visit earlier got off to a rocky start Although relations have improved, many “Nothing is different other than the president move. In Brussels, this week, European leaders when Turkish F-16s accompanying Erdogan’s Greeks believe Turkey has territorial aspira- has now implemented the 1995 law,” he said, in- made it clear that they want Jerusalem’s final aircraft were headed off by Greek jets when tions against their country. Turkey has also ac- sisting Washington wants Israel and the Pales- status to be decided through direct negotiations they entered Greek airspace. The pilot of the cused Greece of harboring individuals tinians to negotiate a peace deal. “This has to as part of a final peace deal. —AFP Turkish presidential aircraft had refused to be involved in the coup attempt against Erdogan escorted by Greek aircraft, Greek military in July 2016. —Reuters Friday 15 International Friday, December 8, 2017 Putin’s ex-minister, facing 10 years in jail, asks forgiveness Case ‘absurd’ and a ‘monstrous and cruel provocation’

MOSCOW: Alexei Ulyukayev, a former Russian I am to blame towards you.” economy minister who faces 10 years in prison He appeared calm but regularly wiped his on bribery charges, insisted on his innocence forehead with a handkerchief. He compared yesterday while asking Russians to forgive him Sechin-who has refused to appear in court de- for ignoring the injustices of Russia’s political spite being repeatedly summoned-to the devil, system. Giving his final speech in court yesterday, and expressed his amazement that Sechin had he reiterated his claim that the case was “absurd” effectively “disappeared into thin air”. and a “monstrous and cruel provocation”. “Only the smell of sulphur has remained in A top cabinet member in Putin’s government, the air,” he said. Prosecutor Boris Neporozhny Ulyukayev is the highest-ranking official ar- called earlier this week for Ulyukayev to serve rested during Vladimir Putin’s 18 years in power. a 10-year sentence in a “harsh regime” penal He is accused of receiving a $2 million bribe from colony and pay a fine of 500 million rubles ($8.5 Igor Sechin, chief exec- million). utive of the state oil giant It would be the Rosneft, who is consid- harshest punishment ered the second most ever for a top official in powerful man in Russia. Putin likely modern Russia. A judge is expected to run for Ulyukayev, 61, said that to deliver the verdict in he might not survive a his trial on December 15. reelection decade in prison but said Ulyukayev, who is under that “history will vindi- house arrest, voiced his cate me”. regret that he had not He was arrested last paid enough attention to the plight of ordinary year while still a minister, allegedly caught red- Russians while in office. “I am guilty of too often handed in a sting operation supervised by the agreeing to compromise, of choosing the easy FSB security service in which Sechin handed way, and all too often preferred my career and him a bag of dollars. prosperity to standing up for principles,” he said. According to the prosecution, Ulyukayev MOSCOW: A man looks at a painting depicting Russian president Vladimir Putin at the “SUPERPUTIN” exhibition “It’s only when you yourself face misfortune asked for a $2 million bribe to approve Rosneft’s at UMAM museum in Moscow on December 6, 2017. —AFP that you come to realize how hard people’s lives acquisition of a stake in Bashneft, another state- are, what injustices they encounter.” “But when run oil company. Ulyukayev’s arrest stunned the everything is good you shamefully turn away country’s elites, with Putin eventually sacking Investors are watching the case for signs of pected to run for re-election in a March election, from people’s grief. Forgive me for that, people. him from the post he had held since 2013. Russia’s future direction as Putin is widely ex- which would extend his rule until 2024. —AFP

Greminger, the Organization for Security and US and Russia Co-operation in Europe’s secretary general, admitted as talks began. clash over After long resisting the idea, Russia now ian President Vladimir Putin, who is seeking wants a UN peacekeeping force to help end UN to assess if re-election next year, has suggested holding a the war between Kiev and Russian-backed “Syrian Congress” in the Russian city of Sochi Ukraine as separatists in the east of the country that has early in 2018. killed more than 10,000 people since 2014. either side trying Diplomats see Putin’s plan as a bid to draw But under Russia’s vision, the force will a line under the war after seven years of fight- OSCE meets have a limited mandate to protect the OSCE’s ing and to celebrate Russia’s role as the power ceasefire monitors. Western powers, led by the to ‘sabotage’ that tipped the balance of the war and became VIENNA: The United States and Russia United States, want a force with a robust man- the key player in the peace process. clashed over the crisis in Ukraine as OSCE date that would allow it to protect the 600 talks The Geneva talks have failed to build foreign ministers met in Vienna yesterday, OSCE monitors there, police ceasefire lines up any speed despite eight rounds of ne- casting doubt on efforts to negotiate terms for and investigate ceasefire breaches across GENEVA: The mediator of UN-led Syrian gotiations. a UN peacekeeping force. eastern Ukraine. They fear that a United Na- peace talks in Geneva will assess next week After months away from the UN talks, the The regional body has 57 members, but all tions mission that only polices the front line whether either side is trying to sabotage the two sides returned to Geneva at the end of eyes were on US Secretary of State Rex would serve to create a frozen conflict that process, he said yesterday, after President November, with de Mistura hoping to discuss Tillerson and Russia’s Foreign Minister would de facto lock in Russian gains from its Bashar Al-Assad’s negotiators said they would an agenda including constitutional and elec- Sergei Lavrov, who were due to meet one- intervention in Ukraine. turn up five days late. toral reform. on-one later in the day. At stake are efforts to “We shall assess the behavior of both sides, But the government delegation arrived a end the brutal war between Kiev government ‘Vexing’ situation government and opposition, in Geneva,” UN day late and left after two days, saying the op- forces and Russian-backed separatists in Addressing the opening OSCE session, envoy Staffan de Mistura said. “And based on position had “mined the road” to the talks by eastern Ukraine by deploying a United Na- Lavrov accused Western powers of seeking that we will then decide how this... can be a insisting that Assad could not play any interim tions force to protect the OSCE’s unarmed to “disrupt specific consideration” of a draft building up or not, or a sabotage of Geneva.” role in Syria’s political transition. The delega- monitoring mission. UN Security Council resolution to set up a If either side were seen to be sabotaging tion returned to Damascus to “consult and re- Moscow and Washington both back such a UN force to escort the OSCE under its cur- the process it could have “a very bad impact fresh”, but chief negotiator Bashar Al-Ja’afari mission in principle but disagree over its man- rent mandate. The US idea of a robust force, on any other political attempt to have initially threatened not to come back, which date, and as ministers sat down together in Vi- he argued, would amount to “an occupational processes elsewhere,” he said. He said the the opposition said would be “an embarrass- enna’s magnificent Hofburg Palace there was administration ... in order to bury a package Geneva rounds of talks were the only peace ment to Russia”. De Mistura said yesterday little sign of a breakthrough. “We’ve reached of measures unanimously approved by the process backed by the UN Security Council, that Ja’afari’s delegation had confirmed it an absolute low point regarding confidence UN Security Council and to solve this prob- although there were many other initiatives would return on Sunday, five days later than between the main players,” Thomas lem by force”. —AFP being planned. He did not elaborate, but Russ- expected. —Reuters 16 Friday International Friday, December 8, 2017 Trump’s eldest son questioned in US Congress about Russia Republicans criticize probes

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump’s eld- “Mr Trump was cooperative at all times,” the Trump Tower meeting. Department of Justice and his associates. est son, Donald Trump Jr., declined to discuss with Conaway said. Trump Jr. arrived and left without Special Counsel Robert Mueller is also investi- Trump Jr, like his father, denies collusion with lawmakers on Wednesday a conversation he had being seen by reporters. Lawmakers said they gating. He has announced the first charges of Russia. US intelligence agencies concluded that with his father about emails related to a June 2016 want to question him about a meeting with a Trump associates, and Trump’s former national Russia attempted to influence the 2016 campaign meeting he attended with Trump associates and Russian lawyer in June 2016 at Trump Tower in security adviser, Michael Flynn, has pleaded to boost Trump’s chances of defeating Clinton. Russians, a congressional panel member said. New York at which he had said he hoped to get guilty to lying to Federal Bureau of Investigation Moscow denies any such effort. Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democ- information about the “fitness, character and agents. Some Republicans criticized Mueller, the FBI rat on the US House of Representatives Intelli- qualifications” of former Secretary of State The House intelligence panel also released on and the Department of Justice at a news confer- gence Committee investigating allegations of Hillary Clinton, the Democrat who was his father’s Wednesday a transcript of testimony last week ence on Wednesday, ahead of congressional tes- Russian interference in last year’s US election, presidential election opponent. of Erik Prince, a Trump supporter and founder of timony on Thursday by the director of the FBI, said Trump Jr. answered the “overwhelming ma- It was at least the the Blackwater military Christopher Wray. Republican House members jority” of questions from committee members in second time Trump Jr. contractor. A focus of that accused the Justice Department and the FBI of his hours of testimony. has testified to a con- testimony was a report bias against the president and having been too But Trump Jr. claimed attorney-client privi- gressional committee in- Trump Jr that Prince tried to set up easy on Clinton during the investigation of her lege in declining to respond to queries about that vestigating any Russian a “back channel” for use of a private email server while leading the discussion with his father because a lawyer was meddling in the election denies communications between State Department. However, Clinton has made no in the room when it took place. The discussion and possible collusion Trump associates and secret of her belief that then-FBI Director James between then-Republican candidate Trump and with Moscow by the collusion Russia. Prince denied Comey’s announcement just before the election his son took place after the emails became public, Trump campaign. with Russia such a plan. that the bureau was investigating potential new Schiff said. Trump Jr. released the emails in July. He arrived shortly be- Trump Jr.’s appear- evidence in the lengthy email probe cost her the “In my view there is no attorney-client privi- fore 10 am EST (1500 ance coincided with crit- White House. lege that protects a discussion between father GMT) and was ques- icism of the Russia Also on Wednesday, Representative Bob and son,” Schiff told reporters after the closed- tioned for most of the next eight hours by mem- probes from some of his father’s fellow Republi- Goodlatte, the Republican chairman of the door testimony had ended. bers of the intelligence panel. A person familiar cans, who control both houses of Congress and House Judiciary Committee, announced a hear- “We will be following up with his counsel,” with knowledge of Trump Jr’s testimony said accuse investigators of bias against Trump. Other ing next week with Deputy Attorney General Schiff said. Representative Mike Conaway, the Trump had said repeatedly he did not remember lawmakers, Republicans as well as Democrats, Rod Rosenstein, citing “serious concerns” about Republican leading the investigation, said Trump things he was asked about, including some details say the goal of the investigations is to guarantee reports on the political motives of staff on Jr. had answered all of his questions. about information provided by Russians during the integrity of US elections, not to target Trump Mueller’s team. —Reuters

Luxury LA mansions threatened Displaced by mining, as fierce California Peru villagers spurn wildfires rage shiny new town LOS ANGELES: Local emergency officials warned of powerful winds yesterday that will feed NUEVA FUERABAMBA, Peru: This remote wildfires raging in Los Angeles, threatening multi- town in Peru’s southern Andes was supposed million dollar mansions with blazes that have al- to serve as a model for how companies can ready forced more than 200,000 people to flee. help communities uprooted by mining. Named Authorities issued a “purple” alert-never used be- Nueva Fuerabamba, it was built to house fore-because of the extreme danger, warning that around 1,600 people who gave up their village winds could reach 80 miles an hour (128 kilometers and farmland to make room for a massive, an hour), severely limiting firefighting efforts. open-pit copper mine. The new hamlet boasts “As expected winds have increased dramati- OJAI, CA: The Thomas Fire burns in the mountains near Ojai, California. Strong Santa Ana winds are rapidly paved streets and tidy houses with electricity cally,” Cal Fire, the agency responsible for fire pushing multiple wildfires across the region, expanding across tens of thousands of acres and destroying and indoor plumbing, once luxuries to the in- protection in the state, said on Twitter. “Stay alert hundreds of homes and structures. —AFP digenous Quechua-speaking people who now and prepared in case of evacuations. If you feel call this place home. unsafe, evacuate.” homes in Los Angeles and Ventura counties. “Very camera and his dogs in his vintage burgundy car The mine’s operator, MMG Ltd, the Mel- The flames have swallowed about 80,000 acres strong winds” blowing from the northeast to the and left the home where he has lived for several bourne-based unit of state-owned China Min- (32,000 hectares) in just over a day since the southwest were causing the fire to balloon, he said, years, its fate uncertain. US media reported that the metals Corp, threw in jobs and enough cash so “Thomas” fire, currently the state’s largest, broke warning Angelenos to be ready to flee at a mo- Bel-Air Moraga Estate of media tycoon Rupert that some villagers no longer work. But the out, leaving at least one person dead in an area ment’s notice. Murdoch, which contains a vineyard, was threat- high-profile deal has not brought the harmony about 45 minutes’ drive from downtown LA. High In Bel-Air, that’s exactly what they did. The ened by the wildfire. The singer Lionel Richie can- sought by villagers or MMG, a testament to winds caused another wave of wildfires to erupt “Skirball” fire ignited Wednesday morning and celled a concert to help his ex-wife flee the area, the difficulty in averting mining disputes in this on Tuesday night, including one in Los Angeles’ af- quickly grew to engulf about 150 acres around the while comedian Chelsea Handler and designer fluent Bel-Air neighborhood. The area battled mineral-rich nation. district, home to celebrities and billionaires includ- Adrienne Maloof were among celebrities tweeting gridlocked traffic as residents fled ash and smoke Resource battles are common in Latin ing SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and pop superstar that they had to evacuate. Among those evacuated that churned over the smoldering hillside in the America, but tensions are particularly high in Beyonce. was model Chrissy Teigen, wife of singer John Leg- second-largest US city. Fire crews worked to save Police knocked on doors and used loud- end. “Never thought I’d get to actually play what I Peru, the world’s No. 2 producer of copper, luxury homes threatened by the flames. zinc and silver. Peasant farmers have revolted speakers to make sure everybody had left their thought was a hypothetical game of what would against an industry that many see as damaging mansions. you grab if there were a fire,” Teigen wrote on Celebrities evacuated “They told even us to leave,” one of the officers Twitter. “We are fine and we will be fine. thinking their land and livelihoods while denying them Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said more a fair share of the wealth. —Reuters said. Among the last to go was Evan Kleib, a of everyone else affected and continuing my life- than 230,000 people had been forced from their bearded photographer, locking his door. He put his long intense love of firefighters,” she added. —AFP Friday 17 International Friday, December 8, 2017 China criticizes India over crashed drone on border

Incident could cause more friction along border

BEIJING: China expressed “strong dissatisfac- ritorial sovereignty. We express strong dis- and crossed a so-called line of actual control spokesman Geng Shuang told a regular briefing. tion” with India yesterday over the recent crash satisfaction and opposition,” Zhang Shuili, a separating the countries’ militaries. “China asks India to immediately stop its activ- of an Indian drone in Chinese territory, an inci- military official in China’s western battle Indian border guards alerted their Chinese ities of using unmanned aircraft near the border, dent that could cause more friction along their zone command, was quoted as saying in a counterparts about the drone soon after- and to work alongside China to maintain the disputed border. ministry statement. wards, an Indian army border area’s peace and tranquility,” he said. Indian and Chinese troops confronted each “China’s border de- spokesman said. China After the weeks of confrontation on the other between June and August this year - at fense forces took a had provided the In- wind-swept Doklam plateau this year, the two one stage even resorting to scuffling and professional and re- dian army with details sides agreed to an “expeditious disengage- throwing stones - on a remote plateau near the sponsible attitude in Drone on training about where the drone ment” of troops about a week before Chinese borders of India, its ally Bhutan, and China, in conducting an inspec- came down and Indian President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister the most serious and prolonged standoff in tion of the device,” mission developed authorities were in- Narendra Modi met in an effort to mend ties at decades. The nuclear-armed Asian giants have Zhang said, adding that vestigating, Colonel a summit in China in September. tried to develop their ties in recent years but the military would technical problems Aman Anand said in a But the mountainous border remains sensi- there is still deep distrust over their disputed “resolutely defend” statement. tive for both sides. In November, China criti- border, which triggered war in 1962. China’s sovereignty “The matter is being cized a visit by Indian President Ram Nath China’s defense ministry said in a statement and security. dealt with in accor- Kovind to the remote state of Arunachal the Indian drone had crashed in “recent days” The Indian army said an unmanned aerial dance with the established protocols,” Anand Pradesh, which China claims, saying China op- but it did not give a location. vehicle was on a training mission over Indian said. China also lodged diplomatic “representa- posed any activities by Indian leaders in dis- “This action by India violated China’s ter- territory when it developed technical problems tions” with India, Chinese foreign ministry puted areas. — Reuters

India’s Modi fights to Rohingya refugee protect home crisis a ‘grave base in security risk’, election ICG warns

NEW DELHI: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in the final phase of YANGON: Prolonged displacement of Rohingya refugees in campaigning yesterday to retain power in squalid Bangladeshi camps poses a “grave security risk”, con- his home state and stave off the most se- flict analysts ICG warned yesterday, raising the specter of mil- rious challenge yet from a combined op- itants recruiting among the displaced and launching position. cross-border attacks on Myanmar. Raids by the Arakan Ro- The election for a new legislature in hingya Salvation Army (ARSA) on August 25 sparked the vi- the western state of Gujarat this weekend cious Myanmar army response which has forced more than is turning out to be a greater challenge for 620,000 Rohingya to flee Rakhine state for . ARSA “appears determined to regroup and remain rele- Modi than anticipated, the polls show, as AHMEDABAD: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (centre right) shaking rival parties seize on discontent caused by vant” and may draw on desperate Rohingya refugees lan- hands with a local Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate before address- guishing in camps for future operations, the ICG International a slowing economy. Gujarat is where ing a rally at Surendranagar, some 130 km from Ahmedabad. —AFP Modi earned his spurs as a business- Crisis Group said in the report. The group may “shift to cross- friendly chief minister who cut red tape border attacks” using Bangladesh as a base for recruitment and graft and turned it into an economic party needs 92 seats. “He knows that only an absolute ma- and training, the study said, cautioning the risk of an ever- powerhouse. The surveys have often gone wrong, jority in Gujarat polls will legitimize his deepening cycle of violence is all too real. But an unpopular national tax and a though, and Modi himself remains far more reforms and silence critics,” Shah said. “Such attacks would have profoundly negative conse- shock move last year to withdraw most popular across the country than his rivals Votes from the election will be counted on quences,” straining Myanmar-Bangladesh relations and wors- currency in a fight against graft has hurt including Rahul Gandhi who is leading the Dec.18 and the results announced the ening contempt for the Rohingya “that would further diminish Gujarat, like the rest of the country, and its Congress charge to weaken Modi in his same day. prospects of an eventual refugee return”. businessmen are making loud complaints. home base. Modi has thrown himself into Gujarati businesses - who form the core Global outcry over the refugee crisis, one of the worst in Three big polls carried out in the run-up the campaign, addressing dozens of rallies of Modi’s support base - have complained recent history, has triggered a hyper-defensive response in- to the vote on Saturday and next week over the past month, saying he alone could about the new Goods and Services Tax as side the country, where anti-Rohingya attitudes have hard- have predicted a victory for Modi’s ruling deliver on development. On Thursday, he aggravating tough economic conditions. ened since ARSA’s emergence. Myanmar does not recognize Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) but with a was due to address party colleagues on Jagdip Desai, a sanitary ware manufac- the Rohingya as a distinct ethnic group eligible for citizenship, greatly reduced majority. their mobile phones to ensure a strong turer, said the complex tax procedures had instead calling them “Bengali”, suggesting they are illegal im- An ABP-CDS poll this week gave the voter turnout. come on top of slowing demand and he migrants. In another serious looming risk, ICG warned that BJP 91-99 seats in the 182-member state Amit Shah, the president of the BJP, said had to fire 3,000 workers. Rohingya’s plight has become a “cause celebre of the Muslim house and the main opposition Congress the party had full confidence in Modi’s “Modi will have to pay a political price world” with Al-Qaeda, Islamic State and other global jihadi 78-86, suggesting a close fight. To win a ability to deliver an emphatic victory. for our financial distress.” — Reuters groups calling for attacks on Myanmar. — AFP 18 Friday International Friday, December 8, 2017 N Korea says US threats make war unavoidable China says war is not the answer and urges calm

SEOUL: Two American B-1B heavy bombers Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said joined large-scale combat drills over South in a statement. Korea on Thursday amid warnings from North “The outbreak of war is not in any side’s in- Korea that the exercises and US threats have terest. The ones that will suffer the most are or- made the outbreak of war “an established fact”. dinary people.” Tensions on the Korean The annual US-South Korean “Vigilant Ace” peninsula have risen markedly in recent months exercises feature 230 aircraft, including a range of after North Korea’s latest missile and nuclear the US military’s most advanced stealth warplanes, tests, conducted in defiance of UN Security and come a week after North Korea tested its Council resolutions and international condem- most powerful intercon- nation. tinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to date which it Strategic bombers says can reach the main- On Wednesday, a US land United States. Two US B-1B B-1B bomber flew from A spokesman for the bombers the Pacific US-adminis- North’s foreign ministry tered territory of Guam blamed the drills and join air drills to join the exercises, “confrontational war- which will run until today. mongering” by US offi- The flights by the B-1B, cials for making war one of America’s largest inevitable. “The remain- strike aircraft, have PYONGYANG: North Korean senior ruling party leader Ri Su-Yong (third right) talks with Jeffrey ing question now is: when will the war break played a leading role in Washington’s attempts Feltman (3rd L), the UN’s undersecretary general for political affairs, at Mansudae Assembly out?” the spokesman said late on Wednesday in to increase pressure on North Korea to abandon Hall in Pyongyang yesterday.—AFP a statement carried by North Korea’s official its weapons programs. KCNA news agency. “We do not wish for a war In September, B-1Bs were among a formation North Korean airspace. “B1-B bombers have While B-1Bs are no longer equipped to but shall not hide from it.” China, North Korea’s of US military aircraft that flew further north up been regularly dispatched to the Korean penin- carry nuclear weapons of their own, they neighbor and lone major ally, again urged calm North Korea’s coast than at any time in the past sula over the past years; however, it seems that would be key to any strike targeting major and said war was not the answer. 17 years, according to the US Pacific Command. the US Air Force might have enhanced its train- North Korean facilities, he said. “That’s why “We hope all relevant parties can maintain That prompted North Korea’s foreign minister, ing to better prepare for actual warfare,” said North Korea has been making such a big calm and restraint and take steps to alleviate Ri Yong Ho, to warn that the North could shoot Yang Uk, a senior fellow at the Korea Defence deal when B1-B bombers are flying over- tensions and not provoke each other,” Chinese down the US bombers even if they did not enter and Security Forum. head.” —Reuters Malaysian PM puts party on war China, accused of footing before polls abuses, hosts

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak put human rights forum his party on a war footing yesterday as polls loom, vowing to “fight till the end” despite a massive financial scandal that has BEIJING: China touted its political and development model as it rocked his government. KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Razak hosted an inaugural global human rights forum yesterday, even The leader told the annual assembly of his United Malays (center) inspects a ceremonial guard of honor during the an- as activists slammed the country’s own abuses. President Xi Jin- National Organization (UMNO) — which has ruled Muslim- nual congress of his ruling party, the United Malays National ping has overseen a sweeping crackdown on civil society since majority Malaysia for six decades at the head of a coalition-that Organization (UMNO), in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.—AFP taking power in 2012, targeting everyone from human rights the country was facing a “crucial election”. “In this battle we lawyers to celebrity gossip bloggers. fight till the end, in this election we will emerge victorious”, he cover $1.7 billion in assets thought to have been purchased with Hundreds of activists have been detained in the past five years told thousands of cheering delegates wearing the red colors of looted money, from artwork to high-end real estate. This week while internet censorship has intensified. And China became the his party in Kuala Lumpur. US Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a conference in Wash- first country since Nazi Germany to allow a Nobel Peace Prize He also took a swipe at veteran former premier Mahathir ington that the 1MDB scandal was “kleptocracy at its worst”. laureate to die in state custody when democracy activist Liu Xi- Mohamad, who has come out of retirement in a bid to try to aobo succumbed to liver cancer under heavy police guard in July. oust his government, comparing him to toppled Zimbabwe Election race upended But some 300 participants gathered in Beijing’s Great Hall of leader Robert Mugabe. Elections must be called by August at The election race has also been upended by the emergence of the People to hear about the country’s “human rights develop- the latest. Najib did not hint at a date in his speech but specu- Mahathir, who led Malaysia for 22 years, as a key figure in the main ment path with Chinese characteristics” at the South-South lation is swirling that they will be take place early next year. opposition alliance. The 92-year-old has teamed up with his for- Human Rights Forum. Najib’s chances of winning a third term have been dented by mer nemesis, Anwar Ibrahim, a jailed opposition leader and one Some attendees came from countries with their own checkered explosive graft allegations. Billions were looted from the 1MDB of the country’s most charismatic politicians. In his speech at the human rights record. “There’s no one size fits all approach in sovereign wealth fund that he founded in complex overseas UMNO gathering, the most closely watched event in Malaysia’s human rights practices,” said Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. deals which are being investigated in several countries. political calendar, Najib, 64, accused Mahathir of having “crossed “No one is in a position to lecture others on human rights.” He Both Najib, who made no mention of the scandal during the line” by uniting with former political foes. He said it was highlighted China’s achievements in poverty reduction as an ex- Thursday’s speech, and the fund deny any wrongdoing. The US strange there were still people willing to be led by Mahathir, ample of the country’s efforts to improve rights. Beijing says it Justice Department has led the charge in tackling the alleged adding that “former Zimbabwe president Mugabe, who is the same has reduced its poverty rate to four percent and seeks to eradi- pillaging, launching lawsuits through which it is seeking to re- age as him, has now been rejected by his own people”. —AFP cate poverty by 2020.—AFP Lifestyle FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8,2017 Santa’s creepychum gives Austrians a scary thrill Austrians a scary Page 23 a suburbof Tokyo.— AFP amusement parkin Yokohama, at HakkeijimaSeaParadise go forastrollwiththeirkeeper Christmas-themed costumes African penguinsclad in 20 Friday

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Music/Movies Sirb Al­Hamam competes at Delhi International Film Festival

uwaiti film ‘Sirb Al-Hamam’ (The Pigeon Flock) will be Kscreened at the Delhi Interna- tional Film Festival in India under the Arab film category. Kuwait will com- pete with 20 films from all over the Arab world, including Tunisia, Mo- rocco, Algeria, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. The event takes place on Sunday. The film’s director ‘Ramadhan’ said that this participation is very important given the importance of the Indian movie industry. The full and continuous support of Sheikha Intesar Salem Al-Ali Al-Sabah for the film from the beginning has be- come evident through the festival’s in- terest in the participation of the film for its quality and professionalism in the film industry. ‘Sirb Al-Hamam’ is expected to participate in more than six international festivals in the coming Photo shows director Ramadhan Khasrouh (center) with Kuwaiti actor Dawoud Husain (right) and period. Cynarist Razi Al-Shatti. Photo shows director Ramadhan Khasrouh.

‘Twilight Zone’ series gets Rian Johnson expanding third reboot by top US comic re you ready to re-enter “The ‘Star Wars’ for new trilogy Twilight Zone?” US television Achannel CBS announced Wednesday it will resurrect the sci- ence-fiction series, in a bid to boost its subscription-based streaming platform CBS All Access. Comedian- turned-director Jordan Peele-known for directing mystery thriller “Get Out,” which is heading into awards season-will helm the reboot. First broadcast in 1959, “The Twilight Zone” was a pioneer in television drama, known for its suspenseful music composed by French-Romanian Marius Constant and the black-and-white spiral of the credits. The series had no regular characters: each episode was in- stead a standalone exploration of fantasy, science-fiction, psy- chology and metaphysics, with dramatic tension always at the forefront. However, the series did have an omnipresent narra- tor-portrayed by the show’s writer, Rod Serling. “The Twilight Zone” also featured performances from several film stars-from Buster Keaton to Robert Redford, along with the likes of Mickey Rooney, Lee Van Cleef and William Shatner. It served as inspiration for several other shows, including Charlie Brooker’s “Black Mirror” (Netflix), itself a hit offering (From left) Director Rian Johnson, actors Mark Hamill, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Kelly Marie Tran, Laura Dern, unsettling, satirical explorations of the modern world. It has al- Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie and Andy Serkis attend the press conference for the highly anticipated Star Wars: The Last Jedi at Inter- ready been remade twice, broadcast from 1985 to 1989 on CBS Continental Los Angeles in Los Angeles, California. —AFP photos and again between 2002 and 2003 on the cable channel UPN. Director and actor Peele will serve as executive producer on s “Star Wars” fans gear up for “The Last Jedi,” the antic- and to have the feel of a Star Wars film,” he said. The new stories this third revival, alongside Simon Kinberg, best known for his ipated next installment in the Skywalker series, its star and will not follow the Skywalker saga, which George Lucas kicked work on the “X-Men” franchise. Awriter-director shed some light on how the franchise was off with 1977’s “Episode IV: A New Hope.” Peele made an impression as a director with his first film, mapping a future beyond the beloved characters. Rian Johnson, Disney purchased Lucasfilm in 2012 for $4 billion, and re- “Get Out,” released in February. Despite a $4.5 million budget, writer-director of “The Last Jedi,” will be overseeing a new tril- booted the “Star Wars” franchise with the Skywalker trilogy and the critically acclaimed tale of a young black man meeting his ogy of “Star Wars” films that will explore far-away corners of standalone films like “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.” Johnson’s white girlfriend’s sweet-turned-sinister family earned $175 the galaxy, Walt Disney Co said in November. “I’m just in the “The Last Jedi” picks up the Skywalker story after 2015’s block- million-with takings of $254 million internationally. “Too many very beginning phases of coming up with it so right now the sky buster “The Force Awakens,” in which a new generation of char- times this year it’s felt we were living in a twilight zone, he said. is kind of the limit,” Johnson said while promoting “The Last Jedi” acters was introduced with returning favorites Han Solo “I can’t think of a better moment to reintroduce it to modern last week. (Harrison Ford), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) and Luke Sky- audiences.” —AFP “The appeal of it to me is to do a new story told over three walker (Mark Hamill). Fisher died last year. —Reuters movies, to have that kind of canvas, to be in the Star Wars world Friday 21

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Fe a t u r e s

African migrants (from left) Yaya from Senegal, Mohamed from -Conakry, Bassirou from Burkina Fasso, Bakari from , Issa from Burkina Fasso and Sekou from Ivory Coast, show some of the bags they made at the “Lai-Momo” headquarters. — AFP photos Photo shows bags made by migrants at the “Lai-Momo” headquarters. From Libya’s migrant hell to Italy’s handbag fashion world

rom forced labor in Libya to a job as it would not sink, the overcrowded dinghy boredom that is the lot of many asylum a founding member of an Italian fash- was spotted by a British ship. seekers. “Before I came here, I was in an- Fion start-up, Bassirou has come a “At the moment we were rescued there other house, just sleeping all the time, long way in two years, thanks to his skills was a bit of a stampede to get off and the doing nothing,” he says. “Now I feel much with scissors. The 26-year-old Burkina boat started taking on water. In the end more relaxed. I have contact with (local) Faso native is the star student of a novel they got everyone off.” The date, March 20, people and I’m beginning to learn the lan- project aimed at training asylum seekers in 2016, is etched permanently in his memory. guage.” Not all the apprentices can realis- one of Italy’s most emblematic crafts: mak- “These are things you don’t forget easily,” tically aspire to the proficiency Bassirou ing leather handbags And after a 15-month he says. Now he dreams of being able to has attained. As some have limited literacy apprenticeship, Bassirou has just become open his own shop, but the future path of and numeracy, lessons in cutting have to be the first employee of a small company set his life remains uncertain, as is the case for preceded by an introduction to basic con- up with the aim of turning the project into tens of thousands like him in overcrowded cepts of measuring and geometry. “The a self-sustaining venture. reception centers across Italy. objective is to provide people with the “It is a great opportunity,” he says of his new career move. “I had done a bit of cutting and sewing back home but that was with cloth, not leather. “It wasn’t easy at the start, every little thing seemed diffi- Employees of the Parisian subway company RATP, rename the cult, but after a certain point, you get the Duroc subway station to ‘Durock Johnny’ in tribute to late hang of it.” Bassirou left in French singer Johnny Hallyday. — AFP west Africa, and a partner then pregnant with his now two-year-old daughter, in 2015. He says he fled because he feared for Paris renames metro his life in the tumultuous aftermath of yet another military coup in the impoverished station after rock former French colony. Now he is awaiting the outcome of his star Johnny Hallyday application for asylum in Italy and is one of aris transport bosses have renamed a metro station some 400 recently-arrived immigrants after the legendary French rock star Johnny Hallyday, being looked after by Lai-Momo, a social Pwhose death has plunged France into mourning. As cooperative that runs the EU-funded speculation mounted that the singer will be given a state fu- leather skills project in the small town of neral, the RATP transport authority paid its own homage by Lama Di Reno near Bologna. The decision Issa, a migrant from Burkina Fasso, works on a sewing machine with the help of a volun- temporarily changing the name of the Duroc station near In- to leave home was not an easy one, Bassirou teer at the “Lai-Momo” headquarters. valides where Napoleon is buried to “DuRock Johnny”. says, and it is one he might have reconsid- Known as the “French Elvis”, Hallyday, 74, lost his long battle ered had he known of the horrors that Few of them will benefit from the kind ability and skills they need with lung cancer on Wednesday. awaited him in Libya, the jumping off point of support that has helped Bassirou pursue to enter the labor market here in Italy, Adored by young and old, hard-living Hallyday was al- for most Africans trying to get to Europe. his education to Italian high school level, but also in the event of a possible return to most a national monument, selling more than 110 million or the distraction from the stress that their country of origin,” said Lai-Momo’s records despite being almost unknown outside the French- ‘It’s slavery’ comes with living in limbo. “Doing this president, Andrea Marchesini Reggiani. speaking world. Television channels cleared their schedules Shocking recent images of slave auc- (working), you are going to have positive The Lama Di Reno project is part of a to broadcast tribute shows to the star who first came to fame tions in the troubled north African state rather than negative thoughts, you’re wider program overseen by the Ethical in late 1950s yet managed to cleverly adapt to changing mu- came as no surprise. “These are things that thinking that when you’re finished, you’ll Fashion Initiative run by the United Na- sical styles. President Emmanuel Macron led the mourning are really happening in Libya,” Bassirou have a trade,” he says. tions and WTO-backed International by declaring that “there is something of Johnny in all of us”, told AFPTV. “I had a bit of a taste of it. Trade Centre with the aim of creating new and his officials said he and his wife Brigitte would attend They put us in a prison. At any time they ‘Return issue not easy’ economic opportunities in developing the funeral. could come and get us to do forced labor, A total of 15 migrants have completed countries to help curb irregular migration. Speculation is rife that Hallyday, who survived a tough all sorts of jobs. They never gave us enough the first round of training and another 18 People like Bassirou say going home is not childhood after being abandoned by his alcoholic father, will to eat. “All that, it’s slavery,” he said. have just started, including Bassirou’s com- an option they can contemplate, for now. be given a full state funeral, complete with a procession Bassirou endured these conditions for four patriot, Issa. The 21-year-old recounts a And Marchesini Reggiani admits that the down the Champs Elysees, the grand ceremonial avenue of months before the traffickers controlling his similar tale about his time in Libya. “I have emphasis on voluntary repatriations can be the French capital-an honor usually reserved for France’s fate finally put him onto an inflatable dinghy friends who are still there in slave camps,” problematic, given the risks, sacrifices and greatest heroes. — AFP packed with over 100 others. After many Issa says. Having made it to Italy, he is now struggles involved in many migrants’ jour- fraught hours at sea, mostly spent praying relieved to have escaped the frustrated neys to Europe. — AFP 22 Friday

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Features

Members of A Neapolitan the Pizzaioli pizza maker Acrobats takes out of the Coldiretti oven a pizza perform ‘twirling’ celebrating the pizza to celebrate Unesco decision the Unesco to make the art decision to make of Neapolitan the art of ‘Pizzaiuolo’ an Neapolitan ‘intangible her- ‘Pizzaiuolo’ an itage’ at the ‘intangible Pizzeria Brandi in heritage’ Naples. in Naples. Naples pizza twirling wins coveted UNESCO ‘intangible’ status

A pizza maker prepares a pizza at the pizzeria Sorbillo in Naples. A pizza maker prepares a pizza at the pizzeria Sorbillo in Naples. A pizza maker works at the pizzeria Sorbillo in Naples.

aples’ pizza twirling joined UNESCO’s list initially emerged as a cheap, easy and fast way to the hearts of the commoners, the Italian queen agency also sometimes offers financial or techni- of “intangible heritage” yesterday, securing feed the city’s army of poor, said historian Antonio asked in 1889 to try their favorite dish. And while cal support to countries struggling to protect Nthe coveted status alongside a host of cul- Mattozzi. But despite being an immediate hit with she was unconvinced by anchovy and Parmesan- their traditions. The list already included more tural treasures including a Saudi art form tradition- the locals, pizza failed to take off outside the city topped versions, the basil delight won her over. than 350 traditions, art forms and practices from ally practiced only by women. The art of at first, Mattozzi told AFP. Spain’s flamenco dancing to Indonesian batik ‘pizzaiuolo’-which has been handed down for gen- It took Queen Margherita’s love of the classic Saving tradition fabrics, to more obscure entries such as a Turkish erations in the southern Italian city-was given the tomato, mozzarella and basil version to fire up the Thirty-four candidates were in the running to oil wrestling festival and the Mongolian coaxing nod by the UN cultural body’s World Heritage imagination and taste buds of diners far and wide- join UNESCO’s list of intangible heritage, created ritual for camels. Committee, who met on the South Korean island of at least that is how the story goes. Hoping to win in 2003 mainly to raise awareness, although the Saudi Arabia was among those celebrating on Jeju. It comes after some two million people signed Jeju, claiming the tag for Al-Qatt Al-Asin-elaborate a petition to support Naples’ application, accord- interior wall paintings traditionally done by women. ing to Sergio Miccu, head of the Association of The art, which promotes solidarity among women, Neapolitan Pizzaiuoli-no doubt buoyed by his offer is handed down through observation. Bangladesh of complimentary pizza if the age-old culinary tra- claimed victory with its tradition of Shital Pati, an dition joined the prestigious list. intricate weaving craft using strips of green cane “We’ll be giving out free pizza in the streets,” to produce mats and bedspreads. Miccu earlier told AFP. The custom goes far be- Another winner was the traditional horseback yond the pizzaiuolo’s spectacular handling of the game of Kok Boru in Kyrgyzstan, where players dough-hurling it into the air in order to “oxy- score points by putting a goat’s carcass in an op- genate” it-to include songs and stories that have ponent’s goal-though the dead animal is replaced turned pizza-making into a time-honored social rit- with a mould in the modern-day version. An array ual. “Victory!” Maurizio Martina, Italy’s minister for of traditions struggling to survive will also be agriculture, food and forestry, wrote on Twitter. given special support after being placed on an “Another step towards the protection of Italy’s food “urgent safeguarding list”. These include a whis- and wine heritage.” In a statement, Martina said the tled language that developed in Turkey as a way recognition came after a years-long campaign. to communicate across steep mountains and “The art of the Neapolitan pizza-maker contains rugged topography but is now threatened by mo- Italian know-how ... especially traditional knowl- bile phones. edge that has been transmitted from generation to Morocco will also get help to protect Taskiwin- generation,” he said. a martial dance that developed in the western High Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, a former agriculture Atlas mountain range and involves shaking one’s minister who attended the proceedings in Jeju, said shoulders to the rhythm of tambourines and flutes. in a video posted on Twitter: “Long live the art of UNESCO said globalization and young people’s Neapolitan pizzaiuolo!” The pizza’s humble ances- Neapolitan pizza makers Antonio Starita (second right), Gino Sorbillo (second left), Ciro Oliva (right) and rejection of traditional heritage had driven the tor, a plain affair usually tarted up with a bit of lard, Enzo Coccia (left), pose with a pizza under the statue of Pulcinella, a symbol of Naples. — AFP photos practice “closer to oblivion”. — AFP Friday 23

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Features Santa’s creepy chum gives Austrians a scary thrill

Participants perform during a procession of ‘Krampus’ monsters in Schwadorf.

ustrian financial adviser Ernst Eigner is ugly horror movies to heavy metal music, and appearing and scary. But only in his “Krampus” cos- from early November onwards. In Schwadorf there Atume with red glowing eyes and horns to was Death himself and an assortment of witches, frighten naughty children and “evil spirits”. His monks, red-faced Satans, black angels and other troupe is just one of an estimated 850, with 10,000 beasts resembling “Lord of the Rings” orcs. members around Austria marauding through towns and villages over the Christmas period in “Kram- Confronting fears puslauf” parades. “We are spreading the tradition Every Krampus season however, Austrian news- of scaring away evil spirits,” Eigner told AFP as he A mask of a papers are full of stories about drunken young men donned his outfit before one such event in participant is dressed up as monsters causing injuries and may- Schwadorf near Vienna. “Just symbolically though seen prior to hem. In one such recent event in the town of Voelk- of course,” he said, resplendent in his shaggy the procession ermarkt, police were called after at least six people Roman centurion-cum-zombie costume, animal of ‘Krampus’ were injured, reportedly after two rival Krampus bones dangling here and there. monsters in groups clashed. One therapist near Salzburg, Andrea It starts off innocently, with Santa-or rather Saint Schwadorf, Hammerer, runs a yearly seminar helping people Nicholas-giving out sweets. But fear is in the air be- Austria. who are scared to go outdoors at this time of year. cause soon come his satanic sidekicks, dozens of “The sound of the bells goes right to the uncon- them. Wave after wave bound in, stomping around Black angels and orcs Day. “Children would be tested on religious knowl- scious,” Hammerer told AFP. “We get people to a roaring fire that sends sparks into the night sky, It’s a booming trend, with ever more groups edge by Saint Nicholas. He would reward them but confront their fears, we bring in people dressed up clanging cow bells attached to their backs and springing up to satisfy a seemingly insatiable de- couldn’t punish them. That was Krampus’s job,” eth- as Krampus.” Krampus performers say spectators brandishing whips and blazing red flares. With mand, and not just in Austria but in southern Ger- nologist Helga Maria Wolf told AFP. “Even into the can be the problem, grabbing their horns and heavy metal blaring, the several hundred spectators many and further afield too. One of Austria’s biggest 1960s, the pair would visit families on request,” she throwing beer to wind them up. Some groups held in the market town watch behind safety barriers as parades, in Schladming south of Salzburg, involves said. “Perchten” meanwhile, figures of good and evil a demo in Klagenfurt recently to protest against the demonic creatures prowl around menacingly, some 800 monsters and attracts 8,000 spectators whose origins are possibly pagan, would emerge in negative media coverage. But a whiff of danger is leering at the public. paying 12-15 euros ($14-18) per adult. Yet, while it early January or in the carnival season before Lent, perhaps also part of the fun. “There’s a nice word But apart from one tearful little girl, everyone has may be inspired by past customs, the phenomenon the Christian period of fasting. Traditional Perchten for it-’angstlust’,” the pleasure of fear, Wolf said. fun. The monsters high-five with kids as they slope has moved and evolved far beyond its supposed ori- processions still exist, such as in Gastein in western “People love rollercoasters for example. There’s a off back to their lair-actually the local school-to get gins in the remote valleys of the Alps. Head-to-hoof Austria where 140 creatures from mythology and kind of comforting frisson about it.” “When I was changed. “We are trying to make it look brutal but in dark fur with horns, a tail and a lolling red tongue, legend “drive out winter” every four years. But in re- little I was a tiny bit scared,” said Lukas, 13, getting our whips are only made of horse hair,” Eigner as- from the 16th century Krampus traditionally ap- cent decades, Krampus and Perchten have merged ready in Schwadorf to appear in his Krampus dis- sures us. “People can hardly feel it if we hit them.” peared on December 5, the eve of Saint Nicholas into hybrids, incorporating other influences from guise. “But then I became one.” — AFP

Skydiving Santa crashes on Florida beach with Elf on a Shelf

skydiving Santa looking to make a grand entrance while taking an Elf on the Shelf to a 9-year-old girl crashed Ainto a tree and light pole before hitting a Florida beach and breaking his leg. News outlets say George Krokus was A keeper clad in a dressed as Santa Claus during a Saturday skydive to deliver Santa Claus costume toys to the Tampa Bay Beach Bums Operation Santa Charity feeds Magellanic Volleyball Tournament. penguins in a water Madison Spiers saw the crash and later found a note from tank as part of the “elf” named Kristoff who visits her house during the holi- Christmas events at days. It said, “As we were about to land this big tree jumped Hakkeijima Sea right out in front of us!” She tells Bay News 9 that Kristoff is Paradise amusement no stranger to adventure. The elf sported a bandaged leg while park in Yokohama, staying with the recovering Krokus. — AP a suburb of Tokyo. —AFP 24 Friday

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Features

Young surfer Rickson Falcao, 10, rides a wave at Saquarema’s beach in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Young surfer Rickson Falcao, 10, rides a wave at Saquarema’s beach in Rio de Janeiro state. — AFP photos New generation of Brazilians aims at world surf glory lightly built and aged just 10, Rickson Falcao psychology of an athlete. That’s very important,” it also had only a small middle class with the means de Matos, a burly retired firefighter who opened the looks no match for the waves crashing onto says his mother Rejane Falcao, 37, who doubles as to travel. One traditional hotspot has always been Saquarema Surf School in 1990 and dedicated him- SBrazil’s Atlantic coast, but within seconds of coach and manager and PR agent. The tousle- near Sao Paulo, where Medina is based. The other self to turning generations of toddlers into wave launching his board, the kid surfer is transformed. haired boy, sitting in his tiny home, surrounded by is Saquarema, a sleepy seaside city famous for a wizards. Today he has 30 students. Alumni range Waves rise and curl and foam and in the middle of trophies, doesn’t sound remotely big-headed when beautiful church on a rocky promontory, dividing from Alessandra Vieira, the 1994 world amateur them the tiny figure of Falcao on his shortboard he describes his dream in a quiet voice: “My two long beaches-each lashed by consistently good champion at the age of 14, to elite surfer Raoni swops about like a dolphin. “He has no fear. He’ll surf dream? To be world surfing champion.” And along breaks. Locals call Saquarema the Maracana of Monteiro. One of Brazil’s most promising young fe- anything,” says lifeguard Flavio Souza, 23, watching Saquarema beach, where Medina is considered an Brazilian surfing, referring to football’s grand temple male surfers on the junior circuit, Carol Bonelli, also Falcao cross himself, then paddle through the idol, he’s not the only one. “Most of us, all of us who in Rio de Janeiro. Where New York is synonymous grew up in Saquarema, although she trains with booming water off the beach in Saquarema, east of surf, want to be world champion,” he said. with yellow cabs and university cities are often Medina. “All these kids have a future,” Matos, 50, Rio de Janeiro. crowded with students on bicycles, in Saquarema said. “Our project is to take them small and to raise Brazilians have been surfing for decades. In the Cradle of champions you quickly get used to people of all ages wander- them. Rickson (Falcao) is another one. It’s a cradle last few years, though, they’ve got scarily good. The Despite its vast Atlantic coastline, Brazil has few ing down streets with a surfboard under their arm. of champions.” sudden influx of talent even has its own name-the areas with world class surfing waves. Until recently, At the core of that local culture is Luiz Augusto “Brazilian storm.” It’s a storm led by superstar Brazilian ‘avalanche’ Gabriel Medina who blew down the doors of the The “Brazilian storm” lacks the financial heft sport’s elite club dominated by US, Hawaiian and powering Australia, Hawaii and mainland US com- Australian athletes when he became World Surf petitors. With Brazil only just coming out of deep League champion in 2014. The next year it was the recession and the Rio state government struggling turn of another Brazilian, Adriano de Souza, and to pay even for basic services, de Matos and other today, 12 out of the top 44 in the rankings are from enthusiasts rely largely on love for the sport. Even Brazil, something unimaginable just a short time ago. exceptional athletes like Medina, he said, “carry Medina will get another shot at the crown when Brazil-Brazil doesn’t carry them.” But there are signs he tries to dethrone Hawaiian John John Florence at of change. Rickson Falcao’s mother said he now re- the Billabong Pipe Masters starting in Hawaii this ceives 500 reais ($155) a month from the federal Friday-the last event in the 2017 championship. And government’s sports subsidy program known as if anyone in the traditional surfing bastions still “bolsa atleta.” hopes that the “Brazilian storm” will dissipate, they’d And this year the Saquarema surf school teamed be advised to check the forecast coming out of Diego Souza (right), 8, up with a local gym dedicated to specialized surfer Saquarema. Falcao, who lives and goes to school exercises with the as- training. The atmosphere in the facility-where you next to the water, and spends half of every day surf- sistance of his surfing can strengthen specific muscles used in paddling or ing, began when he was two. He’s now racking up teacher David Santos, practice balancing on wobbly boards-is a long way age-group trophies, as are several of his beach 38, at the “Inside Fit” from the laid back image associated from the old buddies-and is remarkably focused. “He has the surf training center. hippy days of surfing. — AFP

he winner of Turkey’s national beauty in China and prosecutors also opened a sect, gender or regional differences,” the freedom of expression is deteriorating in pageant, who was forced to hand criminal probe against her. In the tweet, she private Dogan news agency quoted the in- Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdo- Tback her crown over a contentious compared the blood shed in her menstrual dictment as saying. gan as thousands have been prosecuted for tweet, is facing up to one year in jail on cycle with that of the 249 people who lost An Istanbul court is due to decide social media postings deemed to have in- charges of “publicly denigrating” elements their lives during the failed coup and are whether to approve the indictment within 15 sulted the Turkish leader since he came to in Turkish society, a report said yesterday. now celebrated in Turkey as martyrs. “I am days, Dogan said. After the tweet was dis- office in 2014. Itir Esen, 18, won Miss Turkey 2017 in Sep- having my period this morning to celebrate covered, Esen’s title was handed to Asli Prosecutors in 2015 launched an investi- tember but then had her crown taken away the July 15 martyrs’ day. I am celebrating the Sumen, who came second and who will now gation against former Miss Turkey beauty because of what organizers said an “unac- day by bleeding on behalf of our martyrs’ represent Turkey in the contest queen Merve Buyuksarac on charges of in- ceptable tweet” she sent around the first an- blood,” she wrote. Turkish prosecutors are in China on November 18. Esen had con- sulting Erdogan through social media posts. niversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt. seeking up to one year jail for Esen on firmed she posted the tweet which she said But her 14-month sentence was suspended As a result, she missed the chance to repre- charges of “publicly denigrating some part was written “carelessly” but added that it on condition that she does not reoffend sent Turkey in the Miss World competition of society based on their class, race, religion, had no political aims. Critics say the state of within the next five years. —AFP Friday 25

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Features The ‘Rat Eaters’ of Bihar: Da Vinci sold for India’s poorest people? $450 mn is headed to Louvre Abu Dhabi

A member of the Christie’s employees pose in front of a painting entitled Salvator Musahar community Mundi by Italian polymath Leonardo da Vinci at a photocall at roasting a rat at Christie’s auction house in central London on October 22, 2017 Alampur Gonpura ahead of its sale at Christie’s New York. — AFP village in the eastern Indian state of alvator Mundi,’ a painting of Christ by Leonardo Da Bihar. — AFP photos Vinci that recently sold for a record $450 million, is ‘Sheading to the Louvre Abu Dhabi in a coup for the bold new museum, it announced Wednesday. The move be- came possible after a little-known Saudi price reportedly bought the painting last month. The Louvre Abu Dhabi, the first museum to bear the Louvre name outside France, has been billed as “the first universal museum in the Arab world,” in a sign of the oil-rich emirate’s global ambitions. “Da Vinci’s Salvator Mundi is coming to #LouvreAbuD- habi,” the museum said on Twitter in Arabic, English and French. The post displayed an image of the 500-year-old work but did not identify its owner. Auction house Christie’s has also steadfastly declined to identify the buyer, whose purchase in New York for $450.3 million stunned the art world. “Congratulations,” Christie’s said in a tweeted reply to the Louvre Abu Dhabi. The New York Times on Wednesday, citing documents it A member of the Musahar community A boy of the Musahar community eating roasted rat. reviewed, identified the buyer as Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bader holding a rat at Alampur Gonpura village. bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Farhan al-Saud, whose country forbids the official worship of Christ or any other re- he rat kept crawling over Phekan other days we go hungry or catch rats and started the school around a decade back ligion except Islam. Prince Bader has no history as a major Manjhi’s arm as he battled to pin it to eat it with whatever little grain we can get,” with only four students and today it has 430, art collector but is a friend and associate of Saudi Arabia’s Tthe ground before he eventually man- Rakesh said. “Governments may have from remote Musahar communities across powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Times aged to kill it with repeated blows to the changed but nothing has changed for us. We the state,” founder JK Sinha told AFP. He dis- said. Prince Mohammed, in turn, has been called an admirer head. The execution drew applause from still eat, live and sleep as our ancestors,” said covered how Musahars live while on a police of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al- neighbors huddled around the 60-year-old Phekan as he took the roasted rat off the fire raid as a young officer four decades ago. Nahyan. The French weekly le Journal du Dimanche earlier in a grimy courtyard outside his mud and and poked the tender meat. “They were cramped in a small hut with pigs reported that two investment firms were behind the painting’s straw hut. Another meal lined up for the Rat He cut the flesh with his hands into a bowl and the filth. It was shocking. Inhumane. I purchase as part of a financial arrangement involving several Eaters-some of India’s poorest people. and added mustard oil and salt. The feast can’t forget it,” Sinha said. museums. The newspaper said that the work will be lent or Phekan said it would take 15 minutes to pre- disappeared in seconds as a dozen men and RU Khan, the school principal, said the resold to museums, largely in the Middle East and Asia. pare the rat stew, as he dissected the animal half-naked children grabbed what they could. Musahars face discrimination, seclusion and Prince Bader is listed as a director of Houston-based Energy with his fingernails. “Nothing but education can change our lives squalor wherever they gather. “Most still only Holdings International, Inc. The firm’s website describes him “Almost everyone here loves this and and future,” said Jitan Ram Manjhi, who in work as farm laborers who are forced to as “one of Saudi Arabia’s youngest” entrepreneurs, present knows how it’s prepared,” he added. Phekan 2014 became the first Musahar chief minister catch rats or snails in fields and scavenge for in sectors including real estate, telecommunications and re- is one of about 2.5 million Musahars-’Rat of any Indian state. His nine-month tenure grain if the crop fails,” Khan said. Out of 430 cycling. The sale more than doubled the previous record of Eaters’-one of India’s most marginalized heading Bihar, one of India’s most populous pupils at Shoshit Samadhan Kendra, 117 lost $179.4 million paid for Pablo Picasso’s “The Women of Algiers communities. Even the browbeaten low- states, is considered a huge achievement for their fathers at an early age. “Once here, it (Version O)” in 2015, also in New York. caste Dalits look down on them. “They are the Musahars. “My community is so down- takes us at least a month to teach them the the poorest amongst the poorest and rarely trodden that I think even government records most basic personal and social skills-like High ambitions in Abu Dhabi hear about or get access to government don’t yet show its real numbers, which could using toilets, personal hygiene, washing The Louvre Abu Dhabi opened on November 8 in the schemes,” said Sudha Varghese, who spent easily be around eight million,” Jitan Ram hands or eating food,” Khan said. presence of French President Emmanuel Macron, who de- three-decades working among Musahars in added. The regular education only starts after. scribed the new museum as a “bridge between civilizations.” the northern state of Bihar, where most live But once given a chance, the boys are proud It is the first of three museums slated to open on the emi- and survive as dollar-a-day laborers. Training for life to get the opportunity to improve their lives. rate’s Saadiyat Island, with plans also in place for an edition As a child, the former minister herded cat- Bihar’s Welfare Department Minister Ramesh of New York’s Guggenheim. The island will also feature the Rat eater minister tle for a rich landowner who employed his Rishidev insisted that life has improved for Zayed National Museum, which had signed a loan deal with “It’s a daily struggle for the next meal and parents as laborers. “They were almost like the Musahars. the British Museum-although the arrangement has come in- diseases like leprosy are an everyday reality,” bonded laborers, getting one kilogram of “We’ve been working hard with the dif- creasingly into question due to construction delays. added Varghese, who was awarded India’s grain for each day’s work. Even today, things ferent communities, which includes the Musa- Featuring a vast silver-toned dome, the Louvre Abu top civilian honor for her work. Phekan’s haven’t changed much for many,” he added. hars,” the minister said. “Our workers go to Dhabi was designed by French architect Jean Nouvel, draw- neighbor in the village of Alampur Gonpura, Well-intentioned programs are often pri- the communities to get their young enrolled ing inspiration from Arab design and evoking both an open 28-year-old Rakesh Manjhi, bemoaned his vately-run-like the Shoshit Samadhan in schools. They are linked to government desert and the sea. The museum opened with about 600 life. “We sit at home all day with nothing to Kendra residential school for Musahar boys skills and training projects to get them em- pieces including items from early Mesopotamia. — AFP do. Some days we get work at the farm, on on the outskirts of the state capital Putna. “I ployment opportunities,” he added. — AFP 26 Friday

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Food A berry tart in under an hour, using a olive-oil cake base

By Melissa D’arabian ing. Buy one and you’ll find a thousand uses for 1 egg rubber spatual and stir gently until combined, it. But if you don’t have the special pie mold, use 1/3 cup granulated sugar but do not overmix. uring the holidays, we could all use a fan- a regular tart or pie pan, and your results will be 1/3 cup olive oil Line the bottom of an 8-inch pie pan with tastic tart recipe in our hip pockets. Tarts equally delicious. To create the pretty filling, I 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract raised center with parchment paper (cut round Dare a perfect festive end to any dinner tossed a couple of cups of berries in a little or- Zest of one orange, about 2 teaspoons to fit), and spray liberally with nonstick spray. (If party, and they make a lovely gift for a neighbor. ange marmalade thinned with hot water. Juice of one orange, plus enough water to make raised center pie pan is unavailable, use a regular If the thought of making homemade crust intim- Place the syrupy berries on the cake - maybe 1/3 cup 8-inch tart or pie pan.) Pour the batter into the idates you, or if you just prefer not to take in so take an extra minute or two to arrange them Topping: prepared pan, and bake until the center springs many fat calories densely packed into a sheet of nicely for a bakery-made look - and sprinkle on About 2 cups fresh raspberries, or other berries back when gently pressed, about 25-30 minutes. pastry, stick with me. The tart I’m talking about some powdered sugar to serve. The cake itself or sliced fruit Let the cake cool for 15 minutes before gently today uses a simple olive-oil cake as the base, has a mere 1/3 cup of sugar in the recipe, letting 2 tablespoons orange marmalade unmolding and chilling in the freezer for 15 min- which is then topped with fresh berries. the raspberry topping offer most of the sweet- 2 tablespoons boiling water utes to cool completely. (Or, allow cake to cool I took inspiration from a fruit-topped ness. The result is a gorgeous dessert or after- Powdered sugar for dusting, optional at room temperature for another 30 minutes.) sponge-cake, and turned the idea into a recipe noon tea accompaniment that feels more Preheat the oven to 350 F. Meanwhile, place the orange marmalade and that could be made start-to-finish in about an indulgent than it actually is. boiling water into a medium bowl and whisk until hour, and much of that time is baking or cooling. In a medium bowl, sift the flour, baking pow- jam is loosened. Add the berries and stir to coat. I whipped up a speedy orange-olive oil cake Orange and raspberry tart der and soda, salt, and cinnamon. Whisk dry in- Add an extra tablespoon of water if mixture is (and it’s technically-speaking a quick-bread, but Base: gredients together and set aside. In another dry. Flip the cake over so the concave side is up. our secret!) and made that the base, which works 1 cup all-purpose flour medium bowl, whisk together the egg and sugar Use a toothpick, skewer or fork to poke holes into well with either regular flour or most gluten-free 3/4 teaspoon baking powder vigorously until mixture is pale yellow, about 1 the bottom of the cake. Spoon the raspberry mix- flours I have tried. 1/4 teaspoon baking soda minute. Whisk in the oil, extract, zest and juice ture onto the cake and arrange the berries so I used a pie pan with a raised center, a worthy 1/4 teaspoon salt mixture and mix until well-blended. Scrape the they are pretty. Just before serving, garnish with minimal investment if you do any amount of bak- Pinch cinnamon wet ingredients into the dry ingredients with a a dusting of powdered sugar, if desired. —AP Friday 27

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Food

Chocolate Peppermint Cookies are a holiday treat

By Sara Moulton As for crushing the peppermint candies, the best 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate vanilla. In a small bowl sift together the flour, way is to put them in a re-sealable plastic bag 8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into table- baking powder and salt. Chop the remaining bit- f, like me, you’re a fan of dark chocolate pep- and then gently whack away at the bag with a spoons tersweet chocolate into chocolate-chip size permint bark at Christmastime, you’re going rolling pin. The easiest way to portion out the 4 large eggs, at room temperature pieces. Chop or crush the peppermint candies Ito love these cookies. Your friends and family batter is with a 1-ounce ice-cream scoop rather 1 1/2 cups sugar into 1/4- to 1/3-inch pieces. will, too. But you’ll have to plan ahead because than a spoon - and it’ll make the size of the 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Fold the melted chocolate mixture into the the batter is so soft it needs to chill overnight be- cookies more consistent, too; just dip it in hot 60 grams (about 1/2 cup) all-purpose flour egg mixture using a large rubber spatula. Add fore scooping. The main ingredient here is 1 1/2 water between each scoop. 1/2 teaspoon baking powder the flour mixture and fold it in until it is just in- pounds of chocolate, which guarantees an in- I suggest baking a single tray of cookies at a 1/4 teaspoon table salt corporated. Add the chip-size bittersweet tensely chocolate-y flavor. The cookie’s base is time because the cookies don’t cook evenly 1 cup (about 5 ounces) hard red-and-white pep- chocolate and the peppermint pieces and stir made of a combination of unsweetened and bit- when there’s more than one tray. Finally, be care- permint candies gently, just until incorporated. Cover and chill the tersweet chocolate. Afterward, additional chunks ful not to overcook them. The cookies should be Coarsely chop one-half of the bittersweet mixture overnight. of the bittersweet chocolate - along with the soft to the touch when you pull them out of the chocolate and all of the unsweetened chocolate. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Line 3 large bak- crushed mint candy - are folded in. oven. That way they’ll remain nice and gooey. As In a medium metal bowl combine the coarsely ing sheets with parchment paper, scoop out the The key to this recipe’s success is good qual- you might imagine, these cookies are delicious chopped chocolates and the butter; set the bowl batter into balls about 1 and half-inches wide ity bittersweet chocolate - that is, a brand that year-round. If you decide to make them during over a saucepan of barely simmering water, (the size of a walnut shell) and arrange them on contains at least 60 percent cacao. The higher a season when peppermint candies are scarce, making sure the bottom of the bowl is not touch- the baking sheets, leaving an inch of space be- the percentage of cacao in a chocolate bar, the just leave them out and add 1 1/2 tablespoons of ing the water, and melt the mixture, stirring often. tween them. Working with one sheet pan at a darker and more intense the flavor. That’s why powdered espresso. You will end up with out- Remove from the heat as soon as all of the time, bake the cookies on the middle shelf of the we’re adding chunks of chocolate instead of standing mocha cookies. chocolate is just melted. oven for 9 to 11 minutes, until they are shiny on chocolate chips - bittersweet bar chocolate con- Meanwhile, in a medium bowl with electric top and set around the edges but still soft to the tains much more cacao than most chips. Chocolate Peppermint Cookies beaters (or in a stand mixer), beat the eggs and touch on top. Let them sit on the sheet pans for Chopping the chocolate will take a little time. Ingredients: sugar on medium speed until the mixture is very 5 minutes and then transfer them to a rack to I recommend using a serrated knife for the job. 1 pound bittersweet chocolate thick and pale, about 10 minutes. Beat in the cool completely. —AP 28 Friday

Lifestyle Friday, December 8, 2017


ats breed so quickly that in just 18 Sharks lay the biggest eggs in the world. Healthy Chocolate Hummus months, 2 rats could have created over 1 Even when a snake has its eyes closed, it Rmillion relatives. can still see through its eyelids. The blue whale can produce the loudest Unlike humans, sheep have four stomachs, sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise each one helps them digest the food they eat. can be detected over 800 kilometers away. Despite the white, fluffy appearance of Horses and cows sleep while standing up. Polar Bears fur (which is transparent), it actu- Giant Arctic jellyfish have tentacles that ally has black skin. can reach over 36 meters in length. As well as being a famous Looney Tunes Locusts have leg muscles that are about character, the Tasmanian Devil is a real animal 1000 times more powerful than an equal that is only found in the wild in Tasmania, weight of human muscle. Australia. It is the largest carnivorous marsu- Hummingbirds are so agile and have such pial in the world. good control that they can fly backwards. The average housefly only lives for 2 or 3 Instead of bones, sharks have a skeleton weeks. made from cartilage. Mosquitoes can be annoying insects but Insects such as bees, mosquitoes and ci- did you know that it’s only the female mos- cadas make noise by rapidly moving their quito that actually bites humans. wings. Cats use their whiskers to check whether The horn of a rhinoceros is made from a space is too small for them to fit through compacted hair rather than bone or another or not. substance.

Ingredients: Directions: 2 cups cooked, unsalted chickpeas Add all ingredients into the cup of a large 3-4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa pow- food processor, and puree until smooth. der* Serve with fresh fruit, crackers, or pita chips. 2 tablespoons peanut butter OR almond butter *Note: Use 3 tablespoons of cocoa for a 1/4 cup maple syrup lighter, “milk” chocolate hummus, and 4 ta- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract blespoons for “dark” chocolate hummus. Friday 29

Lifestyle | Kids Friday, December 8, 2017 Spot the difference Maze


Egg Bubbles

What you’ll need: When the air trapped inside this small A clear glass or jar pocket begins to heat up it expands and Hot water (adult supervision is a good tries to find a way out of the shell, but how idea when using hot water) does it escape? An egg They’re too small to see under normal A magnifying glass conditions but with the help of a magnify- ing glass you can see that egg shells con- Instructions: tain thousands of small holes called pores Place the egg carefully into the glass or (human skin has pores too). jar. The pores allow air to pass through the Carefully pour hot water into the glass shell, making it look like the egg is breath- or jar until it is nearly full. ing as the air expands and is forced through Leave the glass or jar on a table or flat the shell. surface and watch the egg closely for a few minutes (the glass may become hot so be careful). Use your magnifying glass to closely ex- amine what is happening.

What’s happening? After surrounding the egg with hot water you will notice tiny bubbles forming on the egg shell which eventually bubble their way to the surface. An egg contains a small air pocket at its larger end between the shell and egg white. 30 Friday

Friday, December 8, 2017 Lifestyle | Book review A gentler Jack Reacher emerges in Lee Child’s latest novel

By Janet Maslin books, and it turns up in Chapter 1, so it’s no spoiler. But by the time I closed the new novel, ee Child gives his books such nonde- it was “the one that breaks your heart.” script titles that you often need a There’s an unexpected Jack Reacher on dis- Lmnemonic to remember what they’re play here. It turns out he can actually be a about. “The Midnight Line” is another forget- compassionate person (much more so than in table name, so what should we call it? I started “Personal,” the oddly impersonal 2014 novel in out thinking of it as “the one with the West which he works with a team to stop an assas- Point ring”: That’s a plot point unlike anything sin). But Child knows better than to start “The in Child’s previous best-selling Jack Reacher Midnight Line” with Mr. Nice Guy. Reacher

has a reputation to live up to, after all: drifter, only because the Army taught him how to read loner, knuckles the size of walnuts, etc. topographical maps. It’s a great place to hide. When “The Midnight Line” begins, Reacher And an easy place in which to become ad- is in a spiritual nowhere, after having managed dicted to opioids. The pieces of the plot come to spend three whole days with Michelle together as Reacher’s military pride and the Chang, his simpatico partner from “Make Me.” community’s illicit opioid use intersect. The bad (That’s the one about the mysterious Midwest- actors are nominally the dealers, but “The Mid- ern small town called Mother’s Rest, which night Line” doesn’t demonize its villains the Reacher decided might be hinky just on the way Child’s books usually do. And the addicts basis of its name. Good call.) Michelle has left a aren’t dismissed or treated as stereotypes. The note comparing Reacher to New York City (“I book voices strong convictions about the is- love to visit, but I could never live there”), so sues that are raised here, and it’s no stretch he’s on his own again. And it’s off to the bus given Reacher’s principled military back- station - where else? - and another destination ground. The last chapters have more emotional unknown. heft than anything Child has written before. At a rest stop, he sees that West Point class Each Reacher book has to include certain ring in a pawnshop. As a West Point man, basics to keep his fans happy. There has to be Reacher knows how hard-won these rings are, fighting, so Child choreographs a ridiculous and how much distress it must have taken to biker bashing very early. (Name of the bikers’ make a graduate pawn one. So he’s interested. leader: Jimmy Rat.) Child can write these And it’s a daintily-sized woman’s ring. More in- scenes on autopilot by now, because there are terested. He cuts his trip short and decides to only so many ways Reacher can strategize, ma- find out how the ring got in the window. neuver and clobber. The series’ humor and in- Child excels at taking a seemingly small sult quotas are nicely filled. So is its matter like this and going from zero to 60 with educational one, as Child explains the history it. But this time the acceleration happens credi- of heroin as an American product, and outlines bly, and doesn’t head toward an impossibly another drug-related type of American tragedy outsize denouement, which has happened in that would be a spoiler here. too many Reacher books to mention; going This book adds its share of classic moments from tiny ring to missile silo is not outside the to the Reacher canon. There’s a wonderful realm of Child’s imagination. The hunt takes scene in which the big guy is staked out by Reacher first to a Rapid City, SD, laundromat, some cowboys. True, he completely misunder- whose owner, Arthur Scorpio, seems to be run- stands what they want from him. But he still ning some kind of illegal business. dials his classic move up to 11: “He stood chin Naturally, Reacher threatens to toss Scorpio up, his full height, shoulders back, hands loose, in a tumble dryer on high heat if he won’t pro- not a circus freak, but a little bigger all around vide details. Then Reacher meets a private de- than a normal big guy, enough so they noticed. tective who is trying to find the very same Plus the eyes, which he found most people small-fingered woman. And they both wind up liked, except he could blink and come back dif- in a remote corner of Wyoming that Child sum- ferent, like changing the channel, from a happy mons especially well. Not all of his books are show to some bleak documentary about pre- as powerfully visual as this one. They often fea- historic survival a million years ago.” That’s the ture long straight roads and empty landscapes. kind of swagger that has kept this franchise so “The Midnight Line” describes old railroad satisfying. But “The Midnight Line” is the rare land that’s sparsely populated, etched with un- book in which Reacher mostly doesn’t have to marked trails and long, rocky driveways; neigh- act that way. And shouldn’t. And becomes too borly if your idea of a neighbor is a stranger 20 moved even to try. miles away, and understandable to Reacher Friday 31

Comic Friday, December 8, 2017

Word Search for the sale of petroleum. 39. A city in central Alabama on the Al- CROSSWORD 1779 3. English monk and scholar (672-735). abama river. 4. A small amount (especially of a 42. Type genus of the Coerebidae. drink). 44. In such a manner as could not be 5. Squash bugs. otherwise. 6. The content of cognition. 47. A public promotion of some prod- 7. A person who eats human flesh. uct or service. 8. A member of a seafaring group of 48. The ninth month of the Moslem cal- North American Indians who lived on endar. the Pacific coast of British Columbia 49. Very dark black. and southwestern Alaska. 52. A kind of sedan chair used in India. 9. A reptile genus of Iguanidae. 53. (astronomy) The angular distance 10. A Mid-Atlantic state on the Atlantic. of a celestial point measured westward 11. Wheelwork consisting of a con- along the celestial equator from the nected set of rotating gears by which zenith crossing. force is transmitted or motion or torque 54. The branch of computer science is changed. that deal with writing computer pro- 12. A table (in a restaurant or bar) sur- grams that can solve problems cre- rounded by two high-backed benches. atively. 13. Annual to perennial herbs of the 57. A Bantu language spoken by the Mediterranean region. Kamba people in Kenya. 14. A city in north-central India. 58. An area that includes seats for sev- 21. A piece of information about cir- eral people. cumstances that exist or events that 60. Consisting of or involving two parts have occurred. or components usually in pairs. 23. Mildly acid red or yellow pulpy fruit 61. European twining plant whose flow- eaten as a vegetable. ers are used chiefly to flavor malt 28. A game in which numbered balls are liquors. drawn and random and players cover 63. Little known Kamarupan lan- the corresponding numbers on their guages. cards. 64. A Loloish language. 30. Make more intense, stronger, or 65. An artificial source of visible illumi- more marked. nation. ACROSS independent of Mexico. 31. Lower in esteem. 67. A United Nations agency to pro- 1. Characteristic of a mob. 43. An antibody in blood serum that at- 32. The act of scanning. mote trade by increasing the exchange 4. A city in Taiwan. taches to invading microorganisms and 33. Lacking in light. stability of the major currencies. 12. A piece of furniture that provides a other antigens to make them more sus- 36. A quantity of no importance. 68. (Irish) The sea personified. place to sleep. ceptible to the action of phagocytes. 37. A genus of Ploceidae. 69. A logarithmic unit of sound inten- 15. Any of various primates with short 45. Worthy of imitation. 38. Flesh of any of various freshwater sity equal to 10 decibels. tails or no tail at all. 46. Towards the side away from the fishes of the families Centrarchidae of 72. A brittle gray crystalline element 16. Canadian writer (born in Sri Lanka wind. North America or Cyprinidae of Eu- that is a semiconducting metalloid (re- in 1943). 50. Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in rope. sembling silicon) used in transistors. 17. A metal-bearing mineral valuable balls. enough to be mined. 51. An associate degree in nursing. Yesterdayʼs Solution 18. Having leadership guidance. 55. The blood group whose red cells 19. A narrow headband or strip of rib- carry both the A and B antigens. bon worn as a headband. 56. Avatar of Vishnu. 20. Especially of a ship's lines etc. 59. American Revolutionary patriot. 22. Singing jazz. 62. Any of numerous local fertility and 24. A loose material consisting of grains nature deities worshipped by ancient of rock or coral. Semitic peoples. 25. Mechanical device consisting of a 66. A lump on the body caused by a toothed wheel or rack engaged with a blow. Yesterday’s Solution pawl that permits it to move in only one 70. A small cake leavened with yeast. direction. 71. Coins collectively. 26. South American wood sorrel culti- 73. A unit of electrical resistance equal vated for its edible tubers. to the resistance between two points 27. A state in midwestern United States. on a conductor when a potential differ- 29. (Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian ence of one volt between them pro- mythology. duces a current of one ampere. 34. Cubes of meat marinated and 74. A feeling of strong eagerness (usu- cooked on a skewer usually with veg- ally in favor of a person or cause). etables. 75. French physicist who invented po- 35. Work made of interlaced slender larized light and invented the Fresnel branches (especially willow branches). lens (1788-1827). 40. The flesh of animals (including 76. A reproach for some lapse or mis- fishes and birds and snails) used as deed. food. 41. The mission in San Antonio where in DOWN 1836 Mexican forces under Santa Anna 1. A master's degree in library science. besieged and massacred American 2. An organization of countries formed rebels who were fighting to make Texas in 1961 to agree on a common policy

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution 32 Friday

TV Listings Friday, December 8, 2017

19:05 Life Or Something Like It 21:45 Shanghai 12:30 The View 08:30 House Hunters 20:50 Elizabethtown 23:30 Cypher 13:15 The Chew 09:00 Giada At Home 22:55 The Parole Officer 14:00 APB 09:30 Giada At Home 15:00 Live Good Morning America 10:00 Desperate Landscapes 17:00 Bones 00:00 Married At First Sight 10:30 Desperate Landscapes Start time Title 18:00 Time After Time 01:00 Married At First Sight 11:00 Kitchen Cousins 08/12/2017 19:00 Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. 02:00 Mom vs. Matchmaker 11:30 Kitchen Cousins OSN Movies Action HD 00:00 Man Of The Year Hustlers 02:30 Mom vs. Matchmaker 12:00 Flea Market Flip 00:05 Wyrmwood: Road Of The 02:00 Acceptable Risk 20:00 The Amazing Race 03:00 Fashion StartUp 12:30 Flea Market Flip Dead 00:10 Carol 03:00 The Code 21:00 This Is Us 04:00 Project Accessory 13:00 Tiny House, Big Living 01:50 Resident Evil: Vendetta 02:10 A Birder’s Guide To Everything 04:00 Body Of War 22:00 Empire 05:00 Fashion Star 13:30 Tiny House, Big Living 03:30 Operation Chromite 03:50 The Wave 05:30 Touchy Feely 23:00 Time After Time 06:00 Married At First Sight 14:00 House Hunters 05:25 Crossfire 05:45 Every Thing Will Be Fine 07:00 Lock Charmer (A.K.A El Cerra- 23:50 Claws 07:00 Married At First Sight 14:30 House Hunters 07:00 The Tower 08:00 Operation Avalanche jero) 08:00 Mom vs. Matchmaker 15:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 09:05 Savage Dog 09:45 Every Thing Will Be Fine 08:20 Border 08:30 Mom vs. Matchmaker 15:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 10:40 Iron Man 3 12:00 An Inconvenient Truth 09:55 3 Backyards 09:00 Fashion StartUp 16:00 The High Low Project 12:50 Shanghai Knights 13:45 East Side Sushi 11:25 Movie Talk Legends: Lauren 10:00 Project Accessory 16:30 The High Low Project 14:50 Crossfire 15:50 New York Stories Bacall 11:00 Fashion Star 17:00 Renovation Raiders 16:25 America: The First 18:05 The Apartment 11:55 It Might Get Loud 12:00 Married At First Sight 18:00 Going Yard Avenger 20:20 Stand By Me 13:35 A Small Section Of The World 00:00 The Knick 13:00 Married At First Sight 18:30 Going Yard 18:30 War Of The Worlds 22:00 The Man Who Knew Infinity 14:40 Stutterer 01:00 Girls 14:00 Mom vs. Matchmaker 19:00 Vacation House For Free 20:30 Knight And Day 23:55 Scent Of A Woman 15:00 Lock Charmer (A.K.A El Cerra- 01:30 Girls 14:30 Mom vs. Matchmaker 20:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 22:30 Assassins Tale jero) 02:00 Snowfall 15:00 Fashion StartUp 20:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 16:20 Border 03:00 Michelle Wolf: Nice Lady 16:00 Project Accessory 21:00 Yard Crashers 17:55 3 Backyards 04:00 Mr. Robot 17:00 Mistresses 21:30 Yard Crashers 19:25 Paper Covers Rock 05:00 Plastic Disasters 18:00 Project Runway 22:00 House Hunters 21:00 Movie Talk Legends: Audrey 06:05 Path To War 19:00 Project Runway 22:30 House Hunters Hepburn 08:50 Into The Storm 20:00 Making Mr. Right 23:00 Giada Entertains 01:05 Victor And The Secret Of Croc- 21:30 Movie Talk 10:30 Hard Times: Lost On Long Is- 21:00 Grey’s Anatomy 23:30 Giada Entertains 01:10 Code Of Silence odile Mansion 22:00 Music Of The Heart land 22:00 Grey’s Anatomy 03:00 Man Down 02:55 Amila’s Secret 11:30 Empire Falls: Part I 23:00 Grey’s Anatomy 04:40 Captive 04:15 Back To The Sea 13:20 Empire Falls: Part II 06:30 Close Range 06:00 Emilie Jolie 14:45 Tsunami: The Aftermath (Part 08:05 Code Of Silence 07:20 Back To The Sea 1) 09:55 Man Down 09:00 Ivan The Incredible 16:25 Tsunami: The Aftermath (Part 11:35 Captive 10:25 An American Tail: Fievel Goes 2) 00:05 South Park 13:25 The Hollow One West 00:15 Mom 18:00 From The Earth To The Moon 00:30 Idiotsitter 15:10 Tell Me How I Die 11:45 Louis & Luca And The Snow 00:40 Mom 19:00 Beware The Slenderman 00:00 Jenny And Reza’s Fabulous 00:55 Battle UK 17:05 Pressure Machine 01:05 The Middle 21:00 Chance Food Academy 01:20 UK 18:45 The Blair Witch Project 13:10 Victor And The Secret Of Croc- 01:30 The Middle 22:00 Berlin Station 00:30 Jenny And Reza’s Fabulous 01:45 Graves 20:15 Runaway Jury odile Mansion 01:55 Bette! 23:00 Jerrod Carmichael: Love At Food Academy 02:15 Chappelle’s Show 22:30 Deception 15:05 Amila’s Secret 02:20 Angie Tribeca The Store 01:00 Private Chef 02:40 Real Husbands Of Hollywood 16:25 Free Birds 02:45 The Good Place 01:30 Private Chef 03:00 The Daily Show With Trevor 17:55 Louis & Luca And The Snow 03:15 Late Night With Seth Meyers 02:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives Noah Machine 04:00 The Tonight Show Starring 02:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 03:25 Idiotsitter 19:20 Micropolis Jimmy Fallon 03:00 Man Fire Food 03:50 Lip Sync Battle UK 21:00 Hocus Pocus Alfie Atkins 04:50 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 03:30 Man Fire Food 04:15 Lip Sync Battle UK 22:20 Free Birds 05:40 Brothers 00:00 American Crime 04:00 Chopped 04:40 Workaholics 01:00 True Heart 23:45 Ivan The Incredible 06:05 Bette! 01:00 The Art Of More 05:00 Guy’s Grocery Games 05:05 Workaholics 02:35 Get Santa 06:30 The Goldbergs 01:50 Claws 06:00 Barefoot Contessa 05:30 Workaholics 04:20 The Good Dinosaur 06:55 Imaginary Mary 02:40 Lethal Weapon 06:25 Barefoot Contessa 05:55 Workaholics 05:55 Rio 07:20 Late Night With Seth Meyers 03:30 S.W.A.T. 06:50 Bake With Anna Olson 06:20 Workaholics 07:35 True Heart 08:10 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 04:20 American Crime 07:15 The Kitchen 06:50 I Live With Models 09:10 Alvin And The Chipmunks: 09:00 The Tonight Show Starring 05:20 The Night Shift 08:05 The Pioneer Woman 09:20 Punk’d (Bet) Chipwrecked 02:10 The Runner Jimmy Fallon 06:10 APB 08:30 The Pioneer Woman 09:45 Important Things With Demitri 10:40 The Good Dinosaur 03:45 I Am Number Four 09:50 The Simpsons 07:00 Good Morning America 08:55 Siba’s Table Martin 12:15 Pirates Who Don’t Do Any- 05:40 The SpongeBob Movie: 10:15 The Last Man On Earth 09:00 The View 09:25 Siba’s Table 10:10 Important Things With Demitri thing Sponge Out Of Water 10:40 Dr. Ken 09:45 The Chew 09:55 Bake With Anna Olson Martin 13:45 Alvin And The Chipmunks: The 07:15 Creed 11:05 Bette! 10:30 Supergirl 10:25 Bake With Anna Olson 10:35 Important Things With Demitri Road Chip 09:30 Die Hard 11:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:20 The Night Shift 10:55 The Kitchen Martin 15:20 Zootropolis 11:50 I Am Number Four 12:20 The Goldbergs 12:10 APB 11:45 Cooking For Real 11:00 Kroll Show 17:10 The Kids From 62-F 13:45 Bridge Of Spies 12:45 Imaginary Mary 13:00 Time After Time 12:10 The Pioneer Woman 11:25 Kroll Show 18:50 The Adventure Club 16:15 Nacho Libre 13:10 Mom 13:45 Lethal Weapon 12:35 The Pioneer Woman 11:50 Kroll Show 20:20 Pirates Who Don’t Do Any- 17:55 Seven Years In Tibet 13:35 Mom 14:30 The View 13:00 Siba’s Table 12:15 Kroll Show thing 20:15 Hudson Hawk 14:00 The Middle 15:15 The Chew 13:30 Siba’s Table 12:40 Kroll Show 21:50 Alvin And The Chipmunks: The 22:00 Black Snake Moan 14:25 The Middle 16:00 APB 14:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 13:05 Disaster Date Road Chip 14:50 Dr. Ken 17:00 Live Good Morning America 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 13:30 Disaster Date 23:25 The Kids From 62-F 15:15 The Simpsons 19:00 Bones 15:00 Chopped 13:55 The Dude Perfect Show 15:40 The Last Man On Earth 20:00 Time After Time 16:00 The Kitchen 14:20 The Dude Perfect Show 16:05 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 21:00 Survivor: Heroes v. Healers v. 17:00 Bake With Anna Olson 14:45 Ridiculousness Arabia 17:00 The Goldbergs Hustlers 17:30 Bake With Anna Olson 16:00 Important Things With Demitri 17:30 Imaginary Mary 22:00 The Amazing Race 18:00 Chopped Martin 18:00 Mom 23:00 WWE Experience 19:00 Holiday Baking Championship 16:25 Important Things With Demitri 01:20 The Untouchables 18:30 Mom 20:00 Extreme Cake Wars Martin 00:15 Resident Evil: The Final Chap- 03:25 Hollywood On Set 19:00 The Middle 21:00 Paul Hollywood - City Bakes 16:50 Lip Sync Battle UK ter 06:45 Hollywood On Set 19:30 The Middle 22:00 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 17:15 Lip Sync Battle UK 02:05 Bravetown 07:15 Stolen From The Womb 20:00 Life In Pieces 22:30 Diners, Drive-Ins And Dives 17:40 Friends 04:00 Aloha 08:45 Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B 20:30 Fresh Off The Boat 23:00 Chopped 19:45 Detroiters 05:45 Finding Dory 10:15 It Could Happen To You 21:00 The Tonight Show Starring 20:07 Workaholics 07:20 Hello, My Name Is Doris 12:00 Days Of Our Lives S12 Jimmy Fallon 00:55 Anacondas: The Hunt For The 20:30 Graves 08:50 Aloha 15:20 The Fifth Monkey 22:00 Man Seeking Woman Blood Orchid 21:00 The Daily Show With Trevor 10:35 Captain America: Civil War 17:00 Virtuosity 22:30 Dr. Ken 02:35 The Magicians Noah 13:05 Queen Of Katwe 18:45 Awakenings 23:00 Powerless 03:25 Snow White: A Tale Of Terror 21:30 South Park 15:10 Pete’s Dragon 20:45 Ironweed 23:25 Late Night With Seth Meyers 05:10 Warehouse 13 22:00 Amy Schumer-Mark Normand: 16:55 Monster Trucks 23:02 Awakenings 06:00 Stargate SG-1 Don’t Be Yourself 21:00 Smurfs: The Lost Village 06:50 Stargate SG-1 22:50 Comedy Central Roast Of 22:35 Lights Out 07:40 Stargate SG-1 Charlie Sheen 08:30 Stargate SG-1 Fine Living 09:20 Stargate SG-1 00:00 Island Life 10:10 Stargate SG-1 00:30 Island Life 11:00 01:00 Renovation Raiders 00:35 Drunk Wedding 00:40 Lethal Weapon 11:50 Smallville 02:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 02:05 The Mexican 01:00 Havoc 01:30 S.W.A.T. 12:40 Smallville 02:30 Island Life 04:10 Are We Done Yet? 02:15 Meskada 02:20 American Crime 13:30 Smallville 03:00 Caribbean Life BBC First HD 05:45 Spy Hard 03:45 Begin Again 03:20 The Night Shift 14:20 Smallville 03:30 Caribbean Life 00:25 Holby City 07:10 Big Mommas: Like Father, Like 05:30 Dr. T And The Women 04:10 APB 15:10 Face Off 04:00 Island Life 01:20 Bad Move Son 07:30 Million Dollar Baby 05:00 Good Morning America 16:00 Face Off 04:30 Island Life 01:55 Uncle 09:00 Leap Of Faith 09:45 Into The Woods 07:00 The View 16:50 Evan Almighty 05:00 Caribbean Life 02:20 Mum 10:50 The Guilt Trip 11:45 02:22 07:45 The Chew 18:30 Dark Matter 05:30 Hawaii Life 02:50 Last Tango In Halifax 12:30 Spy Hard 13:30 Ask The Dust 08:30 Supergirl 19:20 Face Off 06:00 Extreme Homes 03:45 Call The Midwife: Christmas 13:55 Big Mommas: Like Father, Like 15:30 Havoc 09:20 The Night Shift 20:10 Face Off 07:00 House Hunters Special 2015 Son 16:45 Henry’s Crime 10:10 APB 21:00 The Mummy 07:30 House Hunters 04:25 EastEnders 15:45 Undercover Brother 18:30 The Time Being 11:00 Time After Time 23:10 Anacondas: The Hunt For The 08:00 House Hunters 04:55 Doctors 17:15 The Family Fang 20:00 Cinderella 11:45 Lethal Weapon Blood Orchid 05:30 Bad Move Friday 33

TV Listings Friday, December 8, 2017

06:00 EastEnders 14:15 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 07:25 Destroyed In Seconds 16:47 Street Customs 2008 Sea 06:30 Casualty 15:10 The Chase 07:50 Origins 17:32 Fast N’ Loud 09:00 George Clarke’s Amazing 07:25 Holby City 16:00 I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of 08:15 Origins 18:22 Fast N’ Loud Spaces 08:15 Doctors Here! 08:40 How It’s Made 19:12 Garage Gold 09:55 What’s For Sale? 08:50 Doctors 17:00 5 Star Family Reunion 09:05 How It’s Made 19:42 Garage Gold 10:20 What’s For Sale? 00:40 Mythbusters 09:20 Doctors 17:50 Murdoch Mysteries 09:30 Nextworld 20:10 Gold Rush 10:50 Stepping Out 01:30 How Do They Do It? 09:50 Doctors 18:45 Emmerdale 10:20 Ultimate Survival 21:00 Street Outlaws 11:15 Stepping Out 01:55 Food Factory USA 10:25 Doctors 19:15 Emmerdale 11:10 Kids Do The Craziest Things 21:50 Garage Rehab 11:45 Bad Trip 02:20 Street Science 10:55 Casualty 19:45 Coronation Street 11:35 Kids Do The Craziest Things 22:40 Misfit Garage 12:40 Food Lover’s Guide To The 02:45 Street Science 11:50 Holby City 20:10 The Chase 12:00 Deception With Keith Barry 23:30 Gold Rush Planet 03:10 Space Pioneer 12:45 EastEnders 21:00 I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of 12:50 How It’s Made 13:05 Food Lover’s Guide To The 04:00 Prototype This 13:20 EastEnders Here! 13:15 How It’s Made Planet 04:48 Mythbusters 13:50 EastEnders 22:00 5 Star Family Reunion 13:40 Nextworld 13:35 Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The 05:36 How Do They Do It? 14:20 EastEnders 22:50 Emmerdale 14:30 Destroyed In Seconds Sea 06:00 Food Factory USA 14:55 Casualty 23:15 Emmerdale 14:55 Destroyed In Seconds 14:30 George Clarke’s Amazing 06:24 Street Science 15:50 Doctors 23:40 Coronation Street 15:20 Origins 00:00 Million Dollar Genius Spaces 06:48 Street Science 16:20 Doctors 15:45 Origins 01:00 Ultimate Guide To The... 15:25 What’s For Sale? 07:12 Space Pioneer 16:55 Doctors 16:10 Ultimate Survival 02:00 Clash Of Warriors 15:50 Cesar’s Recruit: Asia 08:00 How Do They Do It? 17:30 Doctors 17:00 Kids Do The Craziest Things 03:00 Missing In Alaska 16:20 Stepping Out 08:26 Prototype This 18:00 Doctors 17:25 Kids Do The Craziest Things 03:50 Ancient Aliens 16:45 Stepping Out 09:14 Mythbusters 18:35 Casualty 17:50 Troy 04:40 Decoding The Past 17:15 Bad Trip 10:02 Space Pioneer 19:30 The Detectorists 18:40 Nextworld 05:30 Million Dollar Genius 18:10 Bad Trip 10:50 How Do They Do It? 20:00 Poldark 00:50 Untamed & Uncut 19:30 How It’s Made 06:20 Ultimate Guide To The... 19:05 What’s For Sale? 11:14 Food Factory USA 21:00 Poldark 01:45 Treehouse Masters 19:55 How It’s Made 07:10 The Universe 19:30 Cesar’s Recruit: Asia 11:38 Street Science 22:00 Line Of Duty 02:40 Cats 101 20:20 Destroyed In Seconds 08:00 Clash Of Warriors 20:00 Stepping Out 12:02 Street Science 22:55 War And Peace 03:35 Meet The Orangutans 20:45 Destroyed In Seconds 09:00 Missing In Alaska 20:30 Stepping Out 12:26 Prototype This 23:50 Doctors 04:00 Meet The Orangutans 21:10 Kids Do The Craziest Things 10:00 Ancient Aliens 21:00 Bad Trip 13:14 Mythbusters 04:25 Whale Wars 21:35 Kids Do The Craziest Things 11:00 Decoding The Past 22:00 Bad Trip 14:02 How Do They Do It? 05:15 Whale Wars 22:00 Troy 12:00 Million Dollar Genius 22:55 Food Lover’s Guide To The 14:26 Food Factory USA 06:02 Deadly Islands 22:50 Ultimate Survival 13:00 Ultimate Guide To The... Planet 14:50 Space Pioneer 06:49 Untamed & Uncut 23:40 Origins 14:00 Clash Of Warriors 23:20 Food Lover’s Guide To The 15:38 Prototype This 07:36 Orangutan Island 15:00 Missing In Alaska Planet 16:26 Street Science 08:00 Orangutan Island 16:00 Ancient Aliens 23:50 Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The 16:50 Street Science 00:20 Say Yes To The Dress UK 08:25 Meet The Orangutans 17:00 Decoding The Past Sea 17:14 Mythbusters 00:42 Say Yes To The Dress UK 08:50 Meet The Orangutans 18:00 The Universe 18:02 Space Pioneer 01:05 90 Day Fianc?: Happily Ever 09:15 Treehouse Masters 19:00 Ultimate Guide To The... 18:50 Prototype This After? 10:10 Cats 101 20:00 Clash Of Warriors 19:40 Mythbusters 01:50 Say Yes To The Dress 11:05 Deadly Islands 21:00 Missing In Alaska 20:30 How The Universe Works 02:35 Oprah: Where Are They Now? 12:00 Meet The Orangutans 22:00 Ancient Aliens 21:20 How Do They Do It? 03:20 Little People, Big World: Wed- 12:28 Meet The Orangutans 00:50 Guilty Rich 23:00 Cowboys & Outlaws 21:45 Food Factory USA ding Farm 12:55 Whale Wars 01:45 Hollywood Horror Story: Peo- 22:10 Space Pioneer 04:05 Toddlers & Tiaras 13:50 Whale Wars ple Magazine... 00:10 Straits Dreams 23:00 How The Universe Works 04:50 Ultimate Shopper 14:45 Cats 101 02:40 Murder By Numbers 01:00 Supercar Megabuild 23:50 Prototype This 05:35 Say Yes To The Dress UK 15:40 Deadly Islands 03:35 Reasonable Doubt 02:00 Airport Security: Colombia 2.5 06:00 Outdaughtered: Busby Quints 16:35 Untamed & Uncut 04:30 Guilty Rich 03:00 Science Of Stupid 06:45 Outdaughtered: Busby Quints 17:30 Treehouse Masters 05:25 The Locator 03:30 Science Of Stupid 07:30 Little People, Big World: Wed- 18:25 Keeping Up With The Kruger 05:50 The Locator 00:21 Ultimate Wheels 04:00 Straits Dreams ding Farm 19:20 Wildest Africa 06:20 I Almost Got Away With It 01:11 American Pickers 05:00 Crowd Control 08:15 Outdaughtered: Busby Quints 20:15 Cats 101 07:10 Swamp Murders 02:00 Swamp People 05:30 Crowd Control 09:00 Say Yes To The Dress UK 21:10 Shamwari: A Wild Life 08:00 The Locator 02:50 Counting Cars 06:00 Taiwan: Tropic Of Extremes 05:00 Bali 09:25 Obsessive Compulsive Clean- 21:38 Shamwari: A Wild Life 08:25 Deadline: Crime With Tamron 03:15 American Pickers 07:00 Facing... 05:15 Chuck And Friends ers 22:05 Keeping Up With The Kruger Hall 04:05 Time Team 08:00 Seconds From Disaster 05:40 Om Nom Stories 10:10 Obsessive Compulsive Clean- 23:00 Wildest Africa 09:15 The Locator 05:00 Counting Cars 09:00 Crowd Control 05:50 Kids Crafting ers 23:55 Deadly Islands 09:40 The Locator 05:25 Counting Cars 09:30 Crowd Control 05:55 Boj 10:55 Love, Lust Or Run 10:10 Swamp Murders 06:00 Aussie Pickers 10:00 Airport Security: Colombia 2.5 06:10 Lucky Fred 11:17 Love, Lust Or Run 11:05 Shadow Of Doubt 06:50 Aussie Pickers 11:00 Hard Time 06:25 Thomas And Friends 11:40 Love, Lust Or Run 12:00 Evil Stepmothers 07:40 Ultimate Wheels 12:00 Brain Games 06:40 Chirp 12:02 Love, Lust Or Run 12:55 Deadline: Crime With Tamron 08:30 Hunting Hitler 12:30 How To Win At Everything 06:55 My Little Pony 12:25 Love, Lust Or Run Hall 09:20 Hunting Hitler 13:00 Supercar Megabuild 07:20 Angelina Ballerina 12:47 Love, Lust Or Run 13:50 I Almost Got Away With It 10:10 Hunting Hitler 14:00 Seconds From Disaster 07:35 Sandra, The Fairytale Detec- 13:10 Oprah: Where Are They Now? 14:45 Swamp Murders 11:00 Aussie Pickers 15:00 Facing... tive 13:55 Oprah: Where Are They Now? 00:00 Homicide: Hours To Kill 15:40 Shadow Of Doubt 11:50 Aussie Pickers 16:00 Airport Security: Colombia 2.5 07:50 Playdate 14:40 Cake Boss 01:00 The First 48 16:35 The Perfect Murder 12:40 Alone: Lost And Found 17:00 Hard Time 08:00 Barney And Friends 15:02 Cake Boss 02:00 Britain’s Darkest Taboos 17:30 Deadline: Crime With Tamron 13:30 Pawn Stars South Africa 18:00 The Long Road Home 08:30 64 Zoo Lane 15:25 Cake Boss 03:00 It Takes A Killer Hall 13:55 Pawn Stars South Africa 19:00 No Man Left Behind 08:45 Transformers: Rescue Bots 15:47 Cake Boss 03:30 It Takes A Killer 18:25 The Locator 14:20 Ice Road Truckers 20:00 Airport Security: Colombia 2.5 09:10 Om Nom Stories 16:10 Cake Boss 04:00 Homicide: Hours To Kill 18:50 The Locator 15:10 Ice Road Truckers 20:50 Hard Time 09:20 Kids Crafting 16:35 Cake Boss 05:00 The First 48 19:20 I Almost Got Away With It 16:00 Ice Road Truckers 21:40 The Long Road Home 09:25 Littlest Pet Shop 17:00 Little And Looking For Love 06:00 Britain’s Darkest Taboos 20:15 Swamp Murders 16:50 Ronnie O’Sullivan’s American 22:30 No Man Left Behind 09:50 Franny’s Feet 17:50 Meet The Putmans 07:00 Homicide Hunter 21:10 Shadow Of Doubt Hustle 23:20 Brain Games 10:15 Mouk 18:50 Outdaughtered: Busby Quints 08:00 Nightmare In Suburbia 22:05 Murder Calls 17:40 Ronnie O’Sullivan’s American 23:45 How To Win At Everything 10:30 Boj 19:40 Cake Boss 09:00 It Takes A Killer 23:00 American Monster Hustle 10:45 Kit ‘n’ Kate 20:10 Say Yes To The Dress UK 09:30 It Takes A Killer 23:55 I Speak For The Dead 18:30 Ultimate Wheels 10:55 What’s The Big Idea? 20:35 Say Yes To The Dress UK 10:00 Homicide Hunter 19:20 Cars That Made America 11:00 Transformers: Rescue Bots 21:00 Outdaughtered: Busby Quints 11:00 Homicide: Hours To Kill 21:00 The Warfighters 11:25 Bali 21:50 Sister Wives 12:00 Escaping Polygamy 21:50 New Age Of Terror 11:40 My Little Pony 22:40 My Giant Life 13:00 Leah Remini: Scientology And 23:30 Hunting Hitler 12:05 Lucky Fred 23:30 Return To Amish The Aftermath 00:20 Hyena Queen 12:20 Thomas And Friends 14:00 It Takes A Killer 01:10 Jobs That Bite! 12:35 Angelina Ballerina 14:30 It Takes A Killer 00:20 Street Outlaws 02:00 Savage Island Giants 12:50 Transformers: Rescue Bots 15:00 Homicide Hunter 01:05 Finding Escobar’s Millions 02:50 Wild 24 13:15 Barney And Friends 16:00 Homicide: Hours To Kill 01:50 Treasure Quest: Snake Island 03:45 Wild Case Files 13:45 64 Zoo Lane 17:00 The First 48 02:35 The Wheel: Survival Games 04:40 Photo Ark 14:00 Chirp 18:00 It Takes A Killer 03:20 Diesel Brothers 00:15 Lee Chan’s World Food Tour 05:35 Savage Island Giants 14:15 What’s The Big Idea? 00:10 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 18:30 It Takes A Killer 04:05 Deadliest Catch 00:45 Lee Chan’s World Food Tour 06:30 Wild 24 14:25 Kit ‘n’ Kate 01:00 Emmerdale 19:00 Homicide Hunter 04:50 Alaska: The Last Frontier 01:10 Rustic Adventures Italy 07:25 Wild Case Files 14:30 Playdate 01:30 Coronation Street 20:00 Homicide Hunter 05:35 How Do They Do It? 01:40 Food Lover’s Guide To The 08:20 Photo Ark 14:40 Franny’s Feet 02:00 Coronation Street 21:00 Homicide Hunter 06:00 Strip The City Planet 09:15 Snakes In The City 15:05 Thomas And Friends 02:30 The Chase 22:00 Homicide: Hours To Kill 06:45 Boy To Man 02:05 Food Lover’s Guide To The 10:10 Nature’s Greatest Talents 15:20 Mouk 03:25 I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of 23:00 When Life Means Life 07:30 How Do They Do It? Planet 11:05 The Miracle Cheetah 15:35 Boj Here! 00:05 Origins 07:53 How Do They Do It? 02:35 Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The 12:00 Shark Men 15:50 Sandra, The Fairytale Detec- 04:50 Gino’s Hidden Italy 00:30 Destroyed In Seconds 08:15 Boy To Man Sea 12:55 Croc Inside Out tive 05:15 Murdoch Mysteries 00:55 Destroyed In Seconds 09:00 Gold Divers 03:30 George Clarke’s Amazing 13:50 Animal Fight Club 4.5 16:05 Littlest Pet Shop 06:10 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 01:20 Weather Gone Viral 09:45 Strip The City Spaces 14:45 Cameramen Who Dare 16:30 My Little Pony 07:05 The Chase 02:10 Bermuda Triangle Exposed 10:30 Auction Kings 04:25 What’s For Sale? 15:40 Photo Ark 16:55 Looped 08:00 I’m A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of 03:00 Ultimate Survival 11:00 Auction Kings 04:50 What’s For Sale? 16:35 Snake City Compilations 17:10 Barney And Friends Here! 03:50 Destroyed In Seconds 11:25 How Do They Do It? 05:20 Stepping Out 17:30 Wild 24 17:40 Angelina Ballerina 09:10 Catchphrase 04:15 Destroyed In Seconds 11:50 How Do They Do It? 05:45 Stepping Out 18:25 1000 Days For The Planet 17:55 Lucky Fred 10:05 Murdoch Mysteries 04:40 How It’s Made 12:17 Auction Kings 06:15 Bad Trip 19:20 Cameramen Who Dare 18:10 Qumi Qumi 10:55 Who’s Doing The Dishes? 05:05 How It’s Made 12:47 Fast N’ Loud 07:10 Food Lover’s Guide To The 20:10 Photo Ark 18:25 Transformers: Rescue Bots 11:50 The Chase 05:30 Origins 13:37 Fast N’ Loud Planet 21:00 Snake City Compilations 18:50 What’s The Big Idea? 12:45 Emmerdale 05:55 Origins 14:27 Misfit Garage 07:35 Food Lover’s Guide To The 21:50 Wild 24 19:00 Bali 13:15 Emmerdale 06:20 Nextworld 15:17 Street Customs 2008 Planet 22:40 1000 Days For The Planet 19:15 Kit ‘n’ Kate 13:45 Coronation Street 07:00 Destroyed In Seconds 16:02 Street Customs 2008 08:05 Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The 23:30 Shark Men 19:25 Littlest Pet Shop 34 Friday Stars Friday, December 8, 2017

COUNTRY CODES Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

Afghanistan 0093 Jordan 00962 Albania 00355 007 You're quite fiery, especially when it's time to speak your mind You are involved with someone you met as if through magic. Just Algeria 00213 Kenya 00254 -- or ask for answers you know you deserve. You've never been about everything that's happened since seems to have carried Andorra 00376 Kiribati 00686 shy about asking those questions, either, even if they're not po- that same lovely, magical tone. Today, when jealousy is almost Angola 00244 Kuwait 00965 Anguilla 001264 Kyrgyzstan 00996 lite. Now that you've got a hot topic on your mind and you know sure to strike, don't let anything endanger what you've got. A little Antiga 001268 Laos 00856 there's no other way to solve it than to ask around, you're more bit of jealousy can be a compliment, which means you love some- Argentina 0054 Latvia 00371 than willing to risk tarnishing your reputation a little to get the one enough to value them. Too much implies insecurity, so know Armenia 00374 Lebanon 00961 answers you're after. where to draw the line. Australia 0061 Liberia 00231 Austria 0043 Libya 00218 Bahamas 001242 Lithuania 00370 Bahrain 00973 00352 Bangladesh 00880 Macau 00853 001246 Macedonia 00389 Taurus (April 20-May 20) Belarus 00375 Madagascar 00261 Scorpio (October 23-November 21) Belgium 0032 Majorca 0034 Belize 00501 Malawi 00265 Benin 00229 Malaysia 0060 Bermuda 001441 Maldives 00960 wo of your most famous qualities are needed right now, and while You're not exactly famous for your love of light-hearted, Bhutan 00975 00223 many don't have what it takes to answer, you most certainly do. frivolous conversation -- in fact, you often use just one word for Bolivia 00591 Malta 00356 You need to listen quietly while others are chatting about abso- every three that other folks blurt out without even thinking. At Bosnia 00387 Marshall Islands 00692 lutely nothing. Then, when you speak, tell the truth, the whole Botswana 00267 Martinique 00596 the moment, though, you've got quite a bit to say, and while your Brazil 0055 Mauritania 00222 truth and nothing but the truth. That all comes easily to you, but sweetie is amazed, there's no doubt that they sit still and listen. Brunei 00673 Mauritius 00230 try not to be too smug as you watch others struggle to keep quiet That is what you're after, right? 00359 Mayotte 00269 with what they know -- or don't know. Burkina 00226 Mexico 0052 Burundi 00257 00691 Cambodia 00855 Moldova 00373 Cameroon 00237 Monaco 00377 Canada 001 Mongolia 00976 Cape Verde 00238 001664 Cayman Islands 001345 Morocco 00212 Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Central African Republic 00236 Mozambique 00258 00235 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 Chile 0056 00264 You're in a restless, and no matter where you are, there's some- China 0086 Nepal 00977 Colombia 0057 Netherlands (Holland)0031 place else you'd rather be. While you might ordinarily be able You know that life is a series of extended vacations that we're fortunate enough to go on with a carefully chosen, well-suited Comoros 00269 Netherlands Antilles 00599 to distract yourself until you can find a practical way to get out, Congo 00242 00687 you're unwilling to waste a moment now. Cut to the chase -- travel companions -- friends, family members and select Cook Islands 00682 New Zealand 0064 announce to one and all that you've got someplace to be, and strangers that don't stay that way for long. You're due to meet Costa Rica 00506 Nicaragua 00505 00385 Nigar 00227 get yourself there. It's time for the next step on your journey. someone new and wonderful now -- or maybe more than one person -- who wants to tag along for the ride on the next leg of Cuba 0053 00234 Cyprus 00357 00683 your trek. Are you ready? Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 Norfolk Island 00672 Czech Republic 00420 Northern Ireland (UK)0044 Denmark 0045 North Korea 00850 Diego Garcia 00246 Norway 0047 Djibouti 00253 Oman 00968 Cancer (June 21-July 22) Dominica 001767 0092 Capricorn (December 22-January 19) Dominican Republic 001809 00680 Ecuador 00593 Panama 00507 Egypt 0020 00675 If you just can't bear the thought of heading out and being with El Salvador 00503 Paraguay 00595 Your regal, royal bearing and the mantle of authority you wear other people in the big, loud world, why force yourself? You don't England (UK) 0044 Peru 0051 so easily and so well can sometimes intimidate those around you Equatorial Guinea 00240 Philippines 0063 have to go out -- and everyone who knows and loves you should -- but in a good way! You have the power to decide whom to let Eritrea 00291 Poland 0048 understand. If they want to see you badly enough, they should 00372 Portugal 00351 into your world and whom to banish from it. If someone has been also be smart enough to call and ask for an audience. If you do Ethiopia 00251 Puerto Rico 001787 trying to edge their way in, don't hesitate to give them a good somehow get lonely, let them visit, but if not, schedule something Falkland Islands 00500 Qatar 00974 shove back out. If they're this pushy now, imagine how they Faroe Islands 00298 Romania 0040 for later. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder! might act a bit further down the road. Fiji 00679 Russian Federation 007 Finland 00358 Rwanda 00250 France 0033 Saint Helena 00290 French Guiana 00594 Saint Kitts 001869 00689 Saint Lucia 001758 Gabon 00241 Saint Pierre 00508 Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Gambia 00220 Saint Vincent 001784 = 00995 US 00684 Germany 0049 Samoa West 00685 Ghana 00233 San Marino 00378 You've been a bit worried about someone close lately, and Whether you believe in reincarnation or not doesn't matter right 00350 Sao Tone 00239 they should say or do something that subtly lets you know now -- everyone has had the experience of feeling like we've Greece 0030 Saudi Arabia 00966 you were right. You've been wondering if they might be Greenland 00299 Scotland (UK) 0044 known someone forever, even though it's only been a few months Grenada 001473 Senegal 00221 getting a bit too possessive, though they've done a great (or minutes). You have learned to pay careful attention to this Guadeloupe 00590 Seychelles 00284 job of hiding it. Once you have your proof -- and it should weird sort of thing, so when you cross paths now with someone Guam 001671 Sierra Leone 00232 come soon, if you pay attention -- you need to decide who seems familiar, you don't hesitate to say so, and even to ask Guatemala 00502 Singapore 0065 what to do next. Guinea 00224 Slovakia 00421 where they've been all your life! 00592 Slovenia 00386 Haiti 00509 Solomon Islands 00677 Holland (Netherlands)0031 Somalia 00252 Honduras 00504 South Africa 0027 00852 South Korea 0082 Hungary 0036 Spain 0034 Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sri Lanka 0094 Iceland 00354 Sudan 00249 India 0091 Suriname 00597 Indian Ocean 00873 Swaziland 00268 You don't usually make decisions without thinking them More often than not, emotional situations don't seem to work out Indonesia 0062 Sweden 0046 through all the way, especially when it comes to career matters. the way they should (or at least as they do in the movies), but now, Iran 0098 Switzerland 0041 Still, something has been offered recently that sounds far too thanks to some highly unusual circumstances, a magical ending is Iraq 00964 Syria 00963 actually on the agenda. Your job is to refuse to turn a Hollywood Ireland 00353 Taiwan 00886 good to pass up. If you're interested and ready to jump -- and Italy 0039 Tanzania 00255 you most likely are, at least on the inside -- you need to inves- ending into something out of Shakespeare -- you'd rather live a Ivory Coast 00225 Thailand 0066 tigate the possibilities. You might not have to do anything un- comedy than a tragedy, right?. Do your part and make a dream 001876 Toga 00228 comfortable with right now -- but soon, maybe. come true. Japan 0081 00676 Friday 35

Health Friday, December 8, 2017 UN pledge to tackle lead poisoning NAIROBI: Irene Akinyi Odinga has lead poisoning. With no “My father, my brother, my husband all worked at the smelter,” lead-acid batteries, can cause serious lifelong damage, especially money for treatment, the young mother of two stares death in the Odinga says. “I washed their (work) clothes.” She suspects this in children, such as loss of IQ and behavioural problems,” it said. face. “I feel very bad,” the 25-year-old said on the sidelines of a is how the lead got in her system. Addressing the scourge of lead “Exposure of pregnant women to high levels of lead can cause UN pollution conference, shivering in a thick jacket in the warm pollution, a health hazard particularly in poor and middle-income miscarriage, stillbirth as well as malformations,” the resolution Kenyan sun. “I have constant headaches. I cannot walk long dis- countries, was a focus of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) noted. Lead exposure is estimated to cause nearly half a million tances, I can’t even cook for my own children.” Odinga is one of held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi this week. On Wednesday, en- deaths each year, according to the World Health Organization. It dozens of inhabitants of the Owino Uhuru slum near Mombasa, vironment ministers adopted a resolution expressing concern accounts for more than one in ten cases of intellectual disability, Kenya’s second-largest city, who say they were poisoned by a about the health and environmental impacts of lead-acid battery 2.5 percent of global heart disease, and about the same percent- plant recycling lead-acid batteries, the type used in cars. recycling. “Exposure to lead, including lead in paint and in waste age of strokes. —AFP ClassifiedsEstablished 1961 Friday, December 8, 2017

CHANGE OF NAME I, Kamineni Lakshmi Devi, W/o Kamineni Venkata Subbaiah, I, Shaik Shabbir Hussain, S/o holder of Indian Passport No. Shaik Ibrahim holder of Indian P6324075 & Civil ID no. Passport No. M3439430 & Civil 280071008965 H.No.12/3, ID no. 275072002729 hereby Turpu Street, Varadayagaripalli, Rajampet, DAAYY: ::HHGQHVGD\  99DDOLG )URP  $0 7R  30 changed my name to Shaik Rafi Hussain hereinafter in all Kadapa, A.P. My surname my dealings and documents. wrongly mentioned in Expected WWeeather for the Next 24 Hours (C 5368) Passport as Kurrapati Lakshmi Devi. But my correct surname is Kamineni Lakshmi Devi. %< '$$<< 3DUUWWO\ FORXGG\\ ZLWWKK OLJKW YDULDEOH  ZLQG  WR OLJKW WR PRGHUDWH  VRXWK  HDVVWHUO\  ZLQG  ZLWK VSHHG  RI  NPKK  I, Pathakamuri Sreeramulu, S/o P.Seshaiah, holder of 7-12-20197 Indian Passport No. M4638172 & Civil ID no. 270051016475 I, Thankakumar Thankappan %< 1,*+7 3DUUWWO\ FORXG\ WR FORXG\ ZLWK OLJKW WR PRGHUDWH IIUUHVKHQLQJ  RYHU FRVWDOR DUHDV VRXWWKK HDVWHUO\ ZLQQG ZLWK H.No.2/19-A, Singanavaripalli, Chellamma S/o Thankappan, VSHHG RI     NPK   Mittamidapalli Post, Rajampet, holder of Indian Passport No. Kadapa, A.P. My name wrongly L4906126 & Civil ID No. 274022801878 has changed :($$77+(5::$$51,1* 1R &XUUHQW ::DDUQLQJV mentioned in Passport as Patkamuri Kistaiah. But my my name to Sudheer Kumar correct name is Pathakamuri Thankappan hereinafter in all STTAAATTION 0$;(;33 0,1 5(& 6)& &+$57   87& Sreeramulu. my dealings and documents. (C 5365) .8::$$,7 &,7<  ƒ&  ƒ& I, Kamineni Venkata Subbaiah, 3-12-2017 .8::$$,7 $,5325577  ƒ&  ƒ& S/o K.Vengaiah, holder of Indian Passport No. L8616295 LOST $%'$//<<  ƒ&  ƒ& & Civil ID no. 266111201399 H.No.12/3, Turpu Street, Lost Indian Passport %8%<<$$$11  ƒ&  ƒ& Varadayagaripalli, Rajampet, J1331475, Name: Kalidindi Kadapa, A.P. My surname -$+55$$  ƒ&  ƒ& Sujata on 29th November wrongly mentioned in 2017 at airport, finder please ))$$,/$.$ ,6/$$11'  ƒ&  ƒ& Passport as Kurrapati Venkata inform 97942497. Subbaiah. But my correct sur- (C 5367) 6$/0,<<$$+  ƒ&  ƒ& name is Kamineni Venkata 7-12-20197 Subbaiah. $+0$',  ƒ&  ƒ& 18::$$,6,%  ƒ&  ƒ& ::$$)5$  ƒ&  ƒ& 6$/0<  ƒ&  ƒ&

4 DAAYYS FORECAST Temperatures AIRLINES DAAYY DAATTE WEAATTHER Wind Direction Wind Speed MAX. MIN. American Airlines 22087425 7KXXUUVGD\  &ORXG\ WR SDDUUWO\  FORXG\  ZLWK  ULVLQJ  GXVW  ƒ&  ƒ&6(1:      NPK 22087426 )ULGD\  $VLJQLILILFDQW GHFUHDVH LQ WHPSHUDWXXUUHZLWK D  ƒ& ƒ& 1:      NPK Kuwait Airways 171 FKDQFHIIRRU ULVLQJ GXVW Jazeera Airways 177 6DWWXXUGDD\\  &RRO  ƒ&  ƒ& 1:      NPK Jet Airways 22924455 6XQGD\  &RRO  ƒ&  ƒ& 1:      NPK FlyDubai 22414400 Qatar Airways 22423888 PRAAYYER TIMES RECORDED YESTERDAAYY AATT KUWWAAIT AIRPORT KLM 22425747 Fajr  MAX. Temp.  °C Air Slovakia 22434940 Olympic Airways 22420002/9 Sunrise  MIN. Temp.  °C Royal Jordanian 22418064/5/6 Zuhr MAX. RH %   Reservation 22433388 Asr MIN. RH %   British Airways 22425635 Sunset  MAX. WWiind 6:  km/h Air France 22430224 Isha TOTTAALL RAINFFAALLL IN 24 HR.  mm Emirates 22921555 Air India 22438184 Sri Lanka Airlines 22424444 Egypt Air 22421578 Swiss Air 22421516 Saudia 22426306 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Middle East Airlines 22423073 Lufthansa 22422493 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 PIA 22421044 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Alitalia 22414427 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Balkan Airlines 22416474 Bangladesh Airlines 22452977/8 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Czech Airlines 22417901/ Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 2433141 Indian Airlines 22456700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Oman Air 22958787 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967 Turkish Airlines 22453820/1 Friday

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017 Business

Bitcoin surges past $15,000 for European Investment Bank IMF warns on brewing risks 39 first time as concerns mount 40 planning 7-8 bln euro subsidiary 41 in China’s financial system

Senegal : Senegalese dancers perform during the inauguration ceremony of the Blaise Diagne International Airport in Diass.—AFP Senegal economy hopes for takeoff as new airport opens

Airport will be key test of Senegal’s economic fortunes

DIASS, Senegal: Senegal’s president opened a Senegal” plan, which includes the construction Uncertainty for new airline open on time have lasted until the last minute flagship new airport yesterday seen as the central of a new city, Diamniadio, close to the site in Passenger numbers have increased in re- amid complaints by major European airlines plank of government plans to boost the economy Diass. As the country invests more heavily in cent years at Dakar’s current airport in the over fuel capacity and regulations. Summa- and create a west African regional hub. President tourism, Senegal is also betting on the facility’s middle of the city, leading to long waits at se- Limak will operate the airport for the next 25 Macky Sall toured the brand new Blaise Diagne strategic position close to several beach resorts curity and contributing to chronic traffic years, furthering ever-closer economic ties International Airport accompanied by several that are already heavily frequented by European jams, and the old Leopold Sedar Senghor air- between Ankara and Dakar. A train linking west African heads of state in the town of Diass, holidaymakers. port will become a military airfield from Fri- the airport with the city is not expected to 47 kilometers from the capital of Dakar, while a “The airport will be day. The new airport open for years, leaving taxi drivers in pocket plane from new airline Air Senegal is expected key in the promotion of boasts six footbridges but ordinary travelers nervous of arriving on make the first symbolic takeoff this afternoon. ‘Destination Senegal’,” direct to flight cabins, time for flights in a city with unpredictable Sall’s supporters gathered in their thousands Prime Minister Ma- and will be able to traffic. to celebrate the opening, banging drums and hammed Boun Abdallah Sall’s service a range of air- Backed by loans from France’s develop- chanting slogans outside, according to AFP Dionne said in a speech craft including Airbus’s ment agency the African Development Bank journalists at the scene. The airport will be a key on Tuesday, adding that Emerging massive A380s. Work (ADB), the West African Development Bank test of Senegal’s economic fortunes as the pres- airport services at the Senegal plan was completed on the (BOAD) and Islamic lender the Islamic Devel- ident seeks re-election in 2019. Work began in site would contribute to 4,500-hectare site- opment Bank (IDB), officials are celebrating 2007 on the 645 million-euro ($767 million) air- the development of the with 2,000 hectares the airport’s completion-but the future of port under former president Abdoulaye Wade, special economic zone unused in case of re- Senegal’s new airline is less certain. Air Sene- but unforeseen problems and a change of con- nearby. With a capacity quired expansion-by gal still does not have all the licenses required struction company have repeatedly delayed the of three million passengers, Blaise Diagne will still Turkish consortium Summa-Limak after a to begin commercial flights and has a fleet of project and doubled anticipated costs. rank far below the busiest African airports and a disagreement with Saudi Arabia’s Bin Laden just two ATR 72-600s, but Aviation Minister Blaise Diagne-named after the Senegalese long way off challenging Nigeria in the west construction derailed the final stage of Maimouna Ndoye Seck said international am- MP who was the first African elected to France’s African region, though plans for up to 10 million preparations. bitions for the airport meant a well-perform- parliament-is at the heart of Sall’s “Emerging travellers are in the pipeline, according to officials. But bets on whether Blaise Diagne would ing national airline was “a necessity”. —AFP 38 Friday Business Friday, December 8, 2017 Dollar hits 2-week high on US tax reform optimism World stocks snap 2-day losing streak

LONDON: The dollar rose to its highest level in Jane Foley, in London. “The yen will be sensitive two weeks yesterday over optimism the United if geopolitical tensions rise again, and I think States would successfully push through tax re- there’s inevitability to that, so I don’t think there’s forms, while world shares rebounded after two going to be too much upside for dollar/yen in this straight days of losses. The US currency slipped environment,” she added. against the safe-haven Japanese yen on Wednes- Upbeat US private-sector employment data day after US President Donald Trump said he released on Wednesday also provided some sup- would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel port to the dollar. But strategists said the currency - a move that imperiled Middle East peace efforts would trade in narrow ranges until the release of and provoked widespread condemnation. the closely watched non-farm payrolls report on But amidst a broader climb in global stocks Friday. Bitcoin soared to a record high of more yesterday, the greenback rose 0.3 percent against than $14,500, up almost 7 percent on the day and the yen to trade at 112.60 continuing a staggering yen, and hit a two-week surge from less than high against a basket of $1,000 at the beginning peers. The MSCI World of the year. Index, which tracks Dollar is shares in 47 countries, Stocks recover was up 0.1 percent. Un- fighting European stock mar- NEW YORK: A video board displayís the closing numbers after the closing bell of the Dow Industrial Average derpinning some of the back a little kets appeared to take at the New York Stock Exchange in New York.—AFP dollar’s gains analysts their cues from a gen- said was some cautious eral recovery in tech optimism on progress stocks overnight in Asia convinced to actually push higher.” 3 percent and Alibaba more than 2 percent. over US tax reforms. US and Wall Street. The Shares in the energy sector, which weighed on In Japan, the Nikkei jumped 1.5 percent, re- Senate Republicans agreed to talks with the pan-European STOXX 600 was up 0.2 percent shares earlier in Wall Street and Asia, rose in Eu- couping much of its 2.0 percent loss the previous House of Representatives on sweeping tax legis- with tech stocks initially up 0.5 percent. Finan- rope, as oil prices recovered from a big fall on day, which was its biggest fall since late March. lation on Wednesday, amid early signs that law- cials, industrials and healthcare shares also Wednesday. US West Texas Intermediate crude The price of copper, seen as a barometer of global makers could bridge their differences and agree added points to the index. “We have seen some futures traded at $56.13 per barrel in European economic health because of its extensive indus- on a final bill ahead of a self-imposed Dec 22 aggressive moves in Asia, whereas Europe trade, up 0.3 percent on the day. Brent futures trial use, also fell sharply earlier this week, raising deadline. “The dollar is fighting back a little bit seems to be a bit more subdued,” said David gained 0.4 percent to $61.45 per barrel. MSCI’s worries about the world growth outlook. Copper but there’s still some caution, as it could still be a Madden, analyst at CMC Markets in London. broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside traded at $6,576 a ton, up 0.5 percent on the day few weeks until we know the outcome of the tax “It’s almost like European markets look for an Japan edged up 0.2 percent as some technology and above a two-month low of $6,507.5 touched reform bill,” said Rabobank currency strategist excuse to selloff but it takes them a lot to be bellwethers rebounded, with Tencent rising over on Tuesday.—Reuters Political risks keep

lift too many restrictions. Environmentalists emerging stocks Alaskan oil lease want to entirely block opening the state’s Arc- tic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling. near 2-mth lows ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc, in partnership sale brings few with Anadarko Petroleum Corp, submitted the LONDON: Political risks and a firm dollar kept seven bids, totaling $1.16 million, for tracts in emerging markets in check yesterday, with equi- bids despite vast the NPR-A. Results were revealed in a bid ties trading near two-month lows and currencies opening conducted in Anchorage by the US losing more ground against the greenback. A Bureau of Land Management. The Cono- selloff in tech shares had pummeled emerging TOKYO: Businessmen walk past a stock quotation board territory offered coPhillips-Anadarko bids were for tracts along shares on Wednesday but while the sector en- the southern border of ConocoPhillips’ flashing the Nikkei 225 key index of the Tokyo Stock Ex- joyed a small recovery, the broader emerging eq- change in front of a securities company in Tokyo. —AFP ANCHORAGE, Alaska: An oil-and-gas lease Greater Mooses Tooth unit, where oil produc- uity index seesawed around flat. The focus is now sale that raised concerns with environmental- tion is expected to start next year. on the United States where Congress and the “Lease sale interest is unpredictable,” Ted ists due to the vast amount of acres offered in White House face a Friday deadline to raise the rection and portfolio flows are turning negative,” Murphy, associate director of the BLM’s Alaska Arctic Alaska drew few bids on Wednesday, debt limit and avert a shutdown in government Credit Agricole wrote, predicting more pressure office, said in a telephone news conference government officials said. Seven bids were re- spending. in coming days. JPMorgan’s ELMI Plus index, a after the sale. “We don’t know what industry, ceived, covering about 80,000 acres - or less On currency markets the rand and the lira key emerging currency gauge, closed on ultimately, will be interested in getting from than 1 percent of the 10.3 million acres offered tumbled half a percent against the greenback, year to year.” Last year’s NPR-A lease sale Wednesday at two-week lows. South African in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska by which is close to two-week highs, while the rou- drew $18.8 million in bids, led by Cono- stocks traded at six-week lows, extending the Trump administration. It was, by far, more ble weakened to new two-week lows, hurt by the Wednesday’s plunge, which was the biggest daily territory than ever offered in any of the previ- coPhillips, for 67 tracts covering 613,529 acres. finance ministry’s plans to raise dollar purchases. fall in a year. ous 12 NPR-A lease sales held since 1999. One environmentalist said the results on Markets will also be wary of adding more emerg- The losses were caused by a selloff in Stein- The sale was the latest move by the admin- Wednesday suggest that the Trump adminis- ing market risk before events such as Friday’s US hoff shares when the firm announced an investi- istration of President Donald Trump, a Repub- tration is overestimating industry’s desire to jobs data, next week’s expected 25 basis-points lican, supporting his pledge to make the drill new Arctic territory. “It seems, from my gation into accounting irregularities. Steinhoff US rate rise and a central bank meeting in Turkey United States “energy dominant” by boosting perspective, that it’s this mentality that if we remained under pressure falling another 32 per- output of oil, natural gas and coal. Environ- open it, industry will come. And that’s not nec- which will be key to stabilizing the lira. cent in Johannesburg. In the Gulf, Qatari stocks mentalists have generally accepted some oil essarily true,” said Lisa Baraff of the Fair- “It seems we are heading into a mini ‘perfect fell 0.3 percent, reversing recent gains that were development in the National Petroleum Re- banks-based Northern Alaska Environmental storm’ for emerging markets. Optimism on US tax driven by hopes of a resolution to its diplomatic serve but worry the Trump administration will Center. —Reuters reforms is supporting dollar and US yields, while dispute with other Gulf states. Those hopes have equity markets are experiencing a decent cor- been dashed.—Reuters Friday 39 Business Friday, December 8, 2017 Bitcoin surges past $15,000 for first time as concerns mount Bitcoin to be offered on CBOE Futures Exchange

LONDON: Bitcoin ploughed past $15,000 to a brakes,” said Shane Chanel, from Sydney-based fresh record yesterday, triggering a warning the ASR Wealth Advisers. “There is an unfathomable cryptocurrency was “like a charging train with amount of new participants piling into the cryp- no brakes” and prompting fresh concern about tocurrency market.” But he warned: “Once the its looming launch on mainstream markets. It hype slows down, we will most certainly see struck a new high of $15,075 in European trad- some sort of correction.” ing hours, according to Bloomberg News. The rally came just a day after the virtual currency, Financial industry concerns which has been used to buy everything from an There are mounting concerns about its intro- ice cream to a pint of beer, hit the $12,000 mark duction into the mainstream financial system for the first time, while it has soared more than after US regulator the Commodity Futures Trad- 50 percent in value in ing Commission last just one week. week cleared the way for Bitcoin-which came Like a bitcoin futures to trade into being in 2009 as a on major exchanges, a bit of encrypted soft- charging decision which analysts NEW YORK: In this file photo, a bitcoin logo is displayed at the Inside Bitcoins conference ware and has no central say has helped spur the and trade show in New York.—AP bank backing it and no train with recent rally. Bitcoin is to legal exchange rate-has risen from a 2017 low of no brakes be offered on the CBOE robust public discussion among clearing mem- enforcement and we are co-operating with them $752 in mid-January Futures Exchange from ber firms, exchanges and clearing houses,” said as a matter of urgency.” and surged dramatically this weekend and on the the association. Transactions happen when Bitcoin and other virtual currencies use in the past month. The world’s biggest futures heavily encrypted codes are passed across a blockchain, which records transactions that are increased interest has been driven by growing venue, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), computer network. updated in real time on an online ledger and acceptance among traditional investors of an in- from December 18. The NiceHash marketplace was meanwhile maintained by a network of computers. In 2014 novation once considered the preserve of com- The Futures Industry Association, which on Thursday investigating a security breach re- major Tokyo-based bitcoin exchange MtGox puter nerds and financial experts. groups some of the world’s biggest derivatives sulting in the theft of bitcoin. “Clearly, this is a collapsed after admitting that 850,000 coins- But some, including the US Federal Reserve, brokerages, criticized the plans in a letter to matter of deep concern and we are working hard worth around $480 million at the time-had dis- have warned against dabbling in bitcoin as it the regulator, saying that contracts are being to rectify the matter in the coming days,” Nice- appeared from its vaults. Bitcoin’s use on the could threaten financial stability, and fears of a rushed through without the risks being prop- Hash said in a statement. “In addition to under- underground Silk Road website, where users bubble have increased as the price has soared. erly weighed up. “A more thorough and con- taking our own investigation, the incident has could use it to buy drugs and guns, also raised “Bitcoin now seems like a charging train with no sidered process would have allowed for a been reported to the relevant authorities and law suspicions about the virtual money.—AFP

government yesterday proposed legislation to ExxonMobil, prevent multinationals from shifting profits out of the country. Its tax office estimated the measures could raise about NZ$200 million a Chevron, Shell year. “Multinational companies are a welcome part of our economy but they must abide by the paid no tax in rules. They must pay their fair share of tax,” New Zealand Revenue Minister Stuart Nash Australia for 2016 said in a statement. Australia’s and New Zealand’s company tax rates are 30 percent and 28 percent respectively. The Netherlands has a 25 percent rate. BHP MELBOURNE: Exxon Mobil Corp and Chevron Chief Executive Andrew Mackenzie defended Corp paid no tax in Australia in the 2016 finan- the company’s tax payments this week, after cial year, the third year in a row, despite report- Australian Tax Commissioner was ing billions of dollars in income from operations quoted in The Australian newspaper saying the in the country, a report from the tax office showed yesterday. Exxon Mobil, which has oil ATO might take BHP and Rio Tinto to court to and gas production in the Bass Strait and a resolve questions about marketing hubs in Sin- stake in the giant Gorgon LNG project among gapore, where the miners pay minimal tax. other assets in Australia, reported A$6.7 billion Mackenzie said the fight with the tax office in income, but it reported a loss for taxable in- related to about 1 or 2 percent of BHP’s total come and paid no tax, similar to the previous tax payable in Australia. “We pay our fair share,” Mackenzie told the Melbourne Mining two years. NASHVILLE: This photo shows Exxon service station signs in Nashville, Tennessee.—AP Exxon said it had no taxable income as it has Club on Tuesday. The tax office won a land- invested nearly A$18 billion over the past few mark case against Chevron earlier this year years on major projects including Gorgon and over a disputed A$340 million tax bill stemming the Kipper Tuna Turrum field. “As these multi- ported A$4.2 billion in income and A$97 million leged tax avoidance. Top global miners BHP Bil- from an intercompany loan with an exorbitantly billion investments were completed in 2017 and in taxable income, but paid no tax. Chevron, op- liton and Rio Tinto and the oil and gas giants high interest rate. have started production, the amount of tax paid erator of the Gorgon and Wheatstone LNG have all been accused of shifting income to “On the back of solid growth in company by ExxonMobil Australia is anticipated to in- projects, said it expects to pay significant taxes countries like the Netherlands and Singapore profits and higher commodity prices, we are crease significantly,” said Travis Parnaby, a once those projects are running at full tilt. Shell where tax rates are lower. A probe by the Aus- seeing a strong increase in company tax collec- spokesman for the oil major. is also a partner in Gorgon LNG. tralian Senate into corporate tax avoidance that tions in 2016-17 which will be reflected in the Chevron reported A$2.1 billion in income for The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) started began in 2014 was extended this week, and is data next year,” Australia’s Deputy Tax Commis- 2016 and paid no tax, while Shell Energy Hold- requiring big companies to disclose their tax now due to issue a final report by the end of sioner Jeremy Hirschhorn said in a statement re- ings Australia - a unit of Royal Dutch Shell - re- payments two years ago in a push to curb al- May 2018. In New Zealand, the new Labor leased with the tax data.—Reuters 40 Friday Business Friday, December 8, 2017 European Investment Bank planning 7-8 bln euro subsidiary EU members positive in principle LONDON: Europe’s largest development bank, the source of the recent EU immigration flood. the EIB, has laid out plans for a new subsidiary Build better infrastructure and creating jobs focused solely on non-EU projects that it hopes should help to boost the appeal of staying put. could also keep some of Britain’s billions in the “Consensus in EU countries is that one of the bank after Brexit, European Union sources said. most effective ways to tackle the migration is- The outline of the new offshoot, which would ini- sues is to deal with it at the point of origin,” said tially focus on countries fuelling Europe’s mi- a second EU source. Another crucial element to grant crisis and lend around 7-8 billion euros a the plan’s chances of success could also be year, was given to EU finance ministers at their Brexit negotiations. The European Investment meeting in Brussels on Tuesday, the sources told Bank currently invests between 70 - 80 billion Reuters. euros a year, with around 10 percent or 7-8 bil- It aims to bring more of the EU’s international lion of that spent outside of the EU from central development spending into a streamlined and Africa to Argentina in . market-savvy unit that would also be able to This is the money that would be redirected work hand-in-hand with the EU’s various na- into the new EIB subsidiary but there could be tional development banks. A working group will a snag. Britain’s departure from the EU is ex- now be formed to provide a more thorough ex- pected to see it take its 16 percent stake in EIB amination by early next year, so that it can be leaving a hole of up to 9 billion euros in its fi- factored into the first round of discussions on nances. The complex web of long-term projects the EU’s next 7-year spending cycle which starts means Britain might have to wait decades to get in 2021. all its EIB money back. However the sources said “Nearly two-thirds of (EU) member states the new subsidiary may be a way for the UK to LUXEMBOURG: The logo of the European Investment Bank is pictured in the city spoke in the meeting and in principle the reac- keep at least some of its money in. of Luxembourg.—Reuters tion was positive, i.e. let’s go on with the discus- “It could be a way for the UK to continue en- sion,” said one source who spoke on the gaging in development projects together with ally beneficial” to maintain a post-Brexit rela- some concerns it could dilute the influence EU condition of anonymity. “It is at the very early the EIB after Brexit,” one source said pointing tionship between the UK and the EIB. Asked by member states and the Brussels-based Euro- stage so they asked for more information... but to the model could be the European Investment Reuters for a comment on the new proposals, a pean Commission have in international develop- the idea is that it will be a way to bundle Eu- Fund (EIF) which is already open to non-EU UK Treasury spokesman said: “The UK’s future ment spending. Another potential issue is that it rope’s external development policy to make it members. Britain’s finance minister Philip Ham- relationship with the EIB will be determined as could lead to a turf-war with the smaller, Lon- more efficient than it is today.” Two other mond, was in Brussels for the ECOFIN meeting part of the negotiations on our exit from the EU.” don-based, European Bank for Reconstruction sources confirmed the proposals and the plan to where the proposals were laid out. Though most countries were generally posi- and Development, which the EU states and the mainly work - initially at least - in countries at In a speech in June he said it may be “mutu- tive on the plan, one source said there were EIB itself are also shareholders in. —Reuters

Brazil cuts UK online gaming interest rate group eyes takeover to record low of gambling chain seven percent LONDON: GVC, owner of Foxy Bingo and Sportingbet web- sites, is in talks to buy British betting chain Ladbrokes Coral RIO DE JANEIRO: Brazil’s central bank on for up to £3.9 billion, the pair announced yesterday. The cash- Wednesday cut the key interest rate to a and-stock bid, pitched at up to 203.70 pence per Ladbrokes record low of seven percent, about half of share, would create an online-led gambling titan but faces hur- what it was a year ago. The 0.5 percentage dles amid a UK government crackdown on certain types of point drop in the Selic rate reflected the betting. The deal, the latest attempt at consolidation in the sec- strong fall in inflation as Brazil emerges tor, would see Ladbrokes investors own 46.5 percent with from a two-year recession. Back in October GVC holding a majority of 53.5 percent. 2016, when the country’s economy was still “The enlarged group would be an online-led globally posi- firmly in negative territory, the Selic was at tioned betting and gaming business,” a statement said. “The 14.25 percent, with the bank fighting to BRAZIL: Farmer shows hand-picked coffee beans on his family farm located in enlarged group would be geographically diversified with a tamp down any inflationary pressure. Forquilha do Rio, municipality of Dores do Rio Preto, Espirito Santo, Brazil.—AFP large portfolio of businesses... with the scale and resources to From then, however, the bank embarked address the dynamics of a rapidly changing global industry.” on the first of what are now 10 consecutive GVC said an eventual price depended on the outcome of the video posted on social media. “With lower continued wrangling over Temer’s auster- rate cuts, dropping under the 10 percent British government’s regulatory review of fixed-odds betting interest rates, clearly it is easier to live, work, ity reforms. The frontrunners for the 2018 barrier in July for the first time in nearly four terminals. buy and find housing,” he said. election so far are leftist former president years. Inflation is now considered a low risk. The controversial electronic terminals currently allow “This lowers rates throughout the Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and rightwing Prices were rising at 10.6 percent in 2015 Britons to stake as much as £100 per spin in betting shops, whole banking system,” he added. But the former army officer Jair Bolsonaro. Neither and 6.2 percent in 2016, but only hit 2.7 per- sparking outcry from gambling addiction charities. The gov- consultancy Gradual Investimentos in- man is much welcomed by investors, who cent over 12 months last October. With that, ernment had stated in October that the maximum stake will be sisted that “compared to other emerging have been pushing Temer to enact the un- the government hopes to see the start of a slashed to between £50 and £2. Meanwhile, yesterday’s an- economies, our rate is still quite high.” popular austerity reforms, especially cuts recovery in spending to help nudge the nouncement follows an aborted merger attempt by Ladbrokes The future of Brazil’s huge but troubled to the pension system. Temer argues the economy further into growth. President Coral’s main rival William Hill late last year. —AFP economy remains clouded by uncertainty cuts are needed to bring reality to Brazil’s Michel Temer hailed the rate drop, in a over next year’s presidential elections and unaffordable state budget.—AFP Friday 41 Business Friday, December 8, 2017 IMF warns on brewing risks in China’s financial system

Beijing drafts new rules to strengthen bank funding

BEIJING: The International Monetary Fund hit high growth figures but now each extra dollar yesterday warned of brewing risks in China’s of debt is producing diminishing returns. The bal- banking system as it found dozens of crucial looning debt-estimated at 234 percent of gross lenders needed to beef up their defenses against domestic product by the IMF-adds financial risk possible financial crises. The IMF report comes and may weigh on China’s future economic a day after regulators in Beijing drafted new growth. “Credit growth is an important indicator rules to strengthen bank funding, and follows a of future financial distress, because lending stan- number of alerts about a ballooning debt prob- dards often fall in the rush to make more loans,” lem in the world’s number-two economy. Near IMF experts warned in a blog post. the top of the list in the IMF study on the sta- bility of China’s financial system is the need for Zombie companies banks to increase their capital to ward off risks The Fund’s experts carried out stress tests from mounting debt. on dozens of banks. China has largely re- China’s big four banks lied on debt-fuelled in- had adequate capital but vestment and exports to “large, medium, and city- drive its tremendous A few commercial banks ap- economic growth, but pear vulnerable”, the the Fund said this descriptions IMF said. It added that WASHINGTON: The International Monetary Fund logo is seen inside its headquarters at the end of the IMF/World model has reached its and views 27 out of the 33 banks Bank annual meetings in Washington, US. —Reuters limits. Part of the prob- tested-accounting for lem lies in high growth three-quarters of China’s targets, the IMF said, banking system assets- implicit guarantees are removed.” China’s cen- management of liquidity risk for banks and pro- which incentivize local were “undercapitalized tral bank said it disagreed with “a few descrip- tect the safety and stability of the banking sys- governments to extend credit and protect fail- relative to at least one of the minimum require- tions and views” in the report. “The descriptions tem”, the commission said. In some cases local ing companies. “We recommend the authorities ments”. While the country’s banking system of the stress testing did not fully reflect the out- banks face pressure to lend to politically impor- to de-emphasize the GDP (growth),” Ratna meets the requirements of global banking rules comes of the test,” the People’s Bank of China tant companies, as local governments aim to Sahay, deputy director of the IMF’s Monetary known as Basel III, “current circumstances war- said on its website. The China Banking Regula- maintain high employment even if that means and Capital Markets Department, said during rant a targeted increase in capital”, the report tory Commission on Wednesday released a cash-bleeding enterprises continue to operate. a news conference. China should “incite local said. draft of fresh rules to tackle related issues. These loss-making firms, often state-owned, governments to strengthen supervision on “This would create a buffer to absorb poten- The latest regulations call for new indicators have come to be known as zombie companies, risks”, she added. tial losses that can be expected during the eco- to monitor commercial banks’ liquidity and set and banks and investors fund many of them as Abundant credit allows local governments to nomic transition as credit is tightened and related requirements. They will “strengthen if they will not be allowed to fail. —AFP

time he chose to lie,” Singer said. In March, Volk- VW executive gets swagen pleaded guilty to three felony counts under a plea agreement to resolve US charges that it in- seven years for stalled secret software in vehicles in order to elude said helped him. Uber spokesman Matt Kallman emissions tests. Uber paid Florida declined to comment on the matter. US emissions fraud US prosecutors have charged eight current and Newly appointed Uber Chief Executive Dara former Volkswagen executives. Six of those remain man to keep data Khosrowshahi fired two of Uber’s top security of- at large. Volkswagen rebounded from the scandal DETROIT: A US-based Volkswagen AG executive ficials when he announced the breach last month, during the past year. Chief Executive Matthias breach secret: Sources saying the incident should have been disclosed to who oversaw emissions issues was sentenced to Mueller last month predicted record deliveries of seven years in prison and fined $400,000 by a regulators at the time it was discovered, about a vehicles for the company this year, and the Volk- SAN FRANCISCO: A 20-year-old Florida man year before. It remains unclear who made the final judge on Wednesday for his role in a diesel emis- swagen car brand has said it expects record deliv- sions scandal that has cost the German automaker was responsible for the large data breach at Uber decision to authorize the payment to the hacker eries for 2017, and raised its midterm profitability Technologies Inc last year and was paid by Uber and to keep the breach secret, though the sources as much as $30 billion. The prison sentence and outlook. At the Los Angeles auto show last week, fine for the executive, Oliver Schmidt, were the to destroy the data through a so-called “bug said then-CEO Travis Kalanick was aware of the the head of Volkswagen’s US operations declared, bounty” program normally used to identify small breach and bug bounty payment in November of maximum possible under a plea deal in August the “we’re back,” citing improved US vehicle sales. German national made with prosecutors after ad- code vulnerabilities, three people familiar with the last year. Schmidt was charged with 11 felony counts and events have said. Uber announced on Nov. 21 that Kalanick, who stepped down as Uber CEO in mitting to charges of conspiring to mislead US reg- federal prosecutors said he could have faced a ulators and violate clean-air laws. the personal data of 57 million users, including June, declined to comment on the matter, accord- maximum of up to 169 years in prison. As part of 600,000 drivers in the United States, were stolen ing to his spokesman. A payment of $100,000 “It is my opinion that you are a key conspirator his guilty plea, prosecutors agreed to drop most of in this scheme to defraud the United States,” US in a breach that occurred in October 2016, and through a bug bounty program would be ex- the counts and Schmidt consented to be deported that it paid the hacker $100,000 to destroy the tremely unusual, with one former HackerOne ex- District Judge Sean Cox of Detroit told Schmidt in at the end of his prison sentence. Schmidt was in court. “You saw this as your opportunity to shine information. ecutive saying it would represent an “all-time charge of the company’s environmental and engi- But the company did not reveal any informa- record.” Security professionals said rewarding a ... and climb the corporate ladder at VW.” Schmidt neering office in Auburn Hills, Michigan, until Feb- read a written statement in court acknowledging tion about the hacker or how it paid him the hacker who had stolen data also would be well ruary 2015, where he oversaw emissions issues. money. Uber made the payment last year through outside the normal rules of a bounty program, his guilt and broke down when discussing his fam- He returned to Germany the same month where ily’s sacrifices on his behalf since his arrest in Jan- a program designed to reward security re- where payments are typically in the $5,000 to he was told about the existence of the software. searchers who report flaws in a company’s soft- $10,000 range. uary. “I made bad decisions and for that I am According to Schmidt’s guilty plea, later that year sorry,” he said. ware, these people said. Uber’s bug bounty HackerOne hosts Uber’s bug bounty program he conspired with other executives to avoid dis- service - as such a program is known in the indus- but does not manage it, and plays no role in de- US Department of Justice trial attorney Ben- closing “intentional cheating” by the automaker in jamin Singer argued in court that Schmidt was try - is hosted by a company called HackerOne, ciding whether payouts are appropriate or how a bid to seek regulatory approval for its model which offers its platform to a number of tech com- large they should be. HackerOne CEO Marten “part of the decision making process” at VW to 2016 VW 2 liter diesels. The auto industry is still hide a scheme to fake vehicle emissions results and panies. Reuters was unable to establish the iden- Mickos said he could not discuss an individual feeling the repercussions of Volkswagen’s diesel tity of the hacker or another person who sources customer’s programs. —Reuters had opportunities tell regulators the truth. “Every cheating. —Reuters 42 Friday Sports Friday, December 8, 2017 Capitals cruise to victory; Ovechkin scores his league-leading 21st goal Backstrom ends 21-game goal-scoring drought WASHINGTON: Alexander The Ducks broke a three-game los- Ovechkin scored his league-leading ing streak (0-1-2) by taking the 21st goal, Nicklas Backstrom ended opener of a three-game homestand. a 21-game goal-scoring drought, Anaheim has defeated the Senators and Tom Wilson scored twice as the in seven of the past nine meetings Washington Capitals cruised to a 6- played at Honda Center. Ottawa lost 2 victory over the sliding Chicago its second straight game to start a Blackhawks on Wednesday. Brett season-high, seven-game road trip Connolly and Evgeny Kuznetsov and has dropped nine of its last 10 also scored for the Capitals, who contests. Craig Anderson made 19 have won six of seven to move into saves. a tie for second place in the Metro- politan Division. Lance Bouma and Flyers 4, Oilers 2 Jonathan Toews scored for Chicago. After breaking a 10-game los- ing skid with a win over the Flames Maple Leafs 2, Flames 1 (SO) in Calgary on Monday, Philadel- Frederik Andersen made 47 phia continued its turnaround with saves, and William Nylander scored a victory over Edmonton. Wayne the decisive goal in a shootout as Simmonds had a goal and an as- Toronto defeated Calgary. Mark sist, and Jordan Weal, Dale Weise Giordano scored for the Flames in and Michael Raffl also scored for regulation, and Morgan Rielly the Flyers, who were on an 0-5-5 replied for the Maple Leafs. Mike run before Monday. Brian Elliott Smith made 28 saves for Calgary. made 24 saves. Leon Draisaitl and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins got the Ducks 3, Senators 0 goals for the Oilers. Goalie Lau- Ryan Miller made 29 saves to rent Brossoit, who gave up five earn his 40th career shutout, and goals- including four in the third WASHINGTON: John Hayden #40 of the Chicago Blackhawks skates past Christian Djoos #29 of the Washington Adam Henrique registered two period-in his most recent start, Capitals during the third period at Capital One Arena in Washington, DC. —AFP goals as Anaheim defeated Ottawa. stopped 29 shots— Reuters

the way I can do in ODIs... if you can believe in yourself, India-Sri Lanka you can achieve anything in any format,” he said. Smog should stop India target perfect 10 Test series; the India appear well-equipped to chase a record 10th play, India doctors successive Test series triumph during their South Africa tour starting January-particularly given the strong form tell bosses talking points of their fast bowlers. While spinners Ravichandran Ash- win and Ravindra Jadeja topped the charts in the NEW DELHI: Cricket organizers must take pollution into account be- Sri Lanka series, pacemen Mohammed Shami and Ishant NEW DELHI: India clinched their ninth successive Test fore allowing matches to go ahead, the Indian Medical Association Sharma were lauded for their performances on a lifeless series win-equalling Australia’s all-time record-after the told the country’s governing body for the sport yesterday, after a Delhi pitch. Earlier Bhuvneshwar Kumar claimed eight drawn third and final match against Sri Lanka in New smog-plagued Test match in New Delhi. The IMA said in a letter to in the opener in Kolkata. “Shami and Ishant’s Delhi on Wednesday. AFP Sport highlights five talking the Indian cricket board it was “greatly troubled” by scenes of players (bowling) rhythm was excellent and they were a revela- points from the three-match series. wearing masks to protect themselves from air pollution many times tion,” said India’s bowling coach Bharat Arun. the global safe limit during the third test match between India and Sri Smoggy horror show Lanka in New Delhi. Two players vomited on the pitch, and play had Sri Lankan players wore face masks to combat severe Sri Lanka chaos continues to be halted briefly. pollution during the smog-shrouded five-day game, A selection drama back home even while the Delhi “Exposure to air pollution increases the risk of lung and heart disease which saw fast bowlers Suranga Lakmal and Mohammed Test was still in progress highlighted the chaos gripping and may precipitate an acute potentially life-threatening event,” it said Sri Lankan cricket. The island’s sports minister stopped Shami vomiting on the ground, apparently after inhaling in a letter to the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) seen by nine cricketers from flying out to India to take part in the the noxious air. Doctors slammed cricket authorities for AFP. “When pollution levels are this high, everyone including healthy upcoming one-day series-Dayasiri Jayasekera, who once putting players’ health at risk, and although play was persons may experience some level of discomfort,” said the letter, called the Sri Lankan players fat following failed fitness halted for about 20 minutes on day two, the game re- signed by IMA president KK Aggarwal. Pollution should be taken into sumed. The fiasco could prove to be a death knell for tests, was apparently unhappy with the choice of the team. Thisara Perera’s side was finally cleared to travel. account before allowing play to proceed in much the same way as for Delhi as a Test venue at least during winter, when the rain and poor light, he added. The BCCI said after this week’s debacle capital’s air pollution is at its worst. Bittersweet for Chandimal at the Feroz Shah Kotla stadium that the Indian capital could be dropped as a venue during winter, when pollution levels tend to spike. More records for King Kohli Test skipper Dinesh Chandimal rounded off his series with a century in Delhi-but immediately learned he will “The BCCI has been sensitive on the smog and fog matter over the Man of the series Virat Kohli plundered runs and years,” the board secretary Amitabh Choudhary said. Copies of the records in all three matches. Nicknamed King Kohli, the play no part in the one-day matches. Chandimal himself put on a brave face, saying: “I got enough matches in IMA’s letter were also sent to India’s chief justice and the International prolific batsman is in the form of his life, hitting two dou- Cricket Council (ICC), which would have to approve any such changes. ble centuries in the series including a career-best 243 in ODIs against Pakistan and I didn’t perform well ... This period (outside the team) I will use to become a good Sri Lanka have made no official complaint but their coach Nic Pothas Delhi. He became the first player to score six Test double said earlier it wasn’t normal for players to suffer in that way. “I think tons as captain, surpassing great Brian Lara. ODI player.” But for many others the omission simply it’s the first time that everybody has come across that situation,” he Accumulating 610 runs in three matches at an average of proved he is the latest victim of whimsical changes in- said after the first smoggy day’s play. “There aren’t too many rules re- 152.50, Kohli said “self-belief” had been key to his suc- tended to rejuvenate the team’s dipping limited-overs garding pollution.”—AFP cess. “It was a kind of a revelation that I can play in Tests fortunes.—AFP Friday 43

Sports Friday, December 8, 2017 Tokyo 2020 unveils bug-eyed the Olympic mascot hopefuls

TOKYO: Tokyo Olympic organizers un- a “lucky” cat and a fox draped in a red veiled a shortlist of three official 2020 flame-like cloak with a blue lion-dog of Games mascots yesterday-from bug- the type seen guarding Japanese shrines- eyed cartoon heroes to cuddly raccoons. the common thread between them big The Olympic and Paralympic designs, round eyes resembling disco lights. which celebrate the themes of harmony, Olympic Mascot B also “loves to take diversity and resilience, were unveiled by naps underneath the sunlight,” said pupils at a Tokyo elementary school. Japanese organizers, adding that it “gives After a bungled rollout of the official happy energy to people by touching Olympic logo that led to it being them with its tail.” The softer appeal of scrapped following accusations of pla- Option C, meanwhile, brings together a giarism, local organizers have left the se- fox looking less than overjoyed at being lection of the Tokyo 2020 mascots in the decorated in prehistoric “magatama” hands of schoolchildren. beads and a red raccoon looking a little From December 11 to February 22, bemused by all of the commotion. Tokyo pupils at every elementary school across organizers will hope to make smooth Japan-and Japanese schools overseas- progress on the mascots to build on re- will choose their favorite design, with cent momentum following a series of each class casting a single vote. The win- public relations disasters. ner will be announced on February 28. Last month, Tokyo opened its first new The competing mascots are instantly permanent venue for the 2020 Olympics- recognizable as “Made in Japan”, ranging a welcome boost after plans for the main in appearance from sci-fi cool to a glum- stadium were torn up by Prime Minister looking fox closer in spirit to the coun- Shinzo Abe two years ago over its $2 bil- try’s beloved “yuru-kyara” (soft lion price tag. Designs for the official characters). Games emblem were then scrapped amid Design A’s futuristic blue-checked de- a plagiarism row. There was more bad sign with pointy ears and oversized eyes news in October when Olympic organizers evokes Japanese manga, while Olympic admitted that prolonged summer rain had organizers revealed it has a “strong sense brought high levels of bacteria to a venue of justice” and can apparently move faster earmarked for triathlon and open water than light. Its Paralympic cousin, mean- swimming. While Tokyo has taken suc- while, sports red checks derived from cessful measures to reduce costs, the In- cherry blossoms and possesses the ability, ternational Olympic Committee has urged TOKYO: Schoolchildren pose beside a pair of official Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games mascots, one of three shortlisted pairs to be helpfully, to “talk with stones and the local organizers to try to further cut its unveiled, at Kakezuka elementary school in Tokyo yesterday. —AFP wind.” Design B pairs a cartoon hybrid of current $12 billion Games budget. —AFP

South Korea, which built Pyeongchang’s Pyeongchang in $58 million stadium without a roof to save time and money, plans a range of measures at opening and closing ceremonies to prevent being used as base for football match-fixing a cold sweat people suffering hypothermia-from distribut- Singapore revokes stained the city-state’s reputation as one of the ing hot packs and blankets to speeding up se- world’s least corrupt nations, and prompted au- over freezing curity checks, the internal document shows. the citizenship thorities to launch a clampdown. Alassane was Organizers also plan to use audience partici- reportedly a member of a syndicate led by busi- pation during pre-ceremony entertainment to of ‘match-fixer’ nessman Dan Tan, which experts said was one of Olympics help keep spectators warm, the document says the most aggressive in the world. without giving details. After the news last SINGAPORE: Singapore yesterday revoked the Tan was first arrested in 2013 after being re- SEOUL: South Korea’s winter Olympics or- month that six people had reported hypother- citizenship of a Malian-born footballer for al- peatedly cited in Italian court papers for his role ganizers have worries other than a ban on mia during a pop concert at the stadium, or- legedly being a member of a global match-fixing in transnational match-fixing. He has not faced Russia competing, poor ticket sales and ten- ganizers are also considering installing more syndicate, authorities and reports said. Local trial or been charged-it can be difficult to bring sions over North Korea. They fear it may be large windshields around the stadium, a sports media said Gaye Alassane, who played with a local cases against alleged match-fixers as witnesses too cold. The Pyeongchang Games in February ministry official said. club, was first detained in 2013 as part of a sweep- are sometimes afraid of testifying-but remains be- may feel like the coldest Olympics in at least “These are stopgap measures,” said Shim ing crackdown on match-fixing groups amid alle- hind bars under a tough law that allows for sus- three decades because the main stadium lacks Ki-joon, a ruling-party lawmaker, who sits on gations that Singapore had become a hub for the pects to be detained without charge. Alassane was a roof, leaving an estimated 35,000 specta- a parliamentary special committee set up to illicit practice. detained under the same law in 2013 but was later tors, including world leaders, exposed to ex- support the Games. “This is a very serious Announcing the latest move, the interior min- released and is now under police supervision. treme cold for the opening ceremony. issue. This is creating a headache to not only istry said it had stripped citizenship from a 43- He has the right to appeal the decision to re- The organizing committee’s concerns are the organisers but the presidential office, year-old who was an “active and trusted member” voke his citizenship, during which time he will stay contained in an internal document, seen by which sent officials to the venue to figure out of a major syndicate which operated out of the in Singapore. “I was shocked when I heard the Reuters, which expects biting winds to make ways to fight the cold,” he told Reuters. A Southeast Asian financial hub. “The individual’s news this morning, and of course I feel terrible conditions inside the open-air stadium at the presidential spokesman declined to comment serious criminal conduct not only undermined the about it,” he told the Straits Times, adding that he start of the Games seem like minus 14 degrees on the matter. President Moon Jae-in has in- integrity of Singapore’s financial system, but also had spent two years and three months in prison. Celsius. That “feels-like” temperature is lower vited Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japan- law and order,” said a ministry statement. “I’ve stopped everything to do with this kind of than the minus 11 degrees recorded at the ese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the Games, The Straits Times newspaper identified him things (match fixing) ... But now I hear that they 1994 Lillehammer Games in Norway, whose among other VIPs. US President Donald Trump as Malian-born Alassane, a naturalized Singa- want to (revoke his citizenship), I’m really lost.” stadium also lacked a roof and is so far the has committed to sending a “high-level” dele- pore citizen who first came to the city-state in Police say global match-fixing generates billions coldest Olympics for which such data is avail- gation, the White House has said. Some 160 1993. He is accused of travelling to other coun- of dollars a year in revenues, fuelled in part by the able, the internal document shows. Reuters VIPs will be offered thicker and bigger blan- tries as part of match-fixing efforts and trans- popularity of online betting on match results and could not find comparable data for earlier kets than those given to other spectators, a porting bribe money. Allegations of Singapore game statistics. —AFP Games. committee official said. —Reuters 44 Friday Sports Friday, December 8, 2017 James dominates Kings as Durant powers Warriors

SACRAMENTO: LeBron James scored 32 lead a parade of teammates in double fig- points as the Cleveland Cavaliers beat the ures as San Antonio Spurs beat Miami. Sacramento Kings 101-95 on Wednesday to Eight of the 11 players who saw the court tie a team record for consecutive wins. The for San Antonio scored in double figures as Cavs won their 13th straight, and they can Bryn Forbes hit for 17 points, Rudy Gay set a franchise record Friday against the In- scored 16 and Patty Mills had 13 points. diana Pacers. Cleveland previously won 13 Tyler Johnson led Miami with 25 points off in a row in March 2009 and in January- the bench, while Dion Waiters scored 22 February 2010. Kevin Love scored 18 and Josh Richardson added 19. points with 13 rebounds for the Cavs, while Jeff Green scored 17 off the bench. Kyle Pelicans 123, Nuggets 114 Korver added 15 points as Cleveland rallied DeMarcus Cousins had 40 points and 22 from a 14-point deficit in the third quarter. rebounds, and Jrue Holiday was right behind Zach Randolph paced the Kings with 18 with 27 points and seven assists to lift New points, and JaKarr Sampson set a career Orleans over Denver. Playing without for- high with 16 rebounds. ward Anthony Davis, who missed his third consecutive game with a strained adductor, Warriors 101, Hornets 87 the Pelicans erased an early 10-point deficit Kevin Durant totaled 35 points, 11 re- by pounding the ball inside to Cousins. The bounds and 10 assists as Golden State beat Nuggets were led by Gary Harris with 24 Charlotte without Stephen Curry and Dray- points, but they dropped to 3-9 on the road. mond Green. Durant finished 13 of 28 from the field and recorded his ninth career Knicks 99, Grizzlies 88 triple-double as the Warriors won while Courtney Lee scored half of his 24 points CLEVELAND: Frank Mason III #10 of the Sacramento Kings drives to the basket but is fouled by Channing Curry sat with a sprained ankle and Green in the second quarter as New York beat Frye #8 of the Cleveland Cavaliers during the first half at Quicken Loans Arena on December 6, 2017. —AFP was out with a shoulder injury. Klay Memphis. Kristaps Porzingis returned from Thompson added 22 for the Warriors, who missing two games with an ankle injury to Magic 110, Hawks 106 (OT) tine and was among five in double figures for won their fifth straight and seventh in eight added 18 points on 8-of-19 shooting. Enes Evan Fournier led all scorers with 27 points Indiana. Bojan Bogdanovic added 17 points games. Kemba Walker led Charlotte with 24 Kanter added 12 points and 12 rebounds for but left Orlando’s win over Atlanta early in the and Darren Collison contributed 14. Kris points. Nicolas Batum added 15 and Dwight the Knicks, who won for the second time in extra period with a badly sprained right ankle. Dunn scored 19 points for Chicago, which Howard finished with 14. seven games. Marc Gasol scored 17 points, Fournier hit 12 of 21 shots and scored the first dropped its 10th straight by getting and Tyreke Evans added 15 to lead the Griz- basket in overtime before limping off the outscored 29-13 and shooting 5 of 18 in the Celtics 97, Mavericks 90 zlies, who lost for the 11th time in 12 games. court after landing on Nikola Vucevic’s foot fourth quarter. Kyrie Irving scored nine of his 23 points during the follow-through of his running in the fourth quarter as Boston beat Dallas. Bucks 104, Pistons 100 floater. Aaron Gordon had 24 points and a Timberwolves 113, Clippers 107 Irving scored seven points in a span of 3:05 Andre Drummond scored 27 points and season-high 15 rebounds for Orlando (11-15) Karl-Anthony Towns totaled 21 points and then added another basket down the grabbed 20 rebounds, but it was not enough while Vucevic added 22 and a season-best 16 and 12 rebounds as Minnesota beat Los An- stretch to help Boston win its fourth straight. for the Detroit in a loss to Milwaukee. Drum- rebounds. Dennis Schroder led the Hawks (5- geles. Jimmy Butler and Jeff Teague added Al Horford had 17 points, eight rebounds, mond hit 12 of 15 shots but Detroit shot just 19) with 26 points and seven assists. 19 points apiece for Minnesota, which shot eight assists, three blocks and two steals. 41.9 percent as a team and went 10-for-30 55 percent. Andrew Wiggins contributed 16 Rookie Jayson Tatum also scored 17 and from beyond the 3-point arc in its season- Pacers 98, Bulls 96 points as did Taj Gibson, who also grabbed grabbed 10 rebounds. Harrison Barnes led high fourth straight loss. Tobias Harris added Victor Oladipo scored 11 of his 27 points 14 rebounds. Reserve Lou Williams and the Mavericks with 19 points and seven re- 21 and Avery Bradley finished with 20 for the in the fourth quarter, including a 3-pointer Austin Rivers led the Clippers with 23 points. bounds while Dirk Nowitzki had 16 points. Pistons. Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 25 with 31.1 seconds left as Indiana rallied from DeAndre Jordan collected 18 points and 21 points and grabbed 10 rebounds for Mil- a 16-point deficit in the final 9 1/2 minutes to rebounds as Los Angeles fell to 0-4 since Spurs 117, Heat 105 waukee, which also got 22 points from Eric beat Chicago. Oladipo made his shot after losing Blake Griffin for two months to a left LaMarcus Aldridge scored 18 points to Bledsoe and 21 from Khris Middleton. stealing the ball from Chicago’s Denzel Valen- knee injury. —Reuters

day of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, while pledging to to move the ‘Spectacular’ Giro d’Italia US embassy there from Tel Aviv, provoking a torrent of protest His tourism colleague Yariv Levin was no less pleased, boasting from Middle East and Muslim countries such as Jordan, Iran and that starting the race for the pink in Israel would “show its Turkey, as well as both major Palestinian factions. Giro d’Italia race spectacular landscapes to millions of spectators in nearly 200 on rocky ride director Mauro Vegni said in September that the first three days countries”. That was before the “west Jerusalem” saga, however. of the 101st edition would be a time trial in Jerusalem followed by Organizers had been keeping in line with most international opin- in Holy Land two sprint stages ending in Tel Aviv and Eilat, before the race re- ion, which does not recognize Israel’s claim to the entire city-in- turns to Italy for the final 18 stages. cluding the occupied east-as its capital. ROME: The race for the Giro d’Italia’s pink jersey risks being over- It will be the first time any of cycling’s three Grand Tours-the oth- But an enraged Israel threatened to pull the plug unless organ- shadowed by a political rumpus over the 2018 edition’s departure ers being the Tour de France and Vuelta a Espana-start outside of izers RCS Sport revised the stage start as Jerusalem, which they from Jerusalem, with Israeli protests and US diplomatic policy Europe and fans were thrilled. Many also saw it as a homage to duly did. According to the Jerusalem Post, RCS Sport is to get threatening carnage. The cycling Grand Tour has already run into Italy’s Gino Bartoli, a much-loved triple Giro winner who was rec- four million euros ($4.7 million) from Israel for hosting rights. Put- difficulty long before the first pedal is due to be pushed on May 4, ognized in 2013 as a “Righteous Among the Nations”-someone who ting out one diplomatic fire, however, lit another. The Palestinians first by labeling the city “west Jerusalem” rather than Jerusalem, had helped shield Jews from the Nazis in the Second World War. “It promptly accused the Giro of being “an accomplice to the Israeli due to conflicting Israeli and Palestinian claims over the Holy Land. is a great privilege to host such an important sporting event and we military occupation and its significant violations of international And the political headache has threatened to turn into a mi- invite all Giro enthusiasts to come to Israel,” the country’s sport min- law”. Vegni pleaded with the Palestinians to leave politics out of graine over US President Donald Trump’s recognition on Wednes- ister Miri Regev said when the plan was first unveiled in September. it, admitting he feared the race could attract protesters. —AFP 45 Friday

Sports Friday, Deceember 8, 2017 Who will be crowned the 2017 King of Drift? Kuwait to host Red Bull Car Park Drift, for the first time, today

he time is upon us! After seven months since the kick off With the home team advantage on their side, the Kuwaiti In order to be crowned the 2017 King of Drift, the drifters of the Red Bull Car Park Drift Series in Kuwait, in May, finalists, Ali Maksheed, Fahad Aljadei, and Abdullah Aljadi, are will have to score the highest on a variety of criteria. Aiming to Tthe series is back to Kuwait for the final that will welcome hoping to keep the crown in Kuwait. Last year’s final in Oman elevate the competition year after year, Abdo Feghali, the elite drifters competing for the crown of the 2017 King of Drift. witnessed an exciting turnout, with all three Omani drifters, Guinness World Book Record holder for the longest drift, has Over 2,500 spectators will visit Sirbb Circuit today to topping the winners’ podium. First time competitor, Haitham Al modified the criteria to challenge the drifters. This year their witness the exciting performance of sixteen finalists from Hadidi, claimed the crown at the young age of 18, due to a stel- performance will be determined based on Car Look & Design fourteen countries, all with one aim; to be crowned the 2017 lar performance. (10%), Tire Smoke (10%), Car Sound (7%), Section 1 Drifting King of Drift. Kuwait’s three drifters will face a fierce challenge for the (15%), Section 2 Drifting (15%), Boxes (15%), Gates (15%), and Red Bull Car Park Drift final is held under the patronage of sought-after King of Drift title, competing against drifters Pendulum (13%). Sheikh Ali Fawaz AlSabah, organized by Basel Salem AlSabah from thirteen other countries that have participated in the This challenging competition leaves no room for error, as Motor Racing Club, with cooperation of SIRBB Circuit and is series. The 2017 series kicked off in Kuwait on May 5 and participants will lose points if they hit obstacles, drift the wrong partnered with Total, Falken, Shop & Ship, PS4, Nissan, the competition has continued since then with qualifiers in way, or spin their car. In case of three penalties, the drifter will Boubyan Bank, Drag 965, Acqua Eva and Trolley. Media part- Egypt, Lebanon, Mauritius, Bahrain, Tunisia, Jordan, Oman, be disqualified. ners, MBC Action, Kuwait Times and Aljarida cover this popu- Morocco, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates and all win- It will not be an easy feat. Who will succeed in topping the lar event. ners go head to head today. podium? Find out today at Sirbb Circuit at 2:00 pm! 46 Friday Sports Friday, December 8, 2017 Inter Milan face a test of title hopes at champions Juventus The only unbeaten team in the league MILAN: Having ended Napoli’s unbeaten start to the league season last week, champions Ju- ventus will try to do the same to Inter Milan when they host the Serie A leaders in a mouth- watering “Derby d’Italia” tomorrow. Inter were left as the only unbeaten team in the league after Juve won 1-0 last Friday away to a Napoli side which had not lost in the opening 14 games. The result last weekend also allowed Inter to go top with 39 points thanks to a 5-0 win over Chievo. Juventus, third with 37 points, will top the standings if they win tomorrow although Napoli (38 points) would overhaul them if they can beat an improving Fiorentina at home on Sunday. Whatever the outcome, it is already clear that Juventus, chasing a seventh successive title, have far more of a fight on their hands than in previ- ous seasons where they often left the rest of the field trailing in their wake. It is also evident that reports of Juve’s demise have been premature. The cracks which appeared during a 2-1 loss to Lazio - Juve’s first home defeat in more than two years-and a 3-2 defeat at Sampdoria have quickly been filled by their pragmatic coach Massimiliano Allegri. They have been especially resolute in defense and their 2-0 win away to Olympiakos on Tuesday, which took them into the Champions League last sixteen, was their fourth successive clean sheet since the Sampdo- ria defeat. Morocco defender Mehdi Benatia has stepped into the defensive void left by the de- parture of Leonardo Bonucci, new signings for- MILAN: Inter Milan’s Croatian forward Ivan Perisic (2nd left) eyes the ball during the Italian Serie A football match Inter Milan vs Chievo on December ward Douglas Costa and midfielder Blaise 3, 2017 at the San Siro stadium in Milan. — AFP Matuidi have fitted in quickly and Gonzalo Higuain is as deadly as ever in attack. not going so well for Dybala at the moment but season when they employed three coaches on salary is, we are all treated the same. “I’ve been Inter’s renaissance it happened at this stage last season too,” said the way to finishing seventh. Defender Andrea at Inter for many years and it’s the first time I’ve Juventus have one point more than they did Allegri. “Paulo needs to relax and keep doing the Ranocchia said it was the most united group he seen the dressing room like this,” added the 29- at the same stage last season when they were simple things, training hard and finding the right has seen in his six seasons with the club. “Spal- year-old. Ranocchia said that spirit would be top of the table with a four-point lead over fitness levels.” letti is great because he treats everyone the needed to deal with setbacks across a long sea- Roma and AC Milan. The only worry is Argentine Inter, meanwhile, have blossomed under Lu- same way. son. “When things don’t go our way, we must re- playmaker Paulo Dybala’s lacklustre form. “It’s ciano Spalletti and are unrecognizable from last It doesn’t matter who you are or what your tain this same unity.”—Reuters

pended, while Jesus Vallejo is also sidelined by injury leaving Manchester City, Manchester United or Liverpool in Monday’s Zidane struggling Nacho as Real’s only fit centre-back. “With Rafa he has done last-16 draw. However, Ronaldo believes the 12-time winners are some damage to himself, but we will see tomorrow when we do capable of an upturn in form in the new year to carry them to a the scans as always,” said Zidane. “He won’t be there Saturday third straight Champions League title. “It is obvious that I like to shore up Real that is for sure. We have to look for solutions.” Real have precious playing in this competition a lot, but the most important thing is little room for error as they already trail La Liga leaders Barca by to be able to get into the next round once more,” he said. “Hope- eight points. And further forward, Madrid could again be without fully Real Madrid can win it for a third straight year.”—AFP Madrid defense Gareth Bale due to a calf problem. “I feel for the injured players, today it is Rafa but that is why we have a squad,” added Zidane. However, the French coach didn’t rule out the possibility that MADRID: Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane admitted injuries MATCHES ON TV the latest spate of injuries could force the club to reinforce the LOCAL TIMING will force him into patching up a makeshift defense for tomorrow’s squad come January. “We have the possibility (to sign) from Jan- visit of Sevilla after Raphael Varane joined an increasing list of uary 1 and we will see what happens in these 30 days.” Injuries SPANISH LEAGUE absentees. The French international limped off holding his left leg aside, it was another enjoyable Champions League night for Real as Madrid edged out Borussia Dortmund 3-2 in a Champions Deportivo Alaves v Las Palmas 23:00 as Cristiano Ronaldo set yet another record in the competition. beIN SPORTS League thriller on Wednesday. However, with the defending The Portuguese, who is expected to pick up his fifth Ballon d’Or, champions already having secured their place in the last 16 of the fired a spectacular effort into the top corner to become the first GERMAN Champions League behind Tottenham Hotspur in Group H, Zidane player to ever score in all six group games in the one season. was more concerned with how Varane’s absence could affect a Stuttgart v 22:30 Ronaldo’s European form-he has nine in the Champions League beIN SPORTS HD 5 busy end to the year for Real. After Sevilla, Zidane’s men jet off to in total-is in stark contrast to his struggles in La Liga, where he Abu Dhabi for the Club World Cup before hosting Barcelona in has scored just twice in 10 appearances this season. “We wanted FRENCH LEAGUE the Clasico on December 23. to end the group phase well with a win. I scored a great goal and Tomorrow’s game is the French coach’s primary concern, Girondins de Bordeaux v Strasbourg 22:45 got the record as well which is important, so I’m very happy,” said beIN SPORTS HD 6 though, with Sergio Ramos, Dani Carvajal and Casemiro all sus- Ronaldo. Madrid could face the likes of Paris Saint-Germain, Friday 47 Sports Friday, December 8, 2017 ‘Fab Four’ fire seven-goal Liverpool into the last 16 Cristiano Ronaldo claims new record PARIS: Philippe Coutinho’s hat-trick inspired sult, there will be a record five English clubs in Liverpool to score seven in their win over Spar- next Monday’s draw, and they will not be able to tak Moscow on Wednesday as they joined face each other. Spartak’s defeat meant Sevilla Sevilla, Shakhtar Donetsk and Porto in qualifying were through regardless of their 1-1 draw with for the Champions League (CL) last 16. That Maribor in Slovenia. Maribor captain Marcos quartet completed the line-up on the final night Tavares scored the opener, with Paulo Henrique of group-stage action that was also notable for Ganso coming off the bench to equalise for the another Cristiano Spaniards. Spartak go Ronaldo goals record in into the Europa League. the competition. The Portuguese su- Napoli out perstar scored his ninth Brazilians fire Ukrainian giants in the competition this Shakhtar into Shakhtar are through to season in reigning the last 16 in Group F at champions Real the CL last 16 the expense of Napoli Madrid’s 3-2 win at after beating Pep home to Borussia Dort- Guardiola’s Manchester mund. In doing so, he City-who had already became the first player won the section - 2-1 in LIVERPOOL: Liverpool’s Egyptian midfielder Mohamed Salah (center) is fouled by Spartak to score in all six Champions League group- Kharkiv. Shakhtar only needed a draw, but took Moscow’s Russian defender Georgi Dzhikiya (left) in the box to win a penalty during the UEFA stage matches in a season while also equalling all three points, with Brazilian duo Bernard and Champions League Group E football match between Liverpool and Spartak Moscow at Anfield in his Barcelona rival Lionel Messi’s record of 60 Ismaily getting their goals. Bernard’s opener was Liverpool on December 6, 2017. —AFP group-stage goals in total. Liverpool have also a beauty, but it was a mistake by City goalkeeper been prolific this season, and their demolition of Ederson that allowed Ismaily to make it 2-0.Ser- also new a win would take them through in campaign. They lost 2-1 at home to group win- Spartak was the second time they had won 7-0 gio Aguero’s stoppage-time penalty handed a Group G and the two-time European champions ners Besiktas, for whom scored a last- en route to finishing top of Group E-they beat consolation to City, but this was their first defeat ran riot against a hapless Monaco, hammering minute winner after Naby Keita had cancelled Maribor 7-0 in October. of the season and they have the Manchester last season’s semi-finalists 5-2. out Alvaro Negredo’s early penalty opener. Jurgen Klopp’s side were 3-0 up inside 19 derby this weekend. Vincent Aboubakar scored twice for the Por- Leipzig had Stefan Ilsanker sent off. minutes on a night that saw their ‘Fab Four’ run Napoli had gone in front early on away to al- tuguese club, with Yacine Brahimi, Alex Telles Real Madrid were already through before riot-Coutinho got his first hat-trick for the club, ready-eliminated Feyenoord through Piotr and Francisco Soares also netting. Monaco beating Dortmund in a Bernabeu thriller in Group Sadio Mane scored twice and there was one Zielinski, but Nicolai Jorgensen equalised. Jere- replied through a Kamil Glik effort and a H. Borja Mayoral put the holders in front and each for Roberto Firmino and Mohamed Salah. miah St Juste then made it 2-1 at the death for Radamel Falcao header against his old club, Ronaldo’s stunning, record-setting strike came “It’s really difficult when we go to the next gear the Dutch champions after they had Tonny Vil- while Porto’s Felipe and Rachid Ghezzal for the after just 12 minutes. Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and use the space. It was nice to watch tonight,” hena sent off. “Now we want to go as far as pos- visitors were sent off after an altercation in the scored a brace to haul Dortmund level, but Lucas Klopp told BT Sport after guiding the Reds into sible in the Europa League,” Napoli captain first half. RB Leipzig were forced to settle for a Vazquez won it for the hosts as the Germans drop the last 16 for the first time in nine years. As a re- Marek Hamsik told Mediaset Premium. Porto Europa League spot in their debut European into the Europa League. —AFP

Stakes are high in UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE TABLES Manchester derby PARIS: Final UEFA Champions League group tables after Wednesday’s matches (played, won, drawn, lost, goals for, goals against, points):

MANCHESTER: There have been few Manchester derbies with as much Group A Group E on the line as Sunday’s meeting at Old Trafford of the top two teams in Manchester United 6 5 0 1 12 3 15 - qualified Liverpool 6 3 3 0 23 6 12 - qualified the Premier League- the most anticipated clash of the campaign so far. Basel 6 4 0 2 11 5 12 - qualified Sevilla 6 2 3 1 12 12 9 - qualified Pep Guardiola’s City have built an eight-point lead following an unbeaten CSKA Moscow 6 3 0 3 8 10 9 Spartak Moscow 6 1 3 2 9 13 6 start to the season that has included 13 straight victories - equalling the Benfica 6 0 0 6 1 14 0 Maribor 6 0 3 3 3 16 3 record for the longest winning run in a single Premier League campaign. Not to be completely outdone, however, Jose Mourinho’s Manchester Group B Group F United have equaled a historic club record by remaining unbeaten at Paris SG 6 5 0 1 25 4 15 - qualified Man City 6 5 0 1 14 5 15 - qualified Old Trafford for 40 matches in all competitions. And with former Bayern Munich 6 5 0 1 13 6 15 - qualified Shakhtar Donetsk 6 4 0 2 9 9 12 - qualified Barcelona boss Guardiola and ex-Real Madrid manager Mourinho hav- Celtic 6 1 0 5 5 18 3 Napoli 6 2 0 4 11 11 6 ing developed a fierce rivalry during their time together in Spain, Sun- Anderlecht 6 1 0 5 2 17 3 Feyenoord 6 1 0 5 5 14 3 day’s meeting promises to be one to savor. The last team to beat United at home were City in September, 2016 Group C Group G and a repeat performance would leave the club, once derided as “noisy Roma 6 3 2 1 9 6 11 - qualified Besiktas 6 4 2 0 11 5 14 - qualified neighbors” by former United boss Alex Ferguson, 11 points clear at the Chelsea 6 3 2 1 16 8 11 - qualified FC Porto 6 3 1 2 15 10 10 - qualified summit. City have been playing some exhilarating football this campaign Atletico Madrid 6 1 4 1 5 4 7 RB Leipzig 6 2 1 3 10 11 7 with coach Guardiola’s style of play, which served him so well at his pre- Qarabag 6 0 2 4 2 14 2 Monaco 6 0 2 4 6 16 2 vious clubs, bringing the expected rewards after a disappointing lack of consistency last season. Yet while United have suffered two defeats on Group D Group H the road - to Huddersfield Town and Chelsea - they too have looked like Barcelona 6 4 2 0 9 1 14 - qualified Tottenham Hotspur6 5 1 0 15 4 16 - qualified champions at home. The 40 games unbeaten have included 29 wins and Juventus 6 3 2 1 7 5 11 - qualified Real Madrid 6 4 1 1 17 7 13 - qualified 11 draws with 85 goals scored and just 17 conceded. This season’s Pre- Sporting Lisbon 6 2 1 3 8 9 7 Borussia Dortmund6 0 2 4 7 13 2 mier League record at Old Trafford is played seven, won seven - 20 goals Olympiakos 6 0 1 5 4 13 1 APOEL 6 0 2 4 2 17 2 for and just one against. —Reuters Established 1961 h i il i h bi lf

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2017 IPL’s spending could hit $96 million

NEW DELHI: The Indian Premier League, chises, several players bagged lucrative one of the world’s richest sports competi- deals in the IPL auction in February. England tions, will let teams splurge up to $12 million all-rounder set a new record for each on player salaries in 2018, an increase of a foreigner by joining the Rising Pune 20 percent. After a meeting in New Delhi on Supergiants for more than $2 million. Wednesday, the IPL governing council also England pace bowler Tymal Mills went to said teams will have to spend a minimum of the Royal Challengers Bangalore for $1.8 75 percent of the salary cap each season. million, even though he had only played four The decision means the eight IPL teams internationals before that. The are likely to spend anywhere between $72 attractions of last-ball winning sixes, extrav- million and $96 million on players alone for agant switch-hitting and rapid-fire centuries just eight weeks of cricketing action in 2018. have made IPL a favorite of the masses, “Whatever changes we have come up with especially the younger generation. The IPL’s are all in the interest of the players,” IPL 60 games are valued at roughly $8.5 million chairman Rajeev Shukla said. “We are also each, not far off the estimated $9.6 million looking to increase the prize money for the per English Premier League match-and well players in future.” While most of India’s big over the $6.2 million price tag attached to NEW DELHI: Indian team captain Virat Kohli (left) gestures towards the crowd as teammate name players are already attached to fran- home internationals in India. — AFP Shikhar Dhawan looks on in this file photo. — AFP