FOR CONFIRMATION PUBLIC CLOSED SESSION TO: Executive Committee SPONSOR: Professor Cheryl Regehr CONTACT INFO: 416-978-2122,
[email protected] PRESENTER: CONTACT INFO: DATE: June 6, 2017 for June 13, 2017 AGENDA ITEM: 7 (a.) ITEM IDENTIFICATION: New Graduate Program Proposal: Master of Accounting and Finance (M.Acc.Fin.), University of Toronto Scarborough JURISDICTIONAL INFORMATION: The Academic Board is responsible for approving proposals for new graduate programs and degrees, subject to confirmation by the Executive Committee of the Governing Council (Academic Board Terms of Reference, Section 5.3.2(ii)). GOVERNANCE PATH: 1. Committee on Academic Policy and Programs [for recommendation] (May 9, 2017) 2. Academic Board [for approval] (May 29, 2017) 3. Executive Committee [for confirmation] (June 13, 2017) PREVIOUS ACTION TAKEN: The proposal for the Master of Accounting and Finance received approval from the University of Toronto Scarborough on April 25, 2017. HIGHLIGHTS: This is a proposal for a four session, full-time professional master’s degree called Master of Accounting and Finance (M.Acc.Fin.). It will be offered by the Department of Management, University of Toronto Scarborough. The program is cohort-based and consists of 17 required courses (8.5 FCE) including an integrated Co-op taken in the third session. This proposal responds to a growing need in industry for dual professional designations in both Accounting and Finance. Employers are looking for graduates with both the Chartered Page 1 of 2 Executive Committee, May 31, 2017 – Proposal for a new professional graduate degree program Master of Accounting and Finance Professional Accountant (CPA) and the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designations because of the flexibility and opportunities that the dual designations provide.