A list of Ballistics and Weapons for Savage Worlds By Erron “Bo” Whitten © 2003
[email protected] Introduction The following data is compiled from a ballistics formula used by various organizations to determine data for a “rounds comparison.” I am using the data and the statistics from Savage Worlds to create this Ballistics List. It is as accurate as possible. To use it simply find data about the weapon in question and compare it to this information. The ballistics are for most rounds on the market. Type is the type of round in question. RF = Rimfire; CFP = Center Fire Pistol; CFR = Center Fire Rifle; CFAC = Center Fire Auto Cannon (I only included the 20mm American round); CFRP = Center Fire Rifle in a Pistol; CFPR = Center Fire Pistol in a Rifle; SG = Shot Gun; BP = Black Powder; BPSG = Black Powder Shot Gun. A rifle round used in a pistol reduces its damage due to lack of a barrel of sufficient length to allow the full expansion of the gases produced by the powder charge. A pistol round in a rifle has an increase of damage due to the increase of gas pressures due to the increase of chamber area in a lengthened barrel. Cartridges - Pistol .41 Action Express CFP 2D6; AP 2 .41 Remington Mag. CFP 2D8; AP 1 Caliber Type Dam .41 RM (Medium Vel.) CFP 2D6; AP 2 .22 CB Long RF 2D6-1 .44 Remington Mag. CFP 2D8; AP 2 .22 CB Short RF 2D6-1 .44 RM (Jacketed) CFP 2D8; AP 1 .22 Long High Vel. RF 2D6-1; AP 1 .44 RM (Lead) CFP 2D8; AP 2 .22 Long Standard Vel.