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BRIDGE at BURTON , ·\ .· (UPON TRENT) by G ..... :\ ~ ..;,, J "' ~) (j :l 0 1\. 10 s (i:; + 1(1 9 :l + Ill s :l 9 t1 \/ .1 s •<::} 07 s .t ~ 0 :\ u J :.! 0 9--1 + 1.: J H (} + <J 7 -1:.! + K U J 7:; -1:.! <V :\ 10 0 7 :l + A:; \n ; llnl>iti~>II S So11lh ~!'\- 111to S1:-. Sp;Hic,. \\·,.,t l•·ad'< til<' i.:na\'c .. r I !<-arts. l'an the con tract J,.. 111ac!P ? Sl'l· page H. r ............ ~~·~·~~ ................... ...... CHAS. BRADBURY LIMITED ~ 26 SACKVILLE ST., PICCADILLY l LONDON, W.I. l Phouc REG: 3123-3995 LOANS ARRANGED With or without Security ll THE TO CLUB SECRETARIES. EUROPEAN spread the news of your I activities. ·write and tell us l BRIDGE of your special events. Items of general interest are always REVIEW welcome. I l Annual Subscription Rate : l 30/- post free. The copyright of this magazine is vested in Priestley Studios Ltd. l per Mr. 0 . A. Goldenberg, 10 King's Mansions, Lawrence St., It is published. under the authority l London, S.W.3. of the English Bridge Union. l The Editorial Board is composed of, l Single copies 3/- from Ncwsagents and the Editor is appointed by, the L~~~...._. .................................. .. •• ...J English Bridge Union. RIVIERA HOTEL CANFORD CLIFFS BOURNEMOUTH FACES CHINE AND SEA AMID GLORIOUS SURROUNDINGS Quality fare prepared by first class chefs Perfectly appointed bedrooms and suites CocktuilLounge-Tennis- GoU Telephone : Canford Cliffs 285 • · · Brochure on Request · e You can always rely on ·a good game of Bridge at Tlze R alph Evans's H otel --~ - ..~--·-----~ - -- --. ·--- ... ----" - . ---- '· .. · COl'JTRA. CT BRIDGE- JOURNAL ,. ' OFFICIAL OR(AN OF THE ENGLISH BRIDGE . UNION . ' VOLU ~IE 4 1\IAY 1950 NUMBER 7 FULL MARX! . CONTENTS · The British team for the Page Brighton " Open " series has_now Eunu HIAI. .... 2 (barring accidents and . illness) CHAHTmuin HosT .... 3 T .B .A . SPHI NG CoNGHESS taken its final form; ' · : Mrs . •- 1. L. Fleming 4 _ ] . C. 'tl. Marx is replacing Adam · COVE R PROULEM SoLUTI ON 8 Meredith · and will partner · DOUBLE B UB B LE " .vorth " 9 1\L Harrison-Gray. Tm;: NIGHT!NGALL SYSTEil I 3 The line-up _,yin probably be, ORDER OF MEHIT .... 14 therefore :- 1\hsTRESs PLAYs Gray and l\Iarx· David Brown I 5 · SANITY FOR THE AVEitAGE Dodds and Km1stam PLAYER Tarlo and Gardener - J1iarlin B~ale . 17 The sole criticism of -- this BltlDGE AT BURTON (UPON sextette is that its partnerships • TRENT) . C. H . Guilford .... IH are far less fluid and inter­ CAN PALOOKAS THINK . changeable than - the winning ·w: ]. s. Robb 22 groups of the_last two years. · OR ' ,i A Vmw Two The· presence of the J oumal's Guy Ramsey .. .. 25 • Competition Editor, for too long a BooKs '' I Heuicwctl by The Editor 2tl stranger- to competitive bridge, Tms MoNTH' s CoMPETITION adds a supreme analyst and a . j . C. H . Marx. .... 29 most dangerous opponent to the ANSWEHS TO "\ PHll. - side. One of the original Acol · · C o MPET ITi o N .. .. ao team which walked away with • • • every trophy in ight before the Alll31' idgc Ca~nspmr tfc u rc to tht war; an inventor of Acol- and Editor : of its .most effective newest. G UY RAMSEY, development, the Two Club take­ 13 Ca nnon Plucc, out of a No Trump with standard­ London, N.W.3. ised responses- he and Harrison A II Correspomleuce 011 Gray had a flawless partnership Su/Jscn'ptious or· Atl1•rr·tisirrg to against Scotland recently, which J>u/Jlislr crs : should aug- ur well for June. PR IF.STLEY ST DIOS Ltd ., Om team fort lu: Ladies n ·mains Ccunnw r clul H. uucl , as annoll!ICL'll. G loucester. (;nod hll'k to hi1th sith•:-; . - . ~ .. : ~ : .. .....~-.. .· ••• # • . ~ ~· EDITORIAL . :. ··:·:. -. A MONTH -rrom now, the 13 Any of the!>e gentlemen arc teams in the Open , the competent, and empowered, to H teams in the Ladies will assemble give a ruling ; and in the event­ I ; ' at Brighton to engage in 114 absi/ o·men- of a major query, a -.. matches of ~~2 Boards each in a committer. of them, or all of them, ' single week. will adjudicate ~ Already the preliminary The Tournament will be arrangements arc cut-and-dried. inaugurated by a sherry party Under the direction of 1\fajm given on the morning of l\Ionday, George Gray, l-Ion. Secretary of ] une 5th, at the Royal Pavilion--:- t.he British Bridge League, who is the George IV rococo residence the JHatch Manager, the tricky at " Brighthelmstone " of which. programme has been worked out. the witty Smith of Smiths Under the direction of Major remarked maliciously that it Basil Tatlow, the complicated looked as if St. Paul's had come system of Hecorders, Stewards to the seaside and littered. At and Scorers is almost <;omplete. this party, the Mayor will be the i\lajor Tatlow has evolved a host and extend a persona] system of col om -guides, whereby · ·welcome to the competitors from every individual match has Great Britain, France, Norway, boards, scoring-slips, recording Sweden, Demnark, Belgium,. slips of a giv:en colour; so that ' l-Iolland, Iceland, Finland, t\ustria '· _.: the Boards ·or records from t.he {a post-war new-comer), Italy, Great-Britain-Iceland encounter Ireland and- a newcomer to do not go by accident to the international bridge- Switzer- Italy-Denmark room. land. The ~taft under Major Tatlow The week will clo~e with a has already reached about 70 ; banquet, under the Chairmanship it will be near I 00 by the time the of Sir Noel Mobbs, on Sundav final arrangements are complete. ·evening, ] une 11th. - If any reader intends to visit As is usual in any British Brighton for the Tournament and entPrprise, it is the last minute · would care tu volunteer for which is decisive. The finance, service as steward, taking boards which had been regrettably from one room to the other, or -. static, is now coming in- not in as· scorer, will he, or she, please quite such full measure as had get into direct- personal touch . been anticipated, but very much with 1\fajor Tatlow direct at more generously than at one time .22 Trinity Square, Llandudno. seemed probable. The Board of Toumament -The cash already available Directors-who are also Referees, amounts to just on £I;soo. · The consist of Sir Noel 1\Jobbs, Leicestershire Association ran, · Baron de Nexon (FrancP), l\Iajor under the spur of Mrs. Cole, a Gray, Hr. · Neilsen {Norway). tournament which realised £50 ; ... H_r. lkdichcn (llenmark), Hr. Birmingl1am University, under . --. , l ~lgaard - {I>cnmark), l\ly1ilteer the leadership of Jc!!Jn \'ugh, is Hcltlring {Holland) and Mr. mnning a 50-table event at the · · · ·, Geoffrey Hutter: cud of A pri I, wilh which ·Mr. · ', i:· .· .. ---- ­ CONTRACT BRIDGE JOUlm~ F. 0. Bingh;.u!t associated himself CHARTERED. HO$T. as Tournarr.e; .l Uircdor, for the HE gleaming dome, the benefit c,f the hrighton week ; T flashing spectacles of Percy _· l\Ir. J. Doig is r ,mning an event Charters-missing officially from .. in Preston, and a Yorkshire bridge since he relinquished the ,.. - tournamcJLt 1:: •tlso in t rain. Secretaryship of the . London Me5sr.s. r:·2 la Kue have con­ Association to every~ne's regret­ .( tributed 1,000 pac;:s d cards-a ,. : -- . are n,ow, once again, perman~ntly .: Gonsider.J.ble clonal tO!I. in residence· in an established The k een ::.p1ri l <!owng ~.::t rd ­ -•. .- position. players has rcs,tlte·l in a con­ Rob Provost, witli his usual siderable n;!mber Di players concern· for _the welfare of his -- volunteering tt) serw~ ; · the members and his shrewd judge­ tournamem ;;laiT ,-,-ill br; enlirely a ment, has prevailed upon the most volunteer bodv, mo!;i ,,f v;hom are . '. popular man in bridge to run the paying all, ,; fe•.•: or. \', hid1 are " big " game at Crockford's. receiving par t, of tlteJr expenses. Not 'content with assuming a There can be litllc: wrong with full-time-and very onerous­ the game when it commands such job, Percy is reviving,.and r~ning a response. himself, the weekly. Prurs Duplicate · After prolonged consideration , at the Club. _ · the B.B.L. has announced the In wishing an old friend of the Captains for the British teams. game and its p~ayers all good The men will be led by M. fortune, we especially express t~e Harrison-Gray who has twice hope that he will succeed m · wrested the laurels from all holding at bay-a more succ~ful comers. The advantages of a non­ ~ .. .... Canute-the rising tide of playing captain were ~refully Canasta whose invasion begins .,.- weighed; but the decision to to assu~e monstrous proportions. play the safest card in Britain's Canasta- a fine game which has bridge has been- rightly in our now received the imprimatUI of a · \~ew-taken. Culbertson text-book may be It is with gr eat plea~ure that magnificent, but it is not bridge . we see our former Editor and our present writer once again not IRISH TEAMS only capped but captain. The following teams have been The Ladif's will march into chosen to represent Ireland at battle under the command of that Brighton in June : . suave and charming veteran Inter­ Ladies : 1\'Irs. 0 . S. Giddmgs, national, Colonel G. G.] . Walshc. Irs. E. McCarthy, Mrs. R. No pht yers have more experience McConkey, Mrs. F. McMenamin, than our two captains. l f the 1\[rs. J. l\I. O'Sullivan, Irs. players produce the form ~ f H. Spiro. 1 on-Playing Captain, which they are capable- and, 1 f l\frs.
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