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Coksie Kids Club Our Reference EY363003 Poverest Primary School Tillingbourne Green, BR5 2JD

Dear Mrs Helen Coker

Outcome of monitoring visit for provision judged as inadequate

An Ofsted inspector, Laura Brewer, carried out a monitoring visit of your provision on 18/07/2013. This visit follows on from your inspection where the provision was judged to be inadequate.

Outcome of the visit

As a result of our inspection on 04/02/2013, we sent you a notice to improve.

To meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage, this notice required you to:

*prove arrangements for transporting children to and from school by ensuring vehicles used are all adequately insured; obtain written parental permission for children to take part in outings and; assess the risks or hazards which may arise and identify the steps to be taken to remove, minimise and manage those risks and hazards.

*take action to improve security measures to ensure children do not leave the premises unsupervised and to prevent unauthorised persons entering.

*take action to ensure that all staff who have unsupervised contact with children are checked for their suitability to work with children.

*ensure that every child's learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs.

To meet the requirements of the Childcare Register, this notice required you to:

*make sure there are effective systems to ensure that any person caring for, or in regular contact with children: is suitable to work with children which must include obtaining an enhanced CRB check, is of integrity and good character, has skills and

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experience suitable for the work, is physically and mentally fit for the work.

*ensure that a child is unable to leave the premises unsupervised except where the childcare is open access childcare, or in the case of older children, where the registered person has agreed with the parent of the child that they may leave the provision unaccompanied.

On 02 May 2013 we carried out a monitoring visit to the premises to check that the provider had met these actions. The inspector was of the opinion that the setting had met the actions and had made satisfactory improvement overall.

On 18 July 2013 we carried out a further monitoring visit to assess whether the provider had the ability to sustain the improvements previously made.

Having considered all the evidence, the inspector is of the opinion that at this time the setting is making satisfactory improvement overall.

Overall effectiveness of the improvement and outcomes for children

At the monitoring visit on 18 July 2013 it was identified that you had continued to meet the actions raised in the notices to improve and you had the capacity to maintain the improvements previously made.

You continue to maintain evidence that vehicles used to transport children are appropriately insured. Established systems are in place to gain written parental consents regarding transportation of children. There are clear risk assessment systems in place for vehicles used which are completed on a daily basis. Additionally, risk assessments for outings are undertaken to ensure that any hazards to children are identified, minimised and monitored. This supports children's safety and welfare.

The entrance door to the club remains securely closed and a bell entry system is in place where all visitors are met by staff. Staff continue to be vigilant regarding monitoring access to the provision. This provides increased security to children.

All staff have had checks completed to demonstrate their suitability to work with children. Systems are in place to ensure that the recruitment of staff safeguards children. Students are always supervised by staff and checks are completed for individuals even if their placement is very short at the setting.

Children were observed to be well occupied and relaxed in their environment. They played co-operatively together with a range of resources, supported by staff. Children were observed making models out of recyclable materials and they enjoyed using the balls in the outdoor play area. You have increased the amount of resources available to children and you have used your observations of what children are interested in to inform decisions about the purchasing of new equipment. You have confirmed that currently there are no children attending the provision who are within

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the Early Years age range.

As you have made satisfactory progress overall and you have demonstrated the capacity to sustain the improvements previously made, the next visit will be a full inspection.

Next steps

Having considered all the evidence the inspector is of the opinion that at this time:

The setting has made satisfactory improvement. The next visit will be a full inspection.

I hope that you have found the visit helpful in promoting improvement in your setting. If you have any further queries please contact us on the number at the top of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Susan Gregory HMI National Director, Inspection Delivery

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