Westfield Water Filtration Update

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Westfield Water Filtration Update TONIGHT Partly Cloudy. Low of 24. Search for The Westfield News The WestfieldNews Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.com The WestfieldNews “TO IMPROVE IS TO Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIMECHANGE IS THE ONLY, SO TO BE WEATHER PERFECCRITIC WITHOUTT IS TO HAVE TONIGHT CHANGEDAMBITION OF.” TEN.” Partly Cloudy. — WJOHNINS TONSTEINBECK CHURCHILL Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comWestfield350.org The WestfieldNews Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHERVOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents VOL.88 NO. 20 THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 2019 CRITIC75 Cents WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com The tempo- rary exterior VOL. 86 NO. 151 structure 75 cents Westfield Water FiltrationTUESDAY, JUNE 27, Update2017 housing By AMY PORTER (GAC) filters, and at the point of entry into levels ever since, with no changeout of the Well 2 is Correspondent the water system at the exit of the filters, carbon filters. “These wells had higher num- seen in this WESTFIELD – Department of Public according to Billips. Test results are also bers than what we’re trying to remove,” December Works Director David Billips said the tempo- posted in the DPW/Water department section Billips said, adding, “GAC filtration is a 2018 image. rary treatment facility at Well 2 has been of the city’s website at www.cityofwestfield. proven technology.” (WNG file online since Nov. 14. Billips said the water org. Billips also said there is some false infor- photo) was tested on Oct. 25 and Dec. 20, showing Billips said the non-detect means that the mation spreading that byproducts, purport- no break-through of poly-fluorinated com- compounds are not present even below 2 edly arsenic could enter the water from the pounds (PFAS) in either results. The water parts per trillion. To put it into perspective, he GAC carbon. He said the carbon is tested was tested again last week, and the city is said that 2 parts per trillion is the equivalent extensively before it arrives, and cannot pro- waiting to get the results back, he said. of a drop of water in an Olympic-sized swim- duce arsenic. Billips said the five PFAS compounds that ming pool, the water is being tested for are the ones that Billips said the GAC filtration is working. The department is also working through the Department of Environmental Protection He said these results conform with those the winter on the treatment plant for Wells 7 has determined could have health effects. from the GAC filters on several private wells and 8, which is ahead of schedule. Billips The testing is showing non-detect at the mid- that were installed by the DEP in April of said the goal is to have Wells 7 and 8 up and point of the Granular Activated Carbon 2017 and have been running at non-detect running by July. Southwick Fire Police identify addresses winter hazards man found By GREG FITZpaTRICK Correspondent SOUTHWICK – Weather hazards can be an issue throughout the winter so Southwick dead near Fire Chief Russ Anderson wants to remind people about taking the right precautions in order to avoid any fire-related incidents from happening. One important issue fire departments face Whitney field is access to hydrants. While our area has not Runners are seen getting ready at the starting line for one of the races By PETER CURRIER Correspondent received as much snow as in year’s past or as during the spring event last year. (Photo from Run Walk Southwick) some weather forecasters may have predict- WESTFIELD- Westfield police have identified the man ed this year, according to Anderson, “having who was found deceased near the area of Whitney play- access to the hydrants is key.” ground Tuesday morning. When fire hydrants are buried under snow Run-Walk Southwick Darrell Richmond, 60, was found dead in a wooded area it can cause them to freeze up and become near Whitney Field. Police are still investigating the cause of inoperable. Home and business owners are death. Police officials have said that they do not believe there urged to keep hydrants accessible by clear- was foul play. Richmond’s family has been notified of his ing out a three foot area around any hydrants returns May 4th death. near owned property. By GREG FITZpaTRICK The MANA is the state association To reach the scene, police had to use the department’s “The mechanics (in the fire hydrant) won’t Correspondent of Certified Registered Nurse MULE, which is a vehicle used to get to off road locations work because it’s so cold,” said Anderson. SOUTHWICK – The 2nd Annual Anesthetists and are focused on the unreachable by normal police vehicles. Fortunately, the Southwick Fire depart- Run Walk Southwick spring event is professional interest of nurse anes- ment did not have to respond to any fire- taking place on May 4 at Whalley thetists throughout the state. The related calls over this past snowy weekend, Park. association looks at patient safety however, firefighters always have to be pre- The races consist of a 2.5K run and promotion of cooperation pared to attend to a covered or non-working that costs $25 to participate along Go Westfield campaign fire hydrant. between anesthetists and medical with a 5K run for $35 and a 10K run professionals. “Unfortunately, it gets you when you least for $45. For those that don’t sign up launches series of focus groups expect it,” said Anderson. Working as a nurse anesthetist, by April 15, the cost for each race Labieniec looks forward to the asso- By AMY PORTER Another concern for Anderson during the will go up $5. People can register winter are pipes freezing in homes during ciation having more funds to educate Correspondent until the day of the event. The 2.5K, WESTFIELD – The City of Westfield, along with partners the extreme cold temperatures. Frozen pipes the public about anesthesia. 5K, and 10K run all start at Noon “That will go back out into the Westfield Gas & Electric/Whip City Fiber, the Greater can lead to pipes bursting possibly resulting and the kid’s fun run begins at 11:30 Westfield Chamber of Commerce and Westfield Bank will be in extensive water damage. He mostly points community as well,” said Labieniec. a.m. Labieniec added that the 2019 goal running a series of focus groups beginning next Monday to get to common sense as the main solution. input for Go Westfield, the city’s marketing campaign. For the 10K event, which is a 6.1- for proceeds raised is $5,000, with “These are extreme conditions, so some- mile run, the first-place winner Go Westfield (at GoWestfield.com), which launched last the hope to give both non-profit times you have to keep your heat warmer,” receives $100, 2nd place gets $50, summer, is a marketing partnership to communicate to people organizations $2,500 each. said Anderson. and third place earns $25. outside the region that Other potential hazards during the winter The spring 2018 event marked the The Run Southwick event also Westfield is an attrac- that Anderson pointed out includes making first year of the Run Walk Southwick features local businesses that will be tive location to grow a sure all objects are a minimum of three feet and had about 175 people registered. volunteering for the race. According business and an excep- away from space heaters and heat stoves. The goal for this spring’s event is to to Labieniec, Full Plate Fitness of tional place to live, work, and play. “This campaign is focused Snow should also be kept away from any exceed that number of registrants. Westfield will be running the finish on promoting the full Westfield value proposition,” Mayor vents from a home including fireplaces, “We’re hoping to increase that line and doing the timing while Sullivan said. “Westfield has a great story to tell, and our team has worked hard to ensure that story is known around chimneys, heating and hot water systems, number this year,” said Trish Jacquier Realty in Southwick will be and laundry dryers. organizing the starting line. Other Massachusetts and beyond,” he added. Labieniec, the Founder of Run Walk At Monday’s invite only meeting for retailers, those attend- For questions about maintaining fire safe- Southwick. business volunteers include ty and preventing hazards, contact the Moolicious, Sweepin it Clean, 2 Bay ees will be asked to talk about what the different aspects of the A non-profit event, all of the pro- city are, both good and bad, that affect their businesses. Future Southwick Fire Department at 413-569- ceeds will go back to two non-profit Machine and Metal, and A Nap with 5348. focus groups will be held with manufacturers, developers and organizations. Last year, the pro- a Nurse Anesthetist. Receiving free real estate professionals and non-profits. ceeds went back to the Southwick advertising by volunteering for the “These meeting are to get some feedback from these com- Civic Fund and Team Justice. event, Labeniec stressed how critical munities to help us focus our marketing message and identify This year, all proceeds will go to is to have local businesses volunteer. areas that we, the city, can improve on,” said City Advancement the Enfield Community Cat Project “We’re highly dependent on vol- Officer Joe Mitchell. and the MANA (Massachusetts unteers for these events to be suc- Mitchell said that following the Go Westfield rollout last Association of Nurses Anesthetists). cessful,” said Labeniec. year, some city councilors and other stakeholders advised the The Enfield Community Cat Project Labeniec added that she’s still group to conduct these outreach meetings to get their fingers works with the town of Enfield to looking for more volunteers to assist on the pulse of the community.
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