The Returned & Services League of Australia Forestville sub-Branch Serving veterans and their families in the Forest Area NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2020 Contact editor via email:
[email protected] or via post: 22 Melwood Ave, Forestville, NSW 2087 PRESIDENT’S REPORT What’s On Another busy month for our sub-Branch and Committee members. Firstly, an update on Bill General Meeting Hardman, Life Member, President of Northern Beaches District Council, and Club President. 7.30pm Wednesday 4th November We reported last month that Bill underwent a medical procedure, an esophagectomy, in * Royal North Shore Private Hospital on Tuesday 15th September. After initial recovery there General Meeting for over two weeks, Bill came home on Friday 2nd October to continue his rest and 7.30pm Wednesday 2nd December recuperation. He is walking unaided, on blended and soft foods, smiling and talking * normally. We wish Bill and Judy well and look forward to seeing them out and about in the Christmas Luncheon not too distant future. Sunday 6th December 11.30 for noon I attended the Northern Beaches District Council meeting on Tuesday 15th September at Narrabeen RSL Club, chaired by Vice President Alan Wright in Bill Hardman’s absence. Primary discussions were around better processes to be implemented for transitioning ADF members to join the RSL; and the upcoming RSL NSW 2020 Board Election, where only three existing Directors are standing for re-election. In this issue: The RSL NSW 2020 Board election is an important opportunity for eligible members to have their say in the composition of the Board of RSL NSW over the next three years.