Economic impact of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in the EU macro-regions Routes4U | 15 Routes4U Council of Europe Routes4U | 15 Directorate General Democracy of Europe of the Council Routes impactEconomic of the Cultural F-67075 Strasbourg Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes – Council of Europe European Institute of Cultural Routes 28 rue Münster in the EU macro-regions L-2160 Luxembourg Tel. +352 24 12 50 Routes4U Cultural Routes of the Adriatic-Ionian, Alpine, Baltic Sea Council of Europe in the and Danube macro-regions PREMS 026120 ENG The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading The Member States of the European Union human rights organisation. It comprises 47 member have decided to link together their know- states, including all members of the European Union. how, resources and destinies. Together, they All Council of Europe member states have signed up have built a zone of stability, democracy and to the European Convention on Human Rights, sustainable development whilst maintaining a treaty designed to protect human rights, cultural diversity, tolerance and individual democracy and the rule of law. The European Court freedoms. The European Union is committed of Human Rights oversees the implementation to sharing its achievements and its values with of the Convention in the member states. countries and peoples beyond its borders. Routes4U Project Routes4U Project Economic impact of the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in the European Union macro-regions Routes4U | 15 Council of Europe The opinions expressed in this work are the responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the European Commission or the Council of Europe All requests concerning the reproduction or translation of all or part of this document should be addressed to the Directorate of Communication (F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex or
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