ADHD Attention Defcit and Hyperactivity Disorders (2019) 11:333–340


Patients in medical treatment for attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Are they at risk in screening?

Christina Mohr Jensen1 · Torben Breindahl2

Received: 28 August 2018 / Accepted: 3 December 2018 / Published online: 7 December 2018 © The Author(s) 2018

Abstract The use of medicines to treat attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has increased worldwide, including the use of -based medicines or prodrugs that metabolise to amphetamine in vivo. At the same time, -of-abuse testing by non-specifc, point-of-care methods (‘quick tests’) has increased. This article discusses the risk of ‘false positive’ results or post-analytical misinterpretations of results when immunoassays are used to analyse biological samples from ADHD patients. A rapid evidence review was conducted to identify studies that have focused on the risk of ‘false positive’ test results in immunoassay testing of patients treated with atomoxetine, bupropion, clonidine, guanfacine, , and modafnil. There is only evidence to suggest that bupropion should cause ‘false positive’ immuno- results. However, there is a lack of systematic, updated evaluations and validations of cross-reactivity patterns for immunoassays in the literature. Advanced laboratory methods can distinguish the use of medicines from illicit amphetamine by stereospecifc analysis of dextro- and levoamphetamine; however, these analytical services are not commonly available for routine drug testing. The present situation calls for more awareness, proper and information on these critical ethical issues in drug testing, both for clinicians, other healthcare professionals involved in drug testing and for patients in medical treatment for ADHD. The pitfalls of immunoassays due to cross-reactivity and insufcient specifcity/sensitivity can have serious negative consequences for patients with regard to incorrect laboratory drug-testing results. Consequently, confrmatory laboratory analysis should always be performed for ‘presumptive’ positive immunoassay screening results.

Keywords Attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder · Drug testing · Immunoassay · False positive · Public health ethics

Introduction At the same time, the use of immunoassays (‘quick tests’) for screening of drug use has increased considerably, par- Worldwide attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ticularly in the USA with an overall 14,000-fold increase and afects 4–8% of children and 3–5% of adults worldwide for general practice a 8700-fold increase during 2000–2009 (Fayyad et al. 2007; Giacobini et al. 2014) many of whom (Collen 2012). However, this increase may even be under- receive pharmacological treatment. A Swedish register- estimated as the data originate from specifc procedural based study found that 80% of patients with an ADHD diag- codes used to bill the United States Medicare and private nosis received at least one prescription for ADHD medica- insurance for medical procedures. We assume that this is a tion (Giacobini et al. 2014). During the last two decades, global trend; however, to our knowledge there is an absence the medical use of to treat ADHD has increased of systematic registration of the use of immunoassays for worldwide (Karlstad et al. 2016; van den Ban et al. 2010). point-of-care drug testing in most countries. Due to the rise in both the (often lifelong) use of ADHD medications and the general use of drug testing, they are a * Torben Breindahl [email protected] population with a high prevalence for routine drugs-of-abuse testing as part of roadside drug testing to screen drivers 1 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Aalborg University under the infuence of drugs, at emergency departments and Hospital, Mølleparkvej 10, Aalborg DK‑9000, Denmark somatic and psychiatric hospitals where immunoassay test- 2 Department of Clinical Biochemistry, North Denmark ing is used extensively, in military services, in the primary Regional Hospital, Bispensgade 37, Hjørring DK‑9800, health sector for diagnostic purposes, in prisons, in doping Denmark

Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 334 C. M. Jensen, T. Breindahl testing, and as part of drug testing. Since ADHD food and drink ingredients or endogenous compounds; (3) is associated with a higher risk of developing substance use are seldom documented properly in logbooks data and disorders (Ottosen et al. 2016), drug testing of these patients patient’s medical records; (4) do not test for new psychoac- may also be more likely, compared to the general population. tive substances; (5) are often used by non-medically trained As we will discuss in the following, it is crucial that personnel; (6) are poorly understood and difcult to interpret immunoassays are used with the appropriate caution and even by healthcare professionals; and (7) are not system- consideration. We will focus our attention to drug testing atically followed by confrmatory analysis because proper for concurrent use of amphetamine. In this paper, we will guidelines may not be implemented. However, these draw- argue that: backs are often not realised by the personnel that carry out the testing at rehabilitation centres, psychiatric hospitals, • While the use of immunoassays may have some bene- emergency departments, prisons or in the primary health fts, they have serious limitations related to risk of ‘false sector (Reisfeld et al. 2007a, c). All aspects discussed above positive’ results, the risk of overlooking comorbid sub- are valid for testing of various biological matrices: , stance use and problems of correct interpretation even by , oral fuid, sweat, and exhaled breath condensate. healthcare professionals. To illustrate our concern, workplace drug testing can be • Personnel in charge of handling immunoassays should be used. Even though workplace drug testing in the USA has educated and informed about the proper use of immuno- been performed under strict legislation since the late 1980s, assays and most importantly about their limitations. guidelines and testing procedures have still not been fully • Patients should be informed about how their prescribed implemented in many parts of the world including several medication may afect screening results. European countries (Pierce 2012). • ‘Presumptive positive’ screening results should be sys- tematically followed up by confrmatory testing, in order Confrmatory analysis to secure patient safety and to improve decision making. • More research is needed on patterns of cross-reactivity It is an essential principle that fnal ‘positive’ drug-test- for new immunoassays, and proper clinical evaluations ing results should be confrmed in a laboratory with gas should be performed on authentic samples. or liquid chromatography coupled to (GC–MS, LC–MS). These analytical techniques, which are Issues with ADHD, and doping control for stimulants used extensively in forensic and clinical toxicology, provide have been reviewed elsewhere (Hickey and Fricker 1999) the most accurate and unequivocal results for drug and drug and will not be included in our discussion as doping testing metabolite identifcation and quantifcation. While a number procedures are internationally standardised and performed of factors cause ‘false negative’ confrmatory drug-testing with confrmatory methods at laboratories accredited by the results, avoidance of ‘false positive’ results is generally World Anti-doping Agency. Forensic laboratories may use thought to be of greater importance. ‘False positive’ con- immunoassays for pre-screening purposes, but fnal results frmatory results could be caused by various pre-analytical, are always based on reference methods according to forensic analytical and post-analytical errors caused by the sampler, toxicology laboratory guidelines. the operator, the apparatus or information technology sys- tems. However, when errors occur, they are not related to the analytical principle of the confrmatory method per se The potential consequences of drug (chromatography and mass spectrometry). screening with immunoassays: general Confrmatory analysis often involves shipment of a sam- considerations ple specimen by mail; hence a delay in time to receive the fnal analytical report must be expected. Therefore, immu- While there may be good reasons to make rational use of noassays fulfl the need for point-of-care testing and fast immunoassays for various purposes, it is crucial that the results, but too often samples may not be forwarded for con- strengths and limitations of these tests are fully acknowl- frmatory analysis. edged. Although immunoassays are relatively inexpensive, When not used with the necessary knowledge and pre- easy and practical to use, the limitations and intrinsic errors cautions, immunoassays represent a risk for patient safety of this technique for drug testing have been known for dec- regarding the correctness of laboratory results. Thus, non- ades, with numerous, published cases in the literature (Moe- confrmed immunoassay results can misinform clinicians ller et al. 2008; Reisfeld et al. 2009; Saitman et al. 2014). and even cause a risk when drug-testing results are used dur- Among the pitfalls immunoassays (1) do not identify the ing judicial decisions. Note that the issues discussed here for compounds that cause ‘presumptive positive’ results; (2) ADHD medicines are very similar to the controversy over show ‘false positives’ due to cross reactions with medicines,

1 3 Patients in medical treatment for attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Are they… 335 urine drug testing in pain management monitoring (McMil- result should be expected. Also, it is important that they lin et al. 2013; Reisfeld et al. 2007b). acknowledge that it is not possible, from the immunoas- Next we will outline what is known about commonly say technique alone, to discern whether the tested person prescribed ADHD medication, the risk of cross-reactivity is positive due to administration of licensed medicines or causing ‘false positive’ results when using immunoassays. illegal amphetamine use or both. We also discuss potential consequences for both the clinician Another important issue relates to whether or not clini- and the patient, when knowledge about how ADHD medica- cians can rely on confrmatory analyses to discern whether tions interact with drug-testing results is limited. a positive test result may be caused by use of illegal amphetamine drugs. It does remain a challenge for labo- ratories to distinguish use of legal medicinal drugs from ADHD medication and the risk of ‘false drugs of an illegal origin. In the case of amphetamine, positives’ using immunoassays this would call for chiral (enantiomeric) analysis in order to separate the two optical isomers: dextroamphetamine Today, a range of medications is used to treat ADHD. For [S-(+)-amphetamine, the pharmacologically most active the purpose of simplicity, we will divide the medications enantiomer] and levoamphetamine [R-(−)-amphetamine, into amphetamine-based drugs (e.g. dexamphetamine and the less active enantiomer]. Providing evidence whether lisdexamfetamine) and non-amphetamine-based drugs (ato- a patient has supplemented a prescribed legal drug dose moxetine, bupropion, clonidine, guanfacine, methylpheni- with ‘street-grade’ amphetamine is possible, but interpre- date and modafnil). As we will describe below, it can be tation depends on the composition of illegal amphetamine anticipated that compliant patients treated with ampheta- found in the specifc location (which may not be acces- mine-based drugs will screen positive for amphetamine on sible) and the enantiomeric composition on the drug pre- immunoassays, while the risk of screening positive when scribed in each specifc case. If the prescribed drug is pure treated with non-amphetamine-based drugs may be less S-(+)-amphetamine, then detection of R-(−)-amphetamine evident. (above a certain R/S ratio) may suggest use of ampheta- ‘False positive’ drug screening results for amphetamine mine from an illegal source (Nystrom et al. 2005). A have also been associated with use of other drugs and herbal pharmacokinetic study has also shown the applicability foods (Baron et al. 2011; Dadlani et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2015; of enantiomer compositions in the assessment of ‘time Marin et al. 2016; Olsen et al. 1992; Papa et al. 1997; Pav- since dose’ or discrimination between amphetamine from letic and Pao 2014; Vorce et al. 2011). This also includes pharmaceutical sources and illicit amphetamine (Cody case reports for common drugs, e.g. aripiprazole (Kaplan et al. 2004). et al. 2015) and metformin (Fucci 2012). In addition, meth- In cases where an ADHD patient is accused of drug use amphetamine is metabolised to amphetamine in vivo and is of illicit amphetamine or non-compliance, chiral analysis in fact an expected fnding after ingestion of this drug. of various matrices may allow for (1) diferentiation of the use of legal drugs from illicit amphetamine; (2) assess- Drug testing and amphetamine‑based medication ment of non-compliance; and (3) of self-medi- cation with illicit amphetamine. However, chiral analysis Patients treated with or lisdexamfetamine will of amphetamines is not a routine in neither clinical nor generally have positive screening results for amphetamine forensic drug testing. It may be difcult to fnd a labora- when using both immunoassays and confrmatory testing, tory to provide this analytical service, not to mention the except for very dilute urine samples, where the concentration challenge of interpreting such complex data. may be lower than the confrmatory cutof level. We believe Nevertheless, patients and clinicians should be aware that patients should be informed about this, so they can pre- of the existence of such methodologies for urine, blood or pare themselves for potential encounters with drug testing. testing that may be applicable to monitor compliance This could be by notifying a future employer beforehand of of medication with amphetamine-based medical drugs and likely test outcomes or carrying with them a certifcate for in some cases also distinguish amphetamine in pharma- medication. This is important, as drugs containing amphet- ceutical drugs from illicit amphetamine (Binz et al. 2017). amines or drugs metabolising to amphetamine in vivo do Immunoassays for stereospecifc analysis of amphetamines not reveal this by their common brand names, and therefore in urine have been marketed, but these have not been criti- patients may not be able to foresee their risk status in drug- cally evaluated, and we do not advice to use the products. testing situations. On the contrary, clinicians should contact biochemistry It is equally important that the personnel perform- laboratories for guidance on the best choice of analyti- ing the screening tests on patients treated with amphet- cal services and expertise in post-analytical interpreta- amine-based ADHD medications knows that a positive tion of results, and laboratory personnel in charge of drug

1 3 336 C. M. Jensen, T. Breindahl testing must be committed to carry out this task in order Cross‑reactivity of bupropion to improve ADHD patients’ safety. The systematic search identifed one review and fve original Drug testing and non‑amphetamine‑based studies (see Table 1) that all reported on the cross-reactivity medication of bupropion and its principal metabolites in immunoassays for amphetamine. Thus, based on the review of fndings, we In this section, we will turn to a discussion of the non- believe that patients treated with bupropion are at high risk amphetamine-based drugs. As mentioned, these include for being falsely tested positive for amphetamines during methylphenidate, which is among the most commonly pre- initial drug screening. Cross-reactivity by immunoassays can scribed medical drugs used to treat ADHD in both children, generally be explained as a signal generated by analytes with adolescents and adults (Giacobini et al. 2014). similarity in chemical structure. In the case of bupropion, We conducted a rapid evidence review in PubMed the the alpha-methylphenylamine structure is changed by the 16th of March 2018, in order to identify any studies that presence of a chlorine atom on the aromatic ring, an oxo reported on ‘false positive’ amphetamine immunoassay group and a bulky tert-butyl radical on the amino group. screening results with relation to either atomoxetine, bupro- It is not possible to assess the risk of cross-reactivity by pion, clonidine, guanfacine, methylphenidate or modafnil.1 simple reasoning based on chemical structures. Laboratory The search returned 44 results of which nine studies were tests must be performed carefully using drug free matrices relevant. The reference lists of the nine relevant studies were spiked with reference solutions of drugs and metabolites in also searched, in order to identify any relevant studies that the concentrations found in authentic samples. could have been missed. In total, we identifed one study concerning atomoxetine, six studies concerning bupropion, Cross‑reactivity of methylphenidate and three studies concerning methylphenidate. No studies were found concerning clonidine, guanfacine or modafnil. In the search, we identifed two studies relating to the risk The results are summarised in Table 1. of cross-reactivity of methylphenidate in amphetamine drug screening. One single study has reported methylphenidate Cross‑reactivity of atomoxetine as cause of ‘false positive’ amphetamine screening results (Manzi et al. 2002). Urine samples, originally screened We identifed one study concerning atomoxetine and ‘false negative for amphetamine, were spiked with a solution positive’ screening results on immunoassays. The study prepared from crushed tablets containing methylphenidate. was based on a single case report (Fenderson et al. 2013). The spiked samples were retested and found positive at According to the World Health , single case the 200 ng/ml concentration level using an immunoassay studies represent the lowest level of evidence (WHO 2000). method. In a commentary, this procedure was questioned, as Single, unexplained events could arise from food ingredi- it is not a good practice to spike urine samples with solutions ents, herbal medicines, endogenous molecules, other drugs made from crushed tablets (Breindahl and Hindersson 2012). or metabolites. Since this single case report has not been The same year, three commercial oral fuid immunoassays supported by supplemental studies, and considering that for amphetamine were evaluated and no cross-reactivity atomoxetine is not a new type of medication, at present was found for methylphenidate even at high concentrations the evidence is insufcient to support a substantial risk of (Souza et al. 2012). The authors regretted this since they screening ‘false positive’ for amphetamines on immunoas- argued for the need to screen for use of ‘amphetamine-type says in patients treated with atomoxetine. However, in the stimulants’ in Brazilian drivers and methylphenidate was absence of high-quality and systematic studies of potential considered belonging to this drug group. Cross-reactivity cross-reactivity of atomoxetine on screening instruments, it was in this concept considered as a positive feature, if it in is premature to make fnal conclusions. fact would take place. Methylphenidate and its major metabolite (ritalinic acid) are not connected by any metabolic pathways to other drugs- of-abuse, including amphetamine. However, there is a per- sistent myth that methylphenidate cannot be distinguished 1 Search string used in Pubmed the 16th of March from amphetamine in drug testing. We fnd no solid - 2018: ((((((((("Guanfacine"[Mesh] OR guanfacine)) OR lished evidence to support that urine samples from patients ("Clonidine"[Mesh] OR clonidine)) OR ("Bupropion"[Mesh] OR using methylphenidate are at risk for ‘false positive’ testing bupropion)) OR ("Atomoxetine Hydrochloride"[Mesh] OR atomox- for amphetamine when using immunoassays. As for atomox- etine)) OR ("Methylphenidate"[Mesh] OR methylphenidate))) AND ((" Detection"[Mesh]) OR ("Immunoassay"[Mesh] etine, we recommend that high-quality research is conducted OR immunoassay)))) AND (amphetamine). concerning the risk of cross-reactivity and methylphenidate

1 3 Patients in medical treatment for attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Are they… 337 2012 ) 128 out of 10,011) by an EMIT immunoassay, revealed 41% revealed an EMIT immunoassay, 128 out of 10,011) by = liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry chromatography/mass – MS liquid of tonic–clonic seizure. She was prescribed with daily doses of 40 mg atomoxetine per day and had taken 120 mg 12 h prior and had taken presenta to - per day prescribed doses of 40 mg atomoxetine with daily She was seizure. of tonic–clonic confrmed not by was (CEDIA), which result screening immunoassay a positive for except tion. All performed negative, drug were tests drugs. of The blood concentration illicit drugs,over-the-counter taken herbal medications or any have She denied to GC–MS analysis. 2013 ) et al. (Fenderson analysed not and metabolites was atomoxetine and Linder 2000 ) 1995 ; Weintraub but confrmatory toxicology emergency during drug a routine monoclonal EMIT II immunoassay, using an automated amines’ screen and three confrmbupropion did not detection thisby array fnding. Cross-reactivity and photo-diode chromatographic with testing liquid that typical doses of The authors suggested with cross-react the to EMIT II immunoassay. and found furthermetabolites were investigated 1995 ) et al. (Nixon results screening amphetamine positives’ cause ‘false sufcient metabolites to generate may bupropion urine routine collected on the samples 9th and 12th day started 100 mg b.i.d. Two medication bupropion on bupropion She was negative. GC– confrmatory by analyses However, when using an immunoassay. amphetamines after starting for the positive medication screened drug when positive screening clinical implications thenegative potential The authors for amphetamines. warned for negative MS were and Linder 2000 ) prior released are results running to confrmatory (Weintraub analysis and amphetamine for negative confrmatory (CEDIA) at a hospital. was (GC–MS, LC–MS) Subsequent immunoassay automated analysis thehad been dou - aid cessation. During the patient to dosage used by theweek last was which bupropion, for LSD, but positive - concentra at diferent tested metabolites) were with or LSD Urine (but not bupropion spiked samples per day. 300 mg bupropion bled to positive were results 1%, but the assay below far LSD thewas For bupropion. cross-reactivity for cross-reactivity tions and demonstrated in the and Skripuletz patients urine 2007 ) (Vidal prescription use of bupropion in relation to the samples which failed to be confrmed positive by GC–MS analysis (Casey et al. 2011 ) et al. (Casey GC–MS analysis by be confrmed to positive failed prescription the to in relation which samples use of bupropion (Reidy (ELISA) immunosorbent assay an -linked for kit, but negative an immunoassay for results screening and 2011 ) et al. ing methylphenidate. The spiked samples were retested and found positive at the 200 ng/ml concentration level using an immunoassay using an immunoassay at the level 200 ng/ml concentration positive and found retested were samples The spiked ing methylphenidate. 2002 ) (Manzi et al. method high concentrations (Souza et al. 2012 ) (Souza et al. high concentrations A female (27 years) with past medical history of ADHD presented to the emergency department withmedical history theafter past to of ADHD presented emergency a reoccurring (27 years) A female episode of acute onset et al. mentioned (Nixon were bupropion to with studies relevance urine 2010 ), two et al. (Brahm screens positive’ on ‘false In a review Description and references Case studies - ‘amphet for positive found was 3 weeks) A male with history (for of polydrug use and with a prescribed per day dose of 300 mg bupropion on admission was screen Her urine depression. toxicology unit with severe psychiatric an inpatient admitted to was (66 years) A woman with on arriving seizures and LSD amphetamines when using an An unconscious male (50 years), for at the hospital, positive screened urine amphetamine drug ( N screens positive’ of ‘false study A retrospective A laboratory study investigated the cross-reactivity of bupropion and three metabolites. The results showed ‘false positive’ amphetamine amphetamine positive’ ‘false and three showed metabolites. theof bupropion The results cross-reactivity A laboratory investigated study – Urine samples, initially screened negative for amphetamine, were spiked with a solution prepared from solutions of crushed with from a solution prepared spiked tablets contain - were amphetamine, for negative screened Urine initially samples, – laboratorypractical The the and thisof theof conclusion study procedures authors criticisedbeen later has and Hindersson (Breindahl Three commercial oral fuid immunoassays for amphetamine were evaluated and no cross-reactivity was found for methylphenidate even at even methylphenidate for found was and no cross-reactivity evaluated were amphetamine for fuid immunoassays oral commercial Three – - ‘ampheta for results positive’ mines’ - ‘ampheta for results positive’ - (amphetamine/meth mines’ and LSDamphetamine) - ‘ampheta for results positive’ study, in a single mines’ found another study however, oral for no cross-reactivity fuid testing ‘Cross-reactivity’ in immuno - ‘Cross-reactivity’ drug screening used for assays Reported to cause ‘false Reported cause ‘false to Reported cause ‘false to Not reported Not Not reported Not Reported to cause ‘false Reported cause ‘false to Not reported Not List of drugs used in medical treatment of attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and their ‘cross-reactivity’ in immunoassays (ADHD) and their of drugsdisorder ‘cross-reactivity’ List of attention defcit/hyperactivity used in medical treatment 1 Table Drug substance name enzyme multiplied immunoassay technique, LSD technique, EMIT enzyme multiplied immunoassay immunosorbent assay, enzyme-linked ELISA CEDIA cloned enzyme donor immunoassay, disorder, ADHD attention defcit/hyperactivity LC spectrometry, chromatography/mass GC – MS gas acid diethylamide, lysergic Atomoxetine Bupropion Clonidine Guanfacine Methylphenidate Modafnil

1 3 338 C. M. Jensen, T. Breindahl treatment. Unfortunately, the biased conclusion by Manzi lists of cross-reactivity may be comprehensive at the time of et al. has found its way into the Summary of Product Char- assay validation (products from the large manufacturers of acteristics (SPCs) for methylphenidate drugs worldwide laboratory assays), such lists may not be updated regularly causing further confusion and controversies as this misin- with new medical drugs and new psychoactive substances; formation continues to be communicated directly to both (4) claims of cross-reactivity may not be valid for diferent prescribers and users of the drug causing anecdotes that may batches of anti-body based techniques; (5) drug concentra- persist for decades. tions causing cross-reactivity and positive results depend In summary, the only non-amphetamine-based drug on the cutof of the assay in a nonlinear manner; and (6) where we have substantial evidence of a risk of ‘false posi- although it is clinical relevant that the manufacturers provide tive’ results is bupropion. However, when proper confrma- updated information on the performance of immunoassays, tory methods are used that are regarded as mandatory in we acknowledge that this is a costly and time-consuming urine drug testing (Taskinen et al. 2017), substances such task, which explains the lack of information from suppliers as bupropion or methylphenidate will not be mistaken of the numerous products for on-site testing. for amphetamine or visa versa, nor will they mask use of amphetamines (Breindahl and Hindersson 2012). We do, The role of the clinical laboratory however, note that only few studies have looked at the cross- reactivity between non-amphetamine-based drugs used in Clinical chemists and specialists in laboratory medicine may ADHD treatment and amphetamine screening. In future, we have the best understanding of the limitations of screening recommend that studies should be set up to systematically tests in general, the technical aspects of running such assays evaluate the issue further, in order to provide more robust in a clinical laboratory or in point-of-care testing as well as results, from which guidelines can be developed. the interpretational elements. However, due to the controver- Lack of awareness about the fact that the majority of non- sies outlined above a strong professional communication and amphetamine-based drugs will not return positive results interaction within the networks of patients, clinicians and for amphetamine use could have at least two negative con- colleagues is essential. Thus, we identify a need for clini- sequences. First, patients prescribed with, e.g. methylphe- cal laboratory professionals to step into a more active and nidate may fear being falsely accused of amphetamine drug educational role and be involved in the moral and ethical use, which could lead to discontinuation of treatment. One of issues of drug screening. It is the potential punitive conse- the authors (CMJ) is a board member at the Danish ADHD quences of ‘presumptive positive’ drugs-of-abuse screening patient organisation and experiences that members specif- results that are the main cause of concern and makes it dif- cally express fear of this. They express being in a dilemma ferent from other clinical screening tests. Thus, unexpected about, on the one hand wishing to continue treatment to or unusual drug fndings for a patient—also for confrmatory harvest the benefts of the medicine, and on the other hand results—should always be questioned in search for a correct considering discontinuing treatment due to fear of criminali- interpretation with full consideration to the patients’ medical sation, false accusations, losing privileges, etc. Another history and prescription drug list. risk is that ‘true positive’ results for amphetamine may be misinterpreted and disregarded as being the result of legiti- mate methylphenidate or atomoxetine treatment, thus poten- Conclusion tially overlooking comorbid substance use. While drug testing has its benefts and can be justifed in cer- The lack of a valid or updated cross‑reactivity list tain clinical situations, we have outlined some critical, ethi- from manufactures cal aspects that needs more attention in both clinical practice and research. The risks for ADHD patients of being falsely A list of true negative and positive interactions for immu- accused of drug abuse or discriminated in cases relating to noassays would be of beneft in an ideal clinical setting. workplace, education, and medical treatment are evident in However, it is characteristic for immunoassays in drugs-of- particular for patients who are prescribed amphetamine- abuse testing that (1) only a limited number of structure- based medications, prodrugs that release amphetamine when related drugs are included in the manufacturer’s valida- metabolised and bupropion. On the other hand, knowledge tion, mostly performed on drug free matrices spiked with about the lack of evidence of cross-reactivity, for example the drugs, but not always with the major metabolites; (2) for methylphenidate and atomoxetine, is important for those authentic clinical samples may hold concentrations of drugs who handle the tests, to avoid overlooking potential use and drug metabolites that are much higher than the specimen of non-prescribed amphetamine. We believe that our line tested during validation, so that the assay does not func- of argumentation calls for more attention to ensuring that tion correctly; (3) even in cases where the manufacturer’s patients are educated about their medication. In addition,

1 3 Patients in medical treatment for attention defcit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Are they… 339 there is a need to inform professionals who administer Fayyad J et al (2007) Cross-national prevalence and correlates of adult immunoassays about the patterns of cross-reactivity and attention-defcit hyperactivity disorder. Br J Psychiatry 190:402– 409. https​://​9 that all ‘presumptive positive’ screening results should be Fenderson JL, Stratton AN, Domingo JS, Matthews GO, Tan CD supplemented by confrmatory analysis at a clinical labo- (2013) Amphetamine positive urine toxicology screen secondary ratory. With the use of modern laboratory information to atomoxetine. Case Rep Psychiatry, Article ID 381261. https​:// systems, such requisitions should be made automatically.​1 Fucci N (2012) False positive results for amphetamine in urine of a Finally, more research, critical evaluation and validation are patient with diabetes mellitus. 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