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THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 37, Number 2 Thursday, January 21, 2021 Stories From the Front Lines by Kim Nowatzke Editor’s note — This is the fi rst in a series of articles over the next few months exploring life in LaPorte County since the COVID-19 pandemic. As we begin the new year, there’s no denying how COVID-19 impacted, infl uenced and infi ltrated 2020. The many ways it affected our everyday life, health and health care, economy, careers, family life and so much more. The Beacher spoke with four area residents – all essential workers, three of whom contracted the virus — to hear their COVID-19 stories. With candid honesty, these locals shared their journeys and especially their hopes for 2021. Senior Life During A Pandemic In her job at Rittenhouse Village at Michigan tential families and residents about Rittenhouse, City, Stefanie Olson, 50, can certainly be consid- including the benefi ts and features there. ered an essential worker, as COVID hit the senior “Limitations of one-on-one contact for on-site population, particularly those in long-term care or tours and keeping 6 feet apart have been challeng- assisted-living facilities, the hardest. In her past 10 ing at times when many need to capture the whole years as a senior lifestyle counselor at Rittenhouse, feel of the package using all their fi ve senses,” Olson and with 22 years of experience in marketing for as- said. “However, with some creative juices and fl exi- sisted-living facilities, 2020 brought on novel chal- bility with shoppers, the job still gets done.
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