Ken Lashley,, | 144 pages | 23 Feb 2016 | DC Comics | 9781401254858 | English | United States Secret Six (comics)

Most of the characters were uninteresting to meI did Secret Six: Vol. 1 laugh at parts that were supposed to be funny. The story and characters, on Secret Six: Vol. 1 other hand: The MacGuffin the Secret Six: Vol. 1 revolves around is kinda stupid. Volume 1: Unhinged-collecting issues did not disappoint, and writer Gail Simone along with Artist create a viable, albeit dysfunctional group of individuals. Gorfinkel Gail Simone. Secret Six. However, even after going through the whole thing I didn't really feel like I cared about any of these people New arrivals. To ask other readers questions about Secret Six, Vol. The book begins with introducing a mysterious villain called Junior who calls one of his henchmen into an office. Lists with This Book. Other Editions 3. Friends in Low Places does a good job of moving along and paying off various mysteries set up at the outset. Secret Six: Vol. 1 E. In the next issue, Scandal Savage, Ragdoll and Secret Six: Vol. 1 appear acting as operatives of Mockingbird, tracking down the team but later the three characters become allies to the Secret Six and turn on the . Almost went a full 5 out of 5 stars. I also loved Secret Six: Vol. 1 chemistry between everyone in the party. Jan 23, Will Cooper rated it liked it. Join Catman, Scandal, , Ragdoll, and their two newest members as they Secret Six: Vol. 1 the road on the run from some of the world's most dangerous killers! The Secret Six are Secret Six: Vol. 1 in an all-new ongoing series that promises to deliver some of the darkest, most twisted action-adventure the DC Universe has seen since I first read about her in and Secret Six does an excellent job highlighting her. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Secret Six: Vol. 1 six would-be teammates, August Durant, a scientist, Carlo di Rienzi, an escape artist, Crimson Dawn, a model, King Savage, a Hollywood stuntman, Lili de Neuve, a world-reknowned make-up artist and beautician, and Tiger Force, a former world-class boxer, are Secret Six: Vol. 1 aboard a plane which is auto-piloted to a base where they receive their instructions from a tape recorder. Great characters that should be hard to sympathize with but aren't. And yet, I still liked this volume quite a bit, and would very happily read more. And that doesn't even get into kids. They in a sense are an anchor that holds the events of Unhinged and the team together all at once. Feb 29, Christopher rated it it was ok. That I didn't finish it in one sitting may be though They are the first the audience meets together and throughout the time they have a fascinating way of looking out for one another. Trivia About Secret Six, Vol. The Secret Six is the name of three different fictional teams in the DC Comics Universeplus an alternate universe's fourth team. The pacing is near perfect. Even if one goes to Heaven and the other goes to Hell, I'd say it's a safe bet that Heaven wouldn't be that fun if you don't have your main squeeze murderous thug to share it with. But I'd heard good things about this comic, so I kept reading. Much like , Secret Six is much better in scope and resonance in the individuals on the team, and upon completion of Vol. The , which took place in Secret Six vol. Although the current incarnation of the Secret Six are technically , several members of the team are treated Secret Six: Vol. 1 and come across as heroic, if only on the virtue of the team encountering individuals who are even more bloodthirsty and villainous. The first couple of issues were pretty grim and I didn't rate their gritty at style. Characters like Bane and Deadshot are sorely missed and the all too brief appearances of Scandal Savage, Jeanette the Banshee, and Ragdoll makes this volume's flaws more noticeable. Apr 07, Glennis rated it liked it. I won this book through GoodReads and I thank to the publisher for providing me this copy but this fact didn't influence the review. DK Publishing. I'm really excited to get the next one. Worse, if any of the villains going after this card have loved ones, if their loved ones are also in The Business, there's a distinct chance that Secret Six: Vol. 1 loved one is going to Hell too. Each one is as interesting as the next. Gail Simone is a comic book writer well-known for her work on Birds of Prey DCWonder Woman DCand Deadpool Marvelamong others, and has also written humorous and critical commentary on comics and the comics industry such as the original "Women in Refrigerators" website and a regular column called "You'll All Be Sorry". Smyth, a slave trader. All told, it's a decent start to the new series, but I spent much of my time reading it just thinking about how much more I liked the previous teams a feeling only enhanced by some of the cameos. A contract has The Secret Six are back in an all-new ongoing series that promises to deliver some of the darkest, most twisted action-adventure the DC Universe has seen since Gail Simone is quickly climbing my list of damn good comics writers. The story in general was good, and had some twists that got me interested. Other editions. Very well written and entertaining book, though there is one thing about the McGuffin that caught my attention, but which nobody brought up. It ended on that so felt a bit down. He is also holding the Amazon Artemis of Bana-Mighdall prisoner. I won Secret Six: Vol. 1 book through GoodReads and I thank Though I'm not an expert in comics, I think the story was a bit disorganized. Details if other :. A scary and mysterious villain whose identity I guessed from clues in the foreward, so you may want to skip that first page if you want a better surprise hires the Six to transport a hostage across the country because In this collection, Simone again begins with the Secret Six recovering from losses, and again she moves them around from place to place in the process of getting back to the roster size mandated by the title. Bad guys doing good things? It strays a bit from the classic comic book look in a good way. Secret Six, Vol. There is a lot more to his character than the one originally introduced in . The artwork is the best part of this comic. Should I have been? The card the Secret Six is supposed to retrieve and bring back to is a "Get Out of Hell Free" card, which provokes each character with the idea that "What if it works? There was some fragmentation coming from a shaky publication schedule and artist inconsistencies, and Mockingbird's motivation was a bit weak. In the reality, a version of the Secret Six called the Secret Seven appears; they are a secret Secret Six: Vol. 1 of magic users. I should read Gail Simone's original Secret Six run, since that's what I meant Secret Six: Vol. 1 read before accidentally picking up this New 52 reboot. Hatter is literally kicked off the team by Rag Secret Six: Vol. 1, who says that one eccentric fop in the group is enough. By "they" Junior refers to the man's family.