Ash Beds and Soils in the Rotorua District
VUCETICH AND PULLAR: SOILS 65 The Rotomahana shower was a most un- Salisb.); III, Effect of temperatuJ'e and soH usual volcanic event, but nevertheless strik- conditions. Aust. J. Bot. 7: 279-294. ingly demonstrated the resilience of indigen- CRANWELL,L. M., and MOORE,L. 8., 1936.1 The occur.' ous vegetation. rence of kauri in montane forest on Te Moe- hau. N.z. J. Sci. Tech. 18: 531-543. I Ash showers may not always have becn KIRK. T., 1872. Notes on the flora of the Like district catastrophic for vegetation, and even where of the"North' Island. Trans. N.Z. Il1st. 5: 322- forest may have been obliterated by ash 345. I flows a return may not invariably have MASTERS, S. E., HOLLOWAY,J. T., and MsKELVEY"P. involved a long time and protracted plant J., 1957. The national forest survey (1 New Zea- successions. Long-lasting changes may be land, 1955, Vol. 1. Gavt. Printer, Wellington. considered probable only where soils werc MILLENER,L. H., 1953. How old is the velgetation on radically changed. Rangitoto Island? Rept. 2nd Ann.1 Mtg., N.z. Ecot. Soc. 17-18. REFERENCES NICHOLLS,J. L., 1959. The volcanic erupiions of Mt. BIELESKI,R. L., 1959. Factors affecting growth and Tarawera and Lake Rotomahana Imd effects distribution of kauri (Agathis australis on surrounding forests. N2. J. For. ,8: 133-142. ASH BEDS AND SOILS IN THE ROTORUA DISTRICT C. G. VUCETICH and W. A. PULLAR Soil Bureau, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Christchurch: and Whakatane INTRODUCTION Named Beds , Tarawera scoria (and Rotomahana mud) erupted During the Late Quaternary, volcanic 1886 Kaharoa Ash 810+ 70' eruptions of the explosive or paroxysmal Taupo Pumice 1700+ 1501 type (Taylor, 1953) occurred in the central Taupo Subgroup, members 9-13 North Island about centres, which for con- Waimihia Ash 3420:t:70' Rotokawau Ash venience, are designated Okataina, Waita- Whakatane Ash hanui, Maroa, and Tokaanu (Fig.
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