Of a meeting of Dean and Shelton Parish Council held in Dalton Hall, on Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Present at the Meeting: Councillors: Cllr R Ward (Chairman), Cllr S Brett, Cllr J Gamblen, Cllr S Morrow, Cllr D Rostant, Cllr J Wells

In Attendance: Mr R Grasmeder (Clerk)

Requests for Information There were no requests for information

1) Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Rostant due to work commitments. 2) Disclosures of interest by members (and employees) in items on the agenda: Cllr Gamblen declared an interest in Item 6a and left the room while it was discussed. 3) Minutes of Meeting 3 October 2018: With the agreement of all those present the above minutes were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 4) Appointment of a Representative to the Dalton Charity: On a proposal by Cllr Morrow seconded by Cllr Brett, Cllr Ward was unanimously appointed as the third representative to the Dalton Charity. 5) Finance: a) The Budget for 2019/2020 was discussed and various suggestions made. Further discussions regarding the impact on the precept will take place at the next meeting and Cllrs will give further consideration during this period. b) A grant application of £200 from Honeycomb parish magazine was discussed and it was resolved that it was approved. c) A grant application for £1000 towards insulation and electrical work received from the Dalton Charity was discussed and it was resolved that it was approved in principle subject to the payment of the associated grant from the Chelveston Wind Farm Trust. d) Accounts for Payment – The following accounts were approved for payment: i. Ambulance Service replacement defibrillator battery & pads invoice 8111307 - £375.60 (Public Health Act 1936 s234) ii. D&H Signs - speed signs invoice 6804 - £444 (Highways Act 1980 ss47,116) 6) Planning a) Application 18/02715/FUL – Proposed dwelling and parking – Stanmore Cottage – Brook Lane, Upper Dean was discussed and it was resolved that the Council would comment regarding the use of permeable paving in a flood prone area. b) Application 18/02612/FUL – Access track to barn conversion – Elm Farm, High Street, was discussed and it was resolved that the Council would object as there was already suitable access, the proposed acces will give rise to additional traffic and the access is in agricultural are with no other development.


7) Correspondence – None 8) Speeding and Police Matters: a) The provision of speed indicator devices following receipt of information from Melchbourne Parish Council was discussed. The Clerk was asked to ascertain whether the supplier would attend a meeting. Cllrs will check potential locations. b) It was noted that speed warning signs had been received and placed at various locations. c) The revised date (20/11/2018) for the Police Priority Setting Meeting was noted. 9) Highways and Drainage: a) A communication from Highways regarding work to Brook Lane & Shay Lane was discussed. It was noted that some work had already been carried out but that had uncovered futher damaged pipework which would have to be repaired. b) Notification of temporary road closure on B645 has been received. Cllr Gamblen has been in communication with Bedford B.C. Highways regarding ensuring that diverted vehicles do not go through Lower Dean and will ask for a sign to be placed at the junction of Shadbolt Hill and the B645. c) A meeting on site with a potential installer for a traffic mirror at the junction of Shay Lane and the High Street is to be arranged. 10) Items for Information: a) The agreement of dates for meetings in 2019 was held over pendingascertaining the date of the Local Council elections. b) Date for next meeting 5 December 2018 at Dalton Hall, Upper Dean commencing at 7.30pm. c) The Chairman closed the meeting at 21.15.

Signed by Cllr R Ward (Chairman)

at the meeting held on 5 December 2018