11 APOLOGIES Apologies:

Alan Ascott Arch Under the Bridge Larry Dack, Speke Estate Angus Tilston MBE, Wirral Transport Users Association Cllr Mary Rasmussen, Liverpool City Council Tony Rice, Disabled Persons Rep Jim Candlin, Environmental Health, West and Council Wendy Salisbury Environmental Health Halton Borough Council Ian Gaskell Environmental Health Knowsley Borough Council David King-Hele, Environmental Health, Wirral Council

In Attendance: Norman Elias, Chairman Dr Ian Rushforth, Environmental Health Liverpool City Council Cllr Malcolm Spargo, Hale Parish Council Bob Swann, LJLACC Chairman Councillor Tricia O’Brien, Liverpool City Council Phil Jones, Easy Jet

Liverpool John Lennon Airport Colin Barnes, Environmental Advisor Andrew Dutton Head of Environment Mark Swanton Environment Apprentice

Secretariat Laura Bootland, Assistant Secretary

12 CHANGES IN MEMBERSHIP The Assistant Secretary gave details of appointments and reappointments notified since the last meeting.


It was noted that Cllr Mary Rasmussen had replaced Cllr Jeremy Wolfson for Liverpool City Council, Speke and Garston Ward.


the minutes of the meeting of the Noise Monitoring Sub-Committee held on 5th April 2019 be agreed as a correct record. 14 NOISE COMPLAINTS LOG The Sub-Committee considered the Noise Complaints Log, which detailed the complaints received and the responses, for the period April 2019 to June 2019. Colin Barnes gave a presentation to members on the Noise Log which included analysis of the number of noise complaints received by date, number of complainants, administrative area and the total number of complaints compared to the previous year. He also detailed the number of engine test runs. The presentation is attached to these minutes.

During the period a total of 10,130 noise complaints had been received, although 10,081 were from one individual and 44 were not. There were also 5 general complaints.

The Sub-Committee discussed the complaints log and the different types of airport noise which could cause disturbance, including noise from different models of aircraft. It was noted that the majority of the 44 complaints were relating to runway noise. There had been no complaints relating to engine test runs.

The Sub-Committee commented on the wide geographical spread of the complaints across Liverpool and the wider region. It was confirmed that all of the complaints had been investigated and the flights in question were found to be operating within normal parameters.


the Noise Complaints Log for 1 April 2019 to 30th June 2019 be noted.

15 AIRSPACE CHANGE Andrew Dutton, Head of Environment at the Airport updated members on the process for the proposed changes to airspace at the Airport which had been triggered by the need to transition from land based navigation beacons to satellite based guidance. The land based navigation aids are being rationalised nationally by 2022.

The Sub-Committee were advised that the Stage 2 Gateway has been passed by the Civil Aviation Authority and had now been passed following some changes to the wording. The next stage is the Stage 3 Consultation. The preparation for the consultation is starting in early 2020.

The Sub-Committee were asked for suggestions of who the Airport should consult with and the bulk of the consultation will be visible on the CAA Portal and will include responses and replies.

In response to questions from the Sub-Committee, it was confirmed that the airspace change be seeking to have an overall carbon emissions improvement.


the update on airspace change be noted. 16 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION ON CIVIL AVIATION NOISE (ICCAN) Bob Swann, the Chairman of the Liverpool Airport Consultative Committee spoke to advise the Sub-Committee about the Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise (ICCAN) which provides an independent voice on civil aviation noise issues. ICCAN’s board of 5 Commissioners is headed by Robert Light, formerly the Leader of Kirklees Council.

ICCAN began work in January 2019 and followed the Government’s 2017 response to a consultation on UK airspace policy. There had been overwhelming support for a commission to be set up as it was felt that trust had broken down between the public, aviation and the aviation authority and better engagement was required with communities.

ICCAN would be an independent advisory body and not have enforcement or statutory powers and will inform future government policy.

The Commissioners have been visiting airports across the country and Liverpool Airport had been visited in June 2019.


The update on ICCAN be noted.

17 ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no business under this item.

18 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Noise Monitoring Sub-Committee is scheduled for 25th October at 10.30 a.m. in the Cavern Suite, Liverpool John Lennon Airport.



Date This page is intentionally left blank Noise Monitoring Sub Committee 19th July 2019 page 5 page Minute Annex page 6 page Noise Log April to June 2019 Liverpool John Lennon Airport rolling 15 months movements April 2018 to June 2019

Club Commercial Non Other Total Commercial 2018 April 2,009 2,570 92 101 4,772 May 2,968 2,769 102 74 5,913 June 2,615 2,552 95 119 5,381 July 2,362 2,395 107 101 4,965 August 2,180 2,752 110 113 5,155 page 7 page September 2,369 3,141 122 111 5,743 October 2,354 3,358 207 108 6,027 November 1,744 3,166 141 141 5,192 December 1,480 3,402 160 83 5,125 2019 January 1,484 2,580 177 71 4,312 February 2,453 2,579 184 66 5,282 March 2221 2820 108 59 5,208 April 2481 3023 170 71 5,745 May 2746 3285 197 113 6,341 June 2093 3272 197 94 5,656 Liverpool John Lennon Airport noise complaints by day 1st April to 30th June 2019

800 755 706 700


500 480 417

400 352 316 304 286 page 8 page 281 300 271 269268 242 236 228 218 169 206 171 183 173 170 174 177 200 159 162 120 99 144 138 139 119 122 130 120 131 101 109 113 Number of Complaints of Number 90 84 94 83 69 69 100 67 56 65 41 41 48 42 34 28 35 16 21 15 15 15 9 3 8 11 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 5 11 4 10 2 12 11 4 10 2 0

Date Liverpool John Lennon Airport noise complaints by day 1st April to 30th June 2019 without regular Warrington5 complainant




2 22 2 2 page 9 page

Number of Complaints of Number 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 1 11 11 11 1 1 1 1


Date Liverpool John Lennon Airport Complaints and Complainants for 1st April to 30th June 2019 7000


6000 Complaints Complainants


4000 3632 page 10 page 3000


1000 Number of Complaints & Complainants & Complaints of Number 389 14 6 15 0 April May June Month Liverpool John Lennon Airport complaints and complainants for 1st April to 30th June 2019 without regular25 complainant Complaints Complainants 22



15 14 13 page 11 page 10

6 5

Number of Complaints of Number 5

0 April May June Month Liverpool John Lennon Airport number of complaints and complainants from each administrative area for

1st12000 April to 30th June 2019



Complaints Complainants 8000

6000 page 12 page 4000


2 11 10 10 5 8 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0

Warrington Wirral Halton Cheshire Liverpool Cheshire Flintshire Sefton St Helens Stockport Unknown Number of Complaints & Complainants & Complaints of Number East West & Chester Administrative Area Liverpool John Lennon Airport number of complaints and complainants from each administrative area for 1st April to 30th June 2019 without regular Warrington complainant 15


10 10 10 Complaints Complainants 8

page 13 page 6 5 5 5 Number of Complaints of Number 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 Wirral Halton Cheshire Warrington Liverpool Cheshire Flintshire Sefton St Helens Stockport Unknown East West & Chester Administrative Area Liverpool John Lennon Airport percentage of complaints from each administrative area 1st April to 30th June 2019




Cheshire East page 14 page Liverpool

Cheshire West & Chester Flintshire

Sefton Liverpool John Lennon Airport percentage of complaints from each administrative area 1st April to 30th June 2019 without regular Warrington complainant

Wirral 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Halton 5% 25% 7% Warrington

Liverpool 12% page 15 page Cheshire West & Chester Flintshire 23% Sefton 18% St Helens


Unknown Liverpool John Lennon Airport operations that caused noise complaints from 1st April to 30th June

20198 without regular Warrington complainant April May June 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5

4 page 16 page 3 3 3 2 2 Number Number ofComplaints 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

0 General En Route Arrive Runway 09 Depart Runway Arrive Runway 27 Depart Runway Other Airport No Aircraft 09 27 Operation Liverpool John Lennon Airport complaints comparison for April to June 2018 & 2019

6500 6109 6000 5500 2018 5000 2018 without regular Warrington individual 2019 4500 2019 without regular Warrington individual 4000 3632 3500 page 17 page 3000 2500

2000 Number of Complaints of Number 1500 1000 553 389 380 500 147 13 16 17 6 19 22 0 April May June Month Liverpool John Lennon Airport rolling 15 month aircraft movements and number of noise complaints 7000 7000 April 2018 to TotalJune Number of Aircraft2019 Movements Number of Commercial Aircraft Movements Number of Complaints 6000 Number of Complaints W/O Regular 61096000

5000 5000

4242 4000 4000 3632 page 18 page

3000 3000 NumberofComplaints

NumberofAircraft Movements 2134 2000 2049 2000 1868 1686 1772 1425 1000 1079 1000

553 380 389 147 195 0 13 17 19 8 8 9 5 3 4 3 0 3 16 6 22 0 April-18 May-18 June-18 July-18 August-18 September- October-18 November- December- January-19 February-19 March-19 April-19 May-19 June-19 18 18 18 Month Liverpool John Lennon Airport rolling 15 month runway use and noise complaints April 2018 to June 2019 Runway 27 Runway 09 Compliaints Compliaints W/O Regular 100% 7000

90% 61096000 80%

70% 5000

60% 4242 4000 page 19 page 3632 50%


40% PercentRunwayUse

2134 NumberofComplaints 30% 2049 2000 1868 1686 1772 20% 1425 1079 1000 10% 553 380 389 147 195 0% 13 17 19 8 8 9 5 3 4 3 3 16 6 22 0 April-18 May-18 June-18 July-18 August-18 September-18 October-18 November-18 December-18 January-19 February-19 March-19 April-19 May-19 June-19

Month Liverpool John Lennon Airport Engine Test Runs 1st April to 30th June 2019

45 41 40

35 34 April May June 30


page 20 page 20 18 18 17 16

Number of Tests of Number 15 11 12 12 10 9 6 6 4 5 2 0 GA Main GA Main GA Main GA Main Idle <50% <80% FULL Test Power and Location page 21 page Annual Noise Report 2018 Annual Noise Report 2018 page 22 page Review of Aircraft Movements 2018

Club Commercial Non Other Total Commercial

2018 January 1,170 2,550 109 78 3,907 February 1,800 2,455 122 82 4,459 March 1,822 2,841 155 68 4,886 April 2,009 3,115 190 81 5,395 May 2,968 3,343 248 98 6,657 page 23 page June 2,615 3,187 144 77 6,023 July 2,362 3,322 175 100 5,959 August 2,180 3,465 188 123 5,956 September 2,369 3,349 126 59 5,903 October 2,354 3,292 112 70 5,828 November 1,744 2,560 131 80 4,515 December 1,480 2,720 191 42 4,433 The movements are divided into Commercial (paying passenger services and cargo), Non Commercial (private aircraft), Club (private aircraft based at the airport) and Others (military and positioning flights and other miscellaneous aircraft movements).There was a total of 63,921 aircraft movements in 2018. Review of Aircraft Movement (ATM) Type and Passenger (Pax) Numbers from 1999 to 2018

100,000 6,000,000

Total ATM 90,000 5,000,000


70,000 4,000,000 60,000

50,000 24 page 3,000,000

40,000 2,000,000

30,000 NumberofPassengers (Pax) Number ofAir Traffic Movements

20,000 1,000,000 10,000

- - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year The chart illustrates aircraft movements (both total and commercial) as well as passenger numbers from 1998 to 2018. The number of commercial aircraft movements for 2018 were down by 22% on the peak number in 2005. Number of Night Time (23:30 to 06:00) Aircraft Movements 2000 to 2018

20000 19555




12000 11223

page 25 page 10000 9557 9447


Numberof Night TimeATMs 6000 5399 4696

4000 3545

1825 1861 1912 1887 1814 1857 1511 1548 1442 1401 1445 2000 1007

0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year The number of aircraft movements during the night time quota period (23:30 to 06:00) from 2000 to 2018 is shown above. The number of night time aircraft movements for 2018 are down by 93% on the peak year of 2002 when there was a large night time cargo and mail operation at Liverpool John Lennon Airport. Runway Utilisation per Month 2018 Runway 27 Runway 09 100


80 36 50 51 53

70 59 61

72 72 75 60 80 90 95 50 page 26 page

40 Percentage RunwayUse 30 64 50 49 47 20 41 39

28 28 25 10 20 10 5 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December Month

The overall percentage figure for 2016 were runway 09 = 33% and runway 27 = 67%. Runway 09 operations are aircraft arriving (over The ) and departing (over Hale Village) to the east. Runway 27 operations are aircraft arriving (over Hale Village) and departing (over the Wirral Peninsula) to the west. Runway Utilisation 2001 to 2018

Runway 27 Runway 09 100



70 64 63

65 66 68 69 66 68 67 72 72 70 72 72 75 76 74 60 78 page 27 page 50

40 Percentage RunwayUse 30

20 36 37 35 34 32 31 34 32 33 28 28 30 28 28 25 24 26 10 22

0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year The average for the 2001 to 2018 period shown are runway 09 = 30% and runway 27 = 70%. Noise Monitoring Airborne aircraft noise is monitored at two fixed Noise Monitoring Terminals (NMT’s) at Hale C of E Primary School (NMT 1) to the east of the runway and at Eastham (NMT 2) to the west of the runway. The NMT’s measure all relevant acoustical parameters. The acoustical parameters are stored in the Noise Monitoring Terminal (NMT) on a data logger located in the NMT cabinet and the data is collected twice a day. New Noise Monitoring equipment was installed in October 2018 at both locations. page 28 page Average Event Annual Noise Levels for Eastham and Hale Noise Monitoring Terminals (NMT) 2018

Runway 09 Runway 27

Arrivals (NMT 2 - Eastham) Departures (NMT 1 - Hale) Arrivals (NMT 1 - Hale) Departures (NMT 2 - Eastham)

Airline Aircraft Type LAeq dB SEL dB(A) LAmax dB LAeq dB SEL dB(A) LAmax dB dB LAeq SEL dB(A) LAmax dB LAeq dB SEL dB(A) LAmax dB Fly BE ATR-75 62.2 82.4 74.0 62.6 73.0 65.6 74.9 89.9 83.0 NA NA NA

easyJet Airbus A319 71.0 85.2 76.7 68.0 81.9 72.7 76.7 91.1 84.2 65.5 78.9 69.7

easyJet Airbus A320 71.0 85.2 76.8 69.2 83.5 73.9 76.7 91.3 84.3 65.6 79.0 69.8

Wizz Air Airbus A320 68.8 82.6 73.7 73.1 88.0 78.9 75.5 90.1 82.7 64.2 77.1 67.9 page 29 page Ryanair Boeing 737-800 71.2 85.4 77.1 73.4 88.4 79.0 77.6 92.1 85.1 65.4 78.5 69.3

Blue Boeing 737-700 70.7 85.8 76.1 72.2 88.5 73.4 76.2 90.4 83.5 64.7 77.6 68.7

Blue Boeing 737-800 71.1 85.6 76.9 75.6 90.5 81.6 77.9 92.5 85.5 64.2 77.2 67.3

LAeq - Equivalent continuous sound level. The steady dB(A) level which would produce the same A-weighted sound energy over the stated period of time as specified time-varying sound.

SEL - The Single Event Level (SEL) is a measure of aircraft noise from a single event which takes account of the duration as well as the intensity, being the level maintained constantly for a period of one second that would deliver the same A weighted energy as the given noise event.

LAmax - The LAmax is the maximum noise level measured with slow time weighting and represents the highest level of environmental noise occurring during a correlated noise event.

The Noise Levels vary at NMT 1 and NMT 2, because NMT 1 (4.6 km) is located closer to the Airport than NMT 2 (8.5 km). Noise Event Report page 30 page

Example of a Noise Event Report form the Noise Monitoring System (NMT 2) for a easyJet Airbus A319 arrival on departure on runway 27. Noise Complaints

The Airport operates a Noise Complaints Management System to accurately record the nature of the noise complaint made by the local community to the Airport Company, to investigate the potential source of the complaint and to respond to the complainant. A complaint can be

page 31 page made by telephone, letter, email or via the Airport website. The information required from the caller includes a description of their concerns, the date, time and location of the event and their contact details. This information is used to investigate the complaint using the Noise Monitoring and Track Keeping System which coordinates Radar aircraft specific information and operational data with information form the Noise Monitoring Terminals. Number of Complaints and Total Aircraft Movements per Month in 2018 with & without regular complainant

4500 4242 7,000

4000 6,000


5,000 3000

2500 4,000 Complaints 2134 page 32 page 1868 2000 3,000 Number of Complaints with regular complinant 1425 1500 Number of Complaints ofNumber 1079 2,000

1000 Movements Aircraft ofNumber 553 1,000 500 380 168 118 170 147 195 2 4 13 17 19 8 8 9 5 3 4 0 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December Month During 2018 12,387 of the 12,479 complaints were made by one individual. Generally the number of complaints increase during the summer when the there are more aircraft movements but this is not always the case as in 2016 where other factors can have a bearing on the number of noise complaints and where they originate from that are received by the Airport. Number of Complaints and Total Aircraft Movements 2001 to 2018

14000 100,000 12479 90,000 12000


10000 70,000

60,000 8000 Complaints 50,000 6000 40,000 page 33 page

Number of Complaints ofNumber 4000 30,000 20,000 2000 10,000 269 269 377 386 405 284 275 342 249 210 213 203 192 195 139 267117 158 97 96 79 74 102 84 92 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Year 2018 shows a peak number of noise complaints since 2001. The absolute number of noise complaints is not a good indicator of actual noise exposure, nor should it be the determining factor in how or what steps can be taken to mitigate noise impacts. Activity which Caused Noise Complaints in 2018

6% General Aviation Activity 11% Arrivals on Runway 09

39% Departures from Runway 09

Arrivals on Runway 27 20% page 34 page Departures from Runway 27

Other Airports Traffic 17% 7%

During 2018 30% of complaints were generated by aircraft arriving on runway 09 over the Wirral Peninsula. 22% of complaints were generated by arrivals on runway 27 over Warrington, and Hale Village. 22% of complaints were generated by departures from runway 27 over the Wirral Peninsula. Just 8% of complaints made related to departures from runway 09 over Hale Village. 5% of complaints were related to the general operation of aircraft at Liverpool Airport. 8% of noise complaints were associated with aircraft movements from other airports and 5% of complaints related to situations were no aircraft activity was identified at the time of the complaint. Number of Noise Complaints and Complainants for each Administrative Area 2018 25

20 20

20 19 19

Complaints Complainnats 16 15

11 11 10 9 9 8 page 35 page 6 6 Number of Complaints ofNumber 5 5 5

1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Wirral Liverpool Halton Knowsley Cheshire Warrington Sefton Medway West Lancs Flintshire West & Chester Administrative Area The chart illustrates the number of complaints received from each Local Authority Area and the number of complainants who made the complaints in 2018. The chart does not include a complainant in Warrington who made 12,387 complaints in 2018. Without the regular complaint 20% each of complaints were received from Liverpool & Wirral residents with 16 % coming from Halton, 11% each came from Cheshire West & Chester & Knowsley residents. Warrington had 6 %, Sefton 5%, with Flintshire, West Lancs. & Medway all having 1%. Number of Complaints Received from each Area of the Administrative Areas in 2018 Allerton Wirral (Total 20) Bromborough Halton (Total 16) Liverpool (Total 20) Speke Heswall City Centre Birkenhead Hale Village Aigburth Calderstones Eastham Childwall Meols Runcorn Fairfield Garston New Ferry Norton Hunts Cross Newton Kennisngton Oxton Mossley Hill

Frodsham Knowsley (Total 11) Cheshire West & Chester (Total 11) Warrington (Total 12393) page 36 page Barnton West Brook Great Sankey Halewood Chester Houghton Green Cronton Lowton Knowsley Helsby Moore Village Prescot Little Thelwall

Neston Winnick Sefton (Total 5) Others (Total 3)

Mold Flintshire

Litherland Parbold West Lancs Ince Blundell

Chatham Medway Average response time for Noise Complaints are Received by the Airport in 2018


9 8 8

8 7 7 7 6 6 6

page 37 page 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 NumberofWorking Days Reply Time 2 1 1 0 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December Month

The Airport aims to respond to all noise complaints within 14 working days. During 2018 100% of all noise complaints were responded to within 14 working days. Method by which the Noise Complaints are Received by the Airport in 2018

5% 3% 2%

Website 53% 37% Email

Voice Mail

page 38 page Letter


The chart illustrates the method by which noise complaints where received as a percentage in 2018 Complaints can be made using the following options: Website via: Voice Mail via: 0151 907 1745 Email via: [email protected] Letter via: Environment Team, Liverpool John Lennon Airport, Liverpool, L24 1YD Quota Count Points and Quota Count Period Movements in 2018

120 300 111.5

Monthly QC Points 101 100 92.5 250 QCP Mts 85.5 76 77.75 80 72.5 200

60 150

40 100

page 39 page 31.5

26.5 Number of Quota of NumberCount Points 20 18 20 50

9.25 NumberofMovements the Quotain Period

0 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December Month The Liverpool John Lennon Airport Quota Count Scheme is based upon the night restrictions developed by the Government for Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Airports. The scheme classifies aircraft according to the noise they generate during arrival and departure. The restrictions apply to a specified “noise quota” period (23:30 to 06:00 hours) during which aircraft movements are restricted by noise quota. Under the QCS, aircraft are grouped into QC bands between QC 0.125 to QC 16 from quieter modern aircraft to noisy larger aircraft respectively. Some of the very quietest types are classified as exempt and have a QC value of zero and no restriction applies. Quota Count Points and Quota Count Period Movements in 2018

9000 10000


8000 9000

8000 7000 Annual Quota Count Points Number of Movements during Quota Period

7000 6000 5661.5 6000 5000 4716.5 5000 4000 4000 page 40 page 3000 2188.25 3000 2000

2000 NumberofMovements the Quotain Period

NumberofQuota CountPoints Used 707 722 1000 678 648.75 584.5 579 526.5 522 510.25 522.25 1000 457.25 330.75 0 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

The Airport started to record Quota Count Movements in November 2002. The first full year of Quota Count Movements was 2003 which had the most use of Quota Count Points and Movements. Since 2007 the amount of Night time aircraft movements fell after the withdrawal of the night time cargo and freight operations. These operations used older nosier aircraft such as the Hawker Siddeley HS 748 and the Lockheed L-188 Electra. page 41 page 42 page LJLA Airspace Transition Update LJLA Airspace Change• New CAP1616 Process Introduced (Jan 18) • LJLA Started Feb 18 – statement of need submission • Modernise the Airspace - change in the means of navigation – Increase efficient use of the airspace – Increase CCO & CDO • Stage 1 – Nov 18

page 43 page • Stage 2 – June 19 • Stage 3 – Public Consultation 12 weeks (Gateway Date Jan’20 or earlier)

Who should we consult with? LJLA - CAP1616 page 44 page

Jun’20 CAA Airspace Change Portal page 45 page Thank You page 46 page