Commission Signed Ly the Lord Lieutenant of the Interest on Exchequer Bills
2737 Commission signed ly the Lord Lieutenant of the Interest on Exchequer Bills. County of Somerset. - THE Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's . West Somerset Regiment of Yeomanry Cavalry. Treasury having determined that the Exchequer Bills, issued under the authority of the following Francis Meade Eastment, Gent., to be Cornet, Acts of Parliament; viz.:— vice Reynolds, resigned. Dated 8th October, 15 Viet., cap 10, and 16 Viet., cap. 25 ; 1853. and which are now outstanding (except those on which the interest has ceased) shall on and after Whitehall, October 10, 1853. this day (llth October, 1853,) bear an interest of The Queen, taking into Her royal consideration two pence per diem : the holders of all such Ex- that upon the decease of Edward, Baron Skel- chequer Bills are to take notice; that whenever the mersdale, in the month of April last, the title and same shall be paid off, or shall, according to the • dignity of. Baron Skelmersdale devolved upon conditions of the said bills respectively, be received Edward now Baron Skelmersdale, a minor, as on account of any of the public revenues, aids, ,oply.;sj}n.and. heir of Richard Bbbtle-Wilbraham, taxes, on supplies, the aforesaid rate of interest of Esquire, who died in the year 1844, and who was two pence per centum per diem, will be allowed whilst living the eldest son and heir apparent of thereon, from and including the said llth day of the said Edward, Baron Skelmersdale, and that October, 1853. according to the ordinary rules of honour the Paymaster-General's Office, j sisters of the said Edward, Baron 'Skelmers'dale, llth of October, 1853.
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