Regional Budget Statements

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Regional Budget Statements Regional Budget Statement Far North Queensland 4UBUF#VEHFUIJHIMJHIUTGPS UIF'BS/PSUI2VFFOTMBOE SFHJPOJOJODMVEF • The Queensland Government’s Cyclone Larry Employment Assistance Package, with funding of up to $18.56 million, The 2006-07 Budget re-affirms our Government’s commitment to provides up to $14 million to strengthening the Smart State’s economy employ 1,000 local residents and investing in infrastructure and under the Community Jobs Plan service delivery priorities. to assist with the reconstruction This Regional Budget Statement outlines of public infrastructure Torres Strait State Budget 2006–07 Budget State how we are meeting the needs of Far Thursday Island • $79.76 million in grants to Cape York North Queensland residents. Bamaga construct, upgrade and maintain Through the Health Action Plan, we Aboriginal and Torres Strait are committing $9.7 billion in just over Islander housing and $5.42 Weipa five years to build Australia’s best health system. million for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Coen To meet the needs of our growing rental program population, we are investing in State- wide infrastructure, especially in rural Cooktown • $12.92 million to improve the Queensland where the Blueprint for Peninsula Developmental Road Mossman Cairns the Bush will deliver health, water and Mareeba Atherton transport facilities. Herberton Malanda • $11.59 million for Edmonton Ravenshoe Innisfail Tully Ensuring the Smart State’s future, Prep West State School opening in Croydon Year will begin in 2007 to give our 2007 Cardwell children the best education. We are also continuing our response to • $7 million to continue the residents affected by Cyclone Larry and development of the new Far North Queensland includes Cairns City working towards a brighter future for all primary health care centre at and the shires of Atherton, Aurukun, Cardwell, Cook, Croydon, Douglas, Eacham, Etheridge, Queenslanders. Yarrabah which will incorporate Herberton, Hope Vale, Injinoo, Johnstone, community health and Kowanyama, Lockhart River, Mapoon, Mareeba, ambulance services Napranum, New Mapoon, Pormpuraaw, Torres, Umagico, Wujal Wujal, and Yarrabah. • $3.9 million to replace police vessels for the Thursday Island and Cairns Water Police. Peter Beattie MP Premier of Queensland Anna Bligh MP Deputy Premier and Treasurer QueenslandUIF4NBSU4UBUF Covering more than 15% of the State, Far North Queensland the Far North Queensland region is home to 236,769 Queenslanders. Tourism, agriculture, fishing, mining, education and retail trade are important industries in the region. As a Government, we recognise the valuable contribution of Far North Queensland to the Smart State’s economy. With nearly 60% of the Government’s 2006-07 capital expenditure allocated outside the Brisbane area, this Regional Budget Statement for Far North Queensland highlights the Government’s commitment to the region and its people. *NQSPWJOHIFBMUIDBSFBOE TUSFOHUIFOJOHTFSWJDFTUP UIFDPNNVOJUZ We are committed to providing better hospitals, services and health care for • $47 million for natural resource all Queenslanders. Within Far North Blueprint for management projects to support Queensland, this commitment includes: sustainable land management and the Bush environmental protection practices, • $19.6 million to continue the tackle pests and weeds, and effectively redevelopment of Innisfail Hospital The Queensland Government has manage water resources • $8.5 million to continue the upgrade developed the Blueprint for the Bush in • $30 million to strengthen rural of the primary health care centre in partnership with AgForce and the Local Hopevale Government Association of Queensland to communities, which will include grants enhance the sustainability, liveability and to non-Government organisations and • $5 million to continue the construction prosperity of rural Queensland. Beginning local governments of a replacement primary health care in 2006-07, the Blueprint commits more • $20 million to maintain and upgrade centre at Erub (Darnley) Island than $150 million over the next four years housing for Indigenous people • $5 million to continue the provision to a range of initiatives that will assist of facilities to support mental health rural communities. An accompanying Rural • $5 million for rural airport upgrades rehabilitation, prevention and recovery Economic Development and Infrastructure • $4.5 million for new regional planning Plan outlines a range of Government and initiatives care services in Cairns private sector investment initiatives for • $3.5 million to continue the rural and regional Queensland. • $1.8 million for online access in public libraries redevelopment of the Weipa Hospital The Far North Queensland region will to integrate acute, primary health and benefit from State-wide initiatives such as: • $1 million for local governments to community health services assess rural infrastructure needs. • $1.68 million to non-Government organisations for a range of community the health budget of $6.65 billion represents health services. Building a better a 24% increase over the 2005-06 Budget. Increased health expenditure within the Far health system North Queensland region includes: Festival Cairns • $2.04 million, from a State-wide Photography Reflex by Photography Queensland health budget commitment of $39 million, for enhanced 1998-99 to 2009-10 cardiac services 9,000 • $1.94 million, from a State-wide 8,000 commitment of $18 million, to support 7,000 community mental health services by $ Million 6,000 employing additional specialist mental 5,000 health staff 4,000 • $133,000, from over $60 million 3,000 State-wide, toward the treatment and 2,000 care of cancer patients 1,000 0 • $4.46 million for Indigenous health programs, including funding towards a whole-of-Government pilot Indigenous 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Alcohol Diversion program which will Financial year offer eligible offenders the opportunity to undertake alcohol and drug treatment Source: Queensland Treasury prior to being sentenced. The Government is reforming the Queensland As a result of funding increases for health health system. The 2005 Action Plan marked services, the region will receive an increase a new start with the biggest single injection of more than 130 staff and 25 beds in the of funding in the State’s history. In 2006-07, Cairns, Cape York, Innisfail, Tablelands and Torres Strait health service districts. The Far North Queensland region will This includes: $2.53 million for child care Queensland for school capital works also benefit from a range of State-wide facilities and services; $2.1 million toward including: commitments including: domestic and family violence prevention; • $11.59 million for Edmonton West State • $70 million for new health technology $2.04 million for early intervention and School, opening in 2007 family support services; $1.2 million to equipment • $11.06 million investment in Redlynch establish the Innisfail Community Centre; • $69.3 million to meet the increasing Middle School and $826,000 to establish Youth Justice cost of providing existing health services Services in Cooktown, Weipa and Cairns. • $2.63 million to continue amalgamation • $25.4 million in increased funding for of Kuranda State High School with We are providing ongoing housing and workforce training and recruitment Kuranda State School housing-related services to support low- initiatives for medical, nursing and income families and individuals in Far North • $815,000 to continue the Cooler allied health staff Queensland in 2006-07 including: Schools air-conditioning project. • $12.3 million to improve access and • $79.76 million in grants to construct, meet growing demand for renal services. upgrade and maintain Aboriginal and 1SPUFDUJOHPVSDIJMESFOBOE Expenditure on new and upgraded Torres Strait Islander housing and $5.42 FOIBODJOHDPNNVOJUZTBGFUZ emergency facilities and staffing includes: million for the Aboriginal and Torres • $9 million as part of a $35.3 million Strait Islander Housing rental program The Government continues to implement three-year commitment to recruit 144 new • $10.06 million for new and upgraded significant reforms to improve the child ambulance officers across Queensland public housing protection system. A record $503.1 million, up almost 28% since last year, will be spent • six new paramedics for the region, • $5.52 million for community housing in 2006-07 to protect our children. fulfilling the Government’s $35.9 million programs and services to address crisis, election commitment to recruit 240 extra transitional and long-term housing needs. The region will benefit from an additional paramedics State-wide over three years $1.33 million to enhance local child protection responses in a number of remote • $1.21 million to continue replacing 3FBMJTJOHUIF4NBSU4UBUF Indigenous communities in the Cape York ambulance stations at Weipa and Yarrabah UISPVHIFEVDBUJPO TLJMMT and Torres Strait areas and a range of State- • $550,000 to complete the replacement BOEJOOPWBUJPO wide initiatives including: of the Atherton Ambulance Station The Government continues to drive • $15.6 million to continue to support • $335,000 to complete the replacement Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander of the fire station at Yungaburra. economic growth by utilising innovation and skills through its Smart Queensland: Smart Recognised Entities The Government is continuing its support State Strategy 2005–2015. In 2006-07, •
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