Thesis Final8
REFRAMING INTERACTIVE DIGITAL NARRATIVE: TOWARD AN INCLUSIVE OPEN-ENDED ITERATIVE PROCESS FOR RESEARCH AND PRACTICE A Dissertation Presented to The Academic Faculty By Hartmut Koenitz In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Digital Media Georgia Institute of Technology August, 2010 Copyright © Hartmut Andreas Koenitz 2010 Reframing Interactive Digital Narrative: Toward An Inclusive Open-Ended Iterative Process For Research And Practice Approved by: Dr. Janet Murray, Advisor Dr. Kenneth Knoespel School of Literature, Communication Ivan Allen College and Culture Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Mads Haahr Dr. Jay Bolter Department of Computer Science School of Literature, Communication Trinity College Dublin and Culture Georgia Institute of Technology Date Approved: June 30, 2010 Dr. Celia Pearce School of Literature, Communication and Culture Georgia Institute of Technology It is a waste of energy and resources to make applications that merely imitate media that exist in other forms, such as print, television, and film. Pamela Jennings, 1996 To my Parents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I want to acknowledge the help, dedication and commitment of my advisor Janet Murray. Her relentless criticism and simultaneous encouragement sharpened both my wit and the focus of my arguments. Jay Bolter gave me the courage to start this project and provided not only lucid intellectual advice, but also a shoulder to lean on and a voice of sanity in the darkest hours of this thesis. Celia Pearce gave me a new appreciation of games and encouraged me to include installation pieces I would have otherwise overlooked. Kenneth Knoespel always took my mind to exciting and unforeseen places and made me think outside the box.
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