PARIS - COLOGNE, 09.12.2015, 13:45 Time

USPA NEWS - CIVIS again recognizes programme contributions on radio, film and television as well as on the Internet which promote the peaceful coexistence of people of the most varied geographic and cultural origins. Closing-date for entries is January 20, 2016....

CIVIS again recognizes programme contributions on radio, film and television as well as on the Internet which promote the peaceful coexistence of people of the most varied geographic and cultural origins. Closing-date for entries is January 20, 2016.

In addition to migration, flight and asylum, the focus is on the latest developments of an integrated, culturally diverse society. It is a question of equality, acceptance and access to social opportunities, regardless of national, ethnic or religious origins.

The European competition is open to entries which take the form of reports, documentaries, commentaries, special features, films and cartoons

The CIVIS Media Prize 2016 is open to all TV and radio broadcasters, production companies and web providers in the EU and Switzerland, as well as for all film and television colleges, academies and colleges of journalism, communication and media. Web videos can be sent by all interested persons residing in the EU and Switzerland.

The CIVIS Media Prize 2016 will be awarded as Radio and TV Prize. With the 'Young CIVIS Media Prize' there will be a European sponsorship prize. The 'CIVIS Online Media Prize' will offer an additional award for web offers and web videos on the theme of integration and cultural diversity. New for 2016: The CIVIS Special Prize 'Football and Integration'.

The CIVIS Media Prize is organised by the Association of the Public Broadcasting Corporations in Germany (ARD), represented by (WDR), together with the Freudenberg Foundation. The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, SRG SSR, RTV Slovenia, , Deutschlandradio, PHOENIX, , , the German Producers Alliance, the Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten (VFF) and the EBU are media partners.

Also, we can add The German Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, the Agency for Fundamental Rights and the WDR mediagroup are co-operation partners. The CIVIS Media Prize is held under the patronage of the European Parliament.

Source : CIVIS Media Foundation

Ruby BIRD Yasmina BEDDOU

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Editorial office and responsibility: V.i.S.d.P. & Sect. 6 MDStV (German Interstate Media Services Agreement): Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU (Journalists/Directors) Exemption from liability:: The publisher shall assume no liability for the accuracy or completeness of the published report and is merely providing space for the submission of and access to third-party content. Liability for the content of a report lies solely with the author of such report. Ruby BIRD & Yasmina BEDDOU (Journalists/Directors)

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