14_837292 bindex.qxp 1/5/06 8:45 PM Page 261 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes below. GENERAL INDEX driving tours, 73-83 frontcountry camping, 29, 129–134 highlights, 61–63 ccommodations. See A information and reservations, 20–21, Accommodations index 24–25 Adventure outings, 38–40 nightlife, 142–143 Airplane tours, 231 organized tours, 38–39, 83–85 Air travel, 30 rules and regulations, 54–56 Alpine Club of Canada, 24, 73, 110, visitor centers, 53–54 125, 135–136, 205–206 winter sports, 9, 61–62, 113–117 Amethyst Lake, 18, 187 Banff Park Radio, 52 Angel Glacier, 13, 44 Banff Summer Arts Festival, 8, 70 Arnica Lake, 59 Banff Townsite, 61, 62, 67–68, 70–73 Athabasca Falls, 159 Banff Transit, 63 Athabasca Glacier, 157 Bankhead, 7, 73, 86, 90 Athabasca River, 167–168 Banks/ATMs, 56, 151 Beauty Creek, 179 Beehives, 95 ackcountry, 28–29, 33–36, 66, B Birdwatching, 74–75, 224, 257–259 102–107, 185–188 Boating permits, 29 Backpacking, 6–7, 14, 34–35, Books, 24–25 102–104 Boom Lake, 92–93 Bald Hills, 13, 171, 182 Bourgeau Lake, 5, 93 Banff Centre, 38, 49, 61, 70 Bow Falls, 62, 68 Banff Centre for Mountain Culture, Bow Glacier Falls, 99 49, 70 Bow Lake, 66, 70, 82, 99 Banff Festival of the Arts, 61 Bow Pass, 82 Banff Festival of Mountain Films, 61 Bow River, 62, 70 Banff Gondola, 59, 71 Bow Summit, 66, 101 Banff Information Centre, 58, 64, Bow Valley Parkway, 59, 62, 64, 74, 67, 85 92–94 Banff/Lake Louise Tourism Centre, 24 Brazeau Loop, 159, 185 Banff Mountain Film Festival, 8, Brazeau Valley, 100 70–71 Buffalo National Luxton Museum, 71 Banff Mountain Norquay, 114 Burgess Shale, 229–230 Banff National Park Bus travel, 31, 211 access/entry points, 52–53 COPYRIGHTEDaccommodations, 18–19, 118–129 MATERIAL backcountry, 10, 29, 102–107, -Level Cirque, 86 134–137 C Campgrounds, 10, 17–18, 59, 67, day hikes.
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