IRuntbcr 1632 261

The Gazette Published bp flutboritp

Registered as a newspaper

FRIDAY, 3rd OCTOBER, 1952.

His Excellency the Governor of Northern by Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of Section Warrant under his hand has been pleased to appoint 12 of the Belfast Corporation Act (), Robert Basil Uprichard, Esq., Belfast, to be Crown 1930, as extended by Section 16 of the Transport Solicitor and Sessional Crown Solicitor for the Act (Northern Ireland), 1948, the Ministry of Com- County of Antrim in succession to Alexander Stewart merce has made an Order authorising the use by Merrick, Esq., retired, with effect from 1st October, the Belfast Corporation of trolley vehicles on Queen's 1952. Quay and that portion of Donegal! Quay situated between Ann Street and Queen's Square, within the Belfast Transport Area. The Order is entitled "The Trolley Vehicles POST OFFICE TELEPHONES (Belfast) New Routes (Northern Ireland) Number 2 Her Majesty's Postmaster General hereby gives Order, 1952." notice that a telephone service between the United Ministry of Commerce, Kingdom and the Isle of Man on the one hand and Belfast. Lebanon on the other hand was opened on the 8th day of September, 1952, and is available from 25th September, 1952. 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. G.M.T. weekdays and from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. G.M.T. Sundays. Her Majesty's Postmaster General further gives notice in accordance with paragraph (1) of regulation 30 and paragraph (4) of regulation 38 Foreign Office, \2th September, 1952. of the Telephone Regulations, 1951, that until further INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION notice the charges for telephone calls to Lebanon and the personal charges in relation to such calls (IMMUNITIES AND PRIVILEGES) ACT, 1950 will be as follows: — In pursuance of subsection (1) (c) of section 2 of the International Organisation (Immunities and Privileges) Act, 1950 (14 Geo. 6 Ch. 14), Her Minimum Charge Charge for each Personal Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign for call not additional minute Charge Affairs hereby gives notice of the following amend- exceeding or part thereof ment to the lists published in the "London Gazette" 3 minutes of the 9th June, 1950, and the 5th January, 1951, of persons upon whom immunities and privileges have £ s d £ s d s d been conferred by the Diplomatic Privileges (Brussels 376 1 2 6 4 0* Treaty Permanent Commission), Order-in-Council, 1948, as amended by the Diplomatic Privileges (Brussels Treaty Permanent Commission) (Amend- *NoTE:—This charge is a report charge payable on ment No. 2) Order-in-Council, 1949, the said the cancellation of a person to person call. amendment taking effect from the 20th August, 1952. It is not payable if the call is connected. Deputy Secretaries-General of the Permanent Com" This Notice corrects Her Majesty's Postmaster gen- mission (Article 1 of the Amending Order-in' eral's Notice dated the 26th August, 1952, published Council.) in the Belfast Gazette of 5th September, 1952. REMOVE: — Dated this 25th day of September, 1952. Baron Pierre Etienne Albert de Schonen.