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7 Terhfic Markdoims! . ! I ■^-iI’ jL .■ ■■• li' I . 1., -■ ]■ . 4} - •7 . / ^ /V'.' 7 'Y' 7 I lJ ■»■ ■ -.-• ■'. ' ■' •• TUESDAY, MARCH 2 .19M /; ■ - ..i' -t iKanr^piatfr lElifnftts H^roUi x : j ' f c , ATprsgg Bally NciRroiM-RftE .t.J>f .j»ie 9o«)ll MaSr — *Die. .CBnnactkut .Btata- .EattoA ”• / a t - S P ! For the WiMit Ended .SociMy. .wtU..meat .BMtttda9!.a t M 1 Af... February' ft, -I986' ■ moBlMy mi a t 8 ju p , a t the HptiJi TalL. Maw o'clocli; . .Physicians of the Manchester Haven. *rt e speaker vhtl ^ Miaa 1 (■ 1 1 , 1 2 1 Wlady seMh i Medical Assn., who will' re­ Adah Bennett, of Stony Brook, 1 2 - •IgM a « l ^ ti> «dki^ A son was bo.'n a t the Hartford spond- to emergency calls to­ L. I., whose subject will be "Pie ' ■' M e m b e ^ tter 'Audit 38 with It Hospital on Feb. 28 to Mr. and morrow aftmtioon and e-vening tures and Reirted Buttoiis^’* Shw^-ef arehlatloaB Toasi wiu Mrs.. Russell Stecker, 88 Harlan are Dr. William Stroud, tel. MI mid of Rd. / 8-4708- and Dr. Nicholas Mar- Odds and Ends Of Munche$ter— A City of VUlage Charm to ’ ^lb* slalo, ti. H I 9-5684. > IMatia( Viu *The Willing Workers Group of Bts Mnrvd. the SoUtli Methodist WSCS wiU V0L.LXXni,N0.129 (Claaallfad A4v«rt$aiag on Paga 88) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 19M meet tomorrow nftemoOn 'at • 2 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) ‘ PRICB PiVM Ct I f l i ’ bf th« o*cIock a t the chirch. Mrs» Marga­ *rhe .‘Vipina Society will meet to­ HAU'S ■ n o B 0!ub iptrin be ret McKinney win be the hostess. night at 7:SO at the Sub Alpine tjjXfiiViWII:' laild in the club roAine on Maple Club on Eldridge St. rorfers atzw t tMhcbt at 8 o’clock. Preal- St. Mary's GulUi wtli meet Fire Outlines Building 8Mit David Maxwell wilt preside, Thursday at 10 a.». in the Guild Mr. and Mrs. Louis C, Brjice, >R Spencer St., last week attended tb if yla ftm Anal meeting before room. .Members u’ill bring their ■4" the^lBlMf^ weeing and elecUon own sandwiches, and he hostesses the 36th annual meeting xA the SMAU: LOT OF «f mncers on Saturday, March 20. Mrs. Albert ’ Chapin, Mrs. Paul cooperative purchasing association of the Eastern States Farmers’ Ex­ -s Oarter and Mra. John Treybal will • For• . Puerto. I Ricans, Oih laaC w ad t^ "Box a t the serve desseft, tea and coffee. change In .Springfield, Mass. JEWELRY Opera** braadcaat over w n c and WnC-PM, Mra. Oeoi^ Ash, 82 AndersonrShea Fost, No. 2046. The Auxiliary to the Disabled Jta n e e Drive, waa awarded an al> will ‘meet tonight a t the VFW American Veter ms. No. 17, will On Shooting Charge bum of cholca operatic recordings Home, Manchester Green, for nom­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the t - for *r°® ination of officers for the new VFW Home. Mrs. Sally Miller wUl lly selected by Robert E. be in charge of refreshments. - .T<-f ^■htroondticta the program. .term, 1854-M. All members are old Puerto Rioan was in d ict^ yes­ asked to be present. Washington, Mareh 3 ( ^ f ^ - t.o^thiaB of the Judgee. Mrs. •' I Min ' • Workmen from the Otis Elevator JBvernment prosec-U-toxA- terday, on a charge of threatening 'SWKi-the best letter about Co. started work yesterday con­ Ion to kniTrtrtdeht Efaenhbwer.' "Wbrther.** The •'Box The Rev. Kenneth Granouist, A’ent before a federal grand Pedro ; Orosco Sanchez, alias pastor of Faith Lutheran Chcrch, verting Watkine Bros, elevator to. Valuea to 81.80 Pr. Oaalanca jury today to-ask for indict­ ppfn** program la present- automatio operation. Pedrb S. Orozco, of Hartford, was Mghiays at 2:80 p. m. Bast Hartford, and men of his con­ ment of four Puerto Rican scheduled for arraignment in U. 8. gregation win be gueifts Of Eman­ Uislrlct jCoiirl today. uel Brotherhood, at its. monthly fanatics In connection with a lOta OoqhcU Nfd. 81. D eiree 2 p 7 9 l H-“ Armed guards stood watch ht C ases Extremist Claims Credit meeting Friday at 7:80 in Eman­ “ wild pistol attack upon the the couitroom aa a federal grand of Benhontaa, wiU meet tomorrow uel Lutheran ^Q tcb . It will take Woshtn iBMi A t * • Y , ■■ • ■, . House of Representatives Jury weighed the charge against night a t 8/O’clock in Odd Fellows the form of a panel discussion on flHilLWERUKe m h HalL AH/members are urged to v^AT LOW PRICEL 4 OM A p p B ic t t Monday. Sancheii If convicted, he could be the theme; “The Church at Work.!’ SMALL LOT OF ^ --V. U. S. Atty. Lfin A. Rover and hie sentenced to a $1,000 fine or five T a lly I r k s -littieA he this is the last meeting A social hour with nfrsshmenta years ll^ prison nr Knth To Correct ■a»>,as<eh plans-can, be made for ttSfflrtant Jnhn eVinUffi in nbarga of wiB'fiWluw iHd gp mi the criminal . dlvislpn of Rover’a ■ The alleged threats to "kili the .the'' atlon of the great chiefs Brotherhood are urged to reserve r Dnig St IT. Am HAND BAGS - If- off lea. Mid five or-aix'Wltnesaea | President" came, police said, when D e m o c r a ts thedate. Valuda to 87.50. Clearance price - f , would be ailed. i Sanchek became riled while being Its ‘Errcirr Both indicated they expected to . fingerprinted Monday in police 98 complete the testimony u^ay, pos­ headquarters wh^re he was bei-ng Washington, March 3 (/P)—- ‘ 2 sibly \^lthin a few hours. \» booked on a charge of non-sppport Democrats on the Senate Civil Washington, MarcK S (ff>— Rap. Paul W. Shafer (RrMlch) of his wife. Service Committee voiced dis­ President Eiafinhower today wax’ lleted as a principal witneae. Sanchez was turned over to satisfaction today writh an ac­ spoke out against “disregftrd and ENDS SMALL LOT OF M Conllff Mid Shafer, an eyewlt- federq! aulhoritles and immediate­ of the standards, of M r nea«, would be the only House ly was given a hearln? before U. S. counting of the administra­ member to be callad. Comikissioner Benedict M. Holdefi. tion’s security risk cases in congressional invMtiga- SALE AT H A N D B A C f Other witneaaea Include doctors Sanches denied making the given yesterday by Chair- tions. ^ specifically lauded who treated the five wounded threats. main Philip Young of the Brig. Gen. Ralph Zwicker, ~Hoii:ae members and police officers “I never carry gun or pistol,” he Civil Service Commission. whonT Sen. McCarthy (R- DRtSSES CL08B OUT who' questioned the four Puerto •aid. “ I no kill anyone.” \... each Pluf Tax W i^ had termed unfit for Ricans who are under arrest and He then w m ordered held for Sen. Mqnronay 1 D-Okla I for one jailed In default of $100,000 bond the grand Jury here under $15,600 said Young’s testimony “left me a «mmuid. T erH fic ONE GROUP lot more confused.” He added that /McfMrthy prompt 1 y rotortad each. ball which he could not furnish. 2.95 end $13.98 V«lu«s 'The prosecutors went before the Mpanw-hile Rep. Alvin M. Ben.- Flames and smoke outline the top floors and tower of the Rich­ he and other committee Democrats (e d go on investigating oontml- grand jury as Capitol Hill leaders want to ask Young more questions nism. He said: All liiUs final ley j (R-Hich), i >ost serio.isly field Building In Los Angeles after a fire broke out in the elevator and that they also will press for CLOSE OUT TABLE pondered • security measures to wounded of the five Congressmen, shaft and roared up to the top floors before firemen brought it un­ ”If a atupld, arrogant or wit- M arkdoim s! hesd off any more such attacks. der control. Illumination from the lower floors Is from lights left the opportunity to quiz security lesa man in a position of powar ap­ officers In individual government In New Haven, Conn., a 24-year- (Continued on riige Two) on to aid firemen. pears before our committee ■««<< tg^; SLIPS — GjSw NS — BED JACKET departments. found aiding the Communist par­ Net d l sins or 8t)flf|>< A l ty, he will be exposed. The fact DRESSES and many other item* ot^nderuear. Broken aizes and colore. Young To Be RMAlled ' sdes cosh only. Nil ox- Value up to $2.98. ' Chairman Carlson (R-Kan) of that he might be a general places the committee said Young would him in no apecigl cMm m te r aa c h o n g o s m rafiwds. .A| O N E G R O U P \ be recalled although no definite I am concerned.” .00 CLOSE OUT $1.00 S n o w sto rm date has been set^ _ , R waa Mt^rthy*. " R of. $4.M vtft.Sl4„98 Voluofi^ ravers The Kansan added ih an ihtei'- TjUl salas/linal — Vlcw he WM convinced Young's tion on tra promotion and-honor­ S u p p o r te r s figures "are all right.” able dii^arga of Maj. Irvthg A t O D D LOT O F BRASSIERES ”1 certainly don't believe these F*t*ss, that touched off iMt weisk’a May Be government departments would IntraTRepubU'can row' and a com­ pul out insccurate listings,” he plaint by SecreUry of the Army H O U ^ S SHOP VALUES TO $2.50— CLOSE OUT $1.00 In M id w est Still Active Mid, j ' .
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