Spartan Daily Tintervi W Ow San Jose State College Spartans at Vc 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY
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CAL IF-084,n ST Spartan Daily tIntervi w ow San Jose State College Spartans at Vc 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16, 1952 No. 123 Poll Rereals Students Are Pessimistic About Establishment of Honor Lode CouncilToPick; The issue of cheating on college campuses has long been of par- ticular interest to students and faculty alike. Other campuses have ASB Custodian taken polls and discovered that an amazing amount of cheating does Applications for the position of go on, except, possibly, at schools where an honor system has become student body equipment custodian traditional. will be reviewed by the Student So. membeis id the Spartan Council at its regular meeting to- 'Daily stall has.' conducts." possum, asking nearly 150 students day at 3:30 o'clock. according to Illinois Seeks Lud SpoIsar, ASB president. selected at random the answ. is 1 Has, The council expects to appoint (to these three questions someone to succeed Jinx Johnson, yraduate you ever cheated in college" 2 who Would you (-heat it the (imam- resigned from the post last week, Spolyar said. thi ri caching ?units- presented nisch? 3. ho In his letter of resignation, think an honor system would work Johnson Iltrf " recommended Dana Sut- Three openings for Indust nal ton and Gene Standfield as pos- arts students to seme as graduate Majority Admit (*beating sible applicants for the office. 'assistants in the I A. department Both Sutton and The results of this poll show Standfield will at the University of Illinois for the be considered by the council that 52 per cent of all inters assist in 11952-33 school year now exist, ac- its selection. admit cheating in college at one cording to a letter received from Jean Ann Bailey. chairman of time or another. while 48 per the university by Dr Heber Sotzin. the Camp Minnewanca committee, cent say they have not Mart say Idirector of Industiial Arts is expected to submit a financial flat) nave changed their sit-was:intro The letter stated that one on cheating since first entelittg report to the council. The com- student a.. mittee 'has asked the council to is needed to %en,. a college, but 44 per cent say they appropriate funds for tuition fees research assistant and to stork still would cheat it gn en Iii, for four camp leadership repre- stith members of the I. A. staff chance Approximatel 48 per cent sentatives. on project non under sew,. The say they would not, and R per err., other tn., men will be riwcted W4Tei 1.1nC4Ortam. to teach one shop course each The question of est a blishine an UP ROUNDUP semester in the undergraduate honor snstern on campus, lone ------ schoot. thought to be the solution to all greil Each oh the part -lime positions cheating prohleMs. 0.ceurd Truman Flips Two (serf will pay at least $1200 for the majorit ot negative mph."., as 7,t; regular school year plus tuition per cent ol those students nu, "I did leave it here on 7th street, didn't I?" and fees in the graduate college. honed said they dad not think it First-day Pitches Thesi assistants will he permitted would work. This was th. highest 2, Washington -President Truman, to take three units of gractilate percentage of agretment work cat+ ,crrie,te r asked booed last year. was cheered yes- on any of the questions fir. sotrin considers this a tine terday by a crowd of 30,000 per- Walking in Fashion Tomorrow; oppirtimit, for an, industrial Honor sastens l'npopular sons as he threw out two "first arts major who wihes to fur- only 31 per cent tilt that the balls" in the opening day base- Parking Problem on Campus ther his education in the field. honor system would work on tins ball game between Washington Interested irrsons are requested campus, while 13 ter cent ut ii and Boston. If you're a car owner, and p paving. student or employee of the col- The contractor handling the to contact Dr. "4,4trin in the I. A. uncertain. Meet and women, st.110 A-Blast Its Nevada lege. and you have business on job wants to complete- it in one office 104 soon abi possaiNle. were polled equally in mantki, Las Vegas -The biggest daylight campus tomorrow, here's some dais if possible. so no parking The university will take into showed an exact 'Pet-tentage ne re, - flash resulting from a Nevada friendly advice leave the cher- sill be allovird in the area. All consideration the abilities of tbe ment on both the positive and atomic explosion lit up the clouds ished jalopy at home in the morn- cars improper13 parked will be :three men selected to carry out negative sides of this question. rimmed horizon north of here yes- ing and walk or take the bus. tossed assa at the owner's e% - the specific research and teaching More women tnan men admit- terday when a nuclear device was Parking is going to be tough all pen**, thf eit engineer's office assignments, but they must be ted having ever cheated, the fe. dropped from a speeding Air Force over. said. outstanding students who are able males polling 53 per cent to the bomber. Office of City Engineer Harold To add to the turmoil, Ed Ord, to meet the requirements for ad- males' 31 per cent. Ntore ot tlo Flannelry says_ San Fernando parking lot chairman for A Phi 0, mission to the advance graduate men, how,%er, seemed to hasp No 'Veep' for Warren between second street national honorary service fratern- program in industrial education learnov1 thin lesson thi Itaid se s'. Sacramento Goy. Earl Warren, street, and street, will be closed ity-, said there will be no parking and are ink rested in ptirsume with only III per cent saing the. Republican candidate for Presi- seventh for Thursday in the new lot his Ira- graduate study beyond the mas- would 110w, as .1tItipar..1 14, dent said yesterday- he was "not %. is pi ...paring. ter's lesel. liii WOrni.n.% -111 (.4111 interested" in the vice-presidency., StlinUingl) 111011141, s4 -i11,111 Suspense Thriller ROCIs surfacing of the parking He said he would "spend consider- dents said they did not fed ii it able time" in Oregon campaigning lots on F:ighth and Ninth streets. \Mile Canis Today the honor code was as slices". - for the \las 16 rimeta- Show s 1 morrow between san Antonio and san at Stanford as sonic. Alfred Hitchoek's psychological arbas streets, ssill begin this Today will he the last day Sen- Truman Signs Peace Treaty using Palo i o .rispense t Miller, "Shadow of A morning and continue I hrough ior graduating students mill te man who lises in Washington President Truman - snid.; Doubt.- able to purchase said he felt that 5,15 signed the Japanese peace treaty will be shown in the Little tomorroo afternoon. name cards from Theater the wt-tr; more honest than tiitP, yesterday, paving the way for tomorrow at 4 and 8 p.m., The lot will be permanent boot h at the Librtsr,. arch, it as part of the Unusual Motion as ; was Stanford. Japan's return to the family of : ailable beginnine Friday morn - announced in Ala.. 13rown. Picture series. ' representatise. free nations before the end of the inc. senior class Templatiotta Too Great month. A decitisal pessimiain in 11,,,11.,1 et Taft Assails Truman 41 ) nit ii" was es idenced !rot» Pit tshureh Senator Robert A ter(ins (Ni t e !lints To Ite(titty tipntesitints el the comments made to tls 1. Talt sail sterrtn that President Ph?i'1' Seer at tuderits ...aril I,t Truman's izure of tht steel in- dustry s.ts a precedent %Owh would allow "any president to Make himself a dictator." Contest Stresses 1, ,uld els at oi ii .a, rport unit y, Personalit y,Poise oers hy !ironic. -lote likel!. to do Entrants in the Miss San 2: quirtA In the school contest ss:11 be judged on pets ,rajor emirs. is "In . ality. poisc, beauty and talent, .441.11'141.S,.. said one eirl, "t h. M404- from Malin's" TO a release .11jemil is to get through. In Junior Chamber of Commerce, r 1,2. crook. In may .r sponsor of rile annual contest. 1..vreer, the students has, a Sir.- Any single woman between the .. re desire In learn sornethin...' ages of le and 27, who is a high Those who felt the honor sy s- school graduate, is qualified. hin would work on this cam!, Judging in the beauty- diyitdon .11d so because, as one fella% cs- will he based on the appearance pressed it, "them is plenty iit of the contestant in a bathing honor around here: what we lack suit and an eening gown. is the incentise and the split I An elimination contest will be think we should Rise it a charms ' held on May 1 at Hart's depart- ment store and final judging will be May 25 at: the Rose Gardens Today's Weather The winner will compete in the AAA cal sh W11.1,1 4,1 iwo-vkav Miss raMrrma contest. baromnters is on its w ApplicaC blanks Imo he ob- 1 !I.!' ' "P" tained in the 4.4mmetic% depart- ments of local departnient stores, and turned in to the Junior ( ?Limber of Commerce in the Cis is' auditorium. office photo hN liM1171,11111111 sophomore, corn- ! V..411 r Pea Alksne, "IT'S E.A51 and lots of Itin." Rea Alkane, Miss JOIS contest to potential entrants.