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Ll a Study Technician North Carolina State University's Newspaper Since Technician North Carolina State University‘s Newspaper Since l<920 A study Services to move I ( 'lark Intirniar) will soon he a thing of the past it' a ne“ health center goes up as e\pected. lh .Irihtl ,Iiill\sii\ l’lrtlrs .rre rarderxsax to .rxer \trrdertt Ilealtlr \et\rces ti tlt".\ llt‘llll hilt r’ arll iost strirletrts \l‘ to 3‘“ e\ltti «dell s'e‘ttii'sli‘t \ltltlt'tll lee- e rrrld r.si ‘ir pix lot the tle\\ lrriildirtgg as \tlllll .l‘ llt'\l serrres'et .irrl lert\ Barker. health sr‘l\ ti r‘s rlltr‘il it llte lee rrrr li'ilsr' .\ rr‘: :‘o Io a next hriildrne planned lot the errrrrer o' ( ates \\-.‘|Itlr' .lllll llarr '\ll&‘lt l)t‘t\e. \shert the llattts parkrrre lot rs lrti tlerl lhc tiritu't'stt} is horroxs the \h rrrrl‘rror, to t‘ritlrl the lat rlrtt. and tlte lee hila‘ \srll pa» ill the ltlrtlt llatla'r saal " ha ireaitft ter rs lrt‘i that latr'e rr: torrrpatisoii \Atlh other \cllttlll\ ill the \orrthea t' Hallo-r sard "Hut ot the to eaitrpiises iii the l \t \xstertt there are eight iaittpnses ‘artlt in s lireher than ours \triilerrls no“ p..\ ‘4»; a sertreste! lot health set‘xites llte lie“ hrirldrrre \\tll irorise the llealtlt l‘tlllkdlttlll ('eirtet ('ertter lot llealtlr llrteitiotrs. ('orriiselrni: (enter and l)rs.ihr|rt\ \er\rres \ledleal senires “Ill also he plo\rded there \trrderrt llealtli .‘iertries are tlrt\\ hased rn ('larl. llall \xhrih uas hrnlt ltt WW as a lk'\ttlk'll\l.' ltttll llar‘leer said ( ’larls llal! 's not .‘tltlll‘l‘k‘tl to he a modern llt'dllll r..ttt‘ \t'lllL‘t lhere are a lot of detreretitres.” he said 'l’rohlems rtritirde totalh rrtadeirrrate toilet laerhtres aird ltlkh ot lll1‘\.lL-‘s liails'e't .tlsr' ‘~.t|tl( lails Hall is .r' .iti rtieoittenrent lstt .tllrll'i lrtl \ltttli‘liis ” I lit rte-a lot .itrorr \\ ri'r he isrtlrtit it'll _\atds ol Christian Mueller-Phonitz. a graduate student in computer engineering, studies in the Arboretum Tuesday morning After the harsh early apptonttiatel) trrlrltr stride-tire he said winter. many students are taking advantage of the recent mild weather to spend time outdoors. llre srte tor sttll‘sllllcllt‘l‘r has heetr appioxed h_\ the lrrr\ei~rt\ Itoarrt or ltrlstees [he loss at parking spate». rlt llattrs lot «as a torteerrr \\tlll \threh the ittlt‘xi'lstlx llarll ‘tll'dr ltathr't \.tltl llr mtitl .trtrrril “W ittttrd _ "lel.\ oil“ l‘t‘ lrtsl tl‘ llli‘ Video classes take lectures off campus eirrrs' r._t:i tr ot it e' rre'u. ~1rrderrt hearth eetiter lo torirair thrs ll.::l.er sard plans are rr‘ ptoetess to lllilH‘ I 'l'echnolou} is alloninu some ti.e \t'trirt\ \trops atrr'llrr't li'saltirtl. teat domt that “They are regular classes I‘l.lltllllL arrrl itgati l’r" lieu l‘r.thlt: spaers students to amid that itiost \\. flake ”led to was. .ri partsrrr}, aas not lost in traditional s)inlto| of college -—— tlte taught h_\ regular \.(‘. State Hall“ “.lrll \'rt:or\ \lrirps \sril he classroom. t archers." t\l\tr‘:ll \\ .e-rr 'irrrds .i\.ilr.ll‘lr' \trrderits hart rrrrxcd rear More to tlrr tipeorriirre trse rtt ltt .l\stl\ st in H its 'liillt Rttssell :rr.rrorrt\ ot the 'flr'lrt". \lrt‘lllll he hased oit riser llo \iiri leer Tllt \,tit . ‘r .. rrt: director. ol'l'it e ot instructional lees. salrl l lttrs llrtllrl': si'trr. o rrr rrrdiisttral tele\rsiorr st r.e:. MW! :. or: llo xorrr i'ttL'ittk‘r'trt11' ll I don t ttst‘ the Illel ldorr’t \sattt tit \Stlllslll‘.‘llt‘ltlsll|.tl\r‘llrl"flertll r. .llle"lrl\l.l\\ eortrrtttrriiealions p.i\ lt‘l ll Some people lr torrzrr: :r. -. ":x easi- llortorr said he tlrrrass rrrost staderrts .sltit are tiottt this arid are lttlltrlr,‘ ._ . rrl lorri tlt‘t rt‘r' .' ~r‘1r'm r" ‘.ti \l \l lillssi‘ll area piohalm rtorr't rise the renter He said lte ltas tised Rtrssel‘. tlr tut: ~ o: r’i Ir'mr r»: sar‘. t r . a w e ;“"‘l.ttt‘. rrttltrde the health terrter r‘llei' it: the trrtrt he has attended lnstrrrrtiortii t :.; rtun 2' tin. tirirt~ . |' Tlell arid \t \l \leKiittrrtr-rrt \lllt‘l 'rl'r'd ' r j‘ " lsex rrrt teeth a sophorrrote ltl .lL'll\ rrttrrial erlrieatrott. Riissell \‘H‘ltlllldl. 'r . f.~ rrrrs llrm. r. r i :r “' ‘tx reerllat s had .i rrtore posrtr\e teat trort 'o the lll\ lease in tees l‘t'iretartt \rrit he emit 'rrwl tle ~-r.ril.rrrs \( \tare ”sail 'ltlrrrtk rt s :torth pa\ lltL‘ a little extra heeaiise health enrolled are older llra 'rr' ‘ tite‘1'r' II and rt r .r ' ‘ 't .r to the rtrstrrretrtr tale is a top ptrrrtit\ tot sttitlerrts' (l&'\'\ll said ”I slttileltls t‘l ale ital.“ l .or‘lrats to it it rrrrrr, ‘ w it it; to he lltlllc'rl 'e.rll\ don t think that patrrre at: e\lr.i \l‘ or Sill \Klll \\tlll tlteri rohs rrr hrrrt arrxltiuh and it a ril he hertetre rat in the hilt}: t'nn ” llattdiiat‘rped slllilr r r. tr..l pi -;ri. «.x'er aorl lrurxl‘ . 1‘ lr‘t ‘:=:oii-.‘lr the rrtatl ot odd hotrrs tritd \ .deo eirtrl s; . ‘irr-i‘. .rllt'tt‘ rli‘.i' (lltrtrrr'lr It l» lt .t'trs» ltt'sitlil ll.tt\l t .irtet a senior rrr spor's rrrarraeettiettt. agreed to teerilarlx seltcdrrled .ia st- sa rt lx’atssell \Htrtelrts tart T‘rrrt otr' :rrr rearrriertrents tor \titlrt teeth uho tiattied poll. e other and trre'rre tr .ritrotr;' .ltlt illrll’-lrlrl|l roar lltrorreh lk'l\'l.l\l\. .i "ll s not eorrre to matter rt ton lime to p.i\ a little those enrolled phone «rte that t- toiirstraork arid e\tra it it ortl help It. \ llrn'l. tartet sard "ll \orr'te lhe titrrrthers .ilorre rrrdriatt ,t't r rr.is.. tr. ’e‘rltilltrl -r~t'r 'r' ..t ‘rI‘ l\‘ Alllell l\,ltss\'ll \illtl .‘~""“.‘»’ to keep rt rtroilerrr \t’ll haw to do \\ll.tl _\oti ha\c l‘“lltll.iirt\ ot the tilted tour .. Al'ltl' ham \rtlrlill‘u'dsrli’lr t "r\ .t itstilx to do It \oo lierrre art the lost ot l|\lltL‘ rip the old hcett rrlteterl .il \( \tate l .‘-."s 'r \rrrte the lx'rrsstll sail .:.'Ior.'r‘ nlarlr. enrolled l‘ltlltllllL‘ \ori llrlr‘lll .t\ uelr harrd a lien and better \[Hltly ol l‘lsfi \llllll'lll‘ .t" h" .' "l t.i'r .rri‘rih the llle‘K itllt lairlrtx "I llle ptru‘tartr‘ rs defrltder‘. .\ tnrrrilrrr: ’ttr-rrelrl l'tttt tarter also said la helre\ es that it hrrrldntp a llL'“ Russell said "It’s rrrore t|r.rrr ltltl l‘\'l\\ rr: Illlt .nl\.ttt:.r"e to =' rilar Iriilt'tlls is that all slttrlt't‘l health \ii‘rli'l \\rll :rrrprot e the t'll.|lll_\ ol lireger tlrart a \eal aeo e‘xtra set ot lath art 11,1l'» .‘rrr.rr\ \orr rre\ei senile tor striderrts their lie thtrris rt rs north it Russell said that a tree. in rlrtx 'tas heerr haw to titls~ . la~ it‘ll\llltsll|'ll rs lerrt.itr\er\ sehiilnled to heeltt lie\l estahlished rrt tlri hasertrerrt or \r lsorr Hall to lx‘rrsselr an: oil r~ t‘lrirrlh there ire a le\\ \i‘llll}' lhettl‘.ltlt\ ei‘iilrl tak. plate llr the tall ot l‘l‘ltt acutttltitodate the the least strrderits t rr‘r r at o or'r Arstrlntrorrs \\ltrt take Video classes have grown. but are a long way trom'l ltat Hatter added that those ,tlt rirs: preliminai} l‘he courses are no drlti rerrt rtr i irrrrt r1l.| lll.|lr lllt'tldssi’s "r r' l' ,Irr catching traditional lecture halls l‘ltllt'sllt‘ll\ Rape leaves police Bike path meets hesitant approval fit ‘rr.j>t?S I ( 'ampns (ireeks are no l‘x t r'.lrtr'r (ll! lti'l: l .itt\ l lll\ salr'tt trieasirtes ‘)rll\lk\ \dltl ereerero Page 5 porrrted orrt the tlarteerrtrts areas. llrete ate slrll s.ilet\ ionsetns hunting suspects St'ar'OUS Page a longer lighting a project All r.‘ to pat the ‘rrehtrirr‘ and the dl‘t‘lll the .r'eas .tl tlte ends ol the the) once said \Hlllltl hlrrt hr'trtzrlrolres path ll r" llfllllhlt‘lla needlessl) increase crime. \r-r.r,‘ w? lltt' ltltttti\ 'or the " \r the other end ol the path ears I .»\n administrator and \loore. tlle adtltrrirstiatr .rs. tarr' t; lttSSihOrfls 1'3’3CrCC’CI‘\(’7‘,._,a, ’Lsr \tel‘r '\ e\‘l '!lls rtrll he \t‘lll'llL' so ill itrtles per hour and are parked Public Sal‘et) are wondering tor the l‘l"\llt'lll|sll\ de l‘ ~rrrr.. rrr “71“,”th Page s1 lh I{o\ llrir no lrorr. lraterrtrt\ (hurt s.tlil ( liittl rill l‘iillr stiles ill the toad.” l.t_\lill' \trrileitts arid tatirltx irrezrrl‘irs ll.tl\tt‘\ tll.l|l ot the |r.rterrtrt\ 's.ilrl llte path eoes into the Pt how a rapist entered a title-rt “oils at [right if o'r the torn: l'rr'stderrts Hoard l\app.i \lpha thltlsltltl lot ulteie sill\ building that is iisiialh kept remit-nae it. trite ra... rt. were, \t-‘rrltl‘t r\ \stll hi planted tre\t tail are pulling tit and out ' locked.
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