Technician North Carolina State University‘s Newspaper Since l<920

A study


to move

I ( 'lark Intirniar) will soon he a thing of the past it' a ne“ health center goes up as e\pected. lh .Irihtl ,Iiill\sii\ l’lrtlrs .rre rarderxsax to .rxer \trrdertt Ilealtlr \et\rces ti tlt".\ llt‘llll hilt r’ arll iost strirletrts \l‘ to 3‘“ e\ltti «dell s'e‘ttii'sli‘t \ltltlt'tll lee- e rrrld ‘ir pix lot the tle\\ lrriildirtgg as \tlllll .l‘ llt'\l serrres'et .irrl lert\ Barker. health sr‘l\ ti r‘s rlltr‘il it llte lee rrrr li'ilsr' .\ rr‘: :‘o Io a next hriildrne planned lot the errrrrer o' ( ates \\-.‘|Itlr' .lllll llarr '\ll&‘lt l)t‘t\e. \shert the llattts parkrrre lot rs lrti tlerl lhc tiritu't'stt} is horroxs the \h rrrrl‘rror, to t‘ritlrl the lat rlrtt. and tlte lee hila‘ \srll pa» ill the ltlrtlt llatla'r saal " ha ireaitft ter rs lrt‘i that latr'e rr: torrrpatisoii \Atlh other \cllttlll\ ill the \orrthea t' Hallo-r sard "Hut ot the to eaitrpiises iii the l \t \xstertt there are eight iaittpnses ‘artlt in s lireher than ours \triilerrls no“ p..\ ‘4»; a sertreste! lot health set‘xites llte lie“ hrirldrrre \\tll irorise the llealtlt l‘tlllkdlttlll ('eirtet ('ertter lot llealtlr llrteitiotrs. ('orriiselrni: (enter and l)rs.ihr|rt\ \er\rres \ledleal senires “Ill also he plo\rded there \trrderrt llealtli .‘iertries are tlrt\\ hased rn ('larl. llall \xhrih uas hrnlt ltt WW as a lk'\ttlk'll\l.' ltttll llar‘leer said ( ’larls llal! 's not .‘tltlll‘l‘k‘tl to he a modern llt'dllll r..ttt‘ \t'lllL‘t lhere are a lot of detreretitres.” he said 'l’rohlems rtritirde totalh rrtadeirrrate toilet laerhtres aird ltlkh ot lll1‘\.lL-‘s liails'e't .tlsr' ‘~.t|tl( lails Hall is .r' .iti rtieoittenrent lstt .tllrll'i lrtl \ltttli‘liis ” I lit rte-a lot .itrorr \\ ri'r he isrtlrtit it'll _\atds ol Christian Mueller-Phonitz. a graduate student in computer engineering, studies in the Arboretum Tuesday morning After the harsh early apptonttiatel) trrlrltr stride-tire he said winter. many students are taking advantage of the recent mild weather to spend time outdoors. llre srte tor sttll‘sllllcllt‘l‘r has heetr appioxed h_\ the lrrr\ei~rt\ Itoarrt or ltrlstees [he loss at parking spate». rlt llattrs lot «as a torteerrr \\tlll \threh the ittlt‘xi'lstlx llarll ‘tll'dr ltathr't \.tltl llr mtitl .trtrrril “W ittttrd _ "lel.\ oil“ l‘t‘ lrtsl tl‘ llli‘ Video classes take lectures off campus eirrrs' r._t:i tr ot it e' rre'u. ~1rrderrt hearth eetiter lo torirair thrs sard plans are rr‘ ptoetess to lllilH‘ I 'l'echnolou} is alloninu some ti.e \t'trirt\ \trops atrr'llrr't li'saltirtl. teat domt that “They are regular classes I‘l.lltllllL arrrl itgati l’r" lieu l‘r.thlt: spaers students to amid that itiost \\. flake ”led to was. .ri partsrrr}, aas not lost in traditional s)inlto| of college -—— tlte taught h_\ regular \.(‘. State Hall“ “.lrll \'rt:or\ \lrirps \sril he classroom. t archers." t\l\tr‘:ll \\ .e-rr 'irrrds .i\.ilr.ll‘lr' \trrderits hart rrrrxcd rear More to tlrr tipeorriirre trse rtt ltt .l\stl\ st in H its 'liillt Rttssell :rr.rrorrt\ ot the 'flr'lrt". \lrt‘lllll he hased oit riser llo \iiri leer Tllt \,tit . ‘r .. rrt: director. ol'l'it e ot instructional lees. salrl l lttrs llrtllrl': si'trr. o rrr rrrdiisttral tele\rsiorr st r.e:. MW! :. or: llo xorrr i'ttL'ittk‘r'trt11' ll I don t ttst‘ the Illel ldorr’t \sattt tit \Stlllslll‘.‘llt‘ltlsll|.tl\r‘llrl"flertll r. .llle"lrl\l.l\\ eortrrtttrriiealions p.i\ lt‘l ll Some people lr torrzrr: :r. -. ":x easi- llortorr said he tlrrrass rrrost staderrts .sltit are tiottt this arid are lttlltrlr,‘ ._ . rrl lorri tlt‘t rt‘r' .' ~r‘1r'm r" ‘.ti \l \l lillssi‘ll area piohalm rtorr't rise the renter He said lte ltas tised Rtrssel‘. tlr tut: ~ o: r’i Ir'mr r»: sar‘. t r . a w e ;“"‘l.ttt‘. rrttltrde the health terrter r‘llei' it: the trrtrt he has attended lnstrrrrtiortii t :.; rtun 2' tin. tirirt~ . |' Tlell arid \t \l \leKiittrrtr-rrt \lllt‘l 'rl'r'd ' r j‘ " lsex rrrt teeth a sophorrrote ltl .lL'll\ rrttrrial erlrieatrott. Riissell \‘H‘ltlllldl. 'r . f.~ rrrrs llrm. r. r i :r “' ‘tx reerllat s had .i rrtore posrtr\e teat trort 'o the lll\ lease in tees l‘t'iretartt \rrit he emit 'rrwl tle \( \tare ”sail 'ltlrrrtk rt s :torth pa\ lltL‘ a little extra heeaiise health enrolled are older llra 'rr' ‘ tite‘1'r' II and rt r .r ' ‘ 't .r to the rtrstrrretrtr tale is a top ptrrrtit\ tot sttitlerrts' (l&'\'\ll said ”I slttileltls t‘l ale ital.“ l .or‘lrats to it it rrrrrr, ‘ w it it; to he lltlllc'rl 'e.rll\ don t think that patrrre at: e\lr.i \l‘ or Sill \Klll \\tlll tlteri rohs rrr hrrrt arrxltiuh and it a ril he hertetre rat in the hilt}: t'nn ” llattdiiat‘rped slllilr r r. tr..l pi -;ri. «.x'er aorl lrurxl‘ . 1‘ lr‘t ‘:=:oii-.‘lr the rrtatl ot odd hotrrs tritd \ .deo eirtrl s; . ‘irr-i‘. .rllt'tt‘ rli‘.i' (lltrtrrr'lr It l» lt .t'trs» ltt'sitlil\l t .irtet a senior rrr spor's rrrarraeettiettt. agreed to teerilarlx seltcdrrled .ia st- sa rt lx’atssell \Htrtelrts tart T‘rrrt otr' :rrr rearrriertrents tor \titlrt teeth uho tiattied poll. e other and trre'rre tr .ritrotr;' .ltlt illrll’-lrlrl|l roar lltrorreh lk'l\'l.l\l\. .i "ll s not eorrre to matter rt ton lime to p.i\ a little those enrolled phone «rte that t- toiirstraork arid e\tra it it ortl help It. \ llrn'l. tartet sard "ll \orr'te lhe titrrrthers .ilorre rrrdriatt ,t't r tr. ’e‘rltilltrl -r~t'r 'r' ..t ‘rI‘ l\‘ Alllell l\,ltss\'ll \illtl .‘~""“.‘»’ to keep rt rtroilerrr \t’ll haw to do \\ _\oti ha\c l‘“lltll.iirt\ ot the tilted tour .. Al'ltl' ham \rtlrlill‘u'dsrli’lr t "r\ .t itstilx to do It \oo lierrre art the lost ot l|\lltL‘ rip the old hcett rrlteterl .il \( \tate l .‘-."s 'r \rrrte the lx'rrsstll sail .:.'Ior.'r‘ nlarlr. enrolled l‘ltlltllllL‘ \ori llrlr‘lll .t\ uelr harrd a lien and better \[Hltly ol l‘lsfi \llllll'lll‘ .t" h" .' "l t.i'r .rri‘rih the llle‘K itllt lairlrtx "I llle ptru‘tartr‘ rs defrltder‘. .\ tnrrrilrrr: ’ttr-rrelrl l'tttt tarter also said la helre\ es that it hrrrldntp a llL'“ Russell said "It’s rrrore t|r.rrr ltltl l‘\'l\\ rr: Illlt .nl\.ttt:.r"e to =' rilar Iriilt'tlls is that all slttrlt't‘l health \ii‘rli'l \\rll :rrrprot e the t'll.|lll_\ ol lireger tlrart a \eal aeo e‘xtra set ot lath art 11,1l'» .‘rrr.rr\ \orr rre\ei senile tor striderrts their lie thtrris rt rs north it Russell said that a tree. in rlrtx 'tas heerr haw to titls~ . la~ it‘ll\llltsll|'ll rs lerrt.itr\er\ sehiilnled to heeltt lie\l estahlished rrt tlri hasertrerrt or \r lsorr Hall to lx‘rrsselr an: oil r~ t‘lrirrlh there ire a le\\ \i‘llll}' lhettl‘.ltlt\ ei‘iilrl tak. plate llr the tall ot l‘l‘ltt acutttltitodate the the least strrderits t rr‘r r at o or'r Arstrlntrorrs \\ltrt take Video classes have grown. but are a long way trom'l ltat Hatter added that those ,tlt rirs: preliminai} l‘he courses are no drlti rerrt rtr i irrrrt r1l.| lll.|lr lllt'tldssi’s "r r' l' ,Irr catching traditional lecture halls l‘ltllt'sllt‘ll\

Rape leaves police Bike path meets hesitant approval fit ‘rr.j>t?S I ( 'ampns (ireeks are no l‘x t r'.lrtr'r (ll! lti'l: l .itt\ l lll\ salr'tt trieasirtes ‘)rll\lk\ \dltl ereerero Page 5 porrrted orrt the tlarteerrtrts areas. llrete ate slrll s.ilet\ ionsetns hunting suspects St'ar'OUS Page a longer lighting a project All r.‘ to pat the ‘rrehtrirr‘ and the dl‘t‘lll the .r'eas .tl tlte ends ol the the) once said \Hlllltl hlrrt hr'trtzrlrolres path ll r" llfllllhlt‘lla needlessl) increase crime. \r-r.r,‘ w? lltt' ltltttti\ 'or the " \r the other end ol the path ears I .»\n administrator and \loore. tlle adtltrrirstiatr .rs. tarr' t; lttSSihOrfls 1'3’3CrCC’CI‘\(’7‘,._,a, ’Lsr \tel‘r '\ e\‘l '!lls rtrll he \t‘lll'llL' so ill itrtles per hour and are parked Public Sal‘et) are wondering tor the l‘l"\llt'lll|sll\ de l‘ ~rrrr.. rrr “71“,”th Page s1 lh I{o\ llrir no lrorr. lraterrtrt\ (hurt s.tlil ( liittl rill l‘iillr stiles ill the toad.” l.t_\lill' \trrileitts arid tatirltx irrezrrl‘irs\tt‘\ tll.l|l ot the |r.rterrtrt\ 's.ilrl llte path eoes into the Pt how a rapist entered a title-rt “oils at [right if o'r the torn: l'rr'stderrts Hoard l\app.i \lpha thltlsltltl lot ulteie sill\ building that is iisiialh kept remit-nae it. trite ra... rt. were, \t-‘rrltl‘t r\ \stll hi planted tre\t tail are pulling tit and out ' locked. hirrldrire. \\lll\ll has l .o ohszrrrit the \re\\ ol .oirrl horises t)akle\ said he also “ants an \ lasstilitllls. \li‘rltr‘ s.ltil i|., rrlltr .rrzr'r w ,r. l'lh‘ prt'r ‘trttl‘ the hike path llte \lpha llelta tltiteast' llt ptitlt‘cltittl troni Puhllc llt llm Ill \sros ls’eseatellets tend to trrtrr.‘ rrt srrrad t r ti" u" 's’l. \ihlili strll r‘lrlri i‘ l raturrrrtx tirritl l‘r trorrst- rs \\|llttt1‘lllt't‘llll the \alett t. :‘titrtps tllittlt'lt. ttlstt‘arl ol ‘aorlsraz' lit\.lts|l\ llrrrr ‘trki' pith l.t\ lor said "\\ e are ltrtpltlt' l’rihln Strict) \Alll alerrs‘ \loore sard ‘Illix‘ the How to get in touch with... ll is [lit lrrtrfer’ r fro-r it ‘lll..tll|‘ll lllrr' atr‘a It'slrleltls ate sllll 'trlt step tip its patrol to prevent an) gliltllldlt' slttrli'lll \‘.its rapid .t'. liltllillllf; |xtr t used [it] e l .eer‘ntrtle lam. a; r ", ‘Alllr :lr. t‘h‘isrtarr1t.:-»rrtt,ttrt ttapt \ \Htlt the idea ot .t l‘ll.r' path “Ultltl he eirittc doers lrom gunpoint hatrrrda} rahrlt‘ dorrre «use .e tramp. We“ ted ' ,1 at tittllttlllrt‘t sat l llr .r'trtt l.r\lrrr ttt tlrerr hatluatds t oittrttiltrrrg \aitdalisitt to the research Illa l’r‘lls ll.ill Iah ‘lt sllrtrtltl hr- ltlrr‘l' In» amt \\_ l 'wtr ;rtrrrt,r [‘lt' sltit‘lll I‘l \lirlta lltlta l" \\e‘ \gs \\ l' .llk' rtPl‘tl\L‘tl [l‘ lllk‘ .idraeent parking lot arid the sorority According: to l’iiltlri \aletx ( rrrtre \lltlllltl trial. .1 t. r \ hard tor :ttttrtr‘r ‘r r '* are \\r‘ll\r!t:' ‘r‘.rll tr'rirr .t'Irl 'ratt lot .ttiorr hrit \\r' ueli r title the idea duplex." ( laklex said l’i’eu'itlioit (lllhk'l l.lll\ lllis the lrrrtrtrdersi to set III the hrnldrrrr- At 1" 'rr'tssr‘ri-rts teat lli‘rl .r. rt‘lll"r|r‘ r or a hula path ” ( taller sard I here (lppit‘stllttll to the path initially \Uttllilll said a rttarr rarire rttto the We don't \tarit to learn rhoro l ”’3‘ lllll lllt' l“llll"«‘ilr;_. ‘ornse a'oirrtrl ts rto ha}. the iirtr\eisit\ \Klll tltattee .iiose lteiarise I-raternit) ('otirt room ahorrt l {H p rrt and raped sei rtrtt\ lllt‘l‘lt'lll‘ tlrrs \..l\ ' l‘‘ t t seirirrtx rrrea-rrres the ltNJllt'll hrrt lhe_\ rntderstartd residents \xer'eit‘t .mare ol the plans her. risiite a _L‘lllt to stare lrer rrrto Illrs \\lll tails todax lil lllttst‘ \\llll \\\' ll.l\t l‘r rr prorrrr sell lte.r\\ orrr totttertts H to prit rt Ill aitd heeairse ot satcty silence \Hltl's rtt l’itlk Ilall altorrt \attrrrl.i\ s rE-Moll: ten ltlelltjtt‘ r U “s so Oitrr lre'ttrrty ltirir ‘rvr'rt plrortr s more “e still don‘t \\.rttt it. hrrt it is a \tlllkk'lll\ Stttdetlls arid lat rrltt \reri- nu rderit .irrd rape pie\errtiorr Mailing address: tor hrrrt ttlt‘ \ltlltl‘l‘i'H and settrtlh s\slr‘.lls ror izood toitrtettrort to (‘etttertitral "(hit titarit piohlertt vras will the working It] the room next door I Mr sard l‘tllhl' haw no srispetts gs‘ a stairs rtororqir me also“ lllt' lltlllsts lailor said “t- t artrprrs.” la_\lot sard “hen tlte tltait approached her. hill Ottrces: dairo Va inherent \\.lll\k'tl \rheti the ltilse path is wont: '\\ e leel hettei about it \\Itll the the) ne\ er heard .i soriitd. sard t'rrrl \.. ASSAun. I ‘ b r. orttpr A‘rrtrroi NL‘EZU r’ arthritis to he and 'l'rrhlre \aletx ( lllllk' tritr\ersrt} .ieieetitir to piiittde \m BIKE PAIN. Price 2 > r, s.» r- .1m'--..,,s-:v|.. \r sw a"! . ”Pun-l min:' Q “1‘.l Page 2 News February 9, 1994

WHAT’S HAPPENING News LQLLW l\s\\ ((l\l|‘\l .i\.iiliil\lc .ti \('\l (ii~ttit.iii (llll‘ lili‘t.'l\ I’\Rl\ llie \si.iit w M \II‘ I' I‘l\li l ‘i‘ \\it‘ .i\ ll ~liti‘ \litlilll l’l.ite ll.iiie|soii ll.ill. ;‘\r't\ ll;l|l\tlil\ littllt \iiiileiii \ssoti.ition is l)\\('F. (‘oiiiiltt litie 'l'-\I.K SHOW »-» "Let's lcsl‘i.iii .iiriliiiit \tit lent iitz‘.iitt'..i't- ‘\ si‘i‘l!\i‘ill|i_' Ronni |~ll lllllL' l-\eii l iilto \ illptii li.i\ till: .i \ .tlt‘llllllt“\ tl.iiii lll_L' .ieiohit's l'tilk About Sex." A talk Notes .. l'llt‘l litt‘i‘ls l-slvx il l ‘l‘tll‘ Isn't! .~.s.i. \\eiltit~sil.i\ liiitti (i tit \’ “5”” \l l.ll'.itit's.‘ litiiitr lit the \tittletii \loiitliss liotii -1 ll! i show about pin in lo"'.‘~"~s ll i. ‘ 'Il is itJ.‘ p iit lot into.- \3lll1‘.l'in"i lustiml l\ ll.l§‘ll\l t'eiiiei ‘ p ’ll to p tn .it l-.iiitiioiti l iiiietl eotiiiiiitntctitioii iii Rottt'til ll\ \.‘ i't‘t.s~ 't' Vs‘\,|\ llt tit iiiloitti.tttoii. toitl.i.t lli‘l'it 'ttt lll l‘ll'. ti: tlit lliltlllEL'lll \‘ lot singles, \1k'lllt'kll\l ('litiit'li. relationship. linprov '94 Accident sends 3 “eek ‘.\ii' ‘n’ iii“ >s._‘ l lx. tli.tii'.ili.~i‘ \onetnee ( lii'l .it ‘ l .‘ \iiitlmt tt-tiri-i \5 lot \\‘lll‘|’t'\ limited on the \Ulllt‘l tit to proiide \ignettcs. Reltt'slttiw ‘~ _. \ . lays out HHS oi loti.itli.iii ll.tllll7«\lll \iliiitssiot: l\ \eitiilotiiiJI .tlttte ('ltitlt \\t‘llllt' .iiid lloi'iie l'uesdti) tit 7:30 p.m. in to hospital \;‘l\i'tl l ‘l "t " I‘ ll'» “ ~ \,,““ tsslt"l lstiiinet .it *i‘ “’3‘ in t' l..iti.t: llll'Wll“ l)I\\l“.R \licct \l pei session oi the Student (Ventc‘r ..ill lit'll' .i' “lit l‘ ‘ \li M iii l~\l’Rl-I\.\ \’()l RSH l4 litesztmisiltlt t ipt.i:ii lie \tts .lliil Minutes V pet iiioiitli (Lill >413 ‘\tll‘tC\ Prizes. tree ““i‘~:i\" \til.\ ‘ l ‘ Vill ‘ '4': lie .iti \('\l li‘lll l\l-\l 5.». Hint t .lllil l’llttlldllls \\.iiits nut to H'l \ll t.itult_\. st.itl .idiiiission Sponsored by A threercnt‘ accident lkllt‘\tl.l\ (‘IR(ll‘ k l.'=i.s L'lllilt‘ liileiesletl .lllil (Illlltl.lllt III”; \t.itiliisl help pl.iii .iii \(‘Nl .iiiil stiitlt'tits rite (‘etiler for Student night on the corner ol lltllshoi'oiigli l\t‘\tl‘t‘t".-‘s writ" \l\li\/l\l' \t iiill_:l‘lll}_‘ students should \lt’llli‘l‘t l liinese llit-ttie Donn-t “t'ltillllk' totonie llL‘dllll Directions and Street .ind l)i\ie li'.til sent three tlolllt' tot '“H ‘i \ l ‘l.’ w. \lilL'J/‘l‘lt' tonic l\\ l‘t't'le ll.tll, \ll‘il‘ ll\li llw lot \l.iitli I". pilot to I‘.SS\\ (“\Ilisll others. people to the hospital. including .iit Titlintiflii u t\ t s :...‘.s l.:‘..‘is.i1tilst.ill in Ronni ll.‘. l‘l ttill *l‘ lneiiit-«sitny it; \li'tli. the the l‘t‘lli‘lllldlltt’ oi llie lltc ,-\lll\..l|l :\lllk‘llctlll INDIA NIGHT 4- NL‘. Stine l'ttiiet'sit} student. \\llll m“ \l'l \ l t ‘..i‘ i r“ pfl‘lit _i|,iiii 1-1:»; to eel .ii: .llltl liiolwi \iitii-h nil: l‘t‘hlllL‘ \ttiilmls l‘li'.tst' Sluileitt \ll.iits is Tickets go oti \‘dlL‘ nt ,-\l tihout 8.55 p in. .i \iliite l\ii' it‘ t' i . :' .‘ "up .isll\'\l\ it; npplnnttoii L ll.l‘\.’ it~ sixuiiil tonic to llll' l lil\tl\|l\ spot'isiiiiite .i ultolnisliip these tinies' Tuesday tit lloiiilti \eeoi'tl tutti .i red light .itid \r'lli‘ ls .t .‘s \' i "i ' \ll l'].llt\ls (il II \R lliit-t- nieniiixtr ‘l seams llllllliL' |l.i|t .ii l p l‘l t'\=.h\ tilled "'\lll\.tll 4 to p in . Feb. in at .i't' \\..2. ‘ii ‘ " liH-Ilpitj lit-giiirn-i L'llll.” tl.isses llill\il.l‘. .i‘. ‘ l‘ ti. liiil.i\ lot ile'i.iils. hill \lllt'llxttll \\ottit'ii iii till) p iii. tllltl Feb. l7 at hit .i black ('lie\_\ BIA/er. \\llltll iii ;‘ 'll ' \ . ‘ fi' (.lll .iiitl olic llllt‘llllLtlldlt‘ \Mout ii.ii Know I“ ‘1‘ ‘ll‘J lt‘.ttlt‘l\lill‘ ” \ll 4 to pin Bu) tickets at turn liii .i ('lie\ei'olet sedan. s.itd Kt" l\' l ‘ tl.tss .il \('\l \\lll iii;t't \il t't.i:iii- .‘ili' tit ltl'llii' “l l‘ I I\(i (i.iiiitii_e l t it .tti \ lllL'l l\ till the Student (‘enter Box ()t‘t'teei' l,.\. Hard) ol the Raleigh that l i -t H \\ \ii\\ sw rip (ilillll‘\ llltt‘l one lli'll! Rt'l't'sliii‘ -iit~ .\ l in (liili tttet-ts ltiil.t\s .it \xoittt-ti students .iie ()l'lice Two tickets per l’olice “Upttl'llik‘lll .i' ‘ .‘ .\~ . ‘ it“: l‘l.l!llll'1L' tateli neck tot li ‘~\;‘i‘l.\ stiwtl ‘ it) p iii lll liiitiitkiiis encouraged to toitipete person For more l'he tlri\et ol the »\ecotil. l‘l.llll\ l\l|R\ll“ . 'i 11iii=iiie leiiiii .iitoiiip.iiittiit‘tit SN \ll’lHll \l lllL ll.ill eiotinil lloot \l.iii} lot the S‘lltl pit/e (Kill inloriiitilion. conluct Alul Brilltii'il ol R.tletgli. nits charged 'ti;.: »‘ A . . inf il- .1lillll hour \l\lcs lot .iuiiistit _i_‘tl1l.ll \ell lsttim li'iley iolt' pl.t\iii}: illlkl \ll.llt‘L"\ ‘l‘ “:5 loi tlt'liuls .il “47-0440. \\ ith ti red light \ ioltttioii. it‘: ‘ r "ivi‘trt' li'lt l‘l tliiitueli \llllllll\. loli \\llll"‘\llllll lllt‘i’l\ \"s t't\ _:'.llllt‘\ .tlt' t‘llt‘lt'tl|.iid. 1-1. this\c‘ll to the l *tw“ ’ ‘ t 'tt3 ”pill lll .tnil pop tiitisit ("itsi is llllil\il.l\ .il illl pl'i lll \lt‘llll‘t‘l\ eel iltst oiiiils lllNl‘llJl .iloiig \\llll his title i s." I ll i ls‘iii- ‘ti‘tl \l Ill (tiiil.its .ite lutiipisiiis ll.il2 lx‘mttt: .il loilti.l.iiiiiii s l ilet ,What'sflappening Policy \ltii'gtiret ‘ t s s “tii i‘.I l"i‘\ltl\'tl (\ill litti (il.‘\ llit' “sllll‘i'Vlll‘it l\ .llltl llill‘l‘\lll.l\lt'l\ l' l \. l lit l’.itl); \i-l Milli .i taint. ilg'wmi i‘.ll,\‘:l.ll (Iliit'stziilis t .ill ll-‘llllil What‘s Happening items must be submitted in »\lso ltospit.ili/ed \\.is the dinet R» l . sltiilcti .‘lt'lll‘ 1'1 sixttil' \oit"! .il \‘l \l'lt' writing on a What's Happening grid. available ol the BlJ/Cl. l‘l )L‘Ji old \(‘Sl l\s\\t()\||-\| ’ ‘ i“ lllt‘ lllt i‘yitill l‘\.l;_‘ in TechniCIan's offices. at least two publication student loliti ll.ittlisoii ot \" ' \" ‘lt Bil-M \iii ll\(i Sv\ll Rl)\\' \Villmmstoti \‘ . '. ‘2'? :t" 1\ l\ll‘:R\ll‘>“ \th‘litl llilt't\.i'sil\ tl1iisl..i't "‘;’—”—“”‘ days tn advance by noon. Space is limited l'lie tlt‘iiei ot the (‘lieu‘tiilet tlt‘ ‘ "ii‘.i:~l‘.ip .titeii ten l’iepiite loi lt'llo'~.\sliip \\ .‘sli luring: \ \ll\ll\l'.\ l’\Rl'\ and priority Will be given to items that are sedan. \l.til\ Reelsieimald. .‘l. ot ft" 5"" t' " . “I s ttlkwi the pl.tiit oi ollitc \istt tttii‘ii's \-‘il in ll\ l.ll:'ll lii.iii~:li' l t‘l‘.lll\'\l‘ submitted earliest. items may be no longer l)ut'htiiii sullei‘eti no tiittu'ies §\lll\(i \. \" .' \‘t:.::..ii‘i titlittil step in ioh (iioiip lili'\.il'1‘\t'l\ \ssitt,.ittitii. \.itiiitl.i\ must come from \oiie til the iiiittt’ies \sete liter ( l' l‘\~‘ ~ ‘t l‘ \K ‘ l. tilitsltt ' \k'.ll\llt'\ ('tllt't'l llllll\tl.l'\ .tl ‘ ill piti iii lltllll \ lilll to l .iiti .il than 30 words. Items threatening l'XM‘yiiie \\.is \setit’iiig l \ \' ‘ \lli ‘ .tll l'|.tiiiiiiie .iiiil l‘l.iteiittttl \\ ilii.iiti- ll.ill l\'«‘«\:ll ltit~ lli~l_\ lllllll\ (iieclt organizations that are campus affiliated. The ti senthelt.'tl\ stud ‘ “ .i' tittiitst‘l-iis .itl\ise \«ll ‘3“ ll‘l‘- turf», littlmiliis ( llllHll. ‘llllll news department Wlll edit items for style. t . ,u: llititsild} I‘ ll‘ it i" spihkci l‘~ l .tli\ lst't'«l :. lt.l\ill|lli\' l

Candidates for President must have served at least six months as a chair or member of a UAB committee; or as F. member of the Student Center Board of Directors. At-Large Board of Directors candidates must be fee-paying students in good standing with the University and who do not hold offices in the UAB.

Deadline for applications is 4 p.m., February 28. Candidates must also complete forms in the Student Government office to be accepted. Call 515-2451 for more information. Sports

February 9, 1994 Page

olfpack edges Volunteers in overtime

N.( ’. State 72 \l‘.i\Il I . l\’iiI\ti:s-i't tt.I l'atoittlti I |i ;_ '~‘t write things ti' :‘o l"ll \Kt “ HA» '\I i'rtlh ruled the l’ack's taken ti I‘ltl I to. hot t l ., I’ita lllllll's tlttltt l. .tlItI \tat st .ipeil .i late ll ltte. t tlt tlt t lttl t‘tittm‘ ’ it :at. ielwl tht \tate s interior 'l‘enness‘ee 70 I


still the

‘best I A couple (‘arolinu blue journalists discoiered the magic of Re) nolds (‘oliseum in their first fish to the historic g) in. I’ietnie this \otii tirii\ersit_\ is pla} mg .i road basketball game against ~\oiii areh rnaI |Il one ot the most hostile L‘\ttt\ lit the totintr} I‘t'iittt tIte‘ militts ill the seats tit IIIL‘ Iiiie ol people's shirts. exeixthmg and e\et)oiie ieniinds \oii that out are a pilgi'nii in an unhol_\ land \ oiii one mascot gets throttled It} too ol the otlter teatn‘s \‘otit starting lne are introdiieed and I‘tlik'tl ltlslll) “. v' .. (Pt/SYN: “tell the lights go out llou do Koren Chester (left) and Nicole Ctmoto (above) are ready tor the new. yéaL _\Utl r'eaet ’ I‘t'dl .‘ \ri\iet) ‘ Illind terror ‘ “\\ ms "' e\elaiiiied ,loliii (‘ Manuel. assistant sports editor tor CIMATO & CHESTER: the Hail) lai lleel “lSoiiietInng iiripiintahlel'" .laesoii I one. \Ianiiel's eoliort. shouted in retles BACK Its iiiipaet niisses no one Ihe COMING .\.(‘ State spotlight lllltiltllkllttlh ltt‘ed tip not onl_\ a State red tro\\d help (‘IltWIt‘I ilitl li‘ii those kaid .it _«irisisterit pertorinanees ot DAM). but at least imit'arolina I While sitting otit last season. e sttiek tot'etliet tlte \shole little.” Ilie\ needed to he around tht trials the uere tntssetl l*\ the \\l‘lllI.IkI\ during the hliie toiirrialists \\ hose rob is. b) the Nicole (‘imato and kart-n (’Iiester tintato said "\\ e spent so ninth time liars It \as part ol tltera a part the'x e.ttl\ l‘.til tt' l.l\l \k.l\|'ll then later in the \\.t_\. to earr) .i lar IIeel bias .t\rid ne\ er lost sight of the team's goals. together last _\eat \\t had to sum“ 1 t'tltll kl'llltlllil I\-l\\' l‘r‘lttlltl litt .l \‘dtiilt \t'.t\tili war. the l'at k s \i'ttttL't't L".llllt.tsl\ pronded \IIILL‘ I'Ite \e\\s r\ (II‘M‘IH't is This) -ar. the) \\ ant to take more i‘lllt‘l Ilie teaiii dii n't haw that lllllxll tniie rspet tall\ it! \llt,ll .i stitcess tilled season stores totnpatahie ill. \t'tet.itis' numbers \Iit‘ke} \le(}ii'tli_\ \sasn‘t in of an aetii e role in aeliiei trig them. to '\\t|l'l_\ about iis Ilit-s had gsriinastits like last tea! .il tlte \l at I‘L lute atteiidariee. that lett l one and 'Iliit e\eii II on! sittiatron got its dorm. no ‘I as: Matt. learned that :'\n:nastit s is a \o the duo nerd l‘tlsls to uoik in the till- Manuel In ('t n ltisi supported theni tlironeli e\ei\tliini' Ilie\ eitt horn trod " ( hesttr said “It tar: tome ‘tt‘dMilt I ‘llt.ll" learn he! road back on the [am e looked astonished. \o \\.t_\ tlltl and :‘o I leel like I have to prom :msell ".iis lietatist that s aha: \\.is easiest on her a hr I 3 team gets this kind ol (Itester and ( titttto \Itlll\“l'e"l their .t:‘.tltt want to prom that l 'n tlte liest \t‘l-C Isllc't" IIIL' atrtor worked nonstop oti iesporise It took a \o \etsiis \o \‘Ilt‘l! \lt II.liI llx' i.'. ll‘ It teaniniates all the is n to \llll'll\.(l.l the .t‘._’.t|lt ' tlit I‘ats not i slte li’t ei\ed tlt'.tl.lllk\‘ tor the 3 iiiatehup tor his home eioit d to l‘dLIs and \IIEIL'i'Ieil to at» \tlt‘ til lllt' \(I \ he ‘i ‘ttal\ i‘_t\ ll.’ llit‘tt lllt‘\l\'l “I’lltli‘.ttl\lll1lt;'t‘l\eI‘ltllttii\t‘ otliti dl‘l‘a’alttw‘s last al. get close to this kind ot noise Yet hospital. l\l “as tlie'e row t tt\\l'- \\.l\ ltersell \ot alter ~he prmided a then \it s intetltl‘le 'lie l‘ats.” (‘Itester State‘s throng equaled and “lien a toirt lt:',t'.t;t".'t at l\t stto olet 'll xie st‘llIlI lie tlteie tot thent tie Acre ultool lt‘ct'lil ‘I ‘ i‘l‘ ,lri ‘~.t‘illl two seasons said M». do data utthoiit thinking I \'\(CC\I\‘(I lItttt l.l\l\'l than the Iltek put her I‘ds k in thr ll-‘\l‘tl t: llt‘l atesi .ille' t ”A”, \‘H‘l '\\e tried i‘lll hardest to get \lf'l‘ and lead the teant in all around at‘ lute? 'l\l In ‘31-. .il‘le todo" ol a sxs iteli. I'aster than the speed ol tetoxeiing lioni a hire \. lttl‘es 'emlm \1. there I” in. \Htl: theni tlieertne their: oi: .ii'ttpettttort in IN.» titltettnt ttieets. It \on a i \x it» tt\ sttt‘tt'lltlllL‘. she‘ll (In light. sat in the hospital tlll ltt‘t \\ltL‘ll the\ needed II It was ton-.‘li tor tn: l'lx llitlttl',‘ .i itx'lsitllar Ire-«t 1‘. i., aioand \ldi. \t it: \la‘k \‘t‘ketisi‘tt \.lltl "Ilis :\nd it these are the lean _\ears \itole ( Illtttltt .Iltll l\.iteti t he ti liottr ttiiies lietaiise l kept thnikni: this ni‘ltld store III a ttteet \i. it; that kind. or or :tasop‘rn t.’: it makes her great well. he itist lititl to sa} it. ted sliitted last «awn ,tntl \pettt plow. ol lta\e lteett J :teal W” 1” :‘ out as part ol (iiitato non III\ .III .llI‘ilII l \\|III i i V at to l‘\ .t'i‘ltlol “I bet this PIdLL' \sas rea||_\ rockin' tntie sitting and watthim' \\Inle . it rest ot the h“I learn I“ “hm“ “MU” \\i|li.itn t\ \l.ii\ in t“".‘ later til the (lle‘~It‘.‘ t.t.:n.d :la~ season alter in the 70s and tilts.” \ (' Slate s L'\l|lt|.l~ll~ s Zeatzt sltt .l its Hm ”k.” leattiltiatw 'A t'itl ltltt‘ on“. ones ‘s'.I\ill‘ she l‘elleteil hit all arotiiid liest No less so than no“. lll_\ triend best season tn sthwol lttstot\ \~.: tron: then \i hit needed the Jtist betause ~\oti near the same wapptttt lt.r,.ito .Illtl pesttne i i "‘ s GVMNASYS,I'.ti'i d_\rianiite tltieads to elirireh lot Ill years doesn't tnean the) get dull il‘ _\on take good eare ol them. And State has .II\\;I)\ put its Sunda) best in the stands. grooming its tans State hopes for Pack: \sith sexeral teatiii'es that sharpen the game's atmosphere. Sueh as the spotlight iiitrodiietion. Feb II l3 ' DCVICISOl't Doubles It‘s Robinson's best contribution to record finish Feb to UNC Greensboro p Old vs. Reynolds until he starts hanging Feb l9 OI Dovtclson p in Feb ?0 ()I UN( Charlotte p m N banners. .-\nd like the noise meter. I N.( ‘. State's “oineii's Heroin .inda |Mneiallretoid KIM)“ \slio iiireiiied both ot these'.’ \n'. l!l.ititl iiio\e tip in the \(( Feb 23 DUI\C p III e W l-,\erett (‘ase the man \sho made tennis t 'am is looking for a slatIdl'tg‘s oill inake histor\ lti' Feb 26 Virginia Tech p m southern basketball what it is, record-hr viking _\ -ar. e\ en \l \tate \irire the team started Feb 27 But both ol the lat IIceI's mo it'thal means only finishing plat [II t"‘ . no \\ollpaek March 3 (C’eo'gftheCh I: m I \.( ‘. State's men's tennis \\t'tlt‘r\ agreed the best thing about higher than fourth place. .xoniert's tennis team has tiinslied Morph 0 0,035,321” I :1 I: took on a “oll'pack Dream Re)no|ds \\ as Ito“ near to the ItlL‘lIt‘t than tonith plate III the March 8 Wmmmo 2 p m learn Satirda) in a classu‘ action )ou are. The elosest Manuel Bi St (H'l \otai siti Rt. tonteierite I p m (Ia‘h' or lame can get to the game is it' vi. Don i think I\e\ doesn't ieali/e March l3 ot Floriclo State they sit on press I'll“. \s here the) that March l4 at South Florida I l o m (Mid eheer. But sometimes that's ()tt paper. \ (‘ \Alate's \totiiet: s \\e nan: to do hettet “C (l ltki' March 25 at Virginia IO om MW not e\ en a sure thing Manuel team is I‘lkht'tl to tiriish tlt the lti st‘t‘ stilttt‘ ttttttt‘ \(‘l \ittoiies.” March 27 at Maryland I pm ‘ V I. lost his media credential tor the second di\ ision ot the \(l Ilttt ‘sltt' \attl adding. "“eKe been March 3” North Carolina 2 D m Ilie present met the past when Duke game ()teoiirse. a game \Vollpttxk toath Kellx I\e\ doesttt t itl'll‘i'lll‘\ e \«i\\ he \\anl to \\lll " April I Richmond noon \ l' \tate's nieii‘s tennis team later. he topped that h) getting lost read that paper She's i'iil lx‘etninine seniors lletli \Iiaelet April (3 at Wake Forest 2 p m hauled toiiner \Voll’paek all-stars looking for the Reynolds press tIlIIL‘lt'lll itltt' i'It Itr‘t ili’sls and \lavete \\i|ltaiiis \\llI he April 9 VHQWU Commonwealth II o m satirida) at the Raleigh Racket eottletetite room. ”I’llh ls Illt' slliittp‘t‘fl littlti l \t \“lllllk'il or: to lead a toting lint But there are places in the had here. on paper] l\e\ said 'lhe \I\.I\l\ \\(IIIPJKI\ Seliaeler is a April IO ClemsonBarton Colleqe _ pmp m ( Wkliti Iii‘ant othorm‘t_ .rnplaycrs. ('oliseum I liaie tlt‘\ er seen. and pelsottttel looks lieltet than last l‘dlllsllldll'» strong dottliles plauft. April l3 s lllk tti ti iiiii a r;\nitricaris. two I'd probably get lost iii search ot )car.” tshile \\ illiaiiis is considered ati April 2i ’24 tt ACC Tournament \(l‘ (‘haiiipions and a player who them. I'\ e neiei' set loot iii the I'llt' \\t‘lllltl\l\ ll‘i‘ls\ Ii‘ I‘li‘dk. tt t‘tttttllitl‘ittl lt‘dilt‘l May l3 2i 8. NCAA Chompionship \\.I\ onte ranked ch iii the world. upper deek ot Resnolds Coliseum. stinig ol tour straight lllllt plate "\\e \ioii’t lia\e an} superstars. Iilll the Wollpaek youth pulled out Itntshes iirider l\t\ last '\ t'.|l s ‘ at [)asidson team ltriislied \\|lIt one \(t a at Lharlntto See Rsmoros. Page 7 D s.. TENNis, Ina-t ’ R at Athens (3.1 sire Sum. Page 4 b Page 4 Sports February 9, 1994

1994 Golf Golfers ready for new season 199? \littltuiii led the team in \lark Slayytei is looking to follow top 10 three times He led the team Ftrl) l3 l5 Puerto RtCO Clossrc Rio Gronde, Puerto Rico I The Woll‘pack golf team scyer'al s tllt‘gt‘ltt‘s last yeai. up oil a spectacular treshrnan year. last year in the \('.\.\ Match 5 7 Imperial Lokes Clossic Lokelond, Flo. will attempt to continue its including top 111 titiislies. stroke \sheri lie is as named AFC Rookie Championships by' shooting .1 ion March 25 27 Furmon lnvitotionol Greenville, SC. winning tradition this ayerage and rounds shot utidet pat oi tlte \ear and to the all-ACC round of 71 and pacing State In a April 1 3 Carpet Capitol Clossnc Dalton, Go. season yyith a younger lit‘\\k‘\k'li t'\L‘11 \\lll'| lllL‘ liiss Hi team lri addition to those honors, Zlnd-place finish. April 9 10 The PING Intercollegiate Cary NC. squad. \litcltutit. \tate Littlc ll Richard he \\ as named to the preseason “We haven't really been able to April lb l7 ACC Championship Rocky Mount, NC. Sykes has tiye o1 his si\ regulars third team all :\111L‘f|c‘dll team. but see what Todd can do yet." Sykes April 23 25 Palmetto Clossic \llM PRtisi‘os returning ttotii a teatn that ittiished he isn't satistied Slanter is still said. ”He‘s been out play trig Charleston, SC. >- A- ltlth iii last year's tankings try mg to tine tune his game for the through the fall on a had ankle. so April 20 Mtiy l Covoliet Clossic Chorlottesville, Vo. lloyyeyet. he is also tittitk to point uptotiiirig season his scores haven‘t reflected \yhat he Mtiy l4 l5 Woiiord Invitational Sportonburg S C. An .ittibigtious spring ayy arts tlte out that the burden oi leading this “1 see my game improying. It is capable of," Mtiy l9 'Zl NCAA East Regional Auburn Alo. .\'.(‘. State goll' team. but it team llttys tt‘st's on the shoulders oi might not shim it in the scores right Other underclassnien \\ ho “I“ Juno l NCAA Championship Dallas, Texas contronts the new season \sith one tyso tuidett iisstiieIt lli‘\\. but as beeotne more make art impact this year \\ Ill be certainty State \\ tll tiiakc a run at \\ithotil a dotrl‘t oti! t~ vp players .oiisistent. my scores ysill go junior Press McPhaul. \sltU \\ as the .rnotlitt fattoi that \iil! llL'lllt‘ into play. and three \sill see a lot o1 the .-\t‘t‘ title this year \\1ll lye \latk \iaufer and tloxsti,” ~\‘laystei said second lowest finisher at the \(‘ \ the learn s sirttxss this year \ykes playing tune." Sykes said. “Those ()ne ot the more imposing ‘lltllllll kll'!'sl‘\, \\ kgs \llsl Helping him in the Wolt'pack‘s Championships. Brad .'\tl.lllls. \\lio lt‘t‘l- lltt‘M' .itt' st'Kt‘tiil [‘lay's‘ts three guys are ’lf(}. Smith. Billy obstacles standing in the way ot that "lltey ll li.ei\ ltt l‘L' {llt' one s tsiio \( t tattipaign \Hll be iunior Todd also turned in art impressiye ready to totitetid in \\ll.ll lie leels Is \\ est. and .'\1\L‘1\ liikttianis. all 01 goal \\iil l‘L‘\\l1L‘ll1L‘1'Ut not they can \\1ll liayt to line Lot‘s stt~~tl\ Uih‘il (mushy. \\ ho \\ as named a pre- performance at the \(‘-\,-\s. is ll‘t l|'llL'ltt'\l ;'i'll titlllt'lt‘llct‘ 11‘. lllk' “hour hay e a lot oi potential." succeed \yithotrt the leadership and gatites. to help out ".s‘tr'iuii ssh.» season honorable mention all— expected to contribute to this ycat 's ll.lllt‘ll [he \\ollpack “ill get its season strong play ot Kelly \litchutu. the \\1ll ll.1\c‘ hot" -:- .iz.‘ h.i.i \inetttan He produced the topltl team. " 1 here .i'e Me or sl\ l1t"-l1111s‘ll on undetysay lllls \seekcnd at the -\(‘t"s ittdt\tdual eliaitipioit 111 gantes‘ titttslies last year and tinished in the The Woltpack‘s ireshtnen are lllls team who t\1ll ham .1 tliante to l’tlt‘t'lii RILU (‘lttsstc T O Sophottiotes lItthd \Ilert aria looking to contribute immediately Woll’pack students and tarts to come arid toplll player .lohn Sadi'i. But t‘ltastits (handle: hunk to htitld on lll her l|1\l\\i' season out and cheer the team on. exert ll ltolitk \l‘lllti not hang on lot the :tnptesstxe tits! 11 perk-rt“tantes lses and her team are estited t'or it's only for one match. State urn. leasing the score knotted at \lleii is the "most riiiptoye 1 player {ht season to start. but both know "Any kind of support is great. \ on tlttee (iltfi'fl’iii i.' " 1" Indy: 'l trotit last seat and ( ltariillt' has there is .1 reason the ,\(‘(‘ is such a can be meal in college tennis It‘s I going into the doubles but \\L‘ \yill haye teii solid playets.” leaitietl to play 1 sittatte: man 1: rough touterente to play in not like a country club." she said. a 1 id!” matches Key said Both plnets titetl to stat up th:s 'lliete are tour -\(‘(' teams iii the demonstrating the polite clap ot the "\‘y e an ilslixjhtetl to hay e the rich 11/iki arid lsetiriedy deleaied \1att Juniors \latgai'et Kenny and \(it 'o htlptht l|l\i\ iiitilt-st top _"~ si‘ \se knou it will be tough rich and unexcited. tradition o1 \wtth t‘aioluia State \l\l)l‘ll.ild arid ( ail l‘lumgar-dticr 8 \lar‘gte /ittimct bring e\pcrience to \opliontor: ltsltt \1arshi'l irni \\ e ilehitztely ha\c out \york cut out “It‘s not basketball eithei.” she tennis titllll'lll ' \taie coach ‘ to giye the Pack a slight the teatii Kenny ltas itnproy ed the 11L'\\c\‘l‘.1\'t\ l .i.;ra t \‘l\l'i.lll. it't tis l’\c\ said qutckly added yyith a laugh. “but t‘taxstotil lli said "llns \sas a adyantage It came doyyn to thc last t\\o years and looks to do so \lLtLd Hit (in.tin l’tti lsxlre llt.r2t lite team looks tot tan support you can have tun and make some 1t‘.tl_itlillilt'l'Ls'l‘tllitlt‘l lot our regionally tanked duo ot Bolick and again in 199-1 /1111111L‘1‘ is touted as \\1ll also ste plttity ot action and it lll\ll is scarce at rtiost rton-rcyeritie noise. I know tennis is more oi a players \\L’.tlt'1\‘itll\ looking Saunders. .-\nd the duo held true to one oi the team‘s best athletes and a proyitle depth lot tlte teatn Quinn. spring sports to help ll through participation sport than a spectator toiysatii to out opener .it South town, beating Sadrt and Andy pr\otal player this year, atiatister ltt‘111\lissis\1pp| I\ another tough season Key inyttes sport. but support is very important (.iioliiia Andreyys .‘y'rh to l‘l‘ltig the Pack 'd to the girls.” lltL' \\ol!p.iti. and the old timers \lk'ltll') Luitl‘: lools"' singles tilttlt‘l1L'\ "()ur players really tought hard If you ordered the 1993 The Key and the learn Will try to hold l’tit \1111«lets ”11.111 “NM and and played \er'y \sell." llcnry up their end of the bargain and git e \\ alt lstiiiitdy stole \\ins tor ~N'tatc added "lt is hard to beat a team that State fans plenty to cheer about this Senior Ht": lloittk liad l1\t'111tll(ll‘ does built o1 those.” AgrOIHCCK. NC. State‘s yearbook. spring. l‘t‘l'll'~ t..:l"\l toiiiiei l’acls standout

of the come by room318 1993 Student Center Annex today SIGN UP FOR THE MEN'S ACC TOURNAMENT for your copy. TICKET LOTTERY There are stillcopies has remaining for anyone who flL‘ld at

might like one Reynold's Coliseum Box Office it you have any questions. call 515 24119. Monday, February 14th 8: 30 a. m. -4: pm.

Each student must bring their own ID

“11R:NrAMORE1' ’ENTEL “3L lW,. DillLTiL‘N-Sall“ Stfi Jfl-b lfyou cant talk about using tundorns or .stxual behavior wait until you can Contact the enttr lot Heilth Directions at the Student Health Service.

FEB. 7TH- 14TH Fresh Flowery erI be .slt'ar‘lablejlrr Purchase on the 14th

itIz each purchase register to win one of (Ego/(cwe 7 our @513 14 GREAT PRIZES to be given away on I! .s ’1)’I(‘/’lrt(t HHIM‘ II.‘ It fruit/ti or (rm/ital (Insert!) the best. “it lnn .II ”I thr‘ lirat 1» r t .1 1‘1 r. [its and students alike with a 1110i: discount. February 14th at 9. 00am We invite all oi you in “up” . ‘..t .1! l’."i,tll| -si111('\l tutsine \y'hilc enioying the ambience of our restored ttiin oi the . t -' , Mm '1. tll‘-|I .ii i. )ll “1“ he pleas;'mtly surprised to lLtrn just how reasonable 1 rtzt tint: 12' am. st 2.1 my tastial our e‘lcgant surroundings (an be. 3.01163 {Okla Please impose up- vii or in p! it a in. it» in to: an appeu/er. lunch. or dinner. A suggested prereqtiisitt i. it ~. . .t at it l.t\.illi in is a \yeek'end nights stay in one of F”? t out lll\iil\ wit - \i ll s Itll our spet ial Mentors rate 01380.00 pct night. ()l‘).-l-l.l()_lt() ’, ier classes, relwc and enjoy a Imt bettriage r'nfrrmt ofa nettingfireplace in iu'tI‘yt l" kit" liiilllt‘LHl our Hrmter's lair Pub. v (t wall/'1‘? W10 lJiithair. \nrtlil .tl"lliil '"Wi Page 5

The good, the

bad and the

ugly I Popular heliei‘ aside. \olkssiagen lttt '\ te ~r'nplt" irrnntr s tt‘l \: tll‘ l. .‘H' three rnrlitor output." r' ill Beetles are still in st) Ie. It seerned as it e\er\l»o\l\ n: ”it ',r.t-r . had a \ oil.s‘.saeen stot\ Hi .It \\ Loust iii-iiri R l).i\rd l lien \\.is toannue arm: sister lsaths lookrrre .rt tnr tr: lot u out that hastr t iteerr tirade ttt l‘ \eats terttttrtstrti: the Volkswagen Beetle rust non r so .max "lire; i;_t\t' .t s ‘ttlrtttt‘ntdi ,tttri. lttr 'l‘he people's \all has next-i heeu more liltlth‘s hatk iotid lltt'llil'llt‘s o3 \i'l.l‘r popular Proud Volksssaeen oorrets gathered lrlen said at the Starntouirt \hopprtre (enter on ( ap:t.ii lllt'l‘ opened the door oi one heat r;' ill ,r l‘l- ' ‘4' . l< w Bouleutrd to sliou ott their tars .itid torrtpete .liltl pointed out a round lit‘attrr” \ iii a dw Cracker and members at the band tot prr/es at the tillss\\.t;‘t'tt Beatles lltt l‘dcls \t'dl llL' :L'Ldllt‘ii L‘t'tlrtrz‘ lir- Cracker. Reunion. t’l hat s Beatles as in the hand not hunted hr the writ \slren he at .r .. r5 ltr Beetles as in Bugs , also ttrrretnheted treirirue \srtir lsatir. to I (‘raeker is band redefining the oi' the satire alieet on the .l'tltllL’llt e lhe "l‘m sorry we're so much The Lll\l()lll paint tons on sornt or lllt' seatt't itotrot sligotirrt hounduries of music and dtirni'ounded torueit eoeis could do tatieter Beetles tirade the tats resern'rle gran; \\t'llsl‘. \\.ntk sard dt: trn, is: r, nothing ntore thair stare ratatonitalljs \s'eirtler than most rttllllig lzastei‘ eggs .tl.\.r\s Irraltes itt't t.‘t'l .iapp.l ' torm it...~r astounding audiences. at least in the hand tor the lust ten songs ()tltet's looked as it the} \\ ere held together sounds rust like a trdrrre la\\n tno r \\‘r .. (‘hiipel Hill. Yes. it “as a \\eit'd \ltrt\\, hut littlklllfd alternative hands." h} rUst, she oouidn i take a trap as a third ‘t': ;~ haek on it. \l" loo er} needn't lta\e Man} Bug—liners hrought their ihtl‘tes and \sould dine her around on a last in». st :rt In M-\Rl\ Mt'Kissiis .ipologr/ed I)n id inotte‘}. their dogs to euro) the sltlt, the ttrtt and llls lltt' siltttttl lll lltt' t‘tlj.‘ Il‘rt' lulled her try, li\pet‘ienerui_r a (‘ratker toutert rs krrid (‘i‘aekei‘s lead singer ehrome 'l rust row the sotrrtd ot it putt ;r..'.' t ratker hegari their pert'ormrinee at the oi like heing exposed to rnarn .lrtier‘ertt Si\t}»se\en Beetles. tainpers. l\ttse~ .tlitl putt putt \\entk said (at s ('radle l‘tttltl) night utth an apology. ezitegorres ot nrusie at the same tune. Bettie tlriietetrt is a l’\t"\ ingredient iot' trueks entered a eouiest sponsored in radio liarrk l'\tttL’ a \\ l . r Take. tor lll\ldlltc. the lineup or the itiusrt.“ lo\\er\ said 'It s ntalleahle. it's Ra} Milosh \ion the pit/e tor’ the ugliest taltiottrim l\|tlf.‘ [Hitst‘tl to anything hand. instead oi lttt\itr}_' the usual tour or tors: single "to tire. alternatise iiiuste no“ is so foe nitrsitians plasine then respet toe ilurd. rt's tl.r\\ed It’s not a nerd toi’iri It's VW lle drrses his rate tai‘ titer llolnies. oho oon hest or snon toitnuiaie.“ Lottery said. instrurrrents. (talker is more at a urusrtat .r lr\e thine. it's an inter ltlll‘ll. it‘s a prekup to uork e\er_\da_\ handparnted ”I Beetle. said \ \\ loner} cited lhe l.ernonherids rind org). rilloxsure sexeral platers the t lurnte dialogue H "lt‘ll last longer than i ssrll.‘ \irlosh said fatnrlx traditroti lle tat‘tred on the tra l ' o lulrarra llattielil as emrtrples oi this slt‘lcl to hang .ma} Still. ('tatket tails under the lte.i\_\ “it‘s the most uset'iil \elueie on thC l.l\ L' t‘i in spending; a seat painting the l‘itil‘s pattern "We don't teall_\ lt.t\e ritr ottz'ttral tonsttatuts or one lahel sitttlt‘lillllil the earth." ta: and trlirrg t\es. ttlrrre t the iloor ‘lhese handsl are rust totally pop “HUMP.”\\t‘l"\ sdltl \\ L"\e li.t\l lt'ls Hi loner) \ ieos as a douitie edged sootd »\nd probably the ugliest ‘l eet a lot ot neat reactions” said llrn'nr‘ lllll"l\ Juliana llattield‘s like the (io-(io's tnenrhers ot tirts hand. strtttt‘lltttt:' lily i l in a terrain \\a\ ltlnuk that's tool." lite truck has ih'dle'tl itottt rts tllt 'rnil tatpeuter ttotn lloli} \ptttres l’eopn estept the gurtar is distorted and Esau hut ll.\ pm me and Jolrtrtn illitknran‘ and loner said \ltettt.rtr\e \tllllk' up turquoise to a dismal. sthool \\ til ‘lLkll iealls lose it til teallx hate it little trr‘ llairtio liead singer tor The Lerrtonheadsl “e hm e ditterent people l‘.t\l\ us up hetatrse there Here a hunch oi hands tn the l’titehes of rust emer the sides ot the espetralls seem to like rt' rs like ldoti‘t knots what that‘s like. hut for this tour. (‘r'atkei rounded up Brute earls M's that kirtd o! atted like ptrttk ttdreulousl) long hed l'adett toxsels lnde the ll s t'tts\ til st‘L‘ \Klt\ lllis “11 Arm: r‘ ti‘t to rrte that's musit that‘s so safe. it‘s just Hughes trout l’or Doe l‘orrderrng hands. hut the) \sete ultttnatel‘. kind oi seats. \oune e\es l\et\ \i‘li‘l rri: t: .rra‘n sort or like tius alternator: ittrtltttltl that‘s tll‘ttllllllct' Da\ id l.o\er'irte hour the l’:\ plating lt'xh and pop llili\l\ l’eople Volkswagen enthusiasts said the rats are represented on the outside. \lllltl‘ torrre otit trim." ()ddl) enough. ils‘!lltL'l tli ...t's'.' rotrldtr t re.iti\ tall their: punk or posh special tor their \llllllllcll}. littl;‘t‘\ll_\ and o rllt llriut'ts and \\ at t‘t‘il citt'tt " ‘ ‘-r loner) titrds heing tategot‘t/ed With ir‘rusttians piased on r‘:,- lice. t‘tlltl st‘ \z‘t“tt.rll\ r'KQt'm'ttt‘ 'lilt‘tl tItt sentimental \aiue. \atltarr (mom a totrm'r l‘dlit'llls \ ltttL‘t' stinErttL,‘ srtri ltr'ar' these hands insulting partly hceause he “Kerosene liar .llit'ttrrtlt‘st .\ (I Mate t lll\L‘l\tl) student said rrrs itivctlyt‘l sttlt' teels the lllllNlL isn't grounded llt .insthrrrg. ”\1e and .lohnrt) are hie l’rs es treak lint tot ( t.nker rt . lls“st'l teallx heeri camper is suited to ltis st\ ie oi in in: ltank kin; piohahl\ put :t htsr ' there‘s not men a sense oi' roots or l’lchlltil tip plaseis trorn hands :rke the .tl‘otrt st\lr,- .itt\.\\a‘. it s lteett .thotit "You can sleep in it. took til it toe in it iookrtre at art old photo aliturrr’ it. too in their ntuste.” loner") \dltl. l’rsies. pltis looerus ria\- ltrtitltilt‘ “""r" lhe .tlteirratixe lahel that's (‘atnper \an Beetlnnen stttks t ' t- ket ‘llrere are no throxs .t'.\.t\ songs on an) ertltlttlttllt‘llldl} to losser) is the orte that \Hlll the altet'tiatne lahel But i o\.\ei\ has or otii retordsf loner} said ‘l d want to he helped create \stth (limpet the a driierent lt‘\\ ot \s hat (to ket he rernernlwr'ed lot out sorn's " .iltettr.ttt\e iuusrt that really does hase epitoiru/es ttnrts “l thrrrk we re a totk 'i' roll Powered By "lt . stilttc‘llllllt.’ that i took part in hand in the grand nadiuon or t teatrne.” lower) said, "lx\tttl to he rotk hands it: that. ultutrateh Available On Earth tateeori/ed with the Lemonheads and sse pla} pop ruusn ” U‘-\t‘t\ llattieldi to tire is kind ot like a slap In the \Ltltl “\nd \se plas drtterent i.t\t‘ .. st)les. \seie ltt.r\e ettouelr to t ratker‘s peitoi'inante l‘l'ttld) had krtrd pla} ditler'ent st\les

owo Warm her he a]1 MIDNIG With a lat'alier We" tram - t:5l pni. thurldiiu. fab. tltti Where the Brickyard DISPOSABLE from Come to our into table and learn about: . \XCILL’V‘WQ'SLa Trmetro:wartdwt-deonasttximt's budgetHow to get OF HIPH - at.2;errt .m t’‘ trimatcoal Student identity Card + and moral cwvas SOUNDGA“ PRESENTATION ON WORK ABROAD t" t" Hiram. thuridoy. trio. ll BRIAN ds Etc. '1'.» In" tit! titatnut Room. Student Cantor r THE JESUS A. (Imy. n Laxnc obs in Eiglana reldm‘ um")? lustrous 832—1687 Free Rose ll" l‘ l-t'aiiklttt St. Chapel Hill 9i 9-942-2334

Full and Part-time on run 8. rtrxummr Positions Available

Rod Lobstar, Amortta’s number not lullssorvito soalood dinnorhouso, is roody to late you in with a (on- vonlont lototlon, upboat onvtronmant, lull training, grout pay and oxraliont bonolttsi Join us in one of the lollowtng positions: 0 Waiters/Waitresses 0 line (ooirs 0 Hosts/Hostasses 0 Food Produrtion r GreenpeaceRetro ' Dishwashers 0 Bartenders need by Helium attenuate! 0 Alloy Coordinators Rod lobster l805 Walnut Stmt Cary, NC Apply in porson Monday—Friday irom bin-tom at tho abort location. First 50 students to come to the student newspaper office will We on an squol opportunity omployor, receive a limited edition Greenpeace. Alternative NRG poster. Enter to win a free Alternative NRG CD! Red Lobster. Serious 'Page 6 February 9, 199

The Veil b\‘ L Anne Beamon, Still Life with Rug Hat by Amy Swearengin H02;‘J‘ filtift’”.’~ ”r: WidiAVL‘u-w\,, i 91“'ss'II-v7-,L-.)or Iyq‘ IJ:Irv

wxrn. «III?[I’d/{if". err;f0 E3.HI AAIJW-I3."

*‘I I ‘ 7 « ~ ONEHMVFMANI ’\ -- ' .» pL£.I\CIE J i . ¥—«/ I a: MINE H IM Year! r \\I‘,I 'I . ‘~~—>""1——v"‘i l. I/‘,.,_, -

~. «I I

Days in the Life of Love /)_\‘1)ann_\I Wilson

Campus Interviews February 17, 1994 01.1)li, :\l‘.ll‘l‘lt .I s lI‘iIll 5L‘l'\'l(t' Distoiiiit s‘tudr Izt Etc/large #— Broker \‘ Is hulking tor iIIIItI\ and people to establish Ii IIII'IIIII‘ III the brokerage l‘iIinIIIss l’roqram(1MV£lJ7_ m FROM (inII x ()LDE otters: Q—I_' 12-18 month paid training program '22“ The Midweek Potential six-figure income Study at one of 114 different Ewellent benefits I‘olleges and universities in the I-‘IIsI, III-III) Competition Killers: DIIIII-III-I It \III: possess II\IIIllIIIIt I’IIIIIIIIIIIIII'IItIIIiI slxills. LISA tor up to a year. (iiiilptins ( i( II Itl :I-IIIII‘III [lltlrl'xt‘l lIIIIm lIIIlgII end the desire to \ltiiitlIII 'llIiiisIlIIII I-\I’IIl \ltfll up tor .III HD’L'IHHPHS IIItIII'ViIIw IIII Now Serving ).- _ l-IItII’iIIIH l7. 1W4IIIthe('III'IIIIrt'IIIItIII'. QUALIFICATIONS PIZZ’d ll] H (15 l1 )( ll:\( )1 ‘ I. I... tlt‘ UL c Il\ lt \IIII IIrII tillIlIlII to .III'.Inge IIII IntIII\ III\\ I Ill. ql. llt‘, I]_ lull tllnt‘ billtlt‘llt_ _ . _ _ B“ ddfslul‘s .. / 1 800 937_0606 _. l‘It‘ It \Upllttl‘ntllt’ (H )Uliltil Llllt Ill}; lllt‘ \VinN ,- Offer expires 5/ lv‘)»i ‘\l\l'lllt‘tisll‘It [II II\I'hIIn;;II ss Him Isss IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIsIIIIIIIIII It fl». llII\ II IttlllllLlltltl\L‘(il.‘\Ul‘ , ‘ ) i _.Ij :— . — . "-"_. .— — —"'—I I,—. " \ItIIIIml l\'III:‘I;.!IrIII; l ( “HI“.IVWI IIIII'sIs IIIIl IIIIIIsl'l tIIIsIII‘1 l} lU,\LHL I [“1011it SLII)(Il,_ , SI)£’(lcll, I (lllllll)\; .l\\lll\ III-IIII \11I.‘1 Il\\l’ssIIl l\ll1t IiII'IIIiIt IIItII \oii pm to IIttIIIIIl X [rd Large I 2 Mtdtunl \t 8L IIIIII tinIIIIIIII Iiid iIIII\ he iisIIl l-item Pizza l-item Pizzas l! illlt‘it"‘l('tl IIIIItIIIt t hIII'IIIs \. ll.I\\\IIIIIl \\| \g.‘l‘) Ilt'll\ t‘II‘tl \— ‘l‘l Ili‘llM‘It If AOLDE I. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3131' l‘iilliIII llIIll. Sl’ivi-l‘t“ III' 31'» 18“," DISC()1NI SHXKBRIOKIIRIS NCSU Center Stage presents \:I‘lIIIIII‘IIll‘l':I.I.III liniIthII NCSU The National Theatre of the Dull H‘ Ticket Central 515-1100 Dylan Thomas ’ Winter Clearance m" Under MilkWood

Discounts for . . senior citizens. IIIIIIIS, children. NCSU lacultylstall. .I\\'I-\ I I..\ B II III S II I F'I‘S: Stewart theatre is accessible to 6 p.m.~ I0 p.m.: II— 3 a.m.: and In.m.~~ 8mm. people at all ISS/HUI R -\l()Nl):\Y THRl' .. abilities. 0 All Warm-up Suits S l.-\Rl l\(i l’»\\‘ l-Rll)I\Y ~l’.»‘\R'l l [Nil-I ~l’r\ll) HOLIDAYS; 0 100's of Selected Athletic Shoes liMl’ltH Nil-NI \('I\l'lt)NS NILII' Reebok -Sl'lll)liN'l LOANS 'l..\:('l;‘l lv.l‘iN'l . New liI‘IlIint ("liltlnlk Within Walkin Distance Addidds0 Asit‘s "w' "“"l' ”Ml“ "You See and Hear Every wIIIIII SIIiImm' 'liirIItIII APPLY IN PERSON I of NCI U and others 12 noon -3p.m. on Tuesday. Feb. l3 Wednesday, February 9 at 8pm at the lilectric Company Mall Stewart Theatre Mission VIIllex Shi’fpin LInter Axent NCSU Faculty/Statt313. NCSU Students ‘f\~ Ferry Rd. Next to Irrt rugs ..IF YOU CANNOT ATTEND. CALL 7907294 FOR MORE INFORMATION This performance Is supported by a gram from fhe 821-2828 EEOE North Carolina Arts Counmt, a state agency February 9, 1994 Sports I‘ A gII-gctrlt IIIIIIUIIC l'hIIt Ina} he II \\ I II ‘IIII UIIIIL‘I'\IIIICIIICIII IIIr Ihc IIUU Gymnasts (‘IIIIIIIII IN ICIIII} III IUI'IICI l;I\I _\c.II'\ Reynolds \ldcllllcx IIs IIIIII‘III} .I\ pnxthlI‘ ’IIt /ll't ' "We're gIIIIIg In make It men I'I'I’II‘. I-I'Ing IIIIIII her shoulder hotter." (‘IIII‘IIIII \tlltl "The only I mean cxct \III I‘\I‘Il \\llk‘|l I :‘II l\"‘ WW 1 IRecords. . IIIIUI'}, I'\IIlI she IIIIN I'IIIIII'Ihutcd III at thIng IIILII kept U\ gIIIIIg lust sI-IIsIIII IIIIIIh pIIIk'IIL'C IIIIIII’I kIIIm \\llIll I)» I consistent pace. IIIIIIlIng two scores was IIIIIIIIIIg IIIH’HIIII In next year. It‘s llIKU, IIIIII don‘t I'IIII- III kIIIm I~ . I iitlt’ SIIL’ Incr 05 III) the \I'Illll .Ilreatd), Next year Is here. lI‘ll}! II\ I .IIII .III IIIIIII‘IgIIIII l l I lIII1(,‘ "K,(‘.'\ \l\|ll Incl has started to “I got it best I‘rII'IIII out nt' IhIs I'hIII's II \IIII'k IIIIIIIIIxI lIt \Illlll ’ I come hIIIk uhcrc II was." sItuiIIInn." (,‘IIII'IIIII \IIIII. ”BIIIII III us (‘III'IIIIIIIL \\IICIL‘ I ll\ll) lImI-I III-Ik r KL. III The Skinny SILWCIINIII \IIIII. "She‘s IIIIIIIg Into were there hit each llIlIL‘I last year \c‘Ile l\l\\ lhc .IlIIIlIIII s littlIx lIII ,. an utultIIIg. Ihc thIIII IIIIII floor but It‘s Just II great l‘ecling III he buck, gn IIIg IIIIIIII IIIIIk\ ltl I ‘IIIIIlIIIII \ I I\ \Illl Ir} III): III get IICI bars to come TIIH team Is more tcuIII~IIrIcnIed IiIlIII'IIlIIIII I‘UIIIIIIIIIIUII IIII IIII' l\'.llll~ IIIIIIIIIII' this year than ever hctnrc because (‘lIIhr \IhIlc IllI' lxlll\ .llL' \lllllllt'll I.- SIC\CII\UII tools the p'IIIr‘s uphill no kIIIm “c h'IIIc III he IIIIII nu} III ”II“ the IIIIIII'I III‘Ik lhc Ilk'\\k'lll bottle I\ IIIII‘I‘ II\ hard because III JIILIIII our goal III IIaItIIIIIIIls." It'IIIIl \I‘III III\\ III \L'IIl ltt\\ III IIIIII the spIII‘I‘s IIIIIIII'CI The height. the Lust \casmt. Stulc truxclcd III hltII' "III‘I'IxI-II" I‘. \II \L'H‘II' IIIII motion. the I‘lepIIIg. The) IIdII ‘IIII Athens I‘III‘ rchIIIIIleI but IIIIl_\ I'IIII'I I‘IIIIII IlIc fJIlIl‘IC III‘L'IIII\I' III lllt‘ II cxII‘II nhstuclc III the I‘IIIIIch'IIcII. (‘hrIsII Newton zIIIIIIIIcCII III the lIIIch‘IIIg IIIIIIgI'I III I.IllItI;.r III|\\IIIII “lhcrcK It IcIII' lewl that goes l‘lLlIlUlIul\. This year. (‘IIIIIIIII and IIIIII plIIIIIIIIcIIIII' III the ll.IIIl\\lltlll with our sport Itht‘s nu) thme and Chester are leading I’l rccnmIIIIIchl It‘x lIkc Iihwn III}: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I l‘L‘)UII\I :III_\ other Inc] of Mint team hoops IIUIIl II \II}\IIII[\I'I. l‘lll IVA ‘Itthlclu do." SICIL‘IIxIIII \LIIII. "It's L! "We anm that the tcztm IICL‘II\ us \IIIIIIIIII IJIIIIIIllIlIl\ I I , ~I IN) tough \pIII'I III I'IIIIIpctc III on the floor this war." \illII Chester. " lhc} 'Ic L‘UIIIIII IK‘ IllI\\lIl}.‘ II M I‘ I ‘ unless )IIII h.I\c 'II gII-gct-Il "and not on the \IIIL‘IHIC \lIIlIIg ” III IrIIIlItIIIII ‘-\lICII IIII~\ IIIII\I~ Hill «It I" .ItIItuIlc." Illlx IIIIILI'I” \IIlIlllt‘l \JIII. IIIIIIIIIlLi Ill) III the I'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIslIIp IIIIIIIII-Ix i\. r- agreed. \\ c \lekt‘ IIIIIIIII the dill‘crcncc III the IItIIIxI-IIIII l)\‘IIlI \( I Hun Lucid DIIIIII' IIIIII thc (IIIII'IIklk‘l III I 7 00 Men's Colle e Basketball Vir mm at N C State (ESPN WPTF-GBO) (‘iIrIIIII'hucL, , I I \‘\..IIII. Its IIIII, IIIIIIIl'. I , 00 NBA Baskei’iyan Golden Stategat Charlotte (TNT) "P‘m‘d “““h‘mm‘ “”‘l H“ “W“ 9 00 Men‘s College Basketball ConnecIIcut at Boston College (ESPN) l l Intramurals ll‘Il(lllI‘t II. I ‘luq‘ Outdoor Adar-nto)“ 7 30 Men‘s College Basketball Florida State at Wake Forest IESPN WYLT-BSOI - The Athletic Directors Meeting IS 7 35 NBA BaSketbalI Miami at Atlanta (TNT) Tuesday March 1 at 6 p In In Rnom 104 College Basketball Maryland at UNC (WFIAL-Ch SI WZZU-FM-93 9) CarmIcnael Gym 8 0030 NBAMen'sBasketball Chicago at Milwaukee (WGN) - Sottball RegIsIIaIIon opens Monday am 9 30 Men‘s College Basketball Marquette at CincinnatI (ESPN) closes FebIs scheduled23 A mandatoryFeb 23orgaIIIzIIIIIIIIIIHI FI: IIwI III Midnight Arizona St at Calitornia (ESPN) Carmichaelmeeting Gym Softball OIIICIaIS ClInIc Anyone Interesteu In OIIlClaIlng Intramural softball should Il-IE cur'leo Emit attend a CIll'IlC either Feb 21 or Feb 24 Full Service Salon I: 4 I 'i .t:I '\\(‘IlII‘ \IIV\.II. {onI MItIlIIl. .\I.'III 533 “”l y. VILLAGE INN PIZZA PAnLoII r1.'l Illn-, :l Iii i.:.III;III: H TI , Tension! Tension! If you All-Yau-L'an-Eat 34 “an x' , I H I. are one of the II Wynn). \. it II \II \I ,II I M$4 19 DINNER BUFFET priveliged Few who HT ‘ I ‘.’1 1"" : MT <-_..I,.....-. write For Technician Includes pizza. spaghetti, lasagna. soup, '77/(JI’I‘IJ sports, there is a salad bar, garlic bread, and one cone of Ice cream V'VVVV___!_!'V'V'V'V'VV'Y'Y—Y'VV'VVL’V mandatory stall GOOD FOR 1 4 PEOPLE ANYDAYI ’1;y (I; I Iii/'1; meeting today at 5 3993 WESTERN BLVD. EXPIRES 2/11/94 8516994 pm. Stephanie Utdt‘t IIIII Renegar, you are \JlL‘lIIIIIt‘ \ 6 lI'I‘IiisiI‘I'I‘IIIg iI‘ItII llII‘ expected to show u IIII' flowers I‘III'I‘I \, Owen 5. Good will It IIllII‘IIII III \IIIIIIIgI'IIIIIIII SpeIial pI lkt‘ ‘9 lll'llili "it ‘Illlt'l \I St provide a lecture on Im cash and I); (.Ullt‘:.“I carry tlII\\'I'I'~~ ,- how to write a good LAA‘MAA‘ALMA R ' I lead, plus baking tips. "\i-tt l'IIIItIlIlI IIIll \II‘IIIIIIIIIIIII \l‘~ll lll 100/0 \I‘l\l‘ll llIIll discount for SIULIL‘IIIS III) “Tim“T-"ih_fi"¢“1““’u’i_-_-“-“-““—“u':- in town i orders 1 “I really One Good Reasonto \VI ALLII'I can’t define dlUIl LNIIH. Thursday's Collage Night at RIIIgI‘HIIIIII \lII" ' irony, but I L'I'IIII'I‘. III‘lIIIII‘Z \'v (\‘IIllt‘Ill‘ know it when NB 90 NewBar Where the World Dances DOORS OPEN AT 9:00PM DRESS TO IMPRESS NO HATS PLEASE $ 5 cover students/members $1.50 Drinks/Beers [Must have college ID if under 21 I New Bar ' 901 Trvon Street Part of Charlie Goodnight's (omplox Private Club. 828-5233 - Info. m1wfl&-1_---‘----:------.' "-

3 ”NH (MM 1. You Need To Study lllsI It): It"II WoliCopy alone Ixell.I=.I n I ..I !Iit You Need Money It An IIIIIIIKl 5 II‘ 5" I: Convenient locations to serve you IIhIlI IIIII stud I I 1: :I 3. People Need Your Help ‘II PIIISIIIII I; used? 1’ v )I PUBLIC COPIEI'I LOCATIONS VALUE ADDER LOCATIONS mung “It‘d" mm It Is I) Brooks Desngn Library Broughton 3231 JordanCopy Center/LaundryNatural ResourcesLobbyLibrary am prnresstnIIIIII :IlI 3 Copy Center/Laundry Lobby Poe Learning Resources LIbrazy It IIIkIsIIIIII IIIIIII') l; JordanDanielsNaturalComputerResourcesLab Library Student Center Our-duoxculbbopen mun ts Inrnpensatmnn IIII I III) ~ i Mann 415 VeterinaryTcxfllcs StudentMedlcmeLoungeLibrary(adding value only) when \I‘ll donate 5‘ McKtmmon Center Lobby If PullcnPoe Learning2100 Resource: leruy So hung II IIIIIIII II: I SctuubLounge extra rash and IIC‘III l Student Center Lobby First Floor -~1 stuck TextilesStudent CopyCenteram“Lobby Second Floor W.-uovtudUAI'II'IGwen; j while you Textiles Library ‘57-'33“ Help Save lives (IIN‘ pImmn IE8 Tombs Student Lounge “‘73:?quI Call today for an nun-w“-I.” A COMEDY ABOUT appointment 0! IIItII LOVE IN THE ’905. 828 - I 590 mym...“... Close to NC State COMING MILES A SOON == -.-._._“"9‘“ February 9, 1994

THE YEAR: l89l—I‘

Don’t drop policy .l‘Iliminating the course IIIa_\ talse another student t\\o. repeat “lil‘Itilli penalt) polie) "I hit \\ hole pttrpoxe Is not to is a mistake that will hurt eneotrr‘age ati e.Is_\ \I as out." xaid \iiseI). llII_\ne l’ahnotrr. the I‘exolIItIoII‘x students \\ ho use it Itttthot l'here Ix no eaxI II .I_\ to llL‘\.(i.\lIllI‘l1l|\e‘l\|l\ graduate lI'oIII a min eIxIt_\ as l‘aetrlt} .\eIIIIte Ix II'_\ tire to dettiartdtng ax \(‘Sl l‘he sole IIIIlse It hIIdeI tor xtIIIlerItx to purpose lot the pt‘lte‘} Is lltll [0 protect get a xeeondhlllIe xttIdeIItx tI'oIII loII grade pottit lIIo \\LCl\\ ago the l-IIIttltI Senate‘x III eragex. ax the report \Iotrld ha\ e :\eadetrtte l’olteI I'oIIIIIiIttee Ilet IIled \oII helIe\ e. l'he polie_\ gIIex sttrdentx tlte eotII'xe repeat \\ IthotIt penaltI xorne e\tIa time to learn the IIIIIterial polIe} hnrtx xttIIleIItx and should he IIell and an opporttrnrt} to lIl_\ the eliminated l'oIIIIdaIIIIII t'oi‘ tirrthet lInoIII ledge llogIIaxh \t'Sl xIIIdeIItx Ian onl_\ Itxe thix 'l‘he pohe}. IIIhIelI applrex to all hill IIptIorI three times. lertI it xtttdetits and letlileI el eottrxex. Ix herng IIxed tIxed thIx option all three times. only as a safeguard hI xttIdeIItx littl Il\ hetIIeen ‘l and II hours ol' their total an aeademte ernteh. ax the IIIIIIIIIIttee graduation hottr's \Iotild he alleeted. suggests, l‘he other ltltl or so hours \Iotrld paint .\loxt \(‘Sl xtttdentx IIlIo haIe Irxed the htg pretttre. the polie) onl} dId xo ax .I lIIxI Iexort Stridentx \I ho are xertotrx ahottt Who real|_\ \Iantx to xIt tlIIoIIgh graduating do not ahttxe the polie}. atiother xernexter ot onIIeIlIIIIg Ill l:I eII thoxe xttIIlentx \\ ho are dI'It'terx \\ hieh he or she did poor'lI ’ I .IIIIIIII depend on eoIIrxe repeatx (homes are that tl xtttdentx Ilo II IIlIoIIt penalt_\ to get a degree or poorl) the lirxt IIIIIe, \\ lIateIer the Commentary reason. tlie_\ It Ill ll'_\ harder the new xII\ e their (il’.-\ titne and do hetter‘. thIIx learning \\ hat ll thix lllil\L‘l‘sll_\ ix gentrineh the} need to learn. Stridentx learn and eoneerned .IhoIIt IIx students. the Beware, the digest material at dit‘t’erenr ratex. worse repeat \Irthottt penalt} polie} legislature is in town therefore the amount or material one II Ill he allIIII ed to remain \\ h'at it Is lhere‘x an old adage that xtIItex. “\\ hen II'ltIItI III i‘Ill therr IIIIIII‘ Inore Ix ll the xllithitl eatt itithi'e‘t' tit IIHI‘ \L‘ttit‘flt‘t Iron a helpttil aid to \llitlt‘lll\. the legrxlattire'x III toIIII. hang on to IoIII I.a” iIIxt :IIIIIIIl ‘IIIIer II‘IIIIIII, h ll‘II-x IIxI'Il to he Isallets attd make xtne _\otII IeeII.I,:I tII~= IleerI'I‘ 'IItIrIlII lod.I\ .t 'IIIII IIIII' datighterx are sate IIIxIde _\oIII honie I Int 4' IIth IlI I IIl.‘ It It I\Il‘> IIII.II'I."\ l'he legtxlatttre Ix haels ill IoIIII tor .I Steve , I‘IIII-l.tll.'ll\" spt‘eittl \C\\|tlll Iiti I'I‘lttit' ll IttlI'ttle, ill \II‘II 'i :‘IK T‘: x. IIII 'l‘ .IlII'I'.Il IIlI‘x \I‘LI Improvement needed grand delIheratIIe taxhion. to \lIllltl‘ oIII Crisp " II IlI'-. .Ir. IIIxt‘ I‘IIlIItprIIIIlI'IIIxI'»‘ erime III one tell xIIoop '1 ‘II‘ \.I“I‘lIII'lI-lt'l It‘I'\II\Il.i\ I While plans for e\pantlin;_; need adI IxIIIg don‘t IIl\\ ;I_\x reeeIs e lt \sill Ilehate oxer pIIxorIx, pIexIII-I.III::.I llIIIII ;IIIII:I.;III.II I. .III'I'I ' :I ’. I ‘II-I‘. I l ll liII pilot advising program get the help tlie_\ need h_\ their assigned sentencing. IIIIeIIIle IrItIIe. IIIIIIIIItIol htarr: nu I‘IIIII,II-!x ~IIIl. .I \ .III II Iltl\ Ixerx. \Vhen IIdI Ixerx eannot and III” III the hlIinlII lhIx lIxt one Ix. ot lll.lll\ III the IIIIIIc~ II III} l lI.. II‘.I I' llII xI l to- EII'x IIl ata'pI‘Il I!Ior.r.‘ \alILex started. many flaws in the .lll\‘~\t'l xttIIleIIIx‘ Irttextiottx. the) ol‘ten eonrxe. a IatehIll I Igitt'IIIII that .IilIIII x IITl \ .iIltl‘tl\ Ill I.Ir.. i" one: :lrI-~IIIIIIIIII.IIII current program need to he thIs attgnst hod} to etIaIt a halt\.I in WIl l . I II I M xIIr xend them to other t'IIeLIlt) \\ ho ean. legtxlatron It Ihooxex the Il-.'l‘ll‘l‘.rr.‘l o.’ :fIII I 1 I. I":I.I I lI. addressed. \IIIIIetInIex xtIIIlents are not helped at (lll\ .lIm HIIIII Ix looxel_\ ptexIIlIrIg I‘\I‘l \.I.’1ttrx Ier'IItII‘II‘IIeIIII‘ I’I I I .‘ llIIItxt‘ 'I I' t lire.t\t“~itl all and le.II. e the meeting \I ItlIotIt thIx sexonrI. haIIng tall-ed It and aIlIlIexxed IIIlI ‘. l. 'II'I'I ‘I 'I.ItrII I.Il x I I .ll .1 tlIIIxe ‘.\ll|\ll xoltIIIorIx or .IIIxIIets to then It I I W I p IIII b lll l \ he adI IxIIIg progratn at \t' In the eonting IIeekx. \otr ll xee on the I I .I I I. \ II xII.IIIIpIrIII IIIIII State l lll\Cl'\ll_\ Ix ehIngrng l‘t'ohlernx lo IIIoId xIII h dIt't'IetIltIex. pagex oi )otn neIprIIpeIx and the xI reeIIx \\ IIII‘. x IIIIII. .I I: IIlsI I II. Il‘ III.III Io : I'I .' I II '11. prolIl ‘III l'lie ehangex are tor tlte hetIer \ltlIlL‘Iilx \lttittltl he Itlile‘ ltt I‘lititist‘ Itli oi \oIIt teleI Ixtonx a \eIIIIIhle parade or 'II.‘ per.t~ o! la! xl.‘I ,‘IIII. lIIIxtIIIIId and II: I I -\eeorIlIng to ;\\s|\ltllll l‘roIIIxt IIdI Ixer II ho Ix helpltrl .-\ll aIlI Ixerx textintontal \Iitnexxex. legal espettx .Ill IIIIIetrIal ptIIpoxux .ch .I.I.II Int: .1 l" 'l l'. II‘lr'l\.tllIlillI‘ Reheeea leonard. a model IleIeloped ean't he eIIIIIIllt etteetIIe. .\IId erIIIIIII‘Ial xotinIl hrtex and other we h lII‘I .IIIxI' ot the IIIIIIIIIII IlllIl IIIIlIIJIIrtII th' III. Ind. ‘IInw. I this II":|lll\ that Iltt‘It‘l l’It} \l\‘\k' .tllt‘iilltill lt‘ \KliItl llit'\ .ttt‘ lIIIx pm. I :I-IleI xIIItcrI‘Il \I-III mind that I .I‘Ill. prIItIII'IIIon'II"::I .Iitlt laxt _\ear detrntng \\ hat good adI Ixing l‘rotexxorx ean‘t he hlarned tor not x.I_\Ing \\ the It IloIIn \IIIIl_\/e Il tor tlIIx ,IIII I.I- xII.‘:IIrI I \. I..r r:II'IIl that all lI‘ Ix tltI I‘ I.:‘I x ElII'J‘ II,IIIIII.::II should do has heen Implemented thix meeting the needs ot‘ all \llltlt‘llls. II-ntent and logII IlIIx IIoIrIar‘I had to .lo ‘.I.Ix Mall. oIIt IlII l‘III‘IItIIItaisI polnII‘x tlteIr :llI'-.IIIIIIIIIII~ )ear III tour departments. l'eIInIx In l‘llllrlilllC adI Ixerx eotild meet those ll Ion do this properly It too etll to the door lirt‘. '.IIIII \he I‘IlI IIlII that IIIIIII IlI'I IxIr III.» lllI‘II |‘I'!‘.Irl IoIlex and then eaeh ot' thoxe departmentx ll‘It\ e neele, lltrrng l'aettlt} \\ ho \Iotild do heart ot the IxxIIe. _\oII ‘~\lll mm the lIeIaIIxe the areh tI'rII' II~tx hIIII ltl‘I‘ldt I‘. I’o'lIrliI I lliItl IIllII‘.\,.l lllI' \\l\ attetnpted III Inodrt) then etrrrent nIItlIIIIg hIII IIdI Ixe xtitdetitx sliottld he ahotindtng proelatnatronx ate ax IleI IIIIl ot l‘rIII lIIllllI'Il that th- hax the I::ht to her .IIIIIIII'III IIIII IIIIIIIIH lII lt‘i .IItIl lt'\lI'l stihxtattee as \\ Ill he _\oIII xIII Ingx .II t oIIrItx home \lte xhotIlIlrI t lt.I\ e to harm x_\ stem haxed on those guidelines. .-\x eonxrdered. l.o\\ graduation rates ll this eIIeIIx meets L'\P('kldlll‘ll\ :lII‘I. tote IlII- .IorI I I \IIIl 'IIII~.I. II .- I put thexI' x.IIIre I IetiIIx to Proxoxt Phillip Strlex Initiates ;I plan xlIIIII that III.III_\ students need more lIor. _\oII see. he are entrene hed II IIlIIII \\ IIIIIII Ix llI‘I‘I the \‘t‘llldlt IIl’Io IIII 'vItlllt'llllllL' .I’IIIII! Il to e\pIInd the pilot prograttt. er eral gtIIdaIIee III worse and etirrieulum the age oi lllllrl‘ltHklt. liheral Ionrpamon IIIIIIII!.IIIl‘I .‘I'tx x-IIlIIIIIl. xlII IloI-xrr I llII-II pol-I II x .IlloII \IlllllllIilx III thtx thpeetx oi the ettrrent x_\ xteIII Ileer'I e xeleetIorI, (dil'R‘llll). ad\ isers don‘t 'l‘hix period III itidretal toIgIIenexx hegan MIIIIa IIlIaI lIIII xhex III I.Iho IIittIIII -.IIlillll\ IlII‘ lII‘. IIIIItI' III I.III‘IIIrIt IIIIId get attention. haI e the nine to work \\ Ith eIer) III the late I‘iotix IIheII loI e IIIIne to he ‘lI.l,/.l1‘. IIII-I xorII.‘ II.Il|III.' IIIIIIle not .I- III.\.I\ «Itrtli II IIII' -. IIIII'IIIII.‘ Illltl IIII-Iethelt xeen as an aeeeptahle xtthxtitttte tor IlIIIIIlI le III I :‘II‘I'x to lII'Il ‘.I Itl' lIIttr llI x t.'I..I:I eIeI helot.‘ |I' IIIII talse IIIIIII all The pohe} requiring xitidentx to strident II ho needs help. The them of militat} might on an tritertiatronal tIorIt llt"~.‘. the t.l[‘l\l and die Ix the \ II IIIII l'rrr Inorat IIIIerIIIIIItx. those I.I Ith no IIIIItalx at ll‘d\ e ati adI Iser xliotiltl he questioned. lllllrliill‘e‘ adI Ixerx \Iotild he on the It eontmtred In the l‘ifitix in esteIIIlIIII.‘ IIII‘I IIIIIlIr .‘ .IhoIIt tlIrx lIIliIx l :IIlI'I the all IIIll l‘IlI, :lII' IIIIlIe The etirrent ad\ Ismg progt‘atti ean he xttidentx and their goal \Iotrld he to Itxeli to domextn Polk) lt entIerIIheIl III l.i\\ It .I aornII'I Ix Illll’lls the IIIIIIH x.:\ \\I IlorI I I“ cIl llI II lIl‘\\\ .IIIIl regttlatrottx a tiIne—eortxttnnng ehore tor hoth put them on the right traelI. the Wh'tlx as an Ideologieal. llClllt'klIllls that th \.|llll|‘l IIII.I- torixent It xlII- \\I need to .IlIIIIIIIIIte the IIIIIIIIIIII lrotn adI Ixerx and xttrdentx. Students and l'hIx propoxed solution is onl} one reattron to the thought that It IoIIer‘IIItII e lIIIx ,IIllll‘I'Il IorI-xet‘II prror to her Illllllht‘ll \t‘t lI,'l\ had aetualls non a prexrdentral eleI tron [I \l.tlI l‘III .ItiI IItIIItr tII "Altai tlie\ do o\et the [it'tiliessot's litiili li.t\ e hits} schedules. among man} poxxihilitiex. The III“ riots esplode III the l‘i‘lllx tinder the \\l\llll‘ II.oII l\-IlllI|l ‘lIItIolII‘ tlt tl llI‘\l ~~I\I 'IIll III‘I‘lv lllal old adage IIIIghI It Is LlllliL‘et‘\\Itl'_\ tor xtIIIlenIx to meet ad\ IsIIIg program needs Improtemetit. phrloxopln oi President Bill (‘lIIItIIII and pIIIIrItx. lt'.t\I t-IoII‘.oId IhI xlIoI.IIIIarIIl ptoIe lrIIer llIIlll _\oti IIIIttlIl ltlxe \\ Ith their ad\ Ixerx lor the xole ltx II eIIlIIIessex need to he addressed pttrpose ot reeeII Ing their personal \Ihen making an) ehanges. deademie identtheation illlllil‘L‘t‘s. \lIIn} xtttdentx IIdI Ising lrIIx a great impaet on are on taxk alread) and don‘t need an} sllltlL‘ill\, With help. that Impaet eari Polls and labels are misleading IIdI tee lrotn their ad\ l\L‘i\. lti thoxe he a poinIIe one lot more \(‘Sl' l’olilteal Iltxetisxtonx toda_\ ate IlorIIIIIIItI-Il IIpIIIIon IIIIIa "II-It ’ ’ t it IoIIIxe riot llole easex. It Ix II \Iaxte ol IIttIe lor the xItIdeIIIx. Stiles should he applauded h} pollx and labels, .-\ poll Ix II xIIIIeI ot hax lIIx opIIIIoII. and l Iexpett It \I.lIIlel student and the ad\ Ixer to arrange a tor reeognI/ing IIealInexxex \\llll the perxonx ehoxen Ill random or tronI .I IlIxacree II Ith H \et onIII- people. \Ihen xIImple gtotip In order to drum er pIIth IhII read xorIIeIhIIIz.‘ llIeI do not agree time to meet eaeh xemexter. eIIrrent program and taking the opinion trends. l’ollx are not IIIIII lex or G. Douglas II. ItlI IttIoeIIIItl\ xeels to prone tltes ate ()II the flip xIde. xttidentx \\ ho do llllilIlll\I‘ to elIIiIiriate them. [full]. htIt oi xtIhieItII e opinion, _\et poll llL‘lll l‘\ I|IrotnII.‘ a poll ll tlIIx Ix .I \IIlIIt results are t‘llL‘ll treated as Ii‘t’elttlIil‘lI‘ Gilbody IIIeaIIx ol deterrinttirtg liltlll. then l J”! taetx .-\ lahel Is a short deseriptIIe mud right and lioh lhIlI' 1‘ \\ltlll'..' ll liIIlI llole or phrase l’olItreIIlls. lahels are enIpt} lllI' \lItlt' lt‘L'HlIlllllt' Illlllk.ll\'\ llIIIl lII' lt't‘l\ Ix entitled to hIx opinion Ilexprte \Ihal pollx Technician terms used to dtxtraet people tIoIII Ixxtiex the ptexxttte lIoIII the l‘ill‘il\ to Ionrhat xaI. llt'\\t'\t‘l. their xo aIIII \oti IIIttnoI Serving North Carolina State University Since 1920 For esample. let's e\anttne the I IirIeIIIII IIIIIIe llre rIIInIheIx lot I lllllI. \I‘lll IlIIIIII 'I.I\e It lroth \Ide Editor in Chief hot topie ertme. lti al SA loIl.I_\ rIalIorIIIll\. IIlIIle III the pollx theI II I'nt IIp l .ihelx IIIIIIe III hand) to “Hit polttttal (iallup l’oll released on Jan. 2*. 47 petu'lll lhe :I'Iixorr. III large part. Ix due to the opponents Into something the) are not Mark Tosczak ot the respondetitx listed I‘Itme as the Inoxt media lalse IIII example the role ol IJIHCI'lllllt‘lll. Office hours: 2:30 to 4:30p.m., Fridays Important prohleni tat mg the l nIIeIl Rt'lllt'llll‘t'l, l Illll not xIII. IIIII el'lllt‘ :x lll‘l \ l \ \ loIlIII editorial on Jan 35 Iixxetted Managing Editor Assistant Meneging Editor States, Health tare. unemplotinent. the a pIIIhleIII. It Ix “hen the media report IIII that I illltI' Ix It l|‘\ al ptolrlent and the Chris Hubbard Coiin Boatwright eeonottt} and pmertt the“ I”. IN. I4 and I'It‘tttx, lIoIIe\et. IheI do not Il\lltIlll\ teIleIIIl goIeIrIIIIent xlIoIIlIl xtII_\ IIIIt llte l pereetit. rexpeetIIeII litterexttngly sl\ III'ate Ie.I|It_\ hIIt rather IIIII IolleItIIe oppoxIIIII I'llt‘\l eolrninnxt IIIIth IIhonII m at Lerge ...... J. Keith Jordan Production Manager ...Joe Fanjoy months ago the order \Iax Ihllerent llealth \IeII ol :1 |.IIII not xo I\I‘III.Il .I*~ lII ‘-.\l|lt' agreed. IrIIIeIl, llre tIIIIIll goIeIrIIIIent Ldl’k' dre“ 38 pereent. the eIoIIoIII). 3h that the media xIIIIpII tIIhIiI ate xtIIIII‘x ottt lIa-x Illl olIlIIIIIIIIIII to do Man II Ian to stem Spam Editor ...... Kevin Brewer Advertising Wm...... Amy Peacock pereent; unemployment. 2H pertent. Illltl IIt tlIIII art. htIt llt‘illltl Inn l L'I‘IIIL' lo the tide ot I IolerIt IlllllI‘ III \nieIIIa. llte Editorial Page Editor....Amity Higginbotiiam Cieeelflede Manager ...... Joy Stokes errttie a meager ‘l pereent \II ”III le III the IonIeIle that the pIIlIIII II'II IIex the teIleIIIlgoIeIIIIIII-IIIIIIllprIIIl\1hIllIotI Photography Editor...... Liz Mahncke MDeeignendLeyoutW...... BnioeMyies ..lan 25 Issue ot lS.\ loda) noted thil Ill ohtetttu ttrtllt llte pttrpoxe ol the media. Io htIIlIl llI regronIII pIIxonx to “hit h Itcobra Editor...... Maria McKinney Buelrieee Manager ...... Lee Bryan errme dropped 5 pe‘IrunI the lust xIs like all L'I‘I'Il IIIpItIIlIxt \eIItIIIex. Ix to make states Ian xI'IIIl then I tolerIt IIIIIIIIIIle. htil months of W03. and Iolent L rttiie llltlll\‘\ lhe rIIedIa. good t'l had lIlIeral III oIIlI Il the xIIItex .Idopt he) Ielorrn " M Editor ...... Hunter Morris PeyroiilCircuiedon ...... MikeJorden dropped 3 pereent III the same note period It‘llxr'H.tlt\I‘ IIIll tend to II'\L'l Iah.II II \\ ho \\Il\ thix rnan lt'Iltl\ to expand the mam ...... DannyWiison lit the polls. litmeu‘t’. ertnie surged lil ItnIeIIIII‘hot in orIlIr to III-t thI llllt‘s role IIl L'tl\t'llllllI'l|l .It I oanIlerahle Copy Desk crime..-“ ...Michele Borowsky Importanee. So. erIme must he aettiall) and llI'llt. e the .IIlIeItIxer x Ilollatx IIIIpIIIeI etpetixe. and IIho \IlllL'll ttpon getting “one. lhIIx pollx. IIhII h reliett \IhIit the media the oneIeIgII xt.ites to I hange their laIIx to Generation-get Tim Ellington Or is It'.’ I helIe\ e erime Ix a xerIotIx IIIIIxIIleI to he IIIIpIIrtIIrit. reIeal oIIII. \IhIII \Illl'~l\ a Inote IeIItralI/I'Il lI Ileral Operationellmeger Stan North Martin problem. but It Is the pereeption ol Illlllt' the ptihln hax on le IollI‘ItIIe lI||l|Il l or goIeIIIIIIeiII ’ \\ ho Ionlorttted to thtx W wwwmmmmmnmw MTW'Immmwd IIhoIII thIeh lam “Filing. With the example «It lllk lll‘t'lIIl l.Ihel ’ \\ li_\. lioh Wuhan-dumm-WMNmmufltefldmminpmh“i example, III the saItIel \ loIlIrI (I.Illtip llole ol IIIIIIxe \IIII e the xarne (ialltip duper-identi- anaemia“ Bobbitt trial. the \lenende/ trials. the ltlL .Il l’oll an o\etI.IhelItIrIIg \-l pert I'Irt ol the l’IIll lIxtetl \lllt'llL IIIIx Itx helIe\ trig mm letiie man one. SheUM“ mm Serigroves trial and the L'\(‘l*llllltiltl|llie' texpotidetitx IIiIliIaIeIl tlie_\ helIe\e there t‘x lit-IIIIIIIIIIx IIIIIe hetter than Rt‘l‘lll‘llt.lll‘~ “PMWile-edema tron mummhmuw Tonya Harding xaga. I ean understand It llt'Iillll IIllt‘ \ll\l\ lirili llrilt' \It\‘x lllI'lI‘ Is mweumwus’gmu cutie“perpenmflymM hovt the ptihlie‘x sciislliVll) Io errme has no health tare I IIxIx SIIIIe llk'llk‘\t‘ that III tightrng eIIrIrI‘ xo Ix I IIIIIe lighting noII been heightened. (im. Jim llIInI‘s reI'erIt there Ix It lteItltli Iate Ittxrx IIIIIl l‘IIIIe mmwmnrmmmwncm address and eall tor a special session ot ”hIIIlIed” It tip II Ith II poll. Ix Ins IIIIIIlext ‘III Grtsoov, /‘..-I_-I I, —————————-———-_———_——_NFebruary 9. ISM-t .. ()piniun Page 9 II\I IIII. Support all ‘ I II“ Wolfpuek spurts ' III I w I‘\ I“ I II ‘.'II \I' ’I' I \qu- I'IIIIII VIM \I II III I IIHIIIIII HI III.I‘ I ‘ I ‘-"‘II III 'IIII I Hams \meI. 3'1. \III ‘II II: \\II ',II I IIIIIHII .\?II».III :I‘II-IwIIIIIII CHL\‘5‘I.I; “1 I “"I‘I. ’t‘ I IIIIII III I'IIIIIIiI‘» II'IIIIIIIIIII 1;. I II II II" zIIIIIIIIIII \( \I IIIII' IIUII II: I‘I. :‘I " ‘~.12III. ‘ II IIIIIIII iI'. IIIIIII' ‘ IIH“| (ALIIIIII-H-I" II I‘II’I I"I\ 'I III‘i‘II \IIIIII‘II \I \l ‘.I.III“I'I.III\ IIII‘III LOW LLIL‘IIIIII‘III. II“ I 2 ‘III I III I‘II II‘JIIIIZI' IIIIIJI'I I IMIIIII» :I“I.I II‘ «"‘IIHII'III IIIIII \IIIIIIIIII I- II I-I .I Ix‘II'IIl I. ~I.II.I \I‘i'IIt IIIIi' I 2.1'II\ IIIIIII'IIII‘Ixy / \\I\II|‘II\ \’-.I‘ !II\.I‘III IIIIIII' »,II_ III- IH|\\HI: III.II~=: I I_-I~:I3.II \M'IIIIAIIII III: III. :1 I‘.I\I\I‘I'V.II \ I IIIIIIIIW II'IIII ‘.‘.~!III“ «‘I‘I‘I\ITIII:I‘._ I I I‘I;,I .IIIII IIII II III IIII I. II. 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.Ii ALL DAY I i'ltl \‘Ilk‘iI I39 22/300 Ili' 64 4. o Ii‘III 4"” .- 4444"}. OR LOW M: A And the set up MAMN 2/ .I‘Lll I is yet to am: am 16 oz. OZ. 89

”I IN THE TO \\\ It) GEM WAY ‘96 HT U. A. 99 III MIA/l/I/I/[li/IIM/[I/ Willi/Mm 4 '5 III. I‘ Iflflfl/Mfll/l/flffl/I/IIII/l/I’l/flM/II/I/III/l/I/fl ////II/II’/II"Mill/lI/IflI’f/IJ/II/l/f/I/I/I/l/I’l/l/II/IMMI/MMIW .IH‘ “ "“JPI'J/I/I/ll/Wflf/”‘W/I/ll/I/I/l/W/I/I/WI”III/fl/flf/[fl/W/f/f/Will/WWI!!!” Ill‘\\ WMMM‘NMIWIIHWIM.I... I I ' ..... LE'4‘NM?wMW“1/ WMM A/M’II“mm“lN/I’I/Ill/W/I' MM1m Mm 15, PIIces In ThIs AII EIIOI‘IIW \NI‘IIHPNUHV February 9. February 18 1991 III HIIIquh Only We HIIIIII III I ImII OIIIIIIIIIIQS None 0 Dealers We GIIdly AIIeIII FeIIeIHI Food FRIDAY YOU Page 10 February 9, 1994

tlpen l\’.ile.., . Willi Policy Statement How to l'CLlCll us \teelxlt toiilixitl .\.\‘,llll ll \ou \\\‘lll\l like to glue .1 tl.lssilietl .ttl. inontlilt t'oiilmct ..... A please hill ll\ .it ”17‘0" l)\‘.itlllllL‘\ int" llltl lllLll t'oiitititt, . .. l)l\l‘l.l\ \tlx ‘ l\\ilt‘ thins Ill titltiiiit‘e to noon itiii llltll tontmtt ...... llllt.‘ lls‘lli\ l l\\ll\‘ illitt~ in .itl\tinee to noon lllllll iiit'li t‘oiitmt't.....

Autos ° ° For Sale Riders \- laneous laneous it H mm \i.ilf l'.i' in. |HI\Il|lil|\ ll‘ll|\ \‘ll l)lS( 01 .\l (.\R VVUVVVCVVVUVUCVVVVVVVVVVVCVV INSl'R:\.\'( [- Lure Dorr'lr Payments valentine’s Day Entry Form l\‘ ll'll"\\l \l \l\ll l\' Sil"l(‘BHSICRefilt‘t‘tnru‘n,LitttiililyAriiin‘ \‘llHH |'l\'ilt|\\|\i. ltl‘li'lx’ll \!|\ ‘ l'“ \l“‘ll\.:|\i.-l lli \.‘l\ r. ‘ Miscel- Winners Announced on Mondays Special limirt .t 'r"1lll- \‘xr\;.-. ‘-. ’ ' Kirk! is“ \\t'l\‘l‘ tiliti \ laneous \"itlentine‘s Page \l I\'\ lit \ll \l (H l'nirils o rlniltlll.; \rislr l l‘»\ l \l\R\ litiHl \\l l l S YOU HAVE TO LOOK TO WIN” l‘l‘lll it I‘ Mr. r7 \lillilllll ,mli ADMIRAL Auto msumm‘é l \tlmm'\ \l |.I\\ Phone 876-16er .,S INC l lll out the lwttoin portion til llll\ .itl .llltl rlitilt il in the \I\\h\ ~l \l\ll l\' \‘it' “ ‘ tlll \llllll I'\Rl\| R N toiitest ho\ iii In lllllt urns \.llt‘\ t‘lllt e on lllt' lllllil limit of the i\ll'l'l\\ll\i rm irio l‘lll Inn. 1‘ \zr,ti.r l,‘ \|\\\I\(. \tittlent t t'lllt‘l .tllllt'\ li\ tlii» I titlix ‘Illll'\||lllll\\ tlir \\lll \tu \riikit \j. lH I.I\tll\\|lll \lltl‘l \1.ill \t-irtrir- lluii-r Mir... ll :1 l'usl Ullru lim lill‘l .- ‘Jlllflllt'l'_/t’/‘ trr'u rlt (liners RJleiuli \t'llll ( .lhlllllJ r _- 10 rm pass-u tu1\t':t"./v‘tzr‘ \.ilt~ l’ili\- i All” all llll 0 lrirllii 'Il“ l'l elurn .llltl l ~ e _free noses to r‘lrrrr'lrt' Mainline/its~I \‘l\1ll|lll'.|lltll. t CCC¢CCCCCCCCCCOCC¢C ll|,rl~ .Illll \[IlN’.|l\ ~ 1_/r‘t'eitiiiirt‘r'ut {Rut/(ii ‘Kt'fftftlt' ‘lrrirrriruit‘tiir V .(Il|\ L __._ \\\l llll |‘|\\l|' Ill \ (it/c c’r War; in illln‘slttrr 'l lil/i'i/ llllx'li‘ \l\kl \liI\l\ :tm' .Vvvvvvvvvvvv.v...‘...... "J Name 9 \l'Hl\t. l’~l\'l \h \l.i|~ RtirtllllllJlr \lltll|l l'\\ |\ \I \ll ll lllti\' V Phone" O V 'lx'l |\l \llll" \tt\\ llllx‘l'v. [\llllhh'f hm”. \‘ \l PS. You need not have n Vztleiit ine to enter‘. 0 ‘h'\ lit .11 lllllll""l.1l“l l .iillr lttmkmun that eomes alter you win! lix‘il luminous Lauri mitximu llft\l \Il\'\|' l \ COCO.CCCC‘CC‘CQCSCCCCCCCCC¢CCCC VVVUVVVVVVVVVVCCVVVVVVVUVVV V l>\\ill I \\\ rilllr is I'\ l‘|il . Krir‘llvrllr‘l . l,.m.r l it,“ ll|\llll\‘\. \ll \\ll\\. \II\I‘\ .\ WWW WWW ‘ l.l|-lrt|l‘ lllllll inli ik‘l\tl\ll\‘xlxIH\ (TRYPI‘OQL'IP slink ‘ll.rll itmiii \ l r \v,r .i lll.|l|llt‘l.|llri RWYUX VSUUS SY hAll \lsl‘ll ‘irll\ ‘ t‘mir r rtl ‘ttlitir .‘ J. tlr ii: l_|l||[ililti\llll‘ll1lllll it,“ \\||\ ti... l“rl|l drill locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error. llil\l iii lllliltltl ©1994 by King Features Syndicate Inc \ A ‘llllrx CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ‘ Parking ACROSS participant Pay by words . " , _ Ill‘iitlt _(‘ L, 1 Took the 40 Backtalk credit 20 Use lh'll prize 41 Profound 3 Neighbor Grand- l‘l \ll ‘I'l\l\ ‘u'ltlll‘llllrfilrltly "\llkl\tr 4 Ballroom 43 Has faith in of Calif. ma's lli. sin l um \‘IlllJllh t .. Volunteer favorite 45 100 agorot 4 Deli meat phone? \\ Services 9 Emulate 47 "— the 5 Fettuccrne 21 " and \I‘l H\l lHi\ii,l“\ \\ \\|l It Ross season...“ fBClpe the —— 12 Great 48 Restroom. 6 Six raths _ wonder for short CLXVIls cutgrabe 13 Police 49 Recklessly 7 Morsten 22 Land, lots For Sale blotter brave one meat of land lllltrlllt.illtili tr. m «H :/ illlllllll‘ Hriirrri :tiiiilir- datum 54 Arm of Off the 23 Desert |.iii|li‘ i‘ :r4 :;Il' .r l‘l’ 't ml int- 14 Actress terrorism boat Whllelnd \ttmrl’r 1. ill] 1"” Inuit.“ Mimi... ri' Ill. will i, lllt ,:k ll.rli.itii.i~ l’.irl\ Thurman 55 Hockey 9 Arizona 27 Lob's path int \~t ! rilh Iilllli-il R"l,lttl|lll \lll 15 Manta infraction State team 29 Send forth I rir\ m.i llt'illlllrl‘ N mil Murmur. slum .ii 17 0 56 Expert 10 Pianist 30 Stooges \tliill>- \imppnut 4|.llf Ii‘r. Ht: llx’ll llltll" 18 “— and 57 Hair gunk Gilels 32 Guest lr.i~iii w‘ Away” (‘92 58 On edge 11 Corduroy 34 Wood lithium..- " I ti\ll'l tikro\~iu.\\ii\i \.,li,;i; movie) 59 John Rit- rib strips used tiny. \\Ii\ .‘ flit» .. unit .r.i 19 Take baby ter's dad 16 "— picture to hold ~iin- l|\ “Hi Nit i_li “t‘l steps DOWN paints tarps \\. .i.‘ ,t. I z w- \imitit' in ( ‘illtlrl|\ 21 "— Bovary' 1 Bankroll 1,000 37 Do further it"lll .Hlirl I’.iii, .11‘ 24 Ontario's MS work ii“. i. It. |.,| Lost & neighbor 39 Middle of lu lrtllflliiJlll I~-ill ll» l' ‘ I rrrrr lllllllfll 'lriilll‘ li. ~l 25 sch.Columbus 42 3Spolsong Found 26 Rhoda's :\NS\\'l§l\’S 'l't) 44 Explorta- mom 'l‘t ll ).-\\' .S' tron \l.n inlwll l'iiHil llrwl‘ 28 Hangovers? l’l 'ZZI .lCH .\|\’lfi 45 Pseudo luiiiitl fir-uni ’(lil‘ll ' hit 31 Wish you l“()l'.\'l) com | imp llll ltu were here ELSEWlll‘lllli l.\' 46 ViSibiIity For an out of ‘l\ll'\\l iltl ll \fllfl tltf hindrance 1 ’ ~|\ t t)\ll't)\l \l sllNIIi Ikll expenence. W‘ll“ -‘ r . ‘.. \H\\ Irrrriiisliirn ill \I I'rtthlitilu took for your Rilxxfl

Laura.«5 we: flier F‘r w "We, a! Il i next job in Autos Wm! l'tJ . I. am: tame.) about.oraar9 ' Au'.r.-.a"C”anyi‘. if”,431‘an: l ° ° For Sale WM.tri VL'U.1 U:agaru". "never: (r moral } Technicion's

Want Ads! l'lttt. \ulmrn Ill \‘ALIUII u. illllil ll