
Would you Rather….?

Would you rather have a or an apple pie fight with friends?

Would you rather have ears or a Santa beard?

Would you rather have Rudolf follow you around every day until or be followed by ?

Would you rather wrap Christmas presents for 8 hours or help children take pictures with Santa at the Mall?

Would rather do 7 hours of Christmas shopping or watch 10 hours of Christmas movies?

Would you rather have a red Rudolf nose or a Frosty button nose?

Would you rather ask everyone you meet their favorite color or smile really big at everyone and not say anything?

Would you rather watch Elf or It's a Wonderful Life?

Would you rather make snow angels or go ice skating?

Would you rather live in a giant house or in Santa’s Toy Shop?

Would you rather eat only for a week or only drink egg nog for a week?

Would you rather hang out with the or Cindy Lou Who?

Would you rather have legs or gum drops for eyes?

Would you rather have large ornaments for earrings or a decorated wreath necklace?

Would you rather sing once every hour for 2 weeks or wear an elf costume to school for one week?

Would you rather watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas or ?

Would you rather wear a hat made of or wear jingle bells on your feet for a week?

Would you rather have mittens for hands or skis for feet?

Would you rather have your Elf on a Shelf talk to you or talk with your Christmas ?

Would you rather have Christmas for fingernails or silver for hair?

Would you rather stay home with family for the holidays or go to Disneyworld by yourself?

Would you rather rake leaves or shovel snow?

Would you rather be in a scene from Home Alone or Elf?

Would you rather be an elf at the or one of Santa’s ?

Would you rather have eyes made out of coal or reindeer feet?

Would you rather be snowed in with lots of family during the holidays or on a beach with just a few members of your family?

Would you rather spend 11 hours untangling or find the one that is out on a string of Christmas lights a mile-long?

Would you rather have a bonfire and S’mores or watch a movie with hot chocolate?

Would you rather play in the Super Bowl or perform in the ?

Would you rather have a snowball for a head or 100 jingle bells for hair?

Would you rather have a partridge in a pear tree or 2 turtle doves?

Would you rather have 3 French hens or 4 calling birds?

Would you rather have 5 golden rings or 6 geese-a-laying?

Would you rather have 7 swans-a-swimming or 8 maids-a-milking?

Would you rather have 9 ladies dancing or 10 lords-a-leaping?

Would you rather have 11 pipers piping or 12 drummers drumming?

Would you rather be an angel on top of the tree or a Jack-in-the-box?

Would you rather spend a day with the Grinch or ?

Would you rather go sledding or take a horse drawn sleigh ride?

Would you rather be on Santa’s Naughty or Nice list?

Would you rather have snowflakes for eyelashes or icicles for teeth?

Would you rather wrap 100 presents or decorate 10 trees?

Would you rather have holly for hair or have Christmas stockings for legs?

Would you rather have strings of cranberries for fingers or Figgie pudding toes?

Would you rather wear ugly Christmas sweaters for 1 year or stay with the Abominable snowman for 1 week?

Would you rather have frankincense or myrrh?

Would you rather take a look at Santa's Nice list or peek at your presents?

Would you rather laugh like Santa or talk like an elf?