The Australian Mathematical Society and Funded and Supported by an ARC Georgina Sweet Australian Laureate Fellowship to Professor Nalini Joshi
The Australian Mathematical Society (Inc) Reports for the one-hundred-and-twenty-first Council Meeting 2016 Reports on meetings Report from Vice-President (Annual Conferences) Reports from the Society’s subcommittees Reports from Special Interest Groups Report from NCMS Report from AustMS Public Officer Award committee reports Page 1 of 87 ANZMC8—59th Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting Monday September 28 to Thursday October 1, 2015. Vladimir Ejov September 23, 2016 The 59th Australian Mathematical Society hosted by the School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics and Statistics of Flinders University, from Monday September 28 to October, 1, 2015. Thirteen plenary speakers in 2015 - nine international and 4 from Australia- are internationally renowned in their respective fields, including two Fields medalists. Plenary speakers represented a cross-section of mathematics across the world today. Four plenary speakers in 2015 were women. The plenary speakers were Martino Bardi (University of Padova), Manjul Bhargava (Princeton), Aurore Delaigle (Uni- versity of Melbourne), James Demmel (University of California, Berkeley), Jerzy Filar (Flinders University), Clement Hongler (EPFL Switzerland), Frances Kirwan (University of Oxford), Frances Kuo (University of New South Wales), Michael Shelley (New York University), Terence Tao (University of Californiq, Los Ange- les), Ruth Williams (University of California, San Diego), Konstantin Zarembo (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), Wadim Zudilin (Newcastle). There were 362 registered mathematicians registered for a four-day program cov- ering a wide range of topics in pure and applied mathematics and statistics. There were 20 special sessions comprising 282 presentations including 13 keynote speakers. The special session organisers worked hard and e↵ectively as they created a high quality meeting.
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