The Market Acceptance of Electric Motorcycles in Taiwan Experience
TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D Transportation Research Part D 4 (1999) 127±146 The market acceptance of electric motorcycles in Taiwan experience through a stated preference analysis Yi-Chang Chiu a,1, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng b,*,2 aTransportationEngineeringProgram,DepartmentofCivilEngineering,TheUniversityofTexasatAustin,Austin,TX78712, USA bEnergy and Environmental Research Group, Institute of Trac and Transportation, College of Management, National Chiao-Tung University, 114, 4F, Sec. 1, Chung Hsiao W. Road, Taipei, Taiwan Received for publication 9 January 1999 Abstract The environmental and energy concerns of using motorcycles in urban areas have fostered the rapid devel- opment development of electric motorcycles (EMs) in Taiwan in recent years. EMs' zero-emission, low noise level and high energy eciency features provide the promising potential to alleviate the severe environmental pollution problem caused by the existing gasoline motorcycles. This study summarizes the recent development of the EM. More speci®cally, this study aims to analyze the potential demand for EMs based on an interview survey using stated preference modeling approaches. Study results show that female motorists are the potential target market for EMs. Developmental and energy-use issues of EMs are also discussed in this study. # 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Electric motorcycle; Air pollution; Energy use eciency; Discrete choice model; Stated preference 1. Introduction Urban areas in and around tropic±subtropic regions have long suered from the air pollution problem due to the condensed population and high motor vehicle density as in Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Southern China, etc. Although Taiwan continues to demon- strate considerable improvement in air quality in recent years, the current level of air pollution is still far above that in other developed countries.
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