Analytic formulae for the Feynman in coordinate space Howard E. Haber Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA April 17, 2020


In these notes, we provide an explicit calculation of the Feynman propagator of scalar field theory in coordinate space in four spacetime dimensions. Two different methods of the computation are provided. The methods employed demonstrate that the integral representation of the Feynman propagator cannot be interpreted as an ordinary function but rather as a generalized function (or more precisely a tempered distribution).

We begin with the integral representation of the free-field Feynman propagator of scalar field theory in four spacetime dimensions,

d4p 1 ∆ (x)= e−ipx F (2π)4 p2 m2 + iǫ Z − ∞ 1 · 1 = d3p dp e−ip0x0+i~p ~x . (1) 4 0 2 2 2 (2π) −∞ p ~p m + iǫ Z Z 0 − − where p and x are four vectors, px p x and ǫ is a real positive infinitesimal quantity. Consider the integral ≡ ·

∞ e−ip0x0 = lim dp . (2) + 0 2 2 2 I ǫ→0 −∞ p ~p m + iǫ Z 0 − − First, we consider the case of x > 0. In the limit of ǫ 0, the integrand has poles at p = p , 0 → 0 ± where p ~p 2 + m2 . ± ≡ ± q To evaluate , we shall close the contour in the lower half of the complex p -plane since e−ip0x0 I 0 is exponentially small along the semicircle at infinity when x0 > 0. Only the pole p+ lies inside the closed contour. Hence by the residue theorem of complex analysis,

πi exp ix ~p 2 + m2 = − 0 , for x > 0, (3) 2 0 I −  ~p p+ m2 where the minus sign is due to the factp that the closed contour is clockwise. Second, we consider the case of x0 < 0. In this case, we shall evaluate by closing the −ip0x0 I contour in the upper half of the complex p0-plane so that e is exponentially small along

1 the semicircle at infinity when x0 < 0. Only the pole p− lies inside the closed contour. Hence by the residue theorem of complex analysis, πi exp ix ~p 2 + m2 = 0 , for x < 0. (4) 2 0 I −  ~p p+ m2 In this case, the closed contour is counterclockwisep and the minus sign arises due to the fact that p p is negative. − − + Without loss of generality, we may choose the z-axis to lie along the vector ~x, in which case ei~p·~x = eipr cos θ, where p ~p and r ~x . Hence, it follows that ≡| | ≡| | 2π 4π sin(pr) d cos θdφeipr cos θ = eipr e−ipr = . (5) ipr − pr Z Collecting all of our results above, if follows that 

∞ 2 2 1 p sin(pr) exp i x0 p + m i∆F (x0; ~x)= − | | dp . (6) 2 2 2 4π r 0 p + m Z  p Note that the integral above is not convergent due top the oscillatory behavior of the integrand as p . This is not surprising since ∆ (x) is not an ordinary function. In fact, ∆ (x) is a →∞ F F tempered distribution, which is an example of a generalized function. Thus, one must regard the integral representation given in eq. (6) in the same way as the integral representation of a delta function given in eq. (A.1). To perform the integral exhibited in eq. (6), we consult I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series, and Products [1], henceforth denoted as G&R. We note the following formula 3.914 no. 9 on p. 495 of G&R which states that1

∞ 2 2 1 p exp( z p + m ) m 2 2 − sin(pr) dp = K1 m√r + z , for Re m> 0, Re z > 0. 2 2 2 2 r 0 p + m √r + z Z p  (7) p Since z = i x0 in eq. (6), one cannot immediately employ eq. (7) to evaluate the integral of interest.| However,| one can define a generalized function that is represented by eq. (6) by replacing x0 x0 iǫ, where ǫ is a positive infinitesimal quantity [which is unrelated to the ǫ that| appears|→| in| eqs.− (1) and (2)]. Hence we set z = i( x iǫ) in eq. (7), which satisfies | 0| − the condition that Re z > 0. Indeed, this ensures the necessary damping of the integrand as p in order to guarantee that eq. (7) is convergent. Thus, we shall assign the following result→ ∞ to the otherwise divergent integral,

∞ 2 2 1 y exp( i x0 p + m ) m 2 2 − | | sin(py) dp = lim K1 a r x + iǫ . (8) 2 2 + 2 2 0 r 0 p + m ǫ→0 r x iǫ − Z p 0 + − q  We can identify pr2 x2 = xµx = x2. Hence, itp follows that − 0 − µ − ∞ 2 2 1 y exp( i x0 p + m ) m 2 − | | sin(pr) dp = K1 m√ x + iǫ , (9) 2 2 2 r 0 p + m √ x + iǫ − Z p −  1The constraints on thep parameters m and z were omitted by G&R, but they can be found in the corre- sponding reference cited by G&R. See formula (36) on p. 75 of Ref. [2].

2 where the ǫ 0+ limit is henceforth implicitly assumed. Consequently, eq. (6) yields, → 2 m K1 m√ x + iǫ i∆F (x)= − . (10) 4π2 √ x2 + iǫ −  Note that in the case of x2 > 0, one must be careful in interpreting both the square root and the K1 of an imaginary argument. Here, I shall employ eq. (5.7.6) of Ref. [3],

K (z)= 1 iπe−iπν/2H(2)(ze−iπ/2) , for 1 π< arg z < π. (11) ν − 2 ν − 2 One can apply eq. (11) to eq. (10) with z m√ x2 + iǫ in the cases of x2 > 0 and x2 < 0, ≡ − respectively, since in either case the condition on arg z is satisfied. We now compute,

√ x2 + iǫ = √x2 eiπ + iǫ = (x2 iǫ)eiπ = eiπ/2√x2 iǫ . (12) − − − In the case of x2 < 0, note that x2 iǫ liesp just below the branch cut that runs along the − negative real axis, which implies that arg √x2 iǫ 1 π. In contrast, x2 + iǫ lies just − ≃ − 2 − above the branch cut in the case of x2 > 0, which implies that arg √ x2 + iǫ 1 π. Thus, in − ≃ 2 both cases, it follows that the last step of eq. (12) is valid. Hence, independently of the sign of x2,

2 1 −iπ/2 (2) 2 (2) 2 K1 m√ x + iǫ iπe H (m√x iǫ) H (m√x iǫ) − = − 2 1 − = 1 iπ 1 − . (13) √ x2 + iǫ eiπ/2√x2 iǫ 2 √x2 iǫ −  − − It then follows that an equivalent form of eq. (10) is given by,

(2) 2 im H1 (m√x iǫ) i∆F (x)= − . (14) 8π √x2 iǫ − Admittedly, eq. (10) is more convenient in the case of x2 < 0, whereas eq. (14) is more convenient in the case of x2 > 0. Hence, one can replace eqs. (10) and (14) with the more convenient expression,2

m K m√ x2 + iǫ iπH(2) m√x2 iǫ 1 − 2 1 − 2 i∆F (x)= 2 Θ( x )+ Θ(x ) , (15) 4π " √ x2 + iǫ − 2√x2 iǫ # −  −  where we have employed the step function, Θ(z) =1for z > 0 and Θ(z)=0for z < 0, subject to the condition that Θ(z)+Θ( z) = 1.3 Indeed, the form of ∆ (x) is consistent with our − F previous assertion that ∆F (x) is a generalized function. An alternative derivation of eq. (15) is provided in Appendix A.

2A different technique for evaluating the integrals of this section is presented in Ref. [4]. In this work, the authors also demonstrate that both eqs. (10) and (14) are separately valid, independently of the sign of x2. 3One need not specify the values of Θ(0+) and Θ(0−). Indeed, when Θ(z) is regarded as a generalized function, the specification of the value of Θ(z) at the origin has no significance (e.g., see p. 63 of Ref. [5]).

3 It is instructive to examine the leading singularities of the Feynman propagator near the (2) light cone, This is most easily done by employing the expansions for H1 (z)) and for K1(z) which are either given or can be deduced from the results on pp. 927–928 of G&R,

1 z z 1 iπ 1 iπH(2)(z)= + ln + γ + + (z3) , (16) 2 1 −z 2 2 − 2 2 O   1 z z  1 K (z)= + ln + γ + (z3) . (17) 1 z 2 2 − 2 O     (2) Since H1 (z) and K1(z) possess branch cuts along the negative real axis, eqs. (16) and (17) are valid for arg z < π. | | To obtain the leading singularities of i∆F (x), one can either insert the expansion given in eq. (17) into eq. (10) or the expansion given in eq. (16) into eq. (14) to obtain,

1 m2 + ln 1 m√ x2 + iǫ + γ 1 , as x2 0−, 4π2( x2 + iǫ) 8π2 2 − − 2 → i∆ (x)  − (18) F 2 h  i ∼  1 m 1 1 1 2 +  + ln m√x2 iǫ + γ + iπ , as x 0 . −4π2(x2 iǫ) 8π2 2 − − 2 2 → −  h  i In light of eq. (12), we see that the two limiting cases above are analytic continuations of each other. Indeed, it is a simple matter to check that if x2 > 0 then

1 iπ + lim ln √x2 iǫ = 1 iπ + lim ln(x2 iǫ) = 1 iπ + ln x2 iπΘ( x2) 2 ǫ→0 − 2 ǫ→0 − 2 | | − −     = ln x2 + 1 iπ 1 Θ( x2) = ln x2 + 1 iπ Θ(x2) , (19) | | 2 − − | | 2 where we have employed the identity,p Θ(x2)+Θ( x2) = 1. The samep end result is obtained if x2 < 0, since −

lim ln √ x2 + iǫ = 1 lim ln( x2 + iǫ)= 1 ln x2 + iπΘ(x2) = ln x2 + 1 iπ Θ(x2) . (20) ǫ→0 − 2 ǫ→0 − 2 | | | | 2   p Thus, we may combine both limits in eq. (18) into a single equation,

1 m2 i∆ (x) + ln 1 m x2 + γ 1 + 1 iπ Θ(x2) , as x2 0. (21) F ∼ −4π2(x2 iǫ) 8π2 2 | | − 2 2 → −  p   Finally, we can make use of the Sokhotski-Plemelj formula (see, e.g., p. 27 of Ref. [6]), 1 1 = P iπδ(z) , (22) z iǫ z ∓ ± where P is the Cauchy principal value prescription, which is employed when evaluating the integral of the product of a generalized function, P(1/x), and a smooth test function according to the following rule,

∞ f(x) −δ f(x) ∞ f(x) P dx lim dx + dx . (23) x ≡ δ→0+ x x Z−∞ Z−∞ Zδ  4 Hence, eqs. (21) and (22) yield,

2 2 i 2 1 1 m m x 1 iπ 2 2 2 i∆F (x)= δ(x ) 2 P 2 + 2 ln | | + γ + Θ(x )+ (m x ) , −4π − 4π x 8π " p2 ! − 2 2 O # (24) where the terms of (m2x2) vanish on the light cone. The limit of eq.O (24) as m 0 is noteworthy, →

i 2 1 1 lim i∆F (x)= δ(x ) P . (25) m→0 −4π − 4π2 x2 In obtaining eq. (25), we have used dimensional analysis to conclude that all terms in eq. (24) that vanish on the light cone must be proportional to a positive power of m2. To check the result of eq. (25), it is instructive to perform an exact calculation of i∆F (x) in the case of m = 0 by returning to eq. (6) 1 ∞ i∆ (x ; ~x) = sin(pr)e−ip|x0| dp . (26) F 0 m=0 4π2r Z0 To evaluate this integral, I will make use of the integral representation of the step function (see, e.g., p. 151 of Ref. [6]),

1 ∞ eikx Θ(k) = lim dx . (27) ǫ→0+ 2πi x iǫ Z−∞ − Multiplying eq. (27) by i and then taking the inverse yields an expression for the generalized function (x iǫ)−1, − 1 ∞ ∞ = i Θ(k)e−ikx dk = i e−ikx dk . (28) x iǫ − Z−∞ Z0 Employing eq. (28) in evaluating eq. (26), i ∞ i∆ (x) = e−ip(|x0|−r) e−ip(|x0|+r) dp F m=0 −8π2r − Z0   1 1 1 1 = = 2 2 2 2 −8π r x0 r iǫ − x0 + r iǫ −4π x r iǫ | | − − | | −  0 − − 1  = , (29) −4π2(x2 iǫ) − 2 2 2 where we have identified x = x0 r . Thus we have recovered the m 0 limit of eq. (24). Equivalently, one can again employ− the Sokhotski-Plemelj formula [cf. eq.→ (22)] to obtain 1 1 i 1 1 i∆ (x) = P + iπδ(x2) = δ(x2) P , (30) F m=0 −4π2 x2 −4π − 4π2 x2   thereby confirming the result of eq. (25).

5 Appendix A: Alternative methods for evaluating ∆F (x)

Our method for identifying the explicit form for the generalized function ∆F (x) was to insert a convergence factor in the integrand of eq. (6), exp ǫ p2 + m2 , and then take ǫ 0+ at the end of the calculation. Indeed, this method is often− employed to interpret the→ integral  p  representation of the delta function, ∞ ∞ 1 1 2 δ(x)= eikx dk = lim eikx−ǫk dk , (A.1) 2π ǫ→0+ 2π Z−∞ Z−∞ 2 after inserting the convergence factor e−ǫk . An alternative method is to rewrite the integral given in eq. (6) as the derivative of a conditionally convergent integral, which then can be computed explicitly. We can also employ this alternative method to identify the integral representation of the delta function as follows. Consider the generalized function, 1 ∞ 1 0 1 ∞ 1 ∞ (x)= eikx dk = eikx dk + eikx dk = cos(kx) dk , (A.2) J 2π 2π 2π π Z−∞ Z−∞ Z0 Z0 after performing a variable change, k k, in the second integral above. Note that the integral representation of (x) is not convergent→ − due to the oscillatory behavior of the inte- grand as k [as in theJ case of eq. (6)]. Nevertheless, one can employ the well known → ∞ conditionally convergent integral, ∞ sin(kx) dk = 1 π sgn(x) , (A.3) k 2 Z0 where sgn(x) is the sign of the real number x.4 Noting that sgn(x) = 2Θ(x) 1 , (A.4) − it follows that ∞ sin(kx) dk = π Θ(x) 1 . (A.5) k − 2 Z0 Using eq. (A.2), we can identify (x) as the derivative of a conditionally convergent integral, J ∂ 1 ∞ sin(kx) d (x)= dk = Θ(x)= δ(x) , (A.6) J ∂x π k dx Z0 in agreement with the well-known integral representation of the delta function. Let us employ this alternative strategy in evaluating eq. (6). To perform the integral exhibited in eq. (6), we observe the following two formulae, 3.876 nos. 1 and 2 on p. 486 of G&R,

∞ 2 2 sin( x0 p + m ) 1 2 2 2 2 | | cos(pr) dp = πJ0 m x r Θ(x r ), (A.7) 2 2 2 0 0 0 p + m − − Z p q  4Some books define sgn(0)p = 0, in which case, eq. (A.3) would be valid at x = 0. However, when sgn(x) is regarded as a generalized function, the specification of the value at the origin has no significance (cf. footnote 3).

6 ∞ 2 2 cos( x0 p + m ) 1 2 2 2 2 | | cos(pr) dp = πY0 m x r Θ(x r ) 2 2 2 0 0 0 p + m − − − Z p q  p +K m r2 x2 Θ(r2 x2), (A.8) 0 − 0 − 0 q which satisfy the conditions specified by G&R since m, rand x0 are all positive. Combining the two integrals above yields, | |

∞ 2 2 exp( i x0 p + m ) 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 − | | cos(pr) dy = iπ J0 m x r iY0 m x r Θ(x r ) 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 p + m − − − − − Z p  q  q  p +K m r2 x2 Θ(r2 x2) . (A.9) 0 − 0 − 0 It then follows that q  1 ∞ p exp( i x p2 + m2) 1 ∂ ∞ exp( i x p2 + m2) − | 0| sin(pr) dp = − | 0| cos(pr) dp 2 2 2 2 r 0 p + m −r ∂r 0 p + m Z p Z p d p pd =2 K m√ x2 Θ( x2) 1 πY m√x2 Θ(x2) iπ J m√x2 Θ(x2) dx2 0 − − − 2 0 − dx2 0        d =2 K m√ x2 Θ( x2) 1 iπH(2) m√x2 Θ(x2) , (A.10) dx2 0 − − − 2 0     (2) after introducing the Hankel function of the second kind, H0 (z) Jz(z) iY1(z) and iden- tifying the square of the position four-vector, x2 = x2 r2. ≡ − 0 − Thus, we focus on the quantity, F (x2) K m√ x2 Θ( x2) 1 iπH(2) m√x2 Θ(x2) . (A.11) ≡ 0 − − − 2 0 In order to compute dF/dx2, we must pay attention to the behavior of F (x2) in the vicinity of x2 = 0. To facilitate this analysis, we shall employ the small argument expansions of the Bessel functions, which can be deduced from results given on pp. 927–928 of G&R, z K (z)= ln γ + (z2) , (A.12) 0 − 2 − O (2)   z 1 iπH (z)= 1 iπ + ln + γ + (z2) , (A.13) 2 0 2 2 O   where γ is Euler’s constant. It is therefore convenient to define, z K (z)= K (z) + ln , (A.14) 0 0 2 (2) (2) 2i  z He (z)= H (z)+ ln , (A.15) 0 0 π 2   each of which has a finite limit as z 0. Hence, we can rewrite eq. (A.11) as, e → F (x2)= K m√ x2 Θ( x2) 1 iπH(2) m√x2 Θ(x2) 0 − − − 2 0 ln 1 m√ x2 Θ( x2) ln 1 m√x2 Θ( x2) . (A.16) −e 2 − − − e 2   7 Simplifying the second line of eq. (A.16) by employing the relation,

f(x2)Θ(x2)+ f( x2)Θ( x2)= f( x2 ) , (A.17) − − | | it follows that

F (x2)= K m√ x2 Θ( x2) 1 iπH(2) m√x2 Θ(x2) ln 1 m x2 1/2 . (A.18) 0 − − − 2 0 − 2 | |  2 2   We can now differentiatee F (x ) with respecte to x . Noting that, d 1 K (z)= K (z) K (z)+ , (A.19) dz 0 − 1 ≡ − 1 z d 2i He(2)(z)= He (2)(z) H(2)(z)+ , (A.20) dz 0 − 1 ≡ − 1 πz e (2) e where we have defined K1(z) and H1 (z) such that the leading singular pieces of K1(z) and (2) H1 (z) as z 0 are removed, it follows that, → e e 2 (2) √ 2 d 2 m K1(m√ x ) 2 iπH1 (m x ) 2 1 d 2 2 F (x )= − Θ( x )+ Θ(x ) 2 ln x dx 2 " √ x2 − 2√x2 # − 2 dx | | e − e K m√ x2 + 1 iπH(2) m√x2 δ(x2) , (A.21) − 0 − 2 0 2  2  2  2 2 after employing δ(x ) =e dΘ(x )/dx ande noting that δ(x ) = δ( x ). The second line of eq. (A.21) is evaluated by employing f(x2)δ(x2)= f(0)δ(x2), where f−(x2) is a smooth function. Hence,

K m√ x2 + 1 iπH(2) m√x2 δ(x2)= K (0) + 1 iπH(2)(0) δ(x2)= 1 iπδ(x2) , − 0 − 2 0 − 0 2 0 − 2 (A.22)      in lighte of eqs. (A.12) ande (A.13). e e Finally, we make use of the following result that is derived in Appendix B, d 1 ln x2 = P , (A.23) dx2 | | x2 where the symbol P stands for the principal value prescription. Hence, after using eqs. (A.21)– (A.23) the end result is,

2 (2) 2 d 2 m K1(m√ x ) 2 iπH1 (m√x ) 2 1 1 2 2 F (x )= − Θ( x )+ Θ(x ) P 2 + iπδ(x ) . dx 2 " √ x2 − 2√x2 # − 2 x −   e e (A.24) Consequently, eq. (A.10) yields,

1 ∞ y exp( i x p2 + m2 ) 1 − | 0| sin(py) dp = P iπ δ(x2) (A.25) 2 2 2 r 0 p + m − x − Z p p K (m√ x2) iπH(2)(m√x2) +m 1 − Θ( x2)+ 1 Θ(x2) . (A.26) " √ x2 − 2√x2 # e − e 8 Hence, it follows from eqs. (6) and (A.26) that

i m K m√ x2 iπH(2) m√x2 2 1 − 2 1 2 i∆F (x)= δ(x )+ 2 P Θ( x )+ Θ(x ) , (A.27) −4π 4π ( √ x2 − 2√x2 ) −   (2) (2) after re-expressing K1 and H1 in terms of K1 and H1 , respectively, and making use of the identity, Θ(x2)+Θ( x2) = 1. The principal value prescription affects only those terms in − eq. (A.27) inside thee bracese that behave as 1/x2 as x2 0. Inserting the expansions given by eqs. (16) and (17)→ into eq. (A.27) and making use of eq. (A.17), it follows that

2 2 i 2 1 1 m m x 1 iπ 2 2 2 i∆F (x)= δ(x ) 2 P 2 + 2 ln | | + γ + Θ(x )+ (m x ) , −4π − 4π x 8π " p2 ! − 2 2 O # (A.28) in agreement with eq. (24). Note that the principal value prescription is not needed for the 1 2 logarithmic term in eq. (24), since the integral of ln( 2 m x ) multiplied by a well behaved test function, performed over an integration range that includes| | the point x2 = 0, is convergent. p In particular, eqs. (22) and (A.28) imply that the leading singular behavior of i∆F (x) is

i 2 1 1 1 i∆F (x)= δ(x ) P + ... = lim − + ..., (A.29) −4π − 4π2 x2 ǫ→0+ 4π2(x2 iǫ) − where ... represents subleading terms as x2 0, and the ǫ 0 limit is taken only after → → integrating the product of ∆F (x) and a well-behaved test function. Consequently, eq. (A.27) is equivalent to m K m√ x2 + iǫ iπH(2) m√x2 iǫ 1 − 2 1 − 2 i∆F (x)= 2 Θ( x )+ Θ(x ) , (A.30) 4π " √ x2 + iǫ − 2√x2 iǫ # −  −  in agreement with eq. (15).

Yet another alternative method for evaluating the integral given by eq. (6) This method is based on pp. 68–73 of Ref. [7] (see also Section 2.3 of Ref. [8]). Denoting E p2 + m2, we can rewrite eq. (6) as, p ≡ ∞ ∞ ipr −ipr p i p sin(pr) −i|x0|Ep 1 p(e e ) −i|x0|Ep ∆ (x ; ~x)= − e dp = − − e dp F 0 4π2r E 8π2r E Z0 p Z0 p 1 ∞ p i ∂ ∞ dp = − eipre−i|x0|Ep dp = eipre−i|x0|Ep . (A.31) 8π2r E 8π2r ∂r E Z−∞ p Z−∞ p Introducing the rapidity ζ,

Ep = m cosh ζ, p = m sinh ζ , (A.32) it follows that dp = Ep dζ. Hence, 1 ∂ ∞ i∆ (x ; ~x)= dζ exp im x cosh ζ r sinh ζ . (A.33) F 0 −8π2r ∂r − | 0| − Z−∞ We consider two cases.  

9 Case 1: x2 x2 r2 > 0 (or equivalently, x >r) ≡ 0 − | 0| It is convenient to define a new variable η such that the condition x2 x2 r2 is satisfied, ≡ 0 − x = √x2 cosh η, r = √x2 sinh η . (A.34) | 0| It then follows that x cosh ζ r sinh ζ = √x2 cosh(ζ η). Hence, | 0| − − 1 ∂ ∞ i∆ (x)= dζ exp im√x2 cosh(ζ η) F −8π2r ∂r − − Z−∞   1 ∂ ∞ = dζ exp im√x2 cosh ζ −8π2r ∂r − Z−∞   1 d ∞ = dζ cos(m√x2 cosh ζ) i sin(m√x2 cosh ζ) , (A.35) 2π2 dx2 − Z0   after making use of the symmetry of the integrand under ζ ζ to express the final result as an integral from 0 to . → − ∞ We now make use of G&R, formulae 3.714 nos. 2 and 3: ∞ ∞ 1 1 sin(z cosh x)dx = 2 πJ0(z) , cos(z cosh x)dx = 2 πY0(z) , for Re z > 0 . 0 0 − Z Z (A.36) Introducing H(2)(z) J (z) iY (z), we end up with 0 ≡ 0 − 0 i d i∆ (x)= H(2)(m√x2) , for x2 > 0 . (A.37) F −4π dx2 0

Case 2: x2 x2 r2 < 0 (or equivalently, x 0 , (A.40) Z0 it then follows that 1 d i∆ (x)= K (m√ x2) , for x2 < 0. (A.41) F 2π2 dx2 0 − Combining the results of eqs. (A.37) and (A.41), 1 d i∆ (x)= K (m√ x2)Θ( x2) 1 iπH(2)(m√x2)Θ(x2) , (A.42) F 2π2 dx2 0 − − − 2 0   which reproduces eq. (A.10). The computation of the derivative with respect to x2 then follows the same steps previously employed in deriving the final result given in eq. (A.27).

Appendix B: Proof of d ln |x|/dx = P(1/x)

This proof is taken from pp. 25–26 of Ref. [9] (see also p. 83 of Ref. [6]). Consider ln x as a | | generalized function. Noting that d 1 ln x = , for x =0 , (B.1) dx | | x 6 one can extend this result to x = 0 by treating d ln x /dx as a generalized function. For any well-behaved test function f(x) that vanishes sufficiently| | fast as x , it follows from an → ±∞ integration by parts that ∞ d ∞ f(x) ln x dx = ln x f ′(x) dx = lim ln x f ′(x) dx . (B.2) dx | | − | | − δ→0+ | | Z−∞ Z−∞ Z|x|≥δ where f ′(x) df/dx, and the boundary terms vanish due to the behavior of f(x) at . Note that the≡ limiting process above is smooth, since the integral above exists for all values±∞ of δ 0. To complete the calculation, we integrate by parts once more to obtain, ≥ ∞ d f(x) f(x) ln x dx = lim dx f(δ) f( δ) ln δ . (B.3) dx | | δ→0+ x − − − Z−∞ Z|x|≥δ    However, f(δ) f( δ) ln δ = (δ ln δ) which vanishes as δ 0. Thus, we end up with − − O → ∞ d f(x)   f(x) ln x dx = lim dx . (B.4) dx | | δ→0+ x Z−∞ Z|x|≥δ We recognize the right hand side of eq. (B.4) as the Cauchy principal value prescription [cf. eq. (23)]. Hence, we can identify the generalized function, d 1 ln x = P , (B.5) dx | | x which is meaningful at x = 0 via eq. (B.4).

11 References

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