. ' — M A W< —— T — A Y : C T T : T : ! A D * — O ; — A ——T W A -

iusurattff, >!ADIS0\ 40im .IFF Ills! FIRE. MARINE, AND LIFE I.OITISVII.LE DAILV COURIER. A RELIABloE STATEMENT! INSr^NCE. ro THE PI BLlt’. j W. s. &, VERNON SONS, 30. VOLUME LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. FRIDAY MORNING. I!. I8(J0. Kk bmond, Ky., April S, IfifiO. AGKNTS. APRIL I NUMBER 7.T The iinderaigned Oiiico \o. ktreet, over A. S. havhig been appointed br 472 Maia K. the eunmiiltee for tbe removal of J. <«. Fee an LeiLaiaa'K Store. j i hi* assoeiates, a Th«* fil> Klfctiou To-Ylorrow. 0.\E Thirty*third suh-committae, for the correc- Kt t the fultavtiut reiiv j THOl Degree of Freemason) >. tion of fttn ^H5ccll;mfOU.5!. LOUISVILLE COURIER 8A.\D DOLL.VRS REWARD! THE SOITIIER.N Tl HF ! ermtiu gross mi-apprehensioB* snd mis- Me aulveijt C'lBpeiiies. annual election for ollleeiii, The District Al- [C4*rrc*pondcni-e of tbe LoiUsvllle Courier.] s'l.i-i irii-nis whieh have Inirr BOkt all deK-npilcua at l>ceB pnbUahed wiih re- PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE g.r-l dermen, Uuuutiliueu, . to tlieir action, y* iy ly^^arfaeH'. and the Utk iif aoiiiiil ^ Coninion Si hool Trui-tees, Wa.suinuton, March 31, IHliO. submit to the puldk- tbe fcl- ** ' vei> healUor iwrawu*. ai the lua<.-i NO.*. .M AWO.N M' 'I'E -MFLE. NO. 3 EXPRESS OFFICE ROBBED! THE 4»REAT TWO MILE l;A4 E ! iuwiug -tatement ra:«*: “LOUISVILLE COURIER PRINTLXG COMPV."''i/' an J fity Watchmen takes jdaee to-inorrow. The Kditirri iMHixfUlf * b«Wc»-.- The Supreme Coun I j Fee ami his accomplU.es— set . .. . >1\ INSI RANCE COMPAKV.of Hartford. Conai. Coder an Act of lncoi>Tatlon granted by canvass has heen an ell of thirty-third degree of Fre.-tnusourv, for • of AboUtion tbe Kentuikyaiky : cxceediuirly iiulcl one, aud nussiuiuari- * scut here CMhCaidtalaud ^urvlua *tiu.«W. MRS. 31. J. BRYANT, Leciilature. f9|>t-d;d DUpatchto the Southern JurLsdiciiou of the United s'tates, The princi(«lly from tbe tie Louisville Courier. 1 two mile race, In which PL-vnet wa< tn-aten we have not for years known an election here ! >orth l^d esvioltsbed comineiii-ed its session in this in a comer of the county. .VNU c-ity last Wed- by Dtmiel Bim.iic, CrrVriREINSVRAKK <>ruartf.4^. t INCINN I on the .Metaric course. In a sterile and COtfPAST. Coon. VTI, April 1**«’A). New : mounuinoos NO IO«. FOl Rru wTREKT. NO. IOC. Ihal has liccn |ircccded l>y so little excitement 5, nesday. district :»* Aljoii- Cuh C atMta l and tMirplaa. t'IHai>llO O I* ^ I 0X3, j ( tiim settlemen*. with KtlitufM I >rleans, a and jiariy L^^uUviUf t'anri^r Our ollli-e and the meinirers i-hoseii and caused very heavy bet ting, na we U-am location, the best ol any .\OM. TIllKII • feclinjr. True, both jiartics have an- Among inducted on ERYANT 8l MILLER, 51 A .M) KTIIEKT,f ^ in tbe Slate in our jungmentg KtM ENOLANi) F1K£ AND MARINE INSI RANGE safe at YiiK-cnnes, Indiana, that day wa.s Vice President Breckinridge, from from the papers of that city. At o;ie of the bet- tor insurret-tioa LotlsVIiXE, KY. nounced their candidates, hut w e think there is were broken oja-n or sumpeUi — whose AXIMPAM. nf Hartfuid. A'uua. your State. has two influences bad already !Hi!liucry aud Faucy Storr«, atxmt snndowti this Kentucky represenlalivi-s ting rooms $;;1,:H-> CaahCaiat.1 evening, and lhri.*e thou- were staked. P!-jnet was the I spread di-eifte. tlon aud burvliu iMAOW more of a dis]Sisition on the jiart of the pcoi.le, I among the slave in that sublime hotly—no .State having more tlian popnJatU.a Hare ju^t returnnl from the East with T1:U3Ia of Hi U>4 Kim lOA. sand doUarn lavorite against ol that eu.l of the tli.aii h.as (43,00U) in mom-y taken therefrom. the winner in the jiroportion county—supported entirely a foil au'Ortiiient of MtUinery and Fai.cy been lalelv evinced, to li-norc iinrtv t two, while some have only one. It w.a.-, a most jI WASIIINUTOK INhCRANOE 00.. at Ncv V.irk City- by uiui! V derived Gu-»>.jUIU tbe of announce a reward of one thousand dol- enthusi.astie nu-eting; the Largest an 1 best ever to one. The Y irginlant tell heavy. Abolitieudsia IHdUic*4, furtlu' f>nfcst, ! Daily Courier r*r tlie c<‘Uiitry »«; <«) ami vote souiiutli I Company. A very large atnuuut of important hmsinesa was UOODHC'E FIRE IN.^L'KANE York Cttj. I « vomiiiete asaortsii*-nt ever broUjfhtto tbU Four candidates nominated by CO., of New P'¥ •* •• upon w reiitUred not only property, but “ hich all thi.s ^ even Ufe, iiw^.ft ; excileinctil Caal.A^Ual »mutU “. cUv. Ten ^ traiisaeted, tiiuch uf which will tend to elevate was based. Vir- W / •* *• •• parties are ;tooJ men, wc may bo i>crniitted to - To break *.• Tmtnty : •••; So uo giuia, i up thi* settlemeui. so flu- as r .Mrs. Bryant win remain to receive and Two5roRE Fiiies.— esterday aliout 12 o’clock the .\vttitf, rilt of Masonry in tliis eountry, esjH,-- LouUUiua, and Kciitiuky were all repre- to remove | ’ ' y* ever seut unle.-spaid for In a*Ivauce. 1.AFAVCTTK York CUy. M iw wait upon her friends and tbe public at 2 No paper say a word in behalf of tliose Dciuocnitie lucin- se-nted, and there was a goodly of all ju-t and rea-miable ground of apprehension, FlR>.L\\jl UA\CE CO., of Ne* fire niisseeu issuing from the rorif of a three story cially among those who are ignonut of its true show the ! PJki.uW) i was deemed by tbe great Cat Caidtjd ber.s of tlie last Council backers ot en h, all with high Itoja-s elate, t>ody of the euizeus of , who arc candidates for chanu-ter and merit.-. and r\HII K VTFh for AI>\KIIT1h|\G. | brick house on tlie west side of j the Third street, be- inaiiifesiiug the most eouuty a ju-t aud uceea.-ary act of .-wlf-de »n Friday tlie rel'iable eoiifidi nt-e in the i NEW fir* W*ai:ts. Loktaiid Found. Boatdiny. For Rent, and reidection. Their ollicial conduct during tlie evening .>iupreinc Council held j YORK of York Oty. | I MFE INSfRANCECU_ New tween Jetfer-on result. II fen.-ie. oi-eomplisb In* fifty cents per square of five and Market. Tlie lower To thU purj>o.-« this <-umndt- Caati A.-camaUtion •l.libT.WIu UeuM»vuU. wilt rharftrd half storv a Sorrow Loilge in the Unitarian ehuri-h, in honor j . li'st ear lias re- • tee liiifw or less, for lirst iiiSi-rtloii. and t«emy-bve cenU for y been such as should stroiiiily was tK-eiipi(-(i Ihe ladies’ stand was mvi.st wa* appointed with large dise relionary Ly Wunsh A Bro. as a grot-erv of .Sovereign Grand lns|*ecior General, the 111. brill'iautlv or-eu- pow MRS. M. A. O’CONNOR eatvi additional one. without alWratlon. picd on this occasion, cfH. CONWAY FIRE I.SM CO., of Conway. Maaa. ; coininend them lu the favor of all conservative and it w as of the BANCE Ofi John A. Qiiitinaii.of one most ! line;* ;«rat. J or leivs. one Insertion n m store, aud the upjier Naiehez, 51Lssissii>|-i. The One square n« ! | )>ortion was used as a Ger- A'aali Capital and .'Marplaa djiC.WD A9 Jnjd retnmt d fri>ro the E.t«t with a laiT«‘ And aiirat-tive and exeiiing Under thi- authority ihe (-ominittec determin- JP^4>ue Square each adilitlonsl los>'rti<*n church was features of the day's , '-jj men, and of every voter wlio really has the city’s crowded, and ail listetn-d with great imtti bo.irding ' aplradid aaeortment of .Millinery and Fancy Good*, F* ftJ. 4SJ house, kept by ed, as n 3 4 b«e Square mie month, without alti'ratlou .Mr. Bierwanger. s|*ort, the interest whleti wa.-taki an invarLaidc rule of at-iion, first to re- coiiaietine of Kib^HHis. Fluuera. llea«1 Ib^iwea, Caps. Drem pIctiMire to the iiu|)osing cen-inonii s. .and to the n in the events U».rti->n of and not to inteiiere with TrUumiiuea. Knibroiderlea, ll>t«iery. Gb'vea, Coi>etA lltMip 10 «04«0 j damaged eloquent and learned the iminen.-e :it- fP^tbie square three months 10 by water, addre-s of 111. Albert Pike, ^ BT ' i bkifia. Ai\. Ac., to wbicb elie iuviie* the HUrntlou of tbe ill to Tile Deiiiocratie members of the General t'-ndanee. 1 he only any itiZv-u of the laMiniy, wteUever his j pr^ibie s«iuare six mout.hs and drawbaeg to this was opinion • | the loss sntail. Tlie loss to 5Ir. whoebainedtheaudii-neeforan honr.aiida liaB'-o the \\ . S. \ public. Ladies Bierwanger EK\U\ t Ml\e UiCXTS. are particularly requested U» call and ex- tP^tbiesqUare twelve months i‘*0 OO «>»-M*l‘*'*ntmenl so or doctrine- luighl Im-, uiUi-a* Council during the i«st year liavc brought for- tipit tlie dropiiingof aidniniglit lutve lieen heard. generally miuiifi -ted in the i he went so fitr aa anal diy aiuiiie her atiFCk bef«»rc purebasine elsewhere. Thankful bie equare cliHti|rt4ble w eekly OPh twice a week •**»*».U,'*'* w ill not exceed #L'i(l. ®-‘riy ternamitlon of the txinlejt. toexti-ud ac-tive aid or defense to these missiona- for past favors, site bi>)>e# to merit a continuance of the Aio; forfur I The :neKib«‘rs of the The iH-auty of |Ar*(hi,. six montlai Nupreim- Couneii ! nquare chaintable weekly, ward no partisan measures, and carefully avoid- iH-eupied | ] The building ‘‘*® ries, palrotuuteao liberally t»cstosed on ber heretofore. three months FJ*. wa.s owned by Mr. Sihis Sisson, e" v“P<**date for our admiration tba* identify iug hiiti-elf with the enemies the pulpit aud platform, while the Knights i on the M. .\. U l*ONNER, attention to pri- ej heiiiL' ) C^^i*l*Ui*trial noticeSj intendetl to draw drawn into any ]>oIitiiail discussioii, Wius *!*'’**•'*"*•. Ih® striking of the jieai-e and security of and itisun-d for ?2,UK) in the Templar, 11.S tlu-irgoard of honor, reseinMauce lo his noble onr community. mUdltn Comer Fourth Mid Jefferson »ts.« ljouis\Ule- val bnsirii sa. to iiiventhoii. Improvement**, Loui-ville Mu- headed hv Hu ir I riRE •cuterprNesor ' deeiniin: it lo be their legislate for Dexington, wen- the Which determination ha- been prodainiedin and arti«*les sale, will be chanced at the rate Y>f tw entyeiiVy duly to the tual and fl.tXX) Grand Master, B. B. French, thirty-thirJ.'sat in Ihenie of nmeh re- th« for i in the Hartford, of Conneeticul. '*“*•'*' most BV cenis a line. think, publU- uiaziner, and has fieen, aud will be. UJLAffK KArJ^UFACTORY. »e:it.s, were i BOOK , . . . interests of Louisville, their the front the church dratn-d in hDi-k, the such honors { and not aastc time Soon after the C3f*Funeral, Society. Char'tsble, and PtiLUcnl Notices1 ^^ alurtn was glv en the sti-ain *PDre grtM-eluliy rigidly adhered to. WEBB A I.EVrRING.Kl Mainstr» et.3a engines aotliii and other solemn enibK-nis pri-seiiled and i-heerfully paid. —MlmlSi In.-erted for^e the lirst. and for each sm*seqoeiit ^ij-Ui- by [arty maneuvering. a J v/a/jAdoorbebiwTbird. Louieville. Ky..iusuufac- . n-aehed the scene, and ’’J-i'e'veiit Po.*t Slake” On .Monday, the 2tUh ult., a portion of the * for soon extinguished sight long lo be wa.* filled se; ti 11, and will iiot be published unless paid in ad* the reiuemb<-ri-d in this eitv. 7 with turers of all kind*, of Blank Books, and ; In the liyoinning of the year they pr<>]H)sed de- committee rejain-d to Berea, l«>r eTollll | fin-. The damage to the This inoming the Supreme Uonneil, escorted ** CcnenUly believed, the pnrposo kee|. cou-tantly on band a larye ashortinent huild'ing w-ill j not ex- | 3 #<‘M4rrl*ur»'S and Death n**licea 25c f t each iiisertloa. “''*11 w-ithin a few days, uf n-Diuviug Hausun. one of these tuissionariea, toi sme*. ciinerat sb: salaries in a numlier of eases w here with banners waving, pro»-t-eded to , riBp: company. 39^4'sllr f**r. an«l nr*q't*edinA of. political ward meetinglue^ ceed fjOD. the <>tben< wifdiiuc Blank Ttooks made to oder j who had returned, after Merkdisot* aiHl i !f'''P!®''vn*ed .Messrs. iiaving once left, and No. SI Pioe tdreei. New Y..J k. will be A*barK'-*l lialf price. tomb of tlie Father of bis Country, the lininor- — Doswell, Gen. , eao ha\ »- Ibeui ruled ax.d hound to any iper and paired in deemed the salary to he tiH> high. and. in Early h-*V, i, p I y.-sierday there ni.-ui v*^. ' .N’oyeafly c*»ntrscls made, by which advertiser h»-ha< | luoruiiig a lir*-was dist-tivered ” I’- t. Kenner, .A. i-iie met with a named Ilalev aud one ' tal Wiishingloii. K< Ca'ii Capital AWi.BOi) Ih- «uUful and accurate Myle. ;y where a Sorrow luKlge was Uiebards. J-as. the prirUe;;e of chanyiiq; maUer or style of cat d withoutloui Some eases, succeeded, as tlie record will show. naiiii d Bland, nndersluod to K«ery d*^ riptionof Book Blndiof executed on reason* , | in the naif a liakery, on oiH-iK-d. The8upri-tne C'ouneil " • J- 51tnor, and Col. L. Bingnian be the m'ust active Tlih C<»fiipai.y d.*e>- ba<.ine.ano the mutnal plan, retarn ad'i’.tiotial churse. the comer of W;duut eireuluainhtilated al-te t«-rm». *’*'jy*'4 the jitirtie- ensfnged. ot tin: ayni{iiithizi*r*, and who had Ina tbe,H>liry te>idcer throe -Soartlat of turpr.-flh. of the S^.Ml ativertiscn»ents required to be kept on sceondlond ! They ollered to the incnihors of the OplKisi- and Thirteenth. the tomb three times, then went tlirough the But the iuiaha{>s made repeated .*^teau.buat B*>ok« all con-tanOynn band Tlie fire was extinguished i ; of kinds kept by a ' C«ni4»aiiy. niid oil an a^- ')«faB the racing stable ihnat* of a.—a.--ination, Ac. A conversation paseCHAKoKi) AS HKW K.icu PAY, third pa^ *'* eereinoiiies e-iH-eially reduced the \ en- an-1 made to order at short notiA*c. and of the fiiie.-t inate- lion parly a I'roiiusition. that they would make pruiBired for the i-urpose; cum- ! few ""I*'** PliOINIR KIRK l\St R4\CE MI*A\Y \ sM'Kover »tate«l rate**. buckets of water, witliunt the aid of tire P*-titors to .Messrs, sued, which resulted in the , rl'klffi. the at the close of w hich Ch:ineelh>r Seott, P. G. .M., lio-well's Planet, D. F. Ken- parties shaking lie or set In , iy“AdYt*rlifeinenl** direcl4*d to msplatkd. din , f.ir ollh-e,, So. d» Wall .tiaec New York. I ountry irerclianU are invited to examine our st«>ck, no nominations any hut would vote di-jiarlim-nf. “i>d hands, and mixing with Mississippi, - “nJ -'D--Mr. Jos. proteaialions of peace L^M'rn rK. charted double rotes. of delivered a short and very atonsa(pns Jackson's Danii l I co.nnr>Hin« Isrye rtinent of K'ho< l. MijM-ellaneou-. a a»- L*n centraits for and good will on both side*. Capital and Surploa - *N:d i*n reale U‘nu<*. AA CBII I.KVKKiMt, each im-er;i*>u* * Ibe announoenient tliat only three commenced raising a i«rty fiir a I tliis disp»-rsedat)ontdisp»-rsed aliout theIhe brow hor-ea iirofKisition liy of I time. but wils rejected the domi- li.sbuiPiil of Mt. Vernon, enjoy- IcMI lWok^elle^s and Blai«k B^k .Alters. SmeltlTA Preiis.-, on .M.-Un sln-et, ’y"'***' •taft the atUM-k, armed with No. Sa Wall etroet. New York. f^TsAXsiKST Ap\ki(tb**ixu ursr ur. PAin rou ix ***•ap* Ingthcing the biaiitifiil view and the ideasures eous<--eoiis<-- seemed to liave little elleet u|>on guns—the committed Haul l>arty, and in eauens e>f seventeen out of ; VaXCR. I involved a probable loss of th^ who had ix-lied u]>un having, with a few exceidion*, only side Capital and Saridna •I'H.BK j IIAHT ^ t'L.AHK. $20,000, which was quetit uponUpon a pilgrimagetiUgrimage to the .Medina of Amer- a larger field, and arms— eighteen of tlieir iiuiuIht, tliey and attempted to cut otf \ own although their ANTIC KIRK INa4 R • i uuuiinated covered hy $30,(XX) icans. Planet w:is loudly called, a* winner, at return, an hoar or ATL ANCE CUMP ANV. ffi — • IMPORTEP.S ANDAA HOLESALE DEALERS insurauee, chiefly in the j two afterward*, by drawing ' two to one, in up seruan il \ la WltMf. liquors. Chrai>. and Fancy Groce- ! all city ollieers many instances it was fri-ely i their No. 11 Wall iitreet. New York. r, the to be elected, thereby jire- agcncie.* of F.astem The follow ing is a li.st of the offteers of the uken. road, ries. No. Third street, have in store axid for oflit-es, excepting $3,000 in dee hiring their intention An enormous amount of - to reensc lian^n, i money Sorplii* Supreme Couucil, ag ] changed baniD whom Capital and kSiLOM aale (OUKIER.LY. Venting conservative men of tlieir own jiarty furnished the C'Igtrlestun DAILY the * they Franklin, in tills city. - snpposed Ihe The sto<-k is estimated hy- uiioii the result, and the defeat of the Virginia commiUee had arreated. and INM R ANCE ANY bbli superior Bc^urhon Whisky. 4 years old; (S. C.) Courier, its Grand !*eeri-Uiry : PARK FIRE CUMP , M | I from having a fiir ehnnee of election before the ' favorite acted Bring npon them, wounding one — ‘ ii*> hbU do do do, • do; at JtS.OO), with damages varying Albert Pike, Arkan-sas.S. a- an cinoUii-nt u{m>u us, so badly man. The Are N". ii) Wal! idreet. New Y'ork. , from 50 to 75 G. Coinimiiu*er. 1«> is cs^ Cornac Brandies; • be.vten being relumed by the committee, General Council of tlie city of Louisville. This I by this same “traveling conquering the Bereana Capital and SutpIik IWI.W do; i.oi’isviiA.i:. per l-elU. C. M. Fnrin.in, S. Carolina, Lieut, do ter- In .H do uo retreated over hill, ror” who visited us la-t spring. It a in the direetioa of a log 10 1« do Rochelle do; i . measure the .Albert G. .Ma<-kley, .M. 1)., must not be ; THE underripned. Aceut of the ahore re- „ insured defeat of some excellent 1 he damage to S. Carolina, G. S. G. Ca.-tlcinau ' ir; KillUYV MORMNO A Torbitt’s grocery overlooked, in house. The committee remained upon AVine; ! the thegronncD — liable Coinpauief. will do a Bciicral Fire lo do P .yc-liille Le Priiiee, S. Carolina, G. T. G. midst of our reJoU-iug, that do Madeira At ine; and after eonsnltation, being uaL promptly ad)u«lod 10 S do Sherry do; tion, departe-d for tbeir homes. & 1 r Latest Telegraph I)is|>atches, The DeiiitM-rats in both Iioards of the GenersI Ceed $t'JI0, Biiniory, of our Kentaeky friends. til bhU :i|rworth A Or<.‘a and J. McMtUer.'a Native ed lM-)th branches, to take from the p«-ople the Standard Bt-arer. JOHN Ml'IR. ciul .Ylattcrs, ptr., set* Fourth Fage. race, in point of time, on acconnt of tbe mi-treatment, by -ome of M'lnes r*ncb^h and p<* *tch Pale Ales and Porter. Claret lu A. T. C. Pearson. Minn., G. Cajit. of is belter than Planet ever the (imard.*. j Office at JeCereon I n.iirancc Company. Main rtreet. election of Auditor, As.-iessor, Treasurer, Tax Weapons vs. committee, ol .Mr. George rases. Annisette. Atwyutbe, Maraakhino. 4'uracoa. Ac. Fence Rails. — harles Hughes Chas. lairfonde nude, it D but fiiir to conclude that the ’ West, 'indecent kui- npiowite bank of l.*ul«rl!le. r^dlf Ludebai, L-o, i;. M ot C four mile Also, a larre aiid well asa *rted stock of fre^h Fruits, ^mu Departure of Trains. race guage o-ed in the proence of his daogfliler*, Collectors, and Street IiisiK-elors, feelingtliai the got into adifticuliy witli hi- tenant, John John- G. A. Scbwar/.man, 1). C., G. Tvh-r whieh he so gallantly carried olT on last and ce**. Pickles. Mid hemietirallf sealed Oot»d# of all de | tbe Is'Jl'ISVU.LE. Xkw Aluanv ani> C’iucago !• riday, could have been of rude ;uid unauthorized seart-hmg of the srripilot.«. at loa est market prices. m:il ji.-Dple son, G. uo advauL-ige to him ! of Louisville were as eompetent to elect in Jefi'ersini eonniy, six miles S. B. ' MUTUAL INSURANCE. from the city, in the biiuses of Berean*. .Mr. West w in S:;X) A. .M.. 10.15 i*. M , 10:1.5 .M. contest of yesterday. poor health, K. A. Hill \I»KK At ViKa these ollieers as were the General Coum-iL on Wednesday. An angry disjiutc ended hy At/*t ' and is of opinion that he ha* but PEOPLE'S I\SIRA\IE (OMPAM. Jeh'EKsonville anh Ixiiianai*olis—a A. M., A IIirfH-Il.VNDED OtTR.tUE—SEUrKE OF THE —RiK>ne took the load at a moderate a short time to < MKKCaANTS. AAUOLRjiALE AND live, and bos sent LIVCOK .3;-5.> I*. >L. t>;45 I*. .M. They ititrodu'-ed, and li.ad pas.»ed tbn iigh the Hughes dmw’iuga knife, w ht-u Johnson seized a gate. Planet second. Sigma in the us two message*, reqoesting OFFUT IS NEWCOMR-.t BVIDING. Brig Jeuos'EE.— he Charleston Mercury says rear, at the i l^iklers in Wldsky. Br,4ndy. Wines. Ac., ffC us lo axmI ipoUitt tve BrK>k. north aide. Louis* 1*. Information has been received this -Irides tion of his name to ' liuUfU .^1 .5:UI M. Lcli.mon G;:J0 :j 1*. in city of gave Boone the go-by. be appended to so V Hruneh \. M., M. evidently by per- : b^e a ’ latter T» < U«rc«fr«4 4'«piul .S viUe. Ky. lic iusiitiitious of the city supplied by annual llie left, and obtaining a shotgun, return- by Iaillsvii i.e. the capture the British steamer Falcon of’l'ne niDsLin, for he seemingly made etfort fabrication; but state*, ou the contrary, that pA.dluMo4i^urv4 ]1. L.igrange Aceominudatiun Johnson. Sev- on the mile, 1:51; after pas.s- came there, be- Mid by tbe ibvanl tnode* of inland transportation; pat bills common do; west coast of Africa, The last previously known ing It. Sigma served haved like gentlsuien. Tbe 4:10 I*. Yl. eiuting oH members of the Council from the su- er.il of the shot to.)k ellet t in the leg of John-ou, Daniel the same wav, and committeemen, who 721 bbli B4»ur>»on do: on buUditio M;d food>> nc4iEo>i l«^ or iUiunfe I are ot y of the Jcho.ssee wxs her sailing for New York. an exciting run the l»at-k stretch and around men undonbted veracity, deny that they ini Ivhls Mouoneabela do: ivrior j'rivilege. But iliis ordinance failed hi tbe not, however, seriously wounding the him. Hughes She was overhauled about ‘JOth seareht-d, or evi-n R BT-RGE. Prrwident. S.Y bbb old Apple Brandy. 4 years old: Arrival of Trains. the of Jatinary, turn rt-?ulled between Sigma and Planet for the entered, any house without 9b S« casks Itiip'irted Braiuly; Board of Aldi-rmcii, from the members of the was eummitt<-d to jail. the Gulf the owner’s pemii-aion, CHAB. U. ARMS^TRONG. Vice Pre^ideot. I.,orisviLLE, New Albany and in of Guinea, by the BritDh cruiser, on lead. She passed him liefore getting into the with tine exception, and ti etd^ D‘ime*«li* do; Chicago— Joe. L. Divpmmi. ^ecretnir. suspicion of hciiig engaged in the slave stretch, that was tbe house from which Sp‘pe> Holland tlin; 5:.’J) A. M„ 4:.V» 1*. M„ K:15 I*. .M. Opix-sition volin-g ag-.iinst it. trade, home and w hen they hail fairlv got into Hanson is believed 2:. to have fled, DIRBCTOR cask** Imported Port Wine; By reference to our and boarded. Every' proper question was an- straight work, Daniel made a disguised in woman's riothing, % .Iefeeksonaii.i.e and Indianapolis— j:;i5 A. Tliey, in every instance, as their recorded votes telegraphic report of splendid'und well- ! and It. n. Wayr^nrr, John A. IHink>ri. Is bhl> ikinerr do; from whieh house 1*. swered hy Capt. Vini-enl. but the right of search timed e-Q'ort, overtaking a shot bad been Bred at them; M.. 2:-J0 M., F. Planet and darting i l»mrW< K. BriUirvford. l«bhh*Ma«Mra do. U M. the priH-cedings in Congress, it will he seen that at A<»aniL Jam^ will show-. Voted against tlie projMisitiou to in- denied and resisted. Cajit. and there they offered no insult riyars, I.OI I.SVII.LE :» Vincent and his olli- Sigma. The ran hom«- was thrilling. nor aggravation W. G. brent Al.**o. a ycneral assorUoent of Liquol>. AVioes. AM) Nashville—2:30 p. M.. p. Boone I another rumpus luiil originated, Jok'i A^n. Tobacco. Ac., decl4 dtf eri-ose tlie salaries of ollieers at the end of their and that a col- eers w-i-re carried on liuard the Faleon, and there mastered Sigma at of any kind. The committee state that R AC M. Lehanon Hruiieh 11:30 A. 51., 4:52 P. 51. the drawgnte, and t-aine home i the Rttben Muirall. lision between the Sttulhern sulijeeted to great tniliguity, being ‘ worst language used, if not tbe worat IXH IsVII.LE. KKANKEOUT AND I.EXIM.TON y. ar of service, ns in tlie recent eases of the and Northern ineui- stripi*ed of about four langtbs in the li-ad, in S; 3fvi^. The they ever their clothing ' beard used, for olisceuity and 11:10 G:.').) hers of and abused in an insulting iminner shouts tliat reui the air could only be profiuiitv, was u-«d M„ P. 51. LagTiinge Ac('umino(l:i- .\ssistanl .Vttoriiey, the House was at one time iiuiuinent. e<|ualed in lIorSE.i L iiief of Police, City and hy tin- ejiatiletted by some of the women "of jsrrrRsoN zKBVSiAsrcs co. HAHHIS tinn h:10 A. M. otli'-ers of Queen Vie. Kentui-ky, and we are nut positive we did not the place. X.&BAXOK. KV. Physieian of the Eastern District. Willie Ihc ollieers were thus detained, the ves- recognize some of the The committee and cili»-ns rejiaired to Ibe FFICE on t’le north sple of Main rtreet, opposite the 'Bills have been introduced in the United favorite tones of well- sel was pluniU-n-d, place on the following day, O Bank of Leiaistrillr. over the More of Baasoo. Good. IIAlflllS* Oli.MOIiF., .Notice to Ailterlisers. -\s good citizens, and ns law abiding men. tliey the i-argo broken open, and known .sti ntors of that State. but tbe attacking & Slates St-nate for the relief of Rebeei-a P. party A T dd. the private trunks, d>-sks, ' had lied to the 'wtiods. a|>SI (ilx rKOFKlETun?. ami stores onboard The excitement was inien-e, the get of Lex- No violence ol* any t 'harted Capital Bib ,(Kio h ive adviK-nt>-J conduct iiig the approaching etee- The great edition wv will jirint of the lirst Xouse and Hannah 51cnzies, of Kentucky. her rifled. A prize crew was put on f>oard, iiigton kind was perpi-triu d, except lo break Paid in aud iiecoml ISS.<»*' and in Hie aseeiidant, and Kentucky the onlv Hanson's lav»-. was RI.'Kntakeo oaiil>lpmenUI>yideanilK>ata. tioii as dirceled by This necessary, in sail made fiir the coast. Tin- first night was a race Inirse region. mllL so as to render it for the present ust-less, in 1*. luiinberof the Si nday C'ui'KIEU. is worthy the by yeeseb at rea. and by the oi-ual mode* BA.WO.VS whieh they lielle veil order to si-t the exaiiiplc of our duly- ;u» law Thanks to Mr. S. .\. Jones, of Adam.s A scene tif demoniac revelry. The prize ert-w luul firnmd Planet darted off like them.-rlves Justified. The of inland tran-p<>rUGan. Also on the huOs an arrow V .auention of :ulverti8ers. Those who wi-li ad- P'RfHed thcliqiiorfrolii thestoreofthe Jehossee, in the load, whole of the aiiacking party have been notified a:>purtruauce* of .leamlMoit''. Co.’s Express, for his uniform | Boone second, and Sigma fifty vard.s aiid a'dding men. courtesies to Ihc | Pretddeiit. and heli'Iesslyhelj'Iessly to le.ave, except one old uoin, JOHN Ml'HL . were drunk; indeed, *o-o far were iii the ri-ar before they luul who, being very ( gone a quarter of a W itLiAB MriA fecretary. vertisement- in-erled, will ple.asc hand in their They voted agrihist the i-realion of the late new | penitent, was excused. they stupefied, that the comtn.ander of the Fnl-Fal- 1 mile. At the h:df mile Planet was not less than DIKECToRi’ and unnecessary oHiee. as they deemed it, tif con withdrt-wwithdri-w plac-edpl.a<-ed ' The whole |>ry A. Ha*"* R Street Coininissioucr, feeling that the Mayor, hoard the brig. The1 It® JeliossecJel>o9'‘vc was taken into oia-ning the gap. Inroundingthetum.howev- the greatest moderation, T. ntam-aaoeil. Ei>eiirrer BOetartl. row, jiraetiealde. Institutei isutuiv, marnear Frankfortrrauklorl, was burntburnt, ‘uis untrue.untrue jxttience, and f»»rbearance, Whydan,\\ hydan, but alterafter severalst-veral days detention she was, e-r, Boone- ueared him, and Increasing bis under cireumstanees J 4 . Mrlb.walL d.>hn W'hHr. Engineer, and his a.s^ii,tanis, were sutlU-ient lo s{>eed Hie- tith of the greatest and most trying John Cornwall. Geo. W. eWian. on the tith Ofof Fehriiary, tendered to herht-r oflicers, in the run home, left but tour or five lengths be- provueaiion. The *-i»'TheItu dwe'linn-ofT c Miim. n,«.r t i .a- iaal.'*dtf Fostage Stamps. do till- - cootlnoes to Ineor. duty, we will the high-handedone, (apt. Vineciil and hi.- crew mile they were locked. PLiuet fora luoinent THIS Comimny make i { The Natiomd lli nuK-nitie Comiiiittee nu t in 5' on did begin. Y'lm can't deny proved. anoe pne ri-m-wing Tbe meeting t>n .Monday, .\prlf 2d, di-ei'ion of their better judgmcuis as declared ; his vigorous tioo on Bbips. Stearaisiats. and tlicir Car Washington yesterd.-iy. You klfsid me flr-t. Ibju't you rcmcmiier when oil the recent acts were reported, Col. G. A. Caldwell, of . assault, and ap|>arenliy increasing hislipced, was one. ' liovv -plendirii.v the tUL, s>»c*:alse. aewnst loss1>y Fire on VesseUand Falls City Terra Cotta Works, at the ballot box. moon rode high C’ of the largest An.ithek Oi TR.vGE ' we ever *aw convened at the 0)urt S£__'^teaiiiboats. luiildlnc aud in |>ort. aud Liiuist die, presiding. It will he seen by a tele- full, ON THE High Seas.— apt. a-gaut locked him around the turn. The run _hE_ .And that evetiiiig in Soptemher? house, ' aud the aig-roval unanimon.*. JJouscs and LonieuL:. riFTII sTREEr. NEAR WALNIT. Swasey, of the .ship Maseonoiito, from Liverpoid, lionie was indeed exciting. Boone, however, bavl Many of President. griphic disjiateh tliat it has been unanimously liinhtli Aiiniveisarv ol'the Uiblr Ri'visioii tbe charge- JAMES TRABUX lsi\IU.E. 5Ye two were sitting reports that on 'riinrsday, the Mli liest of it, t-ainc against the eoroniiltee, tueh M a de- of .March, , the UU HY. quite alone. and home in the lcaM *n*l 4inr«l *n of «*v#*r>* vorirtv «*f MoN-nar, April olcresc-nt Post Stake, for Janie. 11. Wilder, Wm. Hurhe.. Aruestoea Ml kderek. urder willont:he all Thi* rotiiiiiittc-q in all they have done or d«'*lcD. 1rn4- — by a w.tr sleaiiHr, tarrying the S|>ani>h fiag, who a-grs. may C. F. Johnsou, Warren Newi-omb, tiou by Ills great work entitU-d, TiinOuGAM-M or That I should bv-nd my head to si-e Heats uf two mile-, lour or m<>re to fill the Meiit*. of tb<* Ut**«t Hcd lilt*;*! m<*dc’ni ht.vle-^lwMytf do, merely act as the organ of the A*?., who imbrues bis hand in the life blood of his 1- fired several guns, shotted, .at Hi.- ship. slake, i-nhst-ription $-7(si. forfeit, county, and Samuel I.. Nock. W m. Terry. h If yon Were eann>l i.r hut joking; , Inlf the proprietor uti cxliibiGon at tlw; W«*rkA. CAr*4*lrcuUn» with ref**r**rt**(; address whcui-ver 0. -iiiE Si itirri'KES, delivered an of unusual Capt. Swasey, fearing d.aniagi- the- ” ' they cease to occupy that ponitiou they Geo. Cartlaman. Iluch BreuL to his : of New t>rlean- Crescent to and pri'*^ U»4 to ht hod <»n appliA'aflon. ttiST dtf low-num may escape from justice for n time, liut Mv lips toiirle-d yours, A'uu must agree. -hip, hove add plate worth jy*! diwtf will cease to exist. aiiility last niglii, before the Revision Assoe’w- That crime w as of your o» u provokiug. to, when the ivar steami-r came ui>, -iinplv in- if thn-e or mote start, the set-oud burse to savi; sooner or l.ater he pays tlie ja-iialty. .Some quiri'd nf hi* slake. REUBEN MUNDAT. : the name the ship, where she wr.ifl t'roni, tiou, at tile Kir-t ILiplist Cliurch. The siieaker , AMEIIICAX INSrKANlE CO., mciiAUDsoys months ago, A. L. Kilj-utriek murdered .laines If you were vexed, nhv did you stav. T. J. M.YUFIN, gave the v.irious detinitioiis that are current of Yourh'-ad upon my breast retiming? J. 5V. ll.inviUe, Illinois. UAFEKTtiN, Nil. SM Miix STRSirr. Fikt^ii «ip«. IRISH Is I \ i: X s R.oidy in Helled, and although Or not tell iiie to take s'cny , tilt I'-rm Proiestanti-m, by which lie- projio.sed THt«. A BRoNSTOS. to Capt. Swasey slates Hull during ' J*.. Itarrii of Loal.riDe. (over that was all this timo T. A T. W Uo-wcli s ch. c. Planet, by Rev. i Opposite tbe the Airkultaral diligrui I tforls were ni.ade to seettre him, he w.a.s The arm your w ai-t confining? nue OAKASZB. DIArSRS. &C. Ami-rii RuBT. RHODE# More of G. W'. Bashaw.) sliow- that no I’rolestant could be true to his he had the an flag flying, as well as the out of Nina. I y. o 8 S STONE 40N?UMF.R.*^ of Rlch'4r'l*on’» laluvii^. »»td thcniedMr* not caught until ye-terjay. Policeman GalD- 'Tw-as long ago. and yet it seems ship’s private signals. He adds that tin- follow- D. K. R.-nn.-r's hr. f. Sigma, hy Kpeilon, out of obtaining the fteuuine r«H»d*>. ^h*>uld t>ve that prineipb* of action, and be opposed to the revis- ( But yesti-rd.ay. as recalling imp. \ ariek-tu. 4y. o New Ai.bant Cot nr M vtter.*.— he gher observed a man silting in front of the (Ldt now ing dav he was boarded hv an oBicer — . tdia whole of •eoiedwlth foil from the — il.c Mtickatbey porchMe oic the name uf .V Dess, on the most liiieral terms. addre-ss ion of the srripturi-6. The was listened Ourfn-sh young love, our happy do-ains. Messrs. Minor, VV Gls, KiclurUs aud Bingamaa pd. ft. the morning has been consumed in the K. tbe firm. U. S. war steain.-r San Jacinto, to w hom he re- case of JB<'E BELL. President House who suited tlio descriplion I>recisely. He I ep The aut umn leaves around us falling. the Slate vs. Manirva Joiui-on, for tg Ukbbt Diisr. serretaiy. J. \.RH If VRDSON, SO\S A: OWDEX, lo vvilli intense iiite-n-st. by one of the large-st luted the jrartieulars ot this outrage, who re- tirz: unlawfuUv etJered into a ci.iiiverratioii with ihi man and iiialiriuusty, and designedly DIRBCTOKS. I quested him to rejKirt the 1st disturbing a rbnix k «*• A fuarontee of tbe eoaudnefe and duTAl.ilUjr of the audiences t lull lias ever assembled at anyeifthc lillle thought how it i-nd, same iiumediatelv up- Heat. 2d IK-at. We would ' it ua.s itiurdercr. There are more witnessi-s to be Bell, W«. II. was soon saiisDed the fugitive OU his arrival in |iort. First mile 1:51 l:l<* examined than Jciec K. Ftoce#. TIuit love oiir future life was giihling I anniversaries of the Bible Revision A.ssoriation. I I.. Ill ira.s. JuuB Biaase. T!Ui* emotion U reudere*! Mwnttally n'ycewiurT. mflarce Second mile there has been in any case, E where we are. this little fi A i-ireuiiistantial re])ort like 1:IT,V 1;47\ criminal or civil, for oseorlej to jail, .and last night a di-tialeh To lend this deserves more ! lIsparKT, quADtltiea of inferior mod defective Linens are prep^ired. He him Miasasix S«a. p. Caamr. Tisnight, the Ucv. Dr. Craevford, of Georgia, a numbt-r of years in thi* county. It ap| lara our protection thus confiding. than usual ' To ! attention at the present time, K ••"sr Bbhh. Wa. II. SrsakS, aeaihm afierftewietn. and with the name of Kit II w:ui received saying that ollieers would be sent when ' wU * that the inini.stcr in charge h-od said, in referring lanlldtf Will. Watcixs. AKDP4IN. by Iri-h Houae<. who, rexmrdP'*-'^ of the bgurj tin- I’resideiil of the Assoi-huion, will deliver tlie our relations in the Gulfare hv noineans siieh .as iba«inflir’trd ontb** Ameriemu consumer and themanufac- for him. It can't ho helped. 5Ye must ree<-ive i lo the disi’ipline of Ihe cliureli of which eoidd bo desired. .As to the exactness of the _. .. the de- GiMid.**. annual address, at the liaptist Cliarc-h, on the , ... „ ttirrr** of the renuine will not readily Abandon a The charge, while truthfully bt-lieving fendant was a menibt-r. that if lirst g:ive 'uis as statement, The New**®w Orjean-Orienn* Fool Race. that < Ihe discip- b*iidoe*«p w*» profitable, while purcba«eri* can t>c ioipoeed Kiliiairiek name Daniel Bird, moreover, there can st-artely he .a That love, in bis young life, vvill leave I I oriier of Walnut and Fourth streets. Dr. line! Im true, the Bible is * a lie, at the same on with (U»o«i 9 of A w orthlefcx ebrnrarter. doubt, or if there were, it eould readily hi- fFromIFroiii the New Orie.uwOrle.ui* Delta, Moii.Ur.J.Mou.Uy.J lime I asoer- suhscqurnily adtnilled he was the individual greater cause than ours for | but No grieving. asking and inviting some JH55olution*i-i'artufr.5hi|)$. J. UlLLiH Ki: J. H. KE, niwliird is tlie sou of the distinguished I one in the eongrega- \ MK t Wil- tainoilfrum ollioialoudauihoritaiiveBources. —,V. Yesterday the word ”lo«t”“last” in all:dl it*its iK-arings Arent*». 3K Church rtre* t. New York. wanted ill Illinois. lie h:is been working on the lion to “jHU h in." defend-uit ft dly It mn-t be so. The breast from which D. iV., Tneadny. eoutrariU-HutiseoutraiiU-tiotis was in The did pitch in, rmni H. Craw ford, who otiee, as a statesniaii of I and the aseendoiiL Per-Ber- and alter one or two rounds, the parties river for two or three mouths. The little fellow strength is gaining Mjiis who Were considered fast fixture.* did not lllMidlLI TlO\. uitbleniished integrity, in the great ability aud of tilled Containstoutains a heart in loveloves.)so rich. eotiie to time, luueh to the discomflture uf tbe lir firm of A. F. WARD A CO. m thii dar diatnlrod To Thieve- AND H.vrlots.— he .aniiounce- region of the hearth circle beranic Cast in their I, fearless, trust yourtraining. ' friends by HaBual C'HSmt. Jim. W. Toil Si'MMEKS.—Louisville iievt r hud .0 better, a large siuiee in the luiml of the .Aiiu-riean him to .n..nr thst ti.« It...- \v. . p , uf the van<|uished parson and the delight mevrm baviv retired t»i nt Hi.at Hie Ki \ la. P. (. orbit progre.*.* toward- the race eoiir-»e. • T I w ollld JTeach Thoae who COACHES! .Vtte\ew YurkY„rk .'kiturjiii/s.iiur.l.iy Pttu •atbeSl>a *4 JanunryiMt. Mid A. P. Milea bavinraold hia ^ Prttt. of the friends of the lady. in his religious ' a sermon fiiitliful eflicient ollieer son, iH>Bition, is siK*eially to thk-ven fostedall night, ! entire Intereat in tbe firm b* Ki(*b»>ul P. Lliditbum. reiirea more or more than Tilos. people. The and harlots, Lv-t had gloriously, fostly, feasted on j Y'esterday * evening tin- lime of froiM tbe «m«k;. R. P. laichtlmm and At'ard evening, in the Greeue-str.-et .Methodist tlieir ho|>es and breakl'a.*t in the the Court wa.* A. F. Micoeeii T. SriiMEits, who now resents ids name as a etuitiently worthy of sin-h a fallier, and he eii- _ „ ..M s Church, morning, and ibeni In tite aamc and win aettle all lUblUtlca. i The ..ENAToill.vl, Iistici'FF. Flic cause of taken up in the di-ea.*siou of a demurrer filed crowded that s|*k-ious edifice, the were otf to the rae.,-#. Those ; | large.-t of the who were slow and are autboriAfd W collect all ad'C'iasU da^ tbe firm of etindidatc for C ily Tax CVdli-etor ill the L:istern j.iy-s among his Baptist brethren a iiohlo reputa- t v -Messrs. Niiiith A Kerr to a petition filed by At tin- fistleiiir between Senators Clay, of Alabama, .Methodist ehurehes in the city, in s|‘iie uf the men tiei-aiue Cist quick ineii to see the fastest A. r. Ward A Co. A. F. AKD. | SI\.SEAT UO< KAW AYS; 5Ir*. Pe-niieliaker, who claim.* to the heir at A V. MILR8. I District. Hi- is a worlliy and reliable genlleinuu. tion. “l fim'v*- There were, however, hut men iu the world, os we are spe.-diiy told by tbe ^ and ( riugin.-in, of North Carolina, in tbe St-na- | MarcbSll^. JOIUN i^TeVENsO. | law of Mr*. VVykolf, who, onr readers will recol- W : very u-w of these elas.ses pre.-ent, resiH-etive hackers of the the lliat Revision , , I “Unknown” and 1 R-SK.VT RO< K .4YY .\Vs; I and is einineiitly wortliy of the liearty sni>fs>rt, We imdcrsl.-iud the Assoi-iation ...... aeeording to FOI torial (-aut-us, is thus stated hy a A\ ashmgton lect, died last -uiiiiuer. leaving some prt«pertT. | ,hcT.est f 'OPAK r^Rp4lil*. intorn.ation which our reporter could “Known.” Yes, ere yeslenlay morn’s »un liad of the substantial and eoii-ervutive voters of bis meets tills afternoon at 3 o’cloi-k, at tlie First The argunie-iit was bumorou* in the extreme, correspondent : 1 to Ibe aAM>«*e. SLIDE-TOP DI GGIES; obtain; three or four thieves and two harlot.*. beamed forth and ha«l given warmth to early day, . eferring we riee notice that we will ' inasiuue-U a* onr venerable euotiDoe tbe At district. 5Ve ho|K.- they will rally to his supliort, Baptist Chiireh, for the traiisaetiun of its Minu.al less tlian friend, the Judge, R 1H>D AND IRON manufactariric boa- In reply to a question of some Senator, 51 r. I eonsidcrably the usual proportion. This hundreds, uay, thousands of persons, might itv bitbert'i carried wa* not dispeised to eswit at the on by A. F. Ward A Co. at tbe for SIIIFTIXG-TOP Dl'CiGlEs; a large m.-ijority serure upwards of seven was natural, a.s these j>eople, bi-en at fastest new “de*e-ent and by for themselves a bU'iness. It numbers ihou" Clay-iud: I w hen they do at have seen going tbe rate, their art of Afaifi and Taelftl. alreettt. under thf*name and atrte east" by which the Kentm ky attorney said the ' not vehicles biim:in «f LlGIITliURN A At ARIL We reai»ertfbliy aoUcit a call public servant who will be true and faithful to sand meiiilM rs, and its receipts last year were If the Senator from Illiuols is nominated at tend church, do seek t«j attract attention; or moseie, or hors<-, from high lll'«i<;iEs; propi-rty of the deorased Vested in his rlienl. by fhiiu all peivoos Uiif. TROTTlNt; ' to lie pre,*ent last vaotlnc arUcU'f in <»or Charlestou, I cun not, 1 will not supjwt him. and evening wa.s to be .a target metal lo “low shanks mare,” could carry them his trust. twenty thousand dollars, the largest amount the saying : ".May it olease the Court, ^ K. V. LIOffTBURN. for the eolde-t and most unfeeling to the Creole race trai-k. Two men, one the property -Mr. Clingnian i curiosity.— March S3. Ibn. nS7 dtf A. F. At ARD. (exeiudlyy— If the gentleman in question entirely !Sl LKIES, &c, ar.; C’ AssiK-iation ha.s received in any former year. Every wontan w.as n.imed St-buUz, of Kentucky, the other traveling vested in my -H-togenariaa IiartU-ijiatc directly or indirectly in the N.-itiotial who present was looked ujion | t*Tl'MP Pi LI.INO AND UnDEKDKAINING.— apt. ] client by the evanescent breath Mrs. AVykoff, l the “Trenton Boy,^’ 1 Blit a few years since, were Convention, it w-ill be dishonurahle tolo refuse to ! \ Dick Smitli will he on 51r. E. GoUenar’s farm, on ' who died >Mtss/V. wa>» dl-iMFlred on the IfI by \ 4 the its amount of subscriptions incre.-i.se regularly to^ enter her remedy against the administrator, death of lleurgre R. Peo«oo. The bnMne«of the*late firm OPIHJSITE THE GALT HOVSE way, to-day and to-morrow, prepared (ersoiis, Wm. -M. Lewis, by an action of ejci-tment in tbe trill tie doaed ni' by tbe underairned. mI9d3ni I.Ul l»\ II.LE. hV. every- year. I® Lis own ixa-kets, and to together with some indueeiuents in the shape uf .Mr. Clingnian 1 i-are not where goes for everybody \ stuiii]>«, feet — he 1 ^11 dtf p. Z. MARTIN, ^urririnf Partner. w ho may visit him how to pull 12 C'iri-uit Court.— Zaci/r*-. else. 2..'i(IU3..'i(l0 “little iK-ts.”iH-ts.” knowing ones, w ho love Imagine who this , 1* them. If he only .acquires them. men, each one of The I . < ) N ill eireumfereiiee at the ground, and set tliem on < OP.ARTNEKejiir \OTK'E. Tiieateu.—.M atnrin's j-lay of Bertram was \Vliereu|HJU Senator Clay ]iitebed into Mr. whom was sii-ipieious tiint the '2,4'.*!* had designs rloaaclass of manly art, winked and sqiiinued out i { Ve*t Novel Case—#ham .Mabmuge.— top uf the soJ; and how, with the same machine, on bis own purse, and th.-it the (iUO hints to the etfec-tetfei-t that someaoine $2l’iO,UU0 had been W'F Have a coi*artnerahiji under tbe firm of perforntsd hist niglil to a lair house only. Clingmaii. women h.ad i The j young lady, resident of tbe * « Martin a CRr.dBAUGII. wiU continue tbe -dfi«C()3Ii:AT I*AST-d^ Fifth ward, in this Mm makes three llioiisaud feel of per equally luereenary designs u]hiu bis honor. Uur b«-t iu this eityon the race, whilean amount fear- PSV MKlD.'' buain^ at the old atandof Martin Peoton. he play itself, indcjiendent of the great merit of ihc city, of re-peetableconueetions, madean Intorm- A rejairter saw no' one,' except .Mr. fulI’ul to calculate is represented to have been Cassii's .M. Clay’s Troi bi.es.— he New York Corhif, who ation before V V num(*romi friend** and rutfLitiH-rw, ti*at we are now In diy, three feet below the ground, and all with a hirge house. .Mayor Wilson, setting forth tiiatshe Stars, should have drawn Ills did not have one liand w here Ills money was bui)- “planked,” and with whichwhieh we would not bore ri*oei|»t «»f the folloviur new an«l dciirabli :^riiif Goods, I«jM-rs publish a “private letter” from Ca.ssius was married, .Marc h 13th, in KttUning. to a gen- horses. i two Everybody go and see this wonder- for beauty of language, which n-- jHisi d to be. The sermon was based on u uum- ouroiir readers in telling, throughout the Union. In vis:— ; remarkable tlem:m in tliat J>XSfi3I.T7TION. .M. CDy, regarding the diftieullies at Berea. It place, another performing the Mimt'S’ antees; covered not to be (OS wa* represented to bar) T Walh-r’s lu-rfonuaiiee of the part of Iinogene w'hoiii -aid, ve-ted, while others slight allusions to the a to He sin made I R<*> HailStoum i.nCahrou. Pakisii, La. () ti Sat- go and no more, were ! inwoo. Jr., of Or«»rwrt**wn. k) . Tbe bu»ine<« of tlte — The inoh increase* in violence; 1 lie ujion my justice of the peace, charging her “hn*band”and fin.* of Gooree F. 0>. will lie settled by Mr**. was most admirable, esjwi-'uilly during tlie third prominent. 5Ir. Corhit very eanu-sHy iin- Barings aud Rothehilds having a little “plum” in Moore A and 1 urday night Dst a violent hail storm ]>aseed owr .arms awaiting an attack; my family absolutely the other nian with ftimdulent conspirat-y to in- Wheeler. A R<*biiMMMu w bo will roiKinoe U*e lHi«lne«w at LadifW* very fit**- black He«*i«ql 4;alt(*rs. pressively extended the Hic pie. On principle and interest, however, act, the droji curtain falling to a lu-arly round of r.-fuse to retire, saving they w'lll run bullets, and scheme of salvatiou to the old »tAiidof 4jco. F. Moore Co.,Ko. ft4*f Main «tre«*t. Alatbt'r lot of LH’ hiK'h-htrpled Gslters at only iluce her to illicit intereoorse and cohabitation A I tlic northeiisteni jairt of the Slate of DmUiamu thieves and luirlots, dwelling with great empha- there were some geiitleineu who did nut put in <;r0 F. MODKC. #1 Jk and Ladi**«* 4iaitirs with«mt b«« U at only $1. tiiil, :is in 1776. if drireu into the wooiis, I shall with the first mentioned. i :il>pl;iu.se. Mrs. Wulh-r h:is made a strong and A warrant waa issued J4»HS C. MaF*»N. TcHndlier with many other kind** *»f d*'rirabh' and s<‘as>in- At Pee-an Grove, in the Parisli of Carroll, great sis on tbe the eontinual danger in whieh tliey any amount above a iiiillion. attenipl to hold iny position os long as ]H>ssitilc; for both. The pretended justice J. L. WHEELER. ble Sliocw and tialtera, wrhich w« would In* pleaw d impression upon the LmiisvUie public, waa yesterday : lasting ith fhe preliminaries bt-lug eompletevl, the two damage was done on tlie plaiitiitiuu owned by- the Constitution, the law-s, stood uf Sing Sing, w whieh he eoni]iared the IjouifTifie. March 14. ]*W>. t'* hare pun'hast rs call and examine, as they will be sold siunding on aud my arrested in this city by uffleer Moon, and OlBcer f*»r have tio doubt that her next engagement terrors and loniires of helL He painted, in men appeared on tbe ground—the I'nknowii Very cheap ca«h by Mr. Henry Guodrieh. His gin house, negro and we right, I will defend them or die. The eanuoii at MiHin was dis)«t(-'hed to arrest the other. Ho la rrtirwr froin tbe old firm of Geo. A. Moore A O.. T ' MEUWIK 4 GALE. No. 471 Market street. glowing colors, the dangers, tempe>ral aud eter- looking a dry-lioned, thin, and tall s^M-clmen of ' is the aids. ipftwcfD Third and Fourth, will he more profitable than the present tine. Lexington .*ent fur, and Governor returned with him last evening, and the affair chrcrfidlyreeomnieud Moore. WLorler. A Robin- quarters, together with a newly liulslu-d dwell- nal, w hich the burglar dares in the prooecuiion human anatomy, Ix-aring a satisfied air of suc- this iRUse oniv or that of the Ameriean i • *»f the Is inv I eoa. the luoremi.r*. a» wrntietnen worthy of the patrouare rafi* Fien Fhtff. To-ulght a very clever production of its cl.tss, was settled by his marry ing the girl in a moro ing house, were blow-u down by ibc vudent-e of of hi-) profes-ion AltiHgetht-r his sermon w:u* ^-ss; vvhile the other, a iuedlum-slz.d, well-buiU lately behoved on tbe old flnu. iHople? 1- it to bt- vi'iidieated in Ihis'way, and ! j acceptable manner, his l^nor. Mayor Wilson, ai:d;ha JOHN C. MASON. I’.iulinc, or the Assassin of the t halcuu, is to lic cah-ulujoil to do much to the clns.-t's fi»r feliow, looked all of the ^alI»Iicd air, anda irreai | I 4 >r fail I860. SPRING TRADE. 1860. I the storm. His loss is cbtitnated at S15,000. now? Shall Htand alone? “May (.okI pertdniiing the eereiuony.— Mtts^aip'jbxrMil, 4tA. whieli it deal the amitomy. Tbe distance etuu-lcd. In construction, it is n-inark-ably ar- the right.” Your friend, was intended, and iK-rhaiis it was not mure of human ltlwM>l.l TiON. There were no slaves lost. defend ' 1 I lost; for it WU.S heard by many bu-ine.-s men and to run was two hundred yards, the .-takes or he partnersklp brret«>f*.re exirt!r«ir under tbe «tyle of tistic—worked up by onethoroiigly conversant C. -M. CLAY. -Vefr-at. — n Fri«lay evening last anaftay oc- j iiiauy inaiiaging niaininiis who an- watching prize #5,001). by I'll aud T CAF^DAV 4 U4>I*K|NFU tbb dayduMlvod mu will P. S. yiy dauyhli are us firm as 1 aud Mr-. C. rnrreti at James Dil'Ungltom s wagon shop, in ;.^“It be seen an advertisement iI from in with the resonrees of the stage, and the manner A". 1'. vernacular, the taalowent. RitberpartyUaQtborixedtoiqrttlethelMi*- ’ waiting for rieli suus-in-law. — Tribun*. In siMirting Unknown ioeMoftkeoidftnii. PAMI KL CAK'-ft:DAY, W ILTON BIURET. “U. Warren county, near the Barren line, between E i \V. I another eolutnn that Dr. G. Komdd is a eandi- of niakin-g it available. 5Ve rememtH-r seeing “put outhis toot”—a duty, we thiuk, quite ROBERT B. HOPKlNfi. I T. Hudson, Esq., and J. M. Hulltatan. Tbe dilll- IMPORTERS ANU DEALER.^ IN Boxing. Press requisite tuafitst ruuning man and >>eat the i Women —The Chicago and Tri- — 1. date for the in tlte I LnnstrLLX. January ' Common Council Seventh the play performed at Laura Keene’s theater, lKep»rteil Exi>re,,l)- for the Loul.rine Cuurier.l cultv, we learn, grew ont of some slanderous re- in )»une says two aeluiilly brave th-hullz “something the region of ward, atid th:it is women hml a boxing . nutrks mode lluffiiian relation < A RT.AKRMIIP, 4 HI\A, 4;L.4SS a.vu qiEE.vsqARE. Joshua K. Brown a candidate where it had it most snt-cessful run. Willi Mr. by 'm to Hudson’s W I'OLICE t Ol RT. ten feel otf,” a* we were tohi, a rc- I I wife. parties ive match at a public luill in that city a few nights . The met by agreement at the place he anderdgnrd h formed a ropartner»blp under for the Bo.ard of Aldermen. Tlie-sc geiulctueu 51 rs. WalDce in the leading ]>arts, it will gioti we should like to be laaten by a short and be ! wtfie of F. UAFFElJAV A .'44»NF, and will contmae the S T’ K M li o A T above natneil, aud without any et-reroo«y “went T | 5V. JUDfiE. ago. Here is its aci-ouiit thi.s is *taiee^, to I'Jj-j seconds, bat, as much disagrt-emeni i nTLXKV ! TiifKsDAY, April 5, bSiiO. disgusting novelty If elected have i earn-, re*i*erCfully iMilicit we no doubt would give entire entire satisf:i<-tion. I which breakiug, he then stabbed him with TRl> Wake They a ronfiBuanr«> of HOT78C rUnmBHXNO Ck>OX>3. I of watches exi-ted, and tempers, too, on ihs Ibe fav M* extended to tbeir predec^r» for Twjrrr i-tva • Dkcnk. bram Long, an old man, was found There is Heenaii training in England for the the spear, piett-ing liim through the right side, ailisf:u*tioii, lioth in the Couacil and lo the citi- — 'I AVfl EL UASSKDAV. I subject, wc arc unable to state the exact time — Impout.ition op a Niggcii—A Sensation.- yi-sierday lying across the 1*1 vcmeiii, on Twelfth 1 (-liami>toiiship of that “right lillle tight little inflicting a severe bnt not dangerous wound. .YIYIN FOl RTII AND FII-'TII. i HEN. CAfb*EDAV. t-.C »T., BKT. zeiiaiia ufof the ward.w'srd. judge* and jury were all at loggerhead* i^ ! The on e. ADDI^JN CAJ^DA Y. street, drunk. The old num -ays be is from Pitts- - ishiud,” aud here in Chioigo, last ui-ght, 5lrs. 'I Hutrnian attempted to use a pistol after be waa AYING liktrlx t«k,n tlii. Isr^ onU rominrHiious^sK^ Mes-r-. Wallaei- ik Lithgow, of this city, li.avc tbe time question. The first tiflyyard* :*«-hultz January 1. 1**> jaii7dtf 'j ly>!-favju.«. ' on his way to New Albany to get Smith and Mrs. Junes a set to w ith stabltcd, but was prevented by a bystander. BMk. ll'•a^e we W'KiM resiieeffullr -uliHt a ooiiUiiu Ja burg, and was had the H BoI'kbon C’orN'TV Stim'k Salks. — elt-arn ^ been the first, we believe, to ini|H)rt a nigger led the way; betting was then up on Schultz ' ancrofthtf iiRtroiuMre bfr«ft**f*ire^o Kl*erallr hcstou w ork, and took a glass of whisky, and it made buek-kin, :ind i>oli-hed one anoilu-r’s fai-es at parties resid-- In thi* eonuly. Hudson 'is a tuagis- C OPA RT.\ i:rsi 1 1 p. i*ar i the L'nkuown guius on Sk-huitz—Iiels go up on ed upon Ev»*ry d(‘i*8Ttmcutlii e^tHM^phmeut mm from the Paris ELag th.at stock to the value of iht- ' sinco the rciK-al of law of 163:1; and the arri- him sick. He was diselmrged. the German Hall. “The world dix-s move," and i irste in the Ro<-ky Hill dk-'iricL No evarntnanon IU nnd^iicn«4l h«re thk dRT formed a coDartnenAilp pLbU «t all Uiatrt* Ik; fail rih! crutipWt?. which ?*h.*ill {nclu*ir. Schultz; the Unknown gtiins furthtr ahead I . A.OtXi was -old on W<-dnesday last, 1 and Wife Dki'nk. Kohert Hayes and the most enthusia-tie advix-ate of of tbe parties ba* yet been bud ttltufiMr ICy.) ttadF-r ibeirtnof I f ^T4»SK k OL for U*e i.orp**;^ tl* Riiditioo to oar I'llINA. 4;LASa^. him! K£N.bant spot. frit-iul* of |>tirtfM*rih1|» t«> H41AT FI’R>I.*^IXIN(t tofethtrr with L^mfie^ud ChAii- Ho their The C«rr«4F MxktT'f* 4Kx»di. hiU*i dau* from Kohert li:is been to Bow ling Green, Siirelv, all the of I ' ness. work- i>ath* fame are open to wo- tW 19Ui of Ft >»T«»rT. 1^1. and to rooductod at tbtuld d**Ucntnf everrdeiicriiAitrn. per Lead; iiin<-ti-en liiiile colts, cash, sk-hiiUz t.alk aliout I0,iX'i) b'-ts, or Ko.lKlOa side, Coi -ntt. #75; one cstahlishmcnt on Main str»-i-t, and wc think an [ MrRDKRiN Nicholas We are called , I railroad, and his wife h.as been here Lola gave to a full house I Main i4rr^t. 4fur removal from Fourth ^treet will in no way whatever ing on Hie man. a piquant Ict-ture laadufl. F Hone. ' oil hint, ag.dnst the I’likr.own, fur a race iu June upon to record snotber culd-blix>ded and unnat- J fixosTa. liilerfere with our fariii**bhucaiiy *»tie ahh ahatever qUaiD Luiidred ye-arlings at >.’’)(V5 iwenly-eight 2 alms house. came ye-tenlay, at 51etropoliiaii Hall, .Mrs. I r (-.eaiuiuntiun will satisfy the most credulous that i in'the He home aud #milh and Mrs. ] of ROdMlt* they want. it Ik: e>A*r m> r*mali. next, in Loiiist ille. i which was jiip may M ’, ural murder, per{>etnued bv an old ii. rAKDE^:. and they were so overjoyed at meeting that they Jones ;u* aforesaid. #h.all we eonfess to having f*»r are not and 3 year olds at #1;J4; tlilrty head “brush” cat- .AU5KKT MINFR. 4lui farlUtie.** huyiuz excelW l*y any one in he will be of service in the position in whieh he n.-tm<-d tiaiuble, living near Mitcbell's mills slax ing dr'aiik. The Court disi-liargcd Ihein, at the latter, man UTHPilEN M HIFR the trade, and hence w e wili warrant entire ^ati»Uctiou to got looked in fearing th;it in the exclu- The W.at of the Tr.ynsoi;e.s.*<>r. —One t>f Ihc tle at #16 10; tueiitv-two of entile I and every one whoiaaj (av«tr with a call. head is likely to he llaccd. in Niehola.* ctmnty, upon hi* grandson, a yonng LfFoierriie. Mardi i nifid Mn al! tliev promising they would leave the city forth- sive attention being draw n to the eumiug eon- performers in the horrid trageiliis of Ihc Rolw-s- WAI.TOX , .Meeks. Gamble being intoxicated hia 4 HAKRET. #:». nigger is Mr. drove TliU Lind of a made of bi tter male- ! witli. soil 4»*; rtreel, lK*tween test on English our home in.-titutious might jiierrc period, at the Main Fourth mid Fifth. has just met a dismal end wife from borne, aud in her flight met her grand- lie laugui-Ii. ri.al tliaii Iho-c generally in use in this State. Steai.iso a Copper Kettle.—John Koenig left to We saw with our ow-ii eyes sgc of !>T. .V vagrant ;ind a beggar for the la*t F4HITF.'* St.ate Dent.vl Society. — cirt-iilar signed ., | son, youi^ Mii-k-. and forbid his ^>ing fnnkrr JT^ f PWaO OF EVERY I»E.M.'RU* aud Wm. Ilerig were arrested for stealing a eo|)- 51rs. Sinitli and .Mrs. Jones, and witucssed tlieir „ ' | year*, Laz.iri-tz, bi-ing as Tabliiz Le E rffta lion. f<*r »aie at v« ry low ;»rices hy Cast-iron w ill 40 known fear of pvr-onal iuk(;ains! hahgalns: hy a nuiuh«-r of prominent dentist- lias ttci-n is- Being of the kind he stand a great for harm from her husband, buc l*-r kettle trout Fenlin.-ind Himn. .Mr. Htinn - -how of scienci'. n U nil F* j Rirliu, sought and got shelter this week at the he M-rsisterofessors of art to d'-al of hard work, without kft'ecliDg hi.* eonsli- Mated that atiout 7 o’clock on 5Vidtie.*day week, How tbe-y hit ont with their lefts pl.anted V the dental 1I and #ym- j jiexsant hamlet of #t. j of a iu the tinside Gamble seized hi* gun and itisehar^d it at PEfTFS meet at tlie Plnenix Hotel, Lexiiigt«)ii? Ky., on tiition. An iron nig'ger for the purpose of hold- - ntul about 6 o’clock tlie -ante night, lie went to the blows home on one another's eounteiiaiice borien, near Lyon*. Left alone, he was *tru( k GEO. BLANCHARD & SON S, -rw VI4»LIN:». AM» OriTAR.S-Evory |j j Meek-, Ibe hall ]>enetrating his side, and piercing 4l**fcriidluii of the ai*ore at wholA-atUeor retail get Hie kittle and it w-as gone. Barliara Koe- There were four round.-, each livelier than the brazier. i Jr hy idea, su'ijcet | with epilepsy, and fell headlong into the tin- 21ili of April. object i* to form a Stale ing a horse U a rich and it is the of him through Ihc lungs, killing him irsiantij. (iOLt>E.\ HAND, ii. The | KIG\ OK THE 1 Vlr F. FAriei)^ i Co,. iiig, a -i-tcr of one of the_ parties, say* -he saw other, ami wln-ti the curtain foil, Mr*. Junes tud miscreant t'arrii r. | He had lieeu factotum t» the The inurilerer was arreated M^n •trt et, Dental thisi>aragraph. and lodged in Iba Society. arising from su- - benefits i N MEX-S BOYS- AND YOtTH.** ri.OTHINfi; AIJ«0 The h j the kettle in tier tuoHier’s yard, and saw her Mr-. 8muhSmith’ss head in cliaaeery and was making at Nantes, m?« befwe»*n Se**f»fid and Third. _ ] in cxeeuting the fiinions Novade* Nii-holas i-ouiily jaiL JUri* ( Prrciia lioods. Ruiue off at very A'lt.') I ti wfflx-tic aiid (>utU an asso)-iation are uhviuu-, and, therefore, a full brotln-r and Herig in tlic yard. Joliu F'arris says inotioti*inotioii* like puttingiiutting on rouge iMiwderjMiwiIer or lily wiu-n hundreds of Bretons were plunged into drrfiu j rcdocBi.ric^ MEI>4H»KON!^ AND ORGAN^-The U-rt qnali- |I Amithei! Foot K.ai e.—.M r. 1-a.ie Schultz, who 'bSfq lie -aw Kis-uig hide tlic kettle ina staldc loft, white uiamui>on herIter (Mr*. t*inilirs)t»iniHi’s) features, on a ' ihe Loire in iKUehe* amUiandeul&. Atthxx ty of Melod» «.*• and \h xan*lrr Orcans for atteiidanee is reque-led. ! and PmoBABiA Death.— e learn talc ' »» ' w.i* defe.ati-il in the fait race for #.7,Ik K>, at New and *aw him take it and sell it to 5Ir. Stoker. large scale,.scale, and ii.*iiig a wo-bwo-h leatherleatlier ] — " i-undidate’s meeting PLEASE TAKE ftilM No. Main Mr**, t. He dill not see Herig tlicrc, but met liiiii on iuetiesiuelies broad. (.'levcl.md, Ohio, who Sec-)N'd Stueet Ban K D«Ei.t,ivu IIot'SE and Orli-ans, arrived here la-t evening. He admits ; •S^TIiontas Hcnard, of at Sogiinaw, abimt four mih-s (Torn F'dmonton, rLT" mJ5» lietween and Third. jI #lu-lliy anil Green streets afterwards. Herig was ' 8i-riou-ly,8i-rioti-ly, the exhibition wam’t very ereditaert-diu of ealliiu; for brandy and Hitu the “ Unknown ” can beat him or any other been in the habit in .Mrieaifc county, on Batorday ffvening ]«it Lot at AfcTiox. Tliis afteriiiHiu ( I-' riday), at ., til’ITAk .'STRINGS -Everr — discharged. Kta-nig’- case was laid over. tileille lo ourour'iiiodemmodem citcii ilizatiun. a drug store in that city, on \’IOUN AMI dewriptlon I helping himself, at bet H ecu “Bat” Martin, and Boene Jelfries, living, at the 2tl0 in 4.ki:at salkof of Uie above f*»r rale wh**h aale **r retail i*> 3 o'cl(K-k, .Mesii-. I*, (i. Co. will sell, man distance of yard-i. The Jolin S;iiiilers, an aged Dateliiimn, ouui-es of ere^Hc in Henry & . was pre- .Monday last drauk two which the latter was fiually stabbed bv I the form- died m two on the prenii-<-8, the twiestory bric-k liouse and Loni-vitle L-hain])iou don't think, however, that S(-iited for stealing a copper kettle, v:ilued at less inl-t.ak'e for hi* favorite liquor, Md er. .\n eYouniiiing court was |' held at 'Edmonton Tup New L\m» Offii k (’omwis.sioneil— efforts of the phv- tliaii #4, froiii one Eli'zabeth 51eMulleu. The ' h'’urs afterward, in -|>ite oi l he Monday, ', his auta'goni't can “fling diist on and Martin romiiiiUed lot, No. 5*4 beeond stro-t, and m-arly oj>posilt- the in hi* face” . 1 I U> the caato- h^PHI\4> HTVI-F> Foil IMiO! v eoM* wxseoiitinucd until to-inorrow. Tlie M xsbington eorre*i>otident of tlie New Or- immediately ealli-J to hia aid. | jiejans, who were dy of .Mr. iV-uton, nur jailer, to await his trial at Curi-t Chiiri'h. It is at 100 yard-. And we arc infoi incd has made a GOODS a d<‘sinihle piece ofproiier- . Mont; Uopper Thieves. Joint Harniuii and DRY — C'reseeiil make- the following leans eoinplimenta- Comer of Fourth at.d Main ftreetf. i the June lerai of the Barren E|nilv and Crimi- a ly, second mali-h for#10,tio0, tliat eoji- I near to hu-in<-a*; it belon-gs to a non-resitlcnt he can’t doit again John Farri* were also ill arrest for stealing a Di'EL.— hostile Court. WHICH THE i nal Martin HA* BEEN GOING ON AT I| notice of the ai>pointinent of .Mr. 8. was br mght to tli!s pbu-e and rv JoBe]>h * ^ j ' • ‘ CRAIG H.\h Jl a'H’ KW EIVED AM) READY F4IR Wieinanii, wortli #4. It * OoMv OilW 4 4 *n t^O VOURJJ #-2..')Oi>, jier kettle from Jolin A. I (Inv *lt . forfeit, i.s •lYemoon and will be sold. I Tbe now in the hands of tlic lodged in jail on Monday night. JetIFiea cannot • i*ale mominy. a larr** and derir.*iMe lul uf— ' Wilson to the C'oiiiiiussiouer-hip of tlie Land V | _r between .Messrs. Manuel wa- taken front tils residence, ou M.iin -treet, , ,i,u eitv, - pus-ibly NEW YORK STORE, fai*c> ?^traw. and Laue MaU: stakeholder. The rai-,- is to lie run liere in June. survive hL* wounds, aa he was, a* our »«"’fi®- liifanta' f oi* Mrww and Leghorn llwU. Cai*a and Tur - (Liy week. Joint Stalih, who lives in an Offtce: I>»’' ^ The weapons y Messrs.#. G. Ib nry »V Co. request us to fi^,e» and lufonnunl states, literally cut open, and hi* bow- ,\0. l>afi«: [ alley, iM-lw-eeii Gray and (.'hestiiul.uud Hmicoek small swords, aiid M. IV Lv IVirde, we 107 F«H RTII WTKEET, Mr. Wil-on’s ap|H>intnient is a singtiLir Instanee ! used were el* eat in two. 1* Ai.iuon .\ Five | An old gmd^ said to hav« Ip^dier* Ijeffhora Ridliur Hats, new ityh-f: call the si«-eial and i«rtlcnl.ir atlenlionl of htiy- Tiir — Enguavino.— he agent Uis and' Shelliy, found the ki-ttle in Ids house one . ri-eeividquit^ senou* wound from fancy and riwin Hrav and L'‘Kbom liaU and of promotion, through a loug course of years, jearn. existed iietweeu the parties. {Ku.) Till-: ILVS'l' cr» to the large <-asU sale of of the New i'ork .\lhion, 5Ir. M. Collin*, is i-tui- DttltlN'G WKKK, Cai*w; st.-.iinho.at furnituri-, morning last week, and during the day Farris from one of the liuinblest {lo-ilioiis evenimilly aiiwgoiiist. A. Frte 1‘rem. |

MuD't Straw and Lerhorn hicb, midiuin and low crown I liiin lo {>ay for it. told I vasslng Hii* epy for -ubseribers. af- e;itin- and asked Hetlii-n I mirrors, liajking-glas-es, bedriing, line gla.ss- This iwi|n-r tip to the Ui-ad of otic of the most re-iamsibic I 18 cormmrBs tbxb wbbk. IlffiU: 1 in Belgii M.-On .Mr. Tiller, wlio nrri-ali-d him. Harman ailiiiitted l He nder SxtmM Axq. »sow An .VBOLiTiONisr W bitted.—The Washing- Ifen'i Straw and Lcehum wide, aiejlam. aud narrow war<-, tabl water carin-ts, fiirds I'll- Ic.-st eollaied European news of any j>a- aid imiH.rtam bureaux of the Govemnient. | Tm ! and oilii-r steain- F ebruary l.tth, tliundcr stomt. tirim Hnta; to .Mr. Sweeny that he and Farris went to Mr. is of iu Washing- Sunday, aMolent ton (Gx) Independent Icams that a man by t^ .\iiierli-:i. oue Hie most reinarkidile nu-n j Ixealiom llaU. ' lioat article.*, the outfit of the |K-r in The agent will present a Ik-uu- he.-iTV fall «.f and white, hlarlc. steamer - Mcn*t Straw hrown. .Scioto, Wieinaiiii’s and got the kettle, and tln-ii took it Ion. I'Dilably every observer in WaslUiigtoii .aeeomi«nied by an unprecedented name ot Wood, who was taken up at Abbeville, TO-DW. TI ESDtV. MAR< H ?7tb. dnth and teacolnrw: engrivin-g, the I fiil “Dei-r I'a-s,” to each snb-eri- Bi-lginm. Iwelve ehurelie* this luuruing (EriJavLiit 10 o’ o’l liK-k, at anelion over into a lumber yard and beat It up. Mr. lias apiK-arance and snow-, overspread C. II., 8. C., last fall, for using unpalauble lan- Meti'i Straw and Lechom XluU in aUCaahionahleBtyh*! , been struck by the eeeemrie

I Ii;;Utni^, We win offiT the entire balanee of •• Harig «-xaititned Hie kettle, and says it I* not uwn, . wero simul^nt*4.»usl\ Mnick by guage IO -iavery men, snd who received the of the aeon: ' her. The etigra\ing is worth the asked for hKiWinif sen- room*. price j nrrvtmti of an cxlra*»rtlinarv <'aMii:iere Drt.«f Hatf. the other* Men*t Silk and our own style worth more than #;!. Judgment Bii.*pended un- i Hiestret ls of them Iwing totally disiroyed aud tenee of thittj-nine twhes, by the recent spriHg | wearing cloak walking \ Dre*- Silks, Robe-, Ilo-icry, (4 Iovcn, manufartur*;. the [laiar. a Urge and and j .... til to-morrow in the i-aseol Hariimii. F'arris was 1 poiutuu much injured. I term of the court at I bat place, sudere-d Ibc pen- rHt»r in all ttyh-s fa-hi<*oahle; Dr. llol.-iehcr w:ia tarn-il aud featliert-d in uitUan air of tlc4 'i> iiu'llUaiion. He C«l»red Dil>bofi«. Emheoiderefi Men’s and F»Ud i Needle Worked Col- S«*fl French J(-ssi- Talbert i* lield ill $'200 Id be of good behavior one year. iw a rc*'«T>cd, alty of the law in tbe public square ma the and Ih'ya' fine I the DetniK-nitic candidate 4>ui whii ki)4>w well . j ^h Men's by tlu»^e him • .\tluiitn city, Ga., on the 24th nit., for Ii:iving i* lar,. Bands. Lac* Cartaio,. Cortain Oam.isk,. Unneii in hi* re.serve luid *.^A young Ddy ras.ity attempted sniclde in ulL The punisbiiieut was inllk-ted by I #beriir yet, de-pite I Ibrstri-el in-pi-etiir, and G. T. M;ty railroad studious genius, and | Handkerrlaef,. Canilietrs. Ja4.Aat>eU, Tomer Fourth and .Main rtreetfi. for her FwW.aai. Talde hi.* |Kissession incendiary documents. Tliis is .a.-qumnt.-d I the other bm a d.K-tor Mved Moore, withst-ven switebea; the modesty, a. know ledged bv those Covmgtou ^y. be wsa then imme- lax eiilli-elor in Ihe ;.»T* Tin- story h;i* obtained very general eir- CMli*. Br-iwoi and WtHe r.itKtnr -*n of vhidi niut be L4>ri.<\ ILLK STVLE -A fre-'h supply of our lj4H’. Eastern disiriet. Tliey are leariitiig, to lie life. .Vn aeci-pt>-d suitor had demanded his ring diately on the i-ar* K>r I eliHji hi-ri- from the steps ol his great shipment thia Ta?*‘lii»ere llat*« will old who preached of riilatioii beln-f in Cub:i that with the resources — ISVIl.I.F STVLK of Silk and ap and General at Jose ! r'Kim ' told inioieSately to Biakf for NEW GOODS. eoiiiiK-ti-nt men for the place they ask, and the in Ainerie.a..\inerie.-L There1 is** : and dagunreotyp)- in eonsi-quenee of her break- look.* like antrhituj a fellow onthcrnM-ir. uiominr. direct from our ' the finest seholar- The on our ^hrlT**a ihU the courthouse a couple of months sim-e, and de la Goneba bad bei-ti recently killed ill a duel one of WTKPHKA a l>e **iily <*f ; of which he • an engageniem to go with him to the thea- John Brown fii>rnv will HAKKKR, Tlilf* atylc ran had tiumaii study ing be a lasting niainifu.- : fooiuc. l«eople i-an confide those ollices tono bi-tli-r men. S|Kiin with the Marquis si-areetvsi-arcetv a l>ram-hl>rant-h of i retnembram-o Fouriii and Main. sold pictures lomphlets. in de la I’ezucD, who nS* dtf Baceeaaur In Dnrfcee. HraUi. A Cn. mS4 A. TRAlft. comer and *oiue iuforiuatiou, and that miornuitlouiiifornuitiou ter. ruia love is a singular thiug. aithhim. Mr. vCood saidhewaB^m aaUraisni - not |^ I Wiis Ids predeee—or in the Uaptuin-Gem ralsUii> has STYLE OF DKE.'^S HAT CAN RE uuos-Uleduuos-isled and iKilienl labor ofol iu Georgia. SPItlNO { (XtRRlGATKO AAMOIGHT IRON AAU WIRE V THE t.*?'Tlie ship IndeiH'iiih-uee, with 4,.VK> bales uf the i-laiid. ae->iuiredat-iiuired bv Hie tnanufariurera. Red Fish and Spihno Vei;etapi.e« for I at Parker’s, the ,Jm had of the ^ „ He'speaks iin-st of thetbe mmlem langu-ageslangu-tges A B.>sTon Po«t—ino.— ining R AII.I\«K 4f* Main rtreet, <-o|i..n on board, eanglil fire years J 4 W ATTS. in the harbor of New ' LADD ' eouiu.i-nting on having learned them all other day, a sU;uneles- ra-seal, I Ct EiOfs ^ri-f-RED l*etwe**n TIdrd and Fourtli. Lrxcii. —The indefal igable Panzer, of the South- ofIlf FiiroiH'F'liroiH' with lliu-ney,lliu-nev, Retentance.- t Muskegon, Mich.. BT I.rnXE* PATENT—Admi-at.lr adapted Orleans on Friday. The liave been damage talking with several I .-s.iiu m-iiiji-t, audacity to U estimated at of our mid' with no ottier a-si-tauce i some excellent hod the a* we icaru front for enetoMne Piil.tir *ir.Mind,. CeaK-terfee. teacher*, mid ; a man from Balronfe., \m REAVER FELT HAT.- LATE-^T STYLES oF ern K<-staurunt, has received from the South, to- without — that *eeik n, a man CoUaa—. ac Sli.-e* and Ox Patent Wire. f»a.-k farmers, aud they tell ns that the wlieal crop is say this V»-6 is tuptrt.'" It HnrdK Ik* of fl^O.OOO. iKKik-.l>ook-. Such aehievenu-ul* of inludiniud and I “Positively, tup who had g«>t Rhirk Reaver Felt lint** to had | than his drunk and frtiac both feel off n Be *, I H Brown and Hnr dhead wkli ererr variety of FoMInc Iron Bed atreet. matoes, new potatiK-8, green ja-ns, and cueuiu- injured some, but with warm rains there ' ol- that the fellow is one 4 WATTS. 4<* Main wili be of scholar-hipsclu-lar-hip on the patrt of an , was afterwards di*<-overed solved to lo eteoil-.. and Iron Funiltore. Patent Wire Coal Sereeta.. LADD attaininent* make amends by starv ing bimsell' I • h«.*tween Third and Fourth. a half crop Ore and l)< rs. To-day lie gives turtle soup, n-d li-li (Ihc over raised, though -ome of it is in- tiovermnent,tiovernnient, occupied the greater of thewriters for “Vanity Fair.” death. that 'Sand, Oravrlilereeiif . Wire NetUiwf.ir M.-qaito, r-4V’Tlie ()p|*)*ilion of the E:isterii disiriet fleerllcer ol the A gt-nileman from there told us P)«e*. Pnnltry. and ottier pnrpoae. Wire i*uimner llnuaaa. (V IIATaS and TAPS-A large AND (MiMHLETE jured very luueli . — Cluvcrpiii t (Ky.) Jourual. his life iulu the daily routine ot iuJis- when he left 22 day* best that swim-), and vcgi-bibU-s for lunch. have nominated Mr. Lem. Stratton for IhiitriHid portion of the man had abstained Fancy Wire Work In «rr:il variety, for tiaritena. Ar aMkjrt merit of .M< o’b and Roys' Ilatji and Ct* C-^3 atantly on hand and f«*r «alehy 1 i Tax Collector. heen afidly lia* prevailing to a eon-iderable extent ! expected No. BV Market. N E e«r KxUi atrre*. PMta. LADD N*>. ^laln ftrret. under uhligations to wonder. as avouched lb - I'bysiciana He was 4 WATTS. ;-fflf“Wcare our accom- of ' Sentence or Land, the 5frRDKRER. —A7>r- 1 | y Fourth. eliildreii city lietwoen T^drd and I among in ibis during the piast two He wa* oceupH I'n., .4/»n'i 3. of to live hut a few davs'ionger. d ' #. Land, the murderer modating friend, J. Smithers, mes-ciiger of .\d- — W. I Nlgko Hog Thief.— .Saiidford .Ntill, a free ne- I J son boxes Krntockr snd Missnuri .q-t and ffr. RLACK re- j-^rDriiiklng e-tahllshmcuts in C'liarlcston week*. A nuinher of fatal eases have oci-um-d, eonstamly with prayer :or hi* sohL » hi« h hn M. AM) RRDWN ZOCAVE HATS JL>T Ids brotber-in-law, lias been ! Keiijamiii Flauagaii, | Mfi d» a»>rt«d brands Vlrsi^ Tobacco; ceived hy eX{*reW8 at aras ajiero iu there are \ el a large gro, was arrested yesterday for stealing hogs in are not permitted to keep opieu ou Sundays. 1 and number of eases uudtr feared wa* dcsiioM lor purgatory.—Aaci/«fi In store and f»r aide I.r seuieueed by the I’rineess Anne County Court to I LADD WATTS', Main rtreet. j j a A m ' treaiiaeut. Jfuy«ri(i< A'

LETTER I RO.M W .YSIIINGTOX. cor K1 Eli. Su5iur55i iloticfsi. iUilifcUancou'ii, iiUscclIancous. DAILY (! hc ([: lections. of tbi- LouisTlUe Courier.] ^ur $alc. . Special CorresnoBdcni-e Watfhf5 anil jfruflry. T)it fonnecflcuf £l*ctioH—Larye Dtmoemtic Oaln— LOl'ISVILLE. I Hoptt tfu Virioeracy—lHMtuml-trtt.mt raci>ci^ PrOfp0xt,tf FOB ALDERIIAN-THinDWARO. WTlof tCtiJtonlHcluat CkarUtton—Tht D. Uwtre Luttrrte* Drridiiit (bucce»*or* to Pitkin Br'Xhera.) The Lii«UHr« are of f be bast qaallt y, « itb » ili>* L. JEFFEl:i)l.i.N' it a candidate JI LES JIRLENSEN. for Alderman from of Market tCrext, " • ^ Uunttr, run cusc-jui, oq bHweeh Httn ai:il , The Psciic Railroad. PnMdtniial AtpiraiUi—Iiougiaf, (iutkrU, Shelby College Lottery . the Third U ord. of Kentucky. WHOlxFlSAIxi: DEALERS IX T apt die •outhaide. All those wlitumcto purchase wiilcallao«*n, as to « railrtiad to the Paoiflo Breckinridge— Tkt Sundnation ionoedtd CL.VSS 1 am det,.‘riidoed to seJ; aud all persr>ns The coasinictlon of ami m, Ai rU 5th. 1S.T0; FOR l^n;s F. B. ADlUSasONS ALDKRM \.>-ikEVi:>ril W ARD. aC’«lrL«t me. will p'^^nt them for pjTiaexM. and all •-« Otiedi/mtoHr. (Jatf.rU. 31 4T 86 34 3V th (jaeatioo of time. Aid from the Gov- th* Sa*/fA-A/. 40 -6 73 -t 60 41 13 l i i O.SHL'.t R. is will coil and aet'ie the ,aioe, coMt U a Clot 11 «r BROWN a candidate for .Alderman In th. indebted to me pieoM a* I vn CLObd 16S. AprU 5tb. INO: 13 tri, J fieveiith Ward. alsiut lo leave the .•'tote. aprJd’;* O. FISHEK. DRESDEN, April ISCO. fSK P] *p6d2 eruaicnt, if ^ren, will haateu iu completion; t WasuntoTos, 3, 49 1.7 34 -3 13 36 61 -7 .13 .11 lO 6W .YGRICI LTI I.RPLE.ME.YTS, FOR < ^ w ill not prevent, de- Courier: The roturna re- RAL Ol .NUILM W-KEC01D IHD ’r" J^a bat want of it, bni merely Lditore Lvuiei'illi A O. W« ,nn. year* •.id. dark .Mah..gany B.iy. well br'jk- e-Wi- L. LESlvVr*. quality .iiai rtwcs. , A Il will •oticcurlhsteias nent must be built. The distance U leas, the contested, and many of the more san- of Fourth and Market streets, llis stotk 1 , In the Thini W ard. w armly of Fancy apidle tween Br..*.l»*y and Bre-kturidae. ohUcatlunato purcbx»e. siii:it 3 by »*i of success.— hilka lias been selecteil i.iv I*. \viiALi:v, a-t.ia .. . e !• leet on sou’.hwe.t Corner of Ninth ao*! ('b-*tnut U'pographical advaniogca are iiutrked, the cU- guine Democrats were confident with great care, audeiuliraces FOR I 01 At ILM \.1-^F:\ K> ril JOFIN ^ U \Ill>. ItreeU. KITT< A CO.. M-’- in Con- a variety of new *t}les diflereiit from any R. O. W. -j by IW) feel on mate ia by no means unfriendly, and the resources : Whil.'t a Democratic victory at this time lieretoforc NORTHEAST CORNER KIINALD ia a c m-iidate for the U.mmon south aide of Gray aireet. between Pres- MARKET an-l THIRD ,ST3. CouncU in the fieventli Jackson. rceelved in the market, and having lieen par<'liased O W,tr1 INI r u Ti RE t»f the road, when comi. Cunuectieut I'ori. 1* v** ' between Green and Walnut. Is P- j. 3o2 uorth si'le of the private capital « bleb, under any that l»ny. In 1 was carried by find it to their Interest lo give bim a call before ma- T’-^ivirxaTr use, pre- 4’ITV TAX 4*01 I K4*T-l* a and riciie-t EkUUru l>:«ricL^at ?! I ' *!!/' '*"* may refuse aid roliabl.v gone Uepuhliean by B. I'ann, corner Fourth aud Market streets, W uoil, LfHtlior, ma- April* J '^**'i*f c ! enleriirise. Northern legislators 1: has 1 Icssthantme Louis- t'rtM-korv, Glti'is, Ivory, t-rial. He election. Rni .<(«•• * aii4L*»(f»aF'iurthftr«et,h«tweeDBroa4waTai*«i V' ha* aliri liiveiite thick villo, Ky. patent) a new .tile -f lilts laviahlug with the most iwo- lh(iu>aud mrtjoriiy, indicating a large salis- Uono, .VInbiister, .lliirblp, . . to road, while ^ and KiiblMT, Mi.»n jirojects fiictorj' DcmocTkiic gain on tlie popular iliitta IVn-iia, ( loth. aprcial .-ittentlou It w jhii v \oi.rao ! -1. . fuse generosity their ; vote. -‘‘r. Wactell rc*pcctfullv PiijM*r, Pa- informs the la- !**•> cmistructed Uiat the ll•.Dnet ^ • (Dr'inorrutic) c.-indidate ishediu the city. >"r partimlar-. ar.^iy t ri in. f« t irers ' can be pUc..,| in a '|,..x aal^s*^ 1 for Sitates in the North-west- It was, however, caniestly pier not deeper tlirm S', inches, Tax i oUet'tor In the Weiilrm l)L>trict JL L1L3* MENL/RlL. Taird wtreef, rIL'. Ei;»> ur .f -ir awr msn ifctet'ire. Uxdrdto build up free desired tliat Con- dies of Louisville, that his ispring tjoartcr will rom- .11m-he, .Shell, Horn, and be carried with saf- tv in a i travelinr trunk nr valiw: Uius obviating the ^l***'** mis »Uf helwetru Marketon.; Jurtcr- n. Ml MLC PLwr iTE V .'ET'-. rpi.KlNa. Pt)KK.A AND grants of this kiud, of tbeui- ui-cticut, under the lead meiice ou Friday, .April nereasitr of cm Territories; but of the gaiLmt Seymour, 6, at i o'clock, v. m., at Ma- Hone, Plaster, Ac. ahandiM.v -The Bonnet can be Fa sCV Vk i I< Lk '. made of any ni*t .rl.al, -A LOT—Of fi^lby w| M'lHKIL Till )wTKK— *j,:h I'^itoau al!fy.w* 1 Li <1 iiiil*''il and .4* tlie f-iaiii-^n prevalla tn style or shap«\ \A \Iin K' .'f oil dc*cr|p'i.,-ts. not make a road over the should iK-at back the i-onic Temple. alil 1 .M> there is scarcely an ar;i,I* •iLin ride «)< Second falreel, a^ut fee! aeivea. will not only hosts of sectioualism aud Inthewhole *.. II « ^ north of Waltiai, TISII H AVU i« • n i «4 r a h. *rt * w I>lAMiiND.-‘ ; r;i.-it.. .t tMbisr-.isk- jsjkw. V ranee i.r ij.iiMe-llc cronoiiiy. ahetlier it * f'"' -^hool Trustee in of r.riiaeor the , mboiuing the r iti orieiii;.l value. pubUc g< iit rally, that he l.a* iust ruLE-f will n n secure the It challeosea the ““ betweenfietween bo,.>y«,.,iid,!*! tnd Third. p. Northern routes, but they preservaiion <>f the I'nion. aud the ninintcnance Woild f *r its '•pened hi* It'E CUE..\M S.tLoO.N.-, ami thatnotliine FOR hTUEETr-TUEET I\i-PE«l\i.|*E« \*> 4JE-partlcu-g' oil nr: . . i;.1 'r*air*ne f W.alt-i-.ra pood health and a pair of spectacles thr'inpb which superior, it ia in<;isp -ii-ible in every d sh lU TOK-E \*>TEK1rKK1 HIST )>e span ->r lit iHeeted to acquire Ihe 111.— : liL... : •.Lf-IN' r.lL enU.-u iu sueb a patronage ..f tt.e \VMAV.M llAJLKYI^aIIAILKY is a candl.lale VLE.-.\ individual aid which must be d of all the compromises of the Federal Coustilu- llOl'.si-k WORK .SHOP,' COL'XTlSti.Ktat.M. 1^)1110. 1* * candbUteforfor re-electionre election oa*.* ."tr-. t ?? VLE.-A 3PLENDIDiPLENDID CHANCECUAXCE FORFOH CAPCAI* '?> “ you can read the finest print. P. \V. and that he fully confident that a fiir lr;..l " ^ as3* N-.. M jn reel, r . c nnt Kruusey. ou Kill " lD*pecior.l!‘*pvcior. * 1i ^ KE »**t*‘m Uistriut.Uistrii't. a:**Mlt«f* * 'Ll^-I^.—WeN\e h»ve ^ jiale or exuban-e fvr*Z5 _ .And DU person after a trial of Iiiiuiie liliu their rrnernua aupporl. - scheme. We will not assert tiiat a Northern tiou. It was thought that th.- John Browu raid, Third street, has -- ay:^aj.leri*ypropertyay:^aj.!eol*yproperty or gHxl VA>ai,.rnVVt-ait-rn Un.N. am. a great variety of I tlie fine.t s|«'<.'t.a- Pera .iis •rderlna Ice i ream for partita. . 4c., will ‘ be rOH l>AAl>%\ ATt*il>|ATt*il>l W-\ la»r1 m'F AV\V f l-iindl.*iind thatlh«t ode.-oi!e.- the ^Fest-Feat opcmi:*opemi:* f*T a va-t f.-rtunefu.rtune That KENDRICK, roal ia, even at present, im(>ossible; though such ! Starr's Chemically Prepared fiitbfully and pruiuptly ik-rved. ARU.\RU. WILLIAM and the eoiis< quent diminution of intcreourse cie* i.iaunfu' tured, cunsi*ting of the Pebble. Peri- Glue. wehavewe have km»«i4f..rii f..r ?« km»« mmiymany yeurj.yearj. achai.*achoi.* faew . rot of*wuof**a He particularly invi'es the r.llaMOHF.Uacruidid.Tter*'will with pi-pir vu,tsu. .- tire-tlve Ihethe fmfat i* a and lra l«» W‘dfi«furcwUiai.yoficand figures to oi.yone desiricj*d«iirii:5a -4r**an.|«u!..;ull-at- aud -plenJl lia>c.:I lutc--. . ' cooks III the \ .I .. . iu eunntn . he i* fully prepared to liU all,>rd<-ra KCKK *'* u-F,TiiPDe/.nit\vvATiirop/snikATHKRFOUl) tt V tlLs.. IF. obstacles, lock ofyop- gold, silver, aud .steel frame-. “*'* 1 " U a candhlaWcanditUW tort-ir fUr ment. K. H,iL m n W P.uK V , .MLV EH . d mate, the uatural and the Slates, would awaken the iieople of th'.' North i.i ’^‘‘"''‘nuwn f r Diroi-rj .m'l .Suree*, , f i D£\N. Fl^h -l-ret.-i-rel. it VaI'T*' and wlli hoimralily satisfy a;i th tt J betweenbgtween Market :indJeffer*on,Loui.*tIUe.Ky.:ind Jefferson, LooistlUe ®^iJfa»l*LVn;Htt fr-i- 1 V 'r.ffert*;:,r will be I Ky VHE! I I.e atteiiti.iu emniite'l to him. either in < 1110111:17 or aic;Slid dtf-''*^ nlatioB, might not appewr altogether unfounded. ; .'f .l.-aler* ami c'.ionmep* cu dilv a:. ) V a full sense of the inevitable results is invl',-.i t.j the •ale. a.c3 c- i.rw e- ,t i. ry nci. c.'-ilecriur iIrvhTF:. ~ pir rr«4!t, inanv f iY?i. f »re ’u.*} 1=5 -ri^t But the advantages of the Southern route, to muiiticM. FOR MGHT \TCIi1l «fi*cnre*l r. »‘( urvvi «a ti.e krvewi c'. :\ i-r.* aav •* will sell their entire stock of Fancy Silks, at prices NtWAKK. Nor. X IIDXHY A. ^ * ir.« have referred, will insure con- SCll.El'FKi;, Can.iidate f-r Id >ifer tbe'n I «vr coo he f«iati>l -rl^eff Uerc. .\ii YfaT" the | Night which we of slavery. But lauaiicisin listens to no forty per cent, less than ‘ >ir\nr.'K \V ! *?- OV fabCUT. their value. Persons In i*rki*\uku 77 . WatchmanintneFirtWard. mlldte" rn’i’e-l .45 re: re^e'i! <«lst fc. oil WcHHt. U*athtT. ami ilHih. at the NOTAHY w C •iruction, at no disuut day, of a road over it, Pha*nix PUBX.IC, ^tep it. dad exfau^XM; f'tr j> orsr'f •! | argument, and, in their madness and w ant of choice Spring Silks can uow get them at half W orW-. I uio-t cheerfnlly reeoimuen.I i's u,e for all pur- rilllfD cfoy Atreit Octet eide). WVn the 'i-'m? Want* . FI -TFEKT, •ndmakeitf stock sought after for Invc-stmcnt. P -aes xeueroily required, and especially tor family u-a- Mieeen jeffereon and Jfurht, _ lolly the Black llc-pubUc'ans of c'onue>u i locat.'i^.n grew, there was apparent a strong disposition to Goods in the market. Iu Lace Mttntels, Parasols, ^ locab i^.n the ea-t *..ies.iie of .'erenth -ireeL-Ireeh between vta,- 31. C. . -S' -'^ UA3ISEV, have determined to adliere to a imlicy and • sm- ‘WM“tVM. D.B DOl'GL.V.sS.DOl'GLA.*.*. Cabinet Ware M *nuf'' ttir-T, knowl-iiciug ~ niittint andOlid no.-inut-ha*riie-tnu!-ho* two c.mkIc.mhI trk r., i.iuie. I pptrhrw. !.*U, C^rf.^r or fivelive Poplins. Linen* and Domestics of every description, nVk xasTCMtlv^ *^*'*srr-fiaix**''** V, * 1 ... give all the aid which that body could consiitn- ' Newark, N. J. Jffr rmatiiHrot. "•'****' ch.xmbers,ch.xmheiw. roa,ga*. dining room,ruoiu, g. -mI servan'a'servaa'*' r.. -n.-,11.', t„in a {Kirtisau organization wliicb will not only G *p2d:Sls *BTFIt W- a ' v'l ctceffar.liar. "LYSANDI'R W KIGilT, Jlachlne Dep'it. .tiurketst. rii'em. front their purchases are unusually complete. Fourth iw -*V'ie*t of • yard Md iron railing-all In best -f ..rder. 7arT . -^'li I 7 i*’’'..*'*" many vo- Uooally grant to each of two roads—a North- uiidemiin.- lera a c^.di^te ftir re-election ; their liigli.-st industrial interests, XOTIfE. C a* Lay Wwt. hn-in in bjmig been Giorougbly repau-e.i hy uk lost fall t i-a-e street. • IIEDENIIL RO 4 LITTELL. Carrlaze" .MaTmtuAuier*. ine.ue.-.md Ward. of three *,.5 yea.-* given lo an »,.i^.v.d t-i.e. i. R , t s,-.io ern one and a Southern one The friends of a in Offic-i LurisviLLX - but toe end sap the fouudaiions of our fre. Ne ..*rk. .\. J. Warra ri)aPF.Nr.l J. W. 15l;EDL.x. w':-* -f *^1’*’'^)' f'r flay A.ent. this. Gilbert Mocntaix Hair Restorative — "W.M. It. KIRK 4 CO., Carpenters aixl llii lilei*. ___ ... , April l«t. Iseii. 1 \V^Ve*v M **o‘*'' '"anVd--apia.* >**..•> nfin ert. Sonlheru rood, we believe, did not object to and beu. ticeut republican iusiituiious. FRKON.^ residing on street* atchman in tlie s^cooa Ward. anAdte* ^ ^ Day by Nesaik, N. J. where Water Pipe* h.ive Which has been known only in Central .Vmeriea, P wt*u iMid, ark* oi>tillF*d th'il the C’ontpany All they wanted was an oj«n sea and fair sailing. "LETERICIl 4 K.\'t)EI!.s, Carriage Maker*. Is u*»w i'?*** w*t.-braanln l,M>n HF-I-T-.V fiTORF—On Market itreet. day wc are drifting to the logical uiid inevitald.- ® sfef J*ecnU*l between *'*‘^**J' appUcaiioiwi and icraot p# tuuIm for Uie iu the Want * »eci'nd and Trurd. <«*. where it ha* l>een used with entire success for luilf Nearark. N. J." r L 1 !‘i' mSL^dtf* kect 44 a troiluclb'ii of .'ervii-e Pipes With equal asalsianec from the (iovemmeut. they rcy.ui; of Black inl*i thi-ir premives. It U -k Bl. VND. Fxchane- Offiee. RepubUc-auiMu—the Oismcinber Starr's C'hciiiicaliy ileeiue.l .MGIi.MGII r IIvv reatury. The remarkable virtues of this preparation Pri'iiarctl GItie important that a. nioiiy as pos*il>le i-huuld m«ke ATtvrt nil \>-6En>M)\VV1-6EI t>M) tt Mill.VHII. l rouus, and I a:>l

  • 'ation, hod nothing to fear from compeUug me tu of our glorious l and h.tve .'tervlce Hpe introilm-i-'l. 1,'WI Urge anti CoulVderai R. I y. Day by clay for reenperating and restoring the hair to bald lieiul- I< solil y all Dru-.-ei-ts, Furniture D' .vler*. t.ri.e, Fancy at least as 4 MILLiiRMILLi.R i*acsa.|idalef..ri* a camlldafe f..r Night.Night Watchman in RE\T_a comna di.'.., IiWELL xiiv fir a» the stop-cock on Ihe sidewalk, before V !!; IN'. HUl .-K. ceniraUylotaletL Uoud* Diali-r-. Mar'l«ar< Dialers. .'Mlloucrs, the water U Aa \ .a the !*et-ou.lSet-oil. 1 Ward.W ard. ajmisVLl-.0 ijh* 1 „ *c«ik,nr.Ten Tt were not disposed to complain that other roadr^ is turn, • the North becoming more sectionalized, d on the city, as by that I ia.:itc iiateiy. inquire of in anil restoriug it to its originiil color, n-movinp Ihe dand- mean* it will obviate Ihe ex- AVfi'or' .ii>VL.-oi V , 1. , and by country .M. rchaiits generally. 3.4MF.4AMf.w C.t btlA.NK.' by ' * pen-e- iacourenieiice. and ilelay of SHANKS i*. )tythethe request ..f many voters. i.EOUGE oti\ were put on the same footing with their own. it -butting the water off BL INCH vfn A that affect ion of Ihe 1 vF seems the period U not far distant w hen ruff aud euUiueoUM bead, and givin'g a PRICE. 1 CENT* PKK DOTTLE. •f th.-mrtm - j a candiilate fur re-elecUonre-election aaas NigUNigta WoUW’ott hman;,ii^ injihein the tine t'l inakeatlachm. 14 mK dtf »oo'hwnt C'.'twr .Main and' -frcoioi -ol to. cecJudsecond \vird^l\ ard. The s|)irit, however, did mit actuate th. healthy tone to Ihe scalp. For the toilet table there is A liru*!i roe* with each liottle. ai'fJdW A. riARRI.-J. ap5 .ite* some tlie‘'irr,prcsfibleconfli( t”willbeiudeedinaugu- Prf'II.ett. *' MAIN SI’IMIKT. up f ir deaii i-aat-s is — Put ra iu from t to 12 •loxeii. T- YROSS )• 4a raU'iidalecanilldate for re election a*ae N*falitNTglit . — ,»mitf: vrrFiM'iov Kepublican members ot Congress, who ar< nothing its oiual, it having twen thoroughly tested la otclunon | to hv new v\u BUck rated, and when a united North will attempt to splenili'i he: he; ue: WWatclunanintheiVcnn.lin the Secon.l Ward. ap-'Mltc'ap-'i dw A I.ith ' Pl..VTE!tN •rraphic phuw Card, printed In color*. ; VI^ J^t K V; as this country by the proprietor the past two years Ik- giTen *1111 em-h paesase. '^pHE sebscrib'^ thankful for the 'Y. •’-MiRiG-k-NI'.tRKIG.V.N I*1* H;>t so much the friends of a Northern road reduce the Southern btaics to the |i<>sit!oti ot patronage . xlendeil to JX- a Democratic candi.late for “aC iIImVW, .M! onlrrs ttera f’'*'''"'* »'"* •a .tight Wotcluo.iDWotcluo.-in in ' b --t . or P of iu'iuiry by mail a l•lreK•e I lo th-- !’7 tbr pul'lic geuerally. inform O the Secondfiecond W .trd. apl .Ue” ' .cr s!- in voril-ty^iSi f >re be could Iw induced to bring it before the so public, Ui'ia.1 J; they ore the enemies of a Sontheru one—not mere dependeneies iu the Union. In view of that tliey have a full supply of as pur,- .an article ol 3TARR GLUE COMPANY, il Liberty si.. X. V.. A iTTlIL-i' J. I V..,,.,:. :> * '• and until be was thoroughly aatisfled of It* virtues. that ;o. •ling niateri.il on Intnd a* can be prodncetl thi* sea HAY \V\TCini1\-rillRH\V\HH.tt VT< ini V\-rillRI> W VHH. - q n.. 'n ‘1 Uiey are enc- »a-vxT,-n i o viti.v-rn* t <• i r, much the friends of free States as ; events which n;ay transpire even during thi »UI teerlre prompt atlentl.m. -.11 fp.m quarter an.i imv ; fur^t-r. we are prepared to fur .VRRV KIRBY .Ilinudant certillestes of the highest character can be U the nominee 4^1^15'of the D--mocT,alic ' f.^T.G wboSho' rsr-A liberal diac->unt to the trade. nish all who may favor us with a coll. In -h..rt I I 'o?«v'ur'D V*'* mies of the sUvebolding Ststes. Their action iu present year, it becoiuc-s the Denioeracy of the ap<; dly notice, l.y n party for Day1\wiWalchiiuui In the Third Wm-d.Wa.-d.aitheat the to take j O wauUd prin.-ipol charge -f a VegeUl.le G u.ien, a “ the shown fcslifying t-a its unequalled virtmx'. It is made * 4 CO. '3. corner AprilfnVeeloctKin.eloction.m'tb lurwu-t ix' rt--.tW.I la "i‘* of ApnJ apoduapodu- yjunc Fruit ort hard, theVi'^*''' regard to this matter can scarcely be mUappre- fully alive Inirdfatid JelTersnu strcfU. and a Vlney-tnl oftbr-e wr f».ur Soutli to be to the maiutouance of of roots, and is, thorefoiv, i>erfectly liarmU's* its *? tNg ' -Ir. in "'•'•'mmei.d itlona ACI ' . • FURNITURE AT COST! ."‘•T ‘ijP'-h'l uput) haring the re ,u:re.L Apply^ iathls -v, h . , ice.. Ice delivered FOHHVYFOR n\Y IVVV \TCH1I\.\-FIFTIIVTUH1I V.\-FIFTII WAHIt.VV.VIIIL W iricre ..I.I 1.11 .lelc-mrne.l pursuit of a policy cal- nlihlu |.t :r... it a . . 'ii . u tb-a bendtsd. It looks to the Souiheru rights. Let us go into the oil. a'lalf hour of Hie | r e | Charleston comp'wition. containing no Wlieu iu u*c all ItEING I)E.siROU.*OF uiuai time in the momiue r. i:ii • CIIANGIXO TJF.N.TIEN. F!)WKLL.POWELL. Sr„!*R., fan(an nbfold watchtnan.)watobrcsan,) hlwral patroiio«e a* I h.,tc re--.-.*, ' larly. U1* a can>iMatccan.IMate I d .rv,-A-. rtiau’ Cm. I aprildJia unfavorably, if not di>as- niy l‘iislnfv, 1 Kill sell at r„,t. for GUNNELL 4 WhTT * f>rfir liay nieii,U!r=*an..(a.-ll,.;t e.irr.pTc culated to effect most Convention and dem:ind the other prejiarations should be laid aside, esp<'Cially IsI l>ay Watch in the Fifth MoriWari ni-J* \Y^-\VrED—<’ NRFENTER::U-l w:ah lo employ MVural I. ; . , c,,... | complete rccogni no dte* jfa. Ihiriij- ila.)-*. a a.ileudiil at-H-k oft-iTV r ftr^t rate C'arpvuiers f«>De year. of t..- \t : m'j.-.i,* ]>.. trously, the interest* of the entire lion of that equality in *|J .MAl'K FChNl i l-KK. ' j the Union guaranteed .MtiHT.\IGHT W\V \T1VTt HM \>-ei|XTllVY-rilXTII \\tt VRI».\nil. apidlf K. M. PATTFN J. M. bMlTlI. No. Am I have in Ntaiile of siaioen sale and retail by .\. <«. bciniiDT, Druggist and Cbeni- ,M.;M.ark.f.treit. my on ?e- „ Li the iqapointmeut of a committee by the Cozisthution, and j*' i".i", an lndepen.Ietitliidepcn.Ient condleandi.l.itelate f. r .ROF-t-I which we cannot sur- apodlniA-’ het-Tevii S-coii.t aud flilrd. ffir i coiri *irei t. between .Main aiid T'lVii'lVii ! A\ FFD-NE wilt pay the hhche-t iLih, j • I Night atchiiian W T MatehiiianW in the.the Sixth'ixtb l-'t, comer Fifth and Market aireet*. Lonbville, Ky. Martel, of g'.o.l Wird.Ward. *i-5ao-i die*dte* 11 ea-h price for NE.>UO&‘ at my h-n-. n I.-,e WOLF A on the Pacific railroad, Mr. 8i>e«ker Pennington render w ithout a clear abandonment of e slot FAMlI.Y DURRINGER, j our * . HOR.'ilA' for sale; -i louthaple of .Market >tre«l, between Fifth and' fa Ib-tailed by the principal druggists ."H VK.nII.YL'.S .sale. ah", two vatu I»»x I* AfftAAAAA: ... a...... V P V (.' and merchants mi«t FORFOH HVYU VI Utt Al Uirongbout the country. ml9 deodly “*•*> aarviL m aaaa ig of is practically a agaiiift ay ^’’ENTs-’J y..ung men ore wan!- I I . one of whom, DavU, M1 1Vatche», C loi-ka. John I.* ii i'.iey. 4c r In ChanceiT. cDcuU;eby.ah*cripuonnewandrapl.i -eili!:* ike k. Sii.er uutl riuUUwarc,

    Bepublicaa, while Phelp*, of Mo., is in isr,l. .Miller Clark-s < throughout each county iu the *-...ithan.| W'c«t, Thcgre..'. Black b.^ue in the Presidcutial canvass will A Word to tue Wise.— he iieojile arc aware D 4 M-.k *nec'fuU.v lnf.'r.n*the piiFll. that I inIn . \W; thetlie EightaLighta iJi* - vv CV- Wanl.Ward, at the .kt-ril.Vpril etection.rlectb.n. canvo-eer. of t»u. 'ne.. ha'*iL* and f-.-oladdres.. J a- L rricrF.;. . ,i .'I ff,-:-* fargi.'sf r-nd'T'Hl la the aijove cau'*-. biseSLooN. on F..urt!i rtreet, between apidle* i ra-ciymei this committee, we are informed that six—two- , aud most experienced manufacturer of trunks B ttieuml -rsiai.,. I. or one Main and of wi:*»rr • the Constitution. In this they hate en*,*d * . great i.-sue ' j Ur_»* *i . »:• all of iw Kill, (iti .Mon'1.-;.v. Markil. I* now aithecirvic.' AMFSJ.AME.s j. WHITE I*is the poor In the snlatcription bu-lne.*. To -ecnie a cti.i-e of .Vv.' ? j April b.th. 1-eff. h-.d eouvenirtii-e of Id* inaii'i con.llUGcan.lltab almul • na f..r th- hour f DmvDay V» ' V7W and similar articles in the eity. 'l-bey a; aj.ii Jeae.**! . f^,-* n,; . r.' scats should avail o rl' .M il •roil*. In ad'llliou J «iVatcbiniuiatchinan ill111 the b-rrit-ry. early appii itb.ii -houbl )«e ma-ping the cimictst and he.t Eighth Ward at the April election,eleeti..n. Demoe- 1 c im iIoz::'(h. . . «1 “!< ...i.?.- , ( l.muorsin Louisville, 1i w ill vote f.ir \V ' b Ma-oulc Temple, k ..urth *t.-eet, opp'.*i«e the Im U .ry ^..-,r vi themselves of Ihe rare opportunities affunled by Mr. Wilder, at t.ie oiirt H-.u-e diair, in tlie city of L-iuDviPe, he b:ir al*>. united with this depart Jia W iiiTr.iiiTr, certaincert.-tin an.i auresure. ap'tan:t titc*titc- I mle.| • v: -1 i thus indicating the suite* Hotel, or by lett-r «<• the riv t . ;.ir i . Toted for Blake’s resolution, nicy in thU contest will kc-ep step to Hii ft cfi'dit of 4, iiiHi 12 iiioiditK HI n.ent a IHLLI.AitD .-a-tLoON. which 'o-cuide* tlio secon.l \ (he music much e« nuiy he rec* P«fcr.»!»: O'llare. To the country and city mercliants he offers story of th.‘ biiitdine. tv **•*-•• RROTIIER. I.oui'iille. Ky. Clcv-k vft.'.e n.-; . wi’jU.Ajr.*. to <-*-arv to sali-fv- the decre- h.-rcln ofthe f.-llon iuadescrilH-1 The r.'*ew.w.,| tal.b-a have in.irhle MGHT tt VTCH.VfVTI HM V\- EKiHEIGII rilI II \Vtt VRD. extent and relcmle«-uc*<*s of their hoaUUty of the Union, and if triunipliant i;ed.; Ihe.v an-l PI lie (fa fa/rt. wUl preserve l.ropert) . vii; T* .. bus ••! rrimii-l. are supplied w ith Krunssb-k'* p<'culiar in said city. patent coinbina 1111. - i advautage* iu his whob-ale dcj)artinrni. Due I'exiimire VORBOUNV^ORBOUN SHIVKLKVSH1VKI.EV is a candidatemindld;.te for XUbtNight WVATED NEOROE.--I have Ie«-ed the anu Metuvi!,' i; e atfetAion «f -i •It ap..iiit nu iDti t usht'.ii*. and are *s pwr ®r* consuilatioua they have tlieauuf: 8 il-of .Market sireit. true as akillful workin-n can ' slavery. After many f-et e ist aX.1 Watchman•Valcutuozi loIn ' h‘'U.'-ef*n intact. the EighthEifThth >i\th»T''cvt, l>etxren Nl.** |*» • t !“ ft Tlie Black Republicans, on the other M Ward at the eosoin^ensaing efre-elrc- .Main arecdily and surely dc- pet bag or a mammoth trunk, need go no furtberihan on the ea-f side of Sec-iiul tdreet. 12.'feet south of Market apt die* Negr.>eaf..r-*Je*!IIi.U-a*egivemeaeaIL*.'I.tmarix!::- »a-*f \fi-Doiiv I. I J . ... - . street, at the eorner formed by Market street LAHLK IJEKU N.U.OO.N, '•URPHY is an Indenrn'l' nt ran.Iiilate f r Night one storting from Iowa and the other from nationalize the Republic. the great Western factor}- of Mr. O'llare. Hi« niann- and a f.iir \V -V. "5 b»*>'»t»lllinic'iNe*roee for *alc. and canalway. JEW KLH Y xTORE tt f(-t alley, (hence ra«l llli feet, 111 1V 'iV.VeiJ.n'u.tk*''WatchmanW atclwan inla Ihe EighthElg.ilh M.YE V Ft HE**. thence .-onth t.-; feel, ilicne UWardard . f.-ei t’> seond stn.-et. thence north lo the be- Mtin and JF.irJ,-. f. w;. .Mn- OHN GR.AH VM Is camllilate re»;s!ctfullv inform the a f r Night Watchman In .* ed he. urity. . k. : i-. public that h. J -u lit win.:. tU of erh.i to subserve economy, purchasers will cousnit their Itearine Inlerest fr.'m date nntU pai-l. ^ the f r. ; .• v route altog«tlier. ai d keeps const al.tly a.* above J ixbth U'afil, at the AprU elect!v>o. apl’ Uie* 6<>nthem more promiuent individuals an excelicnl r?7 dau; irntos : Fa*! ;• .s' uow spoken of are a Ueu Kill be reiaiued us a-Mit:.iiial security ^ * L .jt •, »•- ,i* bt'st Interest in purchasing of Mr. D. O'llare. Re- arti. Ie« f i INt'INXATI L.UiER IfEEli. nLi ELJI.AM.VNN ta Di-tmrr.tl, W. C. i). a canditate for Night Watchman L* * •! *. K.JrV*. From gentlemen In Washington, whose inter- Donglx*. WHIP.*. M L. C. C. I'.lh sPKi>'(;‘ Tstio: A***; Hunter, Guthrie, Lane, Breekinridge, on .fraught an.i in iMittle* f .r family tu-e. lb- k' in the Eighth W.trd. Ilf,-! -aN. ' •» ask* a apl .lie* .uid A . r. It ,vV.i • *.* member, that the United istatos Prize Medal was Ja*. G. Dai ks. ' „ A\ ^ *lure of patronage, and will l » u.-e hi* eii end-av..r* t.) fine 1,1 .’•rtf’. .’.I.. esu have led them to watch narrowly the feeling aw; dt.l Titos. A. 111 , AS. « aud Dickinson. Mr. Doug’uLs wiU probably conic M I.i* swaril'-d to 1). O'Htire for the best trunks make the visits cf p'ltp.ii* agreetthle, a* he know, W.*»* t-.iafaef'*’ M-Ui-il. I«. made. FOR MGHT VV A'n IIM VY-IHIR ri-VYD. 'iaLuf..t.:..:er o|^Jv. rw if-- Hg' for iiifor- tlitv wld 1,0 pleaac.l with id- healthy beverage 1 there, and whose opporinnitio n qniriag the Convention liacked liy the largest M»ru-E. -g.H*d p *.r i:e .T every le>.tri'u v?. vole; iaigcr Beer. apt SIOS.-'OP (an old watchman) 1* a candidate Hm GEORGE HERRMANN. V for T. i R. si,i:i l.\ i ( ill jy*-: vlti El G>aNE MICHIOT, M -'net. mation are very superior, we learn that the object Flati lexce or Wind. >L'tuv iK-rsousarc .an- N const-qupnr^ nf the fire which destroyed, to .Night W stchmou in the Eighth next to him w iU sta;id Hunter, whilst Guthrie — a , Ward (Portland dis- I efttcut, our ttorph4»ubP and ftlock of tu* r*hAn«}ipe. vie illE.tP rL.lKET—libO boxes Claret iip-l received per tnet). j„. WIIOI.KS.VLI-: noyed. and even distressed, by the occurrence of llat- A. I of this course U scarcely disguised; and the de- « ju proiiably be third on the INi. With ihe ex- Imve rei’i'.vtd our olhec lo that of Messrs. M. A ( J *tea!iier Chancellf.r *D.i for aale low by i;kxtz. w'! - or r«'., on»* d'Mir Wi St of *»urf»rmer place of hiijiineM. • apt J. I'. Si'HR'kDER NO.n. diTviti fu.r.a' - • r.-a termination to ioUow out the poUoy it indicates a'.cnce, wind in the stomach and bowels. This wher 4 > Wall strict. DRYliOODS DEALKIL^. ception of the Oregon delegation, and a few wc may Ih* ft*uml nt all times. We r-tur»i *»ur sincere -U'F.rsT KLECTIOX, .HO.MF.W, 6lh. arises from impaired digestion, aud loss of tune in N". 4i: .MAIN t*TREEr teouth *i'ie>. ABOVE St.XTU. DinntoBdw, IVatrbstg. 1 locL-. Jewrlrv, Is but too apparent. A road through a section scattering votes from Indiana tli-mlk!* to the Fire and Police l>»'p:vnmchU fk»r tlii-lr noble NOTH E. and one or two eSf-'ilft to fftve '*l:vcr ami Platcdwoiv. Fire the mucus membrane of tho alimentary canal. By and protect uur rr«*perty. COMMERCIAL BANK OF KEN'TfCKV. ) FOR xRKRiFF. LIH I'^VILLF:, KV. *i.o.ttclc*. '. ) .uit *2 cv-a not adapted to slave labor Is to be built if any »P**dlai a^L fjouiheru Slates, will liavc TUalFF A PAr.rc.oi. March 3i. l*b«. » are t'l now an.i Htt— . Gem Lane no jHisUivt reslorlng YYT. anther fr*ild r-.-*pc -li'iii.i- C!.;; ibg - ' 1 1 f >r .Sheriff .if .SPRING n f r a amount of Government aid will make it. To Y order f the Uo.ard of Directors of Gils Institution. of JeCorson County .it the eii*uu,g .Vu- W FAN.^Y A.ND sr.\PLR DRY *’.ooi)S. -Ir - strength in the \ \TiO\ mer -J.!. .1..! : t - Couvenlion, and, if at \L c»| IH\ tv: Lar t ; -w nominated ruvian bimp rcndi'rs the painful e.vmptoms impossi- nO\ OK l\0> UfMtKs. H the annual election f.r Director- of this Bank ami gust election. mgt) dte* IlosIERV. •JLoVt'*. VaUIETIKx. an.i NolluN.-L 5 rr !:- -ilr -t.y .’.I in.l. J t.- . 1 : this end, the Black RepubUcan luemlicrs of both 'll IS fine edition <»f the WorkR of Wa^hiiiL'ton IrTinr branches will be held on Ihe “III ila> of next. I racing lUmioi every article in niir U.ie. We offer exlra- all. it will be as a comiiromise candidate. May In the Y- »f« authorU.-.t to announce W. .V. The ble, and iiermits the food to go through its r.LLIS as a esndi- ..y Prau'.f.ii -.rlrc;;. . . natural tts4:i«» . I. (-ncludincthe Life of WubtUiictoD) town of PaiiiicRli. at the Directors' \V” ’ .r.lln*ry InducerDent* f. pi'rchx.«tT*. an.i re!>pe.qfiilly y v. «iil be iiuhlislied -room of the Itank. date f ir Sheriff of in- • ;:rtv Jelterson comity, .ubject t'l Ihe -T- '.y <1 fr-.b. a.i,q . .• branches ofCongress WiU lend aU their energies, f tl r : --t : i.. . friends of Maj. Breckinridge declare that he is process of digestion. For sale tn Louisville by Cakev r r rdnerihen t»nly. in monthly volumes, price each being the ttrst Monday in Mar. decisl'-n of vite the alteiili.jn ..f uur cuaP-mer* an.t l-e • iiy .mtl coun- a Democratic C'ttiventi. n. ui* dtf r•dc. toy Tear. -xp-Tic.-.e i.( t!;c Ira-fr ai '.ip- payable ou tlelircry, heautlfully printe«l on heavy ^up^ r NtockUolders will phase attend lo thi* In ta-r-onorby try t.'-a.Ie gei.eroRy. T. < K. rLEV'IN A CAI.N. i give bill- lx.', aud to accurc this object every influence they not a candidate t Talbo-tt. m-.*S dl'LS.w-J an'.hniizcd to It. a: .'.iii. for thenamination— that his name ft.ie pftpt.r of the finest quality, and '•ubstiuitiaMy tiouiid In pr-'Xy. J. L. DALLAM. Casuitr. WEare announce J. PRICE a* a can fe3» dtf *1 •N. B. -Fi;.- »,iic.>. ! .)D.I i — di.late f.rr .'cvefry ; ; heavy I evrllcd biiards. Kacli apt (Itdaw.) Sheriff of J.-ifers.'n County, subject to the rcymr »r can control w1U be brought to liear. The tide of volume il'*i.‘: fa used without his consent-that bus I decirlon of maCiStcr .:o:ewi!;t •tl-;j 4;.'’?t. Kentucky Tifttus. on steel and wooil. The tin*t vohmic will — a Democratic Convention. Sec t-ard of he the N'l. •!»* “Know Thyself, Fn-c of M '-Tii.** 'irwi. I'ctfac^r. • F-jUT'k arid ; : emigration will, of course, settle along route eH(tch*huoW. r.'JWy .\pri! to I Fi.'STR the recommended Mr. Guthrie, and that it is his dc- 15th; foi!owed by l.'fe of VY. SrKL\G_G()()I)S ! Charge,'’ in another column. tiJLwtf M fi»lilneto:i. Vol. I. 15th: May Knickerb.ickt r's New Vork. /u. -1 i^OItRF.L of tue road. Settlements wiU be rapidly 1 HOUSE, blaze in the face. * yc.xr* I.OF IwVILLE formed, sire tlvu the delegation sh.all work iu faith June 1.4th. and <*ihcr volum’-s Iu mcce«sIon ever,* * Ol’I'irVLIAisriTl TE, good m iuth .ecW old. harm** marked, two or three whit- feet. until l etmt. unde,- th,- JOHN completed. Mai .\atu,rud 1/ -tel, BAKROW, Villages and trading poau wUl aiTing up. I.NTEHEsTrNO I'lirMP. elippfd his halter on at Mi--k, te JetC- Com- to secure for him'the nomination. Mr. Breckiu- to THE L A DIES I — SPRING AM) » 1 Chdnut street on Eriday. Fourth '‘treet. A..A.A.- tlieietii nil. ei - y Store. N'lrthxf'ft comer Sercuth and Market «t«„ I W ill attemp'!. unles* lak.'n up. to Si-RiiEn Goods. apt- polcTifent fi»r LouUTiIIe iflTtrson mnniues WiU be orgauized. .And iu a lew years rirlge — artin k I mmliaugh. successor* to .md county. (>'t t ) house near has couslderablc strength with the Peun- i my O'ltaimoii's st.ilinn. Any inf rma IMPROVE YOUR EVF as last returnerl fromtoe E-iat with a Urte and aiden* vLanb. t; in r-gard lo him w iU auitobly Martin & Penton. have now in store the largest and .V ftinall consUnno'Ut of choice brands I m he rewardeil. , did ase^*»rtmv*nt ofuew ii'»oda. auitahla to the tCfasoo, a half dozen States, with slavery excluded by sylvania delegation, and afso in some of the f*-r «i!« ap4ai4wi -;s- yit, PIOHT-E. SINCERE. H hy HP<; II. I). f:. D. rOREE. ' cni.MStluf iu pari of— M:\Vr(»MH .s; I Ko. .e.’i • Scleiitlfic most kcantiful stock of Fancy and bt.-iple Dry (tuods —. Ln nn.l Proctirai the law of adaptation, aud prohiiiited by posi- Southern States. Uke Gen. Kk'h iiattcma la $Uks, fiscr; , lame, however, if OPTH-I AN. .Maker an.i - • ^F. DE K.VY—Wooing and Warring in the 4-^1 L.vw 4 ai;l>. FILVKKWaVKK— 1 have uow Wil.|erue.w— RK*b mack :?Uka; it has ever been their pleasure to exhibit, it embra- on h?»nd a vt rv Importer of the genuine Uve legislation, wiU be adinitiod into the Union, • ** r' storyof Ol.iCane-tuc.lytbyClua. D. Kirk. . /cfc nominated It will be as a compromDc eandl- yit *»f F.4N0V .\ND TLVIN / Price «1 Orrau'lle leawnm . f * Parabola an.i P.nizUian ce* everj- new fabric and stylo introduced iut‘) the KK U AUK, well f>uite<| for iiresciit* Ju*t recei) ed and for s.ate at *4 Eourtb street. ^ ^ w I*ace Mantles thusgiving, if not sooner obtained, the control a<« •ell'Kyf “ ^I’etihle SPECTACLES. aii>) Shaa-la; JOHN JONES. Jr., date. cH> HS f >r ordinary purposes. The styUw uh* F. A. CRU'IP Ktue Kiiihruidei ira, all market this sea*on—consisting in part of Rich bilk ran he 0yim iqjMWt. Trleso.'Pev, .Micre»opes, kiod.*; mucii l>ett> tt'lH I .i of the Senate, and the choice of the Executive, r ap.-rccinU d by seeing them Mi.in by descrip- ^^'bN'IKINS— The fifteenth ' La<'e«. ShawU, H-ii«ery. Parasol*; > Y VTTL'ft.YEV 1 volume Mar ne .Mr. Hunter, of Virginia, will doubtless ;• of Darlev's It A- and Opera have Robi-» of o, T, and Donuces ; elegant Printed Barege tion. It will aOord me pleacure to show TiavtherwUh full them. 1 Iu*irated Elition of Cooper * Novelsnuw Gi.t-ply of c*TAPLE and DO.MI>TIC f .r , Sur- I re^y old rsl^; TTORNEV AT LAW. Court Pi i-.-. Imui*v;2r. to those who have no regard for the Urgci-t aiMidAw >VM. KFNlrHirK. T1 Third street. U..1 DKI'iMhHM. K- » .1 the Southern t ote but the effort Rohes ; Pine .\pplo. Grenadine. Anglais. Organdie new 8ul«criin-rs, at Fourtli Mrect. ^,'rt'rs^,'rt'rs- » ..mpaa*-e. — to fully M - . i.oij, . .ai^iP and V rlvr frompl atteatiuD lo l.cgU In fiCtereeriMnetiaDally found In a ftrat-clasa boine, ’.i<.iiie>. 'qe « m I »P» F A. CRUMP. »•) kinds of rsl, itf Conatitntion, and love the Luiun only KEOKNTLV KFrKlVMia veryheauti- Agent -v'ti. Utt L..uotviH«. ami ib» Court - I Ap;e t;-> -i». :-2 unite the South on him has failed several aud Jaconet Rohes, from 5 to 14 fl'innces -, Rich I'rint- _ which I will fell low for cash. Itf — Souih- f SlhVF.lt ~ NiirToJIw ~ M-itiiemaUc-l. JOHN BAkKoW d>oLll) TF\ >t:i\ ftlfto a ?OLn>>IL- , ,, and Phy- VJt ^*„*'‘’,*^**!!* BO<)K^H*ah-tt's Table Talk—Opinions on al cal uvIS d:^ as it confers benefits i^>on them. These cd Organdies aud Jaronot* English Bareges—plain \ Eli (iV.sTUi I I nynimen;*. era States being unwilling to eater into the ar- ; Tl'RENK. 1* It.inks. ilcii .and Things. I'VRD. J vois. .‘lO. .\UT1F1C1.\L EVF.S inserted without *l»idiw M M. KENDRICK. :i Third i-t. aM causing p.aln are purposes aud embroidered—Buff Pink aud Blue Organdies anil 9K ILirleti * .xpiritof the tVge. or Contemporarj Portra'.tr. the which the Bla< k Bipublieans rangement. Whilst I P-hl.l.'S or Parahol.i Gtasees s-l to old Frames. }J'“.VI1 JOS^TSOW Sl greatly admire the Uieuts Price 41 i). POPIL Chintzes Printed Chintzes fV W.kT< 1IE.S AND JEM-ELRV-lliautiful a'vlca kinds of Matbeuiattcal aii.l OpU.-al Iiutrumeutii repoire-i GREAT : rich French Poplins, in BARGAL\S~ have in view; and their course has, far, ; so sliown of .Mr. Hunter, Ui^ of Kripllih Hii'l tiemran Beauty. I y Alexandt r Walk- .lu-l A r T o K i: Y s r genuine Deraocnicy, and his ?.‘V>v Watuhea, in roM and *ith iieatuess dijp itch. Orders fr.im the country N A i. ,\ w , great vari' ty; Traveling Iir<'-* Goo«U. in new- and i^dver ca?»e*. t> whhdj 8peri.il er^>f *i)"*’»i promptly that they t atp nt’oii H liivl attended lo, E, SINCERr7 Littfp Ko*.’k, have adopted his pz.licy in good faith, noble advov-acy of Southern rights, it. .id's Whims, *c. 1125. IrW. yet I aiu eoii- d; lUMi a Urire variety of r hialus arid Jewulrv of apJ dly Main rtreot. un.ler National Hotel. 's'autlful f.lbric^ ; real Manchester and Dre-s Ging- _ BLlfK AND l;*t hi J'lsl received and forsalc at *1 Fourth street FA.Ml DKESS SILKS! 1^-: b'olieving it practicable, aud that, as far as in them ^traiIled toizelievo juft rc'eivcd. and to «l»ich I a.u mokli.b* te- his uuiuinaciou would ; be un- luirn*; underrianed will hialarr** stock of Imtfr o!e. Ky.— Meear*. H ju. f. •> Alexander's Kid Gloves ; Hosiery, a lull stock quent udditioUK. Call and examine at .. _ F A. CRUMP RLACK and »t A 0 . I Tariil* A Fancy DRK.'*S at fire weSl A S-.a. Lrac...a* U-s. they will press it to its consummation. They fortanatc aps d.tw W.M. Kh.M>ltKK3*, 71 Third atrt*ct. or Water Kateit. twenty pt-r cent. l»*a 1 ers DaUiel Uoo. « for the i«rty. He ha« no strength (>f English makes lliack Silk Mantles ; aud Bornours; BVAK .YOTH'F:. T a inectiug of Gie B.'a--d eisewhere. Ah»*» a full -tork of >l M- (pilthrie. j of Diree-lor* of the Lon!*. may succc-d in the legisUUou they projsjee in NIleK DilEt'^S whatever in the douluful States in the North, spring Shawls, entirely new stylo*; Lace Prints: V vide Water Company, held on ThurSilay, 29th March, (Mh)DS, ahi'*h he will sell at rery l*»w i thought, almost certaiulv losi Bornours and Mandarc*ent: While tioods. ordered to be piit.l'isheil; m**uUon. ni'lIIE ANNUAL MEETING OFTHE STOTKIIOLDEIl.'S Call *fton and examine tor LAW PARr.M'.ltSlIlI*. cess. this session, at least, in the Senate. Embroidcriu*. lace Goods, Tl.e price charged f ir Water f.'r any qii.xiitlty les.* than ymrselrcf before purchaainir No the vote of Pennsylvania—without which Not Mitta, Fans, P.irasol* 1 of thia Bank will be held on elsewhere. MON DAY. the :ih of May- ••. ..OOO gaiion.* per day wiil l>e charred f »ur Ceuta per I'X) gal- "VAT WOLFF ! N .*. HiifB r.-*- ,vr f. -oc 1 p»x,. next. at lOo-dock A. M.. when a Southern Senator wiU vote with for and Para.-oIcttes ; Mourning Goods of Lupeu's niaii- an election for a-v. n Iff- lons .'•AM eWs R»>THCH1LI>. No. M*rkri Hp-i, .V m-mhip ii. :h« i.ra. o-- i..- them any it is impossible for the for quontitl' a overlOOO gallons, nnd be* tb,in ix'gO L ix . an . ih« Democracy u. reri.irw on the part of the stockiioldera, to aerve the eusu. dim bet. Second ufacturc; faBoii* three cnla p. r lOU g-allon*. for quantis'es ovt and Third. L iidariUe. Ky. * ‘*W b'-'U-t «f Vp.xral., hill appropriating money to a Pac ific Railroad In D)me-tic*. a general stock; a superior tug y.-ai. will take place. rdeci their candidate. In opinion, •xiSD gallons and I. tlian U'.0U> gailnr.s and tbr Fvdcral t..u-i XI t’.kt. rt. my “iVidtd M two cents |o-r IP) sl'H k of boy-' we;ir. All of which they are .9. II. nULLEN. Cari. ier. Perron* havi:.g bu-ine-x 'Ir which the Sonihcm route is ignored; wccaii oUerii;g g-all..ns, and for all over KkuOff tail ’tis 1)4 cent* per lUU r»i- with W.-lfe dart .g hi. *)». and therefore, whilst I cheerfully concede the great F.lVCl CiOOI9!!i aence at lous. Frankfort thi* * inter. wr,l-.i;i .;i .Mj U .|-t- a* at their usual low pric-es, at No. IXj Fourth street, ' ’ aalcly rely upon the cooperation nOVRRIML SPECIEIC the olBce. on Center *trex'. mar ae fer* >1. .1, of Northern ahUity of Mr. Hunter, 1 do not beUeve he wUl he TARIFF. AT Iti. ttiird door from Market. IIAUUiy (JALLEraV! .ate BO.VRDING cau )»e bad on Tiiin! street by Democratic Senators in opposition the kOth.'tgCTaocrrrtrn nr os* rawtiT oslt. to sec- nominated; and, if nominated, I would regard faoiilie* or day’ boarders. Room* furni*h' d or not. GREAT BA RG AIMS! I.AW CAKI>. Ilonse with 1 or 2 rooim, 1.5 on per annutn: tional achemea of the leaders WlIF.BE TO BIT AN OlTFiT. — M. B. Swain, HIRAM -McGEIlEFl " " * r. 6. ni'Rywinp. ..,.r. of the Northern bis election as extremely doubtful. As for Mr _ S or 1 *o (•) AA'ING determined to Hoae my preunt bualneft*. I , m. BBict'.-^ “ •• •• Late of Fraiihfort. Ky. ' It will *>ffer lud'jcvnivuts (o borcha-v rs. Jub lt*t4 L.iie .i.-ro-n, Ky. Merchant Tailor, in Ma-'mic Temple hunding, has in “ 6 or i: (M H a Douglas, it seems to he regarded as a foregoue “Tor- “ fiA) wiUhesoldlo deal**rs at ffreal barcatna. Any person de- |•lorc a superb stock of Broadcloths, Cassimercs and •' sirine l*> littohtislurmof tUi* MOREHEAD “ a** can makea fammiiie & BRIGGS, A bUl. Judiciously and carefully prepared, wilii conclusion that he has ••liiiiHT I Losi.\i; “ 9 or 10 C<) no ehanco for the uoui- I “ Vestings, of the riclo-t and mo-t elegant styles, and m" “lloriJ lid O') Auorofjs a view to •• It) aod louisfllori at Uw, obviaUng the Constitutional objections inaiiou. His largest vote in the Convention wil! "Mori 111 snitahle for the sca-on. He is al*o re<-elving “ •' “ hi* an- l.'i or li’. 112 00 "• L«H*iVILLi;. of a few Soulheru S. nators, " fr-dtf KV. giving aid to two Ite on the first balJot. After that his bni.portcr- “ 17 or IS “ SI3 uO «ThiTdU.-ext_ nual supply for spring and siimiuer wear, w-hich is s«- ’• - AJES.xR.RS. MOREHEVDMGREIIE-VD ERDsi*.**ERlt....t X..-I•.'.*1 “ Ivor 20 •• 4A irmtirelawlnaw In roada, one of being IU'6 lHirl*»efFh>piD the 4*rt> them over the Sonthcni will begin to desert him, until he is timdiy left Ic" led with especial reference to M C. ?i-id lnf*»eulr ft- i*l the ta.*te of his Lou- House with roanbb|4 0iiloii8, red yellow, FLOOR OIL tL0TH>! Utr Feirrii C*’i?rL» krl*: i*. Fr w-x'* rv route, are and just received ti . ual fatuUy In a house extra per we confident might have been passed with only a “conKjral’s truard.” isville patron*. A perfect lit guanuiteed in all eases. U annum In the abveucc of wu« a re;.uner Ilisfruudsap 0 and f^r e tP' by ENGLISH vrt VET of either wiii secure tu# BATHS. CARPETS; after non of b*»th. through the present Congress, and would have pear by Geiilb'mcn's Furoishiug G'»od“. iu great variety, can N. S*. (ihOUh k CO.. No. 21 Fourth atrect, VELtrr TAPE'TKY CARPETS; no means confident; and, as they goner- Prompt aiientionalTenlo thecnar^!Q street, betweeu h'i.tk, received the asaeut of the President: bn: the ally iHilong Spring and with. .lit •• C enter mnd to the spoilsmen, w hen they dise-over ! Summer 12 00 ENGLISH BRUS-SKIc*; r.l.T roT.^Tt'K-^— 10 l-bN choice ^wcet Futatoefii “ OLD policy of the dotnlmant Public eacii tub 115 00 per annum. THRFB PLY CtKPKr.-*. party in the House b«- . »lore au pavemruts anil FLOOR CLTiTHS 21 FEFT M IDI-Y cut to wit any Harne.* anti Trunk burini'.., with Mr. U. l>roal, No. ‘r tiiai'F* Hall or Hoon wUbout kiaa to purehaaen! | Di’.y M inr 2.) froQt feet r The nomination, it is generally couce>dod. is every aildiTiooAl 10 fi’tt Jailoriiifi ami -:i TuirJ street, b<-twcvn Main and Market, I would just to Idu, oO ceuta; for t very 10 fvvt CANTON MATTINGS. RED. CIIKi'K and PLAINTrillTE, ^urubliinq. , H arrived aud'fur^r by' [ postponed the eonsnmmr.tion of the great enter- to the Skjuih; over lU), 2jceots* t*> iMf only used f»r one hour before m 4-4. aud b-4 wide, at all prievf to auil purchasem due and, if a Southern man is bi? pleaded to luive fricudd luid fiLOIlE k C<). ^ my former patrons to o'clock Ui the mnriiinf for the whole year, anti forone prUe of the to boar day some indefinite future period. taken. It will be either Guthrie, AV—:00 tons prim** Timothy l>t^f«>re»> o’chtck Li tue evetdnf, fr*»ui C. Dl'VALL At Hunter, or b'ive DM a call. Thev shall find us ever readvaud | J Mav. in splcndidshipplDf.' HI March l.* the Ift CO «9 537 .Maio Miret. r\RP. *1 order, in WHreliou.be and r>r .sale by September, and one hour before 4 o’clock In thcevcaliur —Jaw n w.k# Jo.*, are now ickllna dally lo f>«ir stock of >>•« «»'-« of these wiUlDjf, With an excidlcnt aUx k of to please ( from Ht Sept 'Uil>er to W^K CARPETS, aving RrTTRNFD fr*»m N. t*. iihuKL Co.. No. ; Foi»ri!i COST FOH 1st March. sfw 3*grk ittth \ k 2 ftreet. ASH. «r The last new. ?rom Europe pre tiv cl.-ar- FLO for other |iurp<'ses to be subject to aaa.’Mmcht. H soi*vrb sicua i.i LADIE.’' aND HKN'lf.MKS d Sfntlemen Mr. Guthrie would be I hope by strict attention to bUMincMM to rr- Kiver^ low pricea. as I'lw aa the a;ime claas of the most ac- Carpeta cau W pur* FI RN|:»|||Ntf 'ir ly indicates that Taa.-any, AND F\Nl’\ *uJ.i f,. 'pe«‘tfii*ly Modena. Parnm, and W ATER CLOSET!*. cha ed in dXky uf the Eaatcru marketa. ' Invit*:.* eelve and merit the patrou:i;;e of ia« faUcf4U;»n »*f s^y ui.f*i.»,:ter* iT: * .•- * Northern Democracy, ray former i-ar-tom- VEWew 3TVLEtfTVLK PCFFPUFF DIMO.M SlllRfS—SlllHTtf— j w e\ ..ttloa f the Bomagua would Private WaG'r Closets 1J c. pctallaco. my jielecrion, wiU be annexed I OOextraiier annum. consBsClnaof a*! to Sardinia aud cr*imd also to N Ju.t opened at asuuly kru: ia a * add many now ones. AatUe bnslucas l\«EUS0\. BERliV 10.. ihiblic. Hotels. Ileatauranta. Ac., 00 Furtn-^hi:.a Store— that Nice ‘“^rcr vote in the doubtful Slates, ’j“3i:'AR%I?rR0N.:-.-f.J .M. AKMsrR0NG'.3. r.-»; be coDdocted ander my MUperiutcnJence, 1 will .'-IXE DUK,^^DUE.si AND.KSif FltocKFRIH K COATJ<—COAT.-C- j Milkt* ol‘ every De'teripiion, new •' 4’; “ “ rillb. ® I public, uO LiiW Threft-I. Merino .'•nirta i*nu l/rawerst dinian I'*' Ju--tJust received at ! Kingdom, wUl be ceded to France. ilw-ayebeready to wait upon them in person. Smlas -MA^OMt rSMIsDIVCiiS N05V OFFERED ARMitRaINaTr CHEAPER Tll.VN EVER BY Mik. Thie:*d. Mrrino au«lC**U kj u< se lod Hail 12; ar. He will, in my judgment, during ail M ARM.^TR0N0'S. STABLE.-*. The people of the Italian Duchies and of the Ro- Dewitt. m3 dim ROV,'L>"Ytf' CLOTHING- 4'. Dl VALLdkt O.. Ki*l an'1 neuver •:! *ves -uid ••a.intleL*; I Corner of Fourth and Jefler^o Lirery and private, per hurst-. 00. baUotings, olztain a larger — J> Full stockflock all 8izc«.size*, at ^|lk. Threiid. Eerilu, a::dD>'C ?klaiiiovts; wgna have voted num- For C.irrlagt' an.i Buggy, II (*). •p3 537 Main ttreet, Louiavillc. Ky. ^t•k, upon the quesliou of their fu- J. M. ARMj*TROXG*S Lbieu end La«a Il4r..4a.4r'!u<*f«; r;p-\Vherevcr it Ua« been introduced, Vulcan- ILivlos determined to bring lhUfteftaoo*e bualDets to btal'b-t for Wurabi r'ea, per hone, II 50. N’onhem delegaUons tliaii ^aloth.-.iLOTiu ca.«. Fotomar Shall! ''“‘“Hdatc from tlie South; bilk, M-rinow Ro(w declared for annexation to Sardinia, and, if the ^J. M AKM.'TRONO-,'*. COFFEE HOL'fiEd AND RE.-*TArR.VNTS. and Oil rriat and their approbation. \Ve can recommend it aa |)Os*csslng * ShtMtlde*- Ap<'»,p,; Upp«.«itv the National,Nationat. AT TUE Bra4*-s and M* Bel:>; “o “‘orc ; he -^ONDAV, 3d April, I 8 « Not lesi than 120 nor more than 176. < 0 whm, thus exprosaed, wiU certainly be decisive the following advantages over every other kind of , Pura>*«. P‘*rt-M ( Rnl CMejandB'Vg;:. : kRE.'su gidjd.-— '"'ght that the Northern Democracy | BAKKRIEu. Gold, peart. *uer day fur i> .noDtlw. 1-23 Hie candidate should be entire satisfaction of all their patrons. A'l’ not less than nor selected iron, Wc wonld i jU i1oth) bi-Irk'"Id.'kck ^'''do!**"'do; C’OS'U cash: J. r. sHscziZoSa. Nice and Savoy art- coveted by France; and FOR more t lion 6100, according to aiae of jet. luu do »trip-dstrip**il plaiil HFTll STniOrr. BSTWErj*! MAIN and MARKET. North, that the Southern aay to thoae who are interested, call at tbclr office on !!"! and plaid Bareges;Bareger; Democracy should ‘i*' ALL OF LATE IMPORTATIONS LATEST .STYLES, P> ofeeatunal - though they are the ancient heritage ItW100 do Taiuurtinf,1 AND Office* and Sleeping Roums, 13 00 per an of the Klii" J . . amurtins, hirhhirli colon;culurs; f. mini. H.AMS, UYx'JTER.'f IN MERCHANT ruth street, next door atho'lral, TUE SHET.U AND POTi»MAC TAILOR, consulted as to wlio m:iy lie their choi<-e for to the and examine SO do do, hlu-zk;hlu'^k; AVhicii of Sardiuia. it U beUeved he haa agoented to the must be sold immcdiatel)'! STORES. ( Sll.kD iuat rvt'circd hr Exprns. Also Jack Snl|»r. Tt F*«urth street. specimens. All other dental luO «lo colored CrvprCrepi-^ MareU;Maretz; bet. M irketand Ma.r. operations are j-erform- j}" Ducka. Si.rta.: Chick* tia. Squ-i^ia. i tiwnslcr; **** Prc-iideuey amoug t he Noriheni Democracy, oO ti<> itla«'kn"ai'-k'^'^ ilu; Dry Onod*. Hardware, Book Store*, and others of a aim- Ac., all f and after a treaty has been negotiated which will be 8*T veil up at my lUttaurani or teat to^rivate ed I in a eareful manner. jJltf Juit rec.-Ivedrer»’Ived andaud f «r»r sateea!e byhr rONSISfnNG IN PART OP liar ct.aracler, fr.ini 1»j cO to 110 t-0. Iwonldremark,cus.’s In superior style. between the cabinets of Paris and Turin, —- ajs-.dAK-aiMl diw JAMt.3jAMfo^ LowL()\V4C0.,k CO., HsMainitreet.41m Main itreet, Grocery and Provision Sp.r. a from l.'t 00 Pi O.li'l 00. the r3T*U<‘-tria. Parties, and Private FamiUet can be snT*pUcd waieo o< Schools, .Vsyluins, Hah.* and Church^ 1.) 120. idiito i:*uie« :a« a:t* fiti tn or 4" *•>«; be-if tbc arguments advanced in favor I NEW AND ELEGANT SILKS, from 15 00 He quesUon will doubtless of CTELl.vTFLLA sii.\M'L.'^l«)!-teiiaSil.WVLS—;!PU {•Udla shawls,Shawlti, a-u-oited.ftii-woi-ted, jusi »nb tlie ab«jve ai abort notice. C. C. RC4 ER. - be submitted to the vote Moobb’s Fortune's Home.— ifth street, be- ju-t re- Piiniing 'ninc.'S from (K> to 1^ Ou. «*plciuljd ar—f.faieniof !i4«HKai.'dfariN W. W. \V »U3 ^ S Ccivedceived amiand furMh*forf-xU* hy *'* ^ Bx—X-.*wark Crab Cider and freah Conyrefa Waler a# LNitier. w«rraut<* against tlie various asjfironts for the Presi- St-am Engines, per burse power exerted 10 homs per , he aao(*dfit laevcrypartict^sr »t :.iir of the tween Main I' i>eople of those provinciw, aud there is and Market— near Main—where can be ap-i'lawap»i daw J.XMKi*J A.Mih* CO., tis41P "i jua* reoelveit laU no LOW 4k Main street.street.’* RICH Wit MEDIIM ilRUCVDKK CHEIKf*. day. 1‘i 00. and re fasonai*ie prices. naiin The strongest I *^^***^J’' and most formidable ar- had tickets, shares, and managera' certificates, ' Blacksmith Shop*, per fire, 12 OO. reason to doubt that the reault in the //iINfiHAMS—IXGH.AM.-*— ! will be in ac- And in 4, 5. 7 and 9 Volantes; WHITEH .X^H HRl’sHEk Ac^-^ 3 cooes Munohcfter I resorted to to defeat Mr. Guthrie is that I-opnlar Shelby t'ollogc Lottery of Kentu' ky. City VX Check (iloirtiAni; MASONRY. f T 50dotoa Whitewash llrushea, ten different sixes; A. W. aOATB, cordance with the wishes of the ji do wJiIt :' ALSO. CHECKED AND SOLID COLORS. IN VARIETY. Emi>erorof the M at'T T»-UTwist d.*; 3ift) do !*hoi Wetting and Grouting Brick. |.*r 1 000. 10 cent*. Bnishea, various atyka; “ Um ho,ieei; You remeinher that ancient and country merchants take dne notice of the same. 4-t 'lorcben- I do Carpet Bruaftcs Late of tbeinuof J. U IwpnsF* y v.-y... priocipuIC :i ’ FIVE, and wise, will receive prompt attention. Addre.-'s, O. J. Jus',Jus*, received and f.>rfor talesale byhv SEVEN. AND NINE V0L.ANTE?. BARBER SHOPS Hearth | 10 do Finer iWnshrs; Sion =^’*'*Hiig to <«tmcisc Aristides ter In ituu il> .e^v, upon thia proposed cession to France »l-<>apodiw<14w JAME.-JAME.' LOW 4 CO..Ct).. llsNaln11* Naln street,street. Forsale at manufacturers’ prices at Ihe WOrtfr Moore, Louisville. jan-J dly Woodeawart :Rort, vll raspectfuliy laf rn. SD friendt and is* ‘bat he was tired of hearing him called “The j J. B. No. SM Maiu Mreet. pu’iiir aenerauy. that be ha» u>ken an.1 r-fine*i hut, whUe some of them wiU probably ex- I ORGANDIES, n.-** ap3 between Tliird aud Fourth. Fourth >treot. )*eiwe*n .M .rN«t .(«*«.«d to same objection to Mr. Guthrie. on baud a very large MIRIE. Wh'd^aale ConfL-ctloner. favorhun with Ueved, wUl positively object to the arrange- assortment of cabinet furniture Liquor dblllb-d. lUreDtS. 1J call. ;usd that ; DEMOCRATIC TICKET. ) a he will do his atas* xi u> please ycu Fruiterer. Ac.. Ac., No. jO Third s(re *1 ‘ ***^*^’* of every description at wholesale Barcgcri Aiig;lniM, Wuhtkj rectifi-d, 3 cent*. cut W' »ttit the vU*»i«):.ter. aud retail, ciieap A Bnrefte “ I a llica«raii* ment. But whatever objeeUons may he “ “ hP**! near .M .Ain. uiged, For,t bid ‘ ach Vluecar in ide. 5 cents. teeil in all Thankrul lor rx'«t favors wouki rope^ f')r cash. Their motto is P'OR UOIM'II^ Cliene. Brocatle, w f'Uthrie's record, we quick sales and small profits. and Solid Colors. Alcohol. CampheDe. PpiritGao. 4r., lucenls. fully sotU'it afav'Utiussnre 'f tl»e Sardinia and the people of the provinces cou- **‘lTirriHICHARDapd KNOTT.nv tt FIGS—OOU drums fresh itaiyraa Figs in store and ) ' quantity aaceitaiuvd by oath of parties applying for th« janaiitif “**"bt neutraliz*' Recollect the No*. 50*J and 3(M. Market street, betw'tten JT fur sole low hy A. W. It.UfH. No. )««i Fourth «t. the effects i 1‘OPLI.IS'. POPLI.XK'rrKH, aenting. the Utter will be of this a;ut by tweariug that he was as had 1 FOHFOn NIGHT \VAT«\VATril1I\.\_till \.\- ! FruiU'rer, Ac.. No. fin Third strt- t. Switzerland, however, which has the greausl and as C. C. CAiaPBriXOm ' Titos.Tiloff. McELVOOCE.MiELVOOCE. WELLSMOItTED. For average number of rooms Iu use per year. p<’r lacb ap3 above Main, west ade. T , r‘ i ... I ‘“•’’’“P* “* body; but the difficulty is that no- aptatri'itc'He poosible interest in the Monet Loanbd. ) room, 11 50. preaerration of pre«- ! — adiee or gentlemen rwiuir- the ' lace.i:a\tlkk *|'.4KLEFKriT—<0. w-saaiK. V T marked t . 4 M., brought lo jt* rrrvl) '.n., dirrt^ “V-m Httihrie, to obviate the office. Ibi- port from ."t Louis apt ft-w iloon sbovr Mato. >oiJ New T.rk, • frw-V. *tot:k objection 511 .Market ! protest against made agiiiust street, between Second and Third. by sleSnsrPrsiritsteamer Prairie Hose. SPKLVG AND SI APIER H RAPPINGS! Not leas than 11" nor more than 1100. CLOrii!!. ca.s.xI.';swl.x. fonual their proposed kt- 1 j to France. The posseasionof i PARAsOLn. FAlJi. LACE MITTH; Savoy by France ' MiK.REHEADM. PIll\T«*: MERCHANT TAILOR, ^ about taxing Icsa nor more than my Ingenuity to sec if I -A— years old poiit, with it blemish in the right Not tbantIO ON). pleasure In annAnncine the ladies that she ally of keeping up a standing army for their own eye- L\Ci: AMIKMUItOlItEKIEiw. COHstK’rM; * a.'.'re on the inside of right A hris returned from the with a « hoire and •wlecte*! <»>> his political the ancle. .A lll'eral reward BRICK YARDS. Jefferson sartaft, >>etwe«n, Tbir«i ned Fonitb. build up prosperity by n durlng will he given Gi «d04*kof DRFn< TK1.MMING.'« and FANCY prot-ctiou. The Pope wiU not consent to On the Sill inat.. Mr. Dx.mfx Kxaskv, any one either ilelivrring '•rgltltig inf.ir. IIOwlEKY.tJLOVKsi. HOOP ruts, to each Uuifw prepared to make op DRK.n^ES aud M\NTI.ES of politicians.- Ua ag.'. me or at Leri’* l.lverr I Trolly ImiMlMfine, all uQ*l auft.:*l#4. annexauonof CenUalltalytoSardinfa; faille. the latest P:irb riylee. and extend* t*» ber patrim* and the ! apada- W M. An.i a complete LAl'N'DRIFg*. herdn* FOWLER. assortment of Studies hb* uwa ImrrtriC wul wtay awfty. )>ot ««u Tua..\i( Tlie fun<-ral Kill take place tliii (Friday) afternoon, .1 cere during the conversation to which I have al- at thnoks for the past favors, audsoUcits a ctmliouauce will Not lees than 320 nor more than HOP dei4ij faiHl h.tve the -.ih** >lber to L«.»a;.:y hi*. : ur- n Cath.dicGovemmcnts be aaked to maintain of the oftiue. wub | o’clock, from the rciidence of hi* ton ln.la*-, William UA.1K OK I.Ol l(*’l ILLK, dtf *"‘*'*'*’ ^ d “* -'H. Guthrie's history; •MALTING. ahauiK'iue -ult uf vlothr^ Ue b.^ everrthiutf Uut x jeni the ' how l)(I.MI-:sm' Papal authoritv in Romagna, with what sue- Cron’.ey, on Eiglith street, between Orayw-n and Walnut. APRIL a. ]-0>. AM) SKliVAXTS' wauH lo beaorify hi* t'cn»on. He mill aufarauiee a lit to U.tlf cent for each bushel naltcd. NB-W TORK T7FB rOUNDBT,' ME't b® bad sUrted in life a poor 1k»v, witliout friends The friends riMIE SHockh'iIdera dlMay7 CHS. TjILDEN, Caabler. ALLOF1VHICH WILL POHITIVELY DE MILD CHAS. T. WHITE A CO. IHiO. iiPl^NG. iNGa. ^ The Not leM than 125 nor mure than 1100. Udpated; and should such occur, the coiise- fun-rat wUI take place to day nt 3 o'clock. ATI'E.ITIOV bim coiitldently aud triumphuntly, C A Barfistown siapi-r pleaa- copy. T.4NNERIK*. quences. Important as aflectiug the cau,cofman- AT cost: Thre ilollari per vat, provided no Hcease .sliali issue for C. LIGHTEN Sl CO., '‘Ould Guthrie sUrt on noth- Southern and Western Merchants! lex* than 115. kind, and involving greater interests than can A SD .vj.v}' a ooi)si{t:nA hulkss of cost. BOOK, NEWS, JOB, KtiiMveta iurona tbiir cu-to: ;en Slot tn* Iratlii Gil* Works. Soap anil Cuntllg t ‘u'"'™*-*- b>rtunc he now |-os- AND ALL 0THER.S IN GUEST OP Xlaonfart.irl'-a, Foundrlea, B coiaiuuatty .-Micr t’Jy, thalihvir « x k of Mosouanig well be conceived of, can sc«-celybc guessed at. Tobac. ) Factorlf*. P. rk H.>u*w. Butcher E-tabU-hments. A.^9 without being as rascally as poUliciaus Book Bindene*. Packing Ei.tabU*hment*, St-la Factoriea C L O r H 1 A F.uro]* will be looki-d for CABPETS. CUHTAIXTB, D.\DIFSC’.\N HFItY News from during ON and all .>ther use* of water uol included in the abuve hat j FANCY TYPE, ' tuliject tu assessment and special contracL the next sixty day* with unusualinleresL 'll h"' I.l.NL.N GOODS, G-XXX3 A-l* X3-A.X1.G-.A-ZX^S ... »P3>l'i * The contested election rase of Chrisman and A. HARRIS. Pres t. BORDER!*. ORNAMENT.*!. BR.4.<* TIIF: F'Hl'RTII to their Sense*.— he Rotheater (N. Anderson ha* not yet been I HTRFlFiT I'VRPflT VND IIOI Prrw^^C hAnPE . permanently !«K^.lr In .Ntw York ' ^ who ruakea It ;ilft liuiorUllBrtvlvtpeeMla^lur^t’eSouUtern. F'I . e-pec;.*l liia^ua'a* t«> iu4>-ri' speaking and ill fira pfOUR Fl'Ois’fJl and Weet- hmkiiixu kyohe: i^«te erere T.) Democrat, a K^ pubiicsn paper, of w probably not be considered for some BOOK BINDING! REA^iONABLB TERM;*. novelty, as wcUlu material FOR 9ALX rrON TUB MOiiT j m m style, .a fai.cw tutn then^ stock. railroad, says; time, li will doulitles* Ik- j the operations of ih<’ underground ; ih« last <«se di*j»osed “ lYl'IftXC THE THIRTY DAV.-ME It (YE MARSHALL & DICKINSON, been ti-sleU A cjmpkta. ' MADE , i.xSY' R ^ I Onr “I.MPROVKI) Metal,” havlnir wiqi.-uMrto6eoa«cUonot rvm vari.Tixti rmax.) ont the country, and prononncetl , ti,e Hou*e, there is a higlicr trihun.al—the ix ople XV' E hare on hand and for shH at tffv low flirurra. one them— y it CSeluaiTi ly in •^«eV''g'TV to IlcMe-.. cIi.. tu dimatc i* against them, and it docs wliieh lie t Prices uniformly as bur aa any other Xorthcad thrner Thirtl and T (if the Ani'St and laritfsi si<>cks of all grad a of— DfRABII.ITT, we .'U'C DOW nsinR Lorwga'th .1 ^ _u, au eouliaeutly and Slrt market Market dreeU, 1 suecessfullv i not offer a proliiahle field to their industry. The HI TE 4 .-MAl.l. W' Main -treet. CAHi'ETlNU; *^-‘*^ ^^'«'‘—‘^ -'rM«i.m.tir.fibt*r.... aiqieal. OB.SERVF.R. the mumifaetnw of oar Tyi>e. and inrite printer. I youug fell dim 3dp ap5 three doora wewt of the Hank of l.'initville. LOI IhllLLK. KY. FLOOn oiL CLOTHS; m-gro w-ho I Brooilway crossed over yesterday will he M,U* RrO"* DF-®YlllirTION OF BOOK AND MATS; to test it by RiTiiur na a triiL fortune if : able to earn a bftter living thau he ' 4 5*4. ^4 hi'wt hit** M'lltfox; , ,, a' , r'.\ \ uuNs at KNosrsz*. £ BIMH.NO exccatcl at short notice, and 4. and U Canton S' (M ()"riII\(T* at i bi'4v'nt upon apTiic-ttion Baltimore, or secure .mv more of the real Id any style dvair<'.l. 44.5-1, aud rt-lb St Cbd’k do du; A Specimen Book wil! \ lx Ji H \ lx S BUOK'-KLLKRt., lb .|o nRtk AT A* for the i«oor old Comict'Saiid Hand*; all klnda of Lim-nOonds; man, he will fare iMporUre of Knroi.eaH LiUrrture T. I, JEKrERSON. *y“liLANK llOOKfi Dio.le to or.|. r. mTl'il^ii necessary to fit out a Printing and , Uil of all arlU lea . . *P-’ comer First an.i Markel -treet*. And eTvmhhiK Iu the House- Furnlaliinc tint-, frmn tbs ^ , . ^ . SCHOOL BOOK.N. i txcorseticorge .M.iciii.VKs. A BLANK liOoKff. lowest id thi fliirtst «4 Ufalliniat- Mail*JUUiis a»daad StemdSeromi fr-c-fr.fr-c-to. .Mar per Ir se, in nl.ire with much care. wef*‘eliuff saline thal we cau plcaa« i TbU fS'lIEiindersinied. Mlulster* and L..rnienof ibeMctho. kel ou.l Preston atreeU. an.i f..r - ile Luul*Tille, Ky. ajih d4rdim by »pb G W'. iiA. ITS r'xBiiu.. X. .1 : 1 *. w_- wa.ga.ttx.' Ixgfafatnrc of y-** SY PERSON hnt'tliig a N'.de against me for »::w. More and f »r by JEFFERSON ST., IimvEEX THIRD AND FOURTH. Ken- cnmli'Mlii* In I in*iiieautifui''in'ptidlr. iTOieof maiinKe- the j met at — '11 of Miirc.i la*I. ar-. heri-byb^’ cautioned U .11. ,11 ALO.NK, AKont. rtit'-h. not to tradetraile ,Si>iifa eide Jfii4r( ment.irdtbe ••treiirtli .iiid el«»ticilynf it* unite to Mtine, / 'IIIN'.V HEMP HKED— Ift. bu*‘'el». TtNOENT NOI.TF, frourriy Buis .fAre. l.y ef Motet treet,etreet. memoteeeeud deer eter*ebere Third, . a* I IhelueitampiouHamptonHamilton House,iiuu&e,iuHouse in v(.< atietuhurg,aiieilsburg,atlettxl.nm w claim an ofl'set of $'/, 50. warranted genuine FOR OFT. on Monday J^.«END A rilH'l'LAR niT dly KXmJXO I byaiiy In ' rrnd«-it.tn'>ur..|dni..n.a M»chin« uu«in.«.-ed 1 frrsh Pldiia Hcii.p .'ee.1. in st'.re an.i r>r -ole l.y Fyl:") Kciir-'g out of Hortrusia by Oontrntlon. OLf- «•« cunfidi-iitulll JAPOn snifSTI'R DEALKRi* I.M last, mod designatedderignoted Catietlsburg thy n,»rkvl.»!id our »bl' b feel »Irt oU- apt; <; W I .‘.fillAW. * Jr".-4 \ i K. i.y Witgner. out ..f FU.bl by luiiH.rt*'! Lv* a* the mostti.™o Malnsirett. PL OF \lt\ I ‘ Irfoctionto iji»-lio maypiirclia** sndnse it NEW W EllTIMAG. viatiiaii. B.4) IIIt K, by 'Igoco., out uf Irau- Carpets. OU Cloths, Mattings, . , , . , .Jr |! ,\ •uiuble•uitable and convenient point forfr soleiole LvL»v uear Har.lxtowu. tJiv fnrmvr at 115 th'' RI’fLS, }>II R-4TEre«elven and BOOfA .‘vAiioy’ " B.V^IIAW,B.V^IIAM*, 5H.5H ' latt. r at pMl AND AHttlft*. eomitriauig overv SWI w ftp< Market atreet. I>#tweefi Flrht'aml liVnok. Main str<*eWstn eW rant apace* at Uie cilv Pu-luntcc, ami will sub-rent tu mer 116 G) in.urg. Thexe liurxex oil thoroughly and foah- ihuig ia their I th^the pubUcpublic buddingsbnildinf^s shallehall be erected. eliaiite and (.ther bualiie*s men room for their cardo, clrcu* are rMl nc ibr Men’a, VuaM'a fWl 403 tHREN AI*J*LE?*—6U bbift fine ^EEP COnV—nurc. rlp^ and prime selected loirihly I'ved. anti .ure and xu[.erior f.»al letters. I. TK.tbK. sill otter the eotire stock now on band at ,^^mMls*b*a*, Chtlflrcn’s axwl «enr.’ |i„«dw’^y, New York Annlfs re- Field Corn, lar*. .tc. . :^r*bota' f reived per aiftilboat sale Uy In store and for sale by For further particular, a.ltlri'** soil greater reduction front the 1.mixr low piioes he boa whica they bnd mnde to order, ami on n* ’*i ( and for Thi* infrie of *drerli«!ng is adopted , ibeir e«nerin) a** in ntherlarw.' cUI'*i btx-q wiling nrw? B.V'JMAM'. ,51fl at Ptwchaser* arc invited tt> rxairine bcf>r« I terms as win snahle si >!^>t9wnhy t^TbeThe Ensum.-H-rt,£it>iUr& ; *!*<*?>, puldishcdinthevi-jiuMiiihcd in the JOHN a'JNVDFri 1 n>. w. Main rire*t. ami f .UD.I greatly to the advantage tbeu> to Rif all rrders vl- of all those availing . , M\n,7M wI^a^^ buvine el«)wbcrv. fi. li.vRtiLR. kftb rrters. :,'.Zk cmity of the themselves of it. Chargea moderate. ^bouuAkLn*' litriLcb, aauuuucc bAMlLV FL<,)t'R-IIimt' r'* P.if|..m, .Mills, n.:i dtf 107 Fnurth street. Lt'iiisviUc. UutIbat i Boone and CFEI»NW»ET PoTATOK-t-Priine and fr.-sh Ky. sE.YD tOR Seed Sweet Ay ly to r. A UKCLL-YRf EBERIIARD I ItAwlAwl fahi qoku** J i^Uicr favorite brands, for sole by ^ Potatoes cuunlaully on haml and for side hy Olfice on Jeffers, .n street, between TUrd and Fourth, stcaiucr Vv. Thomas itn.l for sale by UFAR—attbiafa prime to ehtilce xiig.tr frr sale bv ' r - lu.t JOHN SNYDER j N. Whisky received amt by ^ opt ' A CO. U. W. BAifUAW, Sill Main sUest. evor Ncedbom'tlUrble Works. («14 lUui 29 E. BCaiAKD, Me. »M Mala lUect. S aJF CA6iL£iu:i A TGfttirr. Jb W. A U.UCBJUL4JU>T.4i; Market slissfi. T — E I ; ; 1 B I 1 — ^ T V - .

    3^pricultur keep Th>* arranifenunta for iUi> and lib- ; IIOlX-ALn RETAIL UKALtlW IN COAL, '*'***‘*® **'*'4**^®’*'. LC.\LER5 IN Groceries, Dry Goods, &c., &c., •JOHN BETWEEN" M VI.N V \D THE RIVER. LOl inN ILLE under hand the testf^ualitied lawcat market liULI^’S KV er;l allkir are progrc8..-inir ronsideraMo JOHN T. coiutahUy on aithe SoutbeiL.t €-arden and tara«« Scc>d'«», LORTON MAnvrer. Corner Main xnd Campbell streeUi. CD:ba>lasm and a general apprcriatioii cx{>ri-«a«;d M. C. lRL.Mi*Hurit Treasurer. price. foaipo-ana rm.rn of «il4 ;’ fUtrry! MHnafactiirrr> of LOim\ ILLK, ; And in advance of the occasion. There is a i>eculiar 4.»nicc*-M‘aU street, west ddc. aiid corner of Preston and ' fir Tikk— n fji’ire the doon will TIIE SE\L OF K'BLIC _ - _ - excursion, in view of the fuel ojmmi at 7, d''>m B-V-t . liii|>leiueiit». ntiicsa In tUi« that MT.shlnirton street'. decl3 APHROBATION BEEN : -l • Af;^riculttiral and the Curt.iiii will rise at T\ o’clock. SPKIMi \nL0.\S! SPPdXG W A(iO.\S! “T • T’-w- Ulilo is the only to unmistakably fixed upon thu LUllx\ILLC. Ki. the Baltitiiore and direct rail- medicbie. that the proprt- i * V I T* |— "V • I 1-3 FVHEUKLLUKNEHI OF MHS. \\ iU.EK. I*\LMi:il> TKf^LTAliLi: < (W.METK LOTION C T A 1 1 at COOX.XNG BZiUNOBN, . etorfeel.lt tobeblrd-aty to road line that ooune<‘t* Wa-hington Citv with & esU the attention olaU those I ol X U JLX' X V 37^1 -5^- tr ILLFSTRaTE;/ CATaLOGI U! aenttr loan errtu 0{M*ns the pores of tha skin, paas off 1 L XXX^X (Friday) I'VKNING. April 4lth,wi4 be pn-Aentt- aud allow) t:;at to •MAI\ • :4i-'sUvm *. **ntitlcfi ia in ihUeiM** r *iM'Fatlou uJUch wouitl otherwise accumu- **" *'' f';'' Affection# of the Lunzs or ^ « hi'cn working through fro:a the Ohio river FaCLINK. or rHt As.s*S5»i.n.s or F.« ^. *«•« aeveral sites rf Throat. Iti ba«l. ii active ' . 4ta>. w. «. ha; ihe Chatkat— u- Ihe . , 1 ite near the surfa F. !• ITirlfler of the • Lue. Mrn. Wstllcr. Il»*race de Luz«vai. Mr. WalU-r: th** rr'*at Skin liff ?.''i.'**SfiKl.AIX A CO.'S Celebrated the Wild since 18.W, tt is only within a tV-w months i«-t , rttl T principle of Cherry Bark, hut it contsLu.. aI#o. In AGENTS,AU-iLiN 1 3. i S:heiik: Madamf* fir N**rv*»l. Mr?*. LI* arc. Nearly VZ yi ar*’ e.xptfri«*!ice h.*i) prorod that Fimples W.viio.NSwbleb they will sell AGENTSAGENTS.^ ^ iiOWARD & MIDDLETON, be said to have become fully FOR • properproportioDH.otherofthe that it mav com- more; llarrieL Mias K. Stella; lloateas, *4UC‘hHirip. I he Materia .Xledlca. il- component part, ^ II. J. and proportions , » I ‘6^ worm. Kr!Tsl» c! 15. ax. d every other Irritating PETEnS. s. a- wlA - . cngL’icering Krone To c* uclude »lih the »*x'juSlt»‘ mufcicttl Itchlna and J. T. BL'RKEt’T. arc well known to physieians i.•** L.*'• Shotweli^HW("vll A REiPI\(; AM) nOUIAU .^AfHIACS. temporarj- structures and rutered everywhere, as the proprietor i 4t Sou.>61!. -^416,.Male, 4 Miuedti-tta entitled tiif Maid uF Ml \>n H -K.l * flii**jf oF .\I)Ml&:5lO.N— l)reaa t’lrch* and Faroa*‘tte. 7."» siAsrricTcEXM Of and gave more or Ke» alarm and dissatisfaeiion using ihli preparation to any prescription ahichtkev can t'OTTJli M.fc.U l^\\TKR>. i'«nts; 8**con.t Tier, 3io; Third Tier, lie. IMvate lioxes. P. ei-ared only by frOLON PALMER. (Wfll^IXll to the traveler. Now, however, that these ditll- hare prepared byji-drnraiit. WHISKY,^ Colored Koxca. Aic; Of*!ore‘d ifallcr). l^r.', HenryIlCDry Hart,llaU, Esq.,Es^., 1 GARDI:.^ AM) I'lLLU NKLDS, ManutaOuror and Importer of Perfumery. fat) ’ C. H. BeckwitliBfCkWilll ruitiesare removed by a thorough tyihix 4)tltceop *n fro»n 9 X. M. lo i F. M., ahrroeeala PI 4 I kA tO-iCO..* and solid ! A X O-FO RT ES! CEMENr, UMIi hAM>. rRlTT AND ORNAMENTAL 4 an be* aerured f*>r any n},r!it dtirina the week. So.% V.tvtl'i.urth alroet, CJnt.innatl,Ohio. 'ialt'’^•4 un hiiig of every tunnel, and by tne erection t .JOHN IJIJLI.’S StOLDFUI*.St OLD FUP. .V.V. T. \ River DeHtiUrti.'sDeHtillrri.'s of OFFICE AND W AP.Ef.00MS DU. / CHlCAOOirHiParav ILLin sp eiKnd iron bridges and other y It iNLr.ii.>i;Tox—ByNortvnAMK m rvl'es tj \ Ly M. il. T. rr* il A 5<)0, *T. H. Leder. barrlne^ito \ U.w. T.t. A. a. ratvB »». au.i.a. "‘F*' -f liiii b. Dealers, folenaafBlenaa k €•.,€#., ,A.fA ibe l:*dt* •* and K»*ntlrioLD of Louikville In A-tron^ 4. 4»to. W' V' ' 'ntiLT-'WN — Hy E. Iriiul'Ie. 1. L. Lark.ey. •"“* : the beirtd of tbousand-i. and diity cirin'' O ogriuent, every iuducciueut Lira much extended • "f •^'-Iionb are InTlt-fi U more coofv-la. t by »)o vks aiiU «;j- nr >*he nny lie cou«ult-d on all mat 7 r iPr tncT'kv FhkI.P^ V II I IS) J. KUc*UEw m>d. examine oar EOSTON- - MASS. KKN'l i;cK V J J InernmeiiN. Tboy will tloii tothe anict**d thai#(.*ould )>eaffurded by all 3 VN rCANClSCO.FI!ANC13C0, tr vel Iwtwecn the Kast and West. As it t f L^»vo, Marrirufo, , tbeweiUb C VLvL has I )DCI rn. L .i/.A0ikTHT*»'AS— Ky F li. ll.itcivfl. laid th-io e.iiml In Mue. Ilid.h and durahlllly. liu-4 !:»•* w!!t Irll to any made, AffAir*. and theiiMme f»r In tbe = lie of tbc lady tren- < and , o)io(s of CallforuU the wori<) J. It -a so fa.'hionable in the far West and S.mlh- e. iiisour'.Li'— by J- K. lemeiia. from 1» M I ' i>er rent cbeaner. and couMdc U AGRICULTURAL WORKS, Jaii.’t dif th'ia.iii iii ths-y a HI iiT> ; aL-» the names of h**r >Uitora. Di.NMiLi;— W. M. Moat. w«st csi>ecially for interested h> « , pit up In full Qinrt bottles, and cort.tlns the strength — .agents of othi r un Third tlrcct, '*,'WRi: RF.PilEiENTtD XVfl r. f-E betwern JefTcrson andfirrm, PR BCRXEDBCRNED ON THETIIE HEADtl* \D OF EACHE VCH 1dtymis'dly'* T. 'FIT*r n^aoetirnTP«..eeire.* l»rut,.'«**t-liriir.isN :ind:in.l FaiuyFjiiry GoodsGood, . MASriAlTlREBsOr y U'deraiieiier.ab.l)*vders tteuer.tll) Utruiuihtliruuab ...... similar lie ’re and « Hiio road, it is hoja d that the visit of out ibr Matt*. aulUdAwly ptep.iratloii made in An-.-iica. Lon-tVILUC.LoriSVILLE. KTe't t»4\UF«mO->. f I TTI^G A%'ERW our editorial bri'ilin II from tinisc regions will, I'HKE PER IIOTI'LE. OK ."IX IMFI’TLES ^ «!*.- S i | V- .M\RKMARK.VIS HOXKai; IU>U llll FIlEIM l ri T.Ilf KOU o.,r.»:,r R i^hu,\ rii • after their iiersonal inspection, do suiucthiiig ;^nouviuur, mill. I'OK (».V (J. K.DOW.Nts.r. Dow.Ns. < l I' more rare i I ^•IXM’k fJBOW «K.\ AND «B towards (iissiisiliiig teeling. M and va!u.;Me prop* the I'lan all oilier \V AI.NfT drert, between Clay .and .«he!t>v. It bis been awril established 1'* this Warerooin, fuel r-r yrsr.,p.t..ttb It .'ar 4 -S' street, X'*’/"iX’" a » I ^ :il • il. Tldrd to-iweeii Je(rer«jii f HI -IIEUa^. dL( ., AC. niell.ines of the irea. as niublii. Old f- reaBre aud Grreu lin ol,l I We have learned that some little ciiih.AiTass- : laparlUa. when pare an** tr.Illy p.eparcd.1. the only lF A (. 1 F* ) la • A-NCY ) r- !-rlwr*n l'rt‘4-n an-^ L ..Id bya.;u.le „..t of.be Oimr,:::t; every F.wrv SI API 1 \ ifiirittuhtti. m nt has been felt liy Ihe railroad olHeers here in derauv ""I'lmll:!;: true I'anaceu for uU di-susss AND origlnatlna f.'--ia an tinpuro vT\ /xJ^ga ff I STAPU: DRV DOOD8. Esiabiidird in LouiMiilr ls:ti: meat cfof thv siai •lUDch'bnicU bO'Ab044 vl^vld yl*.ld« lt j t' c•: Fill^.Filij^. a.*.: I ' iu andaad yl».!ds f M?.h Film* a::d Gl.azct); gelling ; kc(*pn :tlw,*tys statei.f 111- Louisville, Ky. on eutirclj 'reliable list of th>' news] a- on I the .1.1, thea.a-f M.TCury.Intj.vlcath.aDriiik.'. !*;*’“* *>r«> ••11. umber. KlooriDir..* THE , All X ^ ! HAVE n nnM kuidw of j^plUtioK. KlPldoir. M r-dJ .^awim;. ^ 'TE— fiKa.2* the i»aUFnM of mj LUi l*L<)\\8. And tlieir invitations th»' liber.tl range w hich the Capital . rvp.Iarand irrcirular pa*h. D -rs. Muldim:-*, We boMlyu.-s-rt tbit eom- Represented $14,000,000 J F^* .*TU\TJ •%’ cf TUK fFM'IDE.xTRACT •'.1a Aa^4«s*t to I mit.T. \ ~ I 1 1 \ V/ X; !^«K ; :ar« to Diakv Aiid UavBI, IU5 %itb ncHtiic-** AA ~ Ill nnd dUi-afch. A larz** puny eoutemplatc.s. With those •; wuppiv of axai^ publislicd in rc almost ii.v.iri i>r»*otic**s OF 3.V11S.VFAlllLL.X i, the only proparoti.'n J— V— \ _A_ m iMy the rvsul's «*f tKrIy nml 111*1 before the ^ X i' r icdfinct!*. B. f . A\ LUV. d r‘*'i|.'U l.ii'iiPcr w:vtri, always OU f*«r -*)t|** k JAMES U TVI.ER s T. TYLEI! E. TVI.EK. 'v*‘*'' band and ^ ^ oo ^ the large cities, litis dilliculiy is of course eoiii- E publlctuali# *'• f-l«id:5m In. «*. • and unchecked vi'iou.'i hU>!l>. A trout lav tUUorj»c!y)fol Grd^ promptly Httendc) t *. m^vd.twem prepared-.ii#tri..gy..icntmcrrm.iplejand ' VI.V STKI’F.T . 471i-ri jbnwtivtlyjiAtAtivtly slight,Blight, but k-F .ill L'iuiher)is*‘d STKLET 4 iu the rural dhtrictedistricts ofi>f I 4\1Pi' in nmntif.ictnreis kiln dri» d. of unlf.rtu klren^ih. The Sarkitpai ilia i# P U.4, hai lut'-.y t'«uo4 fr the illu/ir4tii)4 thU tvir pu. . h..»vd wiih- ' T I I T I) PP 'm prc»i. If.VVEIf \ VF N-JXVN.vxv tv aT..nr . i o in.^iorihebwicstlnroar.iii'tsi of the Mates tin re an- no doubttloubtuiauyuiauv ex- .mt regard " I^^TUREIN -*ToRE A URGEL XRGR PuRTM.NP,..RTI.*N OF THEIR : to ,.r'ue;e,-ry p, and. iKf., JI.iILj) ti. d ‘ « 'y. .ndt!i** ( ure aa well a-* i revebtii»!i *T Ihe r^aiae. It re bcinsu,..-d. 1. c‘»trrEi AsrriciiKiirni IlLLlI Cv I U.« I T> IV g * oeMeutoeileut “luimv“luinjv” j>.umali>.l^•umall> whichwuieli even lliel lie ^^'•ve^- I ;! !>nbiev-tedMthe.:rivte-t,licml..-.-ilUst,.ai.d!i-«vLuiactier# <• v i : i-.nt ll d “IIIMAN KUAILTV; Or. Fit lOAL rOLLAH S ^ 1 Jh XI ' I'.UTOHY. ' P (x(I ( • r. N In 1\ I. n NA I AI pP () R• ’I’ \ ’I’ f 1( F) "W A' lilliL I X industry of the ItaUiim-reItaUiinore amutliioOliio A M X A Iff ...T indu«rv and C'um]m- I R Comim- iftc« rtaini-il before belnc T A T O N S,^ \ I! 1'' 'sKVIi ^TiiHI' IlF.'K uaed. \V44 AlllsIlUl. .''la CHVMU.. Mlt’ilKS.” U eu!e»*8 fu:lr!nt»> th** cau&*‘, vffecN. » a i a ; Embracing* ev-ry »»»letyvariety o( iiy and its'i-oim.etingita' conn' eting railro-vdrailrievd frioiKiefrioiide in the T (;T (I TI I) /I TT fl A fi HT rnsstr. bchaulxxi. BILL'.-* SAf..'S.VfAIllLLA alsucontuin^ ~|-- s.!”' P P H 4Ud motft clffraclotLa mode • f curin'/ u!l dHv.i^es of a dvll* tbe virtue# of — .X — W. m.ay not su TV a in discovering. Uutwiih I ^ T M . M K BFTTVLFN several other >Ie.ll-.d It... t-, "* G. W. BASHAW, \ j II I I H K U li R I \ Mie nature, with copi.m*i hutru f t ihr perfect re<- PUK.^TON ,VNP JACK^?ON together f.-rniim: the be-t V this loitc fri 1- 1 1 X I I'loya.^SeS ^ drawback, we har.ied that the h»i of "NDER.'^IGVFDkeer'S .frin'itly Coii.pomid and -t( ’ ncauni is 1 if 0 U ll ii 19 U Ji ii U IJ 19 1 U i.r ttion of thoac who are prvvuaied ty iujpcdiiuenu> fr*iu I c on h.ind a l.trce as- produeinf the g.-i;.tc..l taratue Ajent riiic-yLXv \ ’ _Oressti^ ' V f A C I iu;ilationanowiAubl-.iees the ft niiidable army allkli.a.1. trhicb he will tell kriowu tu tbe • V^ ^ • ’ • ; world. Groocls! .NilKTIIW E'T t 0!t. d. Ill 7 vv^?V.T?‘f .Xgrircltnral yiacliiiiet> and Implpmenia. M \l\ I.LITT ST^ eiT»Tim;luto tbemarrla.' 5latc. .it \\ ilOLK'^AM'., tt» of .sonic twelve hundred or more veritable and cbtapcrth anv othfr iManttf.K*turer In uiy- mlvt or THEcMaeaeieL llsk ) i?vdd by l.»r. Il.UlrtO)), 1 ‘I liiv4H:!.ir and ;4.viu-wfhA» M., aiffct. New Verk, work. iiirtvAf.l lo ’ hot.«holdHOI .SBIIOLD 4-r ALL , linensLINENS AND,\nd aeiually cxa>tiugiiewbjatjH.r8. In oursiali rMatc (lurubiiity DU. . John* cotton*COTTONS;’ i i. »- a:)dt:i-te. cauit*'! 4>»*e\i**ne(!. ni'ir-s ex^koidfimfsTw^^^ SEEDS, TKERS, 4c.; i<(ri !• t iLiTiL., Trice iok cut#. J*‘ iil free of p'jsiage. LXDIES- AND GENTS' CHOICE FiELD AND OAIUJKN 4c.. of (thioalone, the 1. said to Ki. I i 4^ Onb ra fulbilod prumj>Uy and cheip, L'NDBKWKAR; number re.uh two .-e i Vej^etabie «,*.« I S , U prprreT. UabolT JOHN I). TARK. ^J(Uw3iii FKIKDK. SCHArUE. De^iroyei. «*»“"«•FLANTATIONfL^riTATll? .kND DOMESTIC STKKL PLOWS. bundreJ or more. Aa the time for which the iu- I ““ •«-« GOODS; T* LVRfLi*nLK, V7,, .‘TiT*!’. L*'.Su !• EiJSSf-iSi^SGLG\L. A>D ...... AXD 1 HT1PLI8IIKDu louijL oini>auin$au.es niy them j ^eiei^ n.ilihe leuil dtlM-nxItjbi lelliiK chndrc^ rvisT AS LOW .c'; the lowest. I AND EVEPATOINGEVERYTHING t:\FHt iii"UthB the 11th o( .April to the ! SCHRODT & PLOW. —from 15th of Iis.loi. I rn lifit.ioi i., . ;n:v\:)ULnrs tills har.sai’akilla. LA.VAL, U^CALLTCSCALLT F-'CNDINFcUNDIN AV ' tbt RU'ilaln**. 'dTP .llUlUtll 4 j Ilwp.-eparedlntheform of Candv *0 LK«*9 of everyth^or in kls line 4t lovt*M June it is probable liiat a large number of the OlUpdilJ Twenty hve I>d.x liraiidroilT^ lh«;» M.VXl DroM. TTT'PQTr’T A C: C3 -rr^'n a tt ^ — I One Oat of is war- FACTrBEftit OF ' and wilt l«" eaten with FIRST-CLASS RETAIL &rore». and IdK'ial dj*'.-4»uul W iitr t«^e. No. hl$ '*'**" '*’*^*'* avidity ty cbildr.-n of .ill DRY GOODS *** Mcr'i'i . K cduor* will be able to visit Washington en- ' . HOUSEHOUSE. and rititcdl ) tli.ui M. 0 | Chs'icred In 1 vutaiu more j ure •jjailil.i ur.y d* iLir ALCOHOL, COLOUAE, V\0 kPIRIT)*, \l«aj ^irrti. cf Lwu:»vUaC. Ivy. l''i A’reu eml TIRE destroy# XX ' “ *" ^ and expels orm# more effectually in GOODS “at >“*low rtceaprice* loto call m.,1an.l evimlneevimliie ..r H-sas- as». th any : k. Joy ago-.dl.Klk upon the mbied wisdom of Ti^-Ilytbt aeMne^iTKatiluit b'*tle of S-ir-aiMrlUa. All who nre urirjg S.ir.-.';'arill.*, let .Vnd He filers In yn^q.m'iTirt’d-h?*'*,j^,V d-hn~ Vhb th* pn’.llel reme.lynowin Use, while at -H.VKK-K Jk 1 thesaaie AKK A DOW.N'H,W.NH, - 111.' tlmcit wiff In n-jway DO |7I .MaiaMaia Sti ft ,a»ui!fry, and many other an ractioun Ol liuurlua rr-meely Ibereia ar* eiilitle.l to asH.K*. <1 IhcmfubsTitute UrnudretlTs FilK an^t h nishl. HtreeG the affoct — |u.'tiiud.>n. Rourbon and .tlonoiiifalirla tVbixkirs, ItiiuriousG the health of th- child. ' Agricultural. Wood, and Iron lh.it rapidly imprwviiu' iLitional center. I ijf aiih.mt siii.jectius theuisclve. W.VL\\ M pi i x-r Th-eff-jc. will be found j*uj>crit r tothc iK-trlcd arti- !e. A n\^PIV^PIVTT JO. D. VLLE.N\LLE.\ J West side «n>,WVI.VI. P.p. A» baltimor- eomca in their way wc fball ex- ' 3ec. VMI TUKI.Fni "I BKETs. m. n«i I We I Xeiiiti .il f.liiiii. Cholera Morhus. Igieiimatt.ia. «-OR.\EH4>F ! p.il-IutUe I'l.p.'c tucre d f(«r that tiuie. Tiiv C'»?t uf every size, culor ! -• CarUaira .'Wl—e. I imd price; Sliuw 4 T Tw ».• 1 . . WTr/hT f ollieers that each ot tin iiie.nii.ug e-litors Ik- t f..r 1 •antry .Mrirhat.'s. rlirup. |.o.il. Ifowel Complaints, ' cr-at cf , Dysiwpsia, Arc n*>w (nrine a rariMy M.Vt'lllNKRW ’ « iiihetifty ceh(i*.uudtlu‘ir Worth a thou.wji!j d Ihic. Summer Complalnta. •> 1 1 4 )lj raJ^sV I aLj 1 ;i;. i- r-paire.taail Biliid IlIjiALKRS V R( )T>’ V 011 a careful iuspceliou. N i'INGl'eiN, i'aes'r. *;e<.raetuwii. ky. rifTF ia)M»4-.. w ...... R.q V.» H\R.w.NER. Id^ Trim Miha; Fmi' Fh*v*. and Va!ve"; Top. i hit dcakTdin mevlicifte.-. nuil dliuJL)) I Saw ftBd W. I i'o ailurd a iK-tter idea of the seoj.e of this in- ' t rr. br.i'^ and s>heM Iron M S dlha’ and M> idcrt' Klamir Fire -llOORE, ; ,toh\ ri'atioR, wcapiKiid the following extracts from .md Marino Ins. fo., MI'.S. niASLCU, \UIEEiiEK, k KODI\SO\, m. PkORivsox (’o i>”.i.irw; nr»niu«, ’J>nr»n. M ‘rtWaiu K ri »»r. l>rlllirar and fnoKiiKMT:, It. I. Ij <, t ' K-y ,al.?*r M-* Idnt•^. ider Mid*, Cult .-n^; t‘‘»m an adv.ibte copy of the circulars of invitation i Ac cxperlfncf'l nurse and female pi I'lcian. h:^)aFv>ot!.ln^ importers and 1*,'2 wiioi.ns.viuE i wholesale Or?AUaicMl III aiiocEiJs, i Ft.ci.«T».< oiD Cnpvbcr^. ('•ts M«ik <'uticr« atid il*'dica- i.ssm-d; — t’ci'h r*ipital and Suridu) dealers in wliu h are now a'bout to be I .'^rrup f« r children tc< tbinr, wUich oreatly fa }Irrrhaiits, PFINGST & BROBRO., British, and •U kind8 ai»d ^Airlrtie-v. A arlKTal var'.Hy of Pl«do’al*d of the Wesieru (sia'.cs has rendered in advancing XJJy’ZTr r InlliMmutl >r.~wIUalL;y allpuin, and;* suri'tore^nlHtetbe iR3 'fwSURAPJCS CC.. cvie Am-nts r- r tl.eStor Nall Works. m.inufi;ct'jred (Successors to Fancy Mejou y«'.ur Iron. Or,-.-uiIisd Iu ISIS.. Anihori/rl I i>rnj;:;;i<>it<* Sc. YMEIUC.W 8 to cn.Aile i~i judge, by jK-rsonal iusjKT- Catltg F.YVCV in.g the-iu • !*• .\tid i»r.msi'r“A“r,,miui.liioiitec'nrii'R, DKV G Ire-, an 1 relief tinJhca'.tli to yuar infant.-. 1'tTfet.Ui ja.> Agents loi ihr Sale of I old nnd Hot 7 rie., 00D. . ftp'.'ciul I under f depowited In V<»»k *4 tii'iL, of me advantage# of I hit »oip-.' between the 1.. NorthSertU side Market.Xfarket, betweenI.etween tO M.\IN ‘.!I Diavt Tenth W. H. C. DKYDEN, Caleb u. lULMed. iFrcdJtnt Manh lUiui R.mk.) Sbuxltr caiei>. See advcrtiw< meat in an'jther column. l*ig l.'oii. and aeventh.Elc-venlh. SlUKLT T e VI - Tci v-T T t x- , - Kivii and West, ‘.which is the only ihioitKli line l.lvh.T't* n, (?trm of lisr.'Uyi Livimrt >n.) LOllssVILLK.LOl ltsVILLE. h^R STOCK FOR TIIE KY . I No. spring M atH .'•^lier- 4ict'9d\wly I 't'i xialn ,rrot t, l.oubvillc, Ky. ml7 iBn KY. 4 TR \DE willb-foond t, \ I an. *.nrm of 4’n.,) COMMISSION MERCHANT di*cct to Wa.«h;i;gton,y—the Baltimon and Ohio Sherman A New V.>rk Tm* / Dr.Af.F-R.S IN DKl'il.'. e r* MEDICINIS •eV^e?l5^t.I'thTlrS^* ”' f• •“'“•’R*''LomI?Ufo*V*jl.l'K*-' t- ; 4it .%dUrd, Munok'-T uud General Lie attention of Jiercliant# vimtlnc *hk-h we partlcnlarly eonnectitig lines A^cul. y \\ td\ /rnt.xil.'.llaj, I’ERKI .XIEKY, B-ij Tiiii tl tuiantarxei. Invite lb .iroad Company and it* in the .*treet. New Vork. F. AV. JOHzVNBOEKE, AK1ICLE.S, ‘ fcbajdUnAwt f |.XIN|•i, <)IlV. XVI\m7w 1 __ :xxxi. xa. . .ManuG- turcr and Dealer iu a -MEDicALaw ' PT T [ \^ rv\r Has become r 'nDected with Yiats and c.vr.s: 07 AT

    .'I XIIKET ' ’ ST . IIETXVEEX SECOND .VM) TlIIItD, '-'*'7 * ii A 1 S 4. A , . "E‘>TiinR._ U R A L L E U 'I’enlli sireel, I - A 5 D — "•' «>"• 1 k,. OHKiN AM)vxi. .VXEDU ! (••?} ii'm: ENE-S. U'l erv he will !..• I.irrv lo see hit oM frlen-ls. M kllKfr .-'TIIEET, litT. FLOTD AND rRn.?TON. "Wt M. H. (BOTH OS #.irrH SIPk.) CARY & TALBOTTALBOT, GRAINGER. Agent. LoriSVILLr, KV. DXlUaOXSTS AND APOTHS'wAHIZS ^‘ rK \.vi PA('HLNU FOR WLWiisli T«ni:illM> TIIK 1*1 HLU' MILL KE.YRLN *(). * Has just returned frnin the TiM witli Market #tret-t, between 6 . termini of the conn* ciiiijr li!K«»Mc*wt 4>f u:<, * ^ a lanre as«ort TUrtl and Fourth, South «l.Ic. (' and . 0"rT0N GlNri t*\W j j that we are slgl pr.i.lii.-in/ tlnse liiKli-t'.ned *^h;Mren ’ RCr.lO\ r’i'i'w“^» # U.xrs .XND have on hnn.l a Well selected #t.irk 4 lIRC'CL.kR AX«. I W'L nf liTuoa. by who#cwhose courtesy we are ciuM.ciuM.'dd in jmrt]inrt to of- I XcrtllHfStOni .Al->. of the lat- st Chem- OR ri.kwlf Ij itl.Slll'«nCP COIlipRnV, ! styl.-s. ‘ I’!I.iiI>4V!iTrTC As J* \ ll* 1 1 f.'rI'.'rvDUyou ge, be found on next bTVrEOF .VIKW \(»Hb. AND Ft'K li.XTSL-Hc gtiarnnteeof theticst cuality, k»\\V MILL*#, W teirc.l nrst I rrr.iluai?. s- leet.sl 111.- HOTCH. »* ' GaUery..a.XLil:istreot,be- hu rarest and nlc.-st stjles, I *il-A.v 1 M.. 1 (V I Ii*\ 1 Uil J ' which he offer# at o this circular, aud also the . n Htrc.iinsc.i III is . ...r.ob...1 ;r*l*nrtlrul.traltenn..uirtventol>hyslpisn#'.>rden.. ^ page of OU bavkof the Vh b. Wt .OU Lui-iiHiCa|.|tal anuan-t .sun lit* f'.ti s.la.i 11ii A***» l or^ »•**. CH.WKS UI'IHiF.ON!', V'0> Iw -eii fourth an.l fifth. JM'K fS t. D. LL'dlow.sit'i,LL'DLOXX.sn'i, ' ' J. RE-AITMVN \. 1: I'lt.lrf.I'lt.l fi. i';u’., (,1IAIX UKAI-FIiS, tbticketket cnelofenclosed.ed. T. t-f his Bleest cf W iiir.itr xvrr.s'a'ii r.iio. i"i‘’‘a SILK HATS, '*"'** A a ii.-’h he d.aily mHU'ifditur'*'*. Dr. (*kvhi.ng. (ot. I 1 AVK r*:iMxcJ I >t'is itrawart4i.'ase oa tl»e socthirtst pr.i...^E(;VIENTri, j'I g«JO WILL\V \LL CTHKET.^THK^•T' « I t'Rj. britb;*:t ncx* for Jul kind* Of (tfiln, * .\KU.NFU VohhVOHH. J I <* .i. i« i«? i #»(.?-. D.VVID L.vxi.:, OR GRIcT VflLLM. «r. *1 Til.•rii l*«>rtiO)tjH.rtion of tbetfcc IwitjmorcLuitlQlorc andftixi OhioOl.io ror*dr..,ad by i.T^Txid it our wf fc) wiy •‘hippli'L* print on tbe j isv*Is'.* |1 c!iCli .rtei.-llnirtcl.’.l In C..'i-itVlan.ls;„rpi.isa-j.iii:C.iiiltal an-ISurplu- a'j'l 217 ioin FIliimiR! Mrs. "Winslow’s •‘s* vfti.ng Soothing Syrup ! pi llies <»h.«r. V,. iI SaiLK'i’ i.gNdg. iiH.xNDlXs a t'KAXVFOED. dayligh',davligh', in erdereriltT that tU.-y iu.'.y more fully r.'- i:.1:. A. GAKLEV.SM,'r.OAKLEY.Sfi'r. aluektALULItT W.vltD.\X .vUD. Paks'i.l-ars |g{o.\ WOiSKEK, ' ^ i. 7‘hc Till jfl PlMlt'kTapb*. ju:t introdace.i.stid orly made oth highly approved me.licines, are (old wholesale ' r.l;i* a? tbc nc*’hlv(* Gitl'i ry, Main, betw-ycn Tb’rd and F'*nrth NORTH .KniK. BET B by KAY 'lOND .t I'X nil!, at their Faioilv * rtius, xiel! as Lani.arL.n.ni.'ir Fire InsuranceInsuraiTco MM it VM» I'LV ril, LOI I-.V .M, .IHim .'tore. N... i vbiciiitx.-bichit nm#, asks wei! the i'UcTLtst-uceets vvitliitii which , Company, IIVLK. 71 Fmirtn street. r 3l iLL A I I hr.,1 S H MlL. pireels, THBTIIB AX.Z.-SUrrZClS2VTAX.Z#-SUrrZ TSaSB. A arc ipucb Bdiiurvd. Gerti»em«ntsla.ui the city pat .'tx. VOHK.vohk. or. ! der. fegloa.al# PERI VI.V.V Ml- Kthlria done at sliuiteat iioUee. All kind of ! orr/CfOr r SlRl'P, come iu b'aildiiigb'a'ildillg this solid#oiid LIgliway iLroUgbthrough Cb..rtsrf.HnCb.-rtere.l In t«.V.t'.v. .. Capitalf«|ii(al *n.lSiir;>Iu,an.l Siirnlii, .(.•.l.tY-X.t.'a.fll-X re- I 74 MILLER £c JENNINGS, * p nrfut |>! oiiijtCT »lU*n(l*^*l f-». OR PROTEf 1. 1:. srs r .loux..lOUX. sae'v.fi’.c w KtnEinxx l>It ANVliox I'.;E» TED til." jaistJi's of tbc Alleglunics.’’ ANVHoN Y,I, ivga'r.r. iiilLUEU:^ of all eUes made to order * n r-s tjv MVIX sTBKtT. UET. MCHTII VXD MVTII, s. ii.ihl.- terms. M)Lmo.\ I HALL’S OF ‘‘ Tl!?s1lrcuUrcircular also'e^^^^also expltiua hit a 8j)celal This IraiitIraiii loiftn 'Vlntii-! I ifo iiict.nt'/'K PROTOXIDE OP IROX. I* uioo • *®oi«l L.ltLife lUSUrdCCxiusurjiire v Louisville, Ky, will leax'eleax-e the Ohio rlwrrlx'cr on Friday. M.iy4,M.iy f.-r Fcinpsn.vCinp^RJ The only 4, SAVXC IteQablc &D(1 Ptrma&tat Core Ibr sKv.-s*-'al otwratlon ' IMKIHiMKi:( roK'Mii'Uci;,rol;•^ OFUCII, e*.et. & PETTIT, 3IEmC hi*, -t the as it to AL Ol WE t -m FEI.TOVP .-neb.-och of guest* can make conveiiicatc’onvenieat iI nTVTi;ntvti; vi'HEkt,vi'heet," iHirrillSIB! FH’E, ' !»* n ;eh Wheeling at that time, the eonijianv re- ' UUhTO.X. tNo. 41 Firth .treet. l-etweea Jefferson and Green), No 7-. THIHD STREET. LOt'J.iVlLLE. KV. D Y I» K p *1* I % (•ri’id A*;k' els'll “m* . V »lj k,..1- or Tsea Niff, torn Meal. Caw and Cid> , i bo'l.? Ill alxauCl IroUl th-'lll tO t.iat el- Iii(-,irp irat.-.l In t'4*. Ilcnl Ijstntc F.'tabU;hed forthc Cure .if S;pl.ill«, M-al.C.m-.ndC Ciiiidiu* ,bea f’.' ja'.2i.lir_ -'to- k-. Is-n.D. FROM 1 MPOrERISIIED , l*rveideui; V,'. J’. .'-!..i.l;, Ma-:i r of ortu- f ind XXarrniit". mmd Tr.iU'i ac. Hc..it(--i anil ALL UXs.sK»i W ILI, IIK ’ l••*•t•e*'**‘*''*''* or Salt.IfMt. Nceroe.sNerrue.-* 'forfor CdlcSale or Hire;llin-; ilelpilclp of DI*. ll.VIsI. ti-.n; L. M. foie, OxneniJ 'iivkc' Agent: :.ni Fk iI fROMPTl.Y \\n LIB- jiVi*Vi'*l'***J Clax-k’.s ..1• kindstinds ps.i.-nrr.l * K. d procured at short «hort ri'Jtiee. I n.itlce. C AIIOON’ S KH VI. LV \l>.h SIKDIV i.OI |sv II.I.V. a . .Air ZSSPBHB 3XaX>0. F. riillcr. General West.’m Ageu ronnoc-ted J/r-i-art:c.ilarxti.,-ntiousiveutoC/r-|*articnlarMti»;miou ' t 'tt’ulted at his Me.Iicil ' Ofaceon W' l.EPXItTx;i ziveuto procuriozrrocitrinvsltn.iti.insforritnati-msfor ' IN THE H1;E NT of the Im-ii.e,,. p.lKie. ni:u»Lvi\G I ihilur* ..f LOOPLR nornLF.-riiiiF VDEU n*»n.. h (Hit.lilt of employ. ' “" Di-ease# of the Orasn# ..f G. nt ration. THE Iron w • reto- xvith the through ieiv,#cng* r bnslnv,,i of tbciii'e. wMl hv i-*4it*(l oil Uwrilim:*. Mores*. empfoy. j-to-u.i,n-> jtf .Many years' BROADCAST SEED-SOWER, M areli*>u.-v.*s. in.d — e*perlcu..-e enables him lo •'» I'-r dt-«)« pre- rie-, Ar., anu cn in tbe J. ,svt,r. agrcciucul: country .t?>d irtcri-.r /V’a'w' par.'iuoo of it that will a*s.iadlM*» t •wTp. when fiiniUbti w»tb projuT iiiiuniiktlon by tbe I'lRiLV si:vti.\i; .inniiM:, JOHN SNSrBJCjj fit ! C )iidtitutit)u:il>y|M*ilU« tif lun; bt 'J' TTT^ vXa btoe^dlbe .I.XNTARX. InX). Coi. uidiuir, liiiputeno^ kc , IN .ME MAPIN'r "The Liidcrtiiued, on behalfof their n spceilvc nriVMtTMKNTVl.k- arc roncir-d on All Due uf t!ie »^4b«oniy formiiiwhkb .ibipowi COMMISSION I ot r>cner;it!on wl? ^ I the KicaajUuatfi ll.ey MERCHANTS, bi both i-exti i bulb M and their cfl^^Ae^.KhltoMCIll!• )*y w,lleil.-h and lt. ;u.Tu.-k an I Feil. < »»»«•(! eaiwr tffe ( ..uiiwaies, hci,.i.y agi-ev join tiie r.-diiinorc 4 NDile^b rriotirocc.rie-.Nalliv.ComitrrlVodm*** tr. Di #» ctirt^iL lanrouicb. ixod jmlldf.us iu«iu#er. I ^ circulation. to ^c*a ••rt:ii'm«| convey -lUce. Plf.iip •' aud on car/oed of Flaib!*nv in the under to •n MV-leili PlKl VU.N I SlRrp IN Tilt V VC J Western fidil.ir# of a C'M'ipliitie.'tn,'. ti.'ktito LIFE I'KFAKTMEVT the und-r-ienH arc pre pp#Yfc»riy to -licie^x J ared i»‘-ue p tojH*r*on* In #oo*1 bc.'dth. cither ^ whuD tbe uaoal remadiet Brrvlj vi- it Washington City and H.ti;imoj-e.’dutirg tlie *:p\,n luutu.il • vhe rj rint kt'it*k lu.-in-, on tenu fav* r- reLcvc; aiuon^whlcltare; i pr -sent Sission of Concfess; and the circular of • oi« a? th'*.*-i of any < rber **oire’'t in.-l-iutTna lu th«* , Drcyle*. I iii. n H’.*» -arc aij.otak*.*n. i;iviuu!on issued by that Coiujoiuy for its own Pialinmedevtcni.ontb- >eoraUia, Bron«:liIU<*. I vtTi of si(,/'.4n t tiilfb) Tbe iiiip >rtaorc of CV>npumptlx>n Teod^rie*. go* cr.aiuH tions, xv.ll Ik- recognized ox-er our i.;f( * > •••*•4 ViENiW and b.riualp- I ; ui; . ninl Np. CE PARIS him d b'>ib*. Skin r»<;UtJ*d. -f It-* liD(«. ia-*4irding lo the biu itud lUC j-'.iriajsei! e.V- f urd aaranuccji wc hHVGi;-w 9omi. j ^tlU- InrouD-N. >4. Ml*,- 0 in>t**!;cc' li !bl^ C'linuiuiifty. All !ir'*v-*-nry ' pr.-ssed thi-r.-iti.” it.b.rinn- LuUrhorrffea. or UffitM, ri iii.^ paiiiiiiiiet?, and d-JCUinenU furuuaed Krali-, un tieucral This is signed by Meser,, Jcxvttt. Wright. Or- *u:s 1 :. tvm:h ro. a To tho^ who rocaptl ' PkOTBfTED by R-*yal Letter^ t inthMtyauthority of aaaw* smtcbmpc thaathan M rris, Keek, Criaxvold, Slierloek, Iiura;i-J. Gam- delicate ii(*4!ta. orany other «*hu>4*. cannot become moth- Phtei of Fuda.n(L and thiix yI‘ *ii:.v’. •“^“'''WDe.iperienee, It en-.uirh iu/linie. trt" ^•fUb •t'Ww reguL>-G pr-.ik. -,l.od by | .n{(*r and lu »re (tlfb''*i!t rip than rmrij. and the lutncri.U 4.\illvee of Me«ttcaif. vieitiia. exery Fhy-ieia.-. «iot FOR SOWINd .\\l K .VCTri;KR.s of dt*Mt are particularly recuunuenJed a» a aafv and ea«vtual » n-.* .V 'VT’i'* .V ’’"it «T' ' li.'* (.tD* iikkI'* liv Patent C<«mbinali•' Uank llAltLKV,’ tl.re.i'U ;ir AMERICAN’ PEUIODICAl# PILfuS-Tlier-e KKKII. Af. •t. i;. uuii .' , nrntlv t i im-l knott**«l at • \>rj T»i»*y No, 3 cnmplctoli eradlcwe^an traces of COPY Ofor XA LETTERLfTTEJ: fttoMFttiiM b- -ks. iiii.l H"ii-e Pril-* cau In; relit-d on iu all vAs.'a of Ob^t^ut•ti(M)'s thw itHoa«« DR. WXI.|fxi. fUtSHOLM.tUiJ'HOL.M. ! M;:cy. H.-anJi, Jr. l-ittmer, Nid»..n, i'.*.* L-JCks of every .1. # riptfon Irreifu- Fro:t,aiid l..f h »;.ic nIu .4 RH f»- ccif «l jirlbitil. i llArn!^rU now mod- Id « rilietantial fio)i do- r.»t Gr'»vi*i * Ivak**/ Ma- .'te.imboat. laritlc-*. At*., as n»u>e aaxi remeiv. that h4Te V*een hiihiert ire t*«d '-y the DuUie-jUb aud pvr iwoiicral fiiiviiraiu'e aud II . use KelU uune in tue Dert manner Price !. N«w BcDVf.xn.Bci>ft*iBL MarchM%rch -Vv w>lc U'*et(dur4Ur; pre^tmey, 4»KTTi XMxx : I bare need the 4i*i. Tbcy bt.w ct'Uuu, ; im.niilaclurul to I'r.ler. ri.e rr.ide and or Pemiiao ^irup fer pa»i . Lliicu a.iil ^llk Keesl .u^Liiu of (»crfecUx>a. raitua. ...tiiiectiug of the" <‘4riCK—Nn. l.T.V Main t.. over XV, It. .t'-re. i'urtad tuuallj min'arris *e will oertilnly l)r the *4?r' y**ars w,th ; lima West aiul A.-vp-uItoral reault. tu« m***t Nouth- .-bjcieties iumi.lie.1 on the most libenl ter.in gratlfring -acce**a :a raw* 3 ' f puy. thereby im.nriiw.o the sufferer -predvre.'lef.d'.sf.er,.erg- p-psia.peiJMa, w i-fi, ihi )K,;uiI:ir ni:iil ^iar. Ufe, Carpi II. d.'t«-a!’;i...iil liiill i:l-k»lik. silver I’lutinz d-me in the bc.t style. All Dy ivan.(van* u-a- f«ar*us>f.,r-us.rii h.hix'Uiehmc DtarrhfXa. «fciier.«i TUL tiK^U MA( UI\E and ilto line of #l‘-amer» ninthe .'r‘i. Th*T FlVimi tin*T t^ork. Ther-- no ocraei *n to work warrant- foil .» U c<>- a. ^d Ne.-.MU* Dvi.uiiy. I me r-.lijl.le •..ly i.i ;. llel>ld>:m| NeuraU*a, Er)‘lp«4as, ar. 1 Will ' C -eierallyauth. rL.dl-y r -w* IIAKRIG UI'DStlN. varoua M>V b.-iween CilivIiimgi.’Loi is.ijje, and n the ti re I N at citb. r < nf (U*M*a AUilitoruf t. c .».,ue tr a of the .**kin. ab»o f*.r ('hior .^i.-x. LeiK Tir-.fthy 17 frwt wfftt m i..ra,-4 l.u-Uicj# »') >U ^ nitri " ^l. *h •l;»J bin**'*. h- rreo, iTfr- To all this i# ad. led the tsignaiu;.- of Joseph un lertheiie-s li.eiruiu-e •“•.'i'S'RK, > The laps w i ten, JH»t*pr^'cd 1 «'ur«ra, Bry- law of Kentu. ky * tnOBFKT aad Feaiaiv CoinnI*inta 41 ivtT and 0)it* 2:: i . J4 wU)*: Kvery V.i''bir# niHiit* DAIILIN'G. W u 1 1 runby h/ind or f'»ot pow- *p**s • aetierU-y. In lue la^i class of Pr-rsi'leiit Ol Louisville, Ky. » 4 Of J romplaiuu parLiulsny. I i;, trp Kod I'MrUy to ib* («ft wide; .un, of th Washiiigtoua'idlfoL’ni Ve'r- .MI lK01'yl.n.\N" IN.-l It.VNCt: C(;M|...\v er. tnii f.vuliluin : |.*o (.il .(htjiresof **(iia im thmU. Carroltou. by S. XV. I’AUK. *®**cd the medti'ine Ay h »ve creol ist Ry.‘ t feri wid.-: l ' of XVarren. Ohio. “a?* power, aad for Wf. ond ^ ixteamhoat Coni',wiiy, xvho has o' New Xork. Cosh .;ital .ind ^arpl - 370.0:i0 ' I'lnu-aiiil re»pfi"l.il»Je f i.iiir.fs in *liffpreut i»lfto«s|i noii gvuerouoly g k*. B*'>U t cousuhr ,t .An iuLiUibic r«*iu«dy. »M*‘d I TUwrtj^ with rcjrulority a&d frfnnwt, the I. >1. V e»t .»rd .'•/nth rr >ni*Miic* t!ui lM*<*t wh »Ave^ Ui'dln e.X'«#. visit Hr;-l.ie.-( l' ''KCiiMI>ANyofNere York. the M.i h kh wheTeh-.*?he-e I* a ‘•avlngin* The Fernrian a**irap combi:^ on»-rcd to take the edilorb to lUc . N. S. valu.xMe alterative tomb of «•’( &z »tid r>«\iuir otit* f'l'irtfa (•fib** m- int.ir w. f *r ftmlljr •. GLORE CO.. aad mid tbroo- .so ral n* whlcli i.i niiit »utbLi«.iil C Capi'.il :.r.a i ITri.OOO I-itLXCH 'urtr.* ' TitOiMC’.kL f (,f lab T vvi*r tUc common m<*thod of hjiud W.ialiingt.jO while soj.iurnir.g iu the iiutiomii t .n**jr**.*in ovfMi'*iriHtl-*n ='f our Mhcblnr'*. / •OMMLet'UiN MKRClIXN' rS. N... 2# F crih »U-.-ct be. riIttXTFN-s FI ND IVSI i:xM 11 ...MgX .\il lct4(.*r> *r in-juirr. I iweei. Mai-.i.aii.I the River. Luiiisrllle. * ui. trujiuiis. Stoiw iriisianding the full list of im- I with ait c'.tra pubtage stamp, will Ky. | N Vof New \ ..rk. Cs.h t: i; It j 1 ..n 1 Iu# THE HOKkE-POWER M\rlll\i; Sun lb#,COO in rrc n rcj-ix o.iiii n circular. J^llay, i.raiu. and uU Lind# of iTudnre, bnokht aii.t ]>ortant lines «nbnu-sd ig ?iie above euuiiiera- I FEVER & AGUE i.n MIXTURE. NIAGAR X rillK IN.'I'i: I'ri'f.f lle'.tui 3da(*liiiic. : #cM c..iiiri]iss,..ii. r-Ltef-'M mccii wider and •«tc«wU the Ubor, »ow* XVCK t'OMI’XNV ’ ! -M.'* Line. I .hb|e.< I’artl.-ul.ir l*j lieu, a note is a[>peud..-d to thle k^-igcmeut to the of New York. C.ish <’ i;-it.d .'-irpliis, Mr.i Nefitlws To..',*. A**.. ! C attention rix-en to filHiia ord.T*. of the w riter. h**ld al«*** iow from lOL olt*# por hour. and . 3'J0,O(H> ’V. .1 certiiin Cure for Fever anil .\gtie, lie- by No. i Water #p^*nit!on folloxviiig ell. et: ; r^A.'ciit'y.iM *1 ill every county In the >t»lc.t)wbom i f'.r the sale of Raw VYhUxy. Fi jur. 4c. dec*;dawly JOHN D. P \RK. CtncIrnaG. Ohio. U ; CIll/KS'S' FIIIE I.N'l R V( ECtiMlMWnf \I % UI2 niiltriit mill Intermittent Fp-.'er, tF"ilET.WiEO ii'f .\LL DUL'. Uiliioitb Cuin]tluiut*>. J. HAKKIsoN. Clnclncail, ' IliiMfc IN.-i'i: XVIR CO XI PAN Y of „ TTi* t ‘(dlinioy several others of our iiii|>orfai>t coniiLeiing lines New LVIlLY VniAKRY, (AOVIl.Vlli-TH •’-''''''‘l '.vnt fortti^ of th<‘*usat)da wbokav^tSeo) In uiir Uthat ATRL\,) T NVINjiLOW. . . . Wa»t«n stMe*. i-« awrilknon-') MRS. \ >rk. Caili ( ;. Hi foot that t‘ie dlffcr.-tit fever# atst Ml- t*‘i« ' and rurpiu- 1,300.000 !4:^n'»om« Nu.>**ir>tt.-tbstreet, Affvnt.s In Li-uuxiffv ohH not rirr them op a*ud r**t*ro io iUeir f«>ruer xti!l cordially join in this luxitatioii and lK*lnccnMi4in:.i. I Mar- (F- r .lerly John IluUne « Co..) liuii.t coiupiai'it^ -- •' J are cmu^’«I hy tue p* l''*«neiir|)ose. II MK RANCb of _ I he Lull reput d!*a» Ttidch thU mexllrlne ha.* llarilor I. C--I1U. t .eh Capita! mlnexl which»Mch arratl;greatly f;rillut.rafirilitatex lb-the proccMpr«K*eaa "fof tevthlua.teethiuc, by io(t.toll* jL^Gr»-r ;.#-* hav?* b«eo I and Surplus 230,IMM) n-o- \\IT vJl'lf ) R. ^I11?^^ their hrtrndnetinn. those of bare not leanied ! wUlimlABt UAV2, la the '*outi» and We-t ah**re It in* ihr riu.#. rejucli.# all i.;llaniatiuu-wUl ailnj Ta**.*^ ma'-hlu*** xx aU. i. . . ar^ now n-oa ifa-'^urrd in tWc.tr. mod i l•K.lXIDI;^"^^: asiiinutun in.-i it. l»^*u m-.r.™«*n»fin .v j to appneelatc tbe va-t extent ot luC railroad in- j tatroduced. i» a suificient pr.xif of iti boperiurily F.xiN an.l a;.uui.MlicacUi n. obff u K at h.-ind wfotu Ihrs, scuoriM of rUUbood •f *»FrF«EU TO THE TLMfE AT A VLKV LIKKEaL .x \CE liiXII’ANX' i f It .vi-li-ncc, K. I. and llriiM Fmimipr. XVater rU-eet, t*ctwecn K1r»t above uUother iu ! c«>uipouu(Uof the xaine kli-B. t K T*!? 'ff'siL* «;•« o^s I bv^m k>eoo)oe :H*tQ trcablr*-me 'Aaddanerv-uA Dr. DIMaU'S F. tercsl eouuiry, or of our owngi.*.i t':.sh .1 an.l Surplus 1 and J'«*cond. ril 10 RE(Jl L \TF. i'llE of tbc line ,I C.if.: njO.OtHt 9 I#uui<\ illc. Ivy., U prepared tn mtke l?cU» .\sat; UK BOW EI.«. I auii*i**tetoiuAtNria. tlilH uiedliioe MtHudi norlval- JoHN bt Li.'?‘x i*'; Me'‘bin*-« at Wboletalc No. 4H Third «trc#< • f-*r CbnrcK*:**. Mcaoiboat*. ruwrui», ail near the Cfw* i Av., uf )*i2e(>, and to the West, this programme will atlord some 1 Sitic. a;t •i.tionglv.;nt.il-a'lne.. andthe InltTi 1* ,^**d a* it i^ purely \ e.:elHh|e, It enn )hj vifeij Dvi-und uis>nit. iQotI.rra. U wiildvot.-otfoyourMlm, rnunij alike »!ea-aiil au.l tffretuai for toe exiL stsof our t* given to and Tberu 0 r of Mehi. I.y SCaIL*: » 'if wuperior t *u**, of which be A SF.t KROW. - keeps au u&aortment ou chthlreu aud delic.tie ext.-nsix-e ri'iiltie.'if ciifi.in;. r*. :.ii« i,. '|.r--iu; :!) a ljustod it oiir '-ffice. patlehti*. not only iu ca*e of fever, U“*-",“«*e>»priei*(r«. idea of the ious of the sys- band. RLLIEI-' V.'kU HEALTH TO \OlK apis de-Mlly lii'LLdCK A CO. ( biU in idlcu8i*8 a here acuo*! tunic U reguire-L ti.-coinc .^ AU'). tern, as it has i.sixr dcveloj>od. When a and Salt Screws. OU 4il>>bcJ. Cylinder. Guaec, The KreuchTropi' *d W e liave J'»t foil ''P »nff «-»«“ -i*** I Fever anii Ai?»)e Mlxturei* prepare I J'T.'.’V*! t'l .-bildrvn ot all oaeO It Oeeiivya ooU ' ; M(.tp 'ckK, tOK'' ^ml C of every ri*e. Cun*'er Rivet-*, Spelter, by II. l.A FL l„ axp^U fexv of our oxvn ciiizcua prixMttly coiix-encd. but AC C hemist and Druiwi(*t, New Orleans aud #!* ^ V ^ e wenns more enaetuaiiy thaa aayrva»rdy now ia LOUISVIIaT.E BONE MILL, . S#l'i»»raud lira*-* CH*‘tln»* (*f ev».'ry lb- 'ripUou. i»y I lil ni of II whid »t liai one short geiierati-.n ago, to inaugurate •oM all rc9pev'tahU Dru,iglNta lhr*>iii:nout the city. '-’“ffif -***/ wbiieat lt>t#aiaeliii>e;l 'tiiltnaowayoaKtli«|an»ae- tha (frraif!i>t Dargaios of itir Soascu! t l/T 4JASU paid f .r OM Copper and Br:h2*4. o^.-r mcai.in.---Nt( II i i » dU dtf _j«l5 diy KH \lLtl» l.\ .4 lytOe healta - f tbe cbtld. C orarr Tn'cat) -I'ltsi (;ray*r>n ^ iy It can be prueared from and Sis. B-.!tlm->re and Ohio read, there was n-it a ?** Druaai»t».-ia<* country \ XtfoXVO.IVI RS #!..r«,eTeri«bere. itl-n ; i.eavet.iI.EAXETit inp.ibmIN'PoBM all THOSETIIOj-E mileiiiil*' of raiivrailx; ay exist,exist. uecD(-c aiiyxxhcreanj'xxUcre iu the KvM.l I \ (IRK. wbro DK. Ji>HN BILL Prioc.palxjacc. 1 engagedENGAGED ay iu A. X . DL PO\ r A; € O., DU. Illtl XO.X’S a LuaRTlUfo Ky. in F it e!>u < »ar(3’. nlijC tijat C'O.NC E.NTR.YTLD r i ke**p cob*tant!y on U'(»r2fl ftxr (^Hiicr*!* i*iirrir»a»«*^ NTritt- |t iii i*^tiii)*iti*d snm.ma ' lar«e ®f Ibi# 164 oT'^in- WINSLOW’S .r/n", ^:. : L-ujd a *,aanlHr h\^Aj valuable .MANCffE. - a MANITACTCEERS OF ,r ill tbe Luited alore, there arc i»oinc CTIIj.VPLACl'] a.t)d v**u‘d r*-p*f .luiiy roUciiib^r ntr.»u»gf* STORE! REMEDIES for DELIt ATE DISEASES. SOOTHING Jn XiTitnd. <(F*riaaiiy. and iLe K*yit«-n .News, nook, and (.olorod Papers, .^nirfr^:^ntrfr^^ L" of tldi tw'L-nty-lix'e thousand tiiile- of eoin]>Ii‘i.-J road I.NE French L.ribn idrre** roUar^ from 50 cent* to \"0. K\()\Vk VlAW> > PHrUV! i-THK CRE.YT i:EVIVEK-.->p«v.tUT eroffloate# ailsre deUght *1^ its opjt IV \J X XX X oXLX-iX • u«‘rT. Manure Laabeec aa<>4 for many yearn 1 in actual us--, eosling the fri-ghtfulsum of Dt-urly F #l »~wor!*i Irum H W c*.. idi SIRUP t'le rrrrft r*. -U' . V*-. ALSO taeevil tfft* u cf ?*clf-.Vhuat*. r;»ti**D^ and) - with Tbe beat «*ny lo i, |i» WHOLESALE DEALER.S LV mu h iu general de- .. *^* McC.tNN eaablMl to *leWct la K Shirt l>)**x/ini al < :Ut; Miity. ^ b aewrtaMf r^i.-ea fr*v&t « Uj pouiidt pt*r atre In the f«U, ten hundred uiiUiou of dollars. l*)«Mof memory, waaituir away of the ortraue, or any of iu^e>t cuauacudHUon of its m'tK'icalei.t.cU.aDB n rdicL 9 the true ^ arvd piow at Jh.vti' Oav ulr nt 3o I’tnrt: | C(*U4iltlun and locmitlw of ~ dssep aa pra»’tix:6' >; ( t Tron*. it l« %*ery con^tituti'tnalueramcmientH, buch aj* imputein y au*l weak- naJnal Xtu^.vDtuen. \\e8PcaklnthUuia.tter**>>M.%VAe apeok InthU uiatter l UKK Mr pradt.d*lr to up*- Itifinttf’ C.t#hr«'liitfrb(l V.dlA at 75 cents: PAPER OF ^LL KINDS. ne«*N<>f tw« potK.da Ui ta** i/'Alont of « b^dc' ftir the sexual **rif;tn>,bf*»ui;hi on hylb.* unrc»iraiut acb C'rn ai d To- Ab>u, u frw K.ubroiiiereU lldiixikLrcUcfs, trlmmcil >lth d ^urtUona. prwfeesprwtvaa to do this, jri are carrlkiearrlki lu aaSagg flENERAL Banking Law i\ Penni-ylvama.— i indulieetice.jf the p.c*-iun-. lYire- * »ne l»ni;nr. • arc'. kc Ileal #xi; / PMD FOR P.XGS AT THE OKFICR OF THE a»!u« aguistioiMuistiuiM ia *'raertoraerto xdiiamx»bia)B actetaclttek>t» the dk-dia- Lacc* al N j.2-TllKC4»V( • M k' iVift*}le wirvw tk^u-y In drir.# or fbrrr.iwi. 4>o** of tin* i K.NTKATfcUBALAl-WiUcurcineUbt fk >x l»-A I \\ fc liiultt. lltC \H te. Iu aln^t every ease. WA% e princXpalMV- ^ SEV?L\G MAClil do uot«4:>guot«a:>g <4 that kind, have I'euu.sylvania J'jftl V LOI L'VILLE FAl’tlC MILL. Xu. «7 MAlNSlKLEf. kia^ aud InvariaMy TI;e LcgislAture has (ag-sed a gen- recelrc4 at ril.XKLESF ll.x IVIIFT.-S’ ; Inra riik tLie Maaiir** \* in tbe ha*iUnf of it—tbt da.vtany CA^e of G..nurrha*a, Uwithuult.ulc nr'a«eii. and iikstouce where the Ini.u.l U sudiruig from pain aad rx- givru «atb*lacU farmer P .'7 rhojip Ln*.v Moie. K'mrtb i(lre( j>. fiv^ru a.XL ivLSuUaticooi^LSulUticnaandand c^ABiinailoMcvaailnatloiia t. A(». I I.OlfiVlI.LF.. rt,**iuirea uorcstri-'tlou of diet. Frier iJoUar. b>4UstWu. rrlief will be fjund In iifteeu or l>etnr e’tal>!<*d to :»k- at one load, in a twu-hor»e wap>#n, crr.l liADkiiig law, which has bc--ii *igtif d by MV-OMC TF.MfLE, lit. ! — One i twenty ndcutL-a the i ^*,ujvEKtA «*f taenty Nil. :1-C0NTLM1LXTF.U TFRKB-The u^eofthUren- after the elruu is admioivterru. tbe to twenty -live loads of borxr or I't'ltLlC .-< w. M. ',’.\r ;nTi:r. ai fx. s*t!fH. Till: AI).VM^KNIMtl>'.'r4>>IP\\Y , ) TO THE XVHE’ I Eit \VI|, ( jil. Ji. l. siiotwh.i. tiovemor. W*: e>lv u 111 cure (fleet 111 a 8hort time, voIuaolcpreparalluuU th**pre8«‘ripll.^i)of CH.VK(iE. muiOli )4a4*U Maxiurr. ThcPrt-sv.tj'xakingof and lean "how t luk FREE itsprovUions, sll'v-.- cvrHrt- one oftho OF C >) IX|t>,;itXt.,l SE'.VISU .M U- rt iludriju. La.) New urlcaua. La. ( Loubrlile, Ky. L »i II*) li LK. Kv., Mitrx’h 12, ( euteauf curea etfected luori and DlSK.i:^Jbi (IF ' aner ail oihera KXFKUlIkNtLD ^KlLl.FL I am pr(*r‘«r«^4 iu Mrubh any (le4ri*, till iUx.'rcAst rtiuiMeii**** i » It** n.*-» ;u uoi*L**. snys; WNEUS W.XNTKDf rtV folIo-*1nr lUcksys, wUch ' albo ta)‘tcl«*?*s an*! without sineB. l*r.ve—Due Dollar. Kueland, and has been u*eU aita NhVljt~fAlLiNO a new aurtuod of Mckiicated luhakitWo aad Coas4itutk>niu •b'lne^ ’ :*LC' I ;i* th»* l)f*l ;:»id luot-t rrihibl Famll) S«*whi;r .'IncMu.- f if p()t taken iu If • days will Ih*sjU f )rcb.ir*v»: SLAKiliTl-R, No. 4-L’O.NCLN I K.UI.D lu Ircatom nt. Havtug OL>T, AD. &EU7CR. d^» defferwor PtreH, O Inu-c. It e i«ia!!v wc'l (*ii Hit* SMITH k SIIOTU LLL, Fl’NlTKlt-alTheoniy r**medy CKao devoted the past 4 year^ in uavetlaa L’nder now. r to thlck-.5t utuJ t!ii*it**t j1 the new law the efiablieh oti*>D'iv: knuwu tbat will poriilvely ^^wnaiveljexlrnaiveij lhr«>ug&lur«>ug& AiilOAds M.. ** cure lUtlcturea of the urelua. uo dlnerwbtdtnerwcit c*>uo«rk«,c*>uii«ria8, vaWiaevkWiiie OMut ot ml' 43m betweco F#>una and Fifth. f ;i i <*<, n.ak* to • ^K•k•*tiit•^l Inmop^lhK* vi THOi'KWiPa OP 1' A^Fik 1 to imrjtx il. th I Isaaks XX ' ill exist xi'herever tli.- rt-oiiisite capiL-U Ai-x»D'hT *t J.. tliree l*Ji' kwif matter of bow l*>n;»uuxBing or noriected the caAe he. the prmc^al citko j M*’dlcai li^atttalloiw a*r the ac- ti.‘ e-«*->dlll a'tvaut.*i.re (>f !>t*ln;; altke uu hot'i si(i**s. COTTON FACTORS, unty ftiu- It not only reUevea the child from tain but Invigt can lx Aditmc 11. 4., out* FMcknr*; lYlee—On*» Dollar. VAtee guirement ot a tuorutiah knuwledar y f variouo dheawra, oLtaine.l, and a suflicieiit aiuouni of busi- »i J no ri'ljrc n-r chahi nii tii** nn.l*-r*»ld*.*— h simple In o n- AND ic;i* e, j No. the shuuacU ana buwcK cerrecta mrUBy. and give:* tune aho latest .Xiuerivjtxi Journ.ti of S one IMckn^^c; j 6 -ANn MKRCrUlAL F1LIJ?-AII persons who Dm aud a«u»t approved method *>f thrir treat- - ft Util* a, iuor .‘ i‘n'-* Li ne-s i« trauhaetDdtrausai-ti-d to rcadorreader Ihtui roiitdbk*:rolitable: but dy uu/veuicut, and more »luni* it. It / V \ T Ibtm i| JXuditor of riark To.. irlcHonn. lud., bavt uankiai:Isanking privile-gesj'riviie*.j4-8 I )»r*>wn II. M., t»n I the «A>tciu f'»r years, cuarina^* rviicve wlachbae proved a speedy and effectual cure ia tLelUlow* XVf fflvf lull iustmption^ torn:;ld'^ the i>nrx*lM-» rto fcir many chronic Bl?eai*e'*— I| O' is Lcidttic K!ix:«. une Trut.k: NO. OAKONDELET STREEf. sUouhl Uf*ethem.* FUK which will entDrIy counteract the 1% rilE BOW ELM »U; bi-iocigtla. all IgMoaOToftbe Tty-sak made,Mi»de, cverx*e\"i-rx" • UKIFIMJ \\D W lYD COLIC. I* I J•o^^ibicjossiblc j^rcoauiionpreeauii-jn is taken to I iry iM-ami*. U!t* h. hem. f !l. quilt, enthfr, id. T S II <1 . M «nd i T n U jaii'-v; .1.1,1 Ulda'iej II., cuvPackaxc: XEW uai.EAVx. elTct Is and retiiuve it from the 8y*WnL l*rice—(.me Dollar. r..nT>il.foU-s, if not «>*••»'«• of lb* H*orL «f tbe rifwcb. »f tb« gii tv k, jtll on tne sium* uuicaine. ami __ i aii.t o.rn-oim. .putdily reme- ird uote-iiobi(.rRui£ainsinote-lsol.lx r» ugainsl loss; Indeed, warr>AUtit fur thre** [ J and.and, lud<-ed, tbcythey IhlUnA'^ J. M., one d<>; N«). *> Over,uver. or.jf the KutnvirfcKulneva, Drv^psy. Paacc.liPnace, lancera, Y, j y*>'*T‘. —UKlLNr.XL F.V^TI LLS—li a certuin cure fur fe- di.a. end U. ararii. Wc beUev-it tile Bkj.r.^ai*. ) _(( E. H.F. CKiunn.CKii-nn, 4'lirotdc Llc**ri. an- more coDipU-u-lycoDi|.U*ieIy aildelieetu:llIy^cenredaudetlleetuallyisei-nred Uiau lUldwiti J. (L, uiie (h>: 1 itmic irrcm’ubritiee, or ?upprea»!on of tbe Jj‘r^'lfo;;rahh*uiBali»u.hheumailsut. >cuT*J^Neuraigia. Fanu>Kia. FAetw- lueDatruaUou. i inti., worlJ, fo -XLI. :/“ClrnUer*. c ont'ilnlnjr t-sliuionUle i ItkJtEDY WYP*Vurt, K7.Kj. IMce-rwi* DoUarx. {Spasms, mn Dkease* wf the Rye aud Car. ^kiB Dkra* nnunderder the old4)ld law.hxxe. NoiwiilxMafldxii^NoiwitUstafldiiig the innav l ul.' -l p; ludl’i-.:, E.w-tutid Wi'st. civinx ^r\ AT many prif kc.. rill he •«*•*, KjKjrXoXa* n..U(!er a..*xt:(* *W, Nt». :-TIIK CU.NCKNTR.ATED AMARIS -Curea tha t> (jMIL- Kuwtorr. Diarrhipa, a^ iu »horl all curabhr dkeasegi K^KJ&Aj. f ."i.**h< d •Tali’* 00 applicaU -u iu p* i '•'ii or hy UIVRitHiKk stringentctr:n^‘iit proxisious|*rox1>ions af>jafij lie.tblclie.iblc lo our proientpresent letter, IS(>0. wBiitce, We are not a **e«re-aiF* uukrtcikc , l)«!u*ln5#Cr'‘a;iks,ba;ilvr*, failures barehave ortaHionallyo<-i-asionally ItiirlD Tbuc D'jJIar. without a fair proi>jK*ct of rec«(Very. ^ otw foil i>l»iEASE:«*b. IlmniuiHyr \V.. UaJ m ci**; hruriTiI I’rodafc, ronvanllng aad kn to curing UravtL andaU«irecilonsofthekidnen c V -r y m.'t^or Uil.'fj FE.MAIaE ^ lovsch,losses, aud lUisthis seem#veciu# iuii>ossiblctuiiiosaiblc under : LlNAii LIGHT. ; lUcthe new itiooro II., one (iu; an ! bladder, Fi ice—One Dollar. BIST. M«XST ’ bV: lein.'< m Kak' r W. H,. on^ ; T Ui*t.iKriortoc »Mlir.)diQhrili:.»z.cy,atidtwelvetof'jur- i'ir* ulancontaibinf full porticaUn may do oMaiued by that the uuintxruu,„,j,.r banksban'ks lx* ' Nv. osj rouf*h street, t"*twecn .Main and Kiver* of will lx greallv in- Hrosrd tieor^re. on** Bux; I iwcnltmt-scktapcrthiiu eaudlo. iuclo'.iUg one post bLuup. > '#Oll.ri\lLLE* «"r-Med«-r- aaed in our Sute.SLite. Indeed, evciyevery proinluenlJiroillineilt 4 lui>b I*. M.« otie FTick.tire; KEATrCKV. Addref** DR. FELIX BRINON. i I S-T received, a full supply of Peytonm Cannet Cn-u. ! r*M*k J. M . OIK* 1)0%; ri-V (jelDj dly Puntoffice Box ;e*. FLLadeipbia. •I wLacu Lm UU cqumi fur family ta*r. Price l4 ceow rcr villagi- will prol>ablyproljably c^tablihhestablish suchf^ucb unan in^tltu-institu- ^ iM-orre?. N. B The D' .etor t»e l 4'reeper one Boi; (0.1L oiL Iff'* F. crixl attentloD riven lo theaaUof every Bei^rlp- may cou:*uUe in compU* alrd cas(Mi lion,tion. and loealitieslocalities which haveImvi; long vainlyVi.inlvini-ini- on*- mn, i»y letter or will ’"'r.;!''.' 1— ».„t».ofP.. t'Urk A., Box; \ tLn of rriuhice. rrr>onaUy. hot only such lcller'» be aa- ffold by i)rag«ist^ tUruosht the world. treataeut ludei*?* ' , my you prrUtr Rl Ail -•'‘fwiaiijratlriig ^ 4 ^ j#-;tuii.-dituu.-dll.eLrll.c LegislaturegisUture will 'ary J.. one Bux; if^orxlcr-i low»*8^ aw s*rrd .AS codtHin .X reasonable fee I 1# now gratify theirtin ir * promptly filled at the possible rAti-a. nil of the mo't iujprovcd Burucj i—^ome at tifiycent!* each i PriuciDHl Oince, Xo. 13, Ce ra Kuad aiDlCallowhill street. * ’ attlidy vG-. 1 0 9fiibii.hr-!. Pomeroy Coal, from the w»l! known deferred hopes. ManvofMan^vof thetheekislingljan'kaekistiug tmn'ks will j .. aud thoo-aelYew. omct* on rlivt street, twu BcMira j Curry IL P., mm do; li. rKRr.xrL—Try us ?umI ;»n)vc u:», f 1 ctfin C£.Xr^l*CR BOTTLk. abuve .Moi-ket, *.* fy wM-l. I am^eroie o.-eut. a]-;oal-io llnd rival iustitiiilons springing bvby PKU'hl O.XL\ 2d Loukviile, Ky. Dihce hourafrwwi 9 a'clock *T.« **-rm*'^ up their I < bript"phcr J. S., one Pio-knee; X|. OMt-eoBrUre Htreet. UlweeuSIrj-ket andjeffer-on. i,.\i!iioii..\xi)n.niiL\.ifi's! I A. tiff 1 P. M. Ail ielker, isliirtwed to our core. Sloe,side, .-.i- XlADA.Xli; €.ill, Inck-o- lorfor t.K-th(- favoritisiii ! ChtPuiaii H. A., Olio d**; KOSEXU.tl f,s. ...f J. kof.n. favoritisiu which soiia-sijiia- ofol them ar>- Itara-tamp, ri.Inc .TnipC"ma aiul nature of itb n„i wB Puckaircp; I a.-- Terf IL. 2 ’inu-* on. nnd l*c*t onali^v of ro il oil. <>11. i . re.-clvc prompt atUiillou. Mcdkiuc - _ used of iiiauifustiugiiinuifufetiug townrdfit.iwards uppHeantsa;>l>Iieanta for Lard and P M . J 0 X E S , i.orisviLLt: K-iit to all porta or ( .VI|sMw.lITI I»4wd .X. S., uT«*- 3 ruuk; )uirn!{«|r Fhiltl, wholesale :ma retail. FuuribDTrtftl, near the IM)CTRESS .VM) PHUE>OLO*’t' 4Y4. M. IIIt is probable lit K. f*.. on*; Park'iee; (.ALEVS that. iry t**- 1 ‘.P' In some eases,c-a.-cs, bunksbiiuk# wUIwill b.-b.* 1 ; r.-uoty EUhtbfurthe Lunar I.I/htf >r •ale, n#Od#fewtf Loukville, yf .avcT*>. at * Ky. W Pumeruv. with di'UaiU'ti, audou favur* . #„i.!: i., .i — . • n . • j AULIbllKU IH30. l»f ep-»A"U T., Oac do; dif EKr ^I sLiblishedfYUtblle»hcd whereucri, tll^they 4‘UUllOl xx'ell H.\KI>\. BLATiX'kCa kSf'tt tc*'«uc A>{.ii Jiti- - Il may i»c madt: to W V i-aunol bcbe well siisUiued;bUrlAiU4f di STHKKt, brtwe*^n 4^hcU»y and Clay vtrteio— her name is at J)e*lL.v J *Uii. one *J«i; di.-*e xsei*. axd ' STOVES AND TINWARE, cvre or all private KobH. 1^'tii.viiie. or but tbetli« t*xj>criiu« ntlit the d'x r—where 8hc is rcmly to practice o;x>n all stiuidlng roRTnr LorilsVlLLK to ex'ixrim. neediircd not, nceessarilv,ncooftwirilv, hebe* in- DvcLcr XV.. oux* n .v: M:n \vm:vT. Bl?e««*-e8 that tle^b and blood are heir to, such aa Dys;>et eiA, roK Tils tiCPPRE-^SlON OP lil’AtlaEUV. juriousjuriou**ioth«*|.ubl;c,to the publie, forlor nole-holdere beIn* i l»:ivis4. Berry, *me l’4* V *.(5*’; nou-ho1dcr§ 'willwill ' ,d \YFw1«h to |u;r-!ia**e lire thuu.'.tnd hutlieU cf XX'hlte Schooloy’s Patent Reftigerotors, Drup^y. Liver ('oinplolut. Fi:<«, BUndne'*a. D«:afne«*it, .AIIih*- PRIVATE HEDKAL DlSPEXSARI, Knluiau K. \V.,oue d •; Oeke located corner of riflb otre-rk and Coort PUce. . uiiail ply bocured.fcet-ured. and stockholdi9tockliold< r^r-x mustluiif-t tukctake their Yf VI h»*iiU'»r early delivery. tionot the bpleen, and F:iNy; will war- , KheumatDni and KitrrusMi M..ono do; | contracted EKTkBLIfoHED l\ l<*33. WATE2S COOIiEHS, ?ESS, all casosof Scr**fuJa, Tetter, Kryaii*- Wh-re IboK who have C’04Ia: ttiAL! CTiih* ; risksk.% ioin thi«this as init) allail ot BA73 rant cure-* In Cnncem rh Otherother kindskiIld^ <.f i.ubluor*.f-usiui-ss. ! Fur.l XX IV. one d«; di#ra»' may obtain Ihe tv#t of medical I POR 7UR CIRX OP A IX DlSLAbBS ' ela**, Biinyuns and Corn’s when the patluiit la not bejuud OP A PRIVATE I. MT'ilVin* k€*v|.* < ATt aea. cat. may be »pce^lj rix .11 aii itufexv d#T^8«)go v. : iLmf -'.'TVaj )^l>s tbereputoUoutbe renauLoM’^r purp“*w*. ii*-cclore; whether cure.! tor Ufo. fh a# {ClQV— l>rou.'iiiire It nearly eqaal lo Pi U-hurr. and superior riHLRS \M> |)i:\L- Ni. 77 Fourth stri-..|, two d urs ahox-c National IIotvL ; -3 fuatoiiwrd. I bav* twice, durbw tb, to | otir teleo'ral.liic -ad, i- brig V'*-^ L a of about OIIC ERsi, you will marry; wFl tell of absent friend«*. and trace k»st ISM a# li^ nature of the cooe »iU adi^t i-S >3 ?.'•* y»»»- vlolted »b* principal hutiaredhu;idrt-d undand ligbtyI igbiy ton# bunhet.liunhvn, and said to be ops Lot l-Y dtf prrperty. J;o., we. She baiia secret coimerted with herpro- of. au.l n.1 foe requ'rrX tarepl fcw 3 ».;.rrlK(u» (*iic d*»; No. (s'^i M.t;n ILLS. HY. ^ *|.^«i>tta »ln Boat..n. >*w Totkan.l f-'!; ulMriii M IL atrcpt, one unarc “t’Kivc :5k tlic (iaUHoufe ierdon which will enable anyone to obtain lonny pxdtila in ^ l.ibtliist s.iller. ^heu»tixvas built Utat lit. dollTlS, ^,,fnaa.ielphi».Fnaadriphia. where I trrramv ti,f }vm 4 w*(oU*nlri^id rcUit at the lowest cxa«b prierx. Aa K’UbT. bhe bt. Jolies, NcwNcx*- liiinly xk one* lk).x; a V beewM *c-ar- *«ir^ SPUING THAL'E I-.;0. bu-iaen« •Tiowe**. Sh<* baa aW> in her pottseselon the cele- aualnird witti ;jr-<>m.c.ed»'X *ii* r -treet, below Main, aiid Third Hrauywirk,llranswiek, batb'at oxvncdoxvni-d iuin ibisl!)i?*<<-iiy.iiv. I'uderncf.thI’udvrnf^f.lU J.. tWd DOOR. .l.M) SASli F.UTOKV, mauy n«w aa4 vaht- i r-'Xi^ ut'.cxtlou brited ROCK DIAMOND, brought trum Africa, wherein ylreet, betwevo 4*dU aud Market, luy^dif li WcojM c UI to their l.xrs* ;»nJ rplcn- ' ahlc ivmciikK ^hkh*!which I havek.re'teJ^;;ktris- nAini* ijiintrd nii Rtx rii *flntK*Arw ilmi t>er’(«)i#s r-ee ft ..«tur »“» th‘-the name laintcd ou b.-rher stern 'api'ear-! tlial of I /,*.-.b;b f. * ( t.( can their future partneris ienda or others. t£ iiox K»*y Mr., rki!** r;u*k: t f arri.ucctf their OW.N ( I,.VY STUr.F.T mom 4„cedduced into «ymy proruc.practice, forfi*r lb,the .u..., i Madame R. is h tppy to .-ay that ^heUthe only person that i ” \\| -J) vj | KFar.B bru**fitef I!i.-x»cr, uliieli has bc<-:i iu:i«-rle.-lly iru.M-il. lUrt«* > k KuMuinu. ( .T*’ r t:k; ^ ci'lchrai*'*! innkers those aA!(affct tolW*l with aay I'OIL! cangivcliicky iiuuil*er8 iu ol«.r ie tUictly cnnflJentlXfiJentiid. \Tr^ tTTrX^vl/ ' •I nly .irrlviu-r. (*'*iifu>tinxof fullowi : Lottery. )V;;i-n ilolluuin Jinii >. nn Bux; as PlaiiiiH? .Al'll aud Lunibrr Vard, M»f tbooedioeoaew which ^“ecm* wb captured by" lU'j I'ritiali aieanu-r Vi;x-r, :*. -i Wliohare ujure.l il.ea !*iMn)r-top iLjtrfieg; der H**i"(ii J. IL. one Bux: ura auJ the Ju- . »y wpwi.l pneliee. Thos, f ( I. |«1 iiue«tiuna. < M.tiu iiad M*rd**Lhave(*o h »rid ar*>od supply f Pit*.?- sh- had no slax'cs on h.jur.l. After plaein-g a rive**-* it Kockawayt; N** top ci OY VY RKK r, \F,.VR TIIK RIVKH, any who bh lieve lueylu.-y hat,hav, contractedrontracted D li'-r.in.ni Charlcf. ..ri* B ’X; Ii***‘f Hr"'V iL'w^Ixa^uocWwkjx.xt*^^^L^uocturnmluociui diwMediwoM obvaldihvuld awk,wwk, *-• yt tie** uf life, hriiirinx on i». ai'«aL Lury a:i4 V -idirny C* al. whi^'h they ate prepared to I-'Oir at B'*: Pf*;‘*t *:*t(; fee from cents to $2. for L^plioe and rtentiomen. Immedij^e'““ueJiWc applicwDon,apphcwtion. aeto by i>T rjf erea" on board, the Vip.-r fell iu xxith ihe H.iiriiMd) k B..OU** Box: l#oiii««vil!o, Ky. t.'oBfood than (krde- mynui imarevedimproved treaiuienttreoluieia 1 au*out * of evils ra^le^ undrr '-r, ignar.titi^n* «) by lb**|.»ad t/i iue«'tthc«>be« K'X'k iv.a> Biu’-i»-; •ttLi J ID dtf rn.l-»i *i»8, and a train .1 fiimi'*- :^Cgr II »rt M »u .liiiT. «*i*r Bo.x; Tr W irotis; -V., -..5 euable O rutratsbor.bor* recentr«c**iil caS^^VfcirdiiA. a#e. in a few days. I'niled Iftale.i steamer Port' la-julh, to wlmsc •(cnbcdsrr.be.l bv aomylhroiurnvuingthroiich a cunn#coin- fr ue iiineniZ ^owrerT a of pur(.lia'«*rv. Turyiuritc parti(*aUr att«‘x«tioD to their »*iic K\l(*r*;uu tup cu(ic-»oit*‘; t ci.curB L'lituMt***; 'mTAMTACTl Eras AND I»rALER.« in all kimD of ^ MkN-Who, hi jn.mUnaia uliuiri hahits.habit., bavehave ' l|o|*p* r J- U., B‘»\: • ollicers jtundstor. .! I.,tu the he^.thhea.th and viKor of r.i.mu«o.X T I eui'criur Cual. Onient promptly attended she was coii.-ipied. and the brig l.-ll for )l••lll'^**i^4fr <*.. ••.« )’*icitri*, rrlnce Vli-eri ill. In^ur-. riind*. SiA-h. iSo-h primed and c.n,uaclo.i lbatnnDd-harr..wiiv*that miDd-haiT''wing aiuloi..l bi'dybs'dy dratreyilkg.leatnyiii« dla- Box; _ ’'l5”5r«*^r*V“uU^ rreardto I dk- Kr.iincb, *•, conaultcouaultuawiahuawi.h rr^tnlUregard to AU *#f Hiiich we ftre off, rbi ' utmirprlrihirlv l'»w prices, as .Mxnri Baro*. Architraves. FilwterR, Molding:*, aaaiVAL WEAKMMkwkaK>xim which Wa*ht alarwpi.«oiarwvi.. X.-rfolk imiuediateiy. The ninliny xvhich took I'iM* H.« one Box; ISare CTinnei* Cor *k“''' Ica-bilolh,to the moM»,« , ( itjr * p*** br»* \\ hitr *^**1 liui't ni* tii' «. »•:!*• Box; w* “'Uii*. X i!l* and •null dta.” .Vn i-xanilu- kfU, and Vriloir Fine rioorina. Steamboat ‘•nd.sun ima*fatal cuir*eM»encr*, aoouldauouai apply huittcdiaielv.nuittcaiaierv, rUherrUUei |.l:>.-<- ou board arose fr.mi a sailor nnnied ^rtii?rYi T(TiIVr?i vi *# «Ka h*Y«fcsYm theth# foTirsfpkMIra of Ma- arioii cl our block b liiVitc'i to all Drckim;. [)re**b«-:ithsr'>oarflint;. .**hclv- rnybuidneas I offer the follow- \V. . wiauinx t'j rarchnAe. f>IUOr.^of ('hinrinc <’*"*'•>n -r"f kttar, liu(i8->n 1# oi.t* B**x; auvwice ofoi laeirtLtr puerw bJby and have aVur**aeufe eUbrtedcffbrtrd by^by Via aew guire getting iiit.i ipiarrel iu2l ii’.*;, Ac. keep conwtxntly Inrac xtock of for sile )*iir- m XLirt a with llic slaver's Hnnd A* Knofcl. oii<- B*ix; We on hand a n ina proi'erty at a The property .tiwi im»de*n“de ofat Ireatiu*ireatiua lUeihi* uiMaaa, whK'h.kL'k a««u^.-icr yerirg,maj he relnvikuratedi..ratcd^ tolo a naUraliiaUralnaforli ocwre*degree.Si?e* byuy uMuur Munnhictured Work and Iffne l#mnher of buperior quolity* known .i’* the Teleerapb MiiU, on tbe banks of Nilt river* . .leflue iie-.te. H<- was direct -d to t-ea-e Ida abnai-, but Henry MU#i 7»|.. one B*)x; a quick m.d nnlical - wre. Tnit..t.lef'*rihe fiuUh of Frame i*r Brick Huu-.ei*. where til*' Louisville and Uai d-town pike crosses •*)ad river, 1»- n-!us.?d Jenk)*B.. one B*>*: -M Ya.sii.vL*;. .s.'.l::. "•..".""L'.i'.-'iS'.Tr'.'u'Jie'ii' TfPiTlalt" *.r erivate read MIDDLE- Ati ED and OLD MEN. aha. by ejeefriv* nniil tlie ollieers armed themselves, Dre-brinx. Rippiiir..''^pHttine. ;ll Tumin*, tog-'ther wUhliiu acres of choice Un*l. J(> acres of iHittom du!»enc« -f th ir nw^.>ua. bare prslucvd a dehaltly i« wl.t-u S. K. uofi(li, kc ir.. a .UoeI«, *and o?h 8T0HE! Maguire was seonre-1, tog.-iher xxilli four Keiiipili:iw r.. *»ne Box: f done bo oril *r at rea«0Du!*ie ralo»*. Hen*l for hill of 1 iiiil, uinler good cuitlvatlon. the balance wellret in Blue me. on the effect* pf aarancenf thriryrarw. ran r.i>aattl>r. tiairt with tbe Kil- Mralnni Iu Chau-'M-y, No. prlc**9. pertainln. • ’ **" olliere, and mnna<-I.-d. L‘inrtl*)W!i, TLo:na*. on** Box; Ij.uirdly) H. M. CLAKAN * ro. Gr eiic^^^^^^ had LC'.'fJ- A- \^ilr*»\. oae Ii*)x; one Hlack^mlth Shop. >heds. a<*.. 4(e. Tw of <«aiil .hlchll.e) w..u!rt ta»« .ajoycl had tor never committed Virginian, it i-x -; j said, adiniia that she x«'anng-ag<-d >\ viitp.e **f a B ree • f Itie I.oni;*vin.- rhnnr* ry ronrt, ari'lkalionorby inoU. Le*? KVi t. on** H *r: I dweLiinsr* are exceUcut buiMinir's and In goo*l repair, the uaertson , ai.krxr.-sa. I ri i.*t *r«*B in i.'tc ;ii***v«* i Fisliin? Tarkle ! FWiia? T.Tfklc ! it* th.' slave trade, and prix-eeded > niip". tli#* utnIerDun* n. or one other comfortable frutonant. The Millau*! fixturesron- TOFKMAI to Africa for , B'*\; Ferwo; «loabt« T. LawA*»ti . otic iWri8 coDtemkUrimEcoBt..n.kUti»,marria,e.marriage, midand hayinkhaving aay dombto J. THORNTON, i:?i. oil I i of will, K.»I».\Y, April *JltI., ^>'hUev, ro#!^ Meutrt^^ H»» *nt th** hour all Frinaies. . aa.«.w.-s, L*«s acorrhea, or Lah ^e^IS^ si.'-t oftareeruii of.otone. an*! - th'il purpose. A pn-liniiiiary L' n.r ('ol., (UK.* D*>x; the apparnta’*n»*ci-.'isary to *0iklolo llicir111 *; If pUuhv*:«^J vi cgj ah»UahibivtjF lo #ru^riB^T lutoInto that wfukawitrmn c«m-com- investigation ^ „i#,m iu.i*Tii)t took '•f 11 o\ t.ifk. .V. M . rt*U u» pul'li.r a-Ji tiun. txT the hii?hepl ' d 'kgood Du**ioe«-L Kiuiue'* tiud aUiuvu(.d I#:i Ilf II. Lll\*-«‘. on^ Box; repair ; aLir^*e IhO STREET, pbice Ixfore the Lnited tsiuies ( t» Ih** prviij..^**, ill th** city tii« FOCUTil C'omiiiissiom-r at (*f l.'.tUbVlUe, JOSEPH GRIFFITH, Dirtiilerv, with ail the uv- e'iwary ;to*fur .\|it¥h*‘li J.. on*' Box; Huuar c mBuctlm; I'll th. ;g)i!i I MON F Ol NDItV. orojicU.*. t;,e.ialc lino cf ItuMch #t .Norfolk, ult., and th. trial ha# Ixt ii Nlor: n. one B«*x; thv«atue. .\li*4>v two exccUriit Carding Mv.*UlncH, iu Sv>o«; ». la affcaaea which be undertakw. h* .-knu-aatom a **r- I.'.i.v. on t'o* \rcil bi.lc of Nu.th Rtreet. httwceii .Main aiiB FtAh flreet. n?ar M.tln, LcuDrille. Kv.. r I.(Hls#VILLE, e tuditidi. and capalde iM KV. tiled for tlie 31st of .May.— /(»/(,'o./),, ^^•r^»^on J. W., une Parkrir'?; doing :i fine c< nutry biiriuesa. W^ffutoenl . uPfo uo maltor abo to wbal Ainti-ir,rn. , Rtr*'- ti. wtiitii in . Water *l»— rii»» tj : 4*oimim)<'ncin< DEALFIt IN tb ^lt‘ .imuM .Mnrr T. H., one d»*; WHOLE^ALF# .VII of saM property 1 will soil at a barodn aust on ea.-y "ntol nSt ul^n" ri teslfh O aUioN hi a pnint *tn Un* v,\'i <\ le i f Ni'.ih btr* et. Lil hii«l llirt * - ore^nmicy, on** tl'*; ter: I-*. The 1 ucatiun Is one of the uio«t not he ^^e*^ dnriug “ •»».- r . d *drableh) Ken* . .. *1 *.,i "Da,L»a.uiTgaG iT»’ RatvrwfVATw*tw MemcalYiimcAL Taaiaa»Ti:4*»:4»t»« 9bi I t". fifth f't ii-.rthof Bl.tiii Ftre* t. ihet»*v -• 1 1 lv< lOEN'T. w(rt..arBly h Guns, ItiUcN, Pixtols, Fisliiu? T.Yfklp. always haoWictf.kCM. rrue #1 p4.rm#k,an; Having Jiivt opened a» iarce utock of t.ig‘*8 «eldum it)i to Dl.T»VTV (vAlcOKNy .^tArtr. II IL. one B Si -rori* , met a receive 4 i.irge amount of * keiiital organs btdh »t .xeaiu jUU of hr^lh aad PKnsON i custom of a JIaI- . C'-trliale, IVuu., and liiA daurrlitnr, uyoini*'’ r.e*.'Ayr«ll> l*«'*ft *l t th«* rci.t* r (-f t’c* square. In-tuecii .wnttlue brief lUle- MeUee T.. one Be; <;l<;i s.'.N.'. RIFI.E1.RIEI.E-i. IMbToU-. AND UNEFINE a* Hell aa a dourliii; ami dL'«7l!Ui)chuHrtie<*!i. home, withperfo'cl' to -recy. ’by aw a duw.ar, luci^l to buto Nil. Ill unB I ( Dlb **lr»*fts. tliftic** northwn. *J»i* fed nior»* *'"»-*fn« >'» -»U irivale f;ir.-f-.riTuraFUe. onr L.ll^im^ a niclaiieholv B!> E'ISIll.N'U .leal.’rv would .In uwntof cake, will bo furtuttueti with»Oh'!^».IafH^ilT^wUN^ai*i.4^k * »4 %ar, which, Oaths ; woman, met with death. M.*|(*klf TaLKI.E. lu’tuiro uu L'l# premi«*ei*, oradBrcw» for -tobthty, Tlie T. If.,t^O do; ** r trtlcuKrv Dcrvoim. aan orauto A * r * t'l Water ^lr••'•t. fhir.* •-*»»• vkch a# touci X with at* r j«;i*'**t e i«l»ai lonted to mr..11? willafo In.Ucatc tbe B a- >«- home rr-.m Mcnm hr. J. 4’., <>:ie du; vu'H by .MllIng niid exaniiiiliig K".'.la aud DU. UUIKFITH. Mt. M N*hingt )D. Ky., bciiiJ fiBe*l out .»ndr* lory imgowoce. kc.. w»»K dii'urhtcr was retnn.ing a viffit : l»*a:t ! i.» boiam .eiauial weaknt#*. lothc l> liu f (*t, A ardty »l**»nt ?•* f* rt |m a J Mfl'>'.m ('. lt„ une B*v, I'ricea Ix-fore m.iking their i.aiclnue*. or AV, N. Il.VLDK.'d.t.N. e *80 luoch belter thaatt could Ne iKacrilwd 1*0 a personal mirfo tost fre« p ill! ..h*mt :t;r» aiiB t'*M f tw«r:rthf.et tculhof MqiU'trt-ef. L-EuUville, Ky. »Ducti. tofor their *i.r«*T ai.d|Mfu.iBc« *i»-ve aA'c .t V (rietrtjf iVrprtJiJ. ltourl»oo. Tea.--*^ f»| fide tif the Loilllodo>;UllK*t creek, Alld interview, •nedtcbiea will be -enl, freefrM of ebatmw.chaf»lT.mun- Mover** I). 1C., one do; RrvwRKS(>>^ Dr. S. M. Matheay, 1 evingt*'0. Ky. ; llcjory apd aaiaaoito aakresa. tii(.*iii *• f;«*.ts»'srBl.r .*;iH'i!! pu i ,#1.. »•!. * il to “>» Ucc.n «urc"Kii'nii.'j. i.X ui**rf ji**rur.ite IXDIE!*- ^ MiU«*r Ttxiin.v. B ) ( • f«>r tbosewhowUh to come lotltel.e city andanJ remain unaernndto small IkkiI, for Ihe une 'bs tn h;* I hy dtUwl HtEVk-XTlYl PORDEKR. By V'v!ri4n!M.'^V...VL *i^^^ wliirh iS-ve7 have er 's,td over with a luirixse B Tli ti(*n m«y ref rx*nrf. to the pU inilnir*.) — JCH29 rZaBCK, CH-irvi PKENttl mvut MonRf;i/.*r (». W., ollC B'», trr*)tnjeiel. . ^ th. abo, from arj caato. to Haul Lthare, T‘j*.''*lhrr uii J tlu* Kn-'ltif-. )l ilh-rs, ( np«‘la,*, ^nuhiiii:# aiul I * # XI ta \i fs«a !rua». thoae rallied lu tbe Sv.olb wUcb they ».ffer very of tmnifinff Ikt across. Mr. .MyerH renohod the ( .(. M. to 9w P.p M.. (jton- ^ »M#en N**;U >. It,, txand two po-togevt-uasfo ^ ^ Acte,m«*-r »f#^t , T* I'KAtf S.B *— Otic fuurth IO) ucruBIt i*f !. ur months* I Mitutim. Price y auuL I'ali *n E..oiif Bo; Place, ap .toirs, iwwevn Jeitc-sao.ao wmlxiHl Market. • JIOXTIl.'? (• ( •» fo^ Apiui%^ Ill hO, ilbce;:i.*4 I lilt Il cT* Bit cf ‘tic. Die Drur t)Oll.ai)d Matted forliOMiC. doilljf a Ihc h;B la. I m.b Hnce jeais. sM.NN'UF.VC rrilKK, > Nnrqwun. l*ryor one (I*.; 1 A.t'h'lie and I full of Pt'FONT II f' | have on ind a Sknd AZ- nit ar.fted. but r.-:..-! frim tbe lien vtill Im. retain* B :m ad Btl 'Ual s< cuiit. CliiV nail Shi-iby. \V”E h <>ur s. .»#« B Rarrl r \. M., oue Bx*; tf'tlng Tbtoc PBW btoiM DO* be Uhea dar'mc 1* ni2" .1-Jiu ^Ih.'oxvnI h.'oxvn Into »a de.-pde.-j, eddy, from which they werevi'ere w. I’. D. W*IIP-, vT aHD'8 KilU* aad Bl FuwtUrr, wtiich wccuiitiuue **l''\tT10.N M L r c. * PUICE 4"., .An-i T'.iDd rtr.-.A, I ct'ceen DR. WM. PPkICE > j Byrr o*»e «lo; M:dn oi.d the River, o.i«.au. * itew. "T .. ifc. llieyar- oarrloiruduc- a»toc-iil*f*. ' JA.MI..' G. i:ai i;f. t t’( -*#11 at luwe-t nmrWet r - .,i.-4i\cM T. . ,, . . ii-_. warrau'Stherffeci-warr:.u‘#th*r8cci- Ural'!'-iinal'!' to cxtrie.ile ihemoclveff,ihemoclve#, andnull both disaisdisajs 1 KuMuflun J.. (>!.•* «)>•; Ten*lor«loth«uaMic, and at a Xstance who wiob to fo- euro.) at hjo-m I . I I.Ul i-MLI.i:. KV. The repalsliun and well known •nperh-r'.ty of our Tow. topciwuu# THUS \.MUHU.\N.) full’ 'Wing.wing.lise.oc:li^4Ae»: fornda UACE COWSaE. .nilifi-d IxuvAtli S»ri*kl«-rJ \l., three B**; lu'. e-dtJity u.ilcureof the will, rcecirt .'f « brief •toleraent cf torir eaoo. WOOBIU^-WW p. Ixuvath the w.iters. ‘. *lcr prublDii-* the of our gn in* it t ) parties L cB-yUI M;.nh CO. t’lP <*un\#nU*iic** uf ni.v cuai'inu*!** »n»l t!ic pn)*l!<* In to Fl< j tJeul •• V\ ., (•»!* 1 I Scr*>(ula. f*ore Pyew. 4 anerr.r. J^oudarySecondary NyphlUa.byphllto. a«M>u^ later- Bt.t.nAl wmber# of the (i«»; uM tiii their certificate]*. fciof «o«h que-tiou. a# I w.aiia.mk -.a a bspim* I I l!u* ii*id Be Hii'l I *wt*r cltv. I "°'>N* «ri#’i!'!V t-' I'un *.f thr hiv#. Iw-iBr- tula, without u#io< the knife. '-'d. wiB forowrd TIE F^* B>un’ N II . OLD Bm; AVc fniar.'Miteekll the For*ler we »eU to l*e - ,v_ t 'lew- ao.e.»l», of Iho IlM kLed u«L I Als » the s uiie !>i'* and placi*, wUl Iw» sc!*I the p**r- .» tfi.*rsoT) «nperlor to any » fXo.al.m or nab. rhict.e-.t'tie tt.cm «n ! my Fai'lory on opened a )*t‘*re on Third '.•cquer.. cs cf *TOnl»m frro. Jato J' ::^Th<-:^^“Th(- Otherotiicr day the Troy (X. Y.) Arena an- Mr.i'JA S. II,. one li*.; imuinfactnred the particularly asiapueeiku the ca»e. freo ‘[;J ; hrand-v iu ridtcil *n il r**p* 1 h» to th»* lli^ai . other .'U^**- I 8 1 1> Lite firm "f h k Luni;. »k!r»'vt. l»»*twefii Main h?m 1 Ihe riv(»r. where I K*‘pe lu in^et - -*. "Kibar in fan ^;JU Vield J*., «e ui«c u*» rrs; loo. of lb* couatry. wBh noui exd the (haUhd-, in ti ofL*-:-!'.- i OFFICE OF thidihermar'be neud V n 't tlicBaV of S;i!c. ii«*-tiu*r cf T nl, aitli .1 Urge ilruiMRt* hi itty Bik*. lan^l *Bf bjthe^'rf wrMar. HlrtUH utn: Bo; p ' No. t. . Main ttreet. r..Tnnff«t— Ni.rlliN<.rlli Mood*,Woods, and her burial IxtiealhIxtiealli the lt.i'1,1* •. F.iitei . 4 *.;I!. ihI LsbIics oii4 a-^l Iron :*hears. * to • P- y*- <‘w« b. t.ii- . ... StNfford John, one Bo; >.to.i!:atinn maybo bcM from -X. M. " >U(.'’*.* n»'B |i* uij!c !!' (B l.ath*"*. *A> to :vj inches suiinr. and eCdtf A. V. DI FONT A C>. Ai.ii>i«l-i--’n''e'»}'''’ iTineheaofbr ujehea of ehuieechoice i; A. M.' at kto oIBco. aortheaot ejrnfj £V,’25,5’'*JLlret«rv.>*ecret«ry. forest trees, tran-plantedtrait -planted bvby Flnton W.. one Bo; il. SON', L an.l miny.A.1er#. dayfr >mMo «.I4dtf H M. E. M! I.TOV till n^ 1 1 fx't t. liirtfc ruiiiln;; and l#**rln{e laiiiu'S.7 f**ct awlnr. J. s( A eiitraaco oo Third J«xarv,l-.r, I r'.hd and M.irkrt otreXa-privaOe l^mith F. F . one do; herl,cr own bauds,liauda, .te.etc. It now seems thilthat theIhe realreoil Mnd tiini aii fc(‘t. rprixlit liuriir.; J-xric. romp*tun'l IMan- reAjrl»reyJ. J.. one B*); IMl’OP.TEII.'S AND HE.M.I'.RS IS anx:AT DAsaAinrsTODE had at s-L Louiiy'tUc. Ky. . . T _ xvii'c liX'i < *ul- .4lt.MV xxiic liV'-ss in Bu«!.d<>, andnnd th.it Hi.th.- f.-in.dcf.-intdc ine Mai'hine .inB Lar,-e IMiner. with .xll th«*r T r«-riuL to'iv.-r.irv • Di.a'l f ’rtod W* n«« »fol FOR TMB I'MTKB riTlTE*( who Fut( liffe X Hurtii D, one Bo; bivloL>.le 1V4YTED bit** r«*r cjiryin? nn h flr^t-clare ni«<'iilnc*a*iou uuB fuitnBry. Foroiitn nml iluint'ktk' W'iiiew & i.i<|iiorw, d‘'di. d<1 xvas '**''*'*‘lyiii.-rely *a <*>Dil'anioii(y,’rni:inioii ill Tboif))*f< oil** Bu; riEKt K'E.i . whom N.-dNi'd met in J., (MOi'XTFD j Torinsv- I .ri'ual .xn.l lri*n, ca^h; fir lu pi- tneiiU. Ul'l•^r ' Trotter Xit'ltBOX. SrOTt’H 1RI,«UT W'HISKIE.«; •a lagUT-beerlager-beer salooa al J 4’.. two do; *‘«i ItVE AM) »»n*lc...cn^q.|’V.^e.^lca to. men. l-etween the Troy. •.i(» *. ( aBi; ft ‘‘ni i t * ai.ii"*, f -nr niuiiti.i*; over#MSi»fi*iir E. .M()HK*8. reputable HOOTED, unmarried , by the hiebly nu V.xnn)'*ter, one do; L) Toil vet o. CIO AUf. L AUD.'*. AND BAR .STORILS. Jud.s; J. 1. lioiK^. 1. H.tr«- M lu mIx ri'iiith t. B >n*l wiib uppiuveB security Ik'iitIci: in- «;*o. W. .foh.».on. t'li. \Vhiii*»ck W.,ut)€ do; \0. 6f»7 VM) Cfi?* .Mes .«»'. bueriS; It. U K-rter; A fioord auJ medical auend- ten *r w tli he rct;ulrc*i. a *JH IVull ntreet, Luiiistillc, Ky. f..r.^Miyur; >Y. R. D. C'ARUs rioihms. /fT^ 3^” Pchlller’aSchiller's only surxivingiiurxiving j \ md par. daughter,daughter. I WI*;T A. II., oue Bo; r Mad- For inioriuatlua Api'If ou the prL*roiH(.*8tn |>«>unt8 l.onx. Market atreet. tnuth rid»*, between Fh*rd and Predon. Willlxmx j. mr lUrtf rixm^tlytocertliyihal w* l»v* aalfocrti^ Mr^TirS Jeffermm and Green. an.e Vonvon GlelcllCU(ilelelici) Russwurm,Kussxx iirm, haxinghax iiig rctiuentedrctiuested K., one Bo; |iKSM.*4 L0N41, ruiviv-.r, topttrehato a few i*crofulon, Neeroew. on Ftr»l ri-e*f. *xle*en M’llf»un \V^1TU a view of nuittinathe Pry4J»* »d»baslnewa. I now St Krt. waanlo aoontfor Ihamloof oar ihUstren ,i or- At.ptfo B B . one B*»; ..11 'torhet street l.«;w»»n flxtbaaJ Seventh. 1 Itifl— ! PAKAll r l»*M<’H. . tilB.w X4 IJem. Monntrd . thetlie pnbllcpublic to forward lo h.-r all ihe ape.spe. -<< hea, >*ri)i'K. com’Istli.e In p.nt f I'suo. Roeklna » t-oliv. ^ , kaE. he., .1. Fi.oi i:. 4 M) rFni;\T, YT ofTcrmy ENTIKF riacoiu UleA PermiabulalPfr, Pr,- M’iiB I)., one Bo; I MMK rls'.t patienU ln&ny»t ile nbencaltod Keerailii.» on.-er. nC7*Untf A.I.n X cf B. i: .ach. BciM. til tw~ Dr. Price will iii.r . DU.M) :TI4J DHV (tOODS4 LuuutUlo of - i.j.r A;.'., r,r. latiiigInf to theIhi- re»-eutrecent .Si-hlller.Si-liIIler l-.-stival,F .livnl li.ial.o. \\ iitia'i.a .\|cx., one 'lu; 4'tN.-r\NTl.V on h«n*l and receipt** d.dly. Furviifi«er« FANCY M'AFLF VNi> pefferu kc.. for too c4ty uf and Mto Kefo FFTJ4. UrO'T ( w ill find it thi'lr Intcrert to c dl »*ef-.re pureh:i-lng puttag* itamp, I^ulfvUi,, Ky. to.kr^ X CKlUanA.9 k ffW iibd»\ir*iy T. li., ouo do. Ha ter H.'U'*. jufct tioi.'hcd lor uur ^priug tr.nlc -none tl-u-nhisrc. FCIKK SMITH. Main •street, price*, hoiic Ui search J*U*.^ K*wItok.)Ur«ha,UW. IB dU Affile aud fur I MOluk. ul* iU — - S . —— ^ T ( -—m 4 . .

    Rhude Island Election. shed the Mood of my brother twenty years ago, i iutclU(|rnfc. Satci&t bi| fflcriraph. and I am here, free to apeak my miud. Providence, -April 4, .Midnight. —S«Teniy- (Commercial 3uictiun Steamboats. ^ailroad^. The Republican jiarty would spring up in Ken- ' ihree town* give Sprague 3,hOK, .md Padel- | lucky, and gentlemen now here would find Ibcm- ford 3,)V.)2. Tbi* city gives a large majority for ~~ 1.1. M AIL LIAK FUH THE SESSION sefres displaced by mote moderate, and if it Sprague, and be is probably eleried by not less t . C. SPEN4 ER. KAik. \XXVlih CONGRESS-FIRST OFFICE LOITSA'TI.LE COI'KIEH. 1 HV j FAST TI^LE TO NEW YORK ! the •plenJld ussstreer _(T« » , were not offensive, he would add, by 1-50U majority. _ „1| V *1 more sen- than Tiii bsdaT Evenino, .April 5. Is*» i UT Hoist TOOLS. IRON. ROPEA M.Vtlli.Nr.RY. ! COL ^'t -Mner* JACOB sTKA sible men. He wanted to say iu is 4C , .AT.AlcTIoX. Charleston I Legislature alsoagainsiibeKi-publieans. 3JOATS LKAVIXO THIS 1>AV. 7Ttui-.nl'erdii>n. April 7th. at vUl leave for ( iBcinQsiii via Um« .Hiaui j New Yokk. —Additioual retunis indi- \N o'clock. 3 Wa-ihington. .\pril 6 . Senate. r. Foster since uur last. The Tita rAKncT'i.AJta itteamboat — — demand for .Money is good, Imt Imt I'Durt llouae >artl, advebtiicmexts. Biinbam: ( r tuM In the hy orvlcr of the : m ; Mr. Y'ou better try I for I citizens of had it. cate nearly 2,OUO Sprague. IMiWATI EAKRV .VMFRMVU prescctevl uitietccii meiiioriale from In nio*t r.v*es it is met No change in the Ea*tein M^tyor uf the city, all the t«>ol«i. IrtiisA, machinery. * .Mr. Lovejoy: 1 can go to Knguud and Iliere PitoviDENCE, -April .5. Tlie returns from ad- Atl'J o'clock, wlikh Insures the aiokine "f the * o'clock Jacob STRADCS. DHman. nnciDnati. Councciicut, praying for the aholishiuent of — AC.. U-Htftl In the conatructiuu of the Court tluu.-«e, anU u«>t discuss the question of Church and Stale, ' ditional towns show that Sprague’s Kxcliauge market. wanted for further uae. iiHiruinc connections by Kailr'^ikl from C'luclunaU t. the OHIO BELLE. SrhaMUn. N o tlie Referred. or auv majority will spirit rations in navy. Terma cnah. C. C. North sud East. AVLAN'riC. MctilU. N o. other British institution, hut if I alaiut l,7h0. Tbe Klunr market remains Arm a good de- r*PKN'CKR. go into the i Ik' with COZ.UKBT7 B SSKIA BAXl.aojLI>B. Mr. Wilson introduced a resolution whieli waa ap*>d'J Auctit>iie««r. For freisht or psssare apply oa board or to ^ E.K.NTl'CKY. rx-ott. Mnuphis. i slave States and talk against slavery, where!* Providence. April .5. The wlnde vote of mand for home c-on-iunipliou. sales to-day were Jut CAMPION. Agent. HKACEI.ET. BillArd. Ark. rirrr. referred, requesiing the t 'omiuittee on Mililary — tbe The EXCLl sITELY AN EA.'TKKN RfX TE protection!' lias been received, is fff^O(li'-e Mad Line Wharf boat, foot Thinl street. LIAMONB. Miiirar. PitUlmrr . my Stale and as follows; small at $(i@(i 2."j for city mills superfine, and $."i 7.". BV i\ i\ sn:M KR. ( > • Allairs to iuquire ii the War Dej>arlUiciit, or.iny jsii4 dtf F Ii -M < 1 N < I N -V I I 1 ( > Mr. Miles: Can you go into England and in- rprague l’i,‘2T5; Padeltbrd lO.KTi; scattering 143. ' of its oflieers, hat e entered into a eoutraiL, du- @6 for country siiperflue. The ivcelpts of Wheal A SCPKRB collection OF RO.^F.'^. FROM THE NCR Buot'in in .P4*j hour-. New A' rk in .U ho .**. .ARR1TAL& April A | cite the laboring el-isscs there to a.-isassiuate the Sprague’s niiijority 1,351. SKKV OK HOHBS. WALKKU A CO.. AT .^CCTION. PbiiaiielpUa 111 2b BaJtim i in^'-'i the last two year*, for Iron for public build- 4 boon. ,r-. ring roiitinuc very light. The market is dnil and nn- FOH AIKO, MHMFlill A bU AKW OKLK A.\i. biilTalo -trcraph. ClnriniiaU: liUmood. Pittelturc: in b. hours. Dui.kirii :n 1 * \ . .r-. 1 for the Queen!' MORROW (Saturday) momlx'a. April Tth. at Id I id: ings since the pulilie advertisements the The fiue niasndticent pa.'wenirrr st-aiuer 12 (“' v ’ - * A . Aunllr. Carr '41t RiwraM. \>« changi'd. We hear of no traiisaetion*, quote will iMdd 53i> HlUoura in -1 lionr*. : sd i» •*. Orlrana: .Mr. Lovejoy: I don't .Arrival of Ilie .Vliee and L o'clot'k. at auutluii rnD». Nu. Main m Mrfnphla: eoiiiraeled for; desire to do that. I claim Rogers. Al'ToCR.^. Copiaiu Henry .4c"tt. fiteui-enviUe in to ts Crestline in , ("MmU Pii<-n>U, furuislied and > ar*. .r*. K Bell; •niue; Uie amount uuiiiiually •trpet* a ruru and cTmlre cullertinn of Ruaei<. In hudu anti H — “ di.scuss at $1 W for choire real and white. I tth AA brefina p"inu> Mdr. Ciiiciriuati: I’nirerai’. till' right to slavery cveryw here under leave os above ou Priusy, the in 11 X ti'iars. (..lui.. . k ur-. wli.at authority the eon- XouFot.K, .April .5.—Tlie British hlootn, r ceivetl from tbe nurwrry of Walker k ('«>.. i llie price ]iaid, and by schooner Inst, at i o'cloek P M. J U «'b.-rauia:.. l«>nia; Arlxoiiia, IH Lnupi; stars and stripes. it. Oats are firm and in reqaest at SOy'. There is no of Jeffer^on Co. The^e ro^*^ are reliable, and thereputa ‘ Also, a similar iiu|uiry as to the I claim It.' 1 demand .Alice Uogi rs, id' St. Johns, N. B„ For freixhtor TURKE TUKUt Oil I'xPR'- * Tii.Al.N- ABr.>ra. N'tv Orlrana. HkZel IK-Il, trael was made. from AloiUego tiori aufticiKiit posooce. having tnperior accom >dia...na. Naaiix'iUr. of the Urm Ua ,:uaraijfr that each rm* mil ' Mr. iiouhaiii. — We want you to assert it. Janiaiea, liouiid to cliange to notire iu Corn. It remains firm, with sales api'ly ou hoard ur U. ,A new feature, and -tuthe shot and shell and iron gun eoriridges; and B;iy, Philadelphia, with sugar be true to it** kind, aa ruprefrittetl. The entire lot »iU t>e DEPAETLREtl. j *ps Mr. Lovejoy.— When yoii call us small larnurs •ohl FK VSK CARTER. Afent. »: Main street. woods, is here. of prime white shelled without reserve. The Udiet are si>t*cially inrited to • ILITTLKMIkVil H-klLKOkUOTiLV. 4e*rat>h. Cincinnati; authorizing the eoinmittee to send for jH-rsons ami dye (’ajit. Braley offered to at U5'f, sa> ks included, ami Sunnjr r>ira. Oiurimiat!; and pajK-rs. Laid over. sell ill liaiiiptuii Roads two free iiegr'iK-s, where- small sales ear Cum atoUj^f. _ puscueer steamer apb C. r. sSrEN('EU, Auctioneer. Tlie LITTLE MIAMI ia t!,e 'O.y K.AJLi'.i.i.AD t 1.** trienda, PttZstnirE; Emerald, “ people of the North, we don’t harm you. H a be was arrested, PAIR) HI LD. Capt. J. H Fawcett. ; V- the I Mr. L lay, from the C'ununittee on Commerce, upon and tbe vessel taken in Rope is active, with sales to-day at for city leave EA-'T. from Cit.' i:i——ti, ranrdi.a * MGili kxpws-* J W Cbecaman. os abut e ou ruesdoj. the Pah. , Cineluuati; Jolin Gault, NiatiriUe. niei'hanic from Pennsylvania were to go Soutli Inst House joint resolutions, coiisliiu i barge by the authorities. i\ . at 4 o elo< k p. .M. IILAIN. and istbe U.NI.A RO.AD ;ip*in wi.n. ;, r>'iK>ried the niacliiiie. Hay is finn, aud prici". liavc slightly ad- BV SPEM'En. aud s|K‘ak about the superiorily of white labor, ] F"r treLtit or pooiagc apply on to Itug Macon. Ga., a lairt of entry for the time be- ELVOANT H’KMTCRE. SEVEN Of'TWE ROSEW(M)D h..arS' xxaTl a * -t. vanced, w ith sales to-day store. .•(. j Tiie River was fitllinj' he would he held morally r'es|>ousible. You at (Zt 50 p ton, from PI.VNO. D. UF..NF:iiii r a miN. Arerits. i>rcit> Cast yesterday. ing. and for oilier puriosos. Tt was jia.ssoil. SherinHii and Roolli Fugitive Slave Case. LOoKIN’Ii GI,\.*.iK>. BKl TIHH E fl.V THRulGlI IK KRT.-i Hi ALL EA.-TEK.N ClTlKi would strip scourge him l>y the liaud of The (iDH'ery market remains firm, witha good de- C.UH'ETS. .Ml'LKs .VM> WAGON, AND A .NL'PKitU ‘ The fine A ith jk>sI- him aud - mi freiebt aiul pa.'Oeuirer steamer ; 5 feet d inebe* water in the canal in the ercnin|r, Mr. Cliesnut moved to take up and then m T"‘ w Fi 'in I7n *!nit I'i \ . 1 1 B- !*,r Whe'Ji!^: I an 4. KHENCII CHINA IlI.NNER.'KT. AT ALC’TID.N. '( Mii.wai KF.E, -April OHIO BELLK. 'lastian. o I a slave, and |ierha|is leather him. —Court Commissioner at prices. aoter. .re I. ' U.u: - ilavis' lirrilorial tar and maud full Iu the shipping yesterday we ^ BJi'in am. n ' ste , ,.v ,;m I y the mark. Daring the previoos 24 hours the pone tilll -Monday next, Mr. ri’III.'i shf’Vv 'lU nii'niln* (Friday), April SIh. at IOo’cIih W, will hr I * tb.s day. nth LuA., at 12 I Miller, of Kaeiiie, lias received habt-in 1 I II • l*llt*l'Ur.- . . i k—ir- Mr. Barksd:de,—The meanest negro in the a writ of ' " eh>ck P. U J orCr- ..d; via Co -Agreed to. noticed a lot of 700 bids Molasses, mention of which M . from i ity wbart resolution. 1. Si'Ll at sucth'D riKiui*. .Nu. .Ui .vtaiii strsut. Uritr ; '.' - i irer liAd fallen iacfai** a ! I lev 1 . i. . - and .N- 8 At the bead of the fallF. equal iiirjiUK in the ease of Sherman iiiid Booth, now 'For freigbl h.iu' ". Dm « I rw and South is your suinTior. and selsotrd nr pusiagc apply on board or to . bill for the relief of Caj.t. Shubriek was was ill yt-slcrdiiy's lot "f rlsirsnl fundturs. runslstliK In part uf ts :..;.tr .1 1 - .!. The made ]iaper. aoO hhd* Sugar, and | Krie-rNcv A- 1 3 eomeii inches at Portland. t of tlie Thi weather was clear (if llci'iiblic.an side. in usiody United Stales .Nhirshal for res- S'liiil uii'Loi.’any Lair ~>'.l cLsirs. -uf.ia aiul sasser:: C:i II iM New York, The to ihe'writ. * passeii-rer aleanier I 4'ar. which nude it anpleaaaat. dasty, and rather lie would not'eurse him. He would not pour out iua:tra.sscs, ellt and iiiaL"Z:iny lo"kln«.»la". «. e.xll for the reeeption of the Japanese Euit>os- frame HliilHilelofriai, i. viding ^ A1 1..A.NT1C, Cuptabi .'MciibL 'I tcO, Ijiua sales at He' for bbls and 4(i(ii,4(t.:. Slid i tnyratn esrp' ts, eAteii.*iun etaarres. cuuk raiKeS. ui"! I0o'*iot b 1 XI ' lie, disapproved ol his Fire tiud Lo*s of Life. fee remains flmi, with sales of Kio at 10 cl'ick A. M., positively, from Ul- '‘••utiF '4r»4l vbb Co'nftarS 4ia4 1 arrow fleet. moved an .amendment, the elVeot what Brown, did. He LiM&D'af- Utelien furnltiire', ab". (ill Portland. Mr. Latham unc lanre uu>l Qn« *>t of Fort frclal.t »fely. rusist - .-ur-* *»•- or passaae apply on tiuaril or to v| » tji.Nitir'il M H to allow Californui of act*. He lielieved, liowever, th;it his purpose Cine AGO, -April T>. —A dispatch from Orion, The stock of Sugar iu New York on the first of French ('Lina dinner wsre. At 11 o'cloek. precisely. I'ue of which was to lake care i indtl. oiurcii^iik: Lil iLjbiHA-'siiLVii. The rirer at Pittsburg was slowly rls ing at the last .. LKWI.N a IW INNAtl .aKCHIB.VLD. -AieiiU , within her liorders. the was n good one, and Ids motives honest and Ulehland county, AVis.. states that iihouseiu that -April w as -ai, .till lilKls, against :id,isi the same time liUAi> vU iMu.i.t. 4.-. the Indians Pending At l2o-cl.K-k. In fr-mt .'f .inctlon No. 37 WaU.t--ee|. rales, bat at Cincinnati it was falling, with no dis- , r'-onu., two wo^^^ j sliouhlers | question, the homestead bill eanie up. truthful. John Brow ii stood head and vilLige occupied tiy a family bv llie uaine of Ro- and "ii.' iron axl. lunilier a«»"n. lost vear. Tbe stCKk uf Molasses hiids I was 1,0!H aud w - (.1 W ."rile fiwt and splendid pasaeneer sp amer For Thrcujrh Tickets, f atebes yesterday: a slight swell, however, may be above any hi re until strangled. Any 3B^Thespeel:Uattciilloiioffurnlturehuyersandh"ii*.'3SfT*ie speelal atteiilloii of furniture man he was g.in, wa* destroyed by fire on !^ednesday last. ' buyers and h"U*-' -Mr. Fitch's amendment that the land granted IIS' II. I.l. ...In > 1.1 i.ii I.I..I ..I • ...'1 I I.l. .1 ...... XAINF. I apUiu Wiu. I nderw kmL .(.Utsl ‘ tibls, against 10.1*1 lihds 4...13 libls the same • : n »i . J> aud keeperski*epers Is calledcnileil to this sale. first- An.l riil In: r'liaU < n at C.r ai at !k« rpected. quarter. I Tlie artielesarticles areore allalt of first- r from the rvceni rains in that for hoim stead* shall be entered in alternate law to eiisiave man was as an arrangement Six eliildreii jierisUed in the llames— the eldest ‘*(*’fe as above on Sun'lay. -tb Inst.. da*.* and de*iral>le. : time iu IS'it). The stCK'k of Kio Cofftai there this year atlOo’liK'k P .m'*** Tick. : o.;ii c Nw. I i’urDr? IJ u*< . r:.cr riiir.i ..j.d V*fir; pirates to distrihute the sihuIs. ill evoniug. among years old. j The Camberland at Nashville, Wednesday I sections; those Teria.s— Ifiaiio four montlis eredit; • • remaining to United . quarter the mules and w;i(on six F"' r freight or passage apply on boanl or to WaIiiu: u .it Ui -uiv rr.cr .( ia .5,m!5 bags, against 2U,4*J3 last I get together bags the same period muuths ereilit; Joint • w hat right do the South notes with • By you of apprured security. All lifts tAia*4ji . 111(1 kr*'i.T, If U(.cr U-fa.#*.*. T. as risinp. with 4 feet 4 inefaes water on Uarpeth Mates shall not be sold at less than IwU e tlie FK.V.NK C.AUTF.R. 5j; .Main .treet- I .'i». utlier articles cash. Uotil and ena' l laws that ! or my ehildren sliould he y«ur. I MDUP.HE \D A ( (>.. Aeents. UaV iuwtcru iHlnjt. iiiluimuui price of lands when sold, and that tiie Failed. I , or c'Uials. aisi lit C. C. SPENCER. .Aurtioneer. SPAJIKE A GALL.AGULR. l»e vour slaves. Every slave has a right to run aw ay I -At ILiltiiiioro ou the IStli of stock of the act shall applicable to -April the of Su- Ij The clipper Ulenwtiod and Tempest bad arrived at jirovisious only New OuLEANs, AprrI .5.— It is reported that in spite of your laws, and l<> fight himself nwaiy. ' II Y N. (1. lIF.YKV eV ( 4). laiiils subject to private entry at the date of the AA’m. T. Starke, a prominetit cotton factor, has gar was I.UTUbUds, against T.tZM last year. The stuck Naahville, and the Wenooa departed. MFlAliMllsi. fill. agreed to. Were he ( L'ovejoy) a slave, :ind were it iieoc.*sa- SrJXIAL .'>AI.K OF' STEAMBOAT FOK IIKI-EAV \MI \ l( KwBI KG. l^as'iigc of the Not l:iil('d. Liabilities large. uf .Atolusses was Kd hhds and 4,:t)'iW bbls. F't’RNITl’RE. UlM LOUISVIT.TiF. &. NASHVIIoLE cleared for Nashville la.st ClIAlKi*. MATTKF>SF;S. f.^Th« John Ganit .Mr. Brown otl'ered an uiiieiidmeiil that tbe laws I V to ae!;i"Vc his freedom, he would not hesitate at Aft riDN. * e wIT^^ *' '**1* p;v'ieD*er Steamer -At New Orleans on the % 3uih of March the stock of MORROtV KEN I KV. Martin, B'gfat. witha good trip of passengers and freight.— now in fori c, granting prc-eiiij'lieii to the actual li) fill nj> Hie ehasni and bridge it with the slain. MORM.Ntf (Fri.Iayh .at Id o'clock, w* U master. naiik Restored. Kio ColTec was 1. will .sell at .Auction-rouius. tlie alioTe un Frhbzy. inst., bags, against lt*,905 the same Furniture of the slcaoi. '1 • Mb S''tilersou the I'tiblii l.iiids. sh;ill eontiuue until He loved the South •t.1* o rii'CkU I. xi' r' f* £ae went throagfa the canal. I «r Scioto, ron-lstiiie of P. .51., pusitively, from P* rtlond. -A Voice We don’t love you. New Y'oiiK, -April .5.—The I-List River Bank time last year. For frelsbt or paseage apply otherwise ordered byCongre.ss.aiid tlialthe same — I Cabin Furniture. Rim (Thairs: on b- ard or t® J. K. Bell, for New Orleans, and the K AILKO ad: t3F~TUe was restored to Hie cU-aring hou*e :is*oeiation Shuck .Mattresses, EliWl.N A extend' to all the Terrilories. Mr. Lovejov—So it w;LswitlitU( Saviour. They •At Pliiladciphia there was no Kio Codec in the m;ir- Carpets. amP Mirror*; ARCHIBALD. .A»rnK ..i, shall be d N AND -AFTEK .*1 ND.AA . January 2d. . Trol:j 'IzoRa and Hazel Dell were all doc laat night Luokinstiiassi s. I:lankets. quilts; »Pb No. r, W.sU street. A to-day. ' . w- : Mr. Green sjaike against the liill.uiid projiosed did not love Him. ILnugliter], Geiitlelucn who ket. -At this time last year the stock wa- S,riT9 Death of Hon. J. K. i’atildiug. han't Euniilure is colled tu this , sale this port. existing priein]itiou laws bc‘ extended from the more than they could stopthoshiuingoflliesuii. W ill h-ave f'lr al*'\e k»t—-mi.ic, I-.pY b N,jw-.v..r- it was held at $17 .TO, with sales of StiO hhls at that Terms cash. tile and int -rinedi A-' in N.whville S. G. HENRY A CO-, ports on Krliiay. time of payment for the s|ay any legal and ought to driuk the dent Tyler, died bis residence at Hyde Park IIKNRV A N. ?. Lung a Hltu., .An-nts, paisT tueul trsEaii iflUu -imtc in at 'r/ 3 . fje- The I'uiTcrac, of the T. P. Eipreas line, s.ilcs '* of Clear Sides at C. I •f m.*. . aui»>U*0 At rP* ni. flame in last night from New Orleans with a lot of jKiid for shall be subject to jirivate Mr. .Martin, of Va.—If you will into Vir- r.'Ceipts of coniitry meats, with sales at AALt'AHLE AND CF.M'RALLV LOCATED BRICK K not thus en- come for 4 | l«W ELLING HOI SF. L**i*;»iH*u 'l-YilT. .•aoHny* I A.ND LoT. AT AL'CTIO.N E'*>H MEVI PHIf*. IIF:LK\ \ \MI AAlirrE agar tor this market. try. according to existing lawrs. ginia w'e 'will hang yon higher than we did John Preparing for .llexico. Kih Sides aud 1(H for Clear Sides. There is Imt little Rl\ f:r Ail •vi..ticn« -js !»»«*{& -ts^u* Aud :• N S-VrUKDAV AFTERNIMJN. April Till, atao'chsk. into Executive session, » - •’"* paswcurrr st irjer n. wKr*u iATTaCwd. ssnil Arrive in Lvf.f ivu ti u a. Senate went Brown. ; The Atlantic on her last trip from New The on Sr. ts, -April .5.—St. Joseph papers say doing iu Lard at IM for kegs. we Witt Sett oil tlie prciid-ws. on F'uurlh street, 'zest I Lu O W" INTLhi H.A.NuK ('ai*l. J. M. Gik'lirisL Hi. Kriurtuu.;. -it tu.. al« subsequently adjourned. .Mr. Lovejoy doubt of it. side. Iietweeii Walnut anil Cliestnut : the treat ie-, and —No tliat very desiral'le I* Orleans made the mn to Raton Bonge. a distance of Huit Several hundred Kiiiglits of the liolden T tie stock of Mess I’ork in the yards at New Y'ork, ill leave as above, on mturday. t!ie itb AO'aVc' ..rr»ve^ ;u •: u*. . Inst., t -- -April 5 Hoi’se r. Comiiiittee rose BRICK DWELLING at o'clock P M . from city (•'•mr.‘'*tlA?."i» •I'l.ly (ia.:; I- I . Washington. — filiennan, The and the House adjourned. HDL'SE AND LOT. wh .rf. D tx . — Circle, in Kansa:. and Netiraska, had arrived .April I on > miles, in 10 boars. tons of freight, Ur*t, was ‘JitgilU bbls, against 35.1!ri 12 She had ISO at this Fur freisbt ur passas apply on tsiard or to m.. !• "ppimr l.c^Gti;''n K\prv»&. aiiort- there prepared soon to start to .Mexico. I Mr. Dfidce's resitlenee. containing I N. fi. liUii i lci3V*« x: i:d kept the middle of the river most of the time, date last year. 11 rcHMit*. inuiuilini: kitclt**n, wa'^h-bou.-e. aod terTiuits* LU-NG fz . Acf nlo. m. Nr'ium.n.' At Postollie .Appropriiii'on bill. the I’ncilic Const. ' edthe From room; ul.*o »f*> No. :g> AA I Stf AfT;.c .»( L'-uxs'.iLtr il.-“ -j. h-. suble and carrijwe liuuse. Tlie House is lii a r-L in regard to ' llistejd of hogging the shores. Provisions at Cine innati, we take the ^ f.-.r The House resumed the eousideratiou of the and MCutlier. rumplete order, iiioflem style, beiiix fiiii-bed entirely MaiI .! 'il-M-i* wi*:; Mai.lot’s Station, April .5.—The overland River I new FOK UAA E-ViwilOHO. KA WwAII-Lff-: \>D HF.N- f’lllowing from the (lazette to-day; hl*t f.ltl. Lot u*2 feet frotii liy 210 deep t*i 20.f'M.I I" GltAtrow; -jt irAuiUiu wlUiMsusrri T r KiL'-vLtiUv. H> of I a The Vicksburg on her last trip from New auti-Polygaiiiy bill. mail eoaeh with San Francisco dates of .Maieli uIU- I l*KK.iO\. St. Lot ts, April .5, xt. —The river is swelling ere'l alley. The llou.*e anur.(, ilU. llOl'SE AND LOT , Campb«il>viEle. OduuiUa, Burk.' Uw of God. The exiaiencc of the institution of f'irvvard I'V AIIHIV.VLI AT TIIK FRI-ACirVL ilOTKLS that $l.s is a high figure for pork. X<‘.. Xr. fiandzy. Hq^ Paeitio Mail Steamship Compa- Three bbls would AT \l (' I'lO.X. FOR TKilygaiuy, in I'l-ah. is an insult to the moral feel- l;e taken at $l.'i where two areconsnmed at $is. LITTLE H(F( h. A W HI HE\ ,%.\n FoH TUroijrh tii keU fi r ^ale at the Deiwd, correr Nls*i lad ny’s steamer. I P TO NINE o’clock P. M. We N F RIDAY AFTERNOON. April ah. at 3 o'clock, i>N THE Back Track. — he huge Magnolia. we KroadM.*Y. Aud it tne a: ;-'- N«-.T*jr »i., population: an insult to the notice sales of •J,.'’sd Bulk Hams at hlids p* b*>IITII ! lug's of the whole Bulk will ll • -\uolher woolen laetory has been O on tlie pri. luist- s on S'ctiiuJ ittrret (nF*arlv op- .pp.Ffcite commenced NalP'Oal 11 >Wi. c r New Mci* Mi -x- BA we leant by special diapatefa, was at Evansville Shoulders at ii> ',', packed; and 3Ud tierces laird posite Christ Churcu). The daughters of the geiulenieii here, and 4 at No. ;q, a well lucatol and desirable » . wiT^* stsum-hfreiirtit and pasoeiiger packet .** and IIOU.SK. K v:Us-, .Mfonl*n>u***ry, d ( wives in San Francisco. G.VLT I s-*. Idii^. liR.U'ELET. ( optahj BaluIoL 7«aterday morning from New Orleans. She tarns to their eons’.iiuenls. It wa* a relleetion ou our TWO STORY BRICK DWKLLIXt* HOI’SE. Hunt^YiUe, Au.:ujFla .kihtrit t. Chaile'*cAD. I.yu* The legislative (-omniittec on the projaised t'onior Main aud t(e*coud streets. o*iuve ou tliia day. * * • 1 '.1 », Use lAb 1 >prinipieM. P-rrvv'll.*. Hirr l-i-ur.'. l>an%i.V, Or*e^- ttiat it exist F'LOUK AND GK.AIN—Sales of lou bbis city mills Containlns s moms. The Lot Is 25 .April,ai O back from tliat point, freights being abundant there, iialioa:ilch.-irat ter, should under the cliange tlie feet front hy liffUeep. 4 clock I*. M., positirely. fr'.m city wioirt of eastern boundary of the Slate, so co PSPrnst. O ^ 1 t'urs. Cai.)phed» • ide. i’ >i>iiu'(i^ ,uid A B Carroll, Terms Uberai. and made know o at *aie. For freistit or .Auierieau Law s. at $l>^i 45; 75 bbls $.') passage apply • u tsiHisI or to • •nd too many boats ahead of her here. pr'itcH tion of r.s to iiielude the Washoe J IL'urd, country brands at 7506. and J*MIN B. mines, reported ad- W T Scott. Lex L Lex fi. G. HE.NIIV A CO.. .Auctioneers. -N. 8. LD.NG E BRO.. .Agents, \, J. FIFLD. OenT *n k. I \g^u\. Mr. Hooper said that at the proper lime, which d'l NV 16 libls fiue at $5 10. dtT. l.*?~Tlie splcudid,fasu-lipi>er, Auixcrat, haring versely, on the ground of hick of (-011*111111101181 ('('.Morgan, Thompson. Ky Wheat dull but anchanged, ops No. .5 AVall street soon come, and when he could he heard J llaniiltun, would isiwer, unless the question is first K T.alliuuti'r. do A do witli light receipts. .500 IIY .N.VTIIA.Y YVIIITE. Ims-u unavoidably d<*taiDed by making some changes suhiuitted to Sales of bushels Com at without jin judlee, he would defend the iwople J Lannm. do L Rude*. do C'T received and for sale Puldlc F 4 a Tote of the jieople. MAvf; *i<» bu.-hels prime white slielled. in new gun- at Auction, at the OH LARK.iA ILLE \.\D N \fH\ ILLE. LOI ISVILLE ik FUANKFOUT to her machinciy. takes her depanniv to New Orleans from the calumnies which have been it itawcs. Ky It Deiiey. Cin J Su rouf NArilAN WHITFLalarse aud of Utah Some fine siK-eiincns of copiier, amounting to varied a*s"rt lUht drauzht pai«ene"r sieamer I Morehad. Ky Mrs Sliackelford, Ky nies, atiu'i', sucks included; and 1,'500 bashcU Oats at uient of fine well made Jewelry, direct from the ai.uiufac- ^ this evening, t^ie is at the Portland w harf, all ready h< a|M.-d u}siii them. In the meanwhile, he ap- I TEMPEST. Captain Parr. pounds, have been linmght to San Franeiseo .Miss S P Salter, turer. The stuck coiisi-ts uf Uriu-elets tu Coral. C.imeo. 1£ N Lewis. Ky U..I Wave fur the above Olid inteius'diate fur f.-eigbt. and <>ur yunug friend Joseph Beuedict. lic-aied to the dispissionate and unliia.ssed jiidg- troiii and Mosaic work: Gold ami Silver Watches; Gold the iicigliliorhood of Cre.icentCity, in Del H A lliiwe. l*a K Land. Lex Fob. Vest P;.rU on Thursday. i2th iuot.. at 4 and (iuard Chain.*; Liieket.*, o’etuek P. SL. from the iii'-nt of the House to think lietter of the hun- '1' KUPE—Sales of 300 coils at 8\,'f F'inser and Ear Kina*; tiuld city th.e clerk, w ill take plcasore in attending to passen- Norte county. They vield from ’Joto SipiTcent. .1 B;iilcy ik 1. Ky K Smith. Ky wharf. PeiiciL*. Spectacles, Plutud W;ire. 4ie.. t*iicether withlnnu. dred thousand of their fellow creatures than do K (' .Mayhew. Ralt GKOCEKIE.'A—Sales of 75 hhds F or freisht or paosoee apply on hoard or to XoinJNOTON AND rBAN'.iroaT gers. of pure eojiiKT. 'ilie vein from which lliev W Wealliers, Sugar at L.erat'le artieles. such as are usually fuuml iu retail stores, N. 8. Lo.NG BHD.. Awenta. lliey had lieea rei'reseiited by their enemies. W Hopkins, do Mrs Briggs. Pa 45 bhls lylhc aliuve BouiU will lie sold at .Auction E Were taken is stated to he well defined, the oiit- Molasses at 44V; 4* half bbls at 46 f; 16 do. at EVERY •7" U A I L \ O S No. AA K for Orleans. he great 35 aU .Ue. t. Atlantic New — his intention to discuss tlie |ie- Brown. Did W Heber i f. Va NlfiHT until eloseil ouL and at private sate durins It w.as not eropings having hceii easily traced for over a W I6\4; Ibe \\ M bags KioColTcc at l.'l'ttOlUX'f.and 13tierecs The fine light 'Irauzht N Tnd after MONliAY. Dec. V*K Trn .€ %I!| IzNtisviUe packet. Atlantic, takes her departure to culiar fi-atures of the bill, liul he respect fully J .lones. CO B Dinsuiore T. Captain P:uT. O ;ve L;»oii\iUe daily -.’«unaa)« e\Arpitr«lj a- a. unsurpassed gentlemen if they were |>re|itired H H Taylor, co S Teim Js'ew Orleans at noon to-day. providing a-ked the sixth infantry " '! leave for the above .mil TR.\l?f—•» .V. M.. .ai di nt^t* -ga' when The have been ordered to Htiin- W S Hunt. Ky It W Herr, co a Intenuedlnte « I tli'- eoiisequeuees of its Jiassage? PKOVIMONS— Sales of .5!)0 bhls Mess Pork at $17 port* on Thursday. I'.Tli ln.t.. fl'iff<( «l. except fa> lfr«>un«le. Sai*e ur^, br * .tzV.f., f.coonimodatioDS for passengers, and in charge of to meet iioldt liy ( at 4 o'clock P. 51.. from the Buy Gen. t'larke on account of the late Siiligliatkcr, Temi ' V Davenport, N' l •* M Y city wharf. . 11 . d Beiview. unizc ti:.- at llft.n.c».( vith h r New now from 50; 160 casks (Tear Sides at «.(lu( I Were we not emerging difficulties 11<; lbs (Tear Sides NATHAN WHITE, 4 apt McGilL her chief owner, and the most popular iim.s.*aere of Indians in tliat eounlry. II Cii-er, do C I) 11 Miimford, Ky For frcislitor pasoaire apply on lioard or to raj«(le; at t^rankf rt : >r l..i% reui eburoT. ll.tir'-R.-bti? ^ ati*l the hill <» .«•: witli lU" pi-ople at whom was lev- .Mrs.Ioiics, Ky S suite. do at IIV. packed; 15 casks country meats at 06 DanvUie: al Mi*iA3 ay fi r Vf-rwt.Ue' .1 I* *)iic iU.^u '- r boatman on the river. The clerk. Jolin L. Woolfolk. The latest news from the Carson Valley silver -\urtioneer and Furniture Dealer, MIMIUHK AD A CO.. .Agents tir*-ncctuWD, and at l.e viiitfi :». « i i ilir.’ .a>. f. elled!’ He warned the gentlemen that the feel- W Joliiisoii, St Louis I) H McGlnley, Miss for r r mines is hut a re]a'titioii of Uib Sides, and for Clear; 10 bbls 'o fs a nnivcrsal favorite with passengers. former aceoimts. 10«ft M. O. Pork No. Fourth Atrvet, between Main and Market. Nicli4>la5viUe. Ibinvilie. Lrtfi-’aat r. Crih*>r. icsj. .wier- ings of l't:ih will lie easiliy aroused. Tile ( T .McHclian, Ky Be Tilghman, Pa FiT. LtFlIis People were tloekiieg tliitlier in large numbers, at $17; ;w kegs Lard at lit, FOR Wn 5||s*.*M>l HI HIAEK. ket. Hi<'h:Ms |id. hloaiit :%j(d ail iiilen -r t a ;i». Atlantic leaves Portland punctoally at 12 L.Ioiies, 1) O Paige, ('ill TillSnIil e:iMiKhe4l houxe will be The of hostilities against them has been T Ky p. wi- pii..; a: f* :.*i sur])icion ^ Tlie iK.vIN ; ul and i>reparation* were active for erecting in:i- furiiNhcil All IW superior freizht and posaenn r packet i II-AY— Sales of 10 .-s). At tiiue4 a ith every VAiie- she will not re- tliat Mrs Burry, do K P F!eniersoii. Lafa tons at $'J'2 ^ wheufi tawe-L ev. wtiima Y lir <*r* W'lL', l^•.is;, Ra* vr^a, (''clock, and shippi-rs arc notified that allc'.'ed, and lie was glad to know there was ly ofC'Abtuet Furiiiturt*. ..’’’"•t F!L G.VTV. ( has. Blunt, niaater. eliiiiery suitable for extracting silver from the .N And CoAlr» of •• •an»'- r‘*. rTu .... li Hooper. I'liila F: Dawiiiiiy. Iiid I i*rniaby Lr H:ukiiera aiid N fc. n: TdB.ACCO— ales at warehouses f',5 ^* ah'ive on fiaturday, of feeling tliaii formerly; but if Ibis liill Thursday were all iilylei* • .':*’**..***'•’- -April ceive any freight after that hour, as she has a lot iK-tter now «nd cither At whole —e . . 1 Yr.Me* by -l.p r at Rii '• ’ dbyedv. .s^-w ore. New towns were being laid out, new mines J H Didi ich. do II Hill. Ky .th. at 4 O clock P. M.. p<»itively. fr.im city wharf, c *h'^ *He:; r Idid*. ('*5; P.'Ufor retAil. lue (tulMcriSer. from hi-* luitc M'KHMAtiou beysissed, if It- provisions be carried out, those viz: 1 at $1 l-J at -J®.-.* il5: 13 at 3 II5®;} lO; 4‘a-ile: at Mid-* ay fi*r Y*jr- liii-. -a.*! .*t Payuv a t-»r on at New Albany. .Mis- Sliallcr.O P:*kelwnrd. tor frcikchl or p*»ss*i*rt‘ 3i*ply on iioard • tLOUO hags of com to take boa^ I discovered, and claims selling at Ky Aith EAtern aiid VVe»trrii itiMiiufA* r enormous turer*. U enAt>led to r. per angry J .1 Mar-hall. Ky S B Thomas. Ky 4®1 -a .50,5 •.<0;-J at 606 10, and 1 at 7 to. ciTer every article iu ULi Utieuf buamc3a at the lu»est k AMt*, - at 30 cts. I prices. The exeitcmeiit The com was engaged by the owners throughout California THIKOTK \IN ' V aM’ P*r>'X-Li.«» « w. core the tires which blazed so licreely, wliilethe Miss Young, do Miss Thomas, do wh-de-taie price!*. •i*** No. .17 Wail alrpi't. eoiieerning these mines is eerlainly j issiFppiztrat . 1*1 hkI reium.na. r. ;tr., .T 3?. 1>ag for fr'-igfat. and is shlpp'.*d by the indefatigable on the in- CuuaitfntiienU for :*alc at Auction solicited. my.>dtf of iierseeutiou hea|>ed U)'Oii lliem Iiad T Siiarp. do Mrs Uobiiison, do Thf new frel«lti and sttamer at 7 M.. ;4jui< at a^>t.tUwua^and arriveai ^ .w.eoiGA« fuel ere.-isc. I’ELEGR.VIMI -AI.VRKETS. » ^ «IP"* Ik has a full ' agent lly. Reamer. The Atlantic. a“ nsual. died out, and he apjiealedto the Representatives, K W Scott. Ky Mast ( hurchill. do SAM .V. M. -\n oartliquakc was felt at Is vre* M above and f.-r ail internK-dUte Traiui* arrlv** in l.oniIBO\r OUNKRPe not of one, Imt to whether 5— P M. M\MK\rTlK- laodliwann SsktardaXs 7th ln»l, at 4 o'clock 1*. .M., fp ni 1!:1'» \, -e. =.n«l frail* al 'k-Vit*. .M., Uu-m-u'c . l.jth, la.'tiug several seconds. Itwassi'i .s j severe J Graves. do J W W omack. Va KRK >1 \f IHM.'*IV, KNUINEKKr*. wharf. trip on Monday, the lAth. they were preiiared to rekindle the flame. As a Cotton steady anri imchaiigial. Sales -i.ooo b.ale* at city dvtiou at *; .4. M. ilial giMids were sliakeii from shelves in ston s. .) J Marshall. Ky J H llilehetK k. N Y' I For IDT: U‘,t for middling uplands. Aud all iu W uut otA.ood LubricaliUK fruUkt or pax»aI0 ^l^ilE mpny now ^ li^rhr* Uwh Iii*ket4 : *f Hanv'lV, IlaiT* tS-burr. Cra * gamy or any other. L B Lancaster, Ky M' J Kobiusuu, ilo l>cly . in the city of Captain W. H. K-vt. I 5 7(1 for C. to extra 1 atloAt Luubviile. Ky.. under the name ?»**:uerwrt. Capt. Ballard, assisted in the office liy tion of Califoniia nearest contiguous, and dis- M. do. AVhtsky uiiehaiigei); -ales »t»eu indue* t-> brine ^"**““**" M Ul leave f«*r the ah«»ve aint all iotmue* of asked for- . Mr. Clark, to W'luil extent 7.511 d Y ilie. au t iU fur;..er inf«*ri.ia:p-n. = .ti. - i;.vi I bbls at •J-J'fh'fiNit. mostlv at the outside beuei lurliing the equanimity of the Legislature iu price. article diare iandma ou Tuesdays iOth in»Uxat al o'clock Mr. A. Duvall. She will continue for the present in ward an which ha^ KUsUed a reputation in the diUer- U M.. lu Lott'.s'.ille. ijcnicr .f Jefleracio .uid Br ^ k -tfyri.., polygamy exists in Utah? what numher have LOUISVILLE HOTEL. AVheat quiet aud niiehungi^d at $1 -L5 for winter red potiitivrl^*. from Fortlrind. eat factories in New York. Haltinmre. and Hdladeiphla, a.-« ' ^.k*^L ffii.L, than wife, tlie We-t'Tii. Kye (;uiet at (i3v. ILiHev Fur fCeitfht or paaoatce apply on I'^r the Arkansas river trade. mo’re one and whether regu- street, between Sixth and Seventh. quiet ami firm at well with the dilTerent .'•teainlM»at» and Fropelier^. en- NtanS to 1- The latest news received from the Main *le -l*;.l»f L.X P. i i I*, a P. R. Sandwich .'SK for giMid ( S. 1 State. om iu fair reiille-r and l..\ke '•ei'on*! to N. LONG « BU*h. A’/ioK Cape Sbcrlcy, President i>f the Mail Line, lias coc- lation ul such iiiiirriage.s is liinding on aud finm r at KAXv-Iln Ocean SavipMtnm, none in Islands is ‘J'.’d ( V Duncan. Ky N Wright. -\ Y I to the ult. up Nothing iniiKirlniit. 7I!v'‘ for mixed AA'eslern. and 7*0.754 for velLiw the world. A chemical aiudyfi* ufthebefft l.ard Oil;* ^diuw^ kV^ Nv). 36 W;fcU .fftreek tlie jicoi'le!' Mr. IIoo)>er replied that he was (I UIM EK kKH WGEMKNTv |WU>. clitiooally Reutucky to the Memphis and Kdmuiidsoii. Mem S Morgan, I it *.26 sold the Statistics published iu the Polynesian show W Southern. Oats firmlv held that contaiu.'* from to oH | er cent, of aluteti or tniin. as the 1 at 13011. I.in*e'ed oil not praetieally a polygamist. From his oliserva- T lliilcliiusou A f. l)av J K Dilts. Kv ' iti-*i;ener*Uly lermt^lby emditeerii. TiU3 Kiutrn forim* uo New Orleans Packet Company for fi.'i.OUO. the sale numher of births in Hie Kingdom List year to linn at Hay at .stHTflAK p"r Its* Idil*. p.irk FOH S*T. LOl In, G\LK\ Dl UlUl E \ND Vf. CALTniOUL A.\l) UiilO KAiLROUi! tioii ten years residence in Utah, j Mrs Sylvester. Phillips. part of a ^uccc^-'Sful IsUbrii atiin; Oil. but adhertss to the iu he could say Wis H B Ky I at Itavcbcru l,i;i’.J,and Hiedeath'J,’-.)!. market iliill. and prices tending downward*. i..ml P\IL. I I be C'jnsummatcd on the airival of the boat Tin-wheat 1 macliinery in the idiape of r«*^in, cau^hiK conixequent ( F' Hopkins, G s .Auimion, I_A a mat not over oiie-haif tlie population recaignizod Ky more active,uctivc. audauu in c»r 1 favorlavor of biivers.nincr^. vva»exi'cs*ive at f*»rfor hrM*in4c:tnd Wi-uie of «>U onmai'hlnery; thn* cluten orgutu ’Til*’ fine frrUht Memphis friHD this port. Capt. Sberley goes down (•roll List year to the amount of .5U) B H FN\ banks. ,Mu AV H S'lringlc, (io — ia *nd pa^nxer %te.iin» r lH>Iyga:ny, and prot>al>ly not more tiinn one-hulf I’ldlVc rontiiiiio'* withuiir chuni;e; we neui*'Allxe In iho oil. thereby cau.4ni: an Tncreaiie 4n 4') ( Ki<» Idr. of M .\R FA^ilaK. OiiFtain John B. h;rv». liusin-ls, vvnrHi only eeut.< ' and i>er bushel. .1 .Adams. N Y E A Streel.N' Y i*«»rto ^-^4^^552 on her this ei ening to close the sale, receiving in of these liavt' more than one wife c-aeh. He knew Uiri> I K . Mtd;i-cieii «tcal.. <;RE A'l’ •> VTIO.N \J- KOI tf: ! sehooner M;irilda recently Kemper. ILinv Staiisifer. The arrived at Hono- M R T Ky (I'l; Now Orii an- Siig.ir b. machiiiery, w Id* him* beatiw lourDal; t*. tb .se at 12 o’clock M.v p'F'itlvely, fr»>ni city wb.irt fT' . nio'ro active ' at a (Ifcliiio . f the Highflyer at ^i.OdU. The Kentucky is of no C'htinh regulation wliieli eoni|)clled a fPECMIN ATK* .AT A* A.SUINGT' N \N:i h i g . payment W P Wyiiiaii, Pitts -A Price. Kloreuce baviiiatiaviaz uiacbinerymocaiiirry IlfIII tmsthis kindaiou we parlieularlyparticularly mldressaihlresa uur- I'ur freUiit or lulu from F.iuiiliig’s Island w'ith ten thousand of fni'ii I iBt u-i'i'I:' Ciiriu i'i_/&*i- i>..*i.. Iff.... -I panaatfe apply on iri or t«» ^ I. v=n Ibe arid AV : - ' iuc. H* : !. tr » 1 a p:. A\v-(; it . ur- * I nut which sold at a good profit. *1* IdCC uuchan„i:U, but less bufv. tl*e »‘.t*u v: ;i : / firm at 4 . .uut,yi,| mitUut tiff vui-X.TUi.x. will we cuusiderciiiisiiler ourselvesuurselves vanquished.vonquisheiL regulation w hieli foiiiia-lled a woman to marry J BHi'| NOinH'.T'r T' At New Orieaus, (Nitnrday. Capt. Smoker sold the I North whieli ar-- eov< red with cocoa nut New Okleans. .April 5- P. M. W T .Aiilliouey, New Koe K K Grave*, do MIK E V-.TPURT, *41 tlUl ‘ to know thill there were several gents ou this Tl \ AND FLOH- Le.vv<< WUseHi—' ! i ..t i-:.-'* P 'i.. .»iid 1 A-,.*** tree.-i, it was aiitiei|iateue tr *l;i Ie IN (iaiiy * v-r-x. floor who liAil i>eeii acquainted with liiia for the ml.ldling more pruiiilnent Meamtioole aiul Fm-torie*. to whom we rs ’ur« at i.'’ V I EM'K. ‘ and luentive trade iniglit grow up by turning E Kiriuard. Ky O .M William*. Mo Lih, t. Sugar firm at H.',07'q. co&oectp uware aiade r li.-se trailM J 01 Molasses noniliial. ;i.i”«i Beard bougkt Ibe Belle tiales for fg.ui|o. last twenty year*, and long prior to his ideniili- h.'ii c peniii»'l"ii b) refer. worth of tliL* Oil lias been di'i 1)S regular frF'farbt and paae-nrer natural production u- T KoU|i, G'lodUa- JE f. Lex Flour dull at $5 7.50.5 . firm K packet this S7,S Pork at . the Louisville ^ . tuueeouut in the man $130 is 50 sold in city of withiu tbe Io*l three munths. ^ as have ' K. .M. For ail the Cap* J. W. Tobin, of the K. W. McRae, we caliou wiiu the citizens of Utah. They would Giaidloe. A\ 'JlKj si.vu IM'R PATIo.S No. jLi api. Ban.ar*! ' M SJWard. Trim D L do hisky fiTi;iMKR.s I DiL— .Atlantir. James Mmitiri'aierT, faeiiire of oil. Thi- ;*i Ihe idy r>n»- •' **T« I. 3VC!* at abiYve oo , say he wa.« incainide of deceit or diseiinulation. Cbancelliir. Peytoua, Balhe. Juion. fieiobi .N'l. 2 Sutorday, 7tbliua.. at \n heretofore stated, is coming this way to build a new i) S Stimri, Gallatin GCGiaidloe. do , Rocket, oclock ihi« r<>ultf re. i b-l.Ki»*!i*.. .N r%. .S-(M y-’riiM'-ijs-o, M'lrrh ](>. -Arrived on the l.'ltli it-AcnsioKE. -April P. 4 P. M.v fr**m city wharf. by can — 5— M. Pink A'artile, .New t nele fiom. Juhn (iaull. K. AI. Paitou He declared on bi> lionor that the passage of this Mrsl'olliu, Tenu JSGordau. For fireUht or paMaKv apply oq and a ticket lk.a:t*n ai' lv. j .*!:.rr boat. L. -Metcalf, J. lb;U.Gray Caele. .Atuses .AlcLellaii, hoard orVt ship B. from New York ; .March ICib. rionr quiet. AA’hcat linn. Corn arlivc. Nu. 2, K. .AlaiU-on. Mrs .Tohnson. do (' Klett. do and H s. ** bill will not beiinexeejitionable to the extreme ad- N. Lung X BItth. AcF'nt’*, - ’ Ohio Belle, t. L. Hyatt, K. J. AValooo. ^ ;* ! * charge of steamer Orizalia, SighiT; for w bile 711073*,-. fur A and forty two «S. uirh tU'ket# b: tbe ti-fem HxU - : .= 1 k For Arkansas.— he Bra<-clt*l, in fnun Panama. Mr* I'arker. do G (' Bain. Lex vcllow 70072. Provis- Tio. *k6 Wail street. vis-atesul iHilyguinyin Utah, and it will unite all ions ^ aoiiibeton A tty at an i*id(St;tn;:l vh.e»v.- .f Tlie is dull. AV 15 quiet awl uucbuuged. AA'hisky dull at '2'2\s to-day and regular trade Transaeiions are Mrs M:irshall. AVis Bishop. Kv .,w j>. - Capt. Ballard, will complete her cargo ]H'opIe iu eouimon cause against the unjust |>re- » 1^ The rt’inilap T»»rin«*— rlr»-f {.i-e 4.’* nui k ard t*ire I’tw ;;.y to .1 f. N INaiples. Milan \ M' mostly eoiifinod speeulalivc openilioiiB Gates Ky B CixcixsATi. -April P.tTT*»N, BF*mard. nia-ler. Iri f • A ; c • iu fr-P. 51. j;r -rT kd^ BALTI *i:r aM> dIz ; ATI. start* to Memphis, and all points on the Arkau-as. uiisions of the Geuenil Government to put dowu Pkixtiai, Louisville as* 7 BCUrk, A'ersa B W Stoat, lud Ol MCks— Courier, DemocraL .An- *™*^*=^I avew above »»n Saturday, Tth Inat., at al any *fihe prineij 4 I r-.ir id .i.. AA . sf, sugars, the market for which continues active. I’rovisions contimio dull. Comitrv Mess Pork ofTer- evening. has nearly a full load engaged. pohgamv by f'uree. zeiKir. 4 o'clock P. M., pt flilively, fn>mcity aharf. y.P.P'X Ll KK i.t .er d AAc thi* She V E AVillianis. Guspt A C Howard & N Y ed at A..».L Ill the general market the regular dealer.* ope- J. $17. and city at $17 '45. witho'ut finding bin i r*. ’1 J"s Panrixc OrricEs—Murbiu k Griswold. UuUA Bro.. For freight or paiwaa*' apply ou board «>r Co L. M. >I.Cw lie. **r 1 1 1 i- ket .Aw c * CApt. J. W. ue llouse voted and rejected Mr. Braueb's L .Atwell. A'cr-a E B Burrows. N.ishv Biii'iui f^rTUe Kentucky, in dnarge of little eontldciiee, Shiiiilders otl'ered at 7*.<. and sides at !*•,<•, J. AA’. IIhiiiih Co. 2 nite with very and are mucli E £KW1.N X AKCUlUALlh Airent*. AV. P. Shjtw. V? -ier cf rnuc-; rt.*i; 4 . Itf substitute 47 against 1.11. .1 Southard. Nashv -A C Conway, HI wilhom sales. Co.. Plaulne Mill. apd departure to Memphis and Vicks- discouraged liy the uii.*atisfactory Hulk meats 6>,0.'S'*,t, without sules. H. AleClareu E Ismisrllle: AVample- 27 Wall atrct L takes her j eondition of Martin, .1 ( AA' PJaeksiin. The HoU'i.' liext voted on Mr. MeClemand’s F; Hugher. in I’hila Lard held firmly, with moilerate demand. Ilariin— maii E fiehultz.. Furnitore F'aetory. liu; AV'allaee. latheow I country. Little FOK E\ \ .N^\ILLE \M» ilLfFi-RSOA'ilLLE burg this evening, at S o’clock, from Portland. trade with tbe can be done vvitb (i M Prm-tor. Iti'IIs J Barliee, Daiiv r*ales E Co., Eagle Foundry, do; AV. U. Grainger, Pbizuix BOWLING «^R££V .ILIILH RAlLROAil. suiisiitute, to reja-al the law organizing Utah and coulined to 15 bbds uf shoulders at 6', f; .5(1.1X10 any article unless iu s]H.-culaiive reijnest. II llalmaker. AVis Fiiiuidry. du. The rfiTiUrfrelxht and pa>-en/t*r packet the next tr.p the Southerner will take the place K lbs heavy bulk sides at 45n tierces lard at HI',*. - ^ On dividing the Territory between Jellersoii anil G. AV. IbJl E Co., Coi instuD. OIBee 32 and s| 5l.aln streeC I M«»N. I'apiaiii K'.bmbiiigloii. I Rkl bhisat $.5 4U0.5.5U fursuiier. and I'laiiiiiz AIUL do; 5lr. AVoll'-ott. F'louriiiz 5IU1, du. I at 4 o’clock P. M.s from city a hart P«rsiUYe!:r. Lancaster will take the mail on eniiiient. Ri-jeeted; :i't against 151). EX( IIANGE HOTEL. Cairn, and the $5 fs 10.5 .1(5 for extra. AA'hisky TifThis Dills patented in (treat Britain, hy Fur freight or pae»aae apply on or to CHANGS or TIME. uuchaiiged. and fair Geo. H. ( board WAsniNGToN, -April 4. Tbe Posiolllce Com- [ The House th<-u tabled tbe preamble to the — Corner Main aud Sixth Streets. ilemaud: l.-Jiliibbls Fru'C lit Alaueliastor. Eiinlan'l. and in the t’idted Mates, N. S. X bro., .kc*«nU, .',n«iafi^r W'rdnesdays to Cairo. sales at li'tlriLs',. latter fiirwa- j Long / NN mittee finally deciiU-d this morning to reduce tbe hy lianiel Hines, lata of tue Detroit Isicomi'tlve AV. bpt >o. :)6 " bill, whi'di was |usaud with verbal goii. rks. WaU .«trerL ; \ ieav-.*J* Ter amendments; Sugar linn, with fair deiiiuud; I AV r>eiirhamp,r>eiichamp, Grayson( I sales 7UI hhds We learn from Capt. Dailercs that the F' Cartle. HI at Detroit. Mich. SIDNEY M 14'.* rates on tbe Pacific Iclegraitli from 2f loFkund for JONFX .1: against tiO. i 7', f inferior, and K0s''i4 for fair to NT\T 9AHP N. >1., 15 P. '.I., \NO 9: 15 P. 'I, CAVCook. Kv CCLi*tey,Li*tey, do' prime, aud i*< mio it Im Corner Tbtrit and .Main streets. Little Sallie, the new Bayou boat, w i.l not be ready to (ioveriiiiicnt aid from t.sftxKi to $40,000. fur choice. KEGl LNK LOl ILLE, .>l\IMH).\ ' -Mr. ^lekleB submitted his response to Mr. These C A Sturges, III M Maddox, Ky Molasses unchanged and firm: sales -.Aiii .\.\DC .vn* frcn \ MM. TrainTrail Didianap- Ih ami M. L* ’**s \ ’ti' .ia. j hhl* at I'2V»0Itt^<. tion*. diuly,daily. J^uuda>*e\re;.|ed -Or.cfTTj at .m. will be gl.adly I AVheat U>i>( > fsy~ The red. Corn dull; AND muur «at p. m.. reu l.••ui«Vllie u* > p. n. sigiiiliid AV liirretl, Ky K I. Tanner, do car l"f lower; sales Stki bushels iu I V'lii, clerk, leaves LuubvUie fur atu'Ve to ilie Comiiiitlee ou Kleetioiis. The princijial I'tirtie.* have their acqui- *: ift P M. Train In«hrinap<>ll« and i m’dionat: Ej^tetft Kv- yesterday w ith considerable freight, and returns this bulk at 4.5'.-. I i all interno'diaie londlnic Miller. 1 Oats—Prime, reieijits light, with un larodays. .l«i’v W E (Hover, do (P. NY more pre'“or.i“i•. daily. StiodaT’®w.., »-xcr;*ted .\rr;\ lUS at li»t'*aftw« escence ulretidv. FANS 1* The House went into Committee of tlicAVliolc. buyi-rs than sellers at 45c. Thursdays, and fiatunUys, at 1 o'clock .tj. evening. Among her items for Pittsburg arc 4(KI N Divine. Eminence 11 Lipe, Liberlv Kve steadv and fair de- al *:!.) p. w.; Clncinuai) at lot I" i>. i...; .'*t. l.**ul« tu.: [ %i Pacific ibillroad Coinjimiy will mi-et tis RECFilVED Fur freight or paseaee afply un boart or tu a Mr. feihermau moved to take the Tariff The at 11,5 J18T AT ITk; , up and •I Hikes. Ky AV H l-aiiders, ky maud $I W10.t on arrival. Itarley linn, with Chi«*aw> at lua ni. K**! Lruiiia. leave® 1;.«1 aaa> barrels of molaseea at 15 cents pa«l m-54 J, srK*c. » !..m^veu.uJ'.S,'*^ yt:i4>ur at*>:4fta. re*« hiT'S i .*i ; a. Loan hilL , J It Byaii. do U Bohuii. Natchez demand; sales 4(SI husbels gowl fall at Sl.5^ deliv- p. m„ om.va*« m. = ! P. M. Train 't. l.ouU, h:u'anai-’li®. ai t Interchange, C^Kain Gilcbrut.Ls due Hie road shall be built; whether by grants ered, and 2 1 X bushels d 'u«A‘ibusi4 The .Mr. Bniueh was against any alteration oftbe of J Castle, do J Ding, Ky , 0 good prime fall at May sviile at Nhrht K\|*re-»^’. daily. >.Ajurd-*y- e'c t*- wd - \rriT.D«- at In- land, or mum to individuals acting as Cuinmis- It Spalding. Leb Full AAllEFiLIAG AMI PIT’r>*Ut KG. j river to-day, and is advertised to return tariff'. present bill * *'*• - White The yields sullieieut y : from revenue UICH DUFSS GOODS! iliartapcdH at o.'-ia. m.: at Cli.A*lnra;i al a : , at I fine sioiiers, ur iiieor})oraiing a euiiipany. The freight and passi-iiser I l:UUp. Ul. thither to-morrow evening. and meets the wants of the guveruiiient. _ — a steouier Louis at KrtomiliS. Imllftb *1* at ^ I New York Stack -Alarkcl. DI.A.AIo.ND. .Vinear. .AlaaUr. ata. m.; Seymour at ll^Sua. ni.; rcaa-hitia L- .zt -Mr. Sherman said he would not ask a vote ou -A ease occurred atioul a month ago, which in- NATIONAL HOTEL, ^^3EanaC , G : . R. M. Patton No. 2, Capt. Barnard, leave Ol above Ihia day. the nth last., The .*;4ft r. .M. Train on SalarAUy t*» '‘A Yine ur • nly. tiT’ The volved almost an identical question betwten MLLH; DAREUEN; it for three weeks. at 4 o'clock P M. CADOectins tbe lrNtu<* • t»hio Comer Main and F'uurlh streets. New York. .April .5— P. Jl, with n tbe and Mb>-i*»i**pi was due from Tennessee river last night. She is ad- the I’liited Males, as [ For freight ur passage R.i!Iroa4; .MUDRHE.AD E VO., AzenU. momlnc at T a. till the Tariff and Loan bill was reAchecL was Alder, cinnati Erie 11 New A ork Central 77 Paci- AVM Meides.'Ky S do K; LA\V>*i; JA(’0.\KT; I JjrBaics «ce checked thmuch to n!l the pribclpnl cities i* the nocapliire, and an .American vessel, near the fic Mail lu^x; Erie 4tb iionds 5!*3^. Up Again.— eli-am from officers of the Mr. Ixivejoy said the House liad lieeit engaged >1 Gaines. Did K 11 Patterson, A'a f the W e*t. V^-rth. an«l I- Al'K TLEri; FOR C AAAELLTO.A. II AH E!*A ILLE. AND Isle of AVight, w:is brought to liy a shot from -M AN Farel«»w asthelnweHt t*. all r'-'mi*. Diamond that the Neptunr. recently sunk in the uppi-r in giving the death blow to jiolyganiy. By the .1 H Denian e. Ind H Lipe, Lib OH KAWHOHO. For thr uirh ih'kets ar»d :!:f< r'. atioa apply *t ibw the.' British iiian-of-war for not showiii'g her col- J AV Saudife 1. Ky I’ H Snook, A'a I*OIVrri; Philadelpliia plat form tlie Re])ublieaii itirty A -’Honey LACE - Ohio. Usd been raised, and had reached Ciurinnati. -'Hnrket. The re^hir freight and possemrrr pocket Vnkm Ra:lr«>ad (Mlice. N <. 5*J7 'ur.ra-i C"r:;«r ^ta.a aft4 ors; at least such is tlie iillegalioii TAVilsou. va AV K .Alexander. Ky _ k stand jdedged a.s Liras the Federal (ioverumeiil on the British K.ATE FRE-NCH. Vaflery. master. Third streets, Louuvilk, hy.. <>rat *;.e Dv:h»t n Jet!bew«>iw LACE Ul RAOIX; ; where she waa to be hauled on the ways. She gives C 1* Cowdeii. Madison J Dobyns. do Vi side, though coniradicti-d on ours. Ilritish ' leave os above ou Saturday, 7th inst. viiie. Iml. S. J. L2 i I'l.E. H. ket .ieesL has the power to exlirptde that other twin relic The New Y'oiik. .April 5—P M. ‘ Jones, D A AV right, DC atlo'chick F 51., p< siilvely. fcbTdtf \. s. >u| t. op her trip. officers suhseiim nlly apologised lor tlie ueeideiit. K Kv Fur !ole at low prices. cKOTheks. of barliarism, slavery in the Territories. He Money is in good demand, and rales rule k'ur .1 H Si Camiibell. Ky J K IkMliiie, Ky firm. freight or posaose apply on board or |o Cincinnati Couitncn ial of yesterday Thus th(- iiiatter staiids, and luts led to eorres- Rates of Exchange imaltered, ni31 JOHN .A. 5HLLER. !*( Fourth street faf~The wanted to see them liuMi strangled and go dowu LT l.ong. -ADi Col J Allen, do with good dcmawl, and op6 .MOUKUE.AD E CO.. .AgesL*. between Hie fully up to the supply. LonixTillf, .Mw llbanv and ibirairo has the following items iu regard to the Anglo Saxon together. His remarks at one time caused great pondcuce two governments. A It Davis, do J N Cox, N O i M U K The President to-day transmitted to the Sen- it J Buchan. Ky PKVTOAA, and other matters: exeilemeut and bad blood among the Southi rn- K Thompson. Ky V V purclias. rs is coUed to my stock of AVooiienware, RAIlzROAD. ate Hie recently conoltidcd treaty A AVoodmaneee. lud (’ Adams, do Briiunis, Brii.iies. Ee.. which la kept custontly friU and JAO. P. .>1 ers, and the House came near to a violent col- of eoniiiieree RECEIPTS II I LEVUE.A. AnTEK, The Anglo flaxou. recently uia. .April 14. .-(aturday April 4. Peters Jt co —t laixes merchandise, AA'alton Jt She will drop dowu to the lower wharf to-day nud weeks past, it is the opitiiuti of some ' April 51. .\oi: Clerk's desk, iu lull view of all tlie members, Senators -A It Brown, Fi'town J AA' Lamb, Teuii AA oodenware Store, 5C0 Alain itreet, betwet*n Third and I .nday April J3. YVES'l’ -\Nl> ruWK'J'l’. jtarret — 11 boxes Ji.aper, Chambers—5 bundles paper. AVrilnvSilaj discharge her damaged freight. The powder ston-d Fourth. May i AVrdmwaoy s{K>ke in a loud tone, with emphasis that it Is prob-ible tliey will both he revived. J M ILxiroiaii. Kayw ick N B Thompson, Ky IJodge J. H. KUSSkXL. K .May and and & Co— p.ickages merehondiso, I Ariday 4 LouisviUe and Junv 1. 1 in the after eud of the hold, waa thrown overlioard (' S Friday. May 25. earnest ge-tieulatioii, against Mr. Colfax, from the Poslolliee Committee, re- AV Mllehell. Ky K Allegre, do N;ishville Kailn>ail-5 boxes paper, \VELL BLTKE'IS. 4c.-^60 dnat-n WeU buckt-ta, lUht, *npervision the ground on Dupont A Co- 2 June W. | Saturday. Junr S. Ruder the personal of Mr. Robt. J. DiilTV V veiled, BLydou, do boxes t.'ft. Y heavy, and fwi with a cuiiiplete aaaortuieiit of M'ladav it to justify slavery tiorted amendinents to the Senate Telcgrapli Bill. G AV Morris—33 coils rope, Garduer .E Ciy Julyj. I Mmiday Jons 25. and a portion of the crew, while the lire was spread- which was sought lieeause WiMMleii AAare. i’«>r«iaire. Br- . k .'‘ON. spirit of the devil, etc. -Reetiug of Ueniucrutic N'litioiml .50 do lleiiili do. do; •k 21 ^ it Fox— ) packages merchandise. R .A Robinson mS\ dtd BELL, IU CUA.X \,N k CO., NewOrlea.4a. Haxoii until was known that the powder was all in fsl do do, A ( fiO doxen IroD-hound Cedar Paila, three tiaet: Cumiiiittee. Crass do; Co- -'20 bills ISeveral geullcuieii called him to order. oil, .f AA’ Ryan—21 hags seed. Marsliall i»rai*e the river. lUO do houfid do, du; > 110 dozen to feet B<-d Cords; HKMO\ AL. X M. Viitchetl .Vcc>»mm*HUll 0; rriurninc with Cln.ia Ualliert ik Co 6 bbls siTup, full aa^ortmeni of Capt. John F McCone has coot racted with Mr. Pryor said tbegeiitlemuiifruiu Illinois had WAsniNGTOs, April .5. Tbe Democrat ie UU do I’luir lines; — Rawson, Todd & Co— It* With a (Vdarware aenerally. For «ale Lisblniuq Mad; arrivira at 4;- • P. M. Temple's — Na- NOTICE to Stearntmatmen, Merchant*,kff-a.aa.Kme.*. store for sale liy do Uo. 4 kegs do, Andrew ituehunau JZ Ci>— -JO at the AVoudenware Store. .'»UU Main street, lielween 'Hiird av . j«fr^*** ^ Madiis >D Marine Railway for the hull ofa light draught no right to shake his fist at geiilleiiieu this In aud boxes “*7^ I belft.V. M. I’hhasoaiEd l.oaU Rxprr®- .Moil .laity ex® ou tional Conmiitiee met this iiiuniing. Tweiily- I d shipper* of freisiiL have rem**>? and Fourth. H. W« ed '.' .5.72 snuff, iLtiOJ J. Kl'Sj^Ei.L. 1 . the di21i CASTLKM.AX a TORBITT, Main street. Ed .Atorris— 15 bills sugar, 15 do syrup. -Allen. ceptfiunOaTM.reovhirg**. I. at !'.:: .ua.ai..aziUAki- steamer for keoknk Packet Company, to be c«m- side. It was liad enough to stand in his own Slates are represented. tieorgeA. our SteaAib«jat aud lLulri*:id F*>r^ar«Uuir seven Caldweil, c**" »t I'cfiio. m.: ( UKUinati at li*la 'a. the With of June. It will -Moore i Hardin —15 bags coll'ec. Alitchel! Jt llubharU and Comnilsst<»n liJf .. leted by he wet feet long. place talk hi* tre-isou W'l.NE— H. ti, YIYUK G. F. DOW.A>i. AiiF'Ucy t*» the house recAoitly occupied by and and insolence. of Kentucky, was eliuseii Chairiiiaii />n> trm., iu .HI iMixes glass. *(‘’•1^ * A*' Chii oE'. oml L.'UU Night Ex; re-. .'aUj ex- » feel biam. and tt feet depth of bold. It will be vv 15 casks Madeira AViiic; Hoe & Bro—21 bales sheeting, all do Memsnt. Sparke k Oallairber, butnrdlately ohiH>Mtr tbe.hi g tow^ I SaturJoj**. reaxHitig-'l. L-m.- .Mr. Barksdale—Lei him keep on hi.-* own side tbe absence of Judge Smalley, and C. S. (xitton wholesale t ,.”V5 cept atl:(*v. ai.; Cin.iu- Vallan- 1,1 do Sherry do; hatting, »t«Are uf Messrs. II. D. Ncwcucub X Br».. Wall to hi. Louis, where it will receive the machinery and J.luhii K Howard 4 Co—21 vice, (> T Bsti at "TBia. m.. acdciiiiazu.llietop. m. On street, I •(mardaf of the House. Secretary. It was 10 do Port iL»: Itiill Co I where we will he ready at all times, day ai*«iu.i'niehzniebt. general outfit. digbam. unanimously & —51 Imiullesgas pii>e. (ias Co—54 bhls ale, ' Night* iki. Wain ruimuuij tu 5tiicuelg reluo 5tua. do; French (iray Poptlnr; b* attend promptly to ih** «»r*b*rs calls uf >>ar fri-utls, uu 25 do Malaea Lup«' I and The War Eagle is receiving a new pair of ebim- The conlubioii siaui bccaine geucrul, and mem- Jieioilrid, That it is inexpedient, under exist- & Evans— lu5 boxes glass. 21 demijohns..! s Mor- Plain ColortMl bilka; “JTL daxBi.rcinc. lU hills Muscat do; ; and all who are ab>pused to transact busio*^ with and ris Jt Sons— 4 boxes hardware, AA'allace, Colort’ii lUuftiona: ' RxTraxi.x*;- -Tr«ii>. lease St. l..ioi» at liijfia. ni.. oi-.a**! ne}'f . and will not be down to the levee until iluuday bers began to press into the area. ing elreumstanees, to cliange tbe place for Ik hl- lil'ts (Flneer Litbgow Jtco throush us in this city. *. to d'l; , — '27 ki'irs For tale at low prices. Ol.. connectii.g cl.*iel» ml Mif.'hcll » ilh lr»in* 'uash. nails, 6 do iiutts. to packages merchandise, < fcl3 .Ilf Veanto- or- next said the gentleman III store fur sal* by N. S. LONG k BRO.,, Agents,..geum. Mr. Cox from Illinois iiig the Democratic Cuuveuliou from Cbarlestun and rivliiElnLuubvIUe a»!'.Jtla.m„ MAR. Attachment.— e l«*m that an attacb- ouglit Ul speak from his scitt. to any place. a|>3 ALL HALBERT* CO. glass, 2 OnlTooe cltacfe uf tu fit. casks soda. 5 hhls do. R N Robinson A Co—20 boxes X860 . . : Cars LooU. Ainclnnali '-r CU- has been sued out in this port in favor I'rj or Let him stand there, and talk. XOOO.360 meoi of a mer- Mr. — He Previous to tbe action on Ibe resolution, Mr. VVHISKA'— glass. AA’ni AA'llkes boxes eom*. vv 145 bills Fivtra Whisky: — 21 glass. Owner—18 boxes chant of New Orleans, for some •i.nou shan’t come on this side of tlie Hail. Vallaudigliani staled tlic reason for the call, glass, 4 ImIIs glass. MILAVILK P-Ull’U.K BAGG AGE ( HKt worth of Goodsluiw Jt Co— .'JI boxes axes. Iu • KFD TIinoiGli. ill do Double Extra AVbisky; 16 c:u>ks .Macklin’i w^ararcared Hamr. , '- .Mr. was seen shaking his ; freight, shipped on some boat due yesterday, either Baaksdnle cane, and wliieb grew out, luuiiily, of tbe eomplaiiits of dozen spaite-. 6!> boxes glass, 6 dozen hoes. Thomas lo do CO prime Shoulder*; H.M. LAMB. NIAiaTER. All train* 'nnecz cl...ely vitb oU I'OMengrr Trains, en in the midst of the courusiou was heard to say, imposition at (-harleston coneerniiig ik -Anderson— -IS boxes glass. Ketchum Co In Btore and for a:de hy T. L. JKKFEUS4)N. A*'* *ABiu onU Mb-issiigii KoUr 'aiL an.1 iga.1 mtrfiiiitefr Hr the aeeoin- 4 — 21 hxs 1 nt^TtlL. oa I I leave the ports of New Orieaus aad LtuusvIUetUsTUie wa* the Aaron or Universe. 4(1 do Old ni27 aouthe.iflt comer i*ta. \V o.E 51. train-, when “rascal,” as applied to Mr. Lovejoy. iiiodations for visitors. He had received Rye glass. 3 casks do. AValton 4 Barri-tt—8 boxes glass. 63 llmt aud .Market FT foUows: tW ore.l.layca.tiHsru;,, ;..arii.sh, numer- 1* * In store and fur sale by I 0 -eager* rvltalile fruo. .'t, engines oftbe Eclipse, the largest bags twine, fsl ilo w ick, 5 do carpet chain. AVellcr Lk..YV»;aSSW oaioCtW!*: LBivrw LOrt'^riuJt:iTitzg- commetieoaz MinheU. lu ur t^iT^he and Mr. Adrian, as if to quiet tbe tumult, letters on this subject, 4 I stud the ous (ieiitlemeii of FLorR-luuhhl bag* Flour Juit reA-elve.l ' I'U'iK ap2 MARSHALL HALBERT i CO. per ’ "C tin. liuioti. Parker—^ lb»xi*a •rlaM. 6 bundJea do, TucsHiay„Ti.iui***" Aprilld. Sunday. Mirchiri^ah2Sth. best ever bailL or the western A Jao:f*T— railroad and fir sale by T. L. JEFFEKSO.V. ' used on waters, arc gentleman could si>eak from his scat Baltimore, Pbilndel]>bia, Kiebinond, St. Louis, IrisU*Friday April Wednesday AprilAnril 11th.iitK oml Baraae taken to onj from any ^ort buxi'Slrtckh. Muss 4 Trigg— IU bnmlles sheeting, -An- ni27 aouthea*tl»outh«^a4t curnerci»rner Firs*First and Vlorkci^lark«-l utrwts.Ktrvv'ts. , of oaa.ar-frge.'f .uarge. offered for sale by Capt. hpotu. ou very favorable The Cliuirmaii, Mr. Washbume, of Nlaiuc, in mid 1-ouisville bad lircseiiled indueeiiients for 10 q pipes La Koehelle Brandy; ilersou s>aturday May Mb. Friday .%pri12Tih.(Sril'^lh: I Jc Cir- 1 1 bbls vinegar, Hibbitt * Son—21 hxs M«vT"z*. B* Ih Thr'iiah Troinec* one*'! ,l'**elj oZGreen.'mnie wili vain ra])|cd to restore order. tbe place of 10 '< du A. Sigiiette do; AMN.** AND -Mrs'^LIN.'f- Just riTeivfd. locasrs Prim- Monday May 21i>L .^atunlay Ma.vl2th. term* They arc the largest, as well as the best, the (-banging meeting to these cities. glass. CbauilH-rliu Tapp 16 bbls \ inegsr. *•** Terre Ha itc oi.d U! hmui'd R«. *.. 0. 1- We*« f ferra 40 one eiehtti 4 Ga.'dm r I J ed Lawns. »«>lid bliu'k L:iwns. IMr.tcd French Jaco* Tuesday. Juneftth. Monday .....MayMai JWa.>«« t pipes Curnac Brandy; .* ..-1 Mr. Adrian, in a eoneiliatory tune, II niiglit bo staled, tliat iiiembers Co- -52 Home 'll 1. l.*«iU and E -f !'*lia i .apo*i * . ,\i l.,,:az- rylinden beiag 35 inches in diameter, and 11 feet supposed from Charles- 2s libls New A urk llrauily; 4 boxes gloss, (.'assiduy 4 Sons— 2 do do \A' nets. s«»lid Percales, Ac., fi*r sale cheap. Thursday, ....June 3Ut. Tuesdrty. JuneJuiieTjzii!IJUi. ' ette with Uie T'lieii** Oil*! 5* ;-*teni .(nU uoltudv wanted iutimidule Sjiriuger Br.i ni27 July *'Ah. Thursday Jiiiu. MtK wgn aOo to the geutlenmii. ton would, as far as tliey could, extend tlieir In store and fir sale by 4 —sundry packages, consignees. T. k K. SLKVIN k CAIN. I Friday JuDe^th. Michigan fi-intfieni il.tilr**ad ("r r" - 4 " • etroke. i I 0 onj iaier'frdioi Mr. Pryor NolHidy ap2 MAKSHALI. HALBERT A CO. I ,*4h.-lEta .i Ti*.'*””"-. to 7-1 Straw Table Hoths. • RaUfad ft*.- ( III' ogi* o:.*l 0*1 u.'!iiU Mr. Livejoy—NolMHlyr.in intimidate me. Hero -Mr. Aslimorc stated to the committee tb-nt he PIT.EIIRANDV— 5 (.loro 4 Co— bbls whisky, A. J. Guthrie— l.'s'ibgs 1 J aud Linens. idapers, Shirt Bu- ' BELlo. Bl’CHA.N.VN k CO., Aseuts, New Orleans. He.-t oudNoclLwmA sotiui. Ac., for a beaji. Abuf eDef-m: Tid oil Karl. the worid. be had better secure the engines of the V 15 lilds fine "Id Api'Ie Brandy; middlings, .Tchn Snyder 4 1 'J .52 bbls w hiskv. just rucsived aud sals MilJdbi BELL a CIL. Acenta, laonlsvQle.mLTniea.»iiie. many RepresentativesiTowdedaround Mr. Love- had apiaaired at tlie summons q|l the Secretary, Sheck- 1 ^HEkLEY. do l*eai-ti flu; iu27 T. K. CAIN. ilF- rilRiir..ll TU KEi* a- .tfi.-i)ier;nh*Tn>-U..nc»n 3 elfonl III Kil-s iiraii. Vineyard Crider— «'* k SLEMNA Eclipse. They will wear forever, and have never been joy, who exclaimed to them, “Oh, I'm sale hut dill not regard himself a ineuiher. — 4 Ivarrela be obtained at the He iiad In store and fur sale by Schrodt IMo.N R. K. fU KKi (IfruK Vu. whisky, 4 Laval— 2J lialeg hay. 'JU bhls pota- OPIaINO prints Jiist received. 70 o.ises choicest 27*1 ."Utbc'i.-l broken or hurt in the bwal daring her long career. enough.” iiii-t the ex-coliiiniltee at it* first meeting, as the ap2 M_AR.'(1LVI,I, IT.U.ItERT a CO. corner of Main and Thli'A .treats. Lul ls. toes. (* Patton Imi boxes stiireh. I .American and Fureir:i braiuts l*ri:*tt. ainl fi»r sale cheap ‘ K — lu pout 4 Co N* _ Tire unrivaled -teamcf PINK VARBLE VII. I.E. KY. Mr. Humell, elevating his voiceulKive the din, sulistitute of the Hon. B. II. AVilsoii, a iiiemher / tlGAK-H— by lm27J T. K. ^LE\ IN * CAl |,^Mr. Ethifi, clerk of the Uncle Bam. arrived 1.TS5 plow handles. A\' 15 15<'l5uiaii 4 Co— 13 hhds to- 2. in thoDuifh ninoinir or*ler, b« m»w Tram* ore nzniitirz by LnuDgillc Tl:ae. liKi boxes said the rules required tlie said eoinmittee South C;iroIina, Havana Sixes; fi. gentleman to speak of from ase.x- baeeo, -I I bales hay, :iil dozen wentherlwianis. 46 pack- ^^^^^™^*rea*ly for the seaM>n to do all kiinb uf low. 8. P.AKKEE. -Agrat, LuuiatUlc. here yesterday. He says the boat cannot be got otf 50 do Half Spaidsh Clears; from bis seat. He must and shall do it. He shall pressed iu his letter, for the only ohjeet to ap- ages licer, 32 dozen hoes, 20 packages funiitnre., ing to any point alH*ve or Ih*1ow the falls at the m*>'>t rea* 10 easi'B Oertuan do; con- Albany. the bar, epting by a rise in the river. sigTiees sonaide rates. Belua In ebarre of experieui-ed Kmitmen. New February Ifith. ISZ'.*' not shake his list to tlie gentleiueu on this side point the lime when tbe Convention willined 2 do fiiitt itesalia d'l; IkS) d<» d'» du; she will be able l<> impart satisfaction tu all who uaj wi’<*h a In store and for sale by In store aud for sale hr low preaeare Jacob Strader is the in menacing manner. in Cbarlestou. He therefore regarded binisclf CIXCIN'N.ATI—Per Telegraph—560 bundles paper, to A'Utf.'uee her '•ervicCM. NOTZCfi ap2 MARSHALL IIALREUT k CO. tJEO, R. PATTEN. 2* W.vn stre et, TO SaiPPfiAQ. Tlie Chairman called loudly for the Sergcaiit- as limited to that single act of fixing tlie time, Dupont 4 Co—5 bbls Hour, 10 boxes starch, Mever— All orders left at the cloUduc «tore of Ren. Durrett, swift mail boat fiiipc al--A rills, as if to attend to .Mr. Burnett, who w liicli bad been done, and not regarding bimself B 4 do heads, piio Pierce -10 bills li- to-dsy. atlrnti.*o. PINK VAKDI.C, Captain. quor. •) Lamb--loi laixes boots and shiH-s, St) do drv nion SET?^- io bbU Onbm f^ts instore bn^lforsaleby said —You may call the Sergeant -atArms, but the as lieiiig authorized to act further, be should P. All towini; done attheru^k uf owner*. ui^dtf Ui;i0 i;Eo. K. lil 2 pipe* New Knsland Rum; giNids. 21 Kales down. .Alorehead 4 Co— 21 package's O PATI FN. WaU street, N ODtl after MONDAY', Atar- h li fsfii. Frrightt will be Pasaage Stopped. — he Third aireet bridge members shall not do it. dcciiiie voting or |>artieiijating furtlier In store and for sale by merchandise. Jolin Schmidt —.38 eases hats. Fielding O ^•eiTrJ at the l-uuG.iUe on*l N.-a-livUle Kmlrwad Dw- glitl'fring ATS-oU) bushels Oats In st*beUcd novel bivaeh of the rules, but sliall Lave his rights. hosi’ltalities of that jsirly would he extendeil baceo,, 12 horses. 4 bhls oil, 3 cases wine. 20 packages Com; >a!es& «'tei»er:il FreiwiU Aaens. cinnati. nad ratbera shipment . in the shape of the In store aud fur sale by general light, at one time, CUXI)RIFS»- funiiture. 1 case bexiks, lo lioxes soap. 11 do turpuli, I A seemed imminent, to the lullest extent of ihcir ability to accom- radU OEO. R. PATTEN. 24 WaU itreet. aOO hag* of coffee. l7 .50) paekase.v Raisins; 216 packages mereliantiise, owners. S. H. PANZER, F*roprietor, Louisville and NashAallo Railroad. when the Chairman reiM.rled that the euiiiinittee modate visitors :ind deleg.ites. He w-is frank to I.IMI drums F'les; NEAA’ l’NDUlEw<- l(mm that the Gen. Quitman made ow ing to the disorder. la fraiis liates; Oltl.K.ANS— per .Aurora— 10 boxes glass. AA' Comer of Court Place aud ?*lath Street, LonirvUlc. Ky. rose say that in his opinion nothing need be expect- S 200 bbls Hourbon Whisky: 10 eases F'rencU Prunes; H Evarls-.m crates, AV. 4 H Cruteher—2 do, AValton HEO le.\ve to Inform my friends an«l the puHIc cencril her last trip to Memphis iu 3 days and i hours Finally eoinpanitive quiet waa restored. ed from the anti (-unvention party. As to the 7ft 'e an*l S c.iSks French Brandy; I'VIbtils .Nut*, assorted; Barret—16 casks oil, 4 bbls oil, ly that I will open on Muiniaj. Nov. 4 Mitchell 4 .Arm- pipes Holland fiin: I iUt, at lOu'clAH-k, Mr. fihermnu Kiid weare iii good order now. change no effort wnuld he to ,i«i >c 4 Arkansas, he hoped made 2 boxes Sardines; strong. Wit;* asplentlid Lunch every day at that h’>ur. Dinners fpitol GH TICKlTfi ON fizl-R FOR- Dead Low— he Little Red, and l.iisi 4 puncheons New Jiliifland. St. Crubc. aud Jamaica This waa succeeded hya hurst of laughter. elleet one; he (lid believe that the eomuiittee had k du do; served up Ut »uit lawyer*, otcrchants and >th« ri. Kreular X Memphis. TennA*»«cw; 4'si tiuxes ST. I.oriS - Per.* AA’ Cheosman— 'A5 tons iron ore, Rum; rivers In the former bat 8b inches water was assorted Ptekles and 16e Fruits; dinner fr >m I tu 3 o'cloek; an«l other mrahi set al all h**ur4. New i»rl«sins La.: White The House then again went into Committee of th<- |aiwer to any, and if it were so, it would 40 casks Pi>rt Wine: make lUU T. C. I dozen Burrow's I.exini.'ton Mustard; Coleman 4 Co hhds tobacco. latne 4 Bart- Those in want of all kinds of rare Bird’*, (flame, ac., will iliattanc* irt, Tennessee; Lit'-l*' Ro m* my wlU conducted uo the New KuowiUik, l>nue«’5«e; Mr. Lovejoy Dxik the stand at the eh-rk’s desk the Convention in South Carolina, were liNi casks New Casile Soda; coin. Hugh Brent Co. OrleHDH style. Meals >ent tu utftces an«l r<>(«aiS when HunLiville, .Vlaboaia; l*ir William Wallace, Favorite, and who 4 10 libls old iVai’h: p^^lie tin cross Clark's M;ttuhes: onlered. [nil dtfl ,« ' H. -M>>ntr*incry. aud resumed lii.s remarks. He s|aike about unanimous ('hampiiirne Wine; L<*sUe’s PANZER. Alahacua; in upisx-ing the cliange, if not 10H,Puul!rcalia. Priiieipi. C'-rman. and Half Spanish NEAV UltLE.VNK— Per J K Bell — Ell bales cotton, BlttA*rS; Kane arrived at St. Lsrais Wednesday, and the Muscat \Vliir; rnra^MA; Auauutb SRNM Olive oil; Aiinis<-tte f'ordlul: 100 do do do; C i/'dirv; Tbe A B Chambers and Sovereign are expected Mr. Singleton said lie would not allow such ceived private letters, saying that (-ertain houiies Fare to Nsw Orloaus ] Miiccaronl: and .Mempbui saetc rAI»S. Brandy ('herrles; 9 friuls super Brielit T>ates; xt by way^ #f heard two separate rumors 1 insinuations on to jiass. If heen fitted uj) HATS AND Cairo. in this morning. We Southern women the had for Hie aeeominodation of a Sardini a: Pep|>»*rn.liit; 3 cases Prunes in idass; effect the firmer had her hull JRATIIEU A SMITH are daily n eelvlnc their Call at the TUket Ottco of ye*!er^y, to tne : iiieinher ia-r>i*ted in I hat course, lie would hold |M-rs(ins for $5 and «4i |ier day, including lodging serond risars, 1 obacco. 4c., Ac.; 6 casks ZanteCurranls; ComiMay, No. 73 Pownh feet J supply uf Koods, emhrueins a lance and elecant avl. ;SI0 tiuxeS O. Ellis's 5tissuurl Tuhaceo; StreeL or at the DepoL in four of water, stuck ,' broki'D in two by a snag: look him jK-rs'inally res]Min*ihle. and tieddiiig. The landlords In store and fiTsslebiw bv The above «a hsn*l aiul for of Hie city claimed of 4.'*> 5(0 du King's ilu ,|u; sale low by again; and that the Sovereign new styles. ap3 No. MAIN .STREFT, ANTHONY Fifth street. *\NDFit»i'N, :*up€TlBleo»lef»t. sunk, and was raised ZANOSE E 80N. McMLLLEN k K\YE, .ftQ) i 1 vfWf n -Mr. Lovejoy said that in the four uiiliion slaves tliat liis higii prices of provisions, is tlieir 7.5 do fininiiey's do do; Main street, X J* FIKLD. Denrrai Hckrt .VsenL j ex- scroml iaui*ilf rock, which mode m hole in her hull, and do liesi lirands door below .Main. ft*lj«>minic Bank of LaiiMvibe. had bit a vAMIl.VF'Ldl'U-iObblBANo. I Extra Family M Kentui'ky Tiihaecn; not one legal for Hiejr ' Flour I then- was husband, father, wife, or cuse higli charges. deal of water, whicli greatly dam- He should not 75 ilo lu st lirands iLARKd' - she liHtfc in a great ’ J fir sal'- by CA.xTLEMAN A TORBITt. Virsinia Tul.accu; / WlNR these as men- rumors, and . child, and sjioke about a Presliytcriau elder dLetiss this (juesiion, and as he should de- In store aud fur sale hy V 4*m cases Claref Wine; aged her cargo. W e give ni4> 5:;2 .Main street. CKVHTAL PALAdK, aoaBBwayT. South liaviu'g lhego*|H-l (line voting U|s)ii any J.U'K k BROTHEK. SIS 5Ialn street. HOcask.x do d<>; suppose the are, at least, rojich^mtaggersled^^^^^^ I down wliip|K-d into him of Hie proisi.-iiioiis y m31 iH'tween For sale low by f|3IIF. Cool Fropricbini «f llawe*vi!le. the hriNtdside ol a hand-saw, before the Coiiiuiillee, Ttdrd and Fuiirtli. very LI l*K 4; KV.YMS, Proprielora. Ky . azol (?aaael- i with and of a young woutvstert; - than fieren Cl* been I hirh we w ill Sell l.y Hie and 2 cans Cove lNaddltl*»nto theirrewul.irSaloon bind- O', T t per liuaheL I w uuuntity O b« ur the 12 horreU. tu suit ^ BeUevuucihazIheac.cuwiU guard* badly storm, Saturday night. tendered aeeejited cuntigniiivut und fur sale by *ift do superior SpiciMi Oysters In fciass; :« * jigit on.l (air b*.th torn during the He hail sworn to supi>ort the Constitution lie- and for the use of the Con- purehaSirs. ness, LI PE k EVANS re>pectfUlly in \ . to Ibe -rller ..nd^.iSSr'rr. at the I Ifi *'4 ^ Her lasted about lUn-e TVI.ER 4 5I.ARTIN. «ln s aud cans Sardines; g their are wue Imie mainuln the buglae** officers report the gale, which cause he loved it, but lie did not interpret it in vention. JACKE lIROTIIEK. No. .5ls 5lain street. J^fonn patroiui that they mpAU a haoi* ceere-ouad- 6 *lo frenh to the itemiimi minutes, as having b**en terrifir: houses were nn- nJU lu tween Tliird amt Kuunli. Salmon; aceiit.'tfor the sale of Kh«»desand Verner's mid iM for fuel, w, have wwtnalty -torced that Will that Southern nii n did. >L.ANT.\TI(IN MOL.ASfiES-25»h.'irr*‘:8 cbulce. in store ft ! the do fresh Lobsfvrs; W(K>d's after totodato firveu g'sifed and blown dciwn: while trees were torn up by celebrated PUtsburc X. -\X. XXX, aiul Incta Cents yer bi^hc* will be the unlfonu Arrival of the Uverland .ilail. t ai.d for sab- ap2 TVLKK i AI5 PIN price for t Mr. ^inhaiii You violate it. by M 1EAN8 .\NI> I.IN8EA 8—KO hales (tw'st brands) 10 do OreenCurn; .Vie. They keen a full 5t«H‘k un b.tnd. ami are always pre- which *oal w4?l bw «ph| lo .«i|«amb*>at4 at«>ur re- root* and carried hundreds of yard*, i — Nesru aloug for and Lniseys In ft do do IVa.*; to Hutels and Families by »pr. live C**al yard*; and aV' ^ Mr. -Ashmore -And |s'rjurc yourself. .Atc iiison, K. T., .April .5.—The central over- el Jeans »ture and for sale hy pared supply -VerebautH. the to ldaUftHntwwil.uudcrvtapd- ^e M'wrs was ti<-d aboie flisidririrs landing. She — (iL-AS.-^E.^ 'JOtl q bills choice riant;itiun 5tol:iiwes in &) *lo fresh Tomatoes; not surpawteil by inc. anil that all form K*ee. j \| JACKE BROTH Ell. No. 5I« Main stn-et. barrel or bottle. This Ale ts any in the b.'ab.may reieive Coo* ala uni ill si„rciu.dfnrBal.'*iy hod two stout cables out. Singleton -And a negro thief, into the bar- land mail and Pike’s Peak exjiress arrived ap2 TVLEU 4 5I.AKTI.N. li' 2ft do ftt !*h PfUcheS; It I* aarrr*l that '*bMEatV'a fi-r both of wiiich wereanapped Mr. — this 1 iii31 fiuutli slile, tween Third aud Fuurth. country, and tUeyc«»nfldeutiy reconuuend iL the wf any urckr >T off as ftil pi. tl thourt Uiey w.-r. thread With both wfusels gain. afleniooii, bringing dates from S:ilt l-aKe city to do tin aud assurted Pickles; Zi^ Fine uld W ines and Liquors. the 'loll very ul Cuol. by widt h the iiunauiuer yoy* le*w la I KiKEEE l.'iO lia-.-s Rin l^untiit rulTee going aliead. she and In slor* and OPEENIHD EtKE\E.s8 OK III8HOP Bsl «lo Pf|»i»er Sauce: ttr" Extra tine (iicars. myl3 dtf .'-even Ceuta ^r buaheL will be deemed a vb-l-vtlon of ikij wa- blown down tbe river at the Bark.s'Jale 1 bold no jiarley with a per- the ITtli ult., iitid frotii Denver to the tiOHi ult. ( f"rsnl"*iy SP.AEDINO -We -Mr. — ap-j . TVI.EK 4 MARTIN. ft do Mushrouii i'atsiip; ocreemeiit. tt'o I liave juti recelve.1 (r..m WII.ll.lMfi rale of twenty-five mil*-* an hour: her n Haris a tKautiful Litliograiddc receive*!, ’ damages were S.ViiOCHEK.'^E J^»st a fidi supply of :*ap slight ^ jured negro. It brought 1(171111 in gold dust. l.ikent-sanf Kt Rev. M. J. firgi.iuxu. Bisliup uf Enuisville ftU dik Tomato do; AP Maned: M A5 0 a BROTHKB.'(. AILS— l.wsi kegs \5 hei'linz Nalle. iu sture for sale S Sajn> Cbeefe; als*» a prime article of Holland Cheese In .iENNINi.s AV. V and Thel’irturelslfibyJIlnehes, andissidii at the 10 do Walnut do; JA.fi R. , ca. Mr. lyovejiiy said : When Daniel Welteterspoke G. Tracy, frotii Salt l^ke City, re|i(irts bu- 11 at moiiufaclurcr's very low i price, sale by liy iwire of SI. M ebb E LEA EltlMr. The above are now in More ami for sale tow by tore aud for P .NEWCOMB Jk CO. of the iiujMisitiou (>f Au*trla u|k>ii Hungary, he siness dull and miiHers quiet in the Territory. TVI.ER 4 MARTIN. M. l.l.KN nIi* W X II. BI RKH ARDT, 417 Market rtreel *2»d!y Na>. Miun istrt'vt. Ml k KAYF. Sal Main street. HawssvUIe. SepC UU. 1M»- FERN thtit the earthquake and torniido have The orders for the r'-inoval of troops had tiecn aI;d|*.s 2.IMI Bis fresh Gum Drops Just received tio dll do Pint* bi.® bf-twrt n 'Thinl and F«»urfh. .Vie and London Porter, ' Aim*!**. S N'otch and fi*r sale by ^Twieties .d APTles IV«rs. I*. «d.e*. (I to hold up to the retribution atDeiivcrof Ho- disiovery id' Hie Seento lead in ( M iinil hy AUo aid ( irrularsav Mill.**! s*^P1nint. ApricKvts. \ rtannt'«. Almoodp. LoV'-joy projsist for sole |.r«.n.*h Iruitsof ail klud*. OUveSy Capt-rf, Crack- mJP W. A 11 Bl KKH.VKDT. 417 Market Mr^t Straw 'J*’ iiiitiilig er* and .'’^ardint*. <'r.\TOES—173 bbls Irish P«*tat*H*t just received. In WaLiuU. * it. rr;p^ Kiui>b< of public sentinieiil slavelioldiug ill all its atroc- the Gregory district. In the lead, mig- MANrr.DTT RING !»TAT10NART fiTK-\5< rH> s. I 8t'*re for sale by H>RN .VIEAlr-a0 bushels extra Cora ARE Just rect'ivcd aud for sale at P and .Meal for WE LAR fi.AM MILI..S. rW*. Currma^. . Ac.; here i gets, jiieces of quartz rock YY ENGINE;. \NDCIKCI .f tbw 4c ity and hideousuess. just as genllcmen had encased in scales or JOHN F. HOW kKD k CO., Main street, ( use in store and fi*r sal<* b> M'«i and Artnaa'.ii. Floveriuc Slirobt A. FONDA’S Family fJrf»cery, m.*.« omruTwd -tylc.; Htm worh «r every and will bunt leaves of gidd a tiling heretofore in ^Aiq.K-S m^>0 between .*k*cond and Third. m» W. k II. BI KKlf AUDT, 417 loteal and dw- Fverfrcff held up [.olygaiiiy. Public srutimetit — unknown 5V.ALN1T8 25sHeks NaphsWaluutsreccivcd nx'iA •«5 Fi.urtli Mirs-rt. Market streeL (iesriiuc A.G raft'. .*teani Gaown. Fiaota, D«Mrida"uaaDd n«. and Oniarafutal Tre*a. [ geriptiun; MIU Faber'w il by sleouier I’ai'ific anil h-r sale bv w-- a. is.— ni- i. . kr and scour ia by the the history of lead mining. The average yield (*ww«e>; 4« out slavery. The proper way 1 .\lRY Etifflish choice lot Water V. D. GAETANO 4 CO.. 5l.'Uii street. \RANOF-S- rilEESK 217 b4>x«>s small Dairy Cheese .VMi^ a of Mackiin arul Diu&eid ImS ¥‘tr fartb^ particulaia ae^ catalr sale by States themselvea. ni!7 between Seventh and Eighth. \ F IftU S boxes Oraiifc*; n H had hjr addrrad^ th*- at JOII.N A CO Main street. m2* H. We also Maauthciare Improved fiacar Caae 3l9n ' HOWARD Bl indorsed the H< Ip< r to rock. Gulch iiiinitig is generally resinned. The lull boxes do; F W k RRlI AnDT. «7 Market street. *FKKN CKhKK Fo^T^>mCF..'’ book beeause he wanted m:lO l>eiween Third (Jrders auHeiled. vliKSH KIGS-IU casks extra Elelne Figs in iture and In Store fur «ale by ami Fourth. ^ I aud Jcflrrauo Cftunijr. Kf. doit. He did So without asking the gentleman miners are making from two to live dollars per IFI NED !»1'0 AR-U» M>la Circle A Baltimore Creali r. 8. —(^h paid for uU Copeer, BrMaODd fierofrlrs^ I j AEI’A.NO . J f'.rgsleliy V. D G 4 co V. D. UAKTANO k CO.. Main Urri t. A OOFFCE lOfimals prime Java Coffee In store and oxid Powderwl U5WI BY. BlLLINGfi K .8(i«art, B. F. rO. . k BALD5UN. I arriving. recelTnl oer J. 41aw4a 12 Hs b. 4t Ul.\i from Missouri ^Clarkj or auylAKly else. You day. Tbv cmigrauU bad commcuced | tivvsulh and Kifhtii. C. T. Aa>. uiJT Main Itreet, lu*^ A* ^ bMwseu b*ftwc«tt Stvsuih aud Risbib. sr sale by lui2vj (br •C00D4M00DV. AOU Mi« hi 1037 (7000 k FioOOY, I oSdtf C«r. of ththoad Woler slfo, Lwtiavl^ K).