January/February 2017 An All-Volunteer Organization Since 1986 Vol. 31 No.4 616-490-9506 www.wmichjazz.org
[email protected] 2016 WMJS Rob Hartman, the lone male in the facebook.com/ WestMIJazzSociety band, on bass. Holiday Party Newer to the scene There’s no better way to ring in the was a promising and WE HAVE MONEY TO holiday season then a fresh blanket talented Aquinas GIVE AWAY! of snow, spending time with good jazz student, Part of WMJS’s mission statement is friends by the fire, and giving to a Audrey Valentine, to provide music scholarships fantastic cause at the annual West on various brass for deserving students in pursuit Michigan Jazz Society Holiday Party. and woodwind of jazz education. This year was no exception with the instruments, sharing We are pleased to announce that entertainment of a groundbreaking her improvisational the committee is ready to receive ensemble primarily comprised of talents. requests for 2017! women, “The Silver Belles.” PLEASE help us get the word out, Mary Rademacher- we encourage our members to share Reed and Kathy this scholarship opportunity with Lamar fronted the college age music majors! Form available at: www.wmichjazz.org, or band. Mary, Grand contact any board member. Rapids’ sweetheart, delivered her usual sparkling In this issue and spot-on style 1-2 Holiday Party Re-cap of performance of 3-4 Jazz Gumbo Series holiday favorites 5 Jazz Gumbo Re-cap Nov. such as “Santa Claus is coming to 6 Jazz Gumbo Re-cap Oct. Town” and “Santa 6 Membership Information The group featured the amazingly Baby.” 8-9 Jan.