HOUSE, December 6, 2006
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Legislative Record House of Representatives One Hundred and Twenty-Third Legislature State of Maine Volume I First Regular Session December 6, 2006 - June 5, 2007 Pages 1-681 LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, December 6,2006 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-THIRD LEGISLATURE District 34 ROBERT N. EATON, Sullivan FIRST REGULAR SESSION District 35 THEODORE S. KOFFMAN, Bar Harbor 1st Legislative Day District 36 HANNAH M. PINGREE, North Haven Wednesday, December 6, 2006 District 37 JAMES M. SCHATZ, Blue Hill District 38 ROBERT H. CROSTHWAITE, Ellsworth Pursuant to Article IV, Part 3, Section 1 of the Constitution of District 39 BRIAN M. DUPREY, Hampden the State of Maine, the Representatives-Elect to the One District 40 KIMBERLEY C. ROSEN, Bucksport Hundred and Twenty-Third Legislature assembled in the Hall of District 41 LANCE WEDDELL, Frankfort the House and were called to Order by MILLICENT M. District 42 MICHAEL THIBODEAU, Winterport MacFARLAND of Augusta, Clerk of the House of the One District 43 JAYNE CROSBY GILES, Belfast Hundred and Twenty-Second Legislature. District 44 ROBERT P. WALKER, Lincolnville Prayer by Rabbi Harry Sky, Falmouth (retired). District 45 JOHN F. PIOTTI, Unity National Anthem by Honorable Emily Ann Cain, Orono. District 46 DAVID MIRAMANT, Camden Pledge of Allegiance. District 47 EDWARD J. MAZUREK, Rockland Doctor of the day, Jerry J.
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