61 bus time schedule & line map

61 Blackpool Town Centre View In Website Mode

The 61 bus line (Blackpool Town Centre) has 4 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Blackpool Town Centre: 5:10 AM - 9:15 PM (2) Frenchwood: 8:10 AM (3) City Centre: 6:17 AM - 10:25 PM (4) Wrea Green: 4:25 PM - 11:30 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 61 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 61 bus arriving.

Direction: Blackpool Town Centre 61 bus Time Schedule 63 stops Blackpool Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 9:10 AM - 6:10 PM

Monday 5:10 AM - 9:15 PM Bus Station, Preston City Centre Tuesday 5:10 AM - 9:15 PM Hill Street, Preston City Centre 19 Hill Street, Preston Wednesday 5:10 AM - 9:15 PM

Hope Street, Preston City Centre Thursday 5:10 AM - 9:15 PM 79 Friargate, Preston Friday 5:10 AM - 9:15 PM

53 Degrees, University Saturday 6:10 AM - 9:15 PM Radnor Street, Preston

The Guild, Maudlands 99 Fylde Road, Preston 61 bus Info Carlton Street, Ashton-On-Ribble Direction: Blackpool Town Centre Dewhurst Street, Preston Stops: 63 Trip Duration: 71 min Water Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble Line Summary: Bus Station, Preston City Centre, Hill Street, Preston City Centre, Hope Street, Preston City Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On-Ribble Centre, 53 Degrees, University, The Guild, Maudlands, Carlton Street, Ashton-On-Ribble, Water Lane, Lane Ends, Ashton-On-Ribble Ashton-On-Ribble, Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On- Ribble, Lane Ends, Ashton-On-Ribble, Newton Road, Newton Road, Ashton-On-Ribble Ashton-On-Ribble, Ashton Park, Ashton-On-Ribble, Clifton Avenue, Ashton-On-Ribble, Weeton Place, Ashton Park, Ashton-On-Ribble Larches, Police Station, Lea, The Pig & Whistle, Lea, Post Oce, Lea, Lea Gate, Clifton, Lodge Lane North, Clifton Avenue, Ashton-On-Ribble Clifton, Village Store, Clifton, Stanagate, Clifton, Vicarage Lane, Newton-With-Scales, Bell And Bottle, Weeton Place, Larches Newton-With-Scales, Church Farm, Dowbridge, Oxford Drive, Dowbridge, Carr Lane, Kirkham, Market Blackpool Road, Preston Square, Kirkham, Swan Hotel, Kirkham, Library, Kirkham, Railway Station, Kirkham, Wyre Street, Police Station, Lea Wesham, Lane Ends Pub, Wesham, Kingsher, 781 Blackpool Road, Preston Kirkham, Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Green, Willow Drive, Wrea Green, Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green, The Pig & Whistle, Lea , Wrea Green, Stone Cross, Wrea 849 Blackpool Road, Preston Green, Mere Cottage, Westby-With-Plumptons, Post Oce, Lea Plumpton Lodge, Little Plumpton, Staining Farm, Peel Hill, Carr Bridge Park, Peel Hill, Whitehill Road, Lea Gate, Clifton Peel Hill, B&Q, Peel Hill, Clifton Road, Mereside, Harbour Hospital, Mereside, Mythop Road, Marton, Lodge Lane North, Clifton Paddock Drive, Mereside, Metropolitan Business Lodge Lane, Newton-With-Clifton Park, Mereside, Preston Old Road, Marton, Mereland Road, Marton, Lomond Avenue, Marton, Oxford Village Store, Clifton Square, The Saddle, Marton, Elmslie Gardens, Stanley Silver Street, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish Park, Condor Grove, Stanley Park, Health Centre, Stanley Park, Gloucester Avenue, Stanley Park, Stanagate, Clifton Palatine Road, Stanley Park, Devonshire Square, Devonshire Square, Buchanan Street, Central, Talbot Vicarage Lane, Newton-With-Scales Road, Blackpool Town Centre, Corporation Street C05, Blackpool Town Centre Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales

Church Farm, Dowbridge

Oxford Drive, Dowbridge

Carr Lane, Kirkham Dowbridge, Kirkham Civil Parish

Market Square, Kirkham

Swan Hotel, Kirkham Clegg Street, Kirkham

Library, Kirkham Station Road, Kirkham

Railway Station, Kirkham Segar Street, Kirkham

Wyre Street, Wesham Wyre Street, Kirkham

Lane Ends Pub, Wesham Stanley Road, Kirkham

Kingsher, Kirkham St Georges Park, Kirkham

Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Green

Willow Drive, Wrea Green

Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green Church Row, Ribby-With-Wrea Civil Parish

Primary School, Wrea Green B5260, Ribby-With-Wrea Civil Parish

Stone Cross, Wrea Green

Mere Cottage, Westby-With-Plumptons

Plumpton Lodge, Little Plumpton

Staining Farm, Peel Hill

Carr Bridge Park, Peel Hill Whitehill Road, Peel Hill

B&Q, Peel Hill

Clifton Road, Mereside A583, Blackpool

Harbour Hospital, Mereside

Mythop Road, Marton

Paddock Drive, Mereside

Metropolitan Business Park, Mereside Preston New Road, Blackpool

Preston Old Road, Marton

Mereland Road, Marton

Lomond Avenue, Marton

Oxford Square Whitegate Drive, Blackpool

The Saddle, Marton Whitegate Drive, Blackpool

Elmslie Gardens, Stanley Park

Condor Grove, Stanley Park

Health Centre, Stanley Park

Gloucester Avenue, Stanley Park

Palatine Road, Stanley Park

Devonshire Square Whitegate Drive, Blackpool

Devonshire Square

Buchanan Street, Central Parker Street, Blackpool

Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre

Corporation Street C05, Blackpool Town Centre Direction: Frenchwood 61 bus Time Schedule 67 stops Frenchwood Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:10 AM Corporation Street C05, Blackpool Town Centre Tuesday 8:10 AM Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre Wednesday 8:10 AM Buchanan Street, Central Thursday 8:10 AM Lily Street, Blackpool Friday 8:10 AM Devonshire Square Whitegate Drive, Blackpool Saturday Not Operational

Palatine Road, Stanley Park

Gloucester Avenue, Stanley Park 61 bus Info Health Centre, Stanley Park Direction: Frenchwood Stops: 67 Condor Grove, Stanley Park Trip Duration: 70 min Line Summary: Corporation Street C05, Blackpool Elmslie Gardens, Stanley Park Town Centre, Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre, Buchanan Street, Central, Devonshire Square, The Saddle, Marton Palatine Road, Stanley Park, Gloucester Avenue, Stanley Park, Health Centre, Stanley Park, Condor Whitegate Drive, Blackpool Grove, Stanley Park, Elmslie Gardens, Stanley Park, St Paul's Church, Oxford Square The Saddle, Marton, St Paul's Church, Oxford Square, Oxford Square, Lomond Avenue, Marton, Mereland Road, Marton, Preston Old Road, Marton, Oxford Square Metropolitan Business Pk, Little Marton, Paddock Whitegate Drive, Blackpool Drive, Little Marton, Mythop Road, Marton, Harbour Hospital, Mereside, B&Q, Peel Hill, Whitehill Road, Lomond Avenue, Marton Peel Hill, Lyndale, Peel Hill, Maple Farm, Peel Hill, Staining Wood Farm, Peel Hill, Plumpton Hall, Little Mereland Road, Marton Plumpton, Mere Cottage, Westby-With-Plumptons, Stone Cross, Wrea Green, Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green, Preston Old Road, Marton Willow Drive, Wrea Green, Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Preston New Road, Blackpool Green, Kingsher, Kirkham, Lane Ends Pub, Wesham, Wyre Street, Wesham, Rail Station, Kirkham, Library, Metropolitan Business Pk, Little Marton Kirkham, Morrisons, Kirkham, Market Square, Kirkham, Carr Lane, Kirkham, New Hey Lane, Paddock Drive, Little Marton Dowbridge, Dowbridge Jct, Dowbridge, Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales, Vicarage Lane, Newton- Mythop Road, Marton With-Scales, Stanagate, Clifton, Dixons Farm Mews, Clifton, Lodge Lane South, Clifton, Lea Gate Hotel, Harbour Hospital, Mereside , Post Oce, Lea, Tudor Ave, Lea, The Pig & Whistle, Lea, Police Station, Lea, Weeton Place, B&Q, Peel Hill Larches, Broadway, Ashton-On-Ribble, Post Oce, Preston New Road, Blackpool Ashton-On-Ribble, Pedders Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble, Newton Road, Ashton-On-Ribble, Lane Ends, Ashton- Whitehill Road, Peel Hill On-Ribble, Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On-Ribble, Water Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble, Carlton Street, Lyndale, Peel Hill Ashton-On-Ribble, Maudland Bank, Maudlands, 53 Degrees, University, Walker Street, Preston City Maple Farm, Peel Hill Centre, Heatley Street, Preston City Centre, Ring Way the Courts, Preston City Centre, Bus Station, Preston Staining Wood Farm, Peel Hill City Centre, Grimshaw Street, Preston City Centre, Cardinal Newman , Frenchwood Plumpton Hall, Little Plumpton

Mere Cottage, Westby-With-Plumptons

Stone Cross, Wrea Green Fox Lane Ends, Westby-With-Plumptons Civil Parish

Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green B5260, Ribby-With-Wrea Civil Parish

Willow Drive, Wrea Green

Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Green

Kingsher, Kirkham St Georges Park, Kirkham

Lane Ends Pub, Wesham Stanley Road, Kirkham

Wyre Street, Wesham Wyre Street, Kirkham

Rail Station, Kirkham Segar Street, Kirkham

Library, Kirkham

Morrisons, Kirkham Clegg Street, Kirkham

Market Square, Kirkham

Carr Lane, Kirkham

New Hey Lane, Dowbridge New Hey Lane, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Dowbridge Jct, Dowbridge Blackpool Road, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales

Vicarage Lane, Newton-With-Scales

Stanagate, Clifton

Dixons Farm Mews, Clifton Dixon's Farm Mews, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Lodge Lane South, Clifton Lodge Lane, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Lea Gate Hotel, Salwick

Post Oce, Lea

Tudor Ave, Lea The Pig & Whistle, Lea

Police Station, Lea

Weeton Place, Larches

Broadway, Ashton-On-Ribble

Post Oce, Ashton-On-Ribble

Pedders Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble 554-556 Blackpool Road, Preston

Newton Road, Ashton-On-Ribble

Lane Ends, Ashton-On-Ribble Kimberley Road, Preston

Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On-Ribble Alert Street, Preston

Water Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble Fylde Road, Preston

Carlton Street, Ashton-On-Ribble 247 Fylde Road, Preston

Maudland Bank, Maudlands

53 Degrees, University Radnor Street, Preston

Walker Street, Preston City Centre 79 Friargate, Preston

Heatley Street, Preston City Centre 44 Friargate, Preston

Ring Way the Courts, Preston City Centre Ring Way, Preston

Bus Station, Preston City Centre Church Row, Preston

Grimshaw Street, Preston City Centre 12-14 Grimshaw Street, Preston

Cardinal Newman College, Frenchwood Direction: Preston City Centre 61 bus Time Schedule 65 stops Preston City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:56 AM - 7:27 PM

Monday 6:17 AM - 10:25 PM Corporation Street C05, Blackpool Town Centre Tuesday 6:17 AM - 10:25 PM Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre Wednesday 6:17 AM - 10:25 PM Buchanan Street, Central Thursday 6:17 AM - 10:25 PM Lily Street, Blackpool Friday 6:17 AM - 10:25 PM Devonshire Square Whitegate Drive, Blackpool Saturday 6:27 AM - 10:25 PM

Palatine Road, Stanley Park

Gloucester Avenue, Stanley Park 61 bus Info Health Centre, Stanley Park Direction: Preston City Centre Stops: 65 Condor Grove, Stanley Park Trip Duration: 67 min Line Summary: Corporation Street C05, Blackpool Elmslie Gardens, Stanley Park Town Centre, Talbot Road, Blackpool Town Centre, Buchanan Street, Central, Devonshire Square, Palatine Road, Stanley Park, Gloucester Avenue, The Saddle, Marton Stanley Park, Health Centre, Stanley Park, Condor Whitegate Drive, Blackpool Grove, Stanley Park, Elmslie Gardens, Stanley Park, St Paul's Church, Oxford Square The Saddle, Marton, St Paul's Church, Oxford Square, Oxford Square, Lomond Avenue, Marton, Mereland Road, Marton, Preston Old Road, Marton, Oxford Square Metropolitan Business Pk, Little Marton, Paddock Whitegate Drive, Blackpool Drive, Little Marton, Mythop Road, Marton, Harbour Hospital, Mereside, B&Q, Peel Hill, Whitehill Road, Lomond Avenue, Marton Peel Hill, Lyndale, Peel Hill, Maple Farm, Peel Hill, Staining Wood Farm, Peel Hill, Plumpton Hall, Little Mereland Road, Marton Plumpton, Mere Cottage, Westby-With-Plumptons, Stone Cross, Wrea Green, Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green, Preston Old Road, Marton Willow Drive, Wrea Green, Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Preston New Road, Blackpool Green, Kingsher, Kirkham, Lane Ends Pub, Wesham, Wyre Street, Wesham, Rail Station, Kirkham, Library, Metropolitan Business Pk, Little Marton Kirkham, Morrisons, Kirkham, Market Square, Kirkham, Carr Lane, Kirkham, New Hey Lane, Paddock Drive, Little Marton Dowbridge, Dowbridge Jct, Dowbridge, Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales, Vicarage Lane, Newton- Mythop Road, Marton With-Scales, Stanagate, Clifton, Dixons Farm Mews, Clifton, Lodge Lane South, Clifton, Lea Gate Hotel, Harbour Hospital, Mereside Salwick, Post Oce, Lea, Tudor Ave, Lea, The Pig & Whistle, Lea, Police Station, Lea, Weeton Place, B&Q, Peel Hill Larches, Broadway, Ashton-On-Ribble, Post Oce, Preston New Road, Blackpool Ashton-On-Ribble, Pedders Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble, Newton Road, Ashton-On-Ribble, Lane Ends, Ashton- Whitehill Road, Peel Hill On-Ribble, Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On-Ribble, Water Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble, Carlton Street, Lyndale, Peel Hill Ashton-On-Ribble, Maudland Bank, Maudlands, 53 Degrees, University, Walker Street, Preston City Maple Farm, Peel Hill Centre, Heatley Street, Preston City Centre, Ring Way the Courts, Preston City Centre, Bus Station, Preston City Centre Staining Wood Farm, Peel Hill

Plumpton Hall, Little Plumpton

Mere Cottage, Westby-With-Plumptons

Stone Cross, Wrea Green Fox Lane Ends, Westby-With-Plumptons Civil Parish

Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green B5260, Ribby-With-Wrea Civil Parish

Willow Drive, Wrea Green

Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Green

Kingsher, Kirkham St Georges Park, Kirkham

Lane Ends Pub, Wesham Stanley Road, Kirkham

Wyre Street, Wesham Wyre Street, Kirkham

Rail Station, Kirkham Segar Street, Kirkham

Library, Kirkham

Morrisons, Kirkham Clegg Street, Kirkham

Market Square, Kirkham

Carr Lane, Kirkham

New Hey Lane, Dowbridge New Hey Lane, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Dowbridge Jct, Dowbridge Blackpool Road, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales

Vicarage Lane, Newton-With-Scales

Stanagate, Clifton

Dixons Farm Mews, Clifton Dixon's Farm Mews, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Lodge Lane South, Clifton Lodge Lane, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Lea Gate Hotel, Salwick

Post Oce, Lea

Tudor Ave, Lea The Pig & Whistle, Lea

Police Station, Lea

Weeton Place, Larches

Broadway, Ashton-On-Ribble

Post Oce, Ashton-On-Ribble

Pedders Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble 554-556 Blackpool Road, Preston

Newton Road, Ashton-On-Ribble

Lane Ends, Ashton-On-Ribble Kimberley Road, Preston

Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On-Ribble Alert Street, Preston

Water Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble Fylde Road, Preston

Carlton Street, Ashton-On-Ribble 247 Fylde Road, Preston

Maudland Bank, Maudlands

53 Degrees, University Radnor Street, Preston

Walker Street, Preston City Centre 79 Friargate, Preston

Heatley Street, Preston City Centre 44 Friargate, Preston

Ring Way the Courts, Preston City Centre Ring Way, Preston

Bus Station, Preston City Centre Direction: Wrea Green 61 bus Time Schedule 36 stops Wrea Green Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:10 PM

Monday 4:25 PM - 11:30 PM Bus Station, Preston City Centre Tuesday 4:25 PM - 11:30 PM Hill Street, Preston City Centre 19 Hill Street, Preston Wednesday 4:25 PM - 11:30 PM Thursday 4:25 PM - 11:30 PM Hope Street, Preston City Centre 79 Friargate, Preston Friday 4:25 PM - 11:30 PM

53 Degrees, University Saturday 5:40 PM - 10:30 PM Radnor Street, Preston

The Guild, Maudlands 99 Fylde Road, Preston 61 bus Info Carlton Street, Ashton-On-Ribble Direction: Wrea Green Dewhurst Street, Preston Stops: 36 Trip Duration: 42 min Water Lane, Ashton-On-Ribble Line Summary: Bus Station, Preston City Centre, Hill Street, Preston City Centre, Hope Street, Preston City Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On-Ribble Centre, 53 Degrees, University, The Guild, Maudlands, Carlton Street, Ashton-On-Ribble, Water Lane, Lane Ends, Ashton-On-Ribble Ashton-On-Ribble, Fazackerley Street, Ashton-On- Ribble, Lane Ends, Ashton-On-Ribble, Newton Road, Newton Road, Ashton-On-Ribble Ashton-On-Ribble, Ashton Park, Ashton-On-Ribble, Clifton Avenue, Ashton-On-Ribble, Weeton Place, Ashton Park, Ashton-On-Ribble Larches, Police Station, Lea, The Pig & Whistle, Lea, Post Oce, Lea, Lea Gate, Clifton, Lodge Lane North, Clifton Avenue, Ashton-On-Ribble Clifton, Village Store, Clifton, Stanagate, Clifton, Vicarage Lane, Newton-With-Scales, Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales, Church Farm, Dowbridge, Weeton Place, Larches Oxford Drive, Dowbridge, Carr Lane, Kirkham, Market Blackpool Road, Preston Square, Kirkham, Swan Hotel, Kirkham, Library, Police Station, Lea Kirkham, Railway Station, Kirkham, Wyre Street, Wesham, Lane Ends Pub, Wesham, Kingsher, 781 Blackpool Road, Preston Kirkham, Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Green, Willow Drive, Wrea Green, Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green, The Pig & Whistle, Lea Primary School, Wrea Green 849 Blackpool Road, Preston

Post Oce, Lea

Lea Gate, Clifton

Lodge Lane North, Clifton Lodge Lane, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Village Store, Clifton Silver Street, Newton-With-Clifton Civil Parish

Stanagate, Clifton

Vicarage Lane, Newton-With-Scales

Bell And Bottle, Newton-With-Scales Church Farm, Dowbridge

Oxford Drive, Dowbridge

Carr Lane, Kirkham Dowbridge, Kirkham Civil Parish

Market Square, Kirkham

Swan Hotel, Kirkham Clegg Street, Kirkham

Library, Kirkham Station Road, Kirkham

Railway Station, Kirkham Segar Street, Kirkham

Wyre Street, Wesham Wyre Street, Kirkham

Lane Ends Pub, Wesham Stanley Road, Kirkham

Kingsher, Kirkham St Georges Park, Kirkham

Ribby Hall Entrance, Wrea Green

Willow Drive, Wrea Green

Grapes Hotel, Wrea Green Church Row, Ribby-With-Wrea Civil Parish

Primary School, Wrea Green B5260, Ribby-With-Wrea Civil Parish 61 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved