SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. A listed Company Registered Share Capital: Eur 169,764,398 Taxpayer No. 503 219 886 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under No. 503 219 886 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Offices: Alfrapark, Edifício SGC, Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: +(351) 21 359 66 64 Fax: +(351) 21 359 66 74 E-mail: [email protected] Web: http:/


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74







SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74



SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74



SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74



1 – International Background



SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

I. HIGHLIGHTS – 2017 • Consolidated Turnover in 2017 decreased 2.2% to Eur 619.7 million when compared with 2016 (Eur 633.4 million)

• SIVA’s new cars volume (30,171 units) decreased 4.3% in 2017, with a 1.4% decrease (343 units) in the volume relating to the Dealer Networks and Other Channels, and a 15.5% reductions (999 units) in the Rent-a-Car volume

• Consolidated EBITDA was Eur 2.7 million, down 85.2% (Eur 15.5 million) when compared with the same period in the previous year, essentially as a result of (i) deteriorating business conditions and a decrease in activities which, in addition to a margin deterioration also caused an increase of approximately Eur 1.8 million in inventory impairments (ii) an increase of approximately Eur 2.8 million (28.4%) in advertising spending and sales campaigns in support of the Brands represented by SIVA, as well as (iii) an internal restructuring process which translated in 2017 in a cost increase of approximately Eur 1.5 million

• As a consequence, Consolidated Net Result Attributable to SAG GEST was a loss of Eur 13.8 million, reflecting a deterioration in performance, not only when compared with 2016, but also with the performance of the 1st Half in 2017. In 2016 Consolidated Net Result Attributable to SAG Gest was a Eur 1.2 million loss

• Consolidated Net Debt on 31 December 2017 was Eur 125.2 million, representing an Eur 29.7 million increase when compared to the end of 2016, resulting essentially from increased working capital requirements due to increasingly aggressive business conditions in the sales of new and used cars

• Operating conditions and results were, at the end of 2017, significantly deteriorated by increased working capital requirements which could not be fully funded by commercial banks, resulting in additional pressure to sell inventory under less advantageous sales terms

• The negative context of SAG Gest’s consolidated income statement, within the scope of the major financial restructuring completed in 2015 has been increasing the liquidity risk, to which SAG Gest has responded with a thorough and strict centralized management of its cash flows and permanent communication with Financial Institutions that have traditionally supported its activities

• However, the assumptions used in the restructuring process which enabled the rebalancing of SAG Gest’s consolidated financial structure were challenged by the deteriorating business conditions which prevented, particularly at the end of 2017, the development of the conditions which would enable the presentation of a sustainably profitable Consolidated Income Statement

• As a consequence, the inability to ensure the accommodation of the temporary impacts associated with SAG Gest’s key activities may translate into an increased risk to the normal development of the activities of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries, especially in what relates to the 2018 performance

• SAG Gest’s Board of Directors is developing together with the Brands represented by SIVA and their manufacturer, a plan to reposition its activities in order to reverse the current situation and to ensure the sustainability of this group of Entities and, consequently, its access to the financing sources required for its activities. The Board of Directors believes that these negotiations will 7

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

produce a successful outcome, which is a critical factor to guarantee the reestablishment of the profitability and sustainability of the activities of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries, as well as its financial balancing II. MACRO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1. International Background The world economy increased GDP growth rate in 2017 to 3.5% (3.0% in 2016) according to the European Central Bank’s latest estimates. According to the IMF, the same indicator increased from 3.2% in 2016 to 3.7% in 2017, with developed economies growing 2.3% (1.7% in 2016) and emerging economies growing 4.7% (4.4% in 2016). GDP growth trend in the Euro Zone also accelerated from 1.8% to 2.4%, with the 3 major countries delivering a positive contribution: Germany (from 1.9% to 2.5%), France (from 1.2% to 1.8%) and Italy (from 0.9% to 1.6%). Outside the Euro Zone, US GDP growth increased from 1.5% to 2.3%, Japan’s from 0.9% to 1.8%, and Canada’s from 1.4% to 2.3%. In the UK, GDP growth decreased from 1.9% to 1.7%. In the group of emerging countries, GDP growth improved in Russia (from -0.2% to 1.8%), China (from 6.7% to 6.8%), developing Europe (from 3.2% to 5.2%) and Brazil (from -3.5% to 1.1%). GDP growth pace decreased slightly in India, from 7.1% to 6.7%. Table 1 – International Background – Main Indicators 2016 2017 (E)

World GDP (% change) 3.0 3.5

Euro zone GDP (% change) 1.8 2.4

External demand for Portugal (% change)1 1.5 5.0

World Trade (% change) 2.0 4.8

Oil Price (brent, USD/barrel) 44.0 54.3

Inflation' in the Eurozone (%) 0.2 1.5

USD/EUR exchange rate (annual average) 1.11 1.13

Short term interest rate (annual average, %) 2 -0.3 -0.3

Implied interest rate on public debt (%) 3.3 3.1

Source: Banco de Portugal, Dec 2017 1 Calculated as the weighted average of growth in goods and services imports from Portugal’s main business partners. Each country/regions is weighted according to their relevant share in Portugal's export market 2 3 month Euribor Unemployment in the Euro Zone (EU-19) continued to decrease, from 10.0% in 2016 to 9.1% in 2017, the lowest since 2009. In the EU-28, unemployment was 7.7% in 2017 (8.6% in 2016). 8

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Average inflation in the Euro Zone was 1.5% in 2017 (0.2% in 2016). Year-on-year change in December 2017 was 1.4% (1.1% in December 2016), with this acceleration mainly caused by energy prices (particularly oil) and services. The Eurozone averages in terms of public deficit and public debt, as measured against GDP, decreased again in 2017, to 1.1% (1.5% in 2016) and 89.3% (91.1% in 2016), respectively, according to the European Commission. The Euro appreciated slightly against the USD in 2017, from an average annual rate of 1.11 to 1.13, after a strong devaluation in 2015 and a slight appreciation in 2016. Short term interest rates remained negative (since May 2015), ending 2016 and 2017 at approximately -0.3%. Long term interest rates implicit in public debt decreased 0.2 pp to 3.1% at the end of 2017.

2. The Portuguese economy The Portuguese economy performed well in 2017, with the GDP growth rate at 2.6% (1.5% in 2016), above Euro Zone average. Growth was driven by investment (which was up 8.3%) and by exports, which increased 7.7%. Public consumption was the only GDP component whose growth rate decreased (0.1% in 2017, 0.6% in 2016). With the contribution of GDP growth in 2017, the relative weight of the public deficit decreased to 1.4% of GDP (2.0% in 2016), while debt was 126.2% of the wealth produced in Portugal (130.1% in 2016). Table 2 – Portugal – Main Macroeconomic Indicators 2016 2017 (E) GDP (% change) 1.5 2.6 Private consumption (% change) 2.1 2.2 Public consumption (% change) 0.6 0.1 Investment (GFCF) (% change) 1.6 8.3 Domestic demand (% change) 1.6 2.7 Exports (% change) 4.1 7.7 Imports (% change) 4.1 7.5 Inflation (HCPI) – average (% change) 0.6 1.4 Employment (% change) 1.6 3.1 Unemployment rate (% act. popul.) 11.1 8.9 Public deficit (% GDP) -2.0 -1.4 Public debt (% GDP) 130.1 126.2 Sources: Ministry of Finance, Oct 2017(public finance); Banco de Portugal, Dec 2017 (other) The consumer confidence index strengthened the improvement trend recorded since the beginning of 2013, and has been positive since May. Consumer confidence achieved its highest level on record (+2.3%). The savings rate continued to decrease, to 4.4% of disposable income in the 3rd Quarter of 2017 (6.0% in the previous year).


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The joint Current and Capital Account balance surplus decreased to 1.5% GDP (1.7% in 2016), with improvements in the Services account (driven by Tourism) and deteriorating in the Goods and Capital account. Portuguese exports maintained their growth trend, driven by similar developments in external demand, with a significant role for VW’s production at Autoeuropa. Average inflation increased from 0.6% to 1.4% in a context of an increase of the imports deflator, of a slight increase of labor unit costs (in part driven by the income restitution policy) and of increased energy prices. The unemployment rate maintained the descending path recorded since 2013, when it reached an annual average of 16.2% of the working population, to 8.9% in 2017, its lowest in the last nine years. A new acceleration in employment growth to 3.1% contributed to this, mainly in labor-intensive sectors such as tourism, although there also was a decrease in productivity. The decrease in the public deficit to 1.4% of GDP enabled Portugal to exit the EU’s excessive deficit procedure. This happened in the same year when public debt started to decrease in relative terms to 126.2% of GDP (130.1% in 2016).

III. INDUSTRY BACKGROUND – THE AUTOMOTIVE MARKET 1. The Global Market The global automotive market volume reached a new record, at around 94.5 million vehicles, including passenger cars (70.8 million) and commercial vehicles (23.7 million), according to provisional IHS estimates (which excludes trucks with a gross load of more than 6 tons), representing average annual growth rates of 2.4%, 3.0% and 0.7%, respectively, against the 2016 volumes. China, the world’s largest automotive market, recorded a volume of 28.9 million units (a 3% increase when compared with 2016), of which more than 24.7 million were passenger cars (PC). The US recorded a decrease in light vehicles volume, after eight years of growth. The 17.25 million vehicles (-1.7%) comprised 11.13 light commercial vehicles (LCV) (+4.4%) and 6.12million PC (-11.2%). In Western Europe (EU-15 + EFTA), 2017 was the fourth consecutive year of volume growth. Volume was 16.2 million light vehicles (+2.7% than the previous year), with LCV increasing 3.9%, more than PC volume growth (2.5%). In Japan, total volume (PC+CV) increased 5.3% to 5.23 million units, after two years decreasing. The Brazilian market also increased 9.4% to 2.17 million, after four consecutive years of decreasing volumes. PC volume increased 9.9% and LCV 6.1%. The Russian market increased 11.9% to 1.6 light vehicles. The Volkswagen Group may again have been the world’s largest manufacturer, with a volume of 10,741 million light vehicles and trucks (a 4.3% increase when compared with 2016. All major regions contributed to this increase: +3.3% in Europe, +4.3% in Asia/Pacific (with 5.1% in China), +4.0% in North America and +23.7% in Latin America. In Europe (EU28+EFTA), the Volkswagen Group continued to lead the market, with a 23.8% market share, with the Volkswagen Brand continuing to lead with a 10.9% market share. In the premium Brands, Audi recorded a 5.3% share. Skoda increase its market share in these 31 countries, from 4.4% to 4.5%. 10

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Chart 1 – Light Vehicle Market in Western Europe (EU-15 + EFTA) (in thousands)

Source: ACEA 2. Portugal PC and LCV volumes increased in 2017 for the fifth consecutive year, although the total volume is still lower than the 2010 volume. Light Vehicle (LV) market volume, which combines both those markets, was 260,652 units, a 7.6% increase when compared with 2016. The light passenger vehicle (PC) market grew 7.1% to 222,129 units, while the light commercial vehicle market (LCV) increased two digits again (10.4%), to 38,523 units. As in Europe, the LV market volume returned to the pre-crisis ranges, but with two important differences. On the one hand, the Portuguese automotive market recorded a deeper recession in the years 2011- 2012, and a faster recovery than the European market since then. On the other hand, the most recent volumes show a channel mix that is unfavorable in profitability terms. The LCV ABC market + Pickups (which excludes Passenger Derivatives) also increased two digits (13.0%), just like the LCV of which it is a part, to 34,206 units.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Chart 2 – Light Vehicle Market in Portugal (units)

Source: ACAP In the PC market, the most relevant factors which determined performance in 2017 were: • New significant increase in the volume of Rent-a-Car, resulting in an increased pressure in the used car market at the time of fleet renewal in this segment. This requires the use the channels more adequate to ensure their disposal; • Significant commercial aggressiveness, particularly among the premium Brands; • Continuing aging of the vehicles in circulation due to the low volume levels in recent years and to the importation of used cars, a segment which grew strongly again; • Decrease in the share of diesel powered PC’s in the total market for the fourth consecutive year, to 60.9% of the total (71.5% in 2013), against gasoline and alternative energy powered cars; • Volume doubled again in electric and hybrid plug-in cars – although still with a low volume – mainly due to Green Taxation, in force since 2015; • Continuing increase of the weight of SUV’s in the total market. It is worth mentioning the specific trends in the RAC volumes, in the used car market and in imports of used cars. RAC volumes have been increasing every year, growing 24.6% in 2017, and in the case of PCs by more than three times than total market, which increased 7.1%.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Most of the vehicles involved are subsequently repurchased by the Brands, and subsequently sold in the used car market or through alternative channels. This disposal process, or defleet, is yet another factor exerting pressure on prices in the new car market. On the other hand, the economic restrictions still felt by the majority of the population when purchasing a car, associated with the high indebtness level and credit restrictions, have caused an increase in the used cars volume. It is estimated that for each new vehicle sold in 2017, 2.02 used cars were sold, representing a market of almost 500,000 light vehicles. Finally, the fact that in Portugal the market metric is the mere allocation of a registration plate, and not the registration in the name of Final Customer, combined with the commercial aggressiveness which exists in this market, has boosted a phenomenon that has existed for several years in most developed countries, known as "zero kilometers" or "self-registrations". These are vehicles that are registered but only sold to a final Customer after the date of the assignment of their registration plate. These combined phenomena, particularly when looked at on an European-wide scale within the Single Market, have generated a significant increase in used car imports, with increasingly lower average ages. These imports increased 12.7% in 2017 to 66,193 units, following increases of 73% in 2014, 57% in 2015 and 31% in 2016, in the case of PCs. These trends mean that the forms of access by Customers to the purchase of vehicles are increasing in number and becoming more complex, resulting in increasingly difficult sales of new vehicles, causing an increase in sales support expenditures or, more generally speaking, an increase in the cost of doing business. Chart 3 – PC by Engine Type in 2017 (% of total) PHEV, 2446, 1.1% HEV, BEV, 1,641, 0.7% LPG/CNG, 1,758, 4,751, 0.8% 2.1%

Petrol, 76,366, 34.4%

Diesel, 135,167, 60.9%


Source: ACAP


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

By engine type, hybrid (plug-in) and full electric PC’s represented 1.8% of the automotive market (0.9% in 2016). The total share of cars powered by alternative energies reached 4.77% (2.93% in 2016). BEV more than doubled their volume to 1,641 PC, with a 116% increase when compared with 2016. Hybrid plug-ins (PHEV) grew again (+123%) to 2,446 units. Gasoline powered vehicles increased again their share in the total, to 34.4% (32.6% in 2016). Also in the PC market, the SUV segment continued to increase its weight from 13.2% in 2015 to 19.1% in 2016, to 22.3% in 2017, due to new extended supply and consumer appetite for this type of vehicle.

Chart 4 – PC Segments 2007-2017 (% of total)

2.8% 1.4% 1.0% 1.3% 1.1% 0.9% 0.9% 0.6% 0.9% 0.8% 5.4% 1.7% 5.4% 2.7% 7.3% 9.4% 9.2% 10.2% 2.5% 3.0% 11.4% 13.2% 3.3% 3.4% 19.1% 3.9% 4.5% 4.0% 22.3% 13.4% 3.4% 2.7% 13.2% 12.5% 9.6% 11.7% 11.8% 10.4% 10.0% 10.1% 2.5% 3.0% 9.3% 8.2%

38.3% 34.9% 33.9% 36.7% 30.8% 31.2% 31.9% 33.4% 32.5% 29.6% 27.6%

6.5% 7.6% 6.5% 8.0% 7.4% 5.3% 6.9% 6.5% 7.8% 7.7% 7.6%

38.4% 34.3% 35.2% 36.4% 34.3% 35.3% 34.3% 33.8% 33.0% 30.9% 30.6%

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 A0 A00 A B C+D G MPV

Source: ACAP / SIVA In the LCV sector, the 4 segments of the ABC+PU market grew: the A segment (Caddy) by 5.3%, the B segment (Transporter) by 10.8%, the C segment (Crafter) by 35.8% and “Pick-ups” (PU) by 17.5%. The A segment continued to account for approximately half (48%) of the total market. Volume of the Passenger Derivative and A0 segments (vehicles similar to but smaller than the Caddy) decreased (- 5.3% and -7%), as well as their share in the total, from 13.1% in 2016 to 11.2% in 2017.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Chart 5 – LCV segments 2007-2017 (% of total)

3.2% 4.6% 4.0% 3.1% 3,2% 3.2% 4.8% 5.0% 3.7% 3.1% 12.8% 8.0% 10.8% 11.7% 10.3% 9.2% 7.6% 6.8% 7.5% 12.8% 12.2%

16.27% 16.2% 12.9% 15.6% 15.7% 16.31% 20.00% 17.4% 14.2% 17.9% 16.3%

10.6% 13.9% 13.0% 10.5% 11.8% 12.7% 12.7% 13.3% 12.7% 15.7% 14.2%

19.4% 35.1% 22.5% 30.4% 27.2% 41.0% 43.3% 41.8% 46.0% 50.4% 48.1%

37.7% 30.5% 24.9% 26.6% 26.6% 16.0% 15.6% 17.4% 14.1% 9.4% 8.1% 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Der.Pass. A - Vans <2 t B - Fg+Ch.-Cab. 2-3 t C - Fg+Ch.-Cab. 3-3.5 t Pick-ups A0

Source: ACAP / SIVA Vehicles in circulation in Portugal are generally aged, with an average age of 13 years in the PC, a situation to which the successive increases in the number of imported used cars and the lack of scrapping incentives have contributed, although the recent recovery in market volume has enabled a decrease in the average age of the park – for the first time in the last ten years. Chart 6 – Average Age of PC Circulating in Portugal (years)

12.7 12.4 12.8 11.8 11.1 11.3 10.5 9.6 10.0 8.9 9.0

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Source: ACAP IV. ACTIVITIES 1. Automotive Distribution – SIVA The volume of the Brands distributed by the SIVA Subsidiary in 2017 was 30,171 vehicles (31,513 in 2016), corresponding to a 12.8% market share in the Passenger Car (PC) market (14.2% in 2016) and


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

11.6% in the Light Vehicle market (PC + Light Commercial Vehicles – LCV) which compares with 13.0% market share in the previous year. In a market context which was strongly driven by growth in the Rent-a-Car channel, which is estimated to represent roughly 25% of the total volume of the 2017 automotive market, the SIVA Subsidiary Brands maintained their strategic option to not match that channel’s increase, privileging more profitable channels, mainly through the Brands’ Dealer Networks. The PC volume was 28,381 units, a 3.5% decrease when compared to the 29,419 vehicles volume recorded in 2016, while the LCV volume was 1,790 units, a 4.6% market share and a 14.5% decrease when compared with the previous year’s volume (2,094 vehicles). Chart 7 – SIVA Total Volume, 2016-2017 (units)


17,03116,473 9,503 9,614 2,094 1,790 2,879 2,280

VW - VP VW - VCL Audi Skoda SIVA - Total ** Incl. Luxury Brands** 2016 2017 Source: ACAP Volkswagen - Light Passenger Vehicles Volkswagen ended 2017 with a volume of 16,473 vehicles (558 units less than the 17,031 vehicles recorded in 2016), corresponding to a 7.4% market share in the PC market (8.2% in 2016). Volkswagen decided in 2017 to not match the increase in volume of the Rent-a-Car channel which is estimated to represent roughly 25% of the PC market. This decision resulted in the volume for the Brand in this channel decreasing in 2017 by 565 units (approximately 15%) when compared with the 2016 volume in this channel. Chart 8 – Volkswagen – Light Passenger Cars (units and market shares) 30,000 8.5% 8.4% 9.7% 10.3% 9.6% 9.7% 9.5% 8.2% 7.4% 18,814 20,000 16,900 17,031 16,473 13,727 14,874 13,873 0% 9,842 10,131 10,000

0 -20% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Volume Market share Source: ACAP 16

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The Brand’s volume in its Dealer Network accounted for 59.5% of the total volume of the Brand (59.2% in 2016). By models, the Tiguan increased 79% when compared with the previous year and the new Polo exceeded 5,000 units, accounting for around 30% of the Brand’s volume. The Volkswagen SUV offensive was also marked at the end of 2017 by the launch of the new T-Roc, the compact SUV produced at Volkswagen Autoeuropa. The Sharan MPV, produced at the same factory in Palmela, continued to be the leading model in its segment, with a share of 34.9% (35.7% in 2016). Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles In the Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) market, Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles recorded in 2017 a volume of 1,790 units, less 304 vehicles than in 2016 (2,094 units), corresponding to a LCV market share of 4.6% (6.0% in 2016). After the introduction of the new Caddy and Transporter models in 2016, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles continued in 2017 to renew its range with the launch of the new Crafter. The Brand’s performance in 2017 was significantly marked by the change in positioning of the Amarok model due to the change from the 2.0 TDI engine to the V6 (6 V-cylinders) 3.0 TDI, with significant improvement in terms of performance and robustness, but resulting in a tax increase, which had a negative impact on the model’s selling price. Also, the launch of the V6 versions of the Amarok was delayed, resulting in the unavailability of the model during several months. Chart 9 – Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles (units and market share)

7,000 10.3% 9.9% 8.2% 6.6% 6.3% 6.0% 10% 5,000 3.7% 4.2% 4.6% 5% 3,000 1,931 2,306 2,146 1,958 2,094 1,447 1,646 1,803 1,790 0% 1,000 -5%

-1,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 -10%

Volume Market share

Source: ACAP The Brand renewed its support to the Maritime Search and Rescue Institute for 2017-2018, therefore completing eight consecutive years of support to this social responsibility activity under the slogan “Together we save lives”.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Every year, a fleet of more than 20 Amaroks helps patrol the beaches of Portugal during the bathing season. The project, named “Sea Watch”, has already contributed to saving lives, improving safety in Portuguese beaches. Audi Audi achieved in 2017, for the second consecutive year, a record volume of 9,614 units (9,503 vehicles in 2016), an increase of approximately 1.2% when compared with the previous year, recording a 4.3% market share (4.6% in 2016). In a particularly demanding and competitive premium market, volume in the Brand’s Dealer Network increased 7.5% when compared with 2016. Chart 10 – Audi (units and market share) 15,000 10% 6.2% 5.6% 5.6% 5.3% 4.3% 3.8% 4.3% 4.6% 4.3% 9,453 9,503 9,614 5% 10,000 8,403 7,954 6,922 6,622 5,942 5,975 0% 5,000 -5%

0 -10% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Volume Market share Source: ACAP The product renewal process started in 2016 included the compact Q2 SUV which had in 2017 its first full year, recording a volume of 858 units. The A5 model family, which added to the Coupé the Sportback and Cabriolet versions, increased volume by 48%, to 739 units. Volume of the second generation of the Q5 increased 32.4%, with 458 units in 2017. This product offensive is due to continue in 2018, with the launches of the new A8, A7, A6 and A1, as well as the new Q3 and Q8.

Škoda The Škoda Brand recorded a volume of 2,280 units in 2017, (2,879 units in 2016) with a 1.0% market share. Following a period of renewal in its Dealer Network, together with the implementation of the new Corporate Image, Škoda focused in 2017 in redefining its product strategy, thus starting the entire range renewal cycle. The major event during the year was the launch of the new Kodiaq at the end of the 2nd Quarter, starting the Brand’s product offensive in the SUV segment.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

In the car racing sector, the Škoda Fabia R5 won the WRC2 and reached two places on the podium in the National Rally Championship, with the drivers sponsored by the Brand achieving 2nd and 3rd positions. Chart 11 – Škoda (units and market share) 7,000 2.0% 2.0% 1.8% 1.8% 1.7% 1.7% 1.7% 2.0% 4,540 5,000 1.4% 1.5% 2,802 2,711 3,112 2,879 1.0% 3,000 2,399 2,280 1,862 1,759 1.0%

1,000 0.5%

-1,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 0.0%

Volume Market share Source: ACAP Luxury Brands - Bentley and Lamborghini Luxury brands represented for more than 15 years by SIVA recorded a volume growth in 2017: 10 Bentley (4 in 2016) and 4 Lamborghini (2 in 2016), apart from 6 additional Bentleys and 2 Lamborghinis sold to foreign clients living in Portugal, with foreign plates. After-sales activity remained unchanged when compared with 2016. Spare Parts and Accessories Sales of Spare Parts and Accessories were Eur 65.5 million in 2017, representing a 0.5% increase when compared with 2016. In spite of the decrease in the number of vehicles in circulation, sales benefited from the implementation of several actions, namely at the Workshop level, which significantly contributed to this increase. During 2017, several actions that had been started in 2016 continued to be implemented. These had a significant impact on the results achieved:

• Strengthening of the Economy Parts line • Fostering domestic campaigns and local marketing activities

• Reinforcement of promotion and advertising of the Accessories line • Price repositioning of the more competitive spare parts • Increasing usage of the online parts platform – “Partslink24” • Stock management improvements • Increased number of Authorized Workshops benefiting from same-day deliveries • Monitoring of procedures involving orders for broken down vehicles


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

After Sales Service After Sales activity at the Authorized Workshop Network recorded an increase of approximately 2% in the number of hours sold when compared with 2016, which happens for the second consecutive year, reversing the previous years’ trend, and in spite of a 6% decrease in the number of in-use vehicles up to 15 years old. This performance was possible due to the development, systematization and fulfilment of a set of programs and specific actions, which allowed to continue to increase the loyalty of Customers to the Network of Authorized Workshops. 2017 was marked by implementation of the solutions made available by Volkswagen AG for servicing the EA189 engines, always in close cooperation with the relevant National Authorities. Several thousands of vehicles were successfully upgraded, in an action which always sought to ensure convenience to our Clients. At the end of the year, the completion rate in Portugal was close to 80%. Digital Strategy and CRM 2017 was the year of consolidation of the Digital Strategy defined in 2016. With a fully-functional in- house Digital Team working throughout the year, it was possible to pursue the effort to increase effectiveness and efficiency of investments made in Digital Marketing, significantly increasing the reach of publications, conversion rates and the number of generated leads. Also, on social media, the interaction dynamics based on a communication strategy built on the pillars of each Brand made it possible to stay at the top of rankings on a national level. SIVA’s team, whose function is also to define and pilot the implementation of SIVA’s digital strategy, identifying the best technological solutions among the proposed alternatives, both by Manufacturers and the market, was responsible for the implementation, in the entire Dealer Networks, of an extension of SIVA’s CRM (“SIVA’s Sales Program, SSP”) which enabled teams to start the creation of sales offers based on the online configurator of each Brand, and the efficient management of contacts, both of current and potential clients, which strengthened the multichannel strategy towards increasing sales volume. Besides ensuring process automation, thus reducing errors and contributing to an innovative Brand image, this solution also enabled access to a set of key business information for better business monitoring, namely the monitoring of current business at every Dealer, measuring success rates for sales campaigns and initiatives, and also monitoring market trends, from the point of view of demand from potential Clients. 2. Automotive Retail – SOAUTO SAG Gest’s presence in the area of Automotive Retail is carried out through the following Dealers: • Soauto SA, a 100% owned Subsidiary with establishments in:

o – Expo: Volkswagen and Audi Dealer and Authorized Workshop (PC and CV) o Lisbon – Laranjeiras: Volkswagen and Škoda Dealer and Authorized Workshop o : Volkswagen Dealer and Authorized Workshop


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

o Paço de Arcos: Audi Dealer and Authorized Workshop o Barreiro: Volkswagen Dealer and Authorized Workshop • Rolporto SA, a wholly-owned Subsidiary with a Volkswagen Dealership and an Authorized Workshop, in Porto • Rolvia SA, a 60% owned Affiliate, with an Audi Dealership and an Authorized Workshop, in Leça da Palmeira

• Loures Automóveis, a 70% owned Affiliate, with a Volkswagen, Audi and Škoda Dealership and Authorized Workshop in Loures

• Autolombos, a 40% owned Affiliate, with Volkswagen and Audi Authorized Workshop in Carcavelos In terms of commercial organization, the SAG Gest’s activities in the Automotive Retail area the Soauto name for the Authorized Volkswagen Brand Dealers and Authorized Workshops (PC and CV), the Expocar name for the activities associated with the Audi Brand, and the designation Carlar for the operations of the Škoda Brand. The Automotive Retail activities, whose operating areas are located exclusively in Greater Lisbon and Greater Porto, represent about 25% of the sales volume the SIVA Subsidiary to the Brands’ Dealers Networks. In 2017, SAG Gest’s Automotive Retail area sold a total of 4,426 new cars of the Volkswagen - Passenger Cars, Volkswagen - Commercial Vehicles, Audi and Škoda Brands, a marginal 0.8% decrease when compared to the 4,462 vehicles sold in 2016. In the area of used cars, 1,947 units were sold, representing a 3.2% increase when compared with the 1,887 vehicles sold during 2016. In the workshop activity, the volume of hours sold increased 2.0% when compared to 2016, and was 183,445 hours (179,836 hours in 2016). The Soauto organization contribution to Consolidated Turnover was Eur 133.8 million, a slight 0.4% decrease when compared to Eur 134.4 million in 2016. V. NON- FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES REPORT Mission, Vision and Values In 2017, SAG Gest’s Mission, Vision and Values were re-defined, with the aim of clarifying the direction for the Organization, as follows:

• Mission To provide adequate Individual Mobility solutions through Strong Brands, ensuring Customer satisfaction and creating value for shareholders, employees and third parties.

• Vision To be the reference in the offer of Products and Individual Mobility solutions, exceeding the expectations of our Clients, with a cohesive, efficient and innovative team.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

There are 5 Values:

• Passion for the Client We build lasting relationships based on trust, Client satisfaction and anticipation of our Client’s needs.

• Teams that grow with merit We develop and reward our Employees based on their individual and collective performance.

• Pride in the achievements We share our objectives and are determined to achieve them, and we celebrate success.

• Creative ideas We seek to generate innovation at the service of our Clients in an environment that fosters creativity.

• Ethics and transparency We guide our action by rules of good conduct and responsible citizenship. The Ethics and Transparency value goes far beyond the mere compliance with rules, laws and regulations, and establish a corporate conduct guided by honesty, good conduct and responsible citizenship with each of the Stakeholders of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries. Anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy The Companies’ profile of and their image are becoming increasingly associated not only with business and financial performance, but also with the set of values, principles and rules of conduct that they adopt. Commitment to ethics and social responsibility are in response to the requirement for greater transparency and more information requested by interested parties and communities where Companies conduct their business. SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries, the Members of their Corporate Bodies and Employees shall neither accept or perform, directly or indirectly, any questionable payments, nor resort to favors as a way to obtain illegitimate, illegal or unjustified benefits, nor do anything which may be understood as aiming at obtaining such benefits. Code of Conduct SAG Gest recognizes that, to ensure its continued growth and success, it is crucial to increase the trust of its Shareholders, Employees, Customers, Suppliers and of the other Entities with which it has business relations, as well as the trust of the Communities where it conducts business. With this in mind, SAG Gest has established a Code of Conduct whose main objectives are: I. To list behaviors and attitudes in line with the principles and values defined for SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries, that need to be recognized by its Shareholders, Employees, Customers, Partners and the Society in general; II. Ensure adherence to the stated values III. Promote relations of trust among the interested parties 22

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The Code of Conduct defines the following items: I. Responsibilities II. Use of Corporate resources III. Confidentiality and professional secrecy IV. Conflicts of interest V. Use of privileged information VI. Information and publicity VII. Integrity and gifts VIII. Legal compliance IX. Patronage and social responsibility X. Political independence XI. Relations with regulatory entities SAG Gest’s Code of Conduct is regularly reviewed and updated, and is available at Every year, Members of the Corporate Bodies and the Employees of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries are requested to restate, in writing, their compliance with the rules of conduct established in the Code of Conduct. Equally, and also every year, the rules regarding gifts are restated to Clients and Suppliers. Know Your Customer / Know Your Supplier SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries fulfill the national and international compliance rules in the course of their activities, following procedures and mechanisms required to (i) train, (ii) observe, (iii) analyze and (iv) communicate, if necessary, the behavior of Entities and individuals with which it does business. Policy on reporting of irregularities (Whistleblowing) SAG Gest has established a policy for reporting irregular practices allegedly verified, as a means for early detection of eventual irregular practices. This will contribute to the prevention of the occurrence of damaging and harmful situations both for SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries, as well as for its Employees and Shareholders. In implementing this policy, it is possible to report alleged irregularities or practices that do not comply with SAG Gest’s Code of Conduct, or with the principles defined therein, without any fear of reprisals. This reporting can be made to the direct or indirect supervisor or, if confidentiality is required, via email to comunicaçã[email protected] or by means of a letter addressed to the Audit Committee stating “Comunicação Irregularidades [Estritamente Confidencial]” Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, 2614- 519 Amadora. The means available and the whistleblowing policy can be consulted in greater detail at


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Environmental Policies SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries operate their business model in compliance with environmental policies, developing all efforts to ensure that their business activities contribute to social and environmental well- being. In the two main areas of business (Automotive Distribution and Automotive Retail), the procedures for the collection, processing and recycling of various potentially polluting materials are defined and certified by Independent Entities. Potentially polluting materials include: I. Oils II. Paper III. Paint waste IV. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals V. Tyres VI. Plastic By adopting these processes, SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries ensure an efficient waste management resulting from the various vehicle repair and maintenance operations. Social and Employee Policies SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries develop and promote social policies involving its Employees, and commit to fulfill and respect fundamental rights at work. The Human Resources management model has social dialogue, the right to information and consultation, training, respect for employee rights, gender equality, non-discrimination and tolerance and respect as its fundamental pillars. Eco – organizational climate survey

Organizational Climate Surveys have been performed annually since 2012. In 2017, the Great Place to Work® Institute Portugal (GPTW)” contributed to the Organizational Climate Survey and a questionnaire was used combining the usual ECO questions and the questions that are part of the GPTW Model. Therefore it was not only possible to compare results with those of previous years, but it was also possible to compare them with the Top 10 companies which will be recognized, countrywide, by the Great Place to Work® Institute Portugal. Internal Mobility Professionals who develop and grow internally are valued. The Internal Recruitment Program enables all job vacancies to be made available via the Company’s communication media, with the exception of 24

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

confidential job openings and promotions in the worker’s own area. Employees can also stay up-to-date in respect of new job vacancies in the internal newsletter RH Comunica. Internal Communication (IC) IC ensures that Employees are fully aligned with the Corporate Mission, Vision and Values, and is a tool that helps build up the business and improve the work environment. For this reason, IC is a strategic area under the responsibility of the Human Resources area. Because we believe Happy Employees make Happy Companies, and because we consider that it is crucial to have moments of entertainment in-house, we carry out several events including Christmas Dinner and Circus for Employees and Families, celebration of employee birthday of the month (apart from giving a day off on the employee’s birthday), SAG Babies, “Open Day”, etc.

With the objective of providing an internal digital platform for sharing and cooperation among all Employees, a new page has been implemented on WORKPLACE. In this interactive portal, which works as an internal social medium and is available to all Employees, news, photos, videos and information about the daily activity of the various Company areas are published. It is also possible to use this platform to establish direct contacts between Employees via the Online Chat and to watch live events such as meetings where results are presented. Additionally, several other IC initiatives were implemented, namely: Breakfast with Pedro Almeida Pedro Almeida, Executive Director, fosters direct contact with the Employees and holds monthly meetings with groups of Employees who register to have breakfast with him. In these meetings, the Corporate Mission, Vision and Values are strengthened and there is a relaxed atmosphere where it is possible to openly share information, clarify doubts, propose ideas and changes.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Breakfast with Managers Monthly, one of the Managers is also available during the morning to have breakfast with Employees. Employees who are interested in attending can register and the Manager can also invite people or areas to develop closer ties and facilitate relationships and processes on day-to-day work. Staff Meeting The Staff Meeting takes place twice a year and, apart from Directors, gathers Managers and all top management. Apart from clarifying targets, challenges and results, the aim is also to improve the Employees’ and Teams’ day-to-day life. “Juntos Resultamos” (Together We Make it Work) “Juntos Resultamos” is a quarterly meeting with all Company Employees in Azambuja, which can be watched live by all of the Employees of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries. This way, all Employees can be reached. In this meeting, Pedro Almeida opens the meeting, after which each General Manager talks about their targets and challenges, the results of their areas and measures to improve those results. At the end of the Meeting, all Employees can raise questions, both face-to-face and on-line, to any of the Managers attending the meeting.

“RH Comunica” “RH Comunica” is an Internal Communication tool via email, and is one of the main methods used to communicate with Employees. “RH Comunica” content is varied, and each theme comes with a specific image. Main themes currently include Culture & Values, Compensation & Benefits, Internal Mobility, Events, Well-Being, Offers & Partnerships, Onboarding, Performance Evaluation and Training. “#RHSobreRodas” and SAG Global The main focus of “#RHSobreRodas”, the regular digital newsletter, are People, and themes such as Admissions, Internal Mobility, Culture & Values, Future Events, etc. are discussed. SAG4US SAG4US is the Corporate Intranet, which offers information that is divided by areas such as Corporate (Information about the Companies, History, Organization Charts, contacts, etc.), Employees (Birthdays, Protocols, Rules and Procedures, Onboarding, Training, etc.), Brands (information on the various Brands and Products), Communication (SAG Global, ExcluSiva, etc.). Training In accordance with SAG Gest’s strategy, focused in the development of skills and training of its Employees, a Training Plan was drawn for 2016-2017 which, based on training needs identified through 26

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

the Organizational Climate Survey (ECO) and the GPS (performance evaluation tool), aims to improve the Company’s human capital of SAG GEST and his subsidiaries. Chart 12 – Number of Training Activities

11 11


DRH - Transversal Training DRH - Specific Training AA00

Total training hours in 2017 were 8,380 hours. Chart 13 – Training Hours 242


Training hours AA00 Training hours DRH

Gender Equality SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries develop and actively promote the development of its human resources, regardless of gender. All opportunities for career advancing, selection and recruitment of new resources, as well as the remuneration system ensure respect for gender equality. Non-discrimination SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries develop and actively promote the development of their human resources, regardless of race, religion or citizenship, according to the principles and rules defined in the Code of Conduct.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Tolerance and Respect SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries guide their behavior and attitudes according to principles of mutual tolerance, respecting cultural, socio-economic and geographic contexts in their scope of action, as well as promoting and taking part in the traditions and cultures of local Communities. VI. HUMAN RESOURCES Employees At the end of 2017, SAG and its Subsidiaries had 677 Employees, a 3.52% increase when compared with the 654 Employees as at 31 December 2016. Chart 14 – Number of Employees by Business Area

379 383 393

211 186 194

74 77 73

Dez-2015 Dez-2016 dez/17

Holding and Services Distribution Retail

The Internal Mobility policy continues to be a reality within the Group, with the objective of providing Employees with new professional challenges and continuing upgrading of their careers. In 2017, 22 Employees moved to new functions within the organization and/or moved to other Companies. Chart 15 – Internal Mobility

7 7




Holding and Services Distribution Retail Change of Company Change of Function


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The average Employee age remained at 45 years old. Chart 16 – Average Age by Business Area


45 44 43

Holding and Distribution Retail Group Average Services

On average, seniority remained unchanged at 14 years. Chart 17 – Seniority by Business Area

16 14 14 13

Holding and Distribution Retail Group Average Services

Approximately 26% of the Employees have university level qualifications. In the Automotive Retail area, the majority of Employees has Primary Education (48%).


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Chart 18 – Academic Qualifications by Business Area 190 163


64 47 39 40 28 6

Basic Education High School Graduation

Holding and Services Distribution Retail

VII. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL REVIEW Note: The tables of this section are expressed in thousands of Euros. Percentages were calculated using the amounts expressed in Euro. A. Results Consolidated Turnover in 2017 was Eur 619.7million, a decrease of approximately 2.2% when compared with 2016 (Eur 633.4 million). The Automotive Distribution area recorded a 2.7% decrease in its contribution to the Consolidated Sales Volume (which excludes transactions with other Entities included in the consolidation perimeter of SAG Gest, namely the sales to Soauto Dealers), having essentially maintained its weight in the Consolidated Turnover (78.6% in 2016, 78.2% in 2017). Consolidated Effective Margin recorded a decreased when compared to 2016, and represented 8.9% of the 2017 Consolidated Turnover (10.2% in 2016). In absolute terms, Consolidated Effective Margin decreased by approximately Eur 9.8 million, with the higher impairment losses in respect of vehicles contributing to this decrease. The 2017 Consolidated Effective Margin was also negatively impacted by the increased weight of activities related to Used Vehicles (cars originated in previous years’ sales to Rent-a-Car, mainly in 2016) and also by the lower than expected contributions of the Audi and Volkswagen (due to the Brands low model renewal activity) and Škoda Brands (whose strategy was fully redefined). Commercial Expenses, which relate to the launch of new models by the Brands sold by the SIVA Subsidiary, increased approximately Eur 2.8 million when compared with the previous year, following the significant investment in improving the Brands awareness. Payroll Expenses increased approximately Eur 1.5 million due to the reorganization and to the strengthening of the structure of the Automotive Retail and Distribution areas.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Consequently, total Consolidated Operating Expenses increased Eur 5.7 million in 2017 when compared to 2016, increasing their weight in terms of the Consolidated Turnover from 7.3% to 8.4%. The erosion of Consolidated Effective Margin and the increased Operating Expenses resulted in a 85.2% decrease in Consolidated EBITDA when compared to 2016, which in 2017 was Eur 2.7 million (Eur 18.2 million in 2016). Table 3 – Turnover and Effective Margin 12 months ended 31 December Consolidated Income Statement (Values in Eur 000) 2017 2016 % Chg Sales 608,523 623,022 -2.3% Services Rendered 11,185 10,400 7.5% Turnover 619,708 633,422 -2.2%

Effective Margin 54,892 64,682 -15.1% % of Turnover 8.9% 10.2%

Outside Services & Supplies - Commercial Expenses (12,486) (9,728) -28.4% Outside Services & Supplies - Car Expenses (2,552) (2,218) -15.0% Sub Total Variable Expenses (15,038) (11,946) -25.9%

Outside Services & Supplies - Non Variable Expenses (14,570) (13,406) -8.7% Payroll Expenses (22,596) (21,132) -6.9% Sub Total Overheads (37,166) (34,538) -7.6%

Operating Expenses (52,204) (46,526) -12.2% % of Turnover -8.4% -7.3%

EBITDA 2,688 18,198 -85.2% % of Turnover 0.4% 2.9%

Consolidated EBIT was Eur 0.3 million, a 98% decrease when compared with Eur 16.1 million in 2016. Depreciation and amortization was Eur 2.4 million (Eur 2.1 million 2016). The Consolidated Financial Result represented in 2017 a cost of Eur 16.1 million, 4.1% (Eur 0.7 million) more than the Eur 15.3 million recognized in 2016. Costs incurred with bank guarantees provided to third parties – particularly guarantees provided in SIVA Subsidiary’s name for the benefit of the Brands’ Manufacturers – increased 12.2% and represented a cost of approximately Eur 8.2 million. The cost associated with these guarantees remains abnormally high due to the fact that the rating awarded to Portuguese Banks requires that International Banks be used in dealing with Volkswagen AG, and this significantly increases the final cost of the bank guarantees, which the SIVA Subsidiary is obliged to deliver in accordance with the terms of its contract. Consolidated Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) was Eur 15.7 million negative (Eur 0.7 million positive during the same period in 2016) The Consolidated Net Result Attributable to SAG Gest was a Eur 13.8 million loss (a loss of Eur 1.2 million in 2016).


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Table 4 – Income Statement - Net Results

12 months ended 31 December Consolidated Income Statement (Values in Eur 000) 2017 2016 % Chg

EBITDA 2,688 18,198 -85.2% % of Turnover 0.4% 2.9%

EBIT 319 16,078 -98.0% % of Turnover 0.1% 2.5%

Fair Value Adjustments 16 79 -79.1% Net Interest (7,766) (7,718) -0.6% Other Financial Expenses (8,305) (7,788) -6.6% Net Financial Income / (Expenses) (16,054) (15,427) -4.1%

EBT (15,735) 651 2517.3% % of Turnover -2.5% 0.1%

Income Taxes 2,098 (1,676) -225.2%

Net Profit (13,637) (1,025) -1230.7%

Non-Controlling Interests (141) (149) 5.4%

Net Profit (13,778) (1,158) -1089.8% % of Turnover -2.2% -0.2%

B. Financial Structure SAG Gest’s consolidated financial position at the end of 2017 has deteriorated when compared with 31 December 2016, particularly in what relates to Consolidated Net Debt, which increased around Eur 29.7 million (from Eur 95.5 million on 31 December 2016, to Eur 125.2 million on 31 December 2017). This increase results essentially from additional working capital requirements which had to be addressed and which resulted in Consolidated Net Debt representing 22.6% of Consolidated Assets on 31 December 2017 (18.6% on 31 December 2016). Current Assets on 31 December 2017 were approximately Eur 168.6 million lower than Current Liabilities on same date. This recurring situation is characteristic of the core activities of SAG Gest, where the rotation of the main components of Current Assets (Inventory and Accounts Receivable) is significantly higher than the rotation of the main component of Current Liabilities (Accounts Payable), due to the commercial agreements that are in force with the main Suppliers. Consolidated Equity at the end of 2017 was Eur 7.5 million, a decrease of Eur 13.6 million when compared to the end of 2016 (Eur 21.1 million). This reduction corresponds to the results attributable to SAG Gest for the year 2017.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

C. Financial Ratios The evolution of the major financial ratios was as follows: Table 5 – Financial Ratios

Financial ratios show in 2017 a deterioration when compared with the previous year, in both the profitability ratios and the financial structure ratios. This is due, on the one hand, to the market's commercial aggressiveness which affected profitability and, on the other, to increased working capital requirements which impacted the financial structure. The calculation of the above financial ratios was performed using the amounts detailed in Table 6.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Table 6 – Bases for the Calculation of Financial Ratios

The definitions used in the calculation of the above items are as follows:

• EBITDA = Turnover – Cost of Goods Sold – Operating Costs + Other Operating Income – Other Operating Expenses

• Net Interest = Net Financial Income / (Expenses) (as disclosed in Table 4 – Income Statement - Net Income/ (Expenses)) which includes: Interest Paid – Interest Received + Other Financial Charges, including Bank Guarantees expenses, dividends received, fair value adjustments and capital gains.

• Total Bank Debt = Bank Debt – Current + Bank Debt – Non-Current

• Net Debt = Total Bank Debt – Cash and Cash Equivalents D. Shareholder Profitability and Dividends Although Net Profit or Loss for 2017 as reported in the Separate Accounts of SAG Gest is positive, and because Consolidated Net Income for the same year was negative, the Board of Directors will not propose any distribution of dividends in respect of the year 2017. E. Share Price Behavior in the Stock Market SAG Gest’s stock price ended 2017 at Eur 0.154, which represented a 85.5% valuation when compared to the stock price on 31 December 2016 (Eur 0.083). SAG Gest stock was traded at the maximum price of Eur 0.2560 in June 2017.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Chart 19 – Share price (Eur) 6000 0.3

5000 0.25

4000 0.2

3000 0.15

2000 0.1

1000 0.05

0 0 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sept-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 PSI20 SAG

VIII. RISK MANAGEMENT SAG Gest’s Risk Management Policy aims to ensure an accurate identification of risks involved in the businesses performed by its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, as well as to adopt and implement the measures required to minimize the negative impacts that adverse developments of the factors inherent to those risks may cause on its consolidated financial structure and sustainability. The identification of the risks to which SAG Gest’s materially relevant Subsidiaries are exposed has allowed the identification of the following major risks: Reliance on Suppliers The business of the SIVA Subsidiary is based on Distribution Agreements entered into with the Volkswagen Group for an undetermined period of time, subject to the relevant EU Regulations, which have been fully complied with and have remained in force for more than 30 years. However, maintenance of these Agreements naturally depends on its full compliance and on factors that include the continuation of Volkswagen Group’s distribution policies, as well as the performance of the represented Brands in the Portuguese market. Automobile Risk – Residual Values The growth trend in the Rent-a-Car segment, and the business terms applied in this sales channel, which involve the repurchase, as used cars, of the cars that were initially supplied (Buy-Back clauses) also increased the SIVA Subsidiary’s exposure to risks resulting from changes in the market value of semi-new and used cars. To minimize the potential negative impacts resulting from this type of risk, the SIVA Subsidiary has implemented mechanisms to monitor permanently developments in the market value of the semi-new and used cars included in its balance sheet (which includes vehicles billed to Entities operating in the Rent-a-Car segment that the Subsidiary has pledged to repurchase). These market price monitoring mechanisms include permanent access to credible specialized information sources and the identification of alternative sales channels allowing the reduction of the


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

supply of used cars to levels compatible with the size of the Portuguese market, when potential excessive supply could translate into an unjustified erosion of market value for this type of vehicle. Financial Risks The main financial risks identified are the equity risk, the liquidity risk, the interest rate exposure risk and the credit risk. The purpose of capital risk management is to ensure that Consolidated Equity will reach the appropriate levels to ensure a balanced structure of the consolidated financial position. The principles to be observed in the management of this risk are set out in the contractual documents that formalized the operation of reinforcement of SAG Gest Consolidated Equity, which was completed in December 2015, among which the following should be highlighted:

• Dividend Distribution:

o Until the end of 2021, SAG Gest is obliged to distribute dividends of at least 50% of the consolidated net profit for the year, provided that, in accordance with its Consolidated Financial Statements, the Shareholders' Equity / Total Assets ratio is at least 7.5%.

o From 2022 onwards, SAG Gest is obliged to distribute dividends of at least 60% of the consolidated net profit for the year, provided that the value of its Consolidated Equity remains positive.

• Reimbursement of Supplementary Capital Payments

o Until the end of 2019, SAG Gest has the obligation to reimburse Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder up to the amount that, according to its Consolidated Financial Statements, allows for the Shareholders' Equity / Total Assets ratio, after this reimbursement, to be equal to or greater than 7,5%

o From 2020 onwards, if the Net Debt / EBITDA ratio is lower than 2.5 X, SAG Gest is obliged to reimburse the Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder, in an amount that allows (a) its Net Debt / EBITDA ratio not to exceed 2.5 X and (b) Net Consolidated Equity to be positive. Management of the liquidity risk involves the dynamic monitoring and measurement of this type of risk in order to ensure the fulfilment of all short and medium-term financial responsibilities (cash outflows) of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries towards the Entities that do business with them. The current context of the Portuguese automotive market, where margins are under severe pressure, reflecting negatively on the profitability the market players, particularly in the context of a group of Entities which was subject to significant financial restructuring at the end of 2015, has been causing a substantial increase of the liquidity risks to which SAG Gest has responded with strict and judicious centralized cash flow management procedures, and in constant communication with the major Portuguese Financial Institutions. In December 2015, Shareholder SAG Gest concluded a restructuring process with its main Banks, which consisted mainly on the reconstruction of Shareholder SAG Gest's Consolidated Equity and the extension of maturities and the reduction of consolidated bank debt. The objective of this process was to rebalance the consolidated financial structure of SAG Gest and to create conditions that would allow 36

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

the presentation of a sustainably profitable Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, providing SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries with a basis for the sustainable development of their activities. The plan that served as the basis for the implementation of this process assumes that the required financial facilities essential to accommodate the temporary impacts associated with the characteristics of the business developed by SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries are made available. The unavailability of this type of support constitutes a significant risk for the normal development of the activities of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries. The profitability assumption of the restructuring process faced deteriorating business conditions which prevented, particularly at the end of 2017, the development of conditions that would enable the presentation of a sustainably profitable Consolidated Financial Statement. This assumption established the ability to obtain critical financial facilities to accommodate the temporary impacts associated with the nature of the main core activities of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. The non-verification of said assumption may clearly affect the availability of such financial facilities, and therefore constitutes an increased risk affecting the normal development of the activities of SAG Gest, its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. SAG Gest’s Board of Directors has been developing together with the Brands represented by the SIVA Subsidiary and their Manufacturer, a plan to reposition its activities with the objective of reversing the current situation and to ensure the sustainability of this group of Entities and, consequently, its access to the financing sources required for its business activity. The Board of Directors believes that these negotiations, which are still in progress on the date of this Management Report, shall meet a positive conclusion. Interest rate risk management aims to ensure the assessment and dynamic management of this risk through the definition of exposure limits of SAG Gest’s Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position and of the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income to interest rate changes. The control policy that has been adopted aims at selecting suitable strategies for each business area in order to ensure that this risk factor does not negatively affect the relevant operational capacity. On the other hand, exposure to interest rate risk is further monitored through simulation of adverse scenarios having some degree of probability and which could negatively affect SAG Gest's consolidated results. In what relates to credit risk management, the development of the Customer portfolio and each business unit's exposure are monitored on a monthly basis. SAG Gest adopted in 2001 a Credit Risk Manual establishing policies, criteria and procedures to be adopted in the credit control area. The Credit Risk Manual is regularly updated and includes criteria to be used in determining a credit rating. Operational Risk Operational risk management is based on the assignment of functional responsibilities and formal definition of internal control procedures, at the business area level.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

IX. OUTLOOK FOR 2018 A. MACROECONOMIC OUTLOOK 1. International Background In 2018, world GDP growth is expected to increase slightly to 3.7% (according to the ECB’s latest estimates) or 3.9% (IMF), an additional 0,2% in both cases. Such progression in GDP growth will be determined by contributions from emerging and developing economies (from 4.7% to 4.9%), since developed economies are expected to continue to record a 2.3% growth rate. The pace of economic growth in the Euro Zone is expected to slow down from 2.4% to between 2.2% and 2.3%, with the majority of the countries (with few exceptions, such as France) contributing towards that. Conversely, the US is expected to accelerate from 2.3% to 2.7%. The IMF expects Japan to go from 1.8% to 1.2%. A slight slowdown is expected in Russia (from 1.8% to 1.7%) and in China (from 6.8% to 6.6%), with China continuing to be the main driver of world economy. Brazil is expected to improve again, growing 1.9% (after 1.1% in 2017). World trade is also expected to slow down slightly, in spite of growing over 4.5%, and Brent oil prices are expected to increase by two digits (between +11% and +13%), to over USD 60 per barrel.

Table 7 – International Economy – Main Indicators 2016 – 2018 2016 2017 (E) 2018 (P) World GDP (% change) 3.0 3.5 3.7 Euro zone (% change) 1.8 2.4 2.3 World trade (% change) 1.5 5.0 4.7 External demand for Portugal (% change) 1 2.0 4.8 4.9 Oil Price (brent, USD/barrel) 44.0 54.3 61.6 Inflation euro area (%) 0.2 1.5 1.5 USD/EUR exchange rate (annual average) 1.11 1.13 1.17 Short term interest rate (annual average, %) 2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 Interest rate implicit in public debt (%) 3.3 3.1 3.0 Source: Banco de Portugal, Dec 2017 1 Calculated as the weighted average of growth in goods and services imports from Portugal’s main business partners. Each country/regions is weighted according to their relevant share in Portugal's export market 2 3 month Euribor External demand towards Portugal is expected to accelerate again, to 4.9%, in line with the development of trade in developed economies, which is expected to grow from 4.1% to 4.3. The Euro exchange rate against the US Dollar is expected to appreciate again in terms of annual average. Interest rates should remain at historically low levels (negative in the short term). A number of political factors may have a decisive influence on the progress of the major world economies, namely, the effects of Brexit (UK).


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

2. The Portuguese Economy With robust growth continuing worldwide, a slight deceleration of GDP growth is expected in Portugal, continuing the slight recovery path of the more recent years. GDP is expected to reach the pre-crisis (2007-2008) level only this year. And it is expected to grow at the same pace as the Euro Zone. Table 8 – Portugal – Main Macroeconomic Indicators 2016 2017 (E) GDP (% change) 1,5 2,6 Private consumption (% change) 2,1 2,2 Public consumption (% change) 0,6 0,1 Investment (GFCF) (% change) 1,6 8,3 Domestic demand (% change) 1,6 2,7 Exports (% change) 4,1 7,7 Imports (% change) 4,1 7,5 Inflation (HCPI) – average (% change) 0,6 1,4 Employment (% change) 1,6 3,1 Unemployment rate (% act. popul.) 11,1 8,9 Public deficit (% GDP) -2,0 -1,4 Public debt (% GDP) 130,1 126,2 Sources: Ministry of Finance, Oct 2017 (public finance); Banco de Portugal, Dec 2017 (other) The Portuguese economy continues to rely significantly on the purchase of public debt by the ECB and on rating agencies, which upgraded the country’s rating in the recent past. Contributions from domestic demand to GDP growth are expected to remain at 1.2% and similar to contributions from net exports. Investment will continue to be the most dynamic component, growing 6.1%, while private consumption is expected to increase 2.1%. Exports and imports will decelerate to 6.5% and 6.7% growth rates, respectively. Activity in the private sector is expected to grow faster than GDP and should remain subject to many constraints in the public sector. Private consumption will remain practically at the same pace of growth, with a new slight improvement in real disposable income, influenced by moderate wage growth and continued recovery in the labor market, although still highly conditioned by high household indebtedness. Investment will continue to grow at a strong pace after the significant acceleration in 2017, with contributions from both the private and public sectors, the latter following a sharp drop in 2016. Still, investment is expected to remain well below pre-crisis levels. Exports of goods and services, mainly driven by increased business at VW Autoeuropa and tourism, are expected to record an improved pace than external demand, providing new market share gains. Inflation is expected to remain at the 2017 level, influenced by the moderate evolution of the energy component and remaining at levels close to the average of the Euro Zone.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The situation in the labor market is expected to continue to improve, and new job growth is expected, albeit at a slower pace, as well as continuation of the downward trend in the unemployment rate, to less than 8% of the working population, the level achieved in 2004. Public accounts will have to continue to improve in order to fulfill commitments made to EU bodies and to decrease public debt interest, both in what relates to the interest rates paid and, above all, the amounts to repay.

B. AUTOMOTIVE MARKET AND GROUP ACTIVITIES OUTLOOK Although very determined by the macroeconomic scenario described above, the automotive market is expected to continue to grow in line with previous years, driven by tourism, with direct impact in the RAC segment. Phenomena as the dimension of the RAC channel, imports of used cars, sales of used cars and self- registrations should continue to grow. These issues make it increasingly difficult to predict market developments, but point towards a growth in 2018, of around 3%. In 2018, the entire Commercial Organization led by the SIVA Subsidiary will be fully focused on developing in the most technically competent way – following the instructions of VW AG and in close cooperation with the national authorities, seeking to ensure the greatest convenience for its Customers – the intervention in the vehicles affected by the emissions issue that affected the VW Group worldwide, thus continuing to reconquer the trust of Customers and consumers. It is another way of showing the attention that those who buy and use our vehicles deserve from us, and the pride we always have in the Brands we represent. SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries will continue to focus its activities in the Automotive area (Import, Distribution and Retail of Volkswagen – Passenger Cars, Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles, Audi, Škoda, as well as Bentley and Lamborghini luxury cars) with the objective of remaining at the top of the Importers acting on the domestic market. The sale of used cars, mainly originating from the Rent-a-Car de-fleeting, with a significant impact in the SAG Gest’s consolidated accounts, will continue to pose added challenges to management. A continued positive evolution of the Portuguese automotive market should enable an improved performance of SAG Gest so that it is possible to reduce significantly the negative net result situation, to achieve a structurally profitable and sustainable profit and loss account in the medium term. The success of the ongoing negotiations between SAG Gest’s Board of Directors, the Brands represented by SIVA Subsidiary and their manufacturer is a critical factor in order to restore profitability and sustainability of SAG Gest´s activity, as well as its financial balance. The Board of Directors believes that these negotiations will have a favorable outcome and that with the strategy and policies defined for 2018, SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries will be able to improve their financial indicators and reverse the current financial situation. X. RESULTS’ APPLICATION In 2017, the SAG Gest reported a Consolidated Net loss of Eur (000) 13,777.9 and a Net Result in the Separate Accounts of Eur (000) 1.9.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

XI. MANDATORY MENTIONS a) In accordance with Article 21 of Decree-Law 411/91 and Article 2 of Decree-Law 534/80, it is hereby confirmed that the Companies included in consolidation have fully complied with their obligations towards Social Security, and that they do not have any overdue debt to the Public Sector. b) No other subsequent events have taken place after reporting date that may significantly impact the Financial Statements or requiring disclosure, except for the matters disclosed on Point 7. of the Management Report and Note 2.6 - Management Judgments, in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. c) During the financial year ended on 31 December, there were no purchases or sales of treasury stock. d) During the financial year ended on 31 December 2017, no transactions were made between the Companies included in consolidation and Members of its Board of Directors.

XII. FINAL NOTE In compliance with the legal and statutory provisions, the Board of Directors submits to the Shareholders’ approval the Annual Consolidated Report and Financial Statements for the year 2017, in the firm belief that, to the best of its knowledge, the information contained therein was prepared in compliance with the applicable accounting standards and provides an accurate and adequate image of the assets and liabilities, financial situation and results of SAG Gest and of the Companies included in consolidation, and that the Management Report accurately reflects the development of the activities, the performance and the position of SAG Gest and of the Companies included in consolidation and contains a description of the main risks and uncertainties that confront them. Alfragide, 30 April 2018

THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS João Manuel de Quevedo Pereira Coutinho Carlos Alexandre Antão Valente Coutinho Esmeralda da Silva Santos Dourado Fernando Jorge Cardoso Monteiro José Maria Cabral Vozone Luís Miguel Dias da Silva Santos Pedro Roque de Pinho de Almeida


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74



SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


(Values in Eur 000)

Twelve Months Ended 31 December Three Months Ended 31 December

Notes 2017 2016 2017 2016

Revenue Sales 4 608,522.9 623,021.6 141,947.9 169,947.7 Services Rendered 4 11,184.6 10,399.9 3,061.9 2,631.8 Turnover 4 619,707.5 633,421.5 145,009.8 172,579.6

Cost of Goods Sold 2.5.7 (562,310.0) (572,437.9) (133,231.1) (156,680.6)

Gross Ma rgin 57,397.5 60,983.6 11,778.7 15,898.9

Other Operating Income 5 24,046.7 28,260.0 3,264.6 6,884.7 Other Operating Expenses 6 (19,375.8) (19,312.3) (4,657.8) (5,033.2) Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable 24 (38.5) 64.0 (29.3) (1.1) Impairment Losses in Inventories 23 (7,137.8) (5,313.4) (4,280.2) (1,674.3) Contribution Margin 54,892.1 64,681.9 6,076.0 16,075.1

Variable Expenses SG&A - Commercial Expenses 7 (12,486.4) (9,727.9) (3,860.8) (2,765.1) SG&A - Car Expenses 8 (2,551.5) (2,218.3) (991.1) (749.3) Sub-Total - Variable Expenses (15,038.0) (11,946.2) (4,851.9) (3,514.4)

Variable Margin 39,854.2 52,735.7 1,224.1 12,560.7

Overheads SG&A - Non-Variable Expenses 9 (14,569.6) (13,406.1) (3,878.6) (3,516.8) Payroll Expenses 10 (22,596.4) (21,131.9) (6,023.1) (5,643.5) Sub-Total - Overheads (37,166.0) (34,537.9) (9,901.7) (9,160.3)

Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA) 2,688.2 18,197.7 (8,677.6) 3,400.4

Provisions 34 - - - (95.7) Depreciation and Amortization 18 and 20 (2,359.2) (2,126.0) (561.4) (503.2) Gains and (Losses) in the Sale of Tangible Fixed Assets 11 (10.0) 6.7 (15.6) (18.6)

Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) 319.0 16,078.4 (9,254.6) 2,782.9

Financial Expenses 12 (17,537.5) (16,741.6) (4,281.0) (3,729.6) Financial Income 13 1,470.7 1,409.9 326.9 66.1

Gain / (Losses) from Associated Companies - Equity Method 14 (3.5) (17.2) (9.9) (20.3)

Fair Value Adjustments 22 16.0 (78.5) - -

Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) (15,735.3) 650.9 (13,218.6) (901.0)

Corporate Income Tax 15 2,097.9 (1,675.8) 3,227.0 609.2

Net Profit of Discontinued Operations (13,637.4) (1,024.8) (9,991.6) (291.8)

Current Income of Discontinued Operations 16 - 15.4 - 15.4

Net Profit / (Loss) (13,637.4) (1,009.5) (9,991.6) (276.4)

Attributable to: Shareholders of SAG GEST SGPS, SA 17 (13,777.9) (1,158.0) (10,011.5) (299.2) Non-Controlling Interests 32 140.5 148.5 19.8 22.8 (13,637.4) (1,009.5) (9,991.6) (276.4)

Total Comprehensive Income of Continued and Discontinued Operations (13,637.4) (1,009.5) (9,991.6) (276.4)

Earnings per share:

Basic, for Net Profit / (Loss) after Tax before Discontinued operations (Eur) 17 (0.0891) (0.0067) (0.0653) (0.0019) Basic, for Net Profit / (Loss) after Tax (Eur) 17 (0.0891) (0.0066) (0.0653) (0.0018)

Notes are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements above mentioned. Chartered Accountant The Board of Directors


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


(Values in Eur 000)

Notes December 2017 December 2016

Non-Current Assets Tangible Fixed Assets 18 65,370.8 64,373.3 Intangible Assets - Goodwill 19 10,653.2 10,653.2 Intangible Assets - Other 20 362.4 1,047.3 Investments in Associates - Equity Method Consolidation 21 - 3.5 Accounts Receivable - Related Parties 25 and 37 139,580.8 137,186.3 Investment Properties 22 1,039.0 1,023.0 Deferred Income Tax Assets 15 7,089.6 5,660.7 Total - Non-Current Assets 224,095.8 219,947.2

Curre nt Asse ts Inventories 23 216,796.7 191,631.3 Accounts Receivable - Trade Customers 24 28,574.1 40,285.5 Accounts Receivable - Related Parties 25 and 37 864.2 1,977.0 Accounts Receivable - Other 26 6,055.2 1,369.0 Prepaid Expenses 27 1,944.5 1,401.3 Acrrued Income 28 34,199.9 36,699.5 Current Income Tax Receivable 15 8,379.3 5,633.6 Taxes - Other Than Income Tax 29 21,625.9 3,236.7 Term Deposits 30 3,196.0 3,196.0 Cash and Cash Equivalents 30 4,396.9 8,658.5 Total - Current Assets 326,032.7 294,088.3

Total Assets 550,128.5 514,035.5

Equity Registered Share Capital 17 and 31 169,764.4 169,764.4 Treasury Stock - Par Value 17 and 31 (16,771.0) (16,771.0) Treasury Stock - Share Premium 31 (16,367.8) (16,367.8) Share Premium 31 149,664.3 149,664.3 Supplementary Capital Payments 31 135,171.9 135,171.9 Reserves: Legal Reserve 31 15,077.1 14,916.1 Other Reserves 31 8,132.1 8,132.1 Retained Earnings 2.4 and 31 (424,933.8) (423,927.2) Net Profit / (Loss) 17 (13,777.9) (1,158.0) Sub Total 5,959.3 19,424.8 Non-Controlling Interests 32 1,490.8 1,662.6

Total Equity 7,450.0 21,087.4

Non-Current Liabilities Bank Loans 33 44,097.6 90,600.0 Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 15 3,913.1 3,062.1 Total - Non-Current Liabilities 48,010.7 93,662.2

Current Liabilities Bank Loans 33 88,667.1 16,737.8 Accounts Payable - Trade Suppliers 35 283,752.1 284,222.7 Accouts Payable - Other 36 11,512.7 10,591.6 Accrued Expenses 38 23,274.5 23,011.7 Deferred Income 39 38,079.8 28,217.4 Current Income Tax Payable 15 502.2 25.2 Taxes - Other Than Income Tax 29 48,879.5 36,479.6 Total - Current Liabilities 494,667.8 399,285.9

Total Liabilities 542,678.5 492,948.1

Total Equity and Liabilities 550,128.5 514,035.5

Notes are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements above mentioned.

Chartered Accountant The Board of Directors 44

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


(Values in Eur 000)

Note December 2017 December 2016

Net Profit / (Loss) (13,637.4) (1,009.5)

Non-Cash Items Depreciation & Amortization 2,369.2 2,126.0 Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivables 38.5 (185.1) Impairment Losses in Inventories 7,137.8 (823.5) Income Taxes (2,097.9) 1,650.2 Provisions - (397.6) Fair Value Adjustments - 78.5 Equity Method - Appropriated Net Result - 17.2 Accruals and Deferrals - (2,255.5) Loans - Amortized Cost recognition 480,147 - Interest Paid - Bank Loans - 6,430.8 Interest Paid - Treasury Operations - (1,299.1) Sub Total - Non-Cash Items 7,927.7 5,342.0

Net Profit / (Loss) without Non-Cash Items (5,709.7) 4,332.6

Corporate Income Taxes Paid (748.8) (570.3)

Cash Profit / (Loss) (6,458.5) 3,762.2 1 Changes in Net Working Capital Trade Customers 11,828.8 (206.1) Utilization of Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable (59.0) - Accounts Payable - Trade Suppliers (470.6) 14,784.8 Inventories (32,303.2) (194.4) Accruals & Prepaids 12,081.6 - Other Debtors / Creditors (3,862.1) 4,573.3 Taxes - Other Than Income Taxes (5,989.3) 5,878.8 Sub Total - Changes in Net Working Capital (18,773.7) 24,836.3 26 Cash Generated (25,232.2) 28,598.6 5 Intercompany Intercompany Loans (1,281.8) - Sub Total Intercompany (1,281.8) -

Purchase/Sale of Assets Acquisitions/Disposals - Tangible Fixed Assets (1,937.8) (1,404.7) Acquisitions/Disposals - Intagible Assets - (275.8) Related Party - Financial Operations - (6,146.0) Related Party - Interest - 1,299,118 Amortization, Depreciation and Adjustment utilization (744.1) - Financial Assets Acquisitions (12.5) - Term Deposits - 4,800.0 Sub Total - Acquisitions/Disposals of Assets (2,694.4) (1,727.3) 9 Financing Bank Loans 24,946.8 (21,902.1) Bank Interest - (6,430.8) Dividends Paid - - Sub Total Financing 24,946.8 (28,332.9) 22 Total Funds Flow (4,261.6) (1,461.7) 8 Changes in Cash & Cash Equivalents Cash & Cash Equivalents - Opening Balance 30 8,658.5 10,120.1 Cash & Cash Equivalents - Closing Balance 30 4,396.9 8,658.5

Changes in Cash & Cash Equivalents (4,261.6) (1,461.7)

Notes are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements above mentioned.

Chartered Accountant The Board of Directors 45 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


(Values in Eur 000) Non- Treasury Stock Treasury Stock Share Supplementary Reserve for Legal Other Registered Share Cap Retained Earnings Net Profit / (Loss) Total Controlling Total Equity (Par Value) (Share Premium) Premium Capital Payments Revaluation Reserves Reserves Interests

Notes 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 17 32

As at 1 January 2017 Opening Balance 169,764.4 (16,771.0) (16,367.8) 149,664.3 135,171.9 - 14,916.1 8,132.1 (423,927.2) (1,158.0) 19,424.8 1,662.6 21,087.4

Net Profit / (Loss) ------(13,777.9) (13,777.9) 140.5 (13,637.4)

Total Comprehensive Income ------(13,777.9) (13,777.9) 140.5 (13,637.4)

Allocation on Prior Year's Net Profit / (Loss) ------161.0 - (1,319.0) 1,158.0 - - - Refund of Supplementary Capital Payments ------312.4 - 312.4 (312.4) -

Closing Balance as at 31 December 2017 169,764.4 (16,771.0) (16,367.8) 149,664.3 135,171.9 - 15,077.1 8,132.1 (424,933.8) (13,777.9) 5,959.3 1,490.8 7,450.0

Non- Treasury Stock Treasury Stock Share Supplementary Reserve for Legal Other Registered Share Cap Retained Earnings Net Profit / (Loss) Total Controlling Total Equity (Par Value) (Share Premium) Premium Capital Payments Revaluation Reserves Reserves Interests

As at 1 January 2016 Reported Opening Balance 169,764.4 (16,771.0) (16,367.8) 149,664.3 135,171.9 2,650.8 14,916.1 8,132.1 (351,681.0) (74,897.0) 20,582.8 1,514.1 22,096.9

Net Profit / (Loss) ------(1,158.0) (1,158.0) 148.5 (1,009.5)

Total Comprehensive Income ------(1,158.0) (1,158.0) 148.5 (1,009.5)

Allocation on Prior Year's Net Profit / (Loss) ------(74,897.0) 74,897.0 - - - Tranfer between equity accounts - - - - - (2,650.8) - - 2,650.8 - - - -

Closing Balance as at 31 December 2016 169,764.4 (16,771.0) (16,367.8) 149,664.3 135,171.9 - 14,916.1 8,132.1 (423,927.2) (1,158.0) 19,424.8 1,662.6 21,087.4

Notes are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements above mentioned.

Chartered Accountant The Board of Directors


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74



SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


1. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT ACTIVITY The Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest - Soluções Automóvel Globais SGPS, SA (referred to simply as SAG Gest), as at 31 December 2017, were approved and authorized for disclosure by the Board of Directors on 30 April 2018. In the opinion of the Board of Directors the Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest as at 31 December 2017 reflect truly and fairly the consolidated operations as well as the consolidated financial position and consolidated cash flows of SAG Gest and of the Entities included in consolidation. Shareholders have the capacity to modify the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2017, after the Board of Directors’ approval for release. The Financial Statements are consolidated in Portugal. SAG Gest’s consolidation perimeter is composed of Entities operating in different business areas, which include: • distribution and retail of the Volkswagen, Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles, Škoda, Audi, Bentley and Lamborghini Brands • distribution and retail of motor vehicle parts and accessories • provision of after-sales services (repair and maintenance) of motor vehicles • sales of used vehicles of multiple brands • preparation of new vehicles and body repair • Automotive training to Dealer Networks’ employees of Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles, Škoda, and Audi • provision of Rent-a-Car services The corporate purpose of SAG Gest, who has its registered offices at Estrada de Alfragide nº 67, in Alfragide, Amadora, Portugal, is the management of shareholdings. The Shares of SAG Gest are listed on NYSE Euronext Lisbon since June 1998. 2. SUMMARY OF MAIN ACCOUNTING POLICIES 2.1 Basis of Preparation The Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest were prepared on a going concern basis of operations, as disclosed on Note 2.6 – Management Judgments, in accordance with the historical cost principle, except with respect to Investment Properties, which are recognized at their Fair Value. The Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest, as well as the Financial Statements of the Entities included in the current consolidation perimeter of SAG Gest (as disclosed in Note 3 – Consolidated Entities) relate to the twelve-months period ended 31 December 2017 and were prepared using accounting policies that are consistent among them.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Quarterly amounts were not audited. All of the amounts set forth in the Notes where a separate currency unit is not indicated are expressed in thousands of euros - Eur (000). 2.2 Compliance Statement The Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union, effective 1 January 2017. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with IFRS requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of Assets and Liabilities, as well as the reported amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on Management’s best knowledge of current events and actions, actual results may differ from such estimates. However, the Board of Directors believes that the estimates and assumptions adopted do not entail significant risks that may cause, during the course of the year, material adjustments to the reported amounts of Assets and Liabilities, as disclosed in Note 2.6 – Management Judgments and Note 2.7 – Significant Estimates. 2.3 Changes in Accounting Policies 2.3.1 New Standards or Interpretations applicable to the year beginning 1 January 2017 The European Union (EU) has endorsed the issues, revisions, changes and improvements to the Standards and Interpretations, as indicated in the following table, to become effective from 1 January 2017.

New ammendments applicable to the financial year started on or after 1 January 2017 Mandatory for financial Standard Amendment years beginning on or after

Additional disclosure of Financial Liability variations broken down between (a) transactions that resulted in cash transactions, and (b) transactions that did not result in IAS 7 - Statement of Cash Flows January 1, 2017 cash transactions and the way in which this information combines with financial cash flow in the Cash Flow Statement

Recognised Deferred Asset Taxes associated with fair value assets, future estimated IAS 12 - Income Tax taxable profit in the case of temporary deductible differences, and assessment of the January 1, 2017 recoverability of Deferred Asset Taxes in the case of tax law restrictions

SAG Gest has verified that issuances, revisions, changes and improvements in the Standards and Interpretations mentioned above, in what relates to IAS 12 – Income Tax, did not cause a significant impacts to its Consolidated Financial Statements. The additional disclosures required by IAS 17 – Statement of Cash Flows are reported on Note 33 – Bank Loans. 2.3.2 New Standards and Interpretations issued, applicable to the years beginning after 1 January 2018 The new Standards and Interpretations, amendments and revisions issued by the IASB, already endorsed by the European Union (EU), whose adoption is not mandatory during this year, are indicated in the following table.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

New ammendments applicable to the financial year started on or after 1 January 2018, endorsed by the European Union (EU) Mandatory for financial Standard Amendment years beginning on or after

Entities negotiating insurance contracts are granted the option to recognise volatility, which may result in the application of IFRS 9 in Other Comprehensive Income (instead of IFRS 4 - Insurance Contracts January 1, 2018 recognising it in the Profit and Loss Account) before the new Standard on insurance contracts is published

IFRS 9 - Financial instruments New standard for accounting treatment of financial instruments January 1, 2018

Recognition to the revenue related to the delivery of assets and provision of services IFRS 15 - Revenue from contracts with customers January 1, 2018 through the application of milestones

Determined contractual obligations, moment when the revenue of an intellectual property Amendment IFRS 15 - Revenue from contracts with licence is recognised, revised indicators for classifying the main relation v. agent and new January 1, 2018 customers foreseen regimes that will simplify this transition

Lessee accounting - obligation to recognise (a) a lease liability representing future lease payments, and (b) a right of use asset for all lease contracts except in certain short-term IFRS 16 - Leases January 1, 2019 leases and cheap assets. The definition of a lease contract has also been changed and is now based on the 'right to control use over an identified asset'

SAG Gest has analyzed the possible effects that the issues, revisions, changes and improvements to said Standards and Interpretations may have upon its Consolidated Financial Statements, particularly those associated with the adoption of IFRS 9 – Financial instruments, IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers and IFRS 16 – Leases, and concluded that there are no significant impacts resulting from these amendments. 2.3.3 New Standards and Interpretations issued, not yet endorsed by the European Union The table below indicates the new Standards and Interpretations, amendments and revisions issued by the IASB that are not yet endorsed by the European Union (EU) and whose adoption in the EU is not yet mandatory.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

SAG Gest does not expect that the above issuances, revisions, changes and improvements to said Standards and Interpretations will have significant impacts on its Consolidated Financial Statements. 2.4 Basis of Consolidation Full Consolidation Method a) The Consolidated Financial Statements include the Financial Statements of SAG Gest and of Subsidiaries in which SAG Gest directly or indirectly holds a majority interest or over which SAG Gest exercises management control. Entities controlled by SAG Gest (the Parent Company) are included in consolidation. Control exists when SAG Gest is exposed or has the right to variable returns arising from its involvement in an Entity and has the capacity to influence such returns through its power over the Entity. 51

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Specifically, SAG Gest controls an Entity if and only if SAG Gest has: • Power over the Entity, or rather, holds existing rights that give it the capacity to direct the relevant activities of the Entity • Exposure or right to variable returns arising from its involvement with the Entity • The capacity to use its power over the Entity to influence such returns Generally, it is assumed that a majority of voting rights results in control. In order to support this assumption, and when SAG Gest does not have a majority of voting rights or similar rights in an Entity, SAG Gest considers all relevant facts and circumstances in assessing whether it has power over an Entity, including: • The existence or otherwise of contractual agreements with other holders of voting rights in the Entity • Rights that result from other contractual agreements • The voting rights and potential voting rights of SAG Gest SAG Gest reassesses whether or not an Entity is controlled when facts and circumstances indicate that changes have occurred in one or more of the three control elements. The Financial Statements of these Entities were consolidated using the Full Consolidation Method. b) Subsidiaries are consolidated using the Full Consolidation Method, from date when SAG Gest obtains control until date when control is lost. The Financial Statements of these Subsidiaries are prepared with reference to the same accounting period as the Financial Statements of SAG Gest, and are prepared applying accounting principles that are consistent between them. c) The change in the percentage of interest in these Subsidiaries, without loss of control, is recorded as an equity transaction, in accordance with IFRS 10 – Consolidated Financial Statements. Consolidation using the Equity Method d) Autolombos, an Entity where SAG Gest currently exercises significant influence, was consolidated using the Equity Method. Non-Controlling Interests e) The amount representing interests held by third parties is reported as Non-Controlling Interests in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position as well as in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. f) Losses are attributed to Non-Controlling Interests even where the amount of Non-Controlling Interests becomes negative. g) Non-Controlling Interests represent the interests of unrelated third parties in the Rolvia and Loures Automóveis Subsidiaries. h) Non-Controlling Interests are valued in the proportion of identifiable net assets acquired. Costs incurred with the acquisition are recognized as expenses. i) Transactions with Non-Controlling Interests that do not result in loss of control are recognized as equity transactions (transactions with owners, in their capacity as owners). The difference between the Fair Value of any amount paid and the corresponding portion of the book value of the acquired Net Assets of the Entity is recognized in Equity. Gains and losses on sales to Non-Controlling Interests also are recognized in Equity. 52

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Effects of changes in control j) When SAG Gest ceases to have control or a significant influence over an Entity, any residual interest in the Equity of the Entity is revalued at its market value. Any such changes are recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. Fair Value is the initial book value for the purposes of the subsequent accounting treatment of this interest as a Financial Asset. k) Whenever SAG Gest loses control over an Entity as a consequence of a transaction the following procedures are adopted: • All Assets (including Goodwill) and Liabilities related to such Entity are derecognized • The value of any Non-Controlling Interests is derecognized • Any Cumulative Translation Adjustment related to such Entity that is included in Equity is reclassified to profit or loss for the year • The Fair Value of any consideration received is recognized • The Fair Value of the retained interest is recognized • Any remaining differences are recognized in profit or loss for the year in which the transaction occurs • Any other items related to the Entity that have affected Comprehensive Income are reclassified against the profit or loss for the year Consolidation process l) Balances and transactions (with the corresponding income and expenses) between Entities included in consolidation were eliminated in the consolidation process. m) Dividends distributed between the Entities included in consolidation are eliminated in the proportion of control attributable to SAG Gest. Business acquisitions and Goodwill n) Effective 1 January 2004, SAG Gest applied IFRS 3 – Business Combinations and no longer recognized the amortization of Goodwill as of such date. Goodwill is subject to impairment tests on an annual basis and whenever necessary. Management believes that the amount of Goodwill recognized in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position represents approximately its recoverable amount, as disclosed in Note 18 – Intangible Assets – Goodwill. o) As of 1 January 2009, SAG Gest adopted IFRS 3 (revised). Business acquisitions are recognized using the purchase method, with cost being determined by the aggregate of (i) Fair Value on acquisition date, (ii) consideration paid and (iii) the value of any Non-Controlling Interests in the acquired Entity. p) When business acquisitions are implemented in stages, the Fair Value on date of each purchase of interests previously acquired is revalued at its Fair Value on date of each subsequent purchase, with the corresponding gains or losses being recognized in the profit or loss for the year. Any contingent consideration is valued at its Fair Value on purchase date. Any subsequent change in this Fair Value that is considered as an Asset or as a Liability will be recognized in accordance with IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Valuation, in the Consolidated Statement of


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. If this contingency is considered as Equity, it should not be revalued until it is established as a component of Equity. q) The differences between the book value of Financial Investments and the acquisition values of Entities included in consolidation are reported as follows: • Where the acquisition value exceeds the value of the acquired Equity, any differences are recognized as Goodwill, under Intangible Assets • Where the acquisition value is lower than the value of the acquired Equity, any differences affect the profit or loss for the year in which the acquisition occurs First consolidation adjustments r) The differences determined on date of first consolidation, in 1998, regardless of their positive or negative nature, were recognized directly against Consolidated Equity and are included in Retained Earnings, as disclosed in Note 31 – Equity Instruments. These differences were calculated as follows:

Equity Appropriated By SAG Gest First Consolidation Company Purchase Price Adjustments % Value

SIVA - Sociedade de Importação de Veículos Automóveis, S.A. 301,468.5 100% 35,560.0 265,908.4 Soauto - Comércio de Automóveis, S.A. 6,443.0 100% 3,847.0 2,596.0 ROLPORTO - Comércio e Indústria de Automóveis, S.A. 1,240.0 95% 1,289.5 (49.6) LGA - Logística Automóvel, S.A. 1,097.4 100% 1,384.3 (286.9) Autoimpor - Sociedade Importadora de Automóveis, S.A. 249.4 100% (232.3) 481.7

310,498.2 41,848.6 268,649.7

2.5 Main Accounting Policies The main accounting policies used as the basis for the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements are as described below. These Policies were consistently applied to the years presented, unless otherwise indicated. 2.5.1 Income Recognition (Notes 4 and 39) Business Income Business Income is recognized as such to the extent that economic benefits are likely to flow to the Entity and can be reliably measured. Business Income represents the Fair Value of the amount received or to be received in respect of the sale of products and/or services during the normal course of the Company’s activity. Business Income is recognized net of any taxes and commercial discounts. Business Income includes only the gross inflows from economic benefits received and to be received by SAG Gest and by Entities included in the consolidation, on their own account. Amounts collected on behalf of third parties, such as taxes, including Vehicle Tax (Imposto Sobre Veículos – ISV), are not economic benefits flowing to SAG Gest or to the Entities included in consolidation and do not result in Equity increases, and, therefore, are excluded from Business Income.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

a) Sales Business Income relating to the sale of goods is recognized when the risks and benefits resulting from ownership of the good have been fully transferred to the Buyer and can be reliably measured. i. Deferred Income – Billed Not Shipped In the case of vehicles, the recognition of Business Income usually coincides with the transfer of ownership of the vehicle, which in most cases occurs at the time of issuance of the corresponding sales invoice. Where delivery of vehicles invoiced only occurs after issuance of the invoice, the corresponding Business Income will only be recognized upon delivery of the vehicle to the Buyer. The amount of such Business Income is recognized as Deferred Income during the period between date of issuance of the invoice and the vehicle’s delivery date, as described in Note 39 – Deferred Income. ii. Buyback Transactions The principles set forth in IAS 18 – Revenue are applied to transactions where the Selling Entity or another Entity included in consolidation undertakes, at the time of issuance of the sale invoice, to repurchase the same vehicles (transactions with Buyback clauses). The amounts invoiced or any other expenses or income associated with this type of transactions are not recognized as income when issued, and are recognized on a straight-line basis during the period in which these commitments are maintained, which generally corresponds to the period of time between date of issuance of the sales invoice and the date when the vehicle is re-purchased (the holding period). The amount already recognized as a result of applying this method until 31 December 2017 is disclosed in Note 5 – Other Operating Income, and the amounts pending recognition are disclosed in Note 39 – Deferred Income. b) Services Rendered Business Income related to the Provision of Services is recognized in the income statement with reference to the completion stage of the transaction on reporting date. c) Interest Interest Income is accrued so as to be recognized during the period to which they relate, regardless of whether or not the respective supporting document has been issued. d) Dividends Dividends are is recognized when in substance the declaring Entity is required to declare Dividends. Accrual of Income and Expenses Income and Expenses are recognized during the period to which they refer, regardless of their payment or receipt, according to the accrual basis accounting principle. The differences between the amounts received and paid and the corresponding Income and Expenses are recognized as Assets or Liabilities, if they qualify as such. 2.5.2 Income Tax (Note 15) Income Tax for the period includes Current Income Tax and Deferred Income Tax. Income Tax is recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income, except when it relates to items that are directly recognized in Equity. The amount of Current Income Tax Payable is determined based on Earnings Before Tax, adjusted according to tax rules in force.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

SAG Gest adopts the procedure of recognizing Deferred Income Taxes in accordance with IAS 12 – Income Tax, as a way to adequately recognize the tax effects of its operations and to exclude distortions caused by tax criteria that contradict the economic effects of certain transactions. Deferred Income Tax represents the Income Tax amount of temporary differences between the book value of Assets and Liabilities reported and the corresponding value for tax purposes. Deferred Income Tax Assets are recognized in relation to deductible tax losses whenever there is reasonable certainty that future profits will be generated that will allow for the total utilization of such deductible tax losses. Deferred Income Tax Assets are reviewed annually and reduced whenever it is no longer probable that the corresponding tax losses will be used. Deferred Income Tax Liabilities are recognized in respect of all taxable temporary differences, except those related to: i) the initial recognition of Goodwill; or ii) the initial recognition of Assets and Liabilities that do not result from a business combination and that, as of the date of the transaction, do not affect the accounting result or taxable income. However, taxable temporary differences related to Investments in Subsidiaries should not be recognized to the extent that: i) SAG Gest is able to control the period of reversal of the temporary difference; and ii) it is likely that the temporary difference will not be reversed in the near future. The amount of Deferred Income Taxes is determined by applying the tax rates (and laws) in force, or substantially in force, on reporting date and that are expected to be applicable in the period of realization of the Deferred Income Tax Asset or settlement of the Deferred Income Tax Liability. In accordance with the regulations in force in Portugal, the base rate of Corporate Income Tax (IRC – Imposto sobre o Rendimento de Pessoas Coletivas) is 21%. Where an Entity does not report tax losses, Municipal Surtax (Derrama), at the rate of 1.5%, is added to the basic Corporate Income Tax (IRC) rate. The tax rate thus determined (22.5%, where there are no tax losses, or 21% where the Entity reports a negative taxable income) is applied to the amount of temporary differences that generated Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities. Changes during the year, the reconciliation between the Income Tax for the year and Current Income Tax and the breakdown of Deferred Income Tax balances are disclosed in Note 15 – Income Tax. 2.5.3 Tangible Fixed Assets (Note 18) Tangible Fixed Assets are recognized at acquisition cost, which includes costs associated with the respective acquisition, less the corresponding accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Depreciation is calculated on acquisition cost using the straight-line method, except in the case mentioned below, in order to fully depreciate the assets until the end of their estimated useful life, and the annual depreciation rates stated in the following table are applied.


Buildings and Other Constructions 2.00 Basic Equipment 25.00 to 31.25 Transport Equipment 14.28 to 25.00 Tools 20.00 to 33.33 Office Equipment 12.50 to 33.33 Other Fixed Assets 20.00 to 33.33


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

In the Globalrent Subsidiary, depreciation of the vehicles assigned to the Rent-a-Car activity (short-term rental of vehicles without driver), which are recognized as Basic Equipment, is determined in order to reflect, using the straight-line method, the estimated loss that will occur in the value of the vehicle during the period of its intended use. Repair and maintenance of equipment expenses are recognized in the year in which they occur. 2.5.4 Intangible Assets (Notes 19 and 20) a) Goodwill Positive consolidation differences (Goodwill) represent the excess between the acquisition cost and the Fair Value of identifiable acquired Assets and Liabilities (ii) on date of acquisition or (ii) on date of a change in control that requires a change of the consolidation method. Goodwill is allocated to Cash Generating Units for the performance of impairment tests. Goodwill is not amortized and its amount is reduced by any impairment losses, determined annually on reporting date or whenever there are indications of any loss of value. Any loss of value (impairment) is recognized in the profit or loss for the period and cannot be reversed subsequently. Gains or losses arising from the sale of an Entity / Cash Generating Unit are calculated with the inclusion of respective Goodwill. When a business reorganization occurs involving a change in the composition of the Cash Generating Units to which Goodwill has been allocated, the allocation of Goodwill to the new Cash Generating Units is reviewed. The reallocation is performed considering the relative value of the new Cash Generating Units resulting from such reorganization. In accordance with Appendix B of IFRS 1 – First-Time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, SAG Gest elected not to retroactively apply the calculations to determine Goodwill amount, in accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, nor IAS 21 – Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, in relation to acquisitions performed during periods prior to 1 January 2004. b) Store Key-money Key-money expenses are recognized during the term of the respective rental agreement. Store Key- money is amortized over a period of five years. For the purposes of performing impairment tests, Store Key-money is allocated to the Cash Generating Units with which they are associated. c) Other Intangible Assets Other Intangible Assets are valued at their acquisition cost. Amortization is calculated monthly on a straight-line basis, using rates that allow the complete amortization of such assets until the end of their useful life. Software is amortized at a rate of 33.33%. 2.5.5 Investments in Associates (Note 21) Associates are Entities where SAG Gest exercises a significant influence, generally associated with a holding of between 20% and 50% of voting rights, but does not have control. Investments of SAG Gest in Associates are recognized using the Equity Method. In accordance with this method, Investments are recognized at the respective acquisition cost, adjusted according to the percentage held by SAG Gest in any subsequent changes that occur in the equity of such Entities. Where impairment signs are detected, Investments in Associates are subject to impairment tests. The profit or loss for the year reflects the appropriation by SAG Gest of the operating results of Associates in the proportion of its holdings. Where the share of losses attributable to the Entities included 57

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

in consolidation is equivalent to or exceeds the value of the financial interest in Associates, additional losses are recognized if SAG Gest and/or any of the other Entities included in consolidation have assumed obligations towards third parties. Dividends recognized in the year are deducted from the amount of Investments in Associates. Where SAG Gest loses significant influence, the value of Investments in Associates retained is recognized at Fair Value (with impact on the profit or loss for the year). Unrealized gains and losses in transactions between SAG Gest and/or any other Entity included in consolidation and Associates are eliminated in the proportion of the interest held in Associates. Unrealized losses also are eliminated unless the transaction provides additional evidence that the transferred Asset is in an impairment situation. The accounting policies of Associates are modified as required to ensure that the accounting policies adopted by SAG Gest and its Affiliates are consistently applied. 2.5.6 Investment Properties (Note 22) Investment Properties refer to real estate and land held for income and/or capital appreciation, or both, and not for use during the ordinary course of business (exploration, services rendered or sales). Investment Properties are recognized at Fair Value, determined in accordance with Note 2.5.8 – Determination of Fair Value, reflecting market conditions prevailing at the end of the period. The differences determined in the valuations are recognized in the year in which they occur as Changes in Fair Value in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. Expenses incurred (maintenance, repairs, insurance and property taxes) and income and rents connected with Investment Properties are recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Income and Other Comprehensive Income for the year to which they refer. 2.5.7 Inventories and Impairment Losses in Inventories (Note 23) Inventories are valued at the lower of purchase price or net realizable value. The net realizable value corresponds to the expected selling price, less costs to sell. The purchase price amount is determined as follows: • New Vehicles – purchase price and other additional expenses or net realizable value, where lower than purchase price • Used Vehicles – when vehicles recognized in Inventory result from trade-in transactions, they are valued at purchase price, which is determined in the valuation conducted at the time of the trade- in. The amount is adjusted whenever impairment signs are identified in relation to the net realizable value of such vehicles • Buyback Vehicles – the amount of the recognized cost corresponds to the agreed re-purchase price agreed for the time of re-purchase, net of impairment losses, if any • Parts and other goods – valued at purchase price and other expenses incurred until the respective entry into the warehouse. Outgoing items are valued at the average cost The value of any Impairment Losses in Inventories of Parts is determined based on the turnover of stocks, by type of material, calculated on the basis of the activity recorded during the previous 24 months. This criteria is applied consistently.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

2.5.8 Determination of Fair Value Some polices and disclosures adopted by SAG Gest require the determination of the Fair Value of Financial and Non-Financial Assets and Liabilities. Fair Value represents to the amount that would be received for the sale of an Asset or paid for the transfer of a Liability in a regular arm’s length transaction between market participants on valuation date. To determine the Fair Value of an Asset or Liability, SAG Gest uses observable market data, whenever available. Fair Value is classified as follows at various hierarchical levels based on information (inputs) used in valuation techniques: • Level 1: quoted, unadjusted prices in active markets for identical Assets and Liabilities • Level 2: Inputs that are observable, directly or indirectly, for the Assets or Liabilities • Level 3: Inputs based on unobservable data Fair Value is not determined based on active market quotes, but using valuation models whose main inputs are not observable in the market. Investment Properties are included in this level and are valued by independent external experts. 2.5.9 Financial Assets (other than Financial Investments) Financial Assets are recognized on the date in which the Entity undertakes to acquire it (negotiation date or contract date, as applicable). During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017, SAG Gest only recognized Loans and Accounts Receivable, as disclosed in Notes 24 – Accounts Receivable – Trade Costumers, 25 – Accounts Receivable – Related Parties and 26 – Accounts Receivable – Other, which include non-derivative Financial Assets with fixed or determinable receipts. Customer and Debtor balances are recognized at their nominal value, less any impairment losses, so that the amounts included in the Consolidated Financial Statements represent the respective net realizable value. Impairment losses are recognized when there are signs that the debt is not recoverable, and write-offs are recognized when the applicable legal requirements are met, namely the issuance of the Certificate of Non-Recoverability / Insolvency and the respective Certification by a Statutory Auditor. These Assets are derecognized when: i. The contractual rights to receive their cash flows expire; ii. All risks and benefits associated with the holding of such Assets have been substantially transferred by SAG Gest and/or by Entities included in consolidation; iii. Control over the Assets has been transferred, provided that not all risks and benefits associated with the holding of such Assets are retained, including if some of those risks and benefits are retained. 2.5.10 Cash and Cash Equivalents (Note 30) This item includes Cash and Current Deposits with a maturity of three months or less, readily convertible to known values of money that are not subject to a significant risk of change in value. 2.5.11 Equity Instruments (Note 31) Equity Instruments are classified according to their contractual substance, regardless of their legal form. Equity Instruments issued by Entities included in consolidation are recognized at the amount received, net of expenses incurred with issuance thereof. 59

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

• Treasury Stock acquired is valued at purchase price and recognized as a reduction of Equity. When these Shares are disposed of, the amount received less any direct transaction costs and respective tax is directly recognized in Equity. Holders of Common Shares are entitled to receive dividends as resolved by the Shareholders Meeting and are entitled to one vote for each Share held. There are no Preferred Shares. Rights related to Treasury Stock held in the portfolio of SAG Gest and its Affiliates are suspended until such Shares are placed in the market again. The value of Treasury Stock in the portfolio is presented as Treasury Stock until the date when such Shares are cancelled, re-issued or sold. When Treasury Stock Shares are subsequently sold or re- issued, the amount received is included again in Equity attributable to Shareholders. • Dividends payable are recognized as a liability in the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year in which Shareholders approve the distribution thereof, until respective payment is made. 2.5.12 Financial Liabilities Financial Liabilities are classified according to their contractual substance, regardless of their legal form. During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017, the following Financial Liabilities were recognized: a) Bank Loans b) Accounts Payable The policies and procedures adopted in respect of the situations that occurred during the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017 are as follows: a) Bank Loans (Note 33) Loans are valued at their Amortized Cost, and the amount received is net of commissions related to the issue thereof. Financial expenses are calculated using the Effective Interest Rate Method and are recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income as Financial Costs, on an accrual basis. b) Accounts Payable (Notes 35 and 36) Suppliers and Other Creditors balances are initially recognized at their nominal value, which is deemed to represent their Fair Value. Subsequently, where applicable, such balances are recognized at the Amortized Cost, in accordance with the Effective Interest Rate Method. 2.5.13 Provisions (Note 34) Provisions are recognized when the Entity has a present (legal or constructive) obligation arising from past actions that implies a probable outflow of economic resources to meet this obligation, and such outflow can be reliably measured. Provisions represent the present value of estimated cash outflows required to settle the obligation and are reviewed on each reporting date and adjusted to reflect the best estimate on such date. SAG Gest is party to various judicial proceedings in progress. Based on the opinion of its lawyers, SAG Gest makes a judgment to determine whether a Provision should be recognized in respect of contingencies associated with said judicial proceedings. 2.5.14 Contingent Assets and Liabilities (Note 43) Contingent Assets are not recognized in the Consolidated Financial Statements and are only disclosed when a future economic benefit is likely to exist.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Contingent Liabilities are not recognized in the Consolidated Financial Statements and are disclosed in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, unless the possibility of an outflow of funds is remote, where they are not disclosed. 2.5.15 Subsequent Events (Note 44) Events that occur after reporting date that provide additional information in respect of the conditions that existed on reporting date are reflected in the Consolidated Financial Statements. Events occurring after reporting date that provide information in respect of the conditions that occur after reporting date are disclosed in the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements, if material. 2.5.16 Impairment of Assets Impairment of Non-Financial Assets On each reporting date, SAG Gest assesses the existence of signs that its Tangible and Intangible Assets may be in an impairment situation. Whenever such signs exist, or when IFRS require the performance of impairment tests, SAG Gest estimates the recoverable amount of the Asset, which corresponds to the realizable value of the Asset, net of any costs to sell, or the value in use thereof, whichever is higher. If an impairment situation occurs, the value of the Asset is reduced in order to reflect its recoverable value. When impairment losses have been recognized, Non-Financial Assets, with the exception of Goodwill, are assessed at each reporting date to evaluate the possible reversal of recognized impairment losses. When an impairment loss or the reversal thereof is recognized, the depreciation/amortization of such Assets is recalculated prospectively according to the Asset’s recoverable amount, as adjusted by the recognized impairment. Impairment of Financial Assets Impairment losses in Customer and other Accounts Receivable are recognized whenever there is objective evidence that the amounts are not recoverable in accordance with the initial terms of the transaction. The identified impairment losses are recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income as Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable, and are subsequently reversed through profit and loss, where the impairment signs decrease or are no longer verified. 2.5.17 Operating and Financial Leases Leases where a significant part of the risks and benefits of ownership of the leased asset is held by the Lessor are classified as Operating Leases. Payments performed under Operating Leases are recognized in the income statement using the straight-line method during the lease term, net of any incentives received from the Lessor. Tangible Assets acquired under Financial Leases or other contractual instruments, which, in substance, represent financial leases, are recognized as financial leases, in accordance with IAS 17 – Leases. Accordingly, the value of Tangible Assets acquired, less respective accumulated depreciation, on one hand, and, on the other hand, the value of outstanding debt, are recognized at their Amortized Cost, calculated using the Effective Interest Rate Method. Interest included in the rental amounts and depreciation are recognized as expenses in the year to which they relate. Assets leased to third parties under Operating Leases are recognized as Tangible Assets in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position. These items are depreciated over their estimated


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

useful life. Rental income (net of any incentives granted to the Lessee) is recognized on a straight-line basis during the lease term. 2.5.18 Foreign Currency denominated Transactions and Balances a) Functional currency The functional and presentation currency of the Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest, as well as its Subsidiaries, Affiliates and Associates, is the Euro. b) Recognition of foreign currency denominated transactions Transactions denominated in a foreign currency (outside the Euro zone) are recognized using the exchange rate prevailing on transaction date in the conversion into Euros. Amounts receivable and payable denominated in foreign currency are expressed in Euros using the exchange rates prevailing on reporting date. c) Foreign Currency denominated Non-monetary Assets and Liabilities Non-monetary Assets and Liabilities denominated in a foreign currency and recognized at Fair Value are converted into the functional currency of each Subsidiary or Affiliate using the exchange rate prevailing on date when the respective Fair Value is determined. Subsequently and on each reporting date, such values are converted into the functional currency of SAG Gest, using the exchange rate prevailing on reporting date. d) Exchange differences All exchange differences determined as a result of these procedures are recognized as Income or Expenses for the year. Exchange differences calculated on the balances between Entities included in consolidation are recognized as income or expense for the period in the Consolidated Financial Statements, except where such balances are considered as part of the net investment in a foreign Subsidiary. In this case, said exchange differences are recognized against Equity. 2.5.19 Net Earnings per Share The Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income discloses Basic Net Earnings per Share and Diluted Net Earnings per Share from continuing operations, and, if applicable, from discontinued operations. Basic Earnings per Share is calculated by dividing (i) the profit and loss for the period attributable to the holders of SAG Gest Common Shares (ii) by the weighted average number of Common Shares outstanding during the period. For the purposes of calculating Diluted Earnings per Share, the profit and loss for the period attributable to holders of SAG Gest Common Shares is adjusted (i) for preferred dividends, (ii) for differences resulting from the cancelation of Preferred Shares and (iii) for other similar effects. The weighted average number of Shares outstanding must be adjusted due to events other than the conversion of potential Common Shares that have changed the number of Common Shares outstanding without the corresponding change in resources, so as to reflect the effects of all potential dilutive Common Shares. Dilution is a reduction in Earnings per Share resulting from the assumption (i) that convertible instruments are converted, (ii) that stock options or premiums are exercised or (iii) that Common Shares are issued when certain conditions are met.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

When Basic Earnings per Share and Diluted Earnings per Share are equal, the respective values are disclosed in a single line of the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income. 2.5.20 Operating Segments The Operating Segments are reported consistently with the internal reporting that is produced and made available to Management, namely to the Board of Directors. Based on this report, Management evaluates the performance of each Segment and allocates available resources. 2.6 Management Judgments In preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements in accordance with IFRS, the Board of Directors uses estimates and assumptions that affect the application of policies and the reported amounts. Estimates and judgments are continuously evaluated and are based on past experience and other factors, including expectations in respect of future events considered probable due to circumstances upon which estimates are based or resulting from information or experience acquired. The most significant judgements reflected in the Consolidated Financial Statements are as follows: a) Intangible Assets Valuation and Useful Life SAG Gest used various assumptions in estimating future cash flows from Intangible Assets acquired as part of Entity acquisition processes, including estimates of future revenues, discount rates and the useful life of such assets. b) Going Concern i. In December 2015, SAG Gest completed a restructuration process with its major Banks, which involved mainly the reconstruction of its Consolidated Equity, the extension of maturities and a reduction of the amount in consolidated bank debt. The objective of this process was to rebalance SAG Gest’s consolidated financial structure and to create conditions which would enable presentation of a sustainably profitable Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss, providing SAG Gest and its Affiliates with a base which would enable the development of its activities. ii. The plan at the base of implementation of this process assumes the availability of the financial facilities required to accommodate temporary impacts related to the type of business conducted by SAG Gest and its Affiliates. The unavailability of this type of support represents a relevant risk to the normal development of the activities of SAG Gest and its Affiliates. iii. The profitability assumption, which is the key element of the said restructuring process, was countered by deteriorating business conditions which prevented, particularly at the end of 2017, the development of conditions which would enable the presentation of a profitable Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss. iv. The ability to obtain the financial facilities required to accommodate the temporary impacts which are typical of SAG Gest’s main activities may be negatively affected where said deteriorating trend in the conditions of said activities is maintained. These circumstances represent a (now increased) risk affecting the normal development of the business of SAG Gest’s, as well as of its Subsidiaries and Affiliates. v. SAG Gest’s Board of Directors is developing, together with the Brands represented by the SIVA Subsidiary, under the supervision of the Volkswagen Group, negotiations to reposition its business in order to reverse the current situation and to ensure sustainability of the Group and, consequently, its access to the financing sources required for its business activity.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

As a result, in particular, of a favorable expectation for the outcome of those negotiations, the Board of Directors of SAG Gest is of the opinion that the Consolidated Financial Statements should be prepared and presented on a continuing basis. This outlook is not affected by the fact that, on 31 December 2017, the amount of Current Liabilities reported in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position exceeds by approximately Eur 168.6 million (approximately Eur 105.2 million on 31 December 2014) the value of the Current Assets, since the rotation of the two main components of Current Assets (Inventory and Accounts Receivable – Trade Customers) – which is approximately 4 and 26 times per year respectively – exceeds the rotation of approximately 4 times per year of the main component in Current Liabilities (Accounts Payable – Trade Suppliers). 2.7 Significant Estimates a) Goodwill Impairment Analysis The value of Goodwill is tested annually and whenever circumstances occur that may indicate that its carrying amount is in an impairment situation. The recoverable values of the Cash Generating Units were determined based on the value-in-use methodology. The use of this method requires the estimate of future cash flows from the operations of each Cash Generating Unit and the selection of an appropriate discount rate. The assumptions and variables that the Board of Directors considered and had to exercise a judgment are disclosed in Note 19 – Intangible Assets – Goodwill. Considering the disclosure in Note 2.6. b) – Going Concern, the estimates and assumptions developed and used by Management, in the calculation of future cash flows, were conditional upon the positive outcome of the negotiations with the Brands and Banking Institutions. b) Recognition of Provisions and Impairment Losses SAG Gest is a party to various judicial proceedings in progress. Based on the opinion of its Lawyers, SAG Gest makes a judgment to determine whether a Provision should be recognized in respect of contingencies associated with said judicial proceedings. Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable are essentially calculated based on the ageing of the items comprising the Accounts Receivable balances, on the risk profile of Customers and Debtors and on their respective financial situation. Estimates for the value of Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable differ from business to business. Impairment Losses in Inventories estimated amount is calculated on each reporting date considering the expected sales value of the vehicles and parts in Inventory, based on the best Management knowledge, at the Financial Statements approval date, the events and ongoing transactions, as well the experience of past and / or current events. In order to determine the expected sales value of the used vehicles in Inventories, SAG Gest estimates the devaluation of the market value, on reporting date, taking into account each vehicle’s characteristics, the estimated future channel mix, historical information, sales budget, and information provided by independent automotive experts recognized in the market. The determination of expected sale value of used vehicles that, on reporting date, are still in the possession of the Entities to which they were invoiced, in the context of Buy-Back transactions, the current repurchase price is estimated taken into account the devaluation of the vehicle until the date of repurchase obligation (the holding period).


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

For determination of the expected Parts and Accessories sales value, the Entity determines the rotation of those Inventories by type of material, based on the movements registered during the last 24 months. c) Determination of the market value of Investment Properties Investment Properties are composed of land and buildings and are recognized at the Fair Value, as determined by specialized and independent entities with recognized professional qualifications and experience in the valuation of assets of this nature. d) Deferred and Current Income Tax Estimates Deferred Tax amounts are calculated using the liability method on reporting date, based on the temporary differences between the book values of the assets and liabilities recognized in the Consolidated Financial Statements and their respective tax bases. Deferred Tax Assets are recognized whenever it is likely that future taxable profits will be generated and the temporary differences can be utilized. Therefore, changes in tax regulations or their interpretation by the competent authorities may have an impact on the value of Deferred Tax, as well as the performance of Entities included in consolidation. Deferred Tax amounts are calculated using the tax rate expected to be in force in the year which temporary differences are reversed. e) Estimated Commercial Support Payable and Receivable The estimated amount of commercial support receivable by the SIVA Subsidiary is calculated on each reporting date, based on the results of negotiations and agreements with the Brands in respect of each economic year. The estimated amount of commercial support payable by the SIVA Subsidiary is calculated, on each reporting date, for the vehicles sold by that Subsidiary up to that date, considering the type of each final Customer (sales channel), based on the agreements and rules established annually by the SIVA Subsidiary, for each represented Brand. 3. CONSOLIDATED ENTITIES a. Entities Included in Consolidation The Subsidiaries and Associates included in the Consolidated Financial Statements and their main financial indicators on 31 December 2017, are as follows: (1) Entities included in consolidation using the Full Consolidation Method

Head Shareholder Company Turnover Tota l Asse ts Net Result Dec-17 Dec-16 Office Equity

AA00 - Sociedade de Formação Profissional e Consultoria Técnica, S.A. Amadora 1,662.8 1,558.6 664.8 360.1 100% 100% Autoimpor - Sociedade Importadora de Automóveis, S.A. Amadora - 336,172.0 20,158.3 (10,886.7) 100% 100% Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado - Imocar Lisbon - 65,735.8 63,258.7 4,071.4 100% 100% GlobalRent - Sociedade Portuguesa de Rent-a-Car, Lda. Amadora 53,609.6 30,500.3 1,116.3 365.1 100% 100% LGA - Logística Automóvel, S.A. Azambuja 10,078.0 67,594.0 5,809.9 634.1 100% 100% Loures Automóveis - Comércio de Automóveis, S.A. Loures 29,430.6 11,154.5 3,672.1 15.0 78.17% 71.66% ROLPORTO - Comércio e Indústria de Automóveis, S.A. Porto 16,088.7 8,568.2 3,204.8 263.6 100% 100% ROLVIA - Sociedade de Automóveis, S.A. Porto 14,169.9 5,161.8 1,756.4 294.5 60% 60% SAG Overseas Investment and Finance, Ltd. Ireland - 8,635.9 8,421.4 (150.9) 100% 100% SIVA - Sociedade de Importação de Veículos Automóveis, S.A. Azambuja 589,841.5 582,620.9 73,524.1 (8,932.8) 100% 100% Siva Defleet - Comércio Automóveis, S.A. Azambuja - 71,783.0 49.2 (0.8) 100% - SIVA Serviços - Assessoria Financeira e Administrativa, S.A. Amadora 7,298.9 5,133.7 2,619.2 298.7 100% 100% SOAUTO - Comércio de Automóveis, S.A. Lisboa 84,410.4 32,374.0 10,654.0 (434.7) 100% 100% SOAUTO, SGPS, S.A. Amadora - 26,722.6 26,686.8 (1.4) 100% 100%


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

(2) Entities included in consolidation using the Equity Method

% in Equity Head Shareholder Company Turnover Tota l Asse ts Net Result Dec-17 Dec-16 Office Equity Autolombos - Sociedade de Automóveis, Lda. Oeiras 7,986.3 3,373.9 (0.3) (9.2) 40% 40% b. Main Changes in the Consolidation Perimeter On 1 September 2017, SIVA Defleet – Comércio de Automóveis, S.A. was incorporated. This Entity is wholly owned by the SIVA – Subsidiary, and its main activity is the sale of light passenger cars. Between 1 September 2017 and 31 December 2017 there were no other changes in the consolidation perimeter of SAG Gest, other than the change mentioned above. 4. REPORTING BY OPERATING SEGMENTS Financial information in respect of Operating Segments is regularly and periodically reported to the Board of Directors (the main decision-making body). Based on this report, the Board of Directors assesses the performance of each Segment and allocates available resources. The Board of Directors performs such performance assessment based upon the Operating Profit or Loss and the contribution by each Segment to the Consolidated Operating Profit or Loss. This valuation excludes unusual operating results. The Board of Directors monitors performance according to the various activities conducted. From this perspective, the Operating Segments are the Automotive Distribution and the Automotive Retail Segments. The aggregation was conducted taking into account the similarities of the respective economic activities, in particular the nature of products and services marketed, the type of Customers and the distribution methods and provision of services. The Operating Segments considered are as follows: • The Distribution Segment, which includes: i. distribution in Portugal of the Volkswagen, Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles, Škoda and Audi Brands ii. wholesale trade of parts and accessories iii. preparation of new vehicles (pre-delivery inspections) iv. technical training and consulting • The Retail segment, includes the retail activities in Portugal, in respect of new vehicles of the Volkswagen, Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles, Škoda, Audi, Bentley and Lamborghini Brands, the sale of semi-new and used vehicles of various brands, the marketing of parts and accessories and the provision of vehicle maintenance and repair services, as Authorized Workshops of the Volkswagen, Volkswagen – Commercial Vehicles, Škoda and Audi Brands. This segment also includes the results of the Autolombos Affiliate, which is included in the Consolidated Financial Statements using the Equity Method; • Other Operations include i. the activities of SAG Gest as the Parent Company ii. the activities of the shared services unit (SIVA Serviços) iii. the activities of car rental without driver in Portugal The Operating Profit and Loss (EBIT) of the Cash Generating Units is monitored separately with the objective of deciding in respect of the allocation of resources and the assessment of their performance. 66

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The performance of each Segment is assessed based on the Operating Profit and Loss (EBIT) and its contribution to the Consolidated Operating Profit and Loss (EBIT Consolidated). Financing and taxes are centrally managed and are not allocated to Operating Segments. The transfer prices applied in transactions between the Operating Segments are performed on an arm’s length basis in a manner identical to transactions with unrelated third parties acting in good faith.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Operating Segments The following table shows the Profit and Loss as well the Assets and Liabilities on 31 December 2017 and on 31 December 2016 for the Operating Segments where SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates carry out their activities:

Distribution Retail Other Activities Intra-Group Transactions Discontinued Operations Total Consolidated BUSINESS SEGMENT REPORTING

Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16

Revenue Sales 642,009.2 652,890.2 135,969.8 151,596.4 8,018.3 - 785,997.3 804,486.6 Services 12,963.6 10,632.9 8,129.7 7,988.0 1,268.5 4,220.6 22,361.8 22,841.5 Intra-Group Sales (170,359.0) (164,161.0) (10,274.4) (26,739.1) (8,018.3) (3,006.5) (188,651.6) (193,906.6) Segment Revenue 484,613.8 499,362.1 133,825.2 132,845.3 1,268.5 1,214.1 - - - - 619,707.5 633,421.5

Re sult Impairments in Accounts Receivable (17.1) 48.4 (21.4) 15.6 - - (38.5) 64.0 Impairments in Inventories (6,956.9) (4,441.5) (180.9) (871.9) - - (7,137.8) (5,313.4) Depreciation and Amortization (1,231.1) (996.9) (823.3) (837.2) (304.8) (292.0) (2,359.2) (2,126.0) Segment Profit (EBIT) 3,318.0 19,099.9 1,686.0 2,809.4 (4,685.0) (5,830.9) - - - - 319.0 16,078.4 Financial (Expenses) / Income (6,356.9) (2,578.4) (842.8) (1,255.0) (8,851.1) (11,576.9) (16,050.8) (15,410.3) Income From Associated Companies - Equity Method - - - - (3.5) (17.2) (3.5) (17.2) Net Profit Before Taxes and Non-Controlling Interests (3,038.9) 16,521.5 843.2 1,554.5 (13,539.6) (17,425.1) - - - - (15,735.3) 650.9 Income Taxes 282.5 (3,991.6) (287.4) (442.1) 2,102.9 2,757.9 2,097.9 (1,675.8) Net Profit of Discontinued Operations - 15.4 - 15.4 Non-Controlling Interests - - 140.5 148.5 - - 140.5 148.5

Net Profit / (Loss) attributable to SAG GEST (2,756.3) 12,530.0 415.2 963.9 (11,436.8) (14,667.2) 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.4 (13,777.9) (1,158.0)

OTHER INFORMATION Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16

Segment Assets 915,262.0 760,955.2 85,642.2 80,869.9 992,508.5 996,252.9 (1,443,284.2) (1,324,042.4) - - 550,128.5 514,035.5 Total Consolidated Assets 915,262.0 760,955.2 85,642.2 80,869.9 992,508.5 996,252.9 (1,443,284.2) (1,324,042.4) - - 550,128.5 514,035.5 Segments Liabilities 643,986.8 510,356.1 37,445.2 33,476.0 658,527.7 628,606.6 (797,281.3) (679,490.6) - - 542,678.5 492,948.1 Total Consolidated Liabilities 643,986.8 510,356.1 37,445.2 33,476.0 658,527.7 628,606.6 (797,281.3) (679,490.6) - - 542,678.5 492,948.1 Capital Expenditure 5,852.8 3,132.2 147.7 390.6 138.0 230.3 6,138.5 3,753.1


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

5. OTHER OPERATING INCOME Other Operating Income is as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31

2017 2016 2017 2016

Warranty Extensions 4,087.9 5,075.4 716.6 1,187.9 Vehicles Preparation - Expenses Recovered 4,045.3 4,186.2 855.6 1,095.3 Vehicles Legalization - Expenses Recovered 3,244.1 3,253.7 634.7 798.9 Vehicle Taxes - Expenses Recovered 2,692.9 3,255.1 617.0 658.4 Transportation - Expenses Recovered 2,591.3 2,547.4 569.9 632.2 Accrued Income - "Buy-Back" Operations * 2,456.3 5,385.4 (1,322.7) 1,308.3 Commissions Earned 1,512.6 1,159.5 478.1 384.6 Mobility Program - Expenses Recovered 657.8 741.5 148.8 191.2 Quality Tools 529.3 445.3 105.9 48.3 Rappel - Parts and Accessories 418.7 268.1 7.1 191.0 Rappel - Oils and Lubricants 376.0 334.3 57.3 56.0 Other Expenses Recovered 233.0 482.4 56.3 (9.6) Data Processing Fees 210.0 210.0 52.5 52.5 Maintenance Agreement 196.4 237.1 75.5 63.5 Buildings Rental 190.1 180.3 48.0 46.8 Signposting and Dealerships Furniture 53.1 40.4 9.3 (12.1) Other Operating Income 551.8 457.8 154.7 191.6

Total Other Operating Income 24,046.7 28,260.0 3,264.6 6,884.7 * According to Note a) ii. – Business Income – Buyback transactions. 6. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Other Operating Expenses are reported in the table below.

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31

2017 2016 2017 2016

Vehicle Taxes 4,872.4 4,114.0 1,091.9 1,083.3 Warranty Extensions 3,869.1 4,187.3 918.9 1,095.2 Vehicles Legalization Expenses 2,463.2 2,387.5 563.9 616.5 Transportation Expenses 2,299.1 2,188.9 529.5 559.8 Subcontracts 1,815.9 1,554.6 484.3 404.3 Vehicles Rental Buy-Backs 799.2 - 133.3 - Training 593.8 444.9 265.7 128.1 Mobility Program Expenses 533.6 591.2 146.3 168.0 Replacement Vehicle 364.4 460.0 84.6 136.8 Fuel 309.5 315.4 77.4 79.0 Delivery Services 213.5 103.1 11.4 (55.2) Consumables 227.4 433.6 71.3 156.6 Vehicle Maintenance Contracts 141.5 96.5 49.3 35.2 Signposting and Dealerships Furniture 133.0 201.8 26.0 77.3 Indirect Taxes 119.0 1,560.0 26.6 408.1 Technical Assistance 69.9 98.4 (3.2) 40.1 Car Washing 68.2 354.1 41.3 76.1 Levies 33.9 34.9 6.9 7.3 Fines and Penalties 19.5 14.6 10.8 8.2 Other Operating Expenses 429.7 171.5 121.6 8.6

Total Other Operating Expenses 19,375.8 19,312.3 4,657.8 5,033.2


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

7. SALES, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES – COMMERCIAL EXPENSES Sales, General and Administrative Expenses – Commercial Expenses are as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Advertising 12,422.3 9,687.5 3,845.5 2,752.5 Patronage 58.5 36.5 13.3 11.3 Other Commercial Expenses 5.6 3.9 2.0 1.3

SG&A- Commercial Expenses 12,486.4 9,727.9 3,860.8 2,765.1 8. SALES, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES – CAR EXPENSES Sales, General and Administrative Expenses – Car Expenses are as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Vehicles Rental Expenses 1,222.1 1,007.7 593.6 397.2 Fuel 611.2 553.5 159.5 141.0 Vehicles Insurance Expenses 452.8 355.0 146.4 123.6 Vehicles Maintenance Expenses 62.3 30.5 24.0 18.9 Freight and Carriage 7.3 105.2 2.1 25.5 Other Car Expenses 195.9 166.5 65.6 43.1 SG&A- Car Expenses 2,551.5 2,218.3 991.1 749.3


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

9. SALES, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES – OVERHEADS Sales, General and Administrative Expenses – Overheads are as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Rents and Rentals 2,527.4 2,541.0 630.9 636.0 IT Specialized Services 1,866.2 1,794.5 409.7 414.2 Consulting Fees 1,759.2 1,041.9 719.2 364.0 Management Fees 1,597.2 1,636.2 397.2 409.1 Repairs & Maintenance 1,100.2 1,159.4 306.0 383.9 Miscellaneous Fees 705.5 606.8 202.4 153.3 Electricity 597.2 573.4 148.6 142.2 Cleaning, Hygiene and Comfort 581.7 574.4 148.5 155.7 Other Specialized Services 581.0 439.4 16.9 138.9 Travelling Expenses 504.9 488.6 136.6 176.2 Surveillance and Security 374.0 374.1 93.1 93.6 Other Insurance 327.9 276.2 103.4 76.4 Telecommunications 257.3 317.4 47.2 43.6 Management Fee - Imocar Investment Fund 227.8 222.9 59.1 56.0 Audit Fees 206.3 201.6 42.9 (8.3) Mail 199.6 79.3 95.6 28.0 Tools and Utensils 194.7 194.8 74.1 46.7 Data-processing Services 188.0 117.9 83.0 39.6 Office Supplies 125.8 117.3 32.2 32.8 Legal Advisors Fees 119.7 161.1 9.5 46.2 Translations 106.5 109.2 10.5 22.1 Water 82.8 82.2 14.7 23.7 Other Fluids 76.2 82.5 17.2 15.9 Staff Transportation 75.5 75.5 18.3 18.3 Other Commissions 36.8 71.0 28.4 40.2 Litigation and Notaries 24.4 11.3 3.4 2.5 Newspapers and Magazines 12.5 10.6 3.0 2.4 Books 9.3 12.8 2.4 3.4 Capitalization Expenses - 0.7 - - Other Non-Variable Expenses 103.8 31.9 24.8 (40.0) SG&A- Non-Variable Expenses 14,569.6 13,406.1 3,878.6 3,516.8 10. PAYROLL EXPENSES Payroll Expenses are as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Corporate Bodies - Fixed Remuneration 1,801.6 1,594.6 516.4 428.4 Employees - Fixed Remuneration 13,925.6 13,345.3 3,736.2 3,583.9 Social Security Contributions 3,879.0 3,647.6 1,055.3 931.3 Employee Bonuses and Variable Remuneration 1,803.5 1,608.9 148.0 399.1 Workmen Compensation 359.5 346.0 125.0 124.3 Restructuring and Reorganization Expenses 349.3 125.3 269.3 23.8 Canteen Expenses 168.8 161.5 47.5 57.2 Trainees 91.0 142.8 20.7 28.8 Other Employee Benefits 18.2 13.3 16.9 12.8 Other Payroll Costs 199.8 146.6 87.9 54.0 Total Payroll Expenses 22,596.4 21,131.9 6,023.1 5,643.5


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The number of Employees of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries on 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016, as well the average number of Employees during the twelve months then ended is disclosed in the following table.

Period of 12 months ended on December 31 End of Period Average 2017 2016 2017 2016 Number of Employees 677 654 667 645 11. GAINS AND LOSSES ON SALES OF TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Gains and Losses on Sales of Tangible Fixed Assets are as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December December 31 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Gains and (Losses) from Tangible (10.0) 6.7 (15.6) (18.6) Fixed Assets sales Total (10.0) 6.7 (15.6) (18.6) The amounts disclosed represent the net value of gains or losses realized on sales of these Assets. 12. FINANCIAL EXPENSES Financial Expenses are disclosed in the following table:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Interest Paid 9,127.3 9,088.4 2,401.0 2,072.9 Bank Guarantees Expenses 8,184.7 7,291.8 1,815.3 1,570.8 Bank Charges 224.0 259.4 91.4 67.2 Foreign Exchange Losses 1.5 26.5 - 5.2 Financing Charges - - (26.8) - Cash Discount Allowed - 75.5 - 13.5 Total Financial Expenses 17,537.5 16,741.6 4,281.0 3,729.6 As disclosed in Note 43 – Commitments and Contingencies, SAG Gest and/or Entities included in consolidation requested that various Financial Institutions issue Bank Guarantees on their behalf for the benefit of third parties (including Suppliers). The amount of these Bank Guarantees on 31 December 2017 was Eur (000) 174,060.8 (Eur (000) 174,025.4 on 31 December 2016). 13. FINANCIAL INCOME Financial Income is as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Interest Received 1,361.4 1,370.5 322.0 54.2 Compensatory Interests 101.7 - - - Favourable Exchange Differences 2.6 36.0 - 10.7 Cash Discount Received - 3.4 - 1.1 Other Financial Income 4.9 - 4.9 - Total Financial Income 1,470.7 1,409.9 326.9 66.1


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

14. INCOME AND EXPENSES – RELATED PARTIES – EQUITY METHOD Income and Expenses – Related Parties represent the appropriation by SAG Gest of the Net Income reported during the period by the Autolombos Affiliate, which is consolidated using the Equity Method. SAG Gest does not have majority ownership in this Affiliate but exercises a significant influence over its Management. Details in respect of these amounts are disclosed in the following table.

Reported Net Result Period of 12 months Period of 3 months ended on December 31 ended on December 31 Participation % 2017 2016 2017 2016

Autolombos - Sociedade de Automóveis, Lda. 40.00% (8.9) (43.1) (24.6) (50.8)

Appropriated Net Result Period of 12 months Period of 3 months ended on December 31 ended on December 31 Participation % 2017 2016 2017 2016

Autolombos - Sociedade de Automóveis, Lda. 40.00% (3.5) (17.2) (9.9) (20.3)

Sub-Total Appropriated Net Income (3.5) (17.2) (9.9) (20.3) Income / (Loss) from Associated Companies (3.5) (17.2) (9.9) (20.3) 15. INCOME TAX a) Changes in tax regulations i. Special Regime for Taxation of Groups of Entities (RETGS – Regime Especial de Tributação de Grupos de Sociedades) Law 2/2014, dated 16 January 2014, amended, among others, Article 69 of the Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Code, which defines the terms and conditions for adoption of the RETGS regime. These changes were effective 1 January 2014. Paragraph 2 of said Article 69 provides that in order for an Entity to be considered as a controlled Entity, for the purposes of applying the RETGS regime, the percentage that a Shareholder holds directly or indirectly in such Entity is 75% (previously 90%), provided that such holding confers at least 50% of voting rights. If this condition is verified, the Entity shall be included in the RETGS perimeter of its Shareholder Entity. As a result of this change and pursuant to the requirements of Article 69 of the Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Code, SAG Gest, effective 1 January 2014, had a new Parent Entity for tax purposes, the SGC – SGPS Shareholder, its majority Shareholder, and, consequently, was included in the RETGS perimeter of the said Entity. Additionally, and also as a result of the aforementioned changes, the other Entities previously included in SAG Gest’s RETGS perimeter, where the SGC – SGPS Shareholder directly and indirectly holds an interest of more than 75%, became included in the RETGS perimeter of the latter Entity, effective 1 January 2014. The Parent Entity reported the decision to apply this regime to the Tax Authorities on 25 March 2014. The Tax Authorities confirmed this change on 2 March 2015. Also on 25 March 2014, pursuant to the provisions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 71 of the Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Code, the SGC – SGPS Shareholder applied for maintenance of tax losses related


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

to previous financial years, determined under SAG Gest’s RETGS, as well as for the maintenance of the individual tax losses of Entities that were part of the previous RETGS led by the SGC – SGPS Shareholder. The Tax Authorities confirmed on 23 January 2018 that said Tax Losses were deductible as requested. SAG Gest has recognized in its Financial Statements, as of 31 December 2017, the corresponding amount of Deferred Income Tax Assets. ii. Deductibility of financial expenses With the introduction of a new tax regime limiting the deductibility of financial expenses, the tax deductibility of these expenses is limited in accordance with the following procedures. a) Financial expenses, as adjusted in accordance with the definitions provided for in such regime, are only deductible up to the greater of the following limits: i. Eur (000) 1,000.0 ii. 30% of net profit or loss before depreciation / amortization, net financing expenses and taxes, as adjusted for tax purposes (Tax EBITDA). b) When the RETGS is applied, the Parent Entity may choose to calculate deductible financial expenses on a consolidated or individual basis (Entity by Entity). As the Parent Entity of the RETGS that includes SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates, the SGC – SGPS Shareholder elected to calculate the value of deductible financial expenses on a consolidated basis. This option was reported to the Tax Authorities on 31 March 2016 and is applicable during a three-year period, between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2018. Therefore, the calculation of deductible financial expenses corresponds to the sum of relevant financial results incurred by the Entities included in the RETGS perimeter, with a deduction limit corresponding to the greater value between (i) Eur (000) 1,000.0 and (ii) 30% of Tax EBITDA, as calculated on a consolidated basis. b) Revisions to tax returns In accordance with current legislation, Portuguese tax returns are subject to review and correction by the Tax Authorities during a period of four years (five years for Social Security). Accordingly, tax returns of the Entities included in consolidation for the years 2014 to 2017 may be subject to revision, although SAG Gest does not believe that any corrections resulting from the review by the Tax Authorities of those tax returns will significantly impact the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2017. When tax losses have been declared, or if audits, claims or challenges are under way, this term is extended or suspended, depending on the circumstances. The tax returns of the Entities included in consolidation may be corrected where the respective Additional Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Assessment Notice has been challenged in court proceedings, as disclosed in Note 43 – Commitments and Contingencies. c) Current Income Tax Calculation Current Income Tax represents the liability for the payment of Income Tax that must be settled in respect of the current fiscal year and corresponds, in the RETGS regime, to the sum of Income Tax calculated in respect of each of the Entities included in consolidation, as determined in their respective annual tax returns. Income Tax rates applicable in Portugal in 2017 are as follows:


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

i. Basic Corporate Income Tax (IRC) rate: 21% of taxable income ii. Municipal Surtax (Derrama Municipal): 1.5% of positive taxable income, determined on an individual basis, for each Entity included in consolidation that conducts its activities in Portugal iii. State Surtax (Derrama Municipal): is charged on the positive taxable income, determined on an individual basis for each of the Entities included in consolidation that conducts its activities in Portugal, with the following tax rates applicable: a. 3% on positive taxable income between Eur (000) 1,500.0 and Eur (000) 7,500.0 b. 5% on positive taxable income between Eur (000) 7,500.0 and Eur (000) 35,000.0 c. 7% on positive taxable income over Eur (000) 35,000.0 d) Reconciliations: Accounting Result and Taxable Income, Effective Tax Rate and Statutory Tax Rate Reconciliations between (i) the accounting result and taxable income and (ii) the tax rates applied to the accounting result (Effective Tax Rate) and the statutory tax rates applied (after tax corrections to the accounting results) during the financial years ended 31 December 2017 and 2016 are stated in the following tables.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Period of 12 months ended December 31

2017 Deferred Income Tax Accounting Tax #Difª Debit / (Credit) Assets Liabilities

A - Earnings Before Tax (15,735.3)

B - Temporary Differences between Tax and Reporting Basis Elimination of Intra-Group Margins - 126.2 (126.2) (28.4) Recognition/ (Reversal) Non Deductible Provisions - (442.6) 442.6 99.6 Non Deductible Accrued Expenses - 58.6 (58.6) (13.2) Revaluations - 165.4 (165.4) (37.2) Imocar Investment Fund Earnings - (4,005.9) 4,005.9 901.3 Others - 353.5 (353.5) (44.2)

Total Temporary Differences - (3,744.7) 3,744.7 27.0 850.9

C - Permanent Differences between Tax and Reporting Basis Non Deductible Financial Expenses 8,631.0 8,631.0 - Income From Associated Companies - Equity Method 3.5 3.5 - Income From Participation Units - Imocar Real Estate Fund - - - Non Deductible Depreciations 474.5 474.5 - Tax Benefits (123.8) (123.8) - Fines, Penalties and Compensatory Interests 19.5 19.5 - Donations 19.1 19.1 - Capital Gains / (Losses) (22.5) (22.5) - Impairment Losses - - - Others 211.6 211.6 -

Total Permanent Differences 9,212.9 9,212.9 -

D - Taxable Income (D = A + B + C) (6,522.4) (10,267.1) 3,744.7 27.0 850.9 D - 1 - Taxable Income - Foreign Operations - - D - 2 - Taxable Income - Portugal (6,168.9) (9,913.6) D - 3 - Taxable Income - Portugal - Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates (353.5) (353.5)

D-2 Corporate Income Tax (Portugal) (1,295.5) (2,111.9) Corporate Income Tax Rate (Portugal) 21.0% 21.0%

D-3 Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates (44.2) (44.2) Tax Rate - Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates 12.5% 12.5%

1 - Municipal Tax 146.3 84.9 Municipal Tax Rate (Portugal) 1.5% 1.5% Municipal Tax - Taxable Income (Note 1) 9,756.3 5,658.0

2 - Income Tax Surtax - Applied to Taxable Income in Excess of 1,500,000 € 10.2 10.2 Income State Tax Surtax (Portugal) 3.0% 3.0% Income Tax Surtax - Taxable Income (Note 2) 340.1 340.1

3 - Income Tax Surtax - Applied to Taxable Income in Excess of 7,500,000 € - - Income State Tax Surtax (Portugal) 5.0% 5.0% Income Tax Surtax - Taxable Income (Note 2) - -

4 - Total Calculated Tax - (4 = D2 + D3 + 1 + 2 + 3) (1,183.1) (2,061.0) - - - Average Statutory Income Tax Rate (Portugal) 18.1% 20.1%

1 - Taxable Income subject to Foreign Income Tax Rates - - 2 - Income Tax Related to Foreign Taxable Income - - Average Foreign Income Tax Rate 12.5% 12.5%

3 - Taxable Income subject to Income Tax in Portugal (D - 2) (6,168.9) (9,913.6) 4 - Taxable Income subject to Income Tax in Portugal - Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates (D - 3) (353.5) (353.5) 5 - Income Tax Rate related to Taxable Income in Portugal (4) (1,183.1) (2,061.0) Statutory Income Tax Rate - Portugal 18.1% 20.1%

6. Taxable Income ( 6= 1+3+4 = D) (6,522.4) (10,267.1) 3,744.7


Total Income Tax (2 + D-5) (1,183.1) (2,061.0) Income Tax on Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates 50.9 50.9 Adjustments to Prior Years Income Tax Estimates (878.6) (878.6)

Current Income Tax (2,010.8) (2,888.7)

Deferred Taxes - Tax Losses expiry Write-off 3,782.6 3,782.6 3,782.6 Deferred Income Tax Assets - Financial Investment losses prior year (3,869.7) (3,869.7) (3,869.7) Deferred Income Tax Assets - (Increase) / Decrease 27.0 27.0 Deferred Income Tax Liabilities - Increase / (Decrease) 850.9 850.9

Deferred Income Tax (87.1) 790.8 (60.1) 850.9

7 - Income Tax Continued Operations (2,097.9) (2,097.9) (60.1) 850.9

8 - Income Tax Discontinued Operations - -

Average Income Tax Rate - (7 + 8) : D 32% 20% -222.7% 100.0% Effective Income Tax Rate - (7 + 8) : A 13% 13% 0.4% -5.4% Note 1: The Municipal Surtax (Derrama Municipal) is calculated as reported in Note 15 c). During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017, SAG Gest and the SIVA Serviços, LGA, AA00, Globalrent, Loures Automóveis, Rolporto and Rolvia Subsidiaries reported positive taxable income. Note 2: The State Surtax (Derrama Estadual) is calculated as reported in Note 15 c). During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017, the LGA Subsidiary reported positive taxable income in excess of Eur (000) 1,500.0. Note 3: In 2016 the liquidation the Group's subsidiary Novinela generated tax losses of approximately Eur (000) 21.300. Since the recoverability of this amount was under analysis, no Deferred Income Tax Assets were recognized. Upon conclusion of said


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

analysis, a claim in respect of such tax losses will be filed. Deferred Income Tax Assets of Eur (000) 3.869,7 were recognized in 2017 in respect of this matter Note 4: The amount of Eur (000) 878.6 disclose as adjustments of prior years’ Income Tax Estimates is mainly related to the tax effect of the liquidation of the Frotarent Subsidiary. Tax Estimates of 2016 did not include this amount since it was not yet concluded. The 2016 Income Tax return included this tax loss.

Period of 12 months ended December 31

2016 Deferred Income Tax Accounting Tax #Difª Debit / (Credit) Assets Liabilities

A - Earnings Before Tax 650.9

B - Temporary Differences between Tax and Reporting Basis Elimination of Intra-Group Margins - 112.6 (112.6) (25.3) Recognition/ (Reversal) Non Deductible Provisions - (1,068.6) 1,068.6 240.4 Utilization of Tax Losses Carried Forward - (1,499.2) 1,499.2 314.8 Non Deductible Accrued Expenses - 54.1 (54.1) (12.2) Revaluations - - - - Imocar Investment Fund Earnings - (4,004.2) 4,004.2 900.9 Others - 353.5 (353.5) (44.2)

Total Temporary Differences - (6,051.7) 6,051.7 485.7 888.8

C - Permanent Differences between Tax and Reporting Basis Financial Investments Impairments - - - Non Deductible Financial Expenses 5,665.1 8,299.7 (2,634.5) Income From Associated Companies - Equity Method 18.0 (3.1) 21.1 Income From Participation Units - Imocar Real Estate Fund - - - Non Deductible Depreciations 544.0 425.9 118.1 Tax Benefits (138.2) (39.2) (99.0) Fines, Penalties and Compensatory Interests 14.6 6.3 8.2 Donations 19.2 2.3 16.9 Capital Gains / (Losses) 52.4 (2.2) 54.6 Impairment Losses 78.5 78.5 - Others 288.2 234.6 53.7

Total Permanent Differences 6,541.8 9,002.8 (2,461.0)

D - Taxable Income (D = A + B + C) 7,192.8 3,602.0 3,590.7 485.7 888.8 D - 1 - Taxable Income - Foreign Operations 289,418 289.4 D - 2 - Taxable Income - Portugal 7,256.9 851.6 D - 3 - Taxable Income - Portugal - Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates (353.5)

D-2 Corporate Income Tax (Portugal) 1,523.9 178.8 Corporate Income Tax Rate (Portugal) 21.0% 21.0%

D-3 Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates (44.2) - Tax Rate - Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates 12.5% 12.5%

1 - Municipal Tax 226.1 152.5 Municipal Tax Rate (Portugal) 1.5% 1.5% Municipal Tax - Taxable Income (Note 1) 15,075.3 10,169.3

2 - Income Tax Surtax - Applied to Taxable Income in Excess of 1,500,000 € 99.8 99.8 Income State Tax Surtax (Portugal) 3.0% 3.0% Income Tax Surtax - Taxable Income (Note 2) 3,328.1 3,328.1

3 - Income Tax Surtax - Applied to Taxable Income in Excess of 7,500,000 € - - Income State Tax Surtax (Portugal) 5.0% 5.0% Income Tax Surtax - Taxable Income (Note 2) - -

4 - Total Calculated Tax - (4 = D2 + D3 + 1 + 2 + 3) 1,805.7 431.2 - - - Average Statutory Income Tax Rate (Portugal) 26.2% 50.6%

1 - Taxable Income subject to Foreign Income Tax Rates 289.4 289.4 2 - Income Tax Related to Foreign Taxable Income 36.2 36.2 Average Foreign Income Tax Rate 12.5% 12.5%

3 - Taxable Income subject to Income Tax in Portugal (D - 2) 7,256.9 851.6 4 - Taxable Income subject to Income Tax in Portugal - Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates (D - 3) (353.5) - 5 - Income Tax Rate related to Taxable Income in Portugal (4) 1,805.7 431.2 Statutory Income Tax Rate - Portugal 26.2% 50.6%

6. Taxable Income ( 6= 1+3+4 = D) 7,192.8 1,141.1 6,051.7


Total Income Tax (2 + D-5) 1,841.9 467.4 Income Tax on Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates 52.6 52.6 Adjustments to Prior Years Income Tax Estimates (243.9) (243.9)

Current Income Tax 1,650.6 276.1

Deferred Income Taxes - Prior Years (0.4) (0.4) Deferred Taxes - Tax Losses expiry Write-off Deferred Income Tax Assets - (Increase) / Decrease 485.3 Deferred Income Tax Liabilities - Increase / (Decrease) 888.8 888.8

Deferred Income Tax (0.4) 1,374.1 (0.4) 888.8

7 - Income Tax Continued Operations 1,675.8 1,675.8 (0.4) 888.8 8 - Income Tax Discontinued Operations (25.6) (25.6) Note 1: The Municipal Surtax (Derrama Municipal) is calculated as reported in Note 15 c). During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2016, SAG Gest and the SIVA, Rolvia, Soauto Comércio, AA00, Frotarent, Globalrent, LGA, Rolporto, Loures Automóveis and Siva Serviços Subsidiaries reported positive taxable income. Note 2: The State Surtax (Derrama Estadual) is calculated as reported in Note 15 c). During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2016, the SAG Gest, SIVA and LGA Subsidiary reported positive taxable income exceeding Eur (000) 1,500.0.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Note 3: In 2016, a tax loss of approximately Eur (000) 21,300 was determined in respect of the liquidation of the Novinela Subsidiary. On 31 December 2016, the Deferred Tax Assets relating to this situation were not recognized, as the future recoverability of this loss is still under analysis. Income Tax was calculated using tax rates in force, or substantially in force, on reporting date, in each country where taxable income is generated, according to respective tax regulations. The estimated Income Tax (Eur (000) 2,097.9) recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income for the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017, the calculation of which is shown in the table above for the year 2017, was recognized in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position on 31 December 2017 as follows:

Corporate Income Tax 2017

Current Income Tax - Receivable (2,512.3) Note 15 g) (iii) Current Income Tax - Payable 502.2 Note 15 h) Current Income Tax - Prior Years (878.6) Nota 15 d)

Current Income Tax - Payable / (Receivable) (2,888.7)

Deferred Taxes - (Increase) / Decrease (60.1) Note 15 e) Deferred Taxes - Increase / (Decrease) 850.9 Note 15 e)

Corporate Income Tax - Estimated (2,097.9) The amount disclosed as Current Income Tax – Prior Years (Eur (000) 878.6) is mainly related to the tax loss incurred in the liquidation of the Frotarent Subsidiary (Eur (000) 985.4). Tax Estimates of 2016 did not include this amount since the Estimate was not yet complete on reporting date. The 2016 Income Tax return included this amount as a tax-deductible item. The remaining amount refers to a number of small adjustments to the estimates of the previous year, including deductible net financial expenses, depreciation and car expenses. e) Deferred Income Tax The Deferred Income Tax balances are as indicated in the following table, which also identifies the differences between tax and reporting basis of the corresponding Assets and/or Liabilities:

Temporary Deferred Income Tax Temporary Differences Differences between Income between Income 2017 Tax and Book Balance as at Impact on Results Balance Sheet Balance as at 31 Tax and Book Values as at 1 January 2017 of the year Reclassifications December 2017 Values as at 31 1 January 2017 December 2017

Deferred Income Tax Assets Provisions 7,845.2 1,765.2 (99.6) - 1,665.6 7,402.6 Margins in Inventories 3,268.2 735.3 28.4 - 763.7 3,425.8 Tax Losses Carried Forward 13,732.2 2,883.8 87.1 1,368.8 4,339.7 20,665.1 Other Consolidation Adjustments 50.0 11.2 - - 11.2 50.0 Others 2,121.2 265.2 44.2 - 309.3 2,418.2

Total Deferred Income Tax Assets 27,016.7 5,660.7 60.1 1,368.8 7,089.6 33,961.7

Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Azambuja - 2002 Fixed Assets Revaluation 13,039.9 1,561.4 (37.2) - 1,524.2 13,039.9 Amortized Cost 627.3 141.1 (13.2) - 128.0 568.7 Real Estate Fund Imocar - Change in regulation 6,042.5 1,359.6 901.3 - 2,260.9 10,048.4 Total Deferred Income Tax Liabilities 19,709.7 3,062.1 850.9 - 3,913.1 23,657.0


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

f) Deferred Income Tax Assets relating to Tax Losses carried forward The amount of Tax Losses carried forward that may be utilized in the future, and the amount of the corresponding Deferred Income Tax Assets, by year of origin and expiration date, are detailed in the following table.

IRC Origin Year Tax Losses Value Expiry

2016 20,665.1 4,339.7 2028

Total 20,665.1 4,339.7 The Board of Directors expects that positive taxable income will be generated in the future, allowing for the utilization of the amount of tax losses carried forward. g) Current Income Tax – Receivable Current Income Tax receivable is as follows:

Corporate Income Tax Dec-17 Dec-16

Corporate Income Tax - Disputed Amounts 3,973.8 3,973.8 Advance Corporate Income Tax Payments 1,755.5 1,517.1 Corporate Income Tax Receivable FY 2017 - Estimated 2,512.3 - Income Tax Surtax 129.9 129.9 Corporate Income Tax Receivable - FY 2016 - 9.7 Other 7.8 3.2

Total Corporate Income Tax Receivable 8,379.3 5,633.6 i. Corporate Income Tax (IRC) – Disputed Amounts The amount of Eur (000) 3,973.8 represents the payment of Corporate Income Tax (IRC) related to several previous periods, as a result of additional income tax assessments issued by the Portuguese Tax Authorities, which are pending judicial challenge, as disclosed in Note 43 – Commitments and Contingencies. This payment was made in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in Decree-Law 151-A/2013. This payment eliminated the contingency resulting from additional compensatory and penalty interest, penalties and costs which as of the date of such payment, were as follows: • compensatory interest of Eur (000) 508.5 • penalty interest of Eur (000) 820.2 • costs in the amount of Eur (000) 45.9 These amounts would represent additional contingencies if this payment had not been performed. This payment also allowed for the cancellation of Bank Guarantees in the amount of Eur (000) 6,327.2, provided within the scope of the legal proceedings.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

ii. Detail of Income Tax receivable (IRC, Advanced Income Tax Payments, Surtaxes [Derramas]) by tax year The amounts of Corporate Income Tax (IRC) – Disputed Amounts, Advanced Income Tax Payments and Surtaxes (Derramas) are disclosed, by year, in the following table.

Corporate Advance Income Tax Year Income Tax Corporate Surtax Disputed Income Tax

1999 888.0 - - 2001 633.6 - - 2002 552.0 - - 2003 430.9 - - 2004 367.7 - - 2007 - 696.7 - 2008 211.5 464.6 85.1 2009 - 238.2 19.4 2010 890.0 - - 2011 - - 25.4 2014 - 22.5 - 2015 - 50.3 - 2016 - 44.7 - 2017 - 238.5 -

Total 3,973.8 1,755.5 129.9 On 29 August 2012, 14 August 2013 and 25 July 2014, SAG Gest submitted refund requests in respect of the refund of Advanced Income Tax Payments (PEC – Pagamento Especial por Conta) performed in relation to the 2007, 2008 and 2009 tax years, respectively, due to the fact that taxable income for those years did not allow for the recovery of those amounts in the 2007 to 2014 tax returns. The Tax Authorities denied these refund requests. SAG Gest appealed against this decision. During the current year, Advanced Income Tax Payments (PEC, PC and PAC) were performed in the total amount of Eur (000) 238.50, of which Eur (000) 60.5 by the Loures Automóveis Subsidiary, Eur (000) 37.2 by the Rolvia Subsidiary and Eur (000) 140.8 by SAG Gest. iii. Estimated Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Receivable – 2017 On 31 December 2017, the amount of Eur (000) 2,512.3 represents Estimated IRC Receivable in respect of the 2017 tax year, and corresponds to the sum of individual estimates of the Entities included in consolidation that recognized a tax credit (Corporate Income Tax receivable). The amount of Eur (000) 2,010.7 represents the Income Tax expense recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss and Other Comprehensive Income as Current Tax for the year 2017, as disclosed in the table in item d) of this Note, and corresponds to the difference between

o the (debit) amount of Eur (000) 2,512.3, as disclosed in the preceding paragraph and o the (credit) amount of Eur (000) 502.2, which represents the sum of the individual tax estimates of the Entities included in the consolidation that recognized a tax liability, as disclosed in the table included in the following paragraph.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

h) Current Income Tax – Payable Current Income Tax Payable is as follows:

Corporate Income Tax Dec-17 Dec-16

Portugal Tax on Items Subject to Special Income Tax Rates - FY 2016 - 25.2 Estimated Corporate Income Tax Payable - 2017 502.2 - Sub-Total Corporate Income Tax - Portugal 502.2 25.2

Ireland Coporate Income Tax Payable - FY 2016 - 36.2 Coporate Income Tax – Reclassifications - (36.2) Sub-Total Corporate Income Tax - Ireland - -

Total Corporate Income Tax Payable 502.2 25.2 On 31 December 2017, the Estimated Income Tax Payable – 2017 credit amount of Eur (000) 502.2 represents the sum of individual tax estimates of the Entities included in consolidation that recognized a tax liability. This amount, deducted from the debit balances of Eur (000) 2,512.3 mentioned in the previous paragraph, and Eur (000) 878.6 relating to previous years, represents to the amount of Current Income Tax for the year 2017 included in the table of item d) of this Note, in the total amount of Eur thousand 2,888.7. 16. DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Discontinued Operations resulted from the implementation of a corporate restructuring process which has been implemented since 2008 and which included the liquidation, in 2016, of the Frotarent and Novinela Subsidiaries. The amounts reported as Discontinued Operations are as follows:

Period of 12 months ended on Period of 3 months ended on December 31 December 31 2017 2016 2017 2016

Revenues - 28.4 - 28.4 Expenses: Direct Costs - (45.9) - (45.9) Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) - (17.5) - (17.5) Financial Gains and (losses) 7.3 7.3 Unidas S/A Appropriated Net Result - Equity Method (34.75%) Provision for Corporate Income Tax - 25.6 - 25.6 Net Profit of Discontinued Operations - 15.4 - 15.4

Total Discontinued Operations - 15.4 - 15.4 17. EARNINGS PER SHARE On 31 December 2017, the Entities included in consolidation jointly held 16,771,015 Treasury Stock (Shares representing the Registered Share Capital of SAG Gest). During the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017, there were no transactions (purchases or sales) involving Treasury Stock, and the number of Treasury Stock held on 31 December 2017 did not change.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The nominal value of SAG Gest Shares is Eur 1 each.

Period of 12 months ended Period of 3 months ended Earnings Per Share 2017 2016 2017 2016

Net Profit / (Loss) After Tax - Before Discontinued Operations (13,637.4) (1,024.8) (9,991.6) (291.8) Net Profit / (Loss) After Tax - Discontinued Operations (13,637.4) (1,009.5) (9,991.6) (276.4) Net Profit / (Loss) After Non-Controlling Interests (13,777.9) (1,158.0) (10,011.5) (299.2)

Number of Issued Shares 169,764,398 169,764,398 169,764,398 169,764,398 Number of Shares in Treasury Stock (16,771,015) (16,771,015) (16,771,015) (16,771,015) Weigthed Average Number of Shares Outstanding 152,993,383 152,993,383 152,993,383 152,993,383

Weigthed Average Number of Shares Outstanding 152,993,383 152,993,383 152,993,383 152,993,383

Earnings per Shares Before Discontinued Operations (Eur) (0.0891) (0.0067) (0.0653) (0.0019) Earnings per Shares (Eur) (0.0891) (0.0066) (0.0653) (0.0018)


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

18. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Changes in Tangible Fixed Assets during the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017 were as follows:

2017 Transport Tools and Other Tangible Fix e d Asse ts in Land Buildings Basic Equipment Office Equipment TOTAL Equipment utensils Asse ts Progress

Opening Balance- 1 January 2017 (Net Tangible Fixed Assets) 19,050.8 42,059.3 1,235.5 42.4 172.6 351.3 381.1 1,080.2 64,373.3 Additions - 9.1 5,779.5 28.7 51.1 140.3 31.3 98.6 6,138.5 Retirements-At Cost - - (3,708.3) (58.1) - (277.6) - (0.8) (4,044.7) Retirements of Accumulated Depreciation - - 246.9 55.2 - 276.0 - - 578.1 Transfers (2.4) 2.4 2.1 - - - - (2.1) - Current Year's Depreciation Charge Against P&L From Continued Operations - (947.3) (440.5) (16.7) (58.6) (118.1) (93.2) - (1,674.4)

Closing Balance - 31 December 2017 (Net Tangible Fixed Assets) 19,048.4 41,123.5 3,115.3 51.5 165.1 371.9 319.3 1,175.9 65,370.8

Tangible Fixed Assets - Balance Detail - 31 December 2017

As at 1 January 2017 At Cost 19,050.8 53,926.6 31,406.6 1,460.5 4,384.2 11,268.7 14,351.7 1,080.2 136,929.4 Accumulated Depreciation - (11,867.3) (30,171.1) (1,418.1) (4,211.6) (10,917.4) (13,970.6) - (72,556.1)

Tangible Fixed Assets - Net 19,050.8 42,059.3 1,235.5 42.4 172.6 351.3 381.1 1,080.2 64,373.3

As at 31 December 2017 At Cost 19,048.4 53,938.1 33,479.9 1,431.1 4,435.3 11,131.4 14,383.0 1,175.9 139,023.2 Accumulated Depreciation - (12,814.6) (30,364.6) (1,379.6) (4,270.2) (10,759.5) (14,063.8) - (73,652.3) Tangible Fixed Assets - Net 19,048.4 41,123.5 3,115.3 51.5 165.1 371.9 319.3 1,175.9 65,370.8 On 31 December 2017, there are no impairment signs affecting the carrying amount of Tangible Fixed Assets.


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Changes in Tangible Fixed Assets during the twelve-months ended 31 December 2016 were as follows:

2016 Transport Tools and Other Tangible Fix e d Asse ts in Land Buildings Basic Equipment Office Equipment TOTAL Equipment utensils Asse ts Progress

Opening Balance- 1 January 2016 (Net Tangible Fixed Assets) 19,050.8 43,130.9 293.4 29.8 157.0 332.0 303.7 1,098.9 64,396.6 Additions - 58.1 2,996.4 72.0 80.7 143.4 158.9 243.8 3,753.1 Retirements-At Cost - - (2,014.9) (71.9) (16.1) (3.2) (0.5) - (2,106.6) Retirements of Accumulated Depreciation - - 150.6 33.2 16.0 3.2 0.5 - 203.5 Transfers - (183.6) - - 0.6 - - (262.4) (445.5) Current Year's Depreciation Charge Against P&L From Continued Operations - (946.1) (190.0) (20.7) (65.6) (124.1) (81.5) - (1,427.9)

Closing Balance - 31 December 2016 (Net Tangible Fixed Assets) 19,050.8 42,059.3 1,235.5 42.4 172.6 351.2 381.1 1,080.3 64,373.3

Tangible Fixed Assets - Balance Detail - 31 December 2016

As at 1 January 2016 At Cost 19,050.8 54,052.2 30,425.1 1,460.4 4,319.1 11,128.5 14,193.3 1,098.9 135,728.3 Accumulated Depreciation - (10,921.3) (30,131.7) (1,430.6) (4,162.1) (10,796.5) (13,889.6) - (71,331.7)

Tangible Fixed Assets - Net 19,050.8 43,130.9 293.4 29.8 157.0 332.0 303.7 1,098.9 64,396.6

As at 31 December 2016 At Cost 19,050.8 53,926.6 31,406.6 1,460.5 4,384.2 11,268.7 14,351.7 1,080.3 136,929.4 Accumulated Depreciation - (11,867.4) (30,171.1) (1,418.1) (4,211.6) (10,917.4) (13,970.6) - (72,556.1) Tangible Fixed Assets - Net 19,050.8 42,059.3 1,235.5 42.4 172.6 351.3 381.1 1,080.3 64,373.3


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. – Listed Company Head-Office: Estrada de Alfragide, no. 67 – 2614-519 Amadora Share Capital Eur 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies Single registration and tax identification number 503219886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, n.º 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel. 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

19. INTANGIBLE ASSETS - GOODWILL In December 2017, SAG Gest performed valuations using the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) method, which support the recoverability of the carrying amount of Goodwill recognized in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position. 1. Goodwill amount on 31 December 2017, which remained unchanged from 31 December 2016, as determined according to the reported procedure, is as follows:

Goodwill Net Fair Value of Busine ss the Asse sts / Impairment Losses Net Book Value Company Purchase Price Goodwill Segments Liabilities Recognized December 31, 2017 Acquired

Full Consolidation

Globalrent Distribution 2,992.8 (1,966.4) 4,959.1 1,791.8 3,167.3 Soauto Comércio de Automóveis Retail 4,271.8 586.7 3,685.1 717.3 2,967.8 Loures Automóveis Retail 3,207.8 1,299.0 1,908.8 - 1,908.8 Rolporto Retail 3,073.1 1,004.2 2,069.0 414.2 1,654.7 Soauto, SGPS Retail 2,303.9 1,119.5 1,184.4 236.9 947.5 Rolvia Retail 337.0 330.0 7.0 - 7.0 Total 16,186.4 2,373.0 13,813.4 3,160.2 10,653.2 2. Goodwill impairment tests are performed based on the calculation of the value in use of each Cash Generating Unit to which Goodwill has been allocated. The value of use thus determined is compared to the carrying amount of each Cash Generating Unit. No impairment losses are recognized where the value in use is higher than the carrying amount of the Assets. The value in use was calculated using the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) method. Future Cash Flows were discounted using the WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) calculated using the parameters set forth in the following table.

Cost of Debt (after Tax)

Definition ( Long Term Interest Rate + Spread) * ( 1- Tax Rate)

Input Data Source Last Update Long Term Interest Rate 0.00% Reuters - Euribor Swap Rate 10 Yr January - 2018 Credit Spread 3.10% SAG Corp. Current Credit Spread January - 2018 Tax Rate 21.50% January - 2018 Cost of Debt 2.43%

Cost of Equity

Definition (Risk Free Rate + Beta ( Risk Premium) + Country Risk Premium (Portugal))

Input Data Source Last Update Risk Free Rate 0.43% Deutsche Bunds 10 years January - 2018 Beta Sector (unlevered) 0.65 Damodaran - Retail Automotive - Europe January - 2018 Beta Empresa (levered) 1.00 Leverage D/E=0,69 January - 2018 Risk Premium 5.50% Market Consensus January - 2018 Country Risk Premium (Portugal) 1.49% Portuguese Bonds 10 years - Deutsche Bunds 10 years January - 2018 Cost of Equity 7.41%


Definition (Cost of Equity * (E/(D+E)) + Cost of Debt * (D/(D+E)))

% Debt 41% % Equity 59% Cost of Debt 2.43% Cost of Equity 7.41% WACC 5.38% An extended explicit period until 2023 was considered in determining the future cash flows of the Soauto Comércio de Automóveis, Loures Automóveis, Rolporto and Rolvia Subsidiaries.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 85 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

This decision results from the specific nature of the economic activities of these Subsidiaries, where the after-sales activities of each year are projected on the basis of the new vehicle sales of the four previous years. The explicit period was extended to 2023 so that the base used in projecting the perpetuity free cash flow corresponds to four years of constant sales in each Subsidiary. To determine future cash flows to be discounted, a set of assumptions was established in relation to the evolution of relevant markets for each business and assumptions established in respect of the evolution of the business activities, namely at the level of the production and profitability indicators. The assumptions used are applied within the context of Portugal’s current macroeconomic environment and of the impacts that have been observed in the national automotive market. The Portuguese Automotive Market, both for passenger vehicles (PV) market and for the light commercial vehicle (LCV) market is expected to recover slightly in the coming years, as in 2016 and 2017, with stabilization starting in 2021 at a level of 235,000 units (PV) and 42,000 units (LCV). For both markets, stabilization is expected at levels that remain below the historical average, as demonstrated in the following charts: Passenger Vehicles:

Light Commercial Vehicles:

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 86 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The market shares considered in the projections during the explicit period are disclosed in the table below.

Market Share 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018.P 2019.P 2020.P 2021.P 2022.P 2023.P

VW VP 9.7% 9.5% 8.2% 7.4% 7.8% 8.6% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% 9.0% VW VCL 8.2% 6.3% 6.0% 4.6% 5.5% 5.6% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% 6.3% Audi 5.6% 5.3% 4.6% 4.3% 4.2% 4.5% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% 4.6% Skoda 1.7% 1.7% 1.4% 1.0% 1.3% 1.5% 1.7% 1.9% 2.0% 2.0%

Conservative assumptions were made for each Entity both in terms of the evolution of the sales volume and of their respective margins: • Car Sales: maintenance of the market shares observed since 2012 for all Brands, and contribution margin at the level recorded since 2012 • Workshop services and sales of parts: maintenance throughout the projection period of the margins observed in 2017 • Cost Structure / External Supplies and Services: evolution in line with the revenue trend • Payroll Expenses: the existing Employee structure at the end of 2015 was maintained, evolving in accordance to the level of the projected activity The most relevant assumptions used in the valuations are as follows: • Automotive market evolution (MTM VP) • Growth of free cash flow in perpetuity • Discount rate (WACC) The analysis of the value in use resulting from the assessments of the most relevant Subsidiaries and Affiliates concludes that there are no impairment losses to be recognized in respect of carrying amount of Goodwill amount. The results (equity value) of these valuations and the main assumptions used, as well as the sensitivity of the valuation amounts to changes in the discount rate (WACC) and perpetuity growth rates (g) are disclosed in the following tables (all amounts in EUR (000)). Soauto Comércio de Automóveis

G MTM VP (Perpetuity) 65 212 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 65 212 230 000 235 000 240 000 4.4% 85 513 90 958 100 709 4.4% 85 234 90 958 96 681 4.9% 72 299 76 167 82 913 4.9% 71 413 76 167 80 922 WACC 5.4% 62 345 65 212 70 112 WACC 5.4% 61 174 65 212 69 249 5.9% 54 584 56 777 60 470 5.9% 53 291 56 777 60 263 6.4% 48 366 50 087 52 950 6.4% 47 037 50 087 53 137

Loures Automóveis

G MTM VP (Perpetuity) 21 864 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 21 864 230 000 235 000 240 000 4.4% 28 894 30 783 34 164 4.4% 29 382 30 783 32 183 4.9% 24 317 25 658 27 998 4.9% 24 509 25 658 26 808 WACC 5.4% 20 870 21 864 23 564 WACC 5.4% 20 900 21 864 22 828 5.9% 18 183 18 944 20 225 5.9% 18 122 18 944 19 765 6.4% 16 032 16 629 17 622 6.4% 15 920 16 629 17 338


G MTM VP (Perpetuity) 26 399 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 26 399 230 000 235 000 240 000 4.4% 33 921 35 928 39 522 4.4% 34 611 35 928 37 245 4.9% 29 031 30 457 32 943 4.9% 29 361 30 457 31 553 WACC 5.4% 25 343 26 399 28 206 WACC 5.4% 25 467 26 399 27 332 5.9% 22 463 23 271 24 632 5.9% 22 464 23 271 24 078 6.4% 20 152 20 786 21 842 6.4% 20 079 20 786 21 493 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 87 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


G MTM VP (Perpetuity) 18 362 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 18 362 230 000 235 000 240 000 4.4% 23 735 25 169 27 737 4.4% 24 502 25 169 25 835 4.9% 20 241 21 260 23 037 4.9% 20 716 21 260 21 804 WACC 5.4% 17 607 18 362 19 653 WACC 5.4% 17 908 18 362 18 816 5.9% 15 550 16 128 17 101 5.9% 15 742 16 128 16 513 6.4% 13 900 14 354 15 108 6.4% 14 022 14 354 14 685 Globalrent Globalrent’s activities are focused in two activities performed by Entities include in consolidation and by SAG GEST: the management of the internal car fleet of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries and Affiliates and the marketing of the VW Group Brands vehicles in non-traditional channels, including the sale of vehicles (usually semi-new and used cars) to foreign markets. The following tables disclose the WACC and volume growth sensitivity analysis of Globalrent Subsidiary. Globalrent

G Non Traditional Markets Growth 19 816 1.3% 1.5% 1.8% 19 816 -1.0% 0.0% 1.0% 4.9% 21 028 21 742 22 986 4.9% 22 014 21 742 21 431 5.1% 20 098 20 713 21 773 5.1% 20 968 20 713 20 421 5.4% 19 281 19 816 20 729 WACC 5.4% 20 056 19 816 19 541 5.6% 18 558 19 026 19 819 5.6% 19 254 19 026 18 767 5.9% 17 913 18 325 19 020 5.9% 18 542 18 325 18 080 Taking into account the enterprise value amounts as determined in the valuation, SAG Gest believes that there are no impairment evidences affecting the carrying amount of Goodwill, as recognized the Consolidated Financial Statements as at 31 December 2017.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 88 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

20. INTANGIBLE ASSETS - OTHER Changes in Intangible Assets during the twelve-months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve-months ended 31 December 2016 are disclosed in the tables below:


Start-Up Research & Development Patents & Key Money on Transfer of Software TOTAL Expenses Expenses Trademarks Leaseholds

Opening Balance- 1 January 2017 (Intangible Assets - Net) 529.9 - - - 517.4 1,047.3 Depreciation Charged Against P&L (209.9) - - - (474.9) (684.9)

Closing Balance - 31 December 2017 (Intangible Assets - Net) 320.0 - - - 42.4 362.4

Intangible Assets - Balance Detail - 31 December 2017

As at 1 January 2017 At Cost 6,655.5 85.9 406.6 2.5 1,670.6 8,821.1 Accumulated Depreciation (6,125.6) (85.9) (406.6) (2.5) (1,153.2) (7,773.8)

Intangible Assets - Net 529.9 - - - 517.4 1,047.3 - As at 31 December 2017 At Cost 6,655.5 85.9 406.6 2.5 1,670.6 8,821.1 Accumulated Depreciation (6,335.5) (85.9) (406.6) (2.5) (1,628.1) (8,458.7)

Intangible Assets - Net 320.0 - - - 42.4 362.4


Start-Up Research & Development Patents & Key Money on Transfer of Software TOTAL Expenses Expenses Trademarks Leaseholds

Opening Balance- 1 January 2016 (Intangible Assets - Net) 477.3 - - - 992.3 1,469.6 Additions 14.0 - - - - 14.0 Transfers 261.8 - - - - 261.8 Depreciation Charged Against P&L (223.2) - - - (474.9) (698.1)

Closing Balance - 31 December 2016 (Intangible Assets - Net) 529.9 - - - 517.3 1,047.3

Intangible Assets - Balance Detail - 31 December 2016

As at 1 January 2016 At Cost 6,379.7 85.9 406.6 2.5 1,670.6 8,545.3 Accumulated Depreciation (5,902.4) (85.9) (406.6) (2.5) (678.3) (7,075.7)

Intangible Assets - Net 477.3 - - - 992.3 1,469.6 - As at 31 December 2016 At Cost 6,655.5 85.9 406.6 2.5 1,670.6 8,821.1 Accumulated Depreciation (6,125.6) (85.9) (406.6) (2.5) (1,153.2) (7,773.8) Intangible Assets - Net 529.9 - - - 517.4 1,047.3 In accordance with the 2013 Urban Lease Legal regime (Regime de Arrendamento Urbano), lease agreements in respect of the properties used in the operational activities have a five-year term, after which the lease agreement may be terminated. As a result of this change, the amount of Store Key Money is being amortized over a period of five years. 21. INVESTMENTS IN ASSOCIATES Investments in Associates are as follows:


Recognized At Cost Impairment Net Amount Net Results

Autolombos - Sociedade de Automóveis, Lda. 243.5 (46.1) (197.4) -



Recognized At Cost Impairment Net Amount Net Results

Autolombos - Sociedade de Automóveis, Lda. 243.5 (42.5) (197.4) 3.5


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 89 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Changes during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve months ended 31 December 2016 are as follows:

Autolombos - Sociedade de Automóveis, Lda.

Dec-17 Dec-16

Opening Balance 3.5 20.8

Current Year's Subsidiary Net Result (9.2) (43.1) % Share 40% 40% Subsidiary Net Result - Equity Method Appropriation (3.7) (17.2) Adjustment 0.1 - Closing Balance - 3.5 The changes represent the appropriation by SAG Gest of its share in the changes in the Net Assets of the Autolombos Affiliate, as reported in Note 14 – Income and Expenses – Related Parties. The Entity understands that it may incur in additional liabilities, but estimates that such value is immaterial, so the investment was reduced to zero and no provision was recorded. 22. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Changes in Investment Properties during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve months ended 31 December 2016 are disclosed in the following table.

Dec-17 Building at Building at Building at Building at Pedro Álvares Conde Porto - artº. Amadora - artº TOTAL Cabral - artº. Almoster - artº. 11275 1358 844 A 1151 A

Opening Balance- 1 January 2017 416.5 241.0 219.0 146.5 1,023.0

Fair Value Adjustments 7.5 6.8 (2.0) 3.8 16.0 Closing Balance - 31 December 2017 424.0 247.8 217.0 150.3 1,039.0

Dec-16 Building at Building at Building at Building at Pedro Álvares Conde Porto - artº. Amadora - artº TOTAL Cabral - artº. Almoster - artº. 11275 1358 844 A 1151 A Opening Balance- 1 January 2016 412.7 265.7 226.5 196.7 1,101.5 Fair Value Adjustments 3.8 (24.7) (7.5) (50.2) (78.5) Closing Balance - 31 December 2016 416.5 241.0 219.0 146.5 1,023.0 The amount recognized as Investment Properties refers to four properties owned by the Imocar Real Estate Investment Fund that are currently not used by the Entities included in consolidation in the course of their operating activities. These properties are recognized at Fair Value and were valued using the Income Method, using current rents for the four leased properties. A five-year period was considered after which sale of the properties was assumed, taking into account their characteristics, the market situation and the location thereof. In accordance with IFRS 13 – Fair Value Measurement, the hierarchical level of Fair Value is Level 3, because the supporting valuations were performed using unobservable data, i.e., they are not prices prevailing in active and non-active markets. In September 2017, said Properties were valued by independent experts, with these valuations resulting in the recognition of an increase in their respective Fair Value of Eur (000) 16.0. Income from rental properties during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 was Eur (000) 70.9, which is recognized as Other Operating Income, and costs incurred with the same Properties (Eur (000) 13.9) were recognized as Other Operating Expenses.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 90 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The table below discloses the detail of future rental benefits, taking into account the amounts agreed upon in the contracts in force on 31 December 2017. Properties located at Avenida Pedro Álvares Cabral (Reg. no. 844 A), in Lisbon and in Amadora (Reg. no. 1358) were sold in January and February 2018, by the amount of Eur (000) 450 and Eur (000) 140, respectively, resulting in a total capital gain of approximately Eur (000) 15.7. No future rental income from these properties are considered. The lease agreements for the Properties have terms of between 19 and 38 months.

Number of Rental Contracts in Force Rental Income

From June 2017 4 31.7 2018 3 25.1 2019 2 14.6 2020 1 2.9

Total 74.3 23. INVENTORIES Inventories are as follows:


Rent-a-car buy-back Spare Parts & New Vehicles Used Vehicles Work in Progress Other Stock Total Vehicles Acce ssorie s

At Cost 100,025.0 29,132.6 84,690.5 8,226.8 349.9 1.8 222,426.7 Impairments - (1,044.8) (2,468.5) (2,116.6) - - (5,630.0)

Total 100,025.0 28,087.8 82,222.0 6,110.2 349.9 1.8 216,796.7


Rent-a-car buy-back Spare Parts & New Vehicles Used Vehicles Work in Progress Other Stock Total Vehicles Acce ssorie s

At Cost 79,414.1 21,899.8 87,900.8 8,030.6 355.2 4.0 197,604.5 Impairments - (1,114.6) (2,876.6) (1,982.0) - - (5,973.2) Total 79,414.1 20,785.2 85,024.2 6,048.6 355.2 4.0 191,631.3 The table above indicates the various types of Inventories, which are as follows: • New Vehicles: vehicles directly purchased from the Manufacturers of the Brands represented by the SIVA Subsidiary • Used Vehicles: used vehicles that are immediately available for sale • Rent-a-Car – Buy Back Vehicles: vehicles invoiced to Customers (usually Rent-a-Car Companies) that are in the possession of such Entities but for which there is a repurchase undertaking at a future date. These vehicles will become available for sale after the end of the holding period defined in each contract a) Inventories of Buy Back vehicles represent vehicles billed to Customers (usually Rent-a-Car Companies) under Contracts that include clauses establishing the liability of SAG Gest or of Entities included in consolidation in respect of the repurchase of the invoiced vehicles at the end of the period of use that has been agreed (the holding period). In accordance with IAS 18 – Revenue, invoices issued under such terms are not recognized as income at the time of issuance and the cost of sales of such vehicles is also not recognized, and therefore such vehicles remain included in Inventories as Rent-a- Car – Buy Back vehicles. b) The amount of Impairment Losses in Inventories of used vehicles represents the difference between the purchase price of vehicles in Inventories and their respective market value on reporting date.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 91 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

c) The amount of Impairment Losses in Inventories of Rent-a-Car – Buy Back vehicles represents the difference between (i) the purchase price of such vehicles as defined in the Buy-Back agreements, and (ii) the estimated market value of same vehicles on the date where the vehicles become available for sale. The amount of this difference is recognized during the duration of their respective holding period so that, on repurchase date, the book value of each car corresponds to its market value on that date. The amount of Impairment Losses in Inventories is determinate according to the procedure disclosed in Note 2.7 – Significant Estimates. d) The amount of Impairment Losses in Inventories of Parts is determined as disclosed in Note 2.5.7 – Inventories and Impairment Losses in Inventories (Main Accounting Policies), representing the purchase price of obsolete and slow moving (exceeding 24 months) Parts and Accessories. Changes during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve months ended 31 December 2016 in Impairment Losses in Inventories is disclosed in the following table.

Rent-a-car buy-back Used Vehicles Spare Parts & Accessories Total Vehicles

Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16

Opening Balance (1,114.6) (1,956.7) (2,876.6) (2,887.9) (1,982.0) (1,952.0) (5,973.2) (6,796.6)

P&L Charges/(Cancellation) (2,050.5) (5,638.3) (3,233.0) (134.6) (30.0) (7,137.7) (7,137.8) (5,313.4)

Reversals 1,434.6 2,429.3 6,046.4 3,707.6 - - 7,480.9 6,136.9

Total P&L 69.8 378.8 408.1 474.6 (134.6) (30.0) 343.1 823.5

Transfers - 463.3 - (463.3) - - - - Closing Balance (1,044.8) (1,114.6) (2,468.5) (2,876.6) (2,116.6) (1,982.0) (5,630.0) (5,973.2) 24. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - TRADE CUSTOMERS Accounts Receivable from Trade Customers are as follows:

Trade Customers Dec-17 Dec-16

Trade Customers - Current Account 28,563.1 40,293.1 Bad & Doubtful Accounts Receivable 3,595.7 3,694.5 Trade Customers' Imparment (3,584.7) (3,702.1)

Total Trade Customers 28,574.1 40,285.5 Accounts Receivable from Trade Customers derived from the operating activity of the Entities included in consolidation, adjusted according to the policy disclosed in Notes – Impairment of Financial Assets and 2.7 b) – Recognition of Provisions and Impairment Losses. On 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016, the ageing of Trade Customer Accounts Receivable is disclosed in the following table.

Dec-17 Dec-16

Non-Overdue 20,917.3 34,356.9

0-10 days 3,913.7 4,109.4 10-30 days 1,762.6 1,047.9 30-60 days 1,648.5 485.8 60-90 days 174.9 83.3 90-120 days 139.9 124.7 +120 days 6.2 85.1 Total Overdue 7,645.8 5,936.2

Sub-Total Trade Customers - Current Account 28,563.1 40,293.1

Total Overdue with Impairment 3,595.7 3,694.5

Trade Customers' Impairment (3,584.7) (3,702.1) Total 28,574.1 40,285.5 SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 92 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The majority of the overdue receivables in the table above result from the sale of vehicles in the Automotive Retail activities where sales terms are cash on delivery. Approximately 74% of the total amount is overdue for less than 30 days and around 69% of these amounts were overdue for 10 or less days (80% on 31 December 2016). On reporting date the majority of these amounts is settled, and therefore the above overdue amounts show no impairment signs. Customers in the Dealership Networks of the SIVA Subsidiary delivered to it, in accordance with the respective Concession or Authorized Workshop Agreements, bank guarantees issued by unrelated third parties, in favor of said Subsidiary, for the total amount of Eur (000) 36,117.2. In accordance with the agreements between the SIVA Subsidiary and the Portuguese Branch of Volkswagen Bank AG, the original documents of such bank guarantees are held by this Financial Institution. Changes in Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable – Trade Customers during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve months ended 31 December 2016 are disclosed in the following table.

Trade Customers' Impairment losses Dec-17 Dec-16

Opening Balance (3,702.1) (3,887.2)

P&L (Charges)/Cancellation (38.5) 64.0

Total P&L (38.5) 64.0

Reversals 59.0 130.0

Transfers (1) 97.0 (8.9)

Closing Balance (3,584.7) (3,702.1)

(1) The amount of Eur (000) 8.9 reported as Transfers in 2016 represents the reclassification to Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable – Trade Customers, corresponding to an amount included, on 31 December 2015, in the balance of Provisions for Other Risks and Charges. The amount of Eur (000) 97.0 reported as Transfers in 2017 represents the reclassification to Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable – Trade Customers, corresponding to an amount included, on 31 December 2016, in the balance of Impairment Losses – Clients. 25. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - RELATED PARTIES Accounts Receivable from Related Entities are as follows:

Related parties Dec-17 Dec-16

Shareholders - Financial Operations 139,580.8 137,186.3

Total Related Companies Non-Current Assets 139,580.8 137,186.3

Associated Companies - Financial Operations 408.5 905.0 Shareholders - Income tax 454.3 1,069.2 Other 1.5 2.8 Total Related Companies Current Assets 864.2 1,977.0 The nature of the above balances with Related Parties (Shareholders, Related Entities, Affiliates and Associates) is disclosed in Note 37 – Related Party Disclosures.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 93 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

26. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - OTHER Accounts Receivable - Other Debtors are disclosed in the following table.

Other Debtors Dec-17 Dec-16

Other Debtors 7,173.7 1,699.5 Volkswagen AG 778.9 1,469.9 Other Debtors' Impairment (1,897.4) (1,800.4)

Total Other Debtors 6,055.2 1,369.0 Changes in Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable – Other Debtors during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve months ended 31 December 2016 are disclosed in the following table.

Other Debtors' Impairment

Dec-17 Dec-16

Opening Balance (1,800.4) (1,800.4)

P&L (Charges) / Cancellation - - Total P&L - -

Transfers (1) (97.0) - Closing Balance (1,897.4) (1,800.4)

(1) The amount of Eur (000) 97.0 reported as Transfers in 2017 represents the reclassification to Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable – Other, corresponding to an amount included, on 31 December 2016, in the balance of Impairment Losses in Accounts Receivable. 27. PREPAID EXPENSES Prepaid Expenses are as follows:

Prepaid Expenses Dec-17 Dec-16

Bank Guarantees Charges 1,236.6 967.2 Signposting and Dealerships Furniture 223.4 - New Vehicle - Miscellaneous Expenses 213.9 247.5 Rents 114.6 73.2 Insurance 62.9 68.0 Used Vehicles - Deferred Expenses 4.5 38.1 Other Prepaid Expenses 88.6 7.2

Total Prepaid Expenses 1,944.5 1,401.3

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 94 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

28. ACCRUED INCOME Accrued Income are as follows:

Accrued Income Dec-17 Dec-16

Volkswagen AG Credits 28,388.0 31,337.2 Car Tax Refunds Receivable 3,815.5 3,274.8 Rappel 1,226.1 1,008.8 Guarantees 308.7 222.8 Insurance 171.0 32.7 Work in Progress 106.2 91.0 Quality Tools - 77.0 Reconditioning Services - 40.0 Other Accrued Income 184.4 615.2

Total Accrued Income 34,199.9 36,699.5 Volkswagen AG credits represent commercial support amounts receivable and are fully recognized in profit and loss, according to the operating cycle of the Entity to which they relate. The amount of Car Tax (ISV – Imposto Sobre Veículos) receivable is usually received within 60 to 90 days. 29. TAX – OTHER THAN INCOME TAX Other Taxes Receivable are disclosed in the table below.

Taxes - Other Than Income Tax - Receivable Dec-17 Dec-16

Value Added Tax 20,697.0 3,235.8 Other Taxes 928.9 0.9

Total 21,625.9 3,236.7 Other Taxes Payable are as follows:

Taxes - Other Than Income Tax - Payable Dec-17 Dec-16

Value Added Tax 39,114.9 28,129.3 Car Taxes ("ISV" ) 8,549.4 7,226.9 Other Taxes 1,215.2 1,123.4

Total 48,879.5 36,479.6 30. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AND TERM DEPOSITS Cash and Cash Equivalents and Term Deposits are disclosed in the table below.

Dec-17 Dec-16

Term Deposits 3,196.0 3,196.0 Detail of Cash and Cash Equivalents Demand Deposits 4,367.7 8,631.6 Cash 29.2 26.9

Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,396.9 8,658.5 The amounts of Cash and Cash Equivalents only include amounts that can be realized within a period of less than three months from the reporting date, which are not subject to significant changes in value.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 95 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

31. EQUITY INSTRUMENTS On 31 December 2017, Registered Share Capital was represented by 169,764,398 Ordinary Shares with a nominal value of Eur 1 each, and was paid up in full. The Controlling Shareholder of SAG Gest is SGC – SGPS, SA, whose activity is the management of shareholdings. The registered office of SGC – SGPS, SA is in Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, in Alfragide, Amadora. SGC – SGPS holds a direct interest representing 69.13% of the Registered Share Capital of SAG Gest and an indirect interest of 10.24%, corresponding, respectively, to 69.13% and 10.24% of the voting rights.

Registered Share Capital Dec-17 Dec-16


Ordinary Shares at Eur 1 169,764,398 169,764,398

Total 169,764,398 169,764,398 a) Treasury Stock Treasury Stock Shares are held by SAG Gest, which, on 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016, had a portfolio of 16,760,815 Shares, and by the Rolporto and Loures Automóveis Subsidiaries, which, on same dates, each held 5,100 Shares of SAG Gest. SAG Gest fulfils the criteria for acquisition of Treasury Stock as set forth in Article 317 of the Portuguese Companies Act. On 31 December 2017, SAG Gest and its Affiliates jointly held a total of 16,771,015 registered Common Shares (Treasury Stock). SAG Gest and its Affiliates paid Eur (000) 16,367.8 in premiums to acquire these Shares (with an average unit value of Eur 0.98 per Share). In 2017, there was no change in Treasury Stock Shares, with the value of Eur (000) 33,138.8 maintained on 31 December 2017 corresponding to the total respective nominal value and premium paid. b) Share Premiums Share Premiums are recognized when the issue price of the Shares exceeds their nominal value. The costs of issuing new Shares are recognized directly under this item, net of tax. In 2017, there were no changes in the amount of Share Premiums, with Eur (000) 149,664.3 of Issue Premiums recognized in respect of Common Shares issued with a unit premium of Eur 0.88. c) Other Equity Items Other Equity Items on 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016 are disclosed in the following table.

Supplementary Revaluation Legal Reserves Other Reserves TOTAL Capital Payments Reserves

Balance as at 1 January 2017 135,171.9 - 14,916.1 8,132.1 158,220.1

Allocation of Prior Year's Net Profit - - 161.0 - 161.0

At 31 December 2017 135,171.9 - 15,077.1 8,132.1 158,381.1

Supplementary Revaluation Legal Reserves Other Reserves TOTAL Capital Payments Reserves

Balance as at 1 January 2016 135,171.9 2,650.8 14,916.1 8,132.1 160,870.9 Transfer to Retained Earnings Brought Forward - (2,650.8) - - (2,650.8)

At 31 December 2016 135,171.9 - 14,916.1 8,132.1 158,220.1

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 96 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

i. Supplementary Capital Payments On 12 August 2013, the Principal SA Shareholder performed Supplementary Capital Payments, paid in cash, for the amount of Eur (000) 55,000.0. Partial reimbursements of Eur (000) 1,072.1 and Eur (000) 156.0 were performed on 14 January 2014 and 15 January 2015 in the amount of, respectively. On 21 December 2015, the Principal SA Shareholder performed Supplementary Capital Payments, paid in cash, for the amount of Eur (000) 81,400.0. This operation was part of the transactions performed in December 2015 in order to rebalance the financial structure of SAG Gest and to implement the conditions required to ensure the sustainability of the consolidated profit and loss account. Therefore, on 31 December 2017, the Principal SA Shareholder had Supplementary Capital Payments in SAG Gest of Eur (000) 135,171.9 The Principal SA Shareholder obtained the funds required to perform these transactions from the main Portuguese Financial Institutions. The amount above was fully used by SAG Gest to partially reimburse Bank loans granted by the same Financial Institutions, which was negotiated in 2010 and in August 2013 and formalized in the Framework Agreement, as revised in December 2015. The main features of this Agreement are disclosed in more detail in Note 33 – Bank Loans. ii. Legal Reserve In accordance with current regulations, the Entities included in consolidation are required to transfer to Legal Reserve not less than five percent of annual net profit until such Reserve reaches 20% of their Registered Share Capital. Legal Reserve may not be distributed to Shareholders but can be used for: • Loss Coverage • Increasing in Registered Share Capital The Separate Financial Statements of SAG Gest for the year ended 31 December 2016 showed a net profit of Eur (000) 3,219.9. In accordance with regulations in force and because the value of the Legal Reserve was less than 20% of the Entity's Registered Share Capital, the Board of Directors proposed the allocation of 5% of such profit, in the amount of Eur (000) 161.0, to Legal Reserve. This change was recognized in 2017. This decision was approved at the Meeting of the Shareholders held on 29 May 2017, and the remaining amount of Eur (000) 3,058.9 was applied to Retained Earnings. d) Retained Earnings Retained Earnings are as follows:

Retained Earnings Dez-17 Dez-16

First Consolidation Adjustments (268,649.7) (268,649.7) Retained Earnings (156,284.1) (155,277.5)

Total Retained Earnings (424,933.8) (423,927.2) Retained Earnings include First Consolidation Adjustments recognized directly against Equity on date of first consolidation, performed in 1998, in the amount of Eur (000) 268,649.7. This amount represents the difference between (i) the book value on date of first consolidation of the Entities acquired that remain within the current perimeter of consolidation of SAG Gest and (ii) their respective acquisition price and was calculated as disclosed in Note 2.4 r) – Basis of Consolidation – First Consolidation Adjustments.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 97 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

e) Equity Risk Management SAG Gest seeks to maintain an adequate level of equity in order to ensure the continuity and development of its activities, as well as to provide adequate remuneration to its Shareholders and to optimize the cost of capital. Equity risk management is aimed at ensuring that Consolidated Equity reaches levels adequate to maintain the balanced structure of the consolidated financial position. The principles to be observed in the management of this risk are defined in the contractual documents that formalized SAG Gest’s capitalization in December 2015 and include the following, among others: • Dividend Distribution

o Until the end of 2021, SAG Gest has the obligation to distribute dividends of at least 50% of the value of the consolidated net profit for the year, provided that, according to its Consolidated Financial Statements, the Equity to Total Assets ratio is at least 7.5%

o From 2022 onwards, SAG Gest has the obligation to distribute dividends of at least 60% of the consolidated net profit for the year, provided that the value of its Consolidated Equity remains positive • Reimbursement of Supplementary Capital Payments

o Until the end of 2019, SAG Gest is obliged to reimburse the Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder up to the amount that allows, in accordance with its Consolidated Financial Statements, the Equity to Total Assets ratio to be equal to or greater than 7.5%, after this reimbursement After 2020, where the Net Debt to EBITDA ratio is lower than 2.5 times, SAG Gest is obliged to reimburse Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder, corresponding to an amount which ensures that (a) the Net Debt to EBITDA ratio does not exceed 2.5 times (b) and that the value of its Consolidated Equity is positive. 32. NON-CONTROLLING INTERESTS Non-Controlling Interests represent of unrelated third parties’ interests in the Rolvia (40% of Capital and voting rights) and Loures Automóveis (28.34% of Capital and voting rights) Subsidiaries. The Net Profit or Loss and the amounts attributed to Non-Controlling Interests in said Subsidiaries are as follows:

% Non-Controlling Dez-17 Dez-16 Interests

Reported Net Result: Rolvia 294.5 164.6 Loures Automóveis 104.3 291.7

Assigned to Non-Controlling Interests: Rolvia 40.00% 117.8 65.8 Loures Automóveis 28.34% - 82.7 Loures Automóveis 28.34% 22.8 -

Net profit assigned to Non-Controlling Interests 140.5 148.5

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 98 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Changes during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and the twelve months ended 31 December 2016 were as follows:

Dec-17 Dec-16

Opening Balance 1,662.6 1,514.1

Net profit assigned to Non-Controlling Interests 140.5 148.5 Reclassification (45.5) - Update of the percentage held by Non-Controlling Interests (266.9) -

Closing Balance 1,490.8 1,662.6 The change in the percentage attributable to Non-Controlling Interests was related to the fact that such percentage now includes treasury shares held by the Loures Automóveis Subsidiary (8.33%). 33. BANK LOANS Bank Loans on 31 December 2017 and on 31 December 2016 are disclosed in the following table.

Dec-17 Dec-16

Interest Rate % Maturity Amount Amount

Current (Short Term) SIVA - Overdraft 1 - 3,300.0 SIVA - Overdraft 2 4.64% Rev. Half-Yearly basis 499.7 - SIVA - Overdraft 2 3.60% Dec-18 38,233.1 - SIVA - Overdraft 2 4.12% Rev. Yearly basis 1,000.0 - SIVA - Overdraft 2 3.60% Mar-18 16,855.8 - SAG - Overdraft 2 3.60% Rev. Quarterly basis 14,671.7 3,312.1 SAG - Overdraft 2 3.60% Dec-18 7,674.1 - SAG - Overdraft 2 3.60% Dec-18 676.9 - SIVA - Bank Loan 1 5.60% Feb-18 5,023.1 5,025.8 SAG - Bank Loan 1 3.60% Dec-18 1,496.3 1,500.0 SAG - Bank Loan 4 3.19% Until Dec-18 2,536.3 3,600.0

Sub-Total Current 88,667.1 16,737.8 Non-current (Medium and Long Term)

SAG - Overdraft 3 0.00% Dec-18 - 38,233.1 SAG - Overdraft 1 0.00% Dec-18 - 4,673.1 SAG - Overdraft 3 0.00% Dec-18 - - SAG - Bank Loan 3 3.60% Dec-22 29,700.0 31,193.0 SAG - Bank Loan 3 3.19% Nov-22 14,397.6 16,500.8

Sub-Total Non-current 44,097.6 90,600.0

TOTAL 132,764.7 107,337.8 The main features of the above Bank Loans on 31 December 2017 are disclosed below. The repricing periods correspond to the Euribor rates applied to each Loan.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 99 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Maximum Book Value Transaction Nominal Amount Date of For m Borrower (Values in Eur Maturity Reimbursement Remuneration Guarantees Identification (Values in Eur Contract 000) 000)

Quarterly, Variable interest rate, Pledged Current automatically SIVA - Overdraft 1 SIVA Subsidiary 500.0 499.7 2014 Bullet indexed to Euribor 6 Blank Note Subscribed by SIVA Account renew ed unless months terminated Variable interest rate, Pledged Current SIVA - Overdraft 2 SIVA Subsidiary 38,200.0 38,233.1 2015 2018 Bullet indexed to Euribor 6 Guarantee by SAG Gest and by the SGC – SGPS Shareholder Account months Annually, Variable interest rate, Pledged Current automatically SIVA - Overdraft 3 SIVA Subsidiary 1,000.0 1,000.0 2017 Bullet indexed to Euribor 1 Guarantee by SAG Gest Account renew ed unless month terminated Guarantee by SAG Gest and by the SGC – SGPS Shareholder Bullet, early amortisation Pledge of 50,000 Units representing the Registered Share Capital by the commercial SIVA Defleet SA. support amounts received from Variable interest rate, Pledged Current SIVA - Overdraft 4 SIVA Subsidiary 16,850.0 16,855.8 Dec-2017 Mar-2018 Volksw agen AG and indexed to Euribor 6 Account selling vehicles that w as months Pledge of Demand Deposits w here SIVA Subsidiary may receive the part of stock from SIVA Volksw agen AG commercial support. Defleet at 31 December 2017

Variable interest rate, Pledge of a set of new plated vehicles available for sale located at SIVA - Bank Loan 1 Loan SIVA Subsidiary 5,000.0 5,023.1 2017 2018 Bullet indexed to Euribor 6 the SIVA Subsidiary Facilities, valued at 100% or more of the amount months of credit used. Quarterly, Variable interest rate, Pledged Current automatically SAG - Overdraft 1 SAG GEST 14,650.0 14,671.7 2008 Bullet indexed to Euribor 6 No guarantees Account renew ed unless months terminated Variable interest rate, Pledged Current SAG - Overdraft 2 SAG GEST 7,600.0 7,674.1 2007 2018 Bullet indexed to Euribor 6 No guarantees Account months Variable interest rate, Pledged Current SAG - Overdraft 3 SAG GEST 675.0 676.9 2009 2018 Bullet indexed to Euribor 6 No guarantees Account months 4 annual instalments of Variable interest rate, Eur (000) 1,500.0 and a Pledge of 10,299,470 Units representing the Registered Share SAG - Bank Loan 1 Loan SAG GEST 31,200.0 31,196.3 2011 2022 indexed to Euribor 6 final instalment of Eur Capital of the Imocar Real Estate Investment Fund months (000) 25,200.0 A) First pledge, in favour of Financial Institutions, on the follow ing shares: i. 64,494 Shares representing 77% of the Share Capital of the Loures Automóveis Subsidiary

ii. Shares representing the total Share Capital of the Rolporto Subsidiary

iii) 30.000 Acções representativas de 60% do Capital Social da Subsidiária Rolvia

8 six-monthly instalments iv. 5,000,000 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the SIVA of Eur (000) 1,800.0 Variable interest rate, Subsidiary SAG - Bank Loan 2 Loan SAG GEST 17,997.6 16,933.9 2015 2022 each and one final indexed to Euribor 6 v. 50,000 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the Soauto instalment of Eur (000) months SGP S Subsidiar y 1,797.6 vi. 444,504 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the Soauto Comércio Subsidiary

vii. Share w ith nominal value of Eur (000) 100.0 representing 40% of the share capital of the Autolombos Affiliate

B) Second pledge of 10,299,470 Units representing the Registered Share Capital of the Imocar Real Estate Investment Fund

C) Guarantee by the SGC – SGPS Shareholder a) Bank Loans – Recognition and Valuation In accordance with IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Valuation, the reported amounts of Bank Loans are recognized at their Amortized Cost, and financial charges are calculated using the Effective Interest Rate Method. The adoption of this method implies that Bank Loans are recognized at amounts that differ from their respective nominal amount. The difference between the amounts of Bank Loans recognized in the Consolidated Balance Sheet and the respective nominal amount on 31 December 2017 and on 31 December 2016 is disclosed in the following tables.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 100 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


Accrued or Prepaid Costs Nominal Book Value Dif Value Stamp Interests Comissions Total Duty

Current Loans

Bank Loans 88,667.1 89,575.0 (907.9) 532.7 (1,331.4) (109.2) (907.9) Sub-Total Current Loans 88,667.1 89,575.0 (907.9) 532.7 (1,331.4) (109.2) (907.9)

Non-current Loans

Bank Loans 44,097.6 44,097.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sub-Total Non-current Loans 44,097.6 44,097.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Total 132,764.7 133,672.6 (907.9) 532.7 (1,331.4) (109.2) (907.9)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Dec-16

Accrued or Prepaid Costs Nominal Book Value Dif Value Stamp Interests Comissions Total Duty

Current Loans

Bank Loans 16,737.8 16,728.2 9.5 41.5 (32.0) 0.0 9.5 Sub-Total Current Loans 16,737.8 16,728.2 9.5 41.5 (32.0) 0.0 9.5

Non-current Loans

Bank Loans 90,600.0 91,997.6 (1,397.6) 326.5 (1,595.2) (128.9) (1,397.6) Sub-Total Non-current Loans 90,600.0 91,997.6 (1,397.6) 326.5 (1,595.2) (128.9) (1,397.6)

Total 107,337.8 108,725.9 (1,388.0) 368.0 (1,627.2) (128.9) (1,388.0)

Comments: Positive Amounts: Accrued Interest/Fees/Stamp Duty Negative Amounts: Interest/Fees/Stamp Duty paid in advance

Changes in Bank Loans in 2017 and 2016 are disclosed in the following table:

2017 2016

Opening Balance- 1 January 2017 107,337.8 129,239.9

Receive Loans 33,375.0 - Reimbursement Loans 8,428.2 21,295.8 Loans Flow 24,946.8 (21,295.8)

Charge Payments/ to Pay / Amortized Cost Adjustment Variation 480.1 (606.3) Loans Variation 480.1 (606.3)

Closing Balance - 31 December 2017 132,764.7 107,337.8 b) Contractual Maturities Contractual maturities of consolidated Bank Debt on 31 December 2017 are as follows:

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total

Loans 88,667.1 5,100.0 5,100.0 5,100.0 28,797.6 132,764.7

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 101 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

c) Contractual Obligations (Covenants) Additional contractual commitments, including the following, were assumed in respect of some of the debt indicated above: 1. Financial Covenants Consolidated Financial Statements • Dividend Distribution Until the end of 2021, SAG Gest is obliged to distribute dividends of at least 50% of the amount of the consolidated net profit for the year, provided that, according to its Consolidated Financial Statements, the Equity to Total Assets ratio is at least 7.5%; From 2022 onwards, SAG Gest is obliged to distribute dividends of at least 60% of the consolidated net profit for the year, provided that the value of its Consolidated Equity remains positive. • Reimbursement of Supplementary Capital Payments Until the end of 2019, SAG Gest is obliged to reimburse Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder up to an amount that allows, in accordance with its Consolidated Financial Statements, the Equity to Total Assets ratio to be equal to or greater than 7.5%, after this repayment. From 2020 onwards, where the Net Debt to EBITDA ratio is less than 2.5 times, SAG Gest is obliged to reimburse Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder, for an amount which ensures that (a) the Net Debt to EBITDA ratio does not exceed 2.5 times, and (b) that Consolidated Equity is positive. • Debt Limits SAG Gest cannot contract additional bank debt in excess of Eur (000) 85,000.0. • SAG Gest Financial Operations with the SGC – SGPS Shareholder The balance of financial operations performed by SAG Gest with the SGC – SGPS Shareholder shall evolve as follows: i. Until the end of 2018, the balance of financial operations may only increase by (a) the amount of capitalized interest and (b) additional operations of up to Eur (000) 2,500.0, and must be reduced by the amount of dividends distributed by SAG Gest that is received by the SGC - SGPS and SGC Investimentos Shareholders; ii. From 2019 and until the end of 2021, the balance of financial operations may only be increased by the amount of capitalized interest and must be reduced by the amount of dividends distributed by SAG Gest that is received by the SGC – SGPS and SGC Investimentos Shareholders, less a maximum annual amount of Eur (000) 2,500.0; iii. From 2022 onwards, said balance may only be increased by the amount of capitalized interest and must be reduced by the amount of dividends distributed by SAG Gest that is received by the SGC – SGPS and SGC Investimentos Shareholders, less an annual maximum value of Eur (000) 1,500.0; iv. From same date, and provided that the Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder are fully reimbursed, reimbursement of the balance of financial operations may also be reduced by the amounts required to finance the difference between (a) the amount obtained by the Principal SA Shareholder from the sale of its equity interest in the Unidas S/A Affiliate, and (b) the outstanding amount of the loan obtained by the Principal SA Shareholder to finance the acquisition of the Shares of the Unidas S/A Affiliate, for the amount of Eur (000) 100,500.0. SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 102 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Separate Financial Statements of the SIVA Subsidiary • Debt Ratio (Net Debt / EBITDA) must be a maximum of 4.5 times on 30 June and on 31 December of each year; • Bank Debt shall not increase by more than Eur (000) 70,000.0. 2. Ownership The SGC – SGPS Shareholder must hold at least 50.1% of Registered Share Capital and voting rights of SAG Gest Dr. João Manuel de Quevedo Pereira Coutinho must hold a 99.8% interest in the Registered Share Capital and voting rights of the SGC – SGPS Shareholder. 3. Other Maintenance of Import Contracts for the Brands Volkswagen, Audi and Škoda by the SIVA Subsidiary. Negative Pledge – impossibility of selling or encumbering assets without the prior agreement of the Financial Institutions Cross Default – any default by SAG Gest in any of the financing agreements implies default in all other financing agreements Impossibility of performing Merger or Spin-Off operations without the prior consent by the Financial Institutions. 34. PROVISIONS The Provisions recognized in previous years relate to specific identified risks, mainly of an operational nature related to the possibility of the Entities included in consolidation incurring losses. In 2016, existing Provisions were reclassified, according to their nature, to accounts that reduce the value of the corresponding Assets. Accordingly, changes recognized during the year were recognized in the corresponding items, particularly Other Operating Expenses and Income. The contingencies associated with these Provisions related to: • Ongoing legal proceedings, including those of a tax nature, that are pending court decisions • Situations of misappropriation of assets • Other contingencies The following table shows changes during the twelve months ended 31 December 2017 and during the twelve months ended 31 December 2016, respectively.

Others Risks and Charges Legal Proceeds in course Total

Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-16

Opening Balance - (338.8) - (58.8) - (397.6)

Reversals - 18.4 - 12.7 - 31.1

Transfers (1) - 320.4 - 46.0 - 366.5 Closing Balance ------(1) The amount of Transfers recorded in 2016 corresponds to reclassifications applied to various impairment items that reduce the value of Assets, according to the nature thereof.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 103 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

35. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – TRADE SUPPLIERS Trade Suppliers balances on 31 December 2017 and on 31 December 2016 are as follows:

Suppliers Dec-17 Dec-16

Suppliers - Operational Activity 199,061.5 196,321.9 Suppliers - Vehicles under Buy-Back agreements 84,690.6 87,900.8

Total Suppliers 283,752.1 284,222.7 36. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - OTHER Other Accounts Payable on 31 December 2017 and on 31 December 2016 are as follows:

Accounts Payable - Other Dec-17 Dec-16

Dealer's Bonus and Support 5,948.0 7,893.6 Warranty Extensions 3,522.5 2,191.9 Lending Contract 1,570.7 - Advances from Clients 290.8 297.3 Others 180.6 208.8

Accounts Payable - Other 11,512.7 10,591.6 37. RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES For the purposes of the presentation of the SAG Gest’s Consolidated Financial Statements, Related Parties are all Entities among which exists control capacity (i.e., they are exposed or entitled to variable income between them and have the capacity to influence such income), or the capacity to exercise a significant influence in financial and operational decision-making, as well as Shareholders and Corporate Bodies Members. The remuneration and benefits of the Corporate Bodies’ Members are disclosed in the Corporate Governance Report. In addition to the balances and transactions with the Entities included in consolidation, as disclosed in Note 3 – Consolidated Entities, which were eliminated in the process of preparing SAG Gest’s Consolidated Financial Statements, there are other balances and transactions with Related Parties, as disclosed in the following table.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 104 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


Entity Entity Nature Transaction Nature Dec-17 Dec-16

SGC – SGPS, SA Shareholder Treasury Operations 139,580.8 137,186.3

Total Non-Current Balances 139,580.8 137,186.3


Entity Entity Nature Transaction Nature Dec-17 Dec-16

SGC - SGPS, S.A. Shareholder Corporate Income Tax 454.3 1,069.2 Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Treasury Operations 408.5 905.0 Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Treasury Operations - Interests 1.5 2.8

Total Current Balances - Assets 864.2 1,977.0


Entity Entity Nature Transaction Nature Dec-17 Dec-16

Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Trade Suppliers 816.2 38.7 Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Trade Customers 1,193.6 1,387.2 Alfraparque - Sociedade Imobiliária, Related Party Trade Suppliers 7.2 0.9 SA Alfraparque - Sociedade Imobiliária, Related Party Trade Customers 18.6 15.4 SA Alfraparque - Sociedade Imobiliária, Related Party Others Debtors 39.9 - SA

Total 2,075.4 1,442.1 Effective 31 December 2013, the balances of the SGC – SGPS Shareholder were recognized at their Amortized Cost as Non-Current Assets because the repayment of such amounts, which is based upon the going concern assumption disclosed on Note 2.6 b) - Management Judgments – Going Concern, is expected to occur over an extended period of time, according to the terms and conditions disclosed in Note 33 c) 1. – Bank Loans – Contractual Obligations – Financial Covenants. As disclosed in Note 33 – Bank Loans – Financial Covenants, the banks loans included in the Framework Agreement entered between SAG Gest and its main Financial Institutions define comprehensively the relationships between SAG Gest and the SGC – SGPS Shareholder as well as the reimbursement model to be applied to the balances with this Shareholder. Accordingly, the above balance will be reduced by the amount of dividends distributed by SAG Gest that are received by the SGC – SGPS and SGC Investimentos Shareholders, less an annual maximum value of Eur (000) 2,500.0 (until the end of 2021) or Eur (000) 1,500.0 (from 2022 onwards). Starting in 2022, and provided that Supplementary Capital Payments performed by the Principal SA Shareholder are fully reimbursed, repayment of the balance of financial operations may be reduced by the value of the amounts required to finance the difference between (a) the amount received by the Principal SA Shareholder from sale of its equity interest in the Unidas S/A Affiliate and (b) the outstanding amount of bank loan obtained by the Principal SA Shareholder to finance the acquisition of the shares of the Unidas S/A Affiliate, in the amount of Eur (000) 100,500.0. In accordance with the provisions of the said Agreement, the above balance may increase in the following circumstances: i. Until the end of 2018, by (a) the amount of capitalized interest and (b) additional transfers for the maximum amount of Eur (000) 2,500.0; ii. From 2019 until the end of 2022, by the amount of capitalized interest. As described in greater detail in Note 33 – Bank Loans, the SGC – SGPS Shareholder guarantees bank loans contracted by SAG Gest or its Subsidiaries for a total amount of Eur (000) 72,022.8.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 105 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

The balance with the Autolombos Affiliate refers to renewable short-term financial operations (with a maturity of less than one year) performed by the Soauto Comércio de Automóveis Subsidiary. No guarantees have been provided with respect to the above debit balances.


Entity Entity Natures Transaction Nature 2017 2016

Principal, S.A. Related Party Services Rendered (1,597.2) (1,636.2) SGC – S.G.P.S., S.A. Shareholder cc uedIncome te est 1,290.0 1,257.3 Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Income 25.6 41.8 Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Shared Services 26.8 42.1 Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Services Purchased 1,217.7 (166.6) Autolombos, Lda. Affiliate Services Rendered (5,789.4) (6,630.2) Alfraparque - Sociedade Imobiliária, SA Related Party Shared Services 5.1 5.0 Alfraparque - Sociedade Imobiliária, SA Related Party Services Rendered (270.7) (322.0)

Transactions related to accrued interest (income) refer to interest associated with the financial investments indicated above, which are calculated using interest rates and other conditions equivalent to those in force in the market for similar transactions between unrelated parties acting in good faith. 38. ACCRUED EXPENSES Accrued Expenses are disclosed in the following table.

Accrued Expenses Dec-17 Dec-16

Dealer's Support 10,926.3 8,582.9 Dealer's Bonus 4,296.2 6,200.1 Payroll Expenses 2,705.8 2,913.7 Dealers – Reimbursement of Warranty Expenses 1,347.2 1,391.9 Used Vehicles Accrued Expenses 580.7 287.6 Registers and Legalization 451.4 450.4 Maintenance Contracts 439.9 579.1 Vehicles Taxes 371.2 242.7 Advertising 353.3 581.4 Consulting 253.8 278.1 Bonus 253.3 - Training 217.7 119.8 Repairs & Maintenance 143.8 124.5 Freight 98.6 83.3 Cars Prepration 95.5 223.9 Auditing 93.2 85.0 Subcontracts 93.1 122.8 Insurance 76.8 118.7 Real Estate Municipal Tax 39.0 244.2 Other Accrued Expenses 437.7 381.5

Total Accrued Expenses 23,274.5 23,011.7

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 106 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

39. DEFERRED INCOME Deferred Income is as follows:

Deferred Income Dec-17 Dec-16

Vehicles – Billed Not Shipped * 35,170.8 23,855.6 Buy-Back Deferred Income ** 2,190.1 1,877.8 Work in Progress 282.7 342.0 Mobility Service 239.6 238.0 Vehicle Commercial Incentives in Inventory 148.0 588.1 Maintenace contracts 2.2 176.5 Volkswagen AG Support - 1,061.2 Other Deferred Income 46.2 78.1

Total Deferred Income 38,079.8 28,217.4

* As disclosed in Note a) i – Deferred Income – Billed Not Shipped. ** As disclosed in Note a) ii. – Deferred Income – Buy Back Transactions. 40. FINANCIAL RISKS a) Interest Rate Risk – Variable Interest Rate Liabilities Despite the fact that the Euribor interest rate, plus a risk spread, is applicable in all of the debt contracted by the Entities included in consolidation, on 31 December 2017 there are no Financial Instruments to hedge the risk of interest rate changes. The decision to enter into operations to hedge against the risk of interest rate change is taken on a case-by-case basis and depends on the expected market interest rate trends and liquidity risk associated with hedging instruments, which justifies the absence of hedging instruments as of this date. i. Sensitivity Analysis To assess the impact on SAG Gest’s Earnings before tax of changes in the Euribor rates, a change of 1bp in Euribor rates was considered for the purposes of performing a sensitivity analysis. For simplification purposes, it is considered that the one-month Euribor rate and the six-month Euribor rate vary in the same proportion, which is justified by the high degree of correlation between the two variables.

Rate fluctuation Bank Loans Indexing Nominal Value + 1 bp -1 bp Euribor < 0% Euribor > 0%

SAG - Overdraft 1 6 month Euribor 14,650.0 - 1.5 - SAG - Overdraft 2 6 month Euribor 7,600.0 - 0.8 - SAG - Overdraft 3 6 month Euribor 675.0 - 0.1 - SIVA - Overdraft 1 6 month Euribor 500.0 - 0.1 - SIVA - Overdraft 2 6 month Euribor 38,200.0 - 4.0 - SIVA - Overdraft 3 6 month Euribor 1,000.0 - 0.1 - SIVA - Overdraft 4 6 month Euribor 16,850.0 - 1.8 - SAG - Bank Loan 1 6 month Euribor 31,200.0 - 3.2 - SAG - Bank Loan 2 6 month Euribor 17,997.6 - 1.9 - SIVA - Bank Loan 1 6 month Euribor 5,000.0 - 0.5 -

Total impact on Earnings Before Tax - 13.9 -

Rates in force as at 31 December 2017: 1 month Euribor -0.368% 6 month Euribor -0.329% Changes in the Euribor Interest Rates, which currently are negative, will only impact SAG Gest’s results if they reach positive values.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 107 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

b) Credit Risk SAG Gest’s policy in respect of defining credit limits is made using Entities specializing in credit risk analysis. SAG Gest has access to the main databases of the market, which, together with its technical analysis body, allow it to clearly assess and minimize credit risk. The ageing of Accounts Receivable balances is disclosed in Note 24 – Accounts Receivable – Trade Customers. c) Liquidity Risk This risk may occur if financing sources (cash and cash equivalents, cash flows from operations, proceeds from divestments, credit lines, Shareholder inflows) do not meet existing needs in order to ensure compliance with obligations arising from operating and financing activities, investments and debt repayment. i. Contracted Lines of Credit On 31 December 2017, the amount of contracted lines of credit was entirely used. ii. Contractual Obligations (Covenants) Related to Loans Contractual obligations related to loans are disclosed in Note 33 c) – Bank Loans – Contractual Obligations. 41. RENTALS AND OPERATING LEASES Rentals and Leases as Lessee In the development of its regular activities, SAG Gest assumed liabilities connected with the lease of real estate and the operating lease of vehicles. The table below disclose future liabilities in respect of rental payments, considering the values agreed upon in the contracts in force on 31 December 2017. The duration of real estate lease agreements ranges from 1 to 51 months, and the duration of operating lease agreements for vehicles ranges from 1 to 59 months.

Property Rentals Vehicle Rentals Year Number of Contracts Amounts Payable Number of Contracts Amounts Payable

2018 13 1,937.6 294 870.3 2019 5 612.1 3 17.6 2020 3 215.8 3 17.6 2021 1 200.1 3 9.0

Total 3,015.7 914.5

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 108 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

42. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS On 31 December 2017 and on 31 December 2016, as defined by IAS 39 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Valuation, the carrying amount of each category of Financial Assets and Liabilities was recognized as disclosed in the following table.

Dec-17 Dec-16

Non-Current Assets Recognized at Amortized Cost Accounts Receivable - Related Parties 139,580.8 137,186.3

Curre nt Asse ts Accounts Receivable - Trade Customers 28,574.1 40,285.5 Accounts Receivable - Related Parties 864.2 1,977.0 Accounts Receivable - Other 6,055.2 1,369.0 Term Deposits 3,196.0 3,196.0 Cash and Cash Equivalents 4,396.9 8,658.5 Sub-total Current Assets 43,086.4 55,486.0

Total 182,667.2 192,672.3

Dec-17 Dec-16

Non-Current Liabilities Recognized at Amortized Cost Bank Loans 44,097.6 90,600.0

Current Liabilities Bank Loans 88,667.1 16,737.8 Accounts Payable - Trade Suppliers 283,752.1 284,222.7 Accounts Payable - Other 11,512.7 10,591.6 Sub-total Current Liabilities 383,931.9 311,552.1

Total 428,029.5 402,152.1 43. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES a) Guarantees i. On 31 December 2017, there are bank guarantees provided by unrelated third parties in favor of Entities included in consolidation, for the total amount of Eur (000) 36,117.2 (Eur (000) 36,291.8 as at 31 December 2016), as stated in the following table.

Entities Dec-17 Dec-16

Dealers 35,567.2 35,891.8 Used Vehicles 400.0 400.0 Others 150.0 0.0 Total 36,117.2 36,291.8 ii. The liability of Entities included in consolidation in respect of bank guarantees provided, at their request, by unrelated third parties, was Eur (000) 174,060.8 on 31 December 2017 (Eur (000) 174,025.4 on 31 December 2016), as stated in the following table.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 109 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Entities Dec-17 Dec-16

VW / Audi 144,180.7 144,180.7 Alfândega 15,100.0 15,100.0 Skoda 5,500.0 5,500.0 VW Bank Portugal 7,000.0 7,000.0 Atlantsider 1,000.0 1,000.0 Bentley 307.7 307.7 Lamborghini 163.5 163.5 Guarda Nacional Republicana 130.4 130.4 Soc. C.Obras Gerais 121.3 121.3 Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira 103.3 103.3 Policia de Segurança Pública 83.9 83.9 Policia Judiciária 60.6 60.6 Seat 50.0 50.0 Tribunal do Trabalho de Lisboa 43.3 43.3 INEM 38.3 27.9 Câmara Municipal de Sintra 26.2 26.2 Juiz 1ª Secção Lisboa 22.0 22.0 Cãmara Municipal Lisboa 41.2 16.2 Estado Maior do Exercito 15.3 15.3 SEF 15.2 15.2 REN 13.3 13.3 EDP 12.5 12.5 Dir Geral do Patrim. Gov. Regional 9.3 9.3 Município de Ourém 6.7 6.7 CTT 6.4 6.4 Município de Almada 6.1 6.1 Petrogal 3.7 3.7

Total 174,060.8 174,025.4 iii. As disclosed in Note 33 – Loans and Note 37 - Related Party Disclosures, the SGC – SGPS Shareholder provides guarantees in respect of bank loans contracted by SAG Gest or its Subsidiaries for a total amount of Eur (000) 72,022.8. iv. As disclosed in Note 33 – Bank Loans, as guarantee for the full payment of the liabilities associated with Loans with a nominal value of Eur (000) 31,200.0 and Eur (000) 17,997.6, the first and second pledge were established, respectively, over all of the Units representing the Capital of the Imocar Real Estate Investment Fund. v. Also as disclosed in Note 33 – Bank Loans, the first pledge was established over the following securities to ensure full payment of liabilities associated with the Loan of Eur (000) 17,997.6: a) 64,494 Shares representing 77% of the Share Capital of the Loures Automóveis Subsidiary b) 1,100,000 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the Rolporto Subsidiary c) 30,000 Shares representing 60% of the Share Capital of the Rolvia Subsidiary d) 5,000,000 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the SIVA Subsidiary e) 50,000 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the Soauto SGPS Subsidiary f) 444,504 Shares representing the total Share Capital of the Soauto SA Subsidiary g) Quota with nominal value of Eur (000) 100.0 representing 40% of the Share Capital of the Autolombos Affiliate vi. Also, as disclosed in Note 33 – Bank Debt, to guarantee full payment of the liabilities relating to the Current Account of Eur (000) 16,850.0, a first pledge was established over 50,000 shares representing the entire Share Capital of the SIVA Defleet, SA Subsidiary and over the balance of the SIVA Subsidiary Bank SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 110 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Account where amounts for Incentives to the import business awarded by the Brands sold by the SIVA Subsidiary are received. The SIVA Subsidiary has furthermore committed to performing early repayment of the loans for the amounts received as incentives from VW AG and for amounts received from sales of vehicles which on 31 December 2017 were part of SIVA Defleet’s inventory b) Contingencies i. The Portuguese Tax Authorities issued additional assessment notices to SAG Gest and other Entities included in consolidation in respect of Corporate Income Tax and Surtax (Derrama) for the years 1999 to 2011, in the amount of Eur (000) 4,191.3, as follows:

Corporate Income Tax and Surtax

31 December 2017 31 December 2016 Disputed Disputed Year Year Amounts Amounts

1999 888.0 1999 888.0 2001 633.6 2001 633.6 2002 552.0 2002 552.0 2003 430.9 2003 430.9 2004 367.7 2004 367.7 2008 384.3 2008 384.3 2009 19.4 2009 19.4 2010 890.0 2010 890.0 2011 25.4 2011 25.4

Total 4,191.3 Total 4,191.3 The applicable Entities disagree with the basis for the issuance of these additional assessment notices and the corrections to Taxable Income, and have initiated legal proceedings, within the legal terms, in relation to each assessment notice. The above amounts were not included in the Financial Statements on 31 December 2017. As disclosed in Note 15 – Income Tax, and in accordance with the exceptional debt settlement regime approved on 31 October 2013, SAG Gest paid the amounts of the ongoing legal proceedings, releasing the Bank Guarantees presented within the scope of such proceedings, in the amount of Eur (000) 6,327.2. However, the relevant Entities have not changed their views in respect of the additional assessments, and therefore the legal proceedings remain on their normal course. During the twelve months ended 31 December 2017, no court rulings were taken in respect of said proceedings, with the amount remaining unchanged. The basis used by the Portuguese Tax Authorities for the issuance of the above additional assessment notices related to the years 1997 to 2007 are substantially and materially identical to those used in the previous additional assessment notice in respect of the years 1997 and 1998, and the opinion of Management also is additionally supported by the final court ruling issued in favor of SAG Gest, on 10 March 2009 by the Southern Central Administrative Court in respect of the challenge to the additional assessment for the years 1997 and 1998. The Board of Directors opinion, based on opinions issued by its Lawyers, the likelihood of a successful outcome in the above challenges is high, and therefore no provisions have been recognized in respect of these issues. ii. SAG Gest submitted refund requests related to Advanced Corporate Income Tax (IRC) Payments of Eur (000) 1,399.5 performed in 2007, 2008 and 2009 which were not utilized due to the fact that taxable income in respect of the years 2007 to 2014 was not sufficient. The detail of such Advanced Income Tax Payments is disclosed in the following table.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 111 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Submission Year Amount Date

2007 696.7 29 August 2012 2008 464.6 14 August 2013 2009 238.2 25 July 2014 Total 1,399.5 The Tax Authorities rejected such PEC refund requests. SAG Gest does not agree with the basis provided for such rejections, and therefore filed appeals whose decisions are pending. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, supported by opinions issued by its Lawyers, the likelihood of a successful outcome in such appeals is high, and therefore no provision was recognized in respect of such amounts. iii. The Portuguese Tax Authorities issued in 2014 a high number of additional assessment notices to the SIVA Subsidiary for the payment of Road Tax. The SIVA Subsidiary disagrees with the basis for the issuance of said notices and has initiated several judicial review proceedings. Two of these proceedings are currently under way, one involving 200 additional assessment notices for the payment of tax of Eur (000) 36.3 and another involving 332 additional assessment notices of Eur (000) 62.1. The Board of Directors opinion is that the SIVA Subsidiary has a high probability of success, based on previous proceedings, which are in every aspect similar to the current ones, that had a favorable outcome for the SIVA Subsidiary. iv. The Portuguese Tax Authorities issued in 2017 an additional tax assessment notice in respect of the 2014 Stamp Tax to the SIVA Subsidiary for Eur (000) 919.3. The SIVA Subsidiary disagreed with the basis for the issuance of said notice and has initiated legal proceedings for the cancellation of such assessment. v. Following the agreements executed at the time of the capital increase of the Unidas S/A Affiliate, that was subscribed in full by three Brazilian Investment Funds on 13 July 2011, SAG Gest assumed liability in respect of existing contingencies originated before to the date of such operation, which may include tax proceedings still in progress, as stated below: a. On 21 May 2009, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service issued a notice of infringement to the Unidas S/A Affiliate in respect of Corporate Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Profits (Contribuição Social Sobre o Lucro Líquido) mainly related to the tax deductibility of goodwill amortization during the years 2004 and 2007. The total adjusted amount of this contingency is R$ (000) 75,826 on 31 December 2017 (R$ (000) 68,971 on 31 December 2016). b. On 11 December 2014, the Brazilian Federal Revenue Department issued a notice of infringement to the Unidas S/A Affiliate in respect of Corporate Income Tax and Social Contribution on Net Profits, mainly related to deductibility of the amortization of goodwill and expenses from swap contracts in 2009, for a total adjusted amount of R$ (000) 35,910 on 31 December 2017 (R$ (000) 32,664 on 31 December 2016). Unidas S/A disagreed with the basis for issuance of said infraction notices, filed administrative challenges within the applicable legal deadlines in relation to both of the aforementioned notices, which are awaiting trial. However, in Affiliate’s Management opinion, supported by opinions issued by its Legal Advisers, the risks of loss are only classified as possible in the final instance of said proceedings. As such, no provision was recognized in respect of this risk in the year ended 31 December 2016 or in the twelve months ended 31 December 2017. On date of issuance of the Unidas S/A Affiliate Financial Statements and the preparation of SAG Gest’s Consolidated Financial Statements, the mentioned legal

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 112 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

proceedings were pending. SAG Gest Board of Directors has been monitoring the progress of these proceedings. SAG Gest sold its entire interest in the Unidas S/A Affiliate to the Principal SA Shareholder in December 2015. The respective Share Purchase Agreement provides that SAG Gest remains responsible for the above contingencies. In December 2016, the above mentioned Brazilian Investment Funds transferred a portion of their holding, representing 20% of the Share Capital of the Unidas S/A Affiliate, to Enterprise Holdings International, consequently transferring the same proportion of their rights to seek compensation from SAG Gest in relation to these contingencies. In December 2017, Brazilian Investment Funds renounced their rights against SAG GEST, related with contingencies originated by the facts occurred before 2011. These renounces become irrevocable in 9 March 2018. Consequently, SAG Gest only remains contractually responsible in respect of contingencies originated by facts the occurred before 2011 that were transferred to Enterprise Holdings International on December 2016. This entity holds an indirect participation of Unidas S/A of approximately 11%. 44. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS i. SAG GEST is analyzing the possibility to apply for a de-listing of its Shares. ii. Given the current situation of SAG Gest and its Subsidiaries, as already disclosed in the Management Report and in Note 2.6 - Management Judgments, the increase in liquidity risk forced the execution in 2018 of certain one-time sales of cars recognized in the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position as at 31 December 2017 where the realization values were below their estimated values by approximately Eur 4.3 million. The estimated value of such cars is determined in accordance with the procedures disclosed in Note 2.7 c) - Estimated impairment of vehicles. These one-time and individual transactions do not jeopardize the reasonableness of the procedures adopted in the calculation of those estimates. In addition to the aforementioned and except for those mentioned in Note 2.6 - Management Judgments, there were no subsequent events to the reporting date that may have a significant impact or require disclosure in the Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest referred to 31 December 2017.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 113 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 114 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Statutory Audit Report and Auditors’ Report

(Free translation from the original in Portuguese)

Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. (the Group), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2017 (which shows total assets of thousand Euro 550.128,5 and total negative shareholders' equity of thousand Euro 7.450,0 including a loss of thousand Euro 13.777,9), the consolidated statement of income and other comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and the notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. as at December 31, 2017, and their consolidated financial performance and their consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union.

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) and other technical and ethical standards and recommendations issued by the Institute of Statutory Auditors. Our responsibilities under those standards are described in the “Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements” section below. In accordance with the law we are independent of the entities that are included in the Group and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the ethics code of the Institute of Statutory Auditors.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Material uncertainty relating to going concern

As mentioned in note 2.5 a) of the notes to the separate financial statements of SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, although the deterioration of Group business conditions, particularly in the last months of 2017, the separate financial statements of SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, as at December 31, 2017, were prepared on a going concern basis, as it is management conviction that the undergoing negotiations with the brands represented by SIVA - Sociedade de Importação de Veículos Automóveis, SA will permit the reversal of the decrease in Group activity and the undergoing negotiations with financial institutions, will be concluded favorably, allowing the Group to proceed with its activity and have access to the necessary financing sources required to

PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados - Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda. o′Porto Bessa Leite Complex, Rua António Bessa Leite, 1430 - 5º, 4150-074 Porto, Portugal Tel +351 225 433 000 Fax +351 225 433 499, Matriculada na CRC sob o NUPC 506 628 752, Capital Social Euros 314.000 Inscrita na lista das Sociedades de Revisores Oficiais de Contas sob o nº 183 e na CMVM sob o nº 20161485

PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados - Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda. pertence à rede de entidades que são membros da PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, cada uma das quais é uma entidade legal autónoma e independente. Sede: Palácio Sottomayor, Rua Sousa Martins, 1 - 3º, 1069-316 Lisboa, Portugal

proceed with its business activity. As at the date of this report, the referred negotiations are still in process, not allowing to assess the impact that their outcome will have on the Company financial statements. Additionally, it should be noted that the future receipt of the net balance, amounting to Euro 271.040,6 thousand, included in current and non-current assets Accounts receivable – Related Parties and current liabilities Accounts payable – Related Parties, to be received from Group SAG and SGC – SGPS, SA entities and the recoverability of approximately Euro 146.542,9 thousand, included in non-current assets Financial investments in subsidiaries, related with financial investments in SAG Group entitites, also depend on the continuity of the activity developed by SAG Gest.

Our opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.

Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current year. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. In addition to the matter described in the “Material uncertainty relating to going concern” section we have determined the matters described below to be the key audit matters to be communicated in our report.

Key Audit Matter Summary of the Audit Approach

Valuation of inventories of used vehicles and vehicles delivered to third parties with buyback agreement

Disclosures related to inventories presented in The audit procedures we have developed notes 2 and 23 of the notes to the consolidated included, among others, the following: financial statements - Analysis of the controls established by the The SAG Group presents in its consolidated Company to monitor the ageing of used vehicles financial statements, namely in inventories, as at and vehicles delivered to third parties with a December 31, 2017, an amount of used vehicles buyback agreement and their valuation; of approximately thousand Euro 28.087,8 and of vehicles delivered to third parties with buyback - Carrying out test of details, by sample, on the agreement of approximately thousand Euro valuation of used vehicles and vehicles delivered 82.222,0. to third parties with buyback agreements registered in inventories as of December 31, Inventories are valued at the lower of purchase 2017; price or net realizable value. Impairment losses in Inventories are recognized when the net - Analysis of the assumptions used by the Group realizable value is lower than the acquisition to determine market value and approved by cost. Management, which include (i) comparison with the market benchmark and (ii) considerations of The net realizable value is determined based on the historical commercial information of the sale the market price of used vehicles, which shows of used vehicles and vehicles delivered to third some volatility, which consequently gives rise to parties with buyback agreement;

Statutory Audit Report and Auditors’ Report SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. December 31, 2017 PwC 2 of 7

Key Audit Matter Summary of the Audit Approach

some uncertainty in the calculation of their - Analytical review procedures, namely realizable value. comparison with previous years of margins on sales of used vehicles and vehicles delivered to For these types of inventories, the adjustments third parties with buyback agreements; recognized in the consolidated financial statements to cover the risk of devaluation - Review of the adequacy of the disclosures amounted to thousand Euro 3.513,3, as at made, taking into consideration the accounting December 31, 2017. standards.

In view of the audit materiality and the high level of judgment associated with the assumptions underlying the market value analysis, this issue was a relevant matter for the purposes of our audit.

Calculation of the estimated commercial incentives obtained and granted The audit procedures we have developed Disclosures related to incentives obtained and included, among others, the following: granted, presented as a deduction to Cost of sales and Sales, respectively, included in notes - Identification, assessment and testing of the 2 and 4 of the notes to the consolidated key controls identified in the purchasing and financial statements sales business processes;

The commercial incentives obtained and granted - Test of details, by sample, on the incentives in connection with the purchase and sale of new obtained and granted, namely through the vehicles by SAG Group represent significant analysis and validation of the support amounts in the consolidated financial information prepared by the Group services; statements. The incentives granted amounted to approximately thousand Euro 50.856,6 in 2017, - Confirmation of balances with the entities that and the value of incentives obtained in the same grant and that were granted commercial period amounted to approximately thousand incentives; Euro 39.297,6. - Analytical review procedures on purchasing Due to the materiality of the amounts involved and sales accounts (analysis of the main and taking into consideration that the deviations from prior year and budget and calculation of the estimated commercial explanation of that deviations). incentives obtained and granted is a process that is not fully automated and covers several types of commercial support (volume bonuses, performance bonuses, courtesy bonuses, fleet support, etc.), which are calculated in very different ways and involving in some cases estimates, this matter was considered material for the purposes of our audit.

Statutory Audit Report and Auditors’ Report SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. December 31, 2017 PwC 3 of 7

Responsibilities of management and supervisory board for the consolidated financial statements

Management is responsible for: a) the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, which present fairly the financial position, the financial performance and the cash flows of the Group in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union; b) the preparation of the Directors’ Report, including the Corporate governance Report, in accordance with the applicable law and regulations; c) the creation and maintenance of an appropriate system of internal control to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; d) the adoption of appropriate accounting policies and criteria; and e) the assessment of the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue its activities.

The supervisory board is responsible for overseeing the process of preparation and disclosure of the Group’s financial information.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements

Our responsibility is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: a) identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;

Statutory Audit Report and Auditors’ Report SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. December 31, 2017 PwC 4 of 7

b) obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control; c) evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management; d) conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern; e) evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation; f) obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the Group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion; g) communicate with those charged with governance, including the supervisory board, regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit; h) of the matters we have communicated to those charged with governance, including the supervisory board, we determine which one’s were the most important in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current year, these being the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our report, except when the law or regulation prohibits their public disclosure; and i) confirm to the supervisory board that we comply with the relevant ethical requirements regarding independence and communicate all relationships and other matters that may be perceived as threats to our independence and, where applicable, the respective safeguards.

Our responsibility also includes verifying that the information included in the Directors’ report is consistent with the consolidated financial statements and the verification set forth in paragraphs 4 and 5 of article No. 451 of the Portuguese Company Law.

Statutory Audit Report and Auditors’ Report SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. December 31, 2017 PwC 5 of 7

Report on other legal and regulatory requirements

Director’s report

In compliance with paragraph 3 e) of article No. 451 of the Portuguese Company Law, it is our opinion that the Director’s report has been prepared in accordance with applicable requirements of the law and regulation, that the information included in the Directors’ report is consistent with the audited consolidated financial statements and, taking into account the knowledge and assessment about the Group, no material misstatements were identified. As set forth in paragraph 7 of article No. 451 of the Portuguese Company Law, this opinion is not applicable to the non-financial statement included in the Director’s report.

Non-financial statement set forth in article No. 66-B of the Portuguese Company Law

In compliance with paragraph 6 of article No. 451 of the Portuguese Company Law, we hereby inform that the entity included in its Director’s report the non-financial statement set forth in article No. 66-B of the Portuguese Company Law.

Corporate governance report

In compliance with paragraph 4 of article No. 451 of the Portuguese Company Law, it is our understanding that the Corporate governance report includes the information required under article No. 245-A of the Portuguese Securities Market Code, that no material misstatements were identified in the information disclosed in this report and that it complies with paragraphs c), d), f), h), i) and m) of that article.

Additional information required in article No. 10 of the Regulation (EU) 537/2014

In accordance with article No. 10 of Regulation (EU) 537/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 16, 2014, and in addition to the key audit matters referred to above, we also provide the following information: a) We were first appointed auditors of SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. in the Shareholders’ General Meeting of May 27, 2016 for the period from 2016 to 2017. b) The management has confirmed to us it has no knowledge of any allegation of fraud or suspicions of fraud with material effect in the financial statements. We have maintained professional scepticism throughout the audit and determined overall responses to address the risk of material misstatement due to fraud in the consolidated financial statements. Based on the work performed, we have not identified any material misstatement in the consolidated financial statements due to fraud. c) We confirm that our audit opinion is consistent with the additional report that was prepared by us and issued to the Group’s supervisory board as of April 30, 2018.

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d) We declare that we did not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to in paragraph 8 of article No. 77 of the by-laws of the Institute of Statutory Auditors (“Estatutos da Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas”) and that we remain independent of the Group in conducting our audit. e) In addition to the services disclosed in the Directors’ report of the Group, we inform that, besides the audit services, the following additional services, permitted by law and regulation in force, were provided by us to the Group:

- confirmation of the 2016 quarterly billing amounts communicated by the subsidiary SIVA, S.A. to ESPAP, IP - Entidade de Serviços Partilhados da Administração Pública;

- revision of the annual tire producer declaration for the 2016 financial year, prepared in accordance with the terms of the agreement entered into between the subsidiary SIVA, S.A. and Valorpneu- Sociedade de Gestão de Pneus, Lda.

April 30, 2018

PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados - Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda. represented by:

José Miguel Dantas Maio Marques, R.O.C.

Statutory Audit Report and Auditors’ Report SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, S.A. December 31, 2017 PwC 7 of 7


SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 115 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

Report and Statement of the Audit Committee

on the documents for consolidated accounts reports

In accordance with the law, the memorandum of association and the mandate assigned to us, we hereby present our report on our auditing activity, as well as our opinion in respect of the Management Report and Consolidated Financial Statements submitted by the Board of Directors of SAG GEST - Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, a listed company (the Company), in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2017.

1. Report 1.1. We regularly monitored the Company’s activity throughout the year to the extent that we deemed adequate. We had contacts with the Board and other responsible staff of the Company, who were always available to provide all the required explanations in respect of the Company and its Affiliates.

1.2. In performing its duties, the Audit Committee also had contacts with the Statutory Auditor and External Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associados – Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda., in order to discuss relevant audit matters, namely the adequacy of the internal control and risk management system, as well as to take note of the relevant findings, in addition to assessing the independence of the said entity.

1.3. We monitored the process involving the preparation of regular financial information subject to disclosure in accordance with regulatory terms, and to that end we held meetings and had contacts which we consider adequate, namely with the Board of Directors and, in particular, with the director responsible for the financial area, with whom we had regular contacts.

1.4. We conducted the tests that we considered appropriate and adequate, and no situation was brought to our knowledge that could be in breach of the applicable by-laws and regulations.

1.5. We reviewed the Legal Certification of the Accounts and the Audit Report prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers & Associates – Sociedade de Revisores Oficiais de Contas, Lda., which have our approval, and we have taken note of the Additional Audit Report to the Auditing Body provided for in Clause 24. of Decree-Law 148/2015, September 9th, issued by said Auditing Company about the auditing that was performed.

1.6. The Consolidated Financial Statements which include the Income Statement and the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Consolidated Statement of the Financial Position, Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements provide, in our opinion, a good understanding of the financial situation and results of the different Companies included in the consolidation.

1.7. The accounting principles and policies and the valuation criteria that were adopted are adequate and comply with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union.

1.8. The Management Report is sufficiently clear about the development of the businesses and the situation of the Entities included in the consolidation, and provides evidence about the most significant aspects of the relevant activity and prospects, in the context of the current overall conditions.

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 116 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74

2. Opinion In view of the above, and considering the information received from the Board of Directors as well as the conclusions contained in the Legal Certification of the Consolidated Accounts and the Audit Report, and the Additional Report to the Audit Body, our opinion is that the Management Report and the Consolidated Financial Statements of SAG Gest – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA for the period ended on 31 December 2017.

3. Compliance Statement As provided for by law, we hereby agree with the Consolidated Management Report and the Consolidated Annual Accounts and confirm that, to the best of our knowledge, the Consolidated Management Report, the Consolidated Annual Accounts and the Statutory and Auditor Report thereon and the other reporting documents that are legally required were prepared in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and provide an accurate and adequate image of the assets and liabilities, financial situation and earnings of the Company and of the Entities included in the consolidation, and that the information provided on the Consolidated Management Report accurately describes the development of business operations, the performance and the position of the Company and of the Entities included in the consolidation and contains a description of the main risks and uncertainties facing them.

Alfragide, 30 April 2018

The Audit Committee João José Martins da Fonseca George (Chairman)

Duarte Manuel Palma Leal Garcia (Voting Member)

Martinho Lobo de Almeida Melo de Castro (Voting Member)

SAG GEST – Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA – Public Company 117 Registered Office: Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67 Amadora Registered Capital: Eur 169,764,398.00 Registered in the Amadora Companies Registration Office Single Tax Identification and Registration Number 503 219 886 Office: Alfrapark – Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Edifício SGC – Piso 2 2614-519 Amadora Tel: 21 359 66 64 Fax: 21 359 66 74