A Review of Environmental Benefits Supplied by Agri-Environment Schemes
A review of environmental benefits supplied by agri-environment schemes FST20/79/041 Nigel Boatman, Carmel Ramwell, Hazel Parry, Naomi Jones, Julie Bishop, Peter Gaskell, Christopher Short, Jane Mills & Janet Dwyer 15 August 2008 www.lupg.org.uk The Land Use Policy Group The Land Use Policy Group (LUPG) of the UK statutory nature conservation, countryside and environment agencies comprises the Countryside Council for Wales, Natural England, Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Joint Nature Conservation Committee and Scottish Natural Heritage. The LUPG aims to advise on policy matters of common concern related to agriculture, woodlands and other rural land uses. It seeks to improve understanding of the pros and cons of policy mechanisms related to land use, particularly farming and forestry; to develop a common view of desirable reforms to existing policies; and to promote these views. www.lupg.org.uk Countryside Council for Wales The Countryside Council for Wales champions the environment and landscapes of Wales and its coastal waters as sources of natural and cultural riches, as a foundation for economic and social activity, and as a place for leisure and learning opportunities. It aims to make the environment a valued part of everyone's life in Wales. www.ccw.gov.uk Natural England Natural England is the statutory body working to conserve and enhance England's natural environment, for its intrinsic value, the wellbeing and enjoyment of people and the economic prosperity that it brings. Its role is to ensure that England's unique natural environment, including its land, flora and fauna, freshwater and marine environments, geology and soils are protected and improved.
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