EARTH HOUR 2016: 24 HOURS, 24 STORIES EMBARGOED UNTIL 00:01 SGT THURSDAY, 17 MARCH 2016 On Saturday, 19 March at 8:30 p.m. local time, people, communities and organizations in an unprecedented 178 countries and territories will come together to shine a light on climate action as part of WWF’s Earth Hour. Started in Sydney, Australia in 2007, Earth Hour has grown from a single city event to the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment inspiring and mobilizing individuals, businesses and governments to take tangible climate action. In 2016, as some of the world’s most iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Empire State Building, Taipei 101 and the Sydney Opera House switch off their lights for the tenth edition of Earth Hour’s lights out event, millions will unite to be a part of global efforts to change climate change. Read on to discover snippets of campaigns being led by WWF and Earth Hour teams in 24 countries encapsulating the energy and impact of Earth Hour as it rolls across 24 time zones and six continents. Please feel free to contact Rucha Naware, Communications Manager, Earth Hour Global at
[email protected] or +65 8148 2477 to know more about these stories or for any other media enquiries. 1 • AUSTRALIA: Earth Hour started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 as an idea intended to unite people and deliver a firm message to decision-makers that climate change was an issue Australians cared about. Today, as Earth Hour celebrates its tenth lights out, people across the country where Earth Hour was born are coming together to support WWF-Australia and take action as individuals and communities to change climate change and protect their country’s incredible natural resources such as the Great Barrier Reef and the World Heritage forests in Tasmania that are reeling under the impacts of climate change.