Linking Multiple Workflow Traces for Interoperable Collaborative Science

Paolo Missier, Carole Goble Saumen Dey, Anandarup Sarkar Biva Shrestha School of Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Computer Science University of Manchester, Manchester, UK University of California, Davis Appalachian State University, Boone, NC pmissier,carole scdey,asarkar [email protected] { } { } Bertram Ludascher¨ Shawn Bowers Ilkay Altintas, Manish Kumar Anand Dept. of Computer Science & Genome Center Dept. of Computer Science San Diego Center University of California, Davis Gonzaga University University of California, San Diego [email protected] [email protected] altintas, mkanand { }

Abstract—Scientific collaboration increasingly involves data We will concentrate on the particularly common setting sharing between separate groups. We consider a scenario where where the structure and the steps of the transformation process data products of scientific workflows are published and then is formally encoded as a scientific workflow [26], [18], and used by other researchers as inputs to their workflows. For proper interpretation, shared data must be complemented by where provenance traces results from the observation of the descriptive metadata. We focus on provenance traces, a prime workflow execution. In this setting, implicit collaboration be- example of such metadata which describes the genesis and tween two or more parties involves the execution of workflows processing history of data products in terms of the computational which uses some of the results of another workflow’s execution workflow steps. Through the reuse of published data, virtual, as part of its inputs. The following scenario, used as a running implicitly collaborative experiments emerge, making it desirable to compose the independently generated traces into global ones that example through the paper, clarifies this setting (see Fig. 1). describe the combined executions as single, seamless experiments. We present a model for provenance sharing that realizes this A. Workflow Collaboration Scenario: Alice, Bob, and Charlie holistic view by overcoming the various interoperability problems that emerge from the heterogeneity of workflow systems, data Alice and Bob are two experts in image analysis for medical formats, and provenance models. At the heart lie (i) an abstract applications who occasionally collaborate on joint projects. Al- workflow and provenance model in which (ii) data sharing ice has developed a workflow WA using her favorite workflow becomes itself part of the combined workflow. We then describe system. WA consists of a data pipeline that performs various an implementation of our model that we developed in the context transformations of input image(s) X to produce a set Z of new of the Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) project 1 and that can “stitch together” traces from different Kepler and images. Alice decides to publish the results of some of her Taverna workflow runs. It provides a prototypical framework for workflow runs via a shared data space so that her collaborators seamless cross-system, collaborative provenance management and (or any other users) can use them. Bob retrieves a copy of one can be easily extended to include other systems. Our approach of those images, z Z, as he would like to use it as input also opens the door to new ways of workflow interoperability ∈ to his own workflow WB, which he developed (incidentally not only through often elusive workflow standards but through shared provenance information from public repositories. using a different workflow system than Alice). He first applies some format transformation u = f(z), then runs WB with u I. INTRODUCTION (and possibly some additional local input data), obtaining a new result set v of data products. He then in turn publishes v, One of the tenets of the emerging paradigm of “open” together with a trace TB of how v was derived in a shared data experimental, data-intensive science [14] in which information space. Along comes Charlie, our third expert, who is interested is the main product, is that scientists should have both the in the results v and wants to understand how they have incentive and the ability to share some of their findings with been derived. The commonly accepted approach to answering other members of their community, as well as to reuse their Charlie’s question is to collect a provenance trace TB during peers’ data products. Indeed, the scientists’ natural resistance the execution of Bob’s workflow, which describes in detail to sharing their data and methods is increasingly being re- the data transformation and generation process, as well as the placed by the realization that the benefits of data sharing dependencies amongst data products involved in the process. may outgrow the risks of losing exclusive ownership of data. The trace TB is a directed graph whose nodes represent either This phenomenon is amplified by new requirements to make data or computations, and where arcs represent dataflow or data available prior to publication, along with the definition of standard formats for data exchange in many domains of 1E.g., we use a workflow for image analysis of brain scans from the First science [1]. Provenance Challenge [24], [23] to demonstrate our system [12]. However, a number of practical challenges must be over- (1) develop! WA WB (3) develop! (4) data sharing! come when realising such end-to-end provenance queries, (2) run! x R z f u R v (5) run! Alice A B Bob e.g., due to the heterogeneity of local data spaces in which different workflow system operate, of the workflow models T -1 T A! f B! themselves, and also of the internal provenance models. Firstly, (6) inspect x z u v provenance! if the workflows are run on different systems (say Kepler and (7) understand, WC:= WA WS WB Charlie generate! Taverna), then their provenance traces follow different native data models, and thus a common model that encompasses both

Fig. 1. Alice runs workflow WA; the run RA generates data z she shares. must be defined, along with mappings from each local model Bob imports and transforms this data (via f), so he can use it as input u to to the common model. Secondly, each system may adopt a his workflow WB . Charlie understands how Bob’s result v depends on u via different naming scheme to provide references for the data the trace TB , but can also trace back u’s provenance via Alice’s trace TA to the original input x. This is possible since TA, TB , and the data sharing involved in the process (and thus for the data that appears in provenance z ￿￿￿ u have been published. Charlie understands that there is an the traces), once again requiring a mapping across such naming implicit, combined workflow WC = WB WS WA that he might automate schemes. Finally, implicit collaboration through data sharing provided Bob also publishes his data import/transformation◦ ◦ script W . S may involve further data transformations and preparation steps, e.g., to make Alice’s data suitable for Bob’s workflow. The provenance of these intermediate steps may initially not be other dependencies between nodes. In our example scenario, part of a provenance-generating workflow, so the dependencies the provenance graph includes nodes for the input and output can be lost, breaking the combined trace graph. images, as well as for all of the intermediate data produced Regarding the first problem, we propose a traditional data at each stage of the processing pipeline. User questions on integration approach, which involves the definition of a global the origins of a workflow-generated data product can then provenance model and of local-to-global mappings that allow be answered by traversing the provenance graph, possibly as local provenance traces to be materialised in a common prove- part of a more complex query. The standard scenario for a nance store (CPS in Figures 3 and 5). To address the second single-run provenance model (e.g. Alice’s) is shown in Fig. 2. and third problem, we observe that, as long as any data sharing The annotation at the bottom, ddep (X, z ), denotes a query ∗ 1 or transformation occurs outside of the control of a workflow that recursively traverses the trace graph T , following data A system, there can be no guarantee that the provenance traces dependencies (ddep) from one of the outputs z back to all 1 generated by the systems “join up” seamlessly despite the fact data X (inputs and intermediates) on which z depends. 1 that they share some of the data, because the additional oper- In the multi-user, multi-run scenario we should not assume ations typically break the continuity of the relations required that the provenance of v (Fig. 1) extends only as far as Bob’s by the transitive provenance queries. This complication has inputs: the actual dependencies—due to data sharing between indeed been the main stumbling block for the participants Alice and Bob—can be carried all the way up to the primary of the Third Provenance Challenge [25], which focused on data from which some of Bob’s inputs were first derived, i.e., provenance interoperability and successfully showed the po- Alice’s outputs and (transitively) her inputs to W . This is A tential of the Open Provenance Model (OPM) [22] for the desirable for two reasons: firstly, it provides Charlie with a purpose, only to fail to consider the heterogeneity of the local more complete explanation of v’s origins (the provenance will data naming spaces. This work is motivated in part by this still include all intermediate data, including Bob’s inputs, as a experience and led to a collaborative DataONE project [11], special case); and secondly, automatic attribution is facilitated, [12] in which these technical challenges were re-examined e.g., here by giving Alice due credit for having contributed to and solved. Specifically, our strategy is to ensure that every the derivation of v via her shared data z. time a transformation occurs “out-of-band” (e.g., the copy of a data value z from a local store, e.g., Alice’s S , to a public B. Goals and Challenges A store SP ), new, explicit transitive relations are produced, e.g., We explore the hypothesis that provenance traces produced “z0 in SA is the same as z0￿ in SP ” (cf. Fig. 3). Here, we by two different workflow systems can indeed be seamlessly follow the principle that data and provenance sharing itself connected whenever the outputs of the first overlap with the is a process, and that the provenance traces provided by the inputs of the second. The overall scenario appears in Fig. 3 workflow systems must be complemented with the provenance and will be discussed in detail in the next sections. We have of the data sharing process. pointed out the potential appeal of this idea in recent work [3]: We can view a compound provenance trace as a manifestation C. Contributions and Outline of the execution of a virtual workflow WC that includes both In the remainder of the paper, we first define an abstract WA and WB and some data sharing inbetween. This is a model of workflows and an associated model of provenance workflow that Alice and Bob never agreed to define jointly, that can be used as a least common denominator of, and and yet the resulting joint provenance trace as observed by target model for, different models of computation used by Charlie represents a formal model of their collaboration, which scientific workflow systems (Section II). Our model can be in reality has only occurred through shared data products. seen as a version of OPM with an associated workflow-level Single User’s View (Alice) structure that is used to link instance-level trace information with workflow-level schema information. We also discuss how Workflow Specification (WA) to extend and query the model. in out in out X A Y B Z In Section III, we elaborate on the notion of the “provenance in of the publication process”. We introduce a copy operator that is used for data sharing and which keeps track of data Data Binding & Enactment equivalences across different data spaces. Another operator is Data Storage and Binding X / [x , x ] Z / [z , z ] used to map traces from their native models to our common 1 2 ! SA 1 2 ! model of provenance. Taken together, we obtain global prove- nance graphs that are “stichted together at the seams”, and Execution & Trace Capture which allow us to trace back data dependencies across multiple read Provenance Trace (T ) workflow runs, systems, and user groups. A The study and the prototype have been realised in the read write x2 a2 y2 b2 z2 context of the Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) idep project [11]. DataONE is dedicated to large-scale preservation x1 a1 y1 b1 z1 and access to multi-scale, multi-discipline, and multi-national ddep Earth observational data. We describe our prototype imple- mentation in Section IV and conclude with a discussion of ans(X) :- ddep*(X, z ). Provenance Queries related work in Section V. 1 ! Fig. 2. Alice’s workflow W (top), with input and output data bindings II. MODELING WORKFLOWS AND PROVENANCE A X/[xi] and Z/[zj ] (middle), and trace graph TA (bottom). TA is an instance of W since there is a homorphism h : T W that maps read (write) A. Abstract Workflow and Provenance Model A A → A edges in TA to corresponding in (out) edges in WA. In addition, data In the following, we define a simple, abstract model for (ddep) and invocation (idep) dependencies may be part of the trace. workflows and the provenance information that is generated by running them. Provenance information is captured in the form of trace graphs, which record key observables of workflow the workflow graph, i.e., there exists a graph homomorphism h : T W , such that for any data object d D and any runs, e.g., the ids of data tokens consumed and produced by → ∈ invocation i I: workflow processes. While our model is similar to OPM (see ∈ below), its main advantage is its simplicity and generality: We if (d, i) Eread then (h(d),h(i)) Ein, and • ∈ ∈ have used it as a common model that can accommodate both if (i, d) Ewrite then (h(i),h(d)) Eout. • ∈ ∈ Kepler and Taverna provenance information and that can be Thus, h associates reads and writes in T with input and output easily extended to capture additional observables as needed. edges in W , respectively. Note that this also implies that h More formally, a workflow specification (short: work- yields for every data item d a unique channel h(d) C and ∈ flow) W is a directed graph W =(VW ,EW ) consisting for every invocation i a unique actor h(i) A. ∈ of vertices VW = A C which either represent actors A Consider, e.g., Alice’s workflow W and trace T on the ∪ A A (a.k.a. processors in Taverna) or data channels C, and edges top and bottom in Figure 2, respectively. A suitable h maps, read read in EW = Ein Eout that are either input edges Ein C A ∪ ⊆ × e.g., the edges x1 a1 and x2 a2 in TA to X A in WA; or output edges Eout A C. write−→ −→write → out and the edges a1 y1 and a2 y2 to the edge A Y . It ⊆ × 2 −→ −→ → A trace graph (short: trace) T is a directed, acyclic graph is easy to see that h(T ) W if T is an instance of W . T =(V ,E ) consisting of vertices V = I D which either ⊆ T T T ∪ Our model is similar to the one in [7] in that they also use represent invocations I of actors or data objects D, and edges a graph homomorphism to define when a trace (called run ET = Eread Ewrite that are either read edges Eread D I ∪ ⊆ × there) T is valid w.r.t. a given workflow graph W . There are or write edges Ewrite I D. ⊆ × a few differences, however, some of them subtle. First, we Intuitively, when running a workflow specification W ,a avoid the term “valid” since our model is a least common trace graph T can be recorded, such that actors in W can denominator for different models of computation (MoCs) M: have multiple invocations in T , with data flowing in and out e.g., SDF or COMAD in Kepler, or the Taverna MoC will of actors via channels, which in turn is captured through read have additional observables and corresponding requirements and write edges in T . that need to be satisfied before a trace can be called “valid” We capture this intuition formally, using the following w.r.t. W and M.3 Another difference is that the model in [7] minimal requirement that we expect any trace to satisfy: A only has actor/invocation nodes but no channel/data nodes. trace T is a (possibly partial) instance of a workflow W if The latter are crucical for us, since it is precisely at the data the edges of the trace graph can be understood as instances of 3In an SDF trace, e.g., all invocations i I of A, i.e., with h(i)=A, should 2Note that we allow cycles in workflow specfications but not in trace graphs. have the same number of token reads and∈ of writes (indicated by the number This corresponds to the fact that when running a workflow, loops are unrolled, of read/write edges incident with i), so that the fixed token consumption and giving rise to an acyclic trace graph. production rates of A can be used for compile-time workflow scheduling [16]. nodes where we stitch together multiple traces. however, this is an overestimate of the true dependencies: e.g., As our core model, we deliberately chose a very simple sometimes not all output ports depend on all input ports [27], model that can be seen as a variant of OPM [22]: in par- or not all input data items are used in the computation of the ticular, our read and write edges correspond to used and output items (e.g., in a sliding-window aggregate [19], or in was generated by relations in OPM, respectively. Extensions MoCs such as COMAD that pass some (out-of-scope) items are modeled simply by additional requirements on traces (pos- through an actor, without “seeing” those items [6]). In the sibly using further relations to capture additional observables) following, we focus on data dependencies ddep as the main or on workflow graphs. For example, we can avoid write- provenance relation, whether it has been derived via the above conflicts at the trace level by disallowing multiple actors to rule or recorded directly by the workflow system. output to the same channel at the workflow level, which in turn is the case iff the first column of Eout(A, C) is a key B. Queries on the Provenance Model (no channel C can be a receiver for different actors A ,A ). 1 2 The model just described supports several types of queries Despite its simplicity, our model can represent, e.g., loop over provenance traces. In our DataONE project [12] we unrolling and parallel execution of multiple instances: a feed- out in have defined a set of reference queries that are designed to back loop in W , e.g., with edges A D and D A may write read −→ write −→read test the capabilities of our provenance interoperability system. yield the trace edges a d a d It i −→ i −→ i+1 −→ i+1 −→ ··· We have grouped them into three classes: (i) queries on the can also accommodate apparently unusual traces: e.g., for a CDS in out common data store , (ii) non-closure queries on the traces workflow with X A Y we might have two disconnected in the common provenance store CPS, and (iii) transitive read−→ −→ write 4 trace edges x1 a1 and a2 y2. It is easy to see that such closure queries on the traces. The first two classes include −→ −→ traces, if desired, can be eliminated via additional constraints queries that can be easily answered using the public data store on T , e.g., that every node of T must be on a path from a and the common provenance model, including for example: distinguished input node to a distinguished output node. What data and what traces did Alice and Bob publish? • The signature W : X1,...,Xk Y1,...,Y￿ of a workflow What are the data inputs, outputs, and intermediate data → • W consists of input channels Xi and output channels Yj, products of trace T ? i.e., those data channels which have no incoming and no What actors and channels were used in T ? • outgoing edges, respectively. For example, WA in Figure 2 What are the inputs and outputs of invocation a in T ? • i has the signature WA: X Z; here, channel Y represents → For example, the answer to the third query are simply the internal, intermediate data that is not part of WA’s signature. nodes in h(T ). After binding input data to input channels, W can be run More interesting from our perspective is the third class, (or enacted, executed), generating a trace T : e.g., X/[x1,x2] where we find queries that require the traversal of multiple, in Figure 2 binds two data items x1,x2 to the input channel X, in this case resulting in two independent instances in the independently generated provenance traces. Answering these questions requires (inductive or recursive) querying along trace graph. When the run is complete, the binding Z/[z1,z2] associates the results of the run with the output channel Z. dependency paths of unknown length, making them com- Finally, in addition to the external read and write observ- putationally expensive [10], [7], [13] as they involve the ables, further observables might be recorded or inferred in a transitive closure of data dependencies ddep. A particular provenance trace T . For example, the rule challenge of our collaborative e-Science scenario is to ensure that the traces (e.g., TA and TB in Figs. 1 and 3) can be idep(a1,a2): write(a1,d), read(d, a2) “stichted together” or “bridged” so that the closure operation − can traverse both of them seamlessly. The transitive closure idep allows one to derive an invocation dependency a1 a2, ddep∗ of ddep D D is defined as usual: ￿￿￿ ⊆ × stating that invocation a1 has written data d that was read by ddep∗(d ,d ): ddep(d ,d ) invocation a2, so the latter depends on the former (cf. Fig. 2). 1 2 1 2 ddep − ddep∗(d ,d ): ddep(d ,d), ddep∗(d, d ) Similarly, a data dependency d1 ￿￿￿ d2 can be derived via 1 2 − 1 2

ddep(d ,d ): read(d ,a), write(a, d ) which allows us to use the query : ddep∗(D, D￿) to find (i) all 1 2 − 1 2 − dependants D￿ of a given d, (ii) all D that a given d￿ depends d d T d stating that 2 depended on 1 in , whenever 1 was read on, or (iii) whether d￿ is reachable from d. (input) by an actor invocation a that has written (output) d2. Note that such closure queries can be combined with This rule for ddep is a default assumption in many models additional conditions on elements of the data or of the traces, of provenance: unless further information is available, one as- e.g., “find all dependants of d that have been observed to flow sumes that all outputs of invocation a may depend on all inputs through channel c”, or “find all upstream d that contributed of that invocation a. In some models of computation (MoCs), to the computation of d￿ through a specific actor a”. Clearly, these queries can be decomposed into a closure query, plus 4Such traces do, however, occur in practice, e.g., for the Delay actor, which is used to “prime the pump” of feedback loops, first writing data queries from classes (i) and (ii), and thus in the rest of the independently of (and thus disconnect from) any read operation. paper we are going to concentrate on closure queries only. Alice’s World Trace & Workflow Stitching Bob’s World

Workflow Specification (WA) Workflow Specification (WB)

Publish Z' Download Z'' F X WA Z U WB V

Data Binding, Execution, Trace capture Data sharing “workflow”! Automation Data Binding, Execution, Trace capture

Provenance Trace (T ) * Provenance Trace (T ) A ddep P! B

* publish download * x0 ddep A z0 z' z'' f u0 ddep B v0 (Alice) 0 (Bob) 0 !! !! Alice’s Local Queries Bob’s Local Queries

Trace Trace CPS Export Export

* * * ddep A ddep P ddep B

Charlie’s Global Provenance Queries (over stitched traces)

Fig. 3. “Stichting” the traces of Alice and Bob to enable seamless provenance queries by Charlie, spanning heterogeneous systems: Alice publishes her result z0, yielding a copy with public-id z0￿ . Bob downloads it, obtaining his local copy z0￿￿, followed by transformations f to prepare his input data u0. By recording equivalances z0 z and z z and the dependency ddep(z ,u0) via f, a “seamless” trace is obtained in the common provenance store CPS. ￿ 0￿ 0￿ ￿ 0￿￿ 0￿￿

III. PROVENANCE OF THE PUBLICATION PROCESS time, provenance traces are captured, not only for the workflow executions TA and TB, but also for the data replication steps With reference to our scenario, the goal of our architecture of the intermediate process. The latter information bridges the is to let Charlie trace the provenance of Bob’s data products workflow traces, so that once they have all been published to all the way to the primary data, in this case the inputs the CPS, they can be seamlessly traversed, as shown at the used by Alice. This requires the two independently generated bottom of Fig. 3. graphs to be connected in such a way that Alice’s inputs are This section formalizes these ideas by introducing: (i) a reachable (by transitivity over a dependency relation, such copy operator for publishing local data to a shared store, (ii) as ddep) fromBob’s outputs. As we noted earlier, however, an operator for mapping provenance graphs expressed using a this connectivity becomes problematic when the two systems local model to the common model described in Section II, and use distinct naming schemes to address the data, and when (iii) an operator for publishing the transformed trace. To each additional intermediate transformations are involved, e.g. to of these operators we associate one or more new provenance ensure that Alice’s data products are compatible with the input statements. We then show how these augmented traces can be formats expected by Bob’s workflow. Our approach to ensure used to extend the queries introduced in the previous section. that multiple traces “join at the seams” involves augmenting the provenance graphs with additional statements that capture the effect of publishing local data to a shared store, and A. Copy Operator downloading shared data for use in a new local context, for example a workflow. Let D be the universe of data items that may appear in a Fig. 3 depicts the overall approach. The figure is organised workflow, and S a data store into which data can be uploaded. into two primary layers, corresponding to a process and trace S is a service that provides two operations: view of the scenario. The process view includes the two store: r = S.put(d), formally specified workflows, W and W (the workflows • A B retrieve by key: d = S.get(r) of Alice and Bob, respectively), as well as the “stitched” • together workflow (middle-top) based on collected provenance where d D, and r is a reference to d, local to S, such ∈ information. Data objects (e.g., xo and zo) are bound to input that S.get(S.put(d)) = d. The naming schemes used for the and output channels at the beginning and end of workflow references can take various forms. A typical example consists runs, and are subsequently stored in local repositories. The of a web-accessible store S with URI-formatted references. We middle-center box shows the result of Alice publishing data denote the set of all valid references for a store S with RS. onto a public data store, and Bob downloading (some or all Because of the differences in naming schemes across stores, a of) the data into his local store, possibly transforming it using reference r RS generated by S is not, in general, valid for ∈ some function f, and using it as input to W . At the same a different store S￿, so S￿.get(r)= for all S￿ = S. B ⊥ ￿ Operation Provenance Statements

Alice: (1) z0,TA = exec(WA(x0)) where TA is WA’s execution trace bt = • ￿ ￿ ∅ (2) for each reference r in TA: r￿ = copy(r, SA,SP ), ρ.put(r, r￿) bt bt SP .get(r￿) t SA.get(r) • ← ∪{ ￿ } (3) CPS.put(ΓA C (TA,ρ)) • → Bob:

Let r RSP be the reference for z0￿ in SP . ∈ (4) z￿￿ = SP .get(r) bt bt z￿￿ t z￿ • 0 ← ∪{ 0 ￿ 0} (5) u0 = f(z￿￿) bt bt ddep(u0,z￿￿) • 0 ← ∪{ 0 } (6) v0,TB = exec(WB (u0)) where TB is WB ’s execution trace • ￿ ￿ (7) for each reference r in TB : r￿ = copy(r, SB ,SP ), ρ.put(r, r￿) bt bt SP .get(r￿) t SB .get(r) • ← ∪{ ￿ } (8) CPS.put(ΓB C (TB ,ρ)) • →

Fig. 4. Provenance publication process with corresponding provenance statements. The reference r for z0￿ before line (4) can be obtained from SP in various ways, e.g., through a search/browse interface into SP that is available to Bob.

Given two data stores S and S￿, one can copy a value from Step (i) is defined simply in terms of one copy operation S to S￿ using its reference r RS: for each d that occurs in T . Assuming that T contains data ∈ references r RS, i.e., which are valid for a local store S, copy(r, S, S￿)=S￿.put(S.get(r)) = r￿ RS￿ ∈ ∈ this translates into copy(r, S, SP )=r￿ for each r found in where in general RS￿ is different from, and incompatible with, the trace. According to rule (1) above, each copy operation RS, i.e., S.get(r￿)= . We consider two data items d and generates a provenance statement d t d￿ where d = S.get(r) ⊥ ￿ d￿ trace-equidalent, written d d￿, if they are related to each and d￿ = S￿.get(r￿). Additionally, we add the pair r, r￿ to ￿t ￿ ￿ other through a copy operation. Trace equivalence is captured a renaming map ρ : RS RP , which we use to replace → by the following inference rule: local references with shared, public ones in the next step. If T contains data values d rather than references, then publishing d d=S.get(r) r￿=copy(r, S, S￿) d￿=S￿.get(r￿) (1) reduces to r￿ = S￿.put(d), and d t d￿ where d￿ = S￿.get(r￿). d d￿ ￿ ￿t Step (ii) is defined by mappings from each of the local Note that the consequent of this rule is a provenance statement, provenance models to the common model, which we abstractly which does not rely on any notion of value equality. Thus, we define via a function ΓS P (TS,ρ)=TP that maps a local → are only observing the copy operator in action. trace TS of workflow WS to a shared, public version TP . In the result T each reference r of T is replaced with ρ(r). B. General Data Transformation P S Step (iii) is accomplished by uploading T (one trace each In our scenario (Fig. 3), Bob transforms the data item z0￿￿ from Alice and Bob) to CPS, which behaves as just another downloaded into his local store SB into uo = f(z0￿￿), where f store: CPS.put(T ). is a generic transformation (e.g., a format conversion), so that uo can be used in his local workflow, WB. The transformation D. Queries over Augmented Traces f makes u0 dependent on z0￿￿, but since f is in general a Table 4 summarizes our initial scenario, reformulated in black-box operation, we cannot assume that u z￿￿.We 0 ￿t 0 terms of the operations introduced in this section. The right- can, however, make a weaker statement that u0 is dependent most column shows the corresponding new provenance state- z d upon 0￿￿. That is, for a data item , we have: ments, which we accumulate in the new “stitching” trace Ts. d￿ = f(d) These additional statements can now be used to extend ddep (2) to include both the published versions of Alice and Bob’s ddep(d, d￿) traces, and the statements in Ts: again where the dependency asserted in the consequent is recorded as an additional provenance statement. For instance, ddep∗ (d1,d2): ddep∗(d1,d2). ￿ − in Fig. 3 we have: z0 tz0￿ , z0￿ tz0￿￿, and ddep(z0￿￿,u0), which ddep∗ (d1,d2): ddep∗(d1,d),d t d￿, ddep∗(d￿,d2). ￿ ￿ ￿ − ￿ together imply that ddep∗(z0,u0), thereby “stitching” together where d d￿ T . This allows us to seamlessly answer TA and TB. ￿t ∈ s provenance queries of the form : ddep∗ (X, Y ), e.g., between − ￿ C. Mapping Data References in Traces z T and u T . 0 ∈ A 0 ∈ B Exporting a trace T involves three operations, each per- Ultimately, the consequence of our approach is that our third formed by both Alice and Bob on their respective systems: scientist, Charlie, has been able to compute the provenance (i) publishing all data that occur in T to a shared store SP , of data products (produced via different workflows as well (ii) mapping the trace itself to the common provenance model, as workflow systems) as if they had been produced by the and (iii) uploading the mapped trace to the CPS. “virtual experiment” at the top of Fig. 3. Note also that we Alice’s System (TAVERNA) Public Data Store derived from those models (Fig. 5). The former include all the Workflow WA ! Taverna Copy Data read/write observable events, as well as the information about Provenance Sp Global Data Refs Store ST API (Java) the workflow structure, while the latter contains instances of Workflow Local Data Refs the data dependency relation ddep. A description of how these Engine OPM Generator relations are obtained for each of the two systems is beyond Map Publish Public Provenance Native Taverna Structure Data Traces the scope of the paper; in general, they are either asserted Provenance Provenance PST DB Exporter Trace explicitly or inferred, depending on the additional knowledge Map

Kepler Trace that is available to the provenance component. Native OPM Provenance Provenance Trace PSK Generator The Kepler and Taverna native traces differ in their data DB Map Publish CPS Trace model, but can be mapped to the common provenance model Structure Exporter Workflow Common (Public) with relatively little effort. The mapping tools obtain their Engine Provenance Store Local Data Refs Provenance source trace information using an API that operators over API (Java) a relational representation of the native provenance model, Kepler Global Data Refs Workflow WB! Data SK S Store Copy p as well as over the OPM provenance graphs. In the case Bob’s System (KEPLER) Public Data Store of Kepler and Taverna, the common model turns out to be less expressive than the native model, specifically with Fig. 5. DToL system architecture [12], implementing trace-level interoper- ability between Kepler and Taverna: data is published by copying from local regards to the representation of nested lists, the only data stores ST ,SK to the public store SP , generating public-ids in the process. structure used in Taverna (and one of many data structures Local traces are mapped to a common model and published, replacing local supported by Kepler). This is not a problem, however, because data references with global ones in the common provenance store CPS. the representation of the data structure (essentially a tree) is still maintained in the common data store, when the data is can define a workflow specification for the virtual experiment: published through a “deep” version of the copy operator, while only the dependencies among list elements (e.g., the In this case, the virtual workflow consists of WA and WB combined via a “glue” workflow comprised of general publish i-th element of an output list may depend on the j-th element and download operations as well as any transformation steps of an input list) needs to be represented in the common model. used by Bob. Further, if Bob had not applied a transformation The Kepler and Taverna storage model follow our con- f, or if this transformation is repeatable (i.e., via automation), ceptual model closely, in that all process data is stored in then Charlie could execute the virtual experiment (e.g., over an internal, system-dependent data store. Traces typically new input data) even though WA and WB are implemented contain data references, but can also have embedded data within otherwise “non-interoperable” workflow systems. One values (for small data sizes). This early architectural choice can repeteadly apply the idea to multiple trace-generating makes it possible to avoid storing value equivalence statements altogether, because for each statement d d￿ inferred when workflows with shared data, obtaining larger tree-structured ￿t virtual experiments. d is published, the trace contains local reference r, while r￿ is obtained from SP upon upload. Thus, all that is needed ROTOTYPE MPLEMENTATION IV. P I is to record the pair r, r￿ into the renaming map ρ, so that ￿ ￿ The approach described in the previous section brings both the published trace will contain the new reference. When d￿ completeness to Charlie’s queries, and fairness to all the is reused, by symmetry r￿ will appear in the corresponding contributors along the paths in this “Data Tree of Life” [12]. trace, which will then join naturally with the first. In the context of a DataONE project [11] we have imple- Once the two traces have been published as described in the mented a prototype provenance sharing architecture that re- previous section, we were able to verify that the answers to the alises the abstract architecture of Fig. 5, using the Kepler [17] closure queries on CPS were consistent with those obtained and Taverna [15] scientific workflow systems as testbeds. by manually “joining” the partial answers obtained from each To test the hypothesis that traces from different workflows of the two systems on the shared data values. For this test, and systems can be joined together using the approach de- we used the available provenance query models available for scribed in Section III-D, we have taken the First Provenance each of the two systems [21], [6], [5], while on the CPS, Challenge [24], [23] workflow WPC, and split it into two parts lacking a dedicated provenance query facility, ad-hoc queries

WPC1 and WPC2 . Both sub-workflows were encoded in Kepler were constructed for the sake of this exercise. and Taverna, and combined in a “crossing-over” manner in several ways. Overall, three different models of computation V. D ISCUSSION OF RELATED WORK AND CONCLUSIONS (MoCs) and corresponding designs were used for each of We have presented an abstract model for scientific work-

WPC1 and WPC2 : Taverna, “conventional” Kepler [4], and flows and their associated provenance traces. Trace graphs can Kepler/COMAD [20], a novel MoC with its own provenance be seen as (homomorphic) instances of the given workflow recorder to handle fine-grained dependencies within nested graphs for which provenance is to be recorded. The model is data collections [9], [6]. In the implementation, we have used deliberately simple and provides a least common denominator a combination of native provenance models, available from that can be easily extended and accommodate various models both workflow systems, as well as OPM provenance graphs of computation. While building upon OPM concepts, our model also links an abstract workflow specification W with [3] I. Altintas, M. K. Anand, D. Crawl, A. Belloum, P. Missier, C. Goble, concrete provenance traces T resulting from the execution and P. Sloot. Understanding Collaborative Studies Through Interoperable Workflow Provenance. 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