Ulanrt^Patpr Leupttinn Bpralb
PAGE TWENTY-FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri,, Oct. 18, 1974 Use Court Fines For Education? HADDAM (UPI) - The Education and Training. THE CANDIDATES Connecticut Planning Com-* Ulanrt^patpr lEupttinn Bpralb The legislature should look mitee on Criminal Administra into the advantages of es ARE SAYING tion has recommended using a tablishing statewide police percentage of court fines and recruiting standards, he said. GARDENING MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1974- VOL. XCIV, No. 17 Manchester—A City of Village Charm EIGHTEEN PAGES penalties to finance criminal In Massachusetts, he said, 25 PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS By FRANK ATWOOD justice education. per cent of the fine and penalty England: Opposes Income Tax H.R. Sterrett, executive incomes are used for education director of the committee, purposes. Marilyn England, Republican “The present Republican ad » \ r . ministration has proven that Any forsythia bush that * Wednesday recommended the candidate for 9th District state remember. Some who traveled formation of a state criminal representative, stated today, “I conservative expenditures, behaves as expected will set to Vermont and New combined with frugal manage buds in late summer. They will justice education and training definitely am opposed to a state Ford Making Political Swing Hampshire on foliage trips ment, has enabled them to take stay tightly closed during the advisory board and statewide income tax.” have said that the color here, requirements governing the Said Mrs. England, “Income a $244 million deficit (inherited cold weeks of winter and will when they came back home, Now You Know from the previous Democratic open into yellow flowers when hiring and training of police of tax can be, and would be, a very was better than anything they ficers.
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