New Zealand Journal of Mathematics

Report to the NZMS Annual General Meeting, 2017

The NZJM continues to be published online only and is freely available to the world at

In addition electronic copies right back to the first issue of the predecessor journal, the Mathematical Chronicle, are available through the Library at and .

We have settled on a volume each calendar year, with the length of the volume depending on the availability of papers accepted for publication. The current volume, 47, is being loaded at the moment, thanks to the efforts of Jesse Hart, a former PhD student in the Maths Dept at the University of Auckland. Papers are put online as they are accepted but according to Jesse’s other commitments and soon 70 more pages of articles will go online. The Editorial Board welcomed Richard Laugesen as new member. The membership of the Board is now: Shaun Cooper (chair), Astrid an Huef, Marston Conder, , Tom ter Elst, Steven Galbraith, Rod Gover, , Vivien Kirk, Richard Lauge- sen, , Robert McLachlan, Eamonn O’Brien, Charles Semple, James Sneyd and Winston Sweatman. The NZJM Committee now consists of Rob Goldblatt of Victoria University of Welling- ton and Winston Sweatman of Massey University (Albany) representing the NZMS, Jian- bei An and I representing the University of Auckland Mathematics Department and Shaun Cooper of Massey University (Albany) as Editor is ex officio a member. Thanks are due to the University of Auckland Mathematics Department and the NZMS for financial assistance. Thanks are also due to the Editor, Shaun Cooper and his Editorial Board.

Tom ter Elst Chair of the NZJM Committee November 2017